The News and farmer. (Louisville, Ga.) 1875-1967, December 02, 1875, Image 4

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ESTA3LISS3D 1785. rp H ] CHRO2VI lE <& NTINELj AUGUSTA, GA. One of the Oldest Papers in the Country. One of the Leading Papers in the South. The Largest Circulation in Eastern Ga. The Official Organ of Several Counties. PPJBI.JIKO Daily, In-Wetklr and Wetkly. THE Daily Chronicle am] Sentinel is filled with interesting Reading matter of every description—Telegraphic; Local, Editorial; Georgia, and South Carolina, and General News: Interesting Correspondence, and ape, ial Telegrams nom all' irfportntt puifitiS— Subscription <to. TheTri-Weekly Chrbide and Sentinel is in tended fcr.poiuts convenient to Tn-Wefckly mail. It ton talus newly everything of inter est whiuh Apiieers in tlio Daily. Sutfadriptiuu, Ulh . , ; • The' Weekly Chronicle nod Sentinel is a ninmmoth sheet, gouou up especially for our subscribers in the country- It is'ode ot the hwgflist papers in lire soutu, and"giSres, besides Uddtiria.s. ail the current ne'fca ot tbe week, a firtl ana arcurate of the Augusta Mur bets nod Prices Ourretr. The Commercial Re ports are a special feature of the edition. Sub scription, $4. Specimen copies of any issue si nt free. WajL£>ll <SI WRIGHI’, Prep’s, Augu.-tu, Ga. BREArREDUCTION ill PRICE. l IT 18 FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE FUEL 1C TO READ THIS BILL OB FARE, Oysters ou the half shell, peFdozen 25cts Oysters, ra .v .. <2.’cts Oysiers, fried ..lUfs o>sters, stewed... iUcts Reef Si oak 40cts Ham 40cts Sausage 4 ,, c' Fish lefts' Chicken - s<Ms Venison 50cts Rue 50cts Birds f>Uctß Rian 40cts | Lamb Friees 40cts Erg*, iri aI, boiled, poached or .-c ambled, 25 CVu<s OnffeH. ! Ihds Toast and UutiecS/. -... '...*. '-2f)ctX Tea .Ili:t.s Uiead and Blitter with every meal, free ot c liaise. All delicacies of *h Henson always on band. Fine Liquors, ‘Vines, Oampagm* ana Cigars Beer 5 cents; all bther .drinks 15 cent a. i/pen at dll hoars, day or night. T T? A l ■ V ■Lfci' -.Wf •e?a,| 3.-.-. _ MACOifi OA 111 P. BICKFORD m .u i tz i.v Ooors, bashes, Blinds, Saea Doors. Store Doors, VUiilc his<l Yellow V'ifeie Moulding WALNUT am! PINE PAL (IST HUS SASH WEiGH TS & coin), HEAL) A SIDE LIGHTS, P,LIN'D TUIMMINGS, nkwe/. posts, • t • jGG k 171 Hay Stir,pi, Ka vnuiinli Ga, Attg. 11), 1874. Gin—ls. pUCK" HOPKINS, - Manufacturer of Tin Ware, AND DEALER IN HARDWARE, STOVES, TIN WAKES, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Contractor for Tin Roofing, and Cornice Work, 167BRQUH10N STREET, SAVANNAH, GA., BUHW J'K! ES (THREW. Prints, standard rrands... 8(3)10 ’[ Brown Shirtings 7<d> 8 l “ U'wll Flour, Family per bbl 7 Ml(njß 00 “ Fxtia Family. 8 ,->(!(<!* 00 “ Fancy, best madij 0-00@ r| SO Shot per 1b... i 'L.' ~.5t.t , .Ur&42,4 Cutb-e, Rio pur g.Volys Salt, Liverpool, per sack I bU'iit ■ liacon, SboubJers, per lb lljii2J “ Shies la '!' 1 Canvassed Hams IB r *-iu 17 > pit- Sides 11 jr„, |.j,j *• Shoulders wlj'&IO Sugar (all grades) 10 ',|4 Yarn, Bunch I.4M(gU .70 Iron lies (whole ties! ..6 -@ oj Bagging (extra heavy) per yd.;! ; I,<®lß Nails per keg. £4 50^7 lMtash [2d halls to ease] 3 0(lfo)3 50 Sweeds lrpu/t 8-i(<^9 Wool 33(a) 331 Cotton wiil always be bought and cash paid or it I’riccs will bein' crie oeut of Savannah notations. ’ a. WARKigN, EVANS ii CO* cr 22 1—4870 m. ChAMPTuN'i IMPEHIAL S O F. IS THE “BEST.” This Soap is inannfactured from pure mate s, and as it contains a large percentage of stable Oil, is warranted fully equal to the imported Castile Soap, and at the same c possesses all ihe washing and cleansing perlies ot the celebrated German and rich Laundry Soaps. If is therefore re. mtnended for use in liter Laundry, Kitchen and Bathroom, anil for general household pur., poses; also)-for Printers, Painters, Engineers and Machinists, as it will remove stains of ](j! lets e, Tar, Oil. Paint, etc. Irom the hands. Manufactured only hy sV.. (A.I.U/ 1 lO.r Ml KOTIIR It ST. 2,4, 6, 8 and WRuhjrr.l Plnct, and 83 and 35 Jrfftrton ain't, Ntw York. Oct 14 Uro SHERIFF SALES WILL RE Sold at the Market House inthe Town of Louisville, on the First Tuesoay jin December next, between llie legal hours of sale, the. tolloWing property to wii: j One tract of Li nd, containing oie hundred 1 and fifty eight (158) acres more or less, lying iu said county and adjoining lands of L. (J. War* I ren, Eat. of John W. Alexander and. others, — ! Levied <n as the properly of J, ft Jackson, j dec* as*d, to *aiwfy aH. fa. from Jefferson JSiu i pe ior Court, in favor oi Sal ie Jackson, vs. : Isabella K Jackson, Admiuistratix on tho es- I ttite of J H Jackson, deceased. Notice given to J R Maws-.ii, tenant in possessim, Ins Ue tober2fith 1875. * •, At the same time ami place, wilLb'c sohl tlic following property to*wit *• Ohe Tiaet of Land coiitai dug sixty-six (66) acres. more or less, lying i:Jjelhr<uu county, a>'£ adjoining laud*of lJr.’Alexander Ave y, RaildaP Irby and (fiber ’ Levied on' to satisfy t. \o ft las, is-ued fnh’T k Justice d'onrt in | Glasscock cntt.' in faV*i'f of William Howard, bearer vs tiuyoifn Davis Levy nmtVeand'fcUi imd to me by Constable i \V. A* Vausof JKSSKK T. MULLING. Sh.ft* J C i Oct- ?rli 1875*,—tds. • ADM IN IS Tlt\ TO If, SALES. BY YHtt;UE OF AN ORDER from the CtAirt tf Ordinary of J' WIL?. I>L .SOLD ou the Fir: t Tuesday iW-Dc* I cemljJr next at the Market llouse| hi the town j. of Louisville, a Tract of Land in said county ! containing One Hundred rfnd fcixfy-five acres, more ior less, adjoining' land of Noah Mci).m ikft H. • . Gregoiy, Wm. Belcher and others. Sold as the propertv of Svlv i Uliisolm, deeeas cd. Terms on the day of sale ■> A. J. C'UOIv, Adni’j. Noy.-lth, I*7s.—tds. Acso, One Tract of Land in said i. County coutaing Four Hitdrcd mid Twenty ' tive acres subject to the V/idows’ Dower ad \ J J. A. Leaptrof, tli Boyd, VN arren I WallaOe A Cos. A’.dd o' K. R. • Mcßride for the benefit oi tlie Heirs and Crcd , iiors of said deceased. 1. A.MrRUIL'E, I- Nov. 4th I.B7s—tbs. Adtn’.r ADMIVBTHATOirs SALE. Agtvda’def to an ordfer Irmn t!ie court cf or dinary, wi!’ be sold oil the fiist Tiie day in lje ci'irh. r n vt/nt the Market-Mouse in the town 1 of LoiilsVtHe, A1 i the Real 'MLtnFj bl'Uanms Str; rtoitl ’ dec* ased, consisting ol u yety de tirahle House and l.ot fronting Court’ House square and vacant lot adjoining .Mrs Kcstisou’s lot Will h** sold at the same time all the perish able propoity of sniii d*c* M ised, consisting of household* and kitchen furniture one piano, I etc., etc, F. A. 61NQUEFIEL1J, tds Adiifiiiifetiator. (iUAKDIAN'S SALK. REFOLD AT MARKET IT Hou-e, in the town of Louis/ille, on the ’irst I'u esc ay in November, ne;t w within the Ipgal hours <f .‘■hJo, x>7uvtract, if tend, con taining *450 acres, more odiess,'t\ iug in JcfVer ..-•*•11 county, oil Q;it (.'“reek, ami adjoin ini* liJiiq?* t A .1 ,Tomer, Robert ami Williiaiii RelchetyF'i MuCrdan rtld others Theclear .• *1 latiiT is hi high st;iV? of cultivation’. Rm , fences all giit J. The place is well timbered j and • ate’ el. 1 Sold :hr tlie benefit of the minor heirs of Caleb Mfeeks, deceased. MRS. J. M. W EEKS, Guardian. 1 1 SO KOI A JEFFERSON COU.NTV. VI Wh6ie:K, (jlgorge F. ITndirwood iA(3mirii trator on tin* e-fnte of Jolju U- Luwe deceaffed applies tor Lttsjs.of dismisSiilfi from said 'said estate. - f l hese are therefore to cLe ar.d admotiidi all per.-ons interested to be and appear at my iofilee within the time pre.-crib**d by law to Ishow cause, if can, why said letters should no be gri‘it* , <l. NICIIOL \S DIEHL, Oi J d. Nov. 4th, 1875 4m JEFFERSON COUNTY M “WiMf.,.B, E. H. VV. Hunter, Guardian of E 11. M. .. . aiul’E. M. -Raldy applies for Letters of from said Guardianship. These are therefore to eite and admonish all persons interested, to be and appear at ihy of fice the first Monday in December next, to show cause, i! any they can, why t-aid Letters should not be granted. N. DIEHL, Oid’y. October 5, 1875 ?u Dissolution oj' Copartnerslfp THE Cppattnership hi I her to- existing be tween Peacock & Moxley, in the Baw Mill business wale dissolved by mutual consent on the 6th inst. Tlie biisiAeus will Le contin ued by the undfoffcijrtieiL All pajties indebted arc notified to make immediate fpftyrm-nt to me. R J MuXLEV’. Oct 11. 1875 -Im. Notice to Debtors and Credilofs, 4 LL partes into the repent firm of J\ Huberts Si Ami to JL U >berts cc wed, im ividually, are requested to come r *ard nml make immediate pay me it, and li sa holding aceoums against tl e firm or said da •■nsotlr will present their claims properly attested according to law 51 ks .S J li ibkuts Adihiiiislratrix /1 korgTa jeffkitsoncouxn v~ \J Whereas, John W. Lyons Administrator on th> Lstato of Win. G. Lyons,deceased ap plies for Letters of Dismission from said Estate 1 tvre therefore to-cite anti admonish all persons interested ti hound r,ppeaVal my office on the first Monday in March next to show cause if any th**y can why daid Letters should not be granted. NICHOLAS DIEHL Ord y. Nov- 25th, 1875 .NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDI TORS. All persons indebted to the estate of James fJ ratford, deceased.’are hurt by requested to C'Miic forward a:iJ make linincili-tt 'payment; n nd those having J.iiims against sAid deceased are also iec*ic: ted‘ lo present their claims ac** Cording to law. ]•'. A'. SIXQUKFIELD, f‘ < Administrator Gi EOHQIA, JEEEEU.SON COUNTY : * Whereas, Wiflpun A Welkins Administra tor on the estate of Silas Kendrick dec'd has applied to me for Letters of Dismission from said Administration ThcsAare therefore to cite and admonish all l eisons interested to be an and appear At my of fice on the First Monday in M.ircu fiekr, to show cause if any they can, why said Letters should not be granted. N. DIEHL, Ord’y. Nobcmber 5, 1875 i _i FORUIA, JEFFFItSON COUNTY; Whereas*, Sarah J. Huberts, applies for Letters ot Adminiatrtvthir o:> the Estate of John L. Kobcnut, dec^akcd”"* Theseare therefore to eitt tr.d admonish all persons interested, t > be and appaer at'iny office on the First Monday in J'mtMry ri<<xt, to show cause, if any they can, why said letters should uoi bj giautod. N. DIEII L, Ord’y. Uov. ttith, 1875 (thlY* aulay at. home. Agent-* wanted. Outfit 01 U fVL and tcriLs tree. TUCK Sl CO , Augusta. Maine/ V, a,*T + (IbO/'l per day at home. Samples )'J Q/vU worth $1 tree. fcnscoN&Co Portland, Maine.* NOTICE. Palmer, with that same old book, un der his arm, will lie in Louisville during Court week, in November next, to col lect for Lumber and Shingles. Gentle men please take notice’ and govern yourselves accordingly. Aye will then be prepored to a 'comodate you in tin future. pAi.jfEK & Johnson, Oct. 7, 1875.—tit. S. W. GLIASON & CO., SAVANNAH, OEOitqiA ’ ugar M ills and Pans STEAM ENGINE, SAW MILLS, • Queen of the South’’ Grist Mills. i v * } Castings & Machinery. Of all kinds t the lowest prices. * Send for circulars anfl price list, sept 30, 3ra Mark Cottoit P. U A. GEAffGE WA&EHOUSE pj-alSt'e s’ UNION AGENCY, * ' ’ CONDUCUi:.p,DY THE > Patroris of ’Husbandry, ; No. (> Me In tosh St.i Augusta, Ga At the Commodious Fire-Proof "W AE/EIHOP'S El, Formerly occupied by /ennings, Smith & Cos. CHAP.OSS " Commission *f*r p'fr feale 50c Storage—First| VYcekj’por Rule t i.,'...lUc “ Mach Additional Week . 5c Draynge—per Rale ... .L r 10c outside of the Order admitted on the same terms. LVmmi.ssions included. Baygiaj cC*' Tics furnished to Patrons. W W, KHODh'S fSUp’t. Bppteinber 2 1875 3ms Osceola Butler & Cos., DRUGGIST l: " ’ • A IT D APOTHECARIES, Opposite Pualski & Screven Houses SA VANN AH, GEOItGIA. ■ f ? Particular attention paid to country PlivsN oians, iViercliauis and I‘lanters ordara* Wo guaraantee satisfaction both ?u regard : toquali ty amt pr-ce. . f-’** 1 spet. 30, Bin Pi AN & ORGANS. CASH PRICES * EASY TERMS. FROM to IftlOO can be bavod in the pur elms** of I'iaiio or Organ uu*lor our new system of selHAg : at UASti v/itli lERMB for” pay merits. ' Hallos have never i before been sold on such favorable terms iii i the Eolith. • ‘ F’ NE PIANOS at $llOO, $3:25. and s;3so‘, fully glia; an teed for five Tenns cash and bali.ric'e in six fiionths; or,sioo cash, and balancs in one year. The celebrated Mason & Hamlin Organs, are also sold upou cash payments of $25 to SSO and balance iu six and twelve months. PIANOB and ORGANS sold also by small montlily ins tall incuts, or rented with piivilege ot purcha-e. Responsible paities supplied ou almost any terms desired. Largest stock in theoouth to select from and LOVVLK PnICES than at the North. A good Stool and Cover with, each Piano sold. fc'PECiAL TERMS to Teachers. Schools. Chitrdhes and Graugs.— i tSOti’d (of ouvnuvy KEDUC CD i'KlOE LloTaudTllustrated Catalogues. • Liiedeu aY BaitV SouDiern Hopse, SAYAmNaH, Gjl. sept IG— 1 m CAIN WILLIAMS ) vs > Libel for Divorce. LAURA WILLIAMS ) IT APPEARING to the court from the re __ turns ot the Sneritf that defendant not to be found in the county, and it further ap i p(*;- said defendant is not now in this State’. It is therefore'ordered that defendant sppear and answer‘at the next" term q! tliis court, or in default thereof tiie court will pioceeu iii s ’id case, and it is further ordered' that this order be publi-hed in the News iC Farmer once a month for 4 months previous to the November ierm Jettersoii Superior Court 1875, True extract Loin minutes ' K, J % L’OYD,' Clerk. July 8,1875, . •. PURE ERED FOWLS. We now 'have a very large stock of PUItL . HRED FOWLS of the following varieties, for sale; , ..< i > Dark Brahmas, Light Brahmas; Buff Co chins, Partridge Cochins, BVowu Leghorns White Leghorn*, fcilvfjr Grey Dorkings and Uondns.. Our Fowls are first-clars and we puafantoe ; satisfaction to all. fc>**nd slanpj fcr descriptive cirlucar and price list.. ' Address ISAAC LYNDE,h Aug. 5. 3rn Marlboro. SEND YOUR DAUGHTERS TO THE Georgia Female College, it is a HOMS BDHfIDLV healtiiiful aud access* ble. Tiie exptuses .afe ie*s than iu any otner nnlar school, and the Instruction uu-nr pass* ed. Pain ing ami Music are specialities. Cir* culars fr e. GEO. Y. BLOW N, President. i Madison. Ga. <iVII..M.\RTIN% J JOHN ri.AkNKHY. l'- L. J. IsiiHinariiu Si Cos. Jg COTTON FACTORS ® ’■ •- —AND— COMMISSION MERCHANTS. <j Aft'Street, Savannah Ga. Agents for Bradley’s Phosohate, Jewell’s Mills Yarns &c.= &o. Ragging and Ties tor sale at lowest XL market rates. jk 3& Prompt laird careful attention given to all bu incss entrusted to us. 0X ; Libeial'Gash Advances made on-tg? consignments ofOotthnj either for im- 2? : *LC mediate sale or to be held for a stated i3*i time, *c. auglll-lni. ; JAMES S. SILY r A. CROCKERY, CHINA, CJ-L L&UFS, 26® WSJS SM W p Mas ——AND Hou&e Furnishing Goods: Has removed to Ssyth’s old shind, ** I*2, Congress aud 141 St Julian Sts., SAVANNAH GEORGIA," ' Orders careful; *, .ehed and promptly ship ped. ' so CUBin 1 The Old Cotton Gin With a New Name. - ' - : Findlay Iron Works, j\Jacos, Oa. Having just adde.l to our Iron Works an s. # • r *. ? •> We are now ManuGeturing the ‘IZL” O-1 3xT , The exact couiiterpart [ without addition or aheratiou,] of Hie genuine i/Ui iUN Uii-N, and Hie Ouiy true copy oa iliat cviobiatea AiacUiae now made. Our. Machinery is Entirely iV.ew, miU oi tile lai.esi, Hd most.approved Kiud. Uar woik incii in tins department Pjaclioal .UUi Aiaaeis, our dumber Uiorougiuy season*- ed, every Puliy turned and accmaiciy baiancod, and *ne enure Gin P3P.FECJT IN aVSP.Y PAATIO JL.IP. i and VEitv low riucEb: walls cotton feeber, (IIuIIROVIEIjjD CO I TON GIRTS REPAIRED In REST MANNER at very low [Send for Price b is, etc. ■ ■' • ‘ <, / • R. FINDLAY’S SONS, pinolay Iron Works,'Mfecon, Ga. HALF’S GOTT-OST fIIST, Ak° furnished, to order. Send lor Descriptive Circular of our Eclipse fottun Press, Kesbit Press, Portable Engines, Horse Powers, 4c, Ac, R. Fl\ DRAY’S SCfcYS, Aug. 12,1875, 3jn ‘ Q-J±. rir’T- * mrimwin ii Af ( rinuu st. 4 macow, ga. MANUFACTURERS OF AN]) wholesale and retail 5 DEALERSiN ' Coach, Phicton, Buggy, Track. Harness, Jappa etc., Silver, Gilt and Robber Mountings ; al so Plantation a‘t*U Carl 11 crueifS. Ladies', Boys’ and Gcntfj* Saddles, in orcaiVancty, ■* •' . it t Wool Faces, team and Boggy Collars, ridngand-plantation bridle?. Lines, [round and flat,] horse covers, saddle blankets, saddle bags, wiujg: aif sorts. skirting bridle—patent and enameled leather, hog and calf seatingjnqlfciskin, black and colored enameled cloth, sad dle trees, hames, puckles, spurs and a complete atock.vf . r • . . fci ; . : I Ba<!<lloiV aud Ilai'jiess Makers’ lIARBWARE AYII TOOLS. 5-- A -and Hemlock Sole Leather, French and American Kip, Calf, Lining and Lopping Skins, Lasts, Ci limping Boards, Boot Trees, Begs and Nails, and a genera] slock of SHOEMAKER'S TOOES and FINDINGS. t •; v . , _ j ’ * A practical experience of thirty years in the Maufactpre cf Harnccg aud Saddles, and a thorough knowledge oi the business, and the goods we handle enables us'to can duct our iiicss successfully. Wo ask a call from dealers, anj' all others. 1 Assuring you that you will find both the prices and quality of onr goods salisfactoi y. We a, -? ’iVT hid V 1 s > furs, wax. wool, tallow, leather in th„ rough etc. etc. August 19 1875 6m BERND BROTHERS, Macon, Ga. Tax eolleclor’s, Notice. I will be at the following places at the time specified, tc COLLECT the State and County TAX lor 170. Purtfes will please come up'promptly. SECOND, ROUND. Stellaville, Monday, October, 4, Hudsonia, Friday, October 8, Pope liill, Tuesday, '• 5, Louisvill, Monday, <• 11’ Stapleton’s Store, Wednsd’y 6, J Bartow, Tuesday, “ Academy, Thursday “ 7 { . Rethany, Wcdnusday, 13’ T-UJRO, ROUND. Lonisyillcc, <1 nriaig Court Week, Stellaville, Monday, November;,, 15 Iludsonia, Friady, November, 10, Pope Hill, Tuesday, 16, Bartow, Tuesday, “ 25* S&vpty,ton's Store, Nv.ed’y, 17, j Bethany, Wednesday, “ 24, “ Acadm’y Tpeaday “ 18, Alexander’s, W> S. Tusd'y, “ 25t planters will please notily the fr.eedmen that it is now tinie tc pay T/txes. — The.bocpi’s will positively close on the Ist.of'Decexnbet! ’ ' Y • • i•’ ,V: " ' ; -HUFUS oOkDAIN, T. C. J. C- September 2. 2&<5- 3m FINDLAY’S IRON WORKS, MACON, GEORGIA.' *4 * • ' • The Great Eclipse Screw Cotton Press, ~ V i. .A ~ * , * ’• Award'd the Grand Medal'at the State Fair in 1873. . ££ 500 K ? “ a The Fastest, Easiest; Operated a#d Host. Durable Press Madt*. NESIiJTS,WROUGHT lllbisT SCREW PRESS, (With our,recent Valuable Imj)rovem,ents.) Fjor Rand, Horse, Watei or Steam Rower. ' T *’f f f , CKAIG’S HORBE FOBTER, I VI tilU’S HOUSE POWER, And the old fashioned GIN GEARING CASTINGS and MACHINEttV of every Description. All the above at Prices LOWER than the LOWEST. Send lor Circnlars and Prices to R. FINDLAY’S SONS, •\CON GEORGIA, 6LIYER, DOUGLAS & GO, .. ■ i J .J . ■ -.v - - - .// 42 Tliird St., Macon, Ga. si ml Scaler in . i. * ‘ Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, ; eJt j*y -*> ■ < \ is 4.* - - - > • * -e-A. IST X - HOPC-FIIRNISHING GOOD^. POCKET AND TABLti AXES. AND, WOOD and WILLOW-YfARE, GRATES, cV Agems for BUCK’S BRILLIANT STOVE,’ sep, 30 4m. • mumm mm MMwmmiT ■ 103 If road street, Augusta, (jar Ji IIIAVK Established a Shirt Factor y iu this city, and am prepared to supply Fine Dress bluris, ot my oh u manufacture, at die Lowest' Friees. First-class work arid a perfect n : guaranteed to every customer. *' * ... 1 Will make to order a better shirt for $2.75, than barties from the North sell for S3 1 urn also prepared to cut Coats, Vests Pantaloons, aud make the same to order. Merchants would ho well to get up ‘-special orders” and send, as I can certainly make it to fiieir advantage; aud tho.e who want a shirt to 'Cittern can get it, and at 10 per cent, less than .Northern mads shirts, tjfud ou your ordeis ■ r j^ 3m . v;V -- JOHN Agent. PAINT and Offs STORE* 53 1 Jackson Street.,, Augusta* Ga, The Best of Articles—all Fresh and New. WHITE LEA, ZINC, PAINTS, BRUSHES, VARNISH. PUTtfY, COLORS. LINSSED.OIL. . WfcNUOW. QLASS. MACHINE OIL, GIN 9*lL, | KEROSENE OIL, &e. &c. &c. Ti^fyMs: CASH ON DELIVERY: or aepreved City Acceptance. r j ; ’ .-t Connor, June 3,6 pa. 53 Jacksos Stheet, Near Birr. Towns 2sT ZhJ W SHOPS! GOOD WOltfi AT LOW PKICES., r p l ie-, B raf' 3riligne<j vin e 3=c ' lreJ the “ervices of competent Workman for carrying on a WOuTN WORK & BLACKSMITTiINd Business, begs to inform the public that my Blmps are now complete, aud lam prepared to du all work eutruted to mo iu a neat and subsUiuiiai mauuer. Having over twenty years ex perience in *oiue ol the largest carriage establish uieuia iii the aouiiK 1 feel ** taking that lor N L AlsiJ:.;s6 and DUK.AJU.LiII. ¥ uiy woitc will t?eiy competition Norm or at * T * * v* : ‘ ‘ -X "• • P^IQES Ilian hie same clasj of work can be put up hy any man who hire, his labor* IsTO • iOfail kinds done with neatness and dispatch.| OLD rURKITFRR. Ovei'b.'mjvJ, repaired and made to look like new. . I invite the cities of Jefferson and adjoining counties to give me a trial and be con nemi r-h e i I say: •• • *< : J. f.. ROBE RTS. £3-- HC, TTAI T=?.T?.T4tT i~T i Vv . ■ * .'VI C*Mr ** - “*• • ■* 5* .- * ” MANUFACTURER AND, REPAIRER , ' ' ' ‘ * V,F ‘ ‘ '*' ’■ ‘ ' ’ Buggies, Wagons- and Carriages. [Something Kew* in Louisville : A GOOD HOR&E SIIOJUR. Horse Reduced from fo/^qpnts. Per raijR ;> r BEtJ LKAVK to inform my customers aud the public generally that I am still at the L same place, with a goou aud tjuujoicin aumuer ui woriCmdu vo’Uu auy " #U a an A.uaa ot *oik iu my hue. 1 will aa Ueietoiore keep aa aoaoniucui ot * * • f Iron Bolts, ?iows, Buggy and Materials. On hand and for sale at reasonable prices. ’ *•* ’ weir7s^ew°‘ 1 X a mi U H B n i rL Ptt I U, ' orold on *, Re Pi rd Repainted and made to look as li s 6 ,, 110 . bopeing a speciality. A good Sheer, h# iong been needed ,n; Louisville—l can bil the bill. Give me a trial in this department. y • Ulw “ keep coust an(ly on hand a_good supply, from the best Mamif:jcUy;er4.of Fine. Rosffqeood; Mahogany, and Black Walnut. 13~<R IAL CASES, OP ALL SIZES CinchttVs Iron Works. i , j IAKI<f ; THE b^st i; and.cheapest ■A* - W-‘ • <J, -ft * <Cx V Also the. BEST POTHER for CANNING and THRESHING. Cun Sell full outfit f ? r Ginning : Power. Press, Gin and Belting ; any build'’ ing Ij) by 15 feet is ill th it is needed' to Gin in. ’ make Sugar Mills Syrup Kettles GJn Gearing* Saw v Mills, Mills, If cm. Railing And all other work made in a Mfchime Shop. Send for Circular and Prices before you b ; uyj Address CROCKER, August 12, 1875 3m Ga.