The News and farmer. (Louisville, Ga.) 1875-1967, October 08, 1885, Image 2

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NEWS & FARMER. Tlig iLI-u-ar-bisijag LZsdi* Mu of Jof for a dh C-sunty. J. W. WHITE, Editor and Proprietor, Louis villa, Georgia, THURSDAY, OCP., 8, 1885. The Ohio election comes off next Tuesday with good prospects for the Democrats to win. The bonded debt of the United States is $1,170,000,000 as against $2,- 773,000,00,) in 1806. Twelve million dollars were canceled during the month of September. T. L. Johnson, a dairyman of Atlan ta, lost one hundred and thirty line cows by tire last Saturday night. The loss is estimated at $5 J,OOO. A line Jersey bull worth $5,000, and many line mils cows valued at SI,OOO perished. The courts in Utah are convicting scores of the mormon saints for at tempting to rule more than one wife. The merchants of ( i.rcinnati are troubled leeausethc South is inclined to quit trading with them because Sherman is a few other Republican demagogues slander this section. Next week we hope to be able to announce the triumph of the Demo crats in Ohio. Ex-Gov. Moses of South Carolina was sent to the penitentiary a short time since at Boston, lor cheating and swindling. A fine old specimen of Radical carpet-baggers who came South after the war to rule our peo ple. Every class of lnborers at the north lias trade unions and leagues to pro tect themselves. But the farmers of the south who are more intelligent, are too stupid to formulate any plan by which to protect themselves. The bill in the Georgia legislature to make insurance companies pay the lull fate ol policies, failed to pass. The railroad commission bill is causing a big tight in the House. Dr. Fe ton is making some big political speeches on it to help him in the race lor governor. I’AUI’ER AFFIDAVITS. It is becoming quite common for litigants, when they wish to carry up their cases to a higher court or post pone them by claims, appeals, &c., to make a pauper allhlavit, rather than pay costs, when really they are able to 1 ay. In this way they manage to cheat ollicers out of hard earned lees, aud too often by cunning and rascali ty get out of paying a just debt —and all by swearing to what is nothing mo.e nor less than a falsehood. Jt is right tiiat the poor should hare the privilege, for it often enables them to defend themselves against the rich and powerful; but for a man who is worth hundreds of times the east, to swear out a pauper affidavit, it is a shame and a disgrace, and the grand jury ought to indict him, and lie ought to be punished severely for his perjury. ORIGIN OF GENIUS. Columbus was the son of a weaver, himself. Rabelais, son of an apothecary. Claude Lorraine was bred a pastry cook. Moliere, son of a tapestry maker. Cervantes served as a common sol dier. Homer was a beggar. Demosthenes, son ot a cutler. Terence was a slave. Richardson was a printer. Oliver Cromwell, son of a brewer. ILoward, an apprentice to a gro cor. Benjamin Franklin, a printer. Dr. Thomas, Bishop of Worcester, son of a linen draper. k Henry Clay, obscure country lad. I Whitfield, son of an inn keeper: F Sir Cloudesly Shovel, Rear Admi ral of England, was an apprentice to a shoemaker, and afterward a cabin boy. Thomas Paine, son of a stay-maker at Thetford. William Hogarth was put appren tice to an engraver of pewter pots. Lucian was the son of a statuary. Virgil of a potter. Horace of a shopkeeper. Flutiis, a baker. Ur. Samuel Johnson was the son of a bookseller at Litchfield. Ben Jonson worked lor some time as a bricklayer. Bobert Burns was a ploughman in Ayrshire. Thomas Cliatterson. son of the sex ton of Redeliffe Church, Bristol. Henry Kirk White, son o r a butcher at Nottingham. Shakespeare, the son of a wood •tapler. Milton, son of a money scrivener. Pope, son of a merchant. THE BOY WHO HAS NO TRADE. What about the boy who sloes not take up with a trade or profession? Look around you and the question is speedily answered. He must cast his book into any sort of pond, and take such fish out as may be easily caught. He is sort of a tramp: He may work in the brickyard to-day, and in the har vest field to morrow. He docs the drudgery, and gets the pay ol a drudge. Ilis wages are so sma,ll that he finds it impossible to lay up a dollar and a Hrtvight of idlenes* will see him dead-broke. And now, my boy, if men tell you that the trades are crowded, and that so many carpenters, and blacksmiths, and paint rs, and shoemakers, and other trades, keep wrges down, pay no attention to such talk. Compare the wages of common and skilled work men. Take the trade which you seem fitted for. Begin with the detennina tion to learn it thoroughly, and to be come the best workman in tne shop. Don’t be satisfied to skin along from one week t > another without being dis charged, but make your services s . valuable by being such a thorough workman that your employer cannot afford to le, you go. There is always room at the top. BARTOW DOTS. Well Mr. Editor, I have held my peace for several weeks, hoping some thing would transpire in our little town worth dotting down. Was very much in hopes that before this timel could tell you that we were all grow itig fat on artesian water. I can’t re cord that fact yet. Mr. Clay enm menced boring about four weeks ago I believe it is thirty leet, deep. Can’t say what is the matter; some say quicksand, some say rocks, and others say CLAY, in tiic wav. I hope i, will soon be completed; then we wont have to send oil’ our little jugs asoften for something to drink. We are having a good deal of sick ness about ; about here we are glad t< •ay, however, that there are no very serious cases. Cotton petches are lo .king like they have done their big best, nearly nli cleax now of everything except grass, and a little dirty stained bolls sionally. Our billiard table froze,l ont hen at Bartow, and has now gone over ti South Bartow, to learn the boys ove there how to shoot balls. Our boy? at Bartow didn't know how, or wer too good to be caught at it, or per haps thought they could spend their time better. Bartow. CARD-PLAYING AT HOME. Playing cards for “pastime” or as an “innocent amusement” soon be comes a passion, and when once fixei a man will forego home, family, bus - ness and pleasure, anti suffer the loss ofallforthe exciting scenes of tin card tabic. That accomplished writer, the lat> Dr. Holland, of Sprintield, Mass, said: “1 have all my days hid a ear. playing common ty open to my obsei vation, and 1 ain yet unable to be lieve that that which is the universn resort of the starved in soul and intei lect, which has never in any way link ed to itself tender, elevating or bea.. ti fill associations—the tendency o which is to unduly absorb the atten tion from more weighty matters, eat recommend itself to the favor o Christ’s disciples. The presence o culture and genius may embellish, bu can never dignity it. “I have this moment,” said I) . Holland, “ringing in my ears the and - ot my lather’s early friend, ‘Keep your son from card’. Over them 1 have murdered time and lost heaven.” Fathers and mothers keep your sons from cards in th “home circle.” Wiiat must a g and angel think of a mother at th * prayui meeting asking prayers for the con version of her son, whom she allowei, to remain at home playing cards foi “pastime ?”—Christian Advocate. AN ENTERPRISING. RELIABLI HOUSE. Hunter & Wright can always be rc lied upon, not only to carry in stoc the best of everything, but to seeur the Agency for such articles as hav. well-known merit, and are popula with the people, thereby sustainin' the reputation of being always enter prising, and ever reliable. Having se cured the Agency for the celebrate Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con sumption, will sell it on a positiv guarantee. It will sniely cure an and every- affection of Throat, Lungs and C’hcst, nnd to show our confidence we invite you to call and get a Tria Bottle Free. Sold a Great Deal. —Have sold t great deal of Chillarinc and M. A. Simmins’ Liver Medicine. I’liey gin perfect satisfaction. Jno. 11. Faivi Brcckenridge, Texas, December 2' 18811. Large Sales. —l have made lar e sales of M. A, Simmons’ Liver .Me I -with perfect satisfaction to mi customers, and where used have ne er had a call for Zeilin's preparation from that party. N. K. Farmer, Druggist, Marquez, Texas, Dec. 2i, 18S3. Secuetts of Beauty. —Breathes there a man who does not love a beau tiful woman ? Breathes there a woman who does not love to be admired by a man ? No art can paint, no scnlptoi can chisel, the dimpled rosy cheek the lustre of the eye, the bewitching smile, nor the long luxuriant tresses— as nature presents in a beautiful wo man. All females can retain their health and personal charms by the use of Simmons'Liver Medicine and the Mexican Female Remedy, They re move and cure all the troublesome diseases which rob woman of her nat ural loveliness. C. C. C.— The Hot Springs Reme dv. —Painless, Odorless, Unequal ed—Millions of people from all parts of the world daily attest the life giving virtues of the justly celebrated waters of 11 • t Springs, Ark., but by using this Remedy they may secure all the bene fits of the waters at their homes. Simmons' Iron Cordial soothes the wakeful, invigorates the enervated, and subdues tremulousness. Simmons’ Iron Cordial vivifies and gives color to Blood aud insures clear complexion. WONDKRm? CURES, w. I). Hoyt & Cos., Wholesale and Retail Druggists of Rome, Ga., say: We have been selling Dr. King’s New Discovery, Electric Bitters and Buek len’s Arnica Salve for two years. Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such universal satisfac tion. There have been some wonder ful cures effected by these meditdnes in this city. Several cases of pro nounced Consumption have been en tirely cured by use of a few bottles of Dr. King’s New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by Hun t r A; Wright. That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh’s Cure. W. guarantee it. For sale by Dr. H. L. Battle, Wad ley, Ga, Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint ? Shiloh’s Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. For sale by Dr. H. L. Battle, W'adley, Ga. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal In jector free. For sale by Dr. 11. L. Battle. Wadley, Ga. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 tents. For sale by Dr. 11. L. Battle, Wadley, Ga. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Jure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cue Cons m, tion. For sale by Dr.H. L. Battle, Wadley, Ga. Croup Whooping Cough and Rron •hitis is inline iiately relieved by Slii oh's Cure. For sale by Dr. H. L. ;ittle, Madly, Ga. ed. "Hackmetack” a lasting and fra .rant pe: tunic. Price 25 and 60 cts. /or sale by Dr. 11. L. Battle, Wadley. Vtl. Georgia, Jefferson County.—Whereas, lohn W. Keck tun, Jr., administrator on state of John W. Becktun,. deceased, rip ilies for letters Dismission from said ad iiiuistration. These are therefore to cite oid admonish all persons interested to be ind appear at my office on the first Moti lity in November next, to show causa if my they can why said letters should not >e granted. Nicholas Diehl, Or ly. aiig-li-Sn, iEBTOKS & CREDITORS NOTICE. All Persons having ilemamls against lie estate or Win. A Ifedioglield, late oi ell'erson comity deceased, are hereby no. .fieil to reuderin their demands to (he uu lersigned according to law; and all per ms indebted to said estate al e requirts lo mike iimnediate payment. Oet-1-85. J. S. Bedingfield, Exr. Georgia, Jefferson (bmiity.—Whereas, •lary E. Stevens. Administratrix on estate fS. 15. Stevoils, deceased lias applied for .etters Di.-mission from said Adminivtra nm. These are therefore to cite and ad nonisli all persons interested to be and ap ical* at my office on the first Monday in lovember next to show eause if any "they an why said letters should not be grantea. jtll2!l-S.i. Nicholas Diehl, Mrdiiiary. STATE OF GEOR JA. Jii T'i.U ;t). G .Cos i —-.urs. r.ii/uueui i*Jii2ll js lia-/ ipplied for letters of Exemption of I’er • nalty and setting apart an I valuation of 1 miostead, and 1 will pass upon the same i 10 o’clock u. in., on die 2 :t!i, day of J.-toiler iMtCi. X. DIEHL, Ord’y. Oet. 3rd, 1883. STATE OF GEORGIA J EFi- E.“ —iVuium .1. tjuinny a- nexl rii-n tot Hinson (pi nny applied to.- E cemptiou of Person dty an 1 selling apart, ai I valuation of Homestead, and i w I pass upon ti e suite at 10 o'clock m., . n 1 1 • 2Sell, dai of U IXB3. Oct. .tli, 188". X. D.E.IE, O.i.l’y. Georgia, Jefferson County,—lsy virtue >f an orderof the Court of Ordinary of s lid county, will be sold at the market muse ill the town of Louisville, on the 1 si. Tuesday in .November next, within the ego I hours of sale, one tract of land in s lid county containing 233 acres more or less, adjoining lauds of Mrs, K. M. Law mil, list,, of iiryaut Whitfield and others, Ivtngou Dry Crefl. — sold as the property of Jolm W. Kelley, deeease.l, for die ben efit of the iieirs and creditors of his es ite. Also at same time and place, the rover jonay interest of said John \' . Kelley’s -state in iiis widow’s dower, containing •8 acres lying on Dry Creek and adjoin" ng the above described tract, K-t., of tryant Whitfield and others. Terms of sale. Reversion in die dower Cash. The dier iraet. oue-liait payable January Ist, -it, and tile other half January Ist, i.S i'i, with &% interest and bond for titles ;iveil till whole is paid. This Sept., 2titli, 188.3. W. L. I*lll i. blt'S, Adniiuistrat >r. PL ANTATION" FOR SALE. We offer For sale a plantation 4 miles from Leiisville; well improved and in ooil ate ot uu.tii ation. eon ai eng It). 0 teres —lie ation. perteetly healthy, il’uot -old privately, it will he sold to the high est bidder at the Market House, in Louis . ille, the first Tuesday Nov., next. Th* mrehaserean gel corn and fodder on the dace for a 4 mule farm. For particulars ipply to LITTLK & CLARK. Louisville, Gu., Oct. 1, 1883. Georgia, Jeffe.smi Comity.—Whereas, lames K. smith has applied for letters of idmiiiistration on the estate of Klislia smitli deceased These are therefore to cite and admon ish all persons interested to he and ap pear at my otticc on the first Monday in X'ove ulier next, to show cause if any they can why said lettersslioul I not. be granted. oct-1883. Nicholas Diehl, Only. Citation For Letters Of Dismission. State of Georgia ) AVriKiinis, F. A. Ikffkrsox County, f Siuqiielieid and I'M ward Hunter Kxe.utors of W. J. Ar rington, represent to the court in their petition, duly filed and entered of record that they have fully administered W. J. \rriiigtpn’s Rstatc as directed in his will. This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned, heirs and creditors, to .-how cause if any they can, why said Ji.xeeiilors should not lie discharged from this admin istration and reeeive letters of dismission on the first Monday in December 1883. N. DIKUL, Ordinary. September, Ist, 188.3. Butter Than Represented. —l have tried Chitlariue and found it to be as good or better than represented. W. S. Mitchell, Marion, Fla., Sept. 18, 1885. W. L DELPH, 831 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. WUOI.EKALE AXl> RETAIL DKVI.EIt IN COOKING mm HEATING STOVES, GRATES, HARDWARE and;TIITWARE. In Stock a Yury Fall Line of the Celebrated EXCELSIOR COOK STOVES! THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Sixteen different kinds. Six sizes with Enameled Reservoirs. Adapted to all requirements, and priced to suit all purses. LEADING FEATURES : Double Wood Doors, Patent Wood Grate, Adjustable Damper, Interchangeable Automatic Shelf, Broiling Door, Swinging Hearth Plate, Swinging Flue Stop, Reversible G is Burning Long Cross Piece, Double Short Centres, Heavy Ring Covers. Illuminated Fire Doors, Nickel Knobs, Nickel Panels, etc. ’ Uncq aled in Material, ill Finish, and in operation. AV. I. DELPII, 831 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. I. C. LEVY, CLOTHIER A X D II A T T E R , - i Specialties FIXE CUSTOM-MADE CLOTIIIXG, Extra-Size Men’s Suits. Gent’s Furnishing Goods, Boys' and Children’s Clothing:. 83(5 Broad Street, - Augusta, Ga. MASONIC TEMPLE! AUGUSTA, GA. the Impored Prospects all through South ties Fall. In iieate a Large In crease ol Business, and Wo Have Prepared for this in our Line by Providing TUB LARGEST. SAWD3OMBST, MOST COKPLSTSLY ASSORTED, AITL EE.3T SELECTED STOOB OP DRY GOODS, NOTIONS VXD XOYELTIESEVER OFFERED IX GEORGIA. Including every Ting from low priced substantial goods lo the tinest labne made at Inane and abroad. The Superiority ot Our Goods is recognized everywhere, and on prices we guarantee to bent, as we always have beaten, those so-called ••bargain'’ houses that pretend they never ask over ’.half-price h>r tne.r goods. \\ e Iceono trash for advertising purposes, and we permit no misrepresentation of goods. Orders ti.led with promptness and care, in writing - for samples pleas sepeci fy particularly the kind of goods wanted. DALY & ARMSTRONG, Famous for Fair Dealing and Reliable Goods. C. E. WEEKS, V. RICIIAIIDS & CO., The Loading Dry Goods of die South. It is with pleasure I announce to my tin ends, that lam now with the above POPULAR 11DI SE, and hope lint tiiev m.i\ reitn ml i-r me v.iien lu-ediic- a ■\tl.iii ,r in DRV GOODS. DurFAl.t STUCK ofjNEW ■;> die Largest and most Complete Stock in Augusta. and . in- Pr i ees are guaranteed the lowest against any market, if vim ean’t come to see me semi me your orders, they will reeeive prompt and careful at tent ion. \\ e pay the Ex press on orders of $ hum or over from our retail stuck. Samples and Pricelist will be sent Free to the Wholesale Trade lean make Special Low Pi ices aud Discounts. Awaiting to serve ton I am yours re spectfully , ( HAS. E. WEEKS, WITH V.iLcn AMDS&( ()., 921 Urn.-ul Street, Ailgusta, Ga HOGEIUS — FURNITURE WAREROOMS —AT THE OLD STAND,— dIT, 519 and 55L Bi-oad St., - - Augusta, Ga., Continues to show a full stock of gno Is in this lins at bottom prices. I follow no self style 1 leaders, but still eoiiti it- y£oi I Est.iblishe 1 Moth id of Fair, Spiure Dealing, which my-nimy Oil customers know, and new ones wLI readily- appreciate upon trial. UNDERTAKING! A Full Stock of COFFINS, CASES an 1 CASKETS, from the CHEAP EST to the FINEST. Telegraph orders from responsible parties, eivino- Hizo ami price promptly (IIIrvI. ® at is tali On CJ n a ran tee and. HARD TIMES! IT IS USELESS tb complain of Hard Times when von can buy votir Gro ecncs at * * THEBLUE GROCERY. AT S-UCII Low Prices as we sell the same. New List of Prices: Best Creamery Butler, 25cts Good Gilt-Edge Butter, 2()cts Good Cooking Butter, 12cts Pure Parched .Java Coffee, 30cts Pure Green Java Cortee, 2nets I’iirc Parched Rio Coffee, 2()c*v Pure Parched Rio Col lee. lifts Best ‘Grech Rio Coffee, 12ets Good Green Rio Coffee, 12cts Sugars, 13, 14, 1(5, 18 pounds, SI.OO Good Squad liaius, 1 lets lieukiusl Bacon, " lOcts Break last Shoulders, (ijets 7 cakes Soap, 2 nets .1 bars Soap, 25cts 3 cans Tomatoes, 3 pounds, 25ds 2 cans !• wis .Milk, 2ficts 2 cans Crown Milk, 25c ts 2 cans Eagle Milk, 35cts 2 pounds Pure Lilrd, 25ets Good Teas, 40ets worth 50cts Good Tens, SOcts wortu 7 .jets Best Teas, 7nets worth $1.(10. OLR Stock of Whiskies and Wine is now complete, an l 1 will sell the I at Low Prices. Our Anchor Brand Whisky is only $2.5 ) p r gallon. l.e sure you call or write before buying elsewhere, and save money, and do not complain of liard times any longer. 172 lIRO^GIITON S I’KEEP 11. ZACiMARIAS, Savinna.-i, Ga REMOVAL NOTICE. XV 15 IIA V" EX),V . i .[.) v r GD OJ R FURNITU.SE PILJCE TFo S3 3 jS-T" . XEXT DC)DR TANARUS) 6Jit OLD SI’AXI). ! *T’ :s Y*” tU ; r '*>"!< m gr-ated- v.rletv. Our stoi k bus lime' livn xil.irxo i•I v i -i.. I. ml i ,(•„• •< 11 ir -i- * i.s.i eve-Vm Iv Our m the 8 Hither n"’ T ' 1 ' wi ! l 11 ' 1 '*•’ w. ivti •V , G'n-t '/loose in thi s,mill. ( ill nil it-*-, u, or write tviaenl jr,.ir Sox Cai.uh*ua w 1:1 b-j out Y\*.-y .s > j.j. All lijjtls p.ijlvo I ui t s!iip,>o l free of e!i ir £ . ° FI LMING & BOWLES, 833 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. THE PEOPLE OF JtFFERSOM VXD Counties — \V ill find it to then interest to purchase their Furniture from PLATT BROTHERS, AUGUSTA, GA. NYe keep the largest and m >st elegant stock in the city and our prices cannot be duplicated. Suits Ranging in Prices from S2O Upv a.'ds. WE CAN SUIT EVERYBODY. ’WE DEFY COMPETITION. PLATT BROTHERS, 70S and 710 Broad St., - - - - Augusta. Ga. FREEMAN’S NEW ERA POWER <COM©M 3E3Ea,:ES:SS — Boats them all in Work and Price. .Made and sold by C * KOTK I K T*„ LOM LA A RI) CO., Foundry, Machine and Boiler Works, and Mill ami Engine Supply House, Augusta, Ga. KinniMMiiiMßa'iioiimv dpi, iREAinGTOn GUNS* Wt ilXti THE Largest a”! But Eqalppr-j Armory ia the World! •- A:rr consequently t::j try Cr rAGiLtnnj rot manufacturing and TESTING I THEISMS.- WS IUVEIIAIS OYER OSE MILLION MILITARY RIFLES Which have been adopted and are ifi tueiu feVtRY QUARTER OF THE GLOEE. REMINGTON SHOT GUNS ARE NOTED FOR THE GOOD RETiuLts OBTAINED AT ALT. RANGES. WE REFER TO ANYBODY WHO HAS USED THEM. OUR HUNTING AND TARGET RIFLES Have taken HIGHEST AWARDS at International Frposilions, and PRINCIPAL PRIZES ia NifitCi.Ci, • REMINGTON * ARE UNEQUALED FOR Strength, Simplicity, Durability, Range, Penetration, Precision, Ease cf Action, and Rapidity of Fire. E. REMINGTON & SONS, NEW YORK OFFICE, 231 & 233 BROADWAY. ARMORY, iLiON, 11. Y. DAY & TANNAHILL, Are now receiving a fine assortment of CARRIAGES ■ AND ■ BUGGIES! >n TILK SI > 111 x a Tit A D Id, At Pricoa to s-ai-b the Tiaaos! And Never Before Attained in the History of the Business. We are enabled to give our Custom m-s every advantage by purchitsing our goods at the Closest Possible Cash Prices. Call and be convinced, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES IS GREAT VARIETY. 1 lie finest assortment ol Handbags and Satchels ever bronghjt to the ( ity. Crunks, Whips and Umbrellas. Thu Wilson, Child? & Cos. s Piiila. iVagons* all sizes. Tennessee \V rag ons, 1,2 find t Hay tfc Tannaiiill’s One and Two Horse Wagons. Express and Delivery Wagons. Axles, Springs, Hubs, Spokes, fcc. Rubber Belting and Packing. Hoyt’s Leather Belting. The best in the World. Lacing, KiVets, etc. Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather. Calf and Lining Skins, Lasts, Thread, Cement, etc. Harness and Sad dles. We call particular attention to oir harness Depart ment, in which we excel in tpiality and prioe. d-ift-fck). -DAI it 1 Aiitl.L, Augusta, Ga. MES.S> 81!) BROAD M’KfohT. ’ Offers her FA LLANDAVI TKK MIL'.IN BUY t GBKATLY RKDL’G LD i’Rlt KS. Liiuics will limi it inthci: intcivs to c:iii :iii<l ox;iinin;‘ this stock. There arc a great liii'iiy New ami Piet y Sty .-a lor Misses anil Uhil dren. A'elvets, Salins alid PltisheS in All Color. Tor Dress I’rlmining ami Fancy Work, cut. <,n bins an-i in any way desired Ah ussoiuncut of ma.crial for FANCY WORK always on hand. Some very New and very Good H-s ery for ( liiblreh wliii h will lie sold out very cheap. Corsets, l iiuervisis for ('liilrin-n. Milk n'nd links :oi lii antx A variety tlf ariicles suitable tor holiday lYefeViits. Call and get tlie worth of your money. kAo. X. BK’JAI L VUK’S, Augiuta, Ga.