The News and farmer. (Louisville, Ga.) 1875-1967, September 30, 1875, Image 3

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'lews anli Javincr. ■LOO A-Xj. SEPTEMBER 80, 1875. CHURCH DIRECTORY, Kev. A L Patterson, will preach in the Bap tist yhuroh in this )>lace on the firsi.' Sabbath in each month. Kuv. E. J Burch will p teach in the Methodist Church on the second Sabbath of Bad) nifittll.-; . v. K .1. i'annfil wiiF pr. ac - in tl.e • Saptist fthnrcli'in'this place, on the fourth &ab oath o aeh inoitth. ?* w — ~ ~ SnooTlNG.—On the night: of the •28th., Flournoy Clay, col., shot Adam Jackson of the same cptnplexiqn, on Col. Gamble’s place. The shooting was done with a pistol and the. ball lodged ift the' calf of his right leg. A warrant has been issued for Flour noy for assault frith intent to murder. The Last Snake of tue Season.— A woman living on Dr. Dixon’s place went but it* the woods the other day and broke a stump down and carried it home a distance something less than half a mile, Vhensße threw her burden down and split it open, What was’ he* surprise to see a large Moccasin coil ed up in it fully alive to all the surround ings. She qscaped. Spelling Match.— On last Friday evening in company with Dr. E. il. \V. Hunter and Air. Win. Flemming, we attended a spelling match at Air. Hol combes school. Little, big, young and old were ranged in line and the com bat thickened. The largest young !p„- dy had by an accidental miss to walk to the very foot of the long line, but we could not help it for we know . she is. a good speller. There was a book offer ed as a prize, and after a good deal of skirmishing. Ali6sClare ; Roberson came nit v -to ous ami 1 thipu's a , >. . e 1 * • # • ,■ Stalnackeu. —A friend of ours and a resident of tnis place, was in Macon some three or four weeks ago, and at the hotel wnere lie was eating and at the same table lie saw tiie escaped con vict. Stfdnacker, wa< put iu the pen- it y '> mV', for ue him," l *;• o.' *Lr. nt i 'J, i \v ) .. v . >o.ii h ;u.) 311100. 8. ;UU.IOXOr' !'V :1 to.l ili.3 'I. LllC for ue Kite* Mm pint 'did hot wish'to be reeo.jiizo i. iIo says lie could not re eoiieeo tile sentence was at tne tone aa.l what ornno lie fia l cominiitc.l and did not have nun arrested. Ao ident.—On .•nitur.lay the 10th. t ail'te i’ ill . i ire 1. W ,;lj iitTloa I • i . a a a .on .a o.‘- At. >. 11. o ii.v.u s. was severely stint in ti e rigut arm. Ho was taking .sis gun from' • >■■■ wag-m wiivi !.i ! h.inline, was j<ui’- e l back oy somi'llsin-r that came ill oou t.aet with it. Air. 1. \Y. Gregory and sev eral other parties were standing near, and it is fortunate indeed that no one was hurt but Charlie. Tins shout Ibe i lesson j.) parties who are continually lugging loaded guns everywhere they go. Guns will go oif sometimes. Jess So. — it was ail about some ducks, or rather because a drake was not a duck. You see, a duck may be a drake but a drake cannot be a duck. No, never; so there was a little misun derstanding about the matter which neither seemed fully to understand, and the consequence was somebody got hit. V> e werq sorry he did, IVy he seemed to iit; surprise 1 End we larded round, just, jooii enough to note that lie was col lecting his scattered thoughts and mer chandise and preparing his front for a second onslaught. Jess so. Many Thanks. — Mr. W. J. lattice, is alwayrstryfog txy.srm what* he can do to t aptivaieye local.' 1-iis last kind act was perpetrated a day or two since, while we were returning to our office from dinner. As vve were passing Mr. Wilkin,s store we were hailed and in vited in to look at some new goods they had just received and ware then opening. Mr. LetHce' said- to us that the house that eoqld under sell them was not this side of New York. After looking over and pyicing several arti cles of goods. wo tumuJ to. leave/ Just hero the crowning actlyok place ; Mr- Lettioe caught us by the arm and led us beiiin l the counter to where their pock ■uMerv w is displays 1 its. t<i sjfoer, from the stock one to suit our self, which of course we. did, and now have a very fine, four blade I, pearl iian dle pocket knife to sharpen our pencil, and scrape the ink from under our fin ger nails. Many thanks, Wili.ik. - Died.— dr . K'.za >. doxlcy. daugiuer o: Re-tick ,>L*Jlaurel, and wife of 1).. Jfoxiey, living (a-tween I'm '...Mi1l an l Bethany in this con! v ; died on Stonlay night last 26th hit. of Consumption, leaving three children and a husband to mourn for her, and miss her love Nina care through many )<' Ins. The leceased was 3o years ill 1, iio 1 lus for a long time baton a eoimstent member, of the Methodist ( hnreh. 1 < •••> i ieotl.v' .relieve Iby her inanv iVion is tn.i* her nilferiugs have cease i ~ii i .in' -ihe uas qono to join the ev -r - tuat sing to t,Uo- imibb that Died on Calvary that we through him might lie free. Mrs. Swann, living at Mr. ICphrani Bon ler’s. lost one of her children this week, - r .. M usical Coxcekt. —The concert sur prise! everybody, it was so much better than it was programmed to lie. The piano music by Miss Clare Roberson, with accompaniment of violin by Dr, Dun can and Prof. Hett and Hate by Mr. F. 11. Roberson was excellent and entran cing. The Brass Band performance was faultless' but (lie House was rather close wo think, and tv fear there was several heada lies induce I by the jarring of such strong accord. The Solos by Prof. Ilett wore magnificent and made us wonder if music were not part Of th? sou), it has so much depth an* searching sweetness about it. The acting and overtures were well executed indeed. Prof. Toney Brown made himself in the ethiopian drama, a perfect star; and nothing could have been better than his rendition of “Old Black Joe,” and the echo that accom panied the song. The whole tiling was a success, and the attendance was grat ifying. The reserved seats were a fail ure in part, in fact it was difficult to ar range for such luxury and distinction in a house where everything was im provised for the occasion, There was a a considerable display of bright faces and sparkling eyes, aud apparently happy hearts in the promiscous throng, and everything passed off delightfully. <♦, Good Templars supper will take place on the second Friday in October. Bth ult.. and a splendid afiair it will be No one under any ordinary eircum stances should entertain a thought for a moment of being absent from the genial feast and superb social carnival. Mby just think of it; there is to be oys ters. apples, ice cream, cake and cauli flower pickles and what-not, and a va riety of small talk and other things in proportion. Young men cannot in their own minds consent to stay away for the wit and beauty in part, of the county will be there, in fact everybody will miss an opportunity to enjoy them selves aud get something lusciously nice, thf*t does not present itself often if they do not, besides run the risk of regret ting it all tliier life thereafter. A sniall amount will pay for what each one en joys in the different dishes, and the amusements will be free gratis for noth ing, PNC ILL INCS We have had rain. Right smart of it. Turnips look .revived iSodoes the Louisvillians,. So does tire Je.iersonites How fs it with the colore life ■■'! Ife i— > u ). i. j ) a Oysters are ffiJdiQg their way slowly to tins place Fne squirrel season uas arrived and squirrel [lies are not uncommon. J. Cl. Li tie & Cos., have now on turn 1 aco'mpl testo’Ao 'new Fail go. ids. Cali an l examine. -i . iJ. li.nii vV.j. ( i oO>Y.I On L-llv'Xtiity Ullo dul iloii COlllO to SYV.TJ ll few with us. Don't forget me .upper at the Court House by tue i. O. of G. Is on Fri day the dm. Don forget it. How Joes that young cier.x m Air, A's store line uis Lauan goose. Ma> b uC m,.i . .da ii oj„ ~. . . ~ij gooae. ..Two colored damsels lul l a wool tearing-out the other day. if ihoy had iiever.met and never parted, it would UO.t have been luusly. Our printing department has been in terviewed with an eye to repairs. The question arises where will -wi: repair to. My dear friends arid readers please notice.ho.v much more reading matter there is this week than usual, and rea, l every bit of it. A Waynesboro man thinks of "start ing a green grocery in this place, and constantly keeping fresh meats and Model' dinks,' on draught. : Hereafter[our paper will go to press at 4 o’clock on Wednesday evening. Ad vertisers and contributors will govern themselves ..accordingly. Do not be later if possible than Tuesday evening with matter for insertion. Tiie colored Methodists have had a rousing camp meeting at their church at at Loftons. Prof. Ilett says he made a short stay ill Charleston, and there were so many mosquitoes in the water lie had to strain it through two thicknesses of mosqui to netting before it was thin enough to drink. Didn’t he mean Wiggle-tails, We have in our office a compositor from the Advertisers late office. Ile is splendid on Job Work. Call and give in your orders, and we won’t charge you anything for looking at our Savannah yfiung.. iiian, . There Jigs been for the last week con siderable biliousness complained of by the people. Anti-billous remedies are iu demand. i heC'aunty-Line Grange is to have a least and a first-rate tune before long. F We glory iu their spunk, that is if we are expected. Air, Zacharias and his clerk, Mr, brown, and Mr Kaufman, will keep their Stores closed today and observe it as new year’s day from the beginning of tne world, the Ist day of tne year .>032. All who receive our sheet this week, wao are not subscribers, are solicited i to take our paper that we are trying so inn'll to make readable, at least three months on trial. Drunk Agin. —We saw a very dis gustnig, and at tlie same time a very ludicrous sight the oilier day on tne street-. Tne parties, for convenience sane we will call Jmi and Dick; noth young men on their first legs, wno came into town riding mules. About the first thing tiiey did after getting down was to warm up, and they provided for several warmings up by buying, one a ilaakof whisky and the other a ilask of peach brandy. in their social intercourse they go* the two mixed and it wasn’t long before they commenced tryingto walk on both . sides of the street at once. Jim seemed to be Dick’s adviser and Dick got so he hic-didift-hic-eare which way the-hio vvmd blew. The. fact was he was throe sheets in the wind and one better, and Jim had sympathised with him so deep ly that he could not describe a straight 1 ne three iHem’s. Dicks mule descend ed in a straight line from job’s donkey, we know it did for it was so patient. As often as he would try to get on him just that often would his saddle sip oil' and down would come Dick, sad dl; and all. but that mule stood there still as a Grecian statue, only there wast’t anything Grecian about it. At last poor Dick got down on his knees and relieved his overburdened s—s—stom ach. Jim’s sympathy for his fallen friend in clined him to imbibe again several times and when at last they left town reeling and rocking, and dirt-covered, they were mocked at even by tiie little ne groes iu the street, and as lost to all sense of shame, as a lot of swine in a barnyard. s tellavTlle “cavaliers . This company was organized on the 26th inst„ at Stellaville and the follow ing officers elected. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Gapt. J. W. Brinson, Ist Lieut, D. T. Smith. 2d “ J. H. Scruggs. 3d “ AI, A. Carswell, NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Ist Sarg’t. R. S. Rogers* 2d “ J. T. Swann. 3d • ‘ R. Kendrick. 4th “ T. B. Lanier. sth “ W. Smith. Ist CorpT. C. E. Mathews. 2d “ E. T. Rogers. 3d “ I. F. Farmer. 4th “ J. Rogers. MONEY! MONEY!.' MONEY!!! All accounts due this Shop first Oct. TO Air CUSTOAIERS In ill say that I have waited with you through the Spring and Summer and now that pay day has come I must have my money <n- my business must stop. So don’t delay, but come and help your Alechanic to live, for the demands against him for stock and Material, must he paid promptly. Respectfully. &, 11. Harrell. Sept. 20, 1075. —2m. L'ST/.A \ i\OTK'E. T , ,e.i up .< ni ;, jiiaee, 4he,i i o. ca - ne, inscription as follows: 1 old brindle cow, white spot on each si.le, aud under breast white, one horn slipped, she is 10 or 12 years old. 1 Black Heifer 2 or 3 years old. 1 Wiiite “ 2or 3 years old. I Yearling Wjiite, with frosty sides. A’ i marked with Swallow iigii in right ~mi iei-s,jii.ire in •... exoepi ...v u, i cow, she iiasswnlio'V fork and un der-bit in right tar. The owner will conic forward, jay expenses and take away. AY. A. Brinson. Sept. 30. IS7">, —tf. MO SONIC ’NOTICE. i ; i.ce.i .1 1 members of Stone wan Lb igo, N*. 25! F.\ A.'. Me. are hereby notified to appear at Alasonic Hal! i Wednesday, Oct, 18th ult., at 10 o’clock a, M. , I By cyder of • .T. G. Jordan, W, M. R, J. F/njs'al. Secy. Sept. 30,^875. —St." COTTON MARKET. The folLwing is our latest Savan liali qfldtaf ms. The Louisville market is always within dim cent of the Savan nah [trices; Savannah, Sept, 20, 1875. Good Middling - - - - 13 Middling 12} Low Middling - - - - 12} Goor Ordinary - - - - 11} Ordinary .... i(i} Louisville, Sept. 30, 1875. Cotton from - - - 10} fed 2. -• > - Ti" NOT I Q A regular communication of Law rence Lodge, No. 245 F.\ A.'. AL-. will be held on the second Saturday in October at 3 o'clock i>. m.. as business of importance to every member of the Lodge will be transacted. By order of the W. M. J. li. Mi iii'nv. Sec’y. Bethany, Ga., Sept. 27, 1875.—2 t„ DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNER SHIP. The Copartnership huetoforo exi.tinjr b<- tween F A HnquefieM N. M. as tho firm of F A Mnqucfield & Cos is disolved by mutual consent, ta date t'ruisi the first, nay of August. All par ies duo us by note or account ara respectfully requested to c une forward and seftl- Uf. as rve to e4o* up businc-s 'y the end of I lie year. All papers nour inirg in our hands unpaid after January will be p'aced ill the hands of officer fur collection. F. A. SINQUEFIFLD, N. M. WItICIIIAM. Sept 30. lm. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. IT IX Ft) if nil-: UK IS FIT OF THE PUBLIC r kkad this T3IlLt Lj IF 1 O'Bt'-rs on I hi; kail sli'.'i!, per d0zen....... Snots. Oy-ters, ia „.25eU Oy er- frfcri.rS ~,*.40u s 0.-tern. Hit!wi‘d ~.4octs Be Sic.-ik .......4 lett Hum 4Wcts Sausage 4(lctH Fish ....... 4betr Chicken ..fiOits Venison... „ SOvts Duck AOcis Birds BOcts Bwr. 4*)cts | Lamb Prices....4octs Egjjs, tried, boiled, poached or scrambled, 25 cestß Coffee . ---••...... IDcts ag4 Coffee *2scts IVa —. ... lOctH and Butier wiife uvery meal, free ot charge. Nil delicacies oi the season alwayn on hand Fine Liquors, iVines, Champagne ill i Cigars 15cer* 5 cents ; all oifcor otari uJi.s 15 cents. Open at all hours, day or niglif. *T. VALBtfTINO, sep3o 3m _ MACON, GA. Notice ALL Parties interested are hereby not.lied tliat the Firm of Urtlbbs & Crew, doing | business under Raffl Firm name and stylo, lm* tnis day by, imituai consent, dissolved copart” nerstiip, for the purpose of butter advancing the interest of each other. B. A, GlUißßjj, K A, C’.UK W. August 20, 1805. nil. OLIVER, DOUGLAS & CO. 43 i lin'd St,, Macon, Ga. Kind Kctseil Dcalw isi Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, -A- 3ST D— IIOIJSE-FIT it Y ISM 8A (1 0001)8, PtiOKEi CUTLERY AXES AND N MLS, Yv'dO!) and \ ILLO A-W \HE, GRATES, Agen sfor BUCK’S BIGLLI \NT S TOVE. s ; > 0 4 „ FRET WELL & NICHOLS. P f hole stile oh ers , I’apcav Paper Bag#, ;ottou sacks, ‘Wjut, Inks, Slufilagt*, Flaying a (Ss, &c. 129 Bsy Street avannah G* N. 11 Nil Charge f.. r Packing. Sfi| , 30 ; j m €. V. WALKER, \73OLSSAL3 -AND RETAIL FURNITURE I>EALER. 317, 319 and 321 Broad St., - - - Augusta, Ga. AUC TION HOUSE, 317, FURNITURE ROOMS, 319 and 32.1, A FEW BOOKS ABOVE PLANTERS HOTEL. Immense Mock of beoitifil FDRNMUIiE selected from ibe best Factories, a-t aud West. GOUT) ALL Fit’Ml. I’tU Ea WAItitANTEI) TO PLEASE. September 30, 1875. 3m. Clothing ! Clothing!! HATS AND FURNISHING GOODS. r*iHE ATTENTION cf my friends and buyers por.erall ig called to (he large and well A lected stock et the nbove which lias just boon received and will ho bold at Frices a Suit Use Timon. Give my a call. Satidactfoti guaranteed. Respectfully, J. C. LEE, HI. S. CTOx^JD2k.2Sr, sep 30 3;n 238, Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. Furniture for Everybody! NEW STYLES! NEW PRICES! J'. LINDSAY, 190 Broughton St, Savannah, Ga. I now have one of the Finest stocks of Furniture ever offered in this Market, which I am sel'ing at prices CHEAPER than ever before offered iu this city. Complete Bed Room Sets at from £3O 00 to 00 per §ct. PARLOR A¥R DINING- ROOM TOT B, Of every Style and Price. BEADSTEAD>\ WARDROBES, BUREAUS, WASH STANDS and CHAIRS, In full Sets or by the single piece, Sl oss, Hair, lotton ami Spuing Matrasses. Tn fact I have everything that can bo found in a first-class FURNITURE establishment, and I defy any market ill the State to compete with me iu PRICES. I ' nilV e ou hand a very large stock of common BED STEADS to which I invite ilie attention of the Trade. I will sell them as cheap (freight added) as they can be bought in either the Northern or Western markets. I also keep a lull siock of Clocks r.nd Loosing Glasses on hand. sep 30 3m J. LINDSAY, Savannah, Ga. mittuW FKltEs llllUtEiYT. Triuta, standard prands B@lo 1 Brown Shirtings I‘a> 8 | .. •• 9®ll Flour, Family per bbl 7 5U(ajS 00 Fxtia Family 8 50(a)!) 00 “ Fancy, besimade 1) 00(a)!) 50 Shot per lb 1)®12 ( J Collee, Rio per lb 25 'wM Salt, Liverpool, per sack 1 50 'a) Bacon, Shoulders, per lb .....lU®l2i •t Sides,. .*••• •••••• •••*• •• 15 ® 10 Canvassed Hams.— ...164® 17 Bulk Sides llpdilOl “ Shonlders,.! ...Bj® 10 Sugar (all grades) 10 ®IJ Xaru, Bunch 1.40@1 50 Iron Ties (whole ties) 0 (a) 6} Bagging (extra heavy) per yd... Nails per keg... ...f4 50©7 Potash [24 balls to case] 3 00fe)3 50 Sweeds Irpu... W 001.... 33(a) 33J Cotton will always be bought and cash paid tor it. Prices will be ip one cent of Savannah quotations. WARREN, EVANS & CO. cr 32 1 ■—-Ix7Cm. PURE EREQ FOWLS. We now have a very large stock of PURE BKKD FOWLS of the following varicUes, for sale: Dark Brahmas, Light Brahmas, Buff Co chius, Partridge Cochins, Brown Leghorns White Leghorns, Silver Urey Dorkings and llond ns. Our Fowls are hrst-class and we guarantee satisfaction to all. Send slnnpjfor descriptive drlucar and price- list. Address ISAAC LYNDE.Ii Aug, 5,3 m Marlboro. GiEOLGIA, JEFFERSON COUNTY. *" Cooper Collins, p c has applied for ex emption of personalty and I will pass upon the same at my office on Tuesday the 31st day of August 1*75, at 10 oclock a rn. N DlEllL, Ord'y. August 10 1875 2w PIANOS & 011GANS. CASH PRIC.S; EASY TERMS. FROM *s2o to $lO9 can bo saved in the pur chase ol Piano or Organ umier our new system of selling at CASH UNICES with EASY TERMS lor payments. Pianos liavo never beioro been sold on such favorable terms in the South. FINE PIANOS at .$275, S3OO, $325. and $350, fully guaranteed lor live years. Tams SSO cash and balance in six months; or SIOO cash, and balance in one year. The celebrated Mason & Hamlin Organs, are also sold upon casli payments of $25 to SSO and balance iu six and twelve rnomlu. PIANOS and ORGANS sold also by small monthly installments, or rented with privilege of purchase. Responsible parties supplied on almost any terms desired. Largest stock j u the South to select from aud LOWER PRICES than at the North. A good Stool and Cover With each Piano sold. SPECIAL TERMS to Teachers, Schools. Churches and Grang, s.— Send for our now REDUCED TIM,. PRICE LIST and Illustrated Catalogues. Luaden & B,utV Southern Music House, SAVAmNaII, (A. septlti—lm IMPORTANT TO~ CONSUMPTIVE S. A Gentleman having beon so fortunato as to cure his son ofCoi sumption in its worst stages after being given up to die by the most cele brated physicians, desires to ruado known the cure [which proves successful lu every c-se ) to those afflicted with Asthma, Bronchitis. Coughs, Colds, Consumption,, aud all Afflic tions of the Throat and Lungs, and will send the Recipe, free of charge to all who desire it if they will forward their address to DANIEL ADFE, 176 Fulton .St.,;New York. Dee. 17th, 1874— 1f. SHORT CROPS, -A-IsTD WW MT _ The short crops and low prices of cotton will make Serious encroachments upon the finances of Planters. To Help matters as much as 1 can, I propose to not only give my customers a full benefit of the decline in prices of Goods, but I pledge my self to sell everything at the lowest figures—greatly reducing the profits heretofore made. As 1 have been successful in business for the past few years. I feel that I am to this extent indebted to my Customers, and now that hard times are upon them I pledge myself to do this much towards lessening their necessary expenditures. E.i“ To those of my customers who have been buying on time, if they will meet their obligations promptly,! will promise for another year to furnish them with every advance needed and will also sell upon better terms than heretofore given. i:W’ lam now buying COTTON, and will pay the highest market prices. I have in store and am daily receiving a full assortment of supplies and General Merchandise. These Goods arc all bought from first-class Houses, and liavn’t the “ear marks” of auction rooms, and “bargain counters”. A close inspection of qualities and prices will give satisfaction. Give me a call- J. IS..- WII.KLYB. BROWN <Ss WTT'TT'TT^ boots irARNESS, CHILDREN. tVC j &t 4'il i Skatss, Solo, and Eiiauu| I.ciiilk-is alivnys ou hand. Fine linnd-Mrln'il Ihiotn for only $lO. tt’.- [>uv the liijM cash price lor Hides and Furs. \Vu will duplicate any bill in our line bought, at SavaiM or Mhimhi, and wo all our work to give fc:ili*'aetion JSiiiMlos, Hoots and filioes Kcj>:iiivd al short ’Utico l’lu> celebrated \ or harties*. hoots ui.d >hoos alu avs ou haisd. l live is a trial Louisville, iia. •September Jli, T*. 3iu 15UOWM & rax Collector’s Notice f will tie at tl 10 following places nt the time specified, to COLLKC State ami County TAX for 1875. Parties will please come up promptly FIRST ROUND, - \ Stellaville, Monday, September IS, -] Hndsonia, Frid 1 Pope llill, Tuesday, IT i Louisville, Mo Stapleton's Store, Wedn'y, “ 15.1 Bartow, Tuesd 1 “ Aea laniy, Tucsd'y, " ll!, | Bethany, Wed J u - ■ ii SECOND ROUND. ~ Stellaville, Monday, October, 4. Hudson ia, i\ Pope Hill, Tuesday, “ 5, LouisviU, Mo n Stapleton’s Store, Wednsd'y 6, Bartow, TuesJ h “ Aealemv, Thursday “ 7, liethauv, M e ‘o T t, —■*“ i\ THIRD ROUND. I Lonisvillce, during Court WeckJHj Stellaville, Monday, November, 15 Hudsonia, Friady, Noven^pH Pope Hill. Tuesday, “ IS, Bartow, Tuesday, J|S| Stapleton’s Store, Wed'v, '■* 17, Bethany, Wednesday, “ Acadm'y Tuesday “ 18, Alexander’s, W. S. Tusd’y^pl Planters will please notily the freedinen that it is now time to The books will positively close on the Ist of December, RUFUS JORDAN, T. C. I September 2, 2875, Sin -llfii Crocket's Iron Wor\ I MAKE THE BEST AND CHEAPEST I COTTON J? IR, ES Al o the BEST POWER lor GINNING and TIIRESIII sell 1 ,ll outfit for Ginning i Power, Press, Gin ami Belling M ing 10 by 10 fort is fill tint is needed to Gin iu. X also mafl Sugar Milla Syrup Kettles, Gin Geal Saw Mills, Grist Mills, lion RailJ And all oilier work made in a MacliLme Slmp.H Send f r Cueulir and Prices before you buy. Address fi. CROCK I August 12, 1873 3m Mac<| THE PATENT jExcelsior Cotton Manufactured by >. \v. massy, - - - maco For Sale by CARHAKT & CURD, Macon, < EVERY GIN GUARANTEED d?” Parties sending Gins fur repairs, \vi 1 ple.ise pre-i> jiui t!i ii n mien on their Gins t > nrevuit mistakes, Au-itsi 12, 1873.