The News and farmer. (Louisville, Ga.) 1875-1967, December 09, 1875, Image 2

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Jlctos mii Jfarmcr. ROBERTS & BOYD, EDITORS and PROPRIETORS. DECEMBER!*, 1875 CONSTITUTIONAL CON I'I.'.XTION The Chronicle Sj- Sentinel of the 4th, is in favor of a Conven tion. So is tiie Wilks county Grand .1 nry. Now to get the representation ol the state in the right u)ii|i| to press such a thing, to a happy cousmpatio.j, is an other thing. We opposed such a movement last spring, because we were afraid that it would he construed by our enemies as an attempt to shirk certain obligations resting on the Staff; that had to be determined by regular investigation.— Besides, Georgia was in the position of a man who hud just managed to get his head out of water. 4 little injudicious kicking would have carried her under again. "u think we cmid better afford to risk it now. -VATC Mill HUGH ci: IIC MOW. It will he seen that the National (i rangers have agreed on anew marriage ceremony. This is right! what is the use of being a Granger or aGrangeress and then being married like any other people:' and besides they should lie put on ler a l litioual obligations. They should lie sworn to sit under their own vines and ligtrees— — aye, and pear trees and apple trees too, and never to rear their (amities on \V astern corn and ba con. Tnat is an important point; and while they are at it. let them provide * hat the marrie l grangers, too, may if they desire it, go through rtoe mill again and make anew start. art* • -•••*- ill congruss and run piwsi unsrs message. Ihe president’s message, ipiite a large tiling in the space it occupies, and i.i it sexton led sentiments and a Ivuno ed opinions, was rea l before the Senate an i ijouse on Tuesday last, e migres met on the Cth inst, The following oilicers were elected : Mr. Kerr, speaker, Indiana. G. M. Adams, clerk. Centu-ky, duo. G. Thompson. Sergeant at arms,Onio, Mr. hit/:augh, lexas, door keeper, ( apt. •lames M. Stewart, the postmaster of the House of the representatives. Vir ginia, Key, M. lowuseud, presbyterian duty. Now tiie battle commcnc-os. The gi ants oj the parties anti the political leaders of this day and time, (such as arc in power), are now on the arena of pu die life, in an important epoch of onr national history, i’lie ipie.stion taut, will sooner or later lie determined ’Shall republican government lie strengtiieno 1 and continued in this country, or in the mockery of what con stitutes one, will it merge into a one man power.’’ e have not time in this issue, hut, in our next will give a mure extended com tuent on the message, an I outlie m,ui who make up the did congress, sr.t rn news summary. Senator (lor,lon of Georgia has purch ased the residenoeof Mr. Wallers. Gox, in Georgetown, The Sand.-rnci/l,- 11 r 11 wants to know if any one ever know ahorse to have a diseased liver. We do not confess to beiug.iutimate with the liver of the eipiin Htiiiiiuals, but we’ve seen some men that couldn’t keep their livers straight with all the [latent medicines manufactured. Evans & Go. are furnishing corn at, cost, until the next, crop is made. Tuis is inagnamity that the farmer will ever remember them for, with gratitude un bounded. Martha Vincent, p, e, is now in Bildj county jail for infanti.'ide. The chil l was eighteen months ol I. and was found in a branch by some hoys, who were out hunting, fiio High School of Saudersville closed on last Friday, with concert and other appropriate ceremonies, Washington Superior Court, is still going on, and it is equally true of Burke each county averaging live and a half weeks in the year, consumed by Superi or Court, .letfersoa about ten days. It has not been found out specifically yet, whether Smith will run for Gover nor or not. The people and the press are anxious to know, and so is Gen. Colquit. The Chronicle & .Sentinel rejoices in Is inerraost heart of hearts, that tlje election is over, and that the prolific quill drivers have Cease l to spill the plastic ink. The Wilkes county Grand Jury, at the last term of the .Superior Court, re cently asks their legislators, to contend for a Constitutional Convention. Key. O. C, I'ope formerly of this State and county is now publishing and edi ting a neat and lively denominational paper called the 1} ipttst Ih'JlecUjr, in Morristown, Teun.; where he now re sides. Dr. Hawser is instructing the McDuf fie journalists how to butcher a sheep. The first thing necessary is t.o catch the sheep, and the next thing i.s to keep from feeling tkwpixk about it, and then the trouble is over with. Rev. Dr. Lovic Fierce is quite ill at the residence of Rev. R. J. Corley, Brennan’s hotel is bragging about a four-legged rooster. That certainly was the result of oue of those double barrell ed eggs. Rome holds now in the tnaw of her capacious corporation, a ten pound tur /yip- Old Tunis G. Campbell was taken out of jail the other day, on the United States writ of habeas corpus; and im mediately recommitted.— Sens. The election in Augusta is over for Mayor, and Estes is the happy man hv 1.1(10 votes td (bid for Dr. Ford, making the total vote 2fj()3. Cant: Reitfroe of Atlanta, formerly of Saudersville, Washington county, is now occupying the vacancy occasioned by the stepping out of Jack Jones. So says the Ilm'ald A Georgian. Augusta is sighing to know how to fry potatoes in the Saratoga style. Jolpi M. Conner, clerk in a Milieu store, was assaulted the otiier day, and considerably bruised with clubs, by two colored scoundrels, who were after his small total of ready cash. They were surprised ajitl arrested. The captain of the Clipper, Ham. n.Uus Henry Ward Jnnehug Hardscrabble, is making merry over a little possum poe try by Col. Carnes of the Southerner. Now really it sounds a good deal like it came fr mi onr friend 11., for as every, body knows there is but little difference in taste between pork and possum. Cholera is raging among the hogs in Talbot county and a great many of them are daily dying from its effects, We learn from the Waynesboro Ex~ positor that Mr. J. I). Ferry lost his gin house by fire last week. Only the week before Mrs. llosea Kates, ha 1 her gin house burned in the same county. Ham has had a good deal of Front lately. No wonder he is a little wilted up like, 'l'eudcr vejelutiuu can’t stand l’rof. Alexander Dimitry lias been de livering a lecture before the Atlanta li brary association 11 is subject was “the fitness of creation for the existence of man.” He is from New Orleans. The firing of cannons in Eiifaula in honor of ratification, was heard distinct ly in Lumpkin, some thirty miles dis tant. J. li. Braswell of Noreross, was found dead in his bed last week, lie t,nl 1 a gentleman of the place lie bad swallowed in two years nearly four hun dred gallons of whiskey. The Blakely Nan is sorry the mer chants don’t advertise. Now, are the merchants sorry i This from the Conyers Register: A few of opr people combine to avail them selves of the homestead law. This is madness and folly. Under the recent decisions of the Supreme Court a home, stead is a hur<]eu instead of blessing.— It cannot be alienated, it distroys a mail’s credit and ties him down to poverty for life Fay your debts if you can, compro mise if you can i)<> no better give up all if your ere liters demaii I it, but under no circumstance have anything to do with that treaeliwom deception—.-a homestea I cuxTßHir run. J New Bi.tiianv, Dec. (itli, 1375, | M< Editor*:—H you c:tu liu 1 : room in your great ly imp oved pajior for ' anew corros[)oiidout, i’ll try and i you a few dots in place of u letter. ] j would like to know what, has become of | your eoriv.-poud nt ••Punch?” 110 set | out wii li a nourish, to toot his horn for j New Bethany, an I keep you and all your readers posted as to everything trnus [driiio; within live miles of the place,— Hut it seems he has snapped oil' like a pipe stem, and left the story not half told. To be“in where he left off, another new store has been adde 1 making the UU n!>er Ji re ■ an Ito show you how business and improvements progress here, the last storehouse was built 21x10. Two weeks ago the lumber was lying in a pile. The house is finished and stored l with goods, and our clever townsman, John F. Toole, the accommodatin'* pro prietor, We expect soon to have a hand some academy erecto I in double quick time, that will accommodate ojie liuu . dred students and he an ornament to the village; and as evidence that the claims of the place are not overlooked by tile powers that he, the Central Rail road Cos., have established an agency here, an l have just, completed a most j excellent freight platform, ami also an ample passenger platform. The indica tions nre umnistahlu and point to the future prosperity that awaits this sylvan : village, that now commands a lively ! trade, though sprung into existence as J it. were, hut yesterday. New avenues f .re being daily opened to increase its facilities and open new } channels of trade. To-day, a large uumber of hands are engaged in cutting out anew road fiom the depot to inter | sect the Savannah road at R. J. Fetor ! sou’s, making a direct route to Bartow ; J and shortly another new read is to he j opened from the same plac: to Emanuel and Johnson counties. I mention tiiese j facts to show you that the ijonlieodtioe J humps of these people are well develop : e l, and that small obstacles are not to thwart their purpose, Han Isonie building lots lie in imme diate cou*act with the business part of j the town, that can lie bought on most reasonable terms by applying to Dr. \ Ran hill, or to S, L. Peterson. Changing the subject somewhat, a 1 short time since, we 1m i the pleasure of j attending a party* at Mr, McLeod's in honor of the anniversary of his daugh- I fe". Miss Clara's birta-day. It was no picayune affair, cut out by a scant pat tern, bul. a full grown party in the fullest sense of the word; Mr. M. and his ac complished lady giving unmistakable ovi ' deuce that they understood all the arts I of making themselves agreeable, and { t.liuir guests happy. This was entertain | meat No. 1. Tiie next day No. 2. It j was at the closing exercises of tiie school of Mr. George Johnson. Never j have we been more pleasantly disap- I pointed. The exercises were highly I interesting, and gave the most conclu- I sive evidence of thorough instruction on j the part of their teacher, who, undoubt | edly, deserves to rank with the first-class of teachers anywhere. The exercises over, his patrons and pupils had honored him with the finest | basket dinners that we have seen in | many a day. A speech from Dr. Ran [ dall, who happened to he there, and one ! from Mr. McLeod closed the scene and 1 all dispersed. Fai l Fry. For the News .y Farmer. STONO Ac in PIiOSPIIA TH. At the last meeting of Spread Oak Orange, it was, on motion, ordered that the Secretary make out a general report for publication in bur county paper, vis : the Nkyvs & Fahmi'Pi, from all the re ports rendered in by parties who have used the above fertilizer the present year. In doing so “I shall nothing ex tenuate, or aiiglit set down in lpalice.” in reference to other parties. But I will state just here as my opinion, (at the risk of a frown from some of their agents.) that the most of Commercial Fertilizers range top high in price, to make it to tiie interest of farmers tp use them, and I think experience has prov en that the opinion is well founded,-? But to my task, Sometime in April last, our Grange ordered thirty tons of Stono, manufactured at Charleston, S. C., through Dr. W. J, Walker, the polite and enterprising agent at War renton, Ga., paying §27.50 per ton cash, and §0 freight, making §33.50 per ton delivered at Luther, the terminus of the Goodrich Rail Road, some seven miles from our Grange Hall. This amount was used by some seventeen members of the grange, [myself among tire rest). Some composting with cotton ceed, some from home made manure from lots and stables, and others again used it separately without composting >vitb anything. Some using 100 lbs, some 150 and some 200 lbs per acre— most on cotton. My plan is to open a deep furrow and put in whatever quantity of lot mantre I desire, and distribute the fertilizer with it, and bed it nil together. I like this better than manipulating and mixing before dis ti Uniting in the furrow. AH who have reported, (and tiie most of them have,) report favorably, expressing the opinion that, ha<l the season been propitious, they would have witnessed most grati fying results, and dry as it was tiiey do not think they lost anything by its use. I used some on corn with gratifying re sults. The stono is not an ammoniated ferti lizer. but u s its name imports, Phos phate. Commissioner Janes in his re port on the various commercial fertili zers used in the SI ate. notes the per con tage of phosphoric acid it. takes to make what lie considers a standard fertilizer, he reports the percentage of Pliospho rie acid in the Stono to lie a little loss than kis standard, (L have not the report before me.) Be that as it may, it is the settled conviction of us, who have used the Stono, that it is the cheapest and most economical commer cial fertilizer wo have used since the war. We live in the pincy woo Is, oijr soil is lightgray, wtih a smart sprinkle of red pebbles in many places, llow it would do in clay soils we are not so well ad vised. It pays the best composted with homemade fertilizers, lujt it will do very well us.'l alone in soils well supplied with humus or vegetable mat ter, this is our experience. I. F, A., Secretary. Ilf the apent in county will pay for Ins card, we will insert it with pleasure. Ed's, rim nuii.trion on urn. In ancient. Rome, during the period between 2HO and 3()0 A, D.. the average duration of life among the upper class es was thirty years. 1 n the present, cen tury, among tiie same elasse < of people, it amounts to fifl v years. In the six teenth century the mean duration of life in (leneva was 21.21 years ; between 1.533 and lsll it was 40.68 years, and :it the present, time as many people live to seventy years of age as three hundred years ago lived to the age of forty-three, ! In the year 1093 the British Uovern ! incut borrowed money, the amount | borrowc 1 to be paid in annuities, or the ! basis of the mean duration of life at that time. The State Treasury made thereby a good bargain, and a!) parties to the bargain were satisfied. Ninety seven years later l’itt established anoth er tontoine or annuity company, based on the presumption that the morality would remain the same as a hundred years before. Hut, in this instance it transpired that the Government had made a had bargain, since while in the first tonfoiue 10,000 persons of each sex died under the age of twenty-eight, a hundred years later only 5,072 males and 0,410 females died under this age. From this fact, it appears that, life, under certain favorable influences, has gained in many and, probably, in all its forms and manifestations, both in vigor and duration. [ ADMUM ISI/MKNT.] Lorisvu.i.i:, Ga,, Nov. 10, J 375. Mr Editor of News and Farmers you will admit, us a space in you paper to exsplane to the ( itziens of Lou sville the Transactions of tiie Colord eitzens of Louisville during the Coruance week. \Vc as a committee—Desired to return thanks to our white C'iizens for they peruevelence and Charitabley assisal aince towords us in Eding us in Rel as ting the Said Berry Stokes from prison our Hearts & Tonnges are not able to Express the Hearts l'ealts gratit.ud to those of them that hoalpcs us. We can say & hope that Gods may blest the m in their gooddoing and that lievenli gates may five wide ter them & their Children, We will say they will find us as friend Ever True ; and ’Trying to do that which is right in the sight of the Laws of our country—many peace and prost.peritiry ever shelter us all under tee wiuges of Jefferson & the Villidge of Louisville — We are glad to say that the Said Ber ry Stoke —have pleage Him self to be goven by the Deeeision of the commit tee, and will repay the money back if it be requisted : so I hope that this will satiesfuetion to the Community at large. We have not the ability as our super!- ours to make our fellowmen sicli citi zens as they ortorbe so we use the prin ted for a word or two Help us to liealpe each otner eacliothers Cross to bear Mr Editors please to portan our lan guage your &c F. S. Oncals, Chairman J. Hall, J. F. Johnson, F. F. Oncals, W. H. li. Berryain, Henry Jenkins, W. 0. F. Sherman, Sect Committee. Subscribe for the News K Farmer. DISSOLUTION. THE FIRM of JONES Sr IIUDSSON. is this Jay dissolved by mutual concent AM parties indebted to the above tirrn will please settle with J. Mi JuSms, at once j: M JONES, _ J. W. HUDSON. I shall continue the pusiness and solicit the patronage of the friends ol the late Mr;.:. J. M. JONES. Dec. 15t1875 8t S-AJABL WILL HE MOLD at Old Town Plantation oh the 23d inst. ihe following property to wit: Mules, Cows, H >gs, Farming Utensils, Wagons, Carts, and oilier articles not enumert ed. Dec. JJih 2t G. SHIVERS. To Unifiers aud < outractors. H. M. rOHLERi Waynesboro, Georgia,, Manufacturer of all kinds of TIN WAKE. Es pecial attention given to ROOFING, GUl's TEIUNG and REPAIRING. Parties in Louis vi tie having work'hey want done can le an* com mod a tod at short notice by addressing e as above. Dec fill EOUGIA, JEFFERSON COUNT*. Vj Susannah Whitehead has this day applied for exemption of Personalty* and setting apart and vaiua ion Of tlomest-ad, and 1 nill pass upon toe same on Monday th** inst. at my olfioo at lOo'ulock am. N. DIEHL, Ord y Dec. Rth l7p SHERIFFS SALE O - ATE OF GEORGIA, > £5 J KFyKKfjON (Jousty. i On l)e First 1 Heyday in Jamjary next, will be sold at the Market house in Louisville,in said county wiili in the legal hours of sale, one Tract oI Lmd, containing Three Hundred and Thirty (330) acres more or hs* 4 adjoining lands of Jainvs Jordan *S G. Jordan, estate ol Reubiu Atwell and others Levied on as the property of Allen T Hrown to sati fy lour fi fas, each issued from the Superior (Jou tof said county. One mfa v r of K< tiben Atvejl \> tiauslerrcjeol John T. Shuyymake and John R. JJyiie vs Allen T. Hrown, one in lav or of Reubiu Atwell vs trails'* ferree of Morris Me ilohorn, vs Allen T H own, one in favor of Reuben A well vs tianstVrree of Gannie T Jojdan ysAllejiT lirop-uaud nUe in favor of Reijbeu Atvyed us t nnsforiee ot Henry R Jo'dan ys Allen T Hrown. Levy made Noyejnter 25th, les7u, and notice given to tenent in possession, JES.'KhT. MULLING. Sluff.J C Dec 9th iH7r>- — tds. s£w * n c (ill BII)MACHINES. \ v! . Ly liberal Terms of E/: : V*rvgf/T.:ry Jy rhargefor?Pf t'n'i-hn: ,1 xjA ft achincs cl every cription. “DOMESTIC” paper fashions. T’.lOlli , :itlorng imulo. S'-nd scti. for Catulogu<‘. Address DOMESTIC C3WIKO MACHINE CO. A !• KM’S Waml:,. -a. K I YOltK. 1 h d-iy at:borne. Air^*nt- w.-mtcil. Outfit O L'V anj ir. TRUE& GO , Augusta. Mane. B'ITMTEpJiRII lot tiie .speedy cjire ( f flpei>il co iiiidoi to tlu; yciing nid middle Nfivuiis, al and jl>sical depression, loss >! ni-mory ami eneigy* pains m tlu* back, sc l' -dsti tint, dizziiios'*, imness >t s# it, c.unfU'ioii ut idi as, and otke? and sioidcis of tin* iiciydHs system eon seqm’iit on various habits that lower the \it li ty ot the sVel ’Hi- Any has the iiior**- • limit's. Address Dit. F. It litlyKj.S* Gin* vim alti, O. n.. frrtsj C 'sß ER gJjai’ahtjid to Mule and J Female in their >ooality. 33 *\t > I’ll LMj to *• y it. i*ui £3 4? ticiilars Free. H. O YiGKERY ( • Ale. O.t J-A uik)/ \ !*•■ J'V lit houm. Numpies QfJ uv - , fip/vU ''Drill i tree. -\ ACo iVnliand, Aianio. j) YCtiOMANCY, OR SOUL Oil HMIXO. JL How either sex m;iy tus iua'o and gain the love and afire i>n s of any iJm*v choose. iiis;aiitly. This art *iii can po sens, free by mail lor2scents: together with a M .ninjr,* Guido. Egyptian Oracle, L)ream>’, Mints 10 La dies, ‘C. 1,009.000 sold. A (joe.* r Oook. Ad.- dress I\ WILLIAM & GO . Fin hi delplu •, 1 VGE\TS, the greatest chance oi the age* Address with siamp, National Copying Cos.. Atlanta, Ga. L'#* (bYfniJin P er daV- Musiness lionora rF IVJ and lucrative. Aye.nts teauled Address Marion Supply Go., Marii n.O Li GAUFETINGs, 30 cents per yard. FI.LT (./FILING ’or rooms in place of plas ter. FELT HOOFING and sloiKG. For Gi'culais and samples add e>s G. J FaY. Camden. New Jersy ADVERTISER’S GAZETTE A Jniiruai of luloiination for Ailvutiscrs. I/dtMon, 9.000 c pies- I’ubli hed weekly. Terms, per H’liiiim. in advance. Five specimen copies (dill sieiit dat s) to one address for 23 cts. Ufiice No. 41 laik Kow, New York GKO. r. ROWELL .V GO, Editor and Publishers NOTICE r |MIB shop of 1 L Roberts, dec’ll, are now 1 open, and all parties wanting anything ill the iilacksmith or Wood work 1 in*, will phase give me a trial All work warranted io give satisfaction P DROBERIB iSr.w terk IliuNtratvd Weekt) FINE CI I ROMOS. I HAVE AN ACKNCY HuR TIIE NEW i ORlv IIjLUSTK 'TED WEEKLY, a large and hitere.ting paper, which is with §4r>u per annum, and the choice of one of three of the -j.ccimoiis ot the CHROMIC AltTeX unit I hiiye them on cxhibitioii at my otiico, and shall ho glad t > await on those who may 1 'el dispose I to subscrioe and get one of these elegant premiums P IJf'A’CAN, M i!— 1801! liSTABIISHIiI) IS6G J. P. WEMIIERSBEE, U WHOLESALE and retail dsaler ip and Domestic Dry Woods, Augusta, lia, has just, returned fiom New York with a lull line of Fall apd Winter Goods, winch h-'is ol fering at prices ill keeping with *hc tones. la order to reduce ids tin usually heavy stock he calls attention to the following quotations. 4-4 Toft l'ininsh Kleaching lUc .5-4 Round Thread sea Island, 10c CadcoeH from til to loc All Wool Rid flannels, ?0c Canton F annels 10 and Double Width Waterproof Goods, 75c Hi, ached Hose, 9, 10 and Large Whit- bordered Handkerchiefs, 5c Kentucky Jeans fr"tu loe tip l’urc brass Fins, 5c paper ljoulcvarde I'c't Skirts as low ns 75c And oilier goods at oorresp'tiding figures- Don’t forget the place. No 279 broad street, corner Campbell and Broad, next door below he well k*. wp hardware store of Messrs, Hones, brow n A Cos. 0. 11. RIIEMSIIART, thi.ILEK ~V Doors, sashes, Blinds, Sa Doors, Mouldings. &LSQ OILS, leads, etc. ACf32TTS 70r. Fairbanks Standard SCALES. 182 and 181 Ray Street, SAVANNAH - - GEORGIA Set ember 30, 1875. 6u) 1 urn t (. JJullion n 1 Fancy U less Fringes in ul! the new shades and la est styles at C Cray if- Cq-’s Ten cases of K utueky Jc mis, very cluap at letui 1 . T/lithl terms 10 the irude. C Oray Cos s. Fine Jjcd 711,i11k' ts at very low prices, at C. Gr.'.y <0 Co’s. 2)J ImiX's of .Vevv R idlings, 2UU doz n . f 11 .i he- at ">oj. per dox !)• IB pieces o) no a I) ack Ci.-hmere -5 piec s li c R ac.k Silk, at C. Gr y cf - Co’s. J IK) piece- li e 7/e;ivy Cassime.i s> iMi gi g t'oin -sl)c to 5 J.iiiur- ji 't ) ''l V. GRAY &; VOH. ds s A •3 1 9 4 2 ?,CAD STi 93 (J ■■ A 5? 5 Augusta, G'a. “A Repository of Fashion, Fleas cue and Instruction.” HARPS BAZARi uJiUstg vr Notices of the Pres*. The Buzar is eilitod wiili \ ooinbiiintiou of tact and talent that we hi* uom ti id in any I hi; mil: and tne j >urntl it.self is the organ of the gi>.il worid ot bullion. Hoslon Traveler. Ihe Bazar commends its If to every aU'l trust worthy as nUshimi guide, its shooed and essv3. its poeiry and Hcjuibs, are all in vigoratiog to tiie mind.— Chicago■ livening Journal • Tliluis. POSTAGE FItKE TO ALL SVItSCRIDEItS IN THE UNITED STATES. Hakpkr's H\zui, ouoyear $4 1)0 00 seclude* payment of U. postage by tiie publishers. Subscription to Harper's Maganine , Weekly and Bazar, to one ddlr<ss for one gear, $lO 00; or, two of Harper's J'eriudii a Is, to one address for one year. 7 00; postage fr. e' An ICztra Copy of either the Magazine. Week ly or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every Club of five Subscribers at .f 1 00 each t in one remit tanee\ or, >ix Copits for S2O 00, nit hunt extra copy: postaye frer, Bud: A umbers can be supplied at any time. The Animal Volumes of Harper's Bazar, in neat cloth binding, wid be sent b, express lie** ot expense, lor -tj* 7 00 oacn. A complete set Comprising Eight, Volume sent, on receipt ot ca>h at the in eofss 23 per vul., freight at ex prime of purchaser. Pa miiiet attention will be given in Jfarper' Bazar to such illustrations of the Centennial liiienu tional Exposition as may be pects iarly appropriate to its columns. Nrn\ are no\ to copy this advcrtsrment without the express order ot Harper Brothers, Address HARDER & HRU l H ERt, N. Y. PALMER HOUSE c’tio Ihoiil St., Augusta, G;i Box and S2 09 P r D y Sixoi.E Meals 50 Cents. Mrs. S. J. PALMER, Proprietress* 11. I). JiTAHM EY, l rk, iVTnD~TO liENT, Will be renledt lie First Tuesday tit Decem ber for tlu* yeaHrl 70, the undivided interest, of Frank Nasworthy, m’nor; continuing fiv** hpudred acres in a plantation,four mi es east of Louisvtils II is MUUFHY. Guardian, PAINTS. QIC, ETC. tttttt a r r h dodo iriithtn sssss T A A y Y Ij o 0 n ft ” T AA XXX, O o H U Sssss j AAA A Y Y I, o o KKHIUt 8 T A A Y L O 0 II ft 8 T A A Y L1.r.1.1, OOOd H It sssss PAli\r AA D OIL. DEPOT, N3 3 SOJLL ST., OPPUSiTS POST OFFiGE. WHOLESALE A ZEST JD LDBHOAT’NG OH P4INTOILS BURKING OPS SP3CIIALTI3S. LOWEST MARKET PRICES, Kerosene and llioh Test Burning Oils. Mixed Paints, Ready for Immedi ate Use. Call and Compare Friges, C, GR( GG TAYLOR, NJ 3 BULLSTREEf, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE.* dec 2<l-6m SAVANNAH, GA. AT WHOLESALE, I Boots, Shoes, Hats, Etc. v _ -i.-LTu- * k a: w. &co 141 Congr&ss 't, Savrnnah Ga VV OULD RESPECT'FULLY JNVf I E THE ATTENTION OF COUNTRY AND Ctv Mei'cbauls to usual comple slock iri LADIES TRIMMED HATS. MEN and JiOF’S BLACK WOOL HATS, , MEN and BOY’S BOOTS and SHOES. I INFANTS FANCY MOROCCO BOOTS, MISSES FEG’D and MACH IFF SEWED SHOES, CHILDRENS FEG’D. and COFFER TIPPED BUFF BOOTS IFOMEN’S PEGGED and MACHINE SEWED SHOES, Orders entrusted to us will receive prompt and careful attention. finj. AE W AAD ELEGAY V Fall Dry Goods., JAMES A. GRAY & CO* ‘ ; 194 &. 196 Broad Street Augusta, Georgia. WGL LL) Respectfully inform the citizens of Jefferson irnd coutignpus Counties* that they are now leceiviug the Largest and Hest Assjrted Stuck ol STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, suit;ble toi Fa I and Winter use, that has ever been in Augusta. V\ ilh an active experience of over tiii ty years in ilie business, liaving bought at the recent Auct "ii and Sl.iiigli cring Sales ol the Largest House.* in New York, and their Goods exclusively for CASH, they are euab.ed to offer more SU BSTANTf AL BARGAINS 3 ban was ever seen in this Market, even when Goffon was 4 cents par pound and Gold the cm rene.y of ihe eoun ry. Call and exami e th#*ir Sto k and prices and CONVINCE YOURSELVES of the fsc.t t.TJ it they are selling good, cheaper than 1 1 * y were ever before o K-red in Augiisra. Fully aware that tin lasting hviiefi. pan be derived from making exaggerated statements in Adve tising, it io wi h ib mod imp ioit. confidence in their abil ry to do* ail they claim in t* above advertisement that tin y iuyite tlu: attention of all buyers of Dry Gooijs. , .iAMI S A. GRAY & 00, * At Wholesale si ml fitctuif. IMI, S- KEAK-, (ioodnchcs Old Stand, I!road Strict, -- - A apostil, Georgia ' j HK tl .JZhiVs ( .t Jt-ij' j-sun and djo>uiK comities are rexpeetf Jly iuvjted to call mil l examine Lwgeand well sele ted -Muck ol Dew FALL AND WINTER DDY GOO DA ItrtVoe purchasing flsewh re, My *t. ok is ail us-.v auJ of .lie latest auJ best styles, an 1 uit A Aw(JL£> are as LO vV as any Jloue in .lie £>ou:h. i In* services of Mr. hlihN IJ II of Jeff-rson county has been secured, and In inviies his Iri uds loculi a.d see him when they wish any tiling in the Dry Goods luuo. lie* will take especial pains in ti ling any order* iliat may be sent him. Ail 1 ask to convince -**>' r*e, is to mill and examine my gtjods and prices oot 7 ;im Ai. s, KL.yy. Furniture for Everybody! xew styles: new PitWEs: 190 £ rough ton St, - - •- - Savannah. Ga. i 1 now olio oi Urn t iiloH sinks o! 1' multure over offered in [' Market, which l a s.-i mo at prices UIIKAi’UH than ever belore uttered in this oitv. Complete Ued Hoorn Sel* at Iroin SHO 00 to oo per Set. PAXIL Oil AND DININ& ROOM TETS/. Of every Style and Price. BISADSTSADS, WARDROBES, BUREAUS, WASH STANDS and CHAIR," In full Sets or by the single piece. Mitts. Hair. Uttini anil Spring Jlatrassrs, In fact l have everything that can be f.nnd in a first-class FURNITURE establishment, I defy any market in the Stale t compete with mein PRICES. I have tin hand a vt ry la ge stock ot common BED STEADS to which I invite the attention o the Trade. 1 will sell then) as elp*up { freight added) as they can be bought in either tlit* northern or Western markets. 1 iflso keep u full 8 ook of Clocks rod LooKiug Glasses uU hmv4 J- LINDSAY, Savannah, (L*. EBOWIT ’ <Sz KZEliTia;,/ ItANBTACTNF.SB AN3 33A13F.0 IN BOOTS HARNESS AND IMKi) MBp PIANE3TB, CHILRDEN. &<c , &c, t'l Harness, Kip, Calf Skins, Sole, and Unair Leathers always on baud. Fine hand-stiched Hoots for only SIO. We pay the bigMJk. caali price lor Hidos and Furs. We will duplicate any bill in our tiua boughtin Au’U.ta or Macon, and all our work to give satisfaction Harness, Baddies, Hoots and Shoos Repaired at short t itice. Tito celebrated Vaeiuin Oil H acking, for preserving harness, boot, and shoes always op hand- Give us a trial. Louisville, Ga. September 16.15*?. 3m JJKOiVN & KKIrII.