The News and farmer. (Louisville, Ga.) 1875-1967, April 15, 1886, Image 2

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NIIIVS & FARMER The Advertising Medi um of J elf erson county. J W. WHITE, Editor and Proprietor , IdOu.i3-vi.lla Georgia, Thursday, April 15th, 1886. Georgia is again threatened with suit on the fraudulent Bullock bonds; but it will amount to nothing. Bland’s pet scheme befort Congress for ttie free coinage of silver has been lost by a good majority. And now comes the report from Pennsylvania that a preacher up there is out on a strike for higher wages. He must think he has a a very pre cious and valuable message to deliver. President Cleveland is opposed to the educational bill now before Con gress. A man at Tocoa shot a fellow be cause he accused him of the mild of fense of stealing hogs. Many of the strikers in Texas can not get their old situations again, and they are forced to beg for a liv ing I’he Stnate has voted to admit Washington Territory into the union as a State. It will be a huge place, as the women will bo allowed to vote. John Logan tried to pass a bill in Congress toincrease the army; many of his Republican allies opposed his pet scheme, and it made poor John sick and mad. Augusta is booming the building of a railroad from that city to Cliatta nooga, and the people seemed deter mined to build it, Atlanta, the new capitol, and Mil ledgevilie and Louisville two of the old capitals, and the broad Atlanta joined together, sounds rather large. Hon. A. H. Colquitt is making quite a name at the North by his temper ance speeches and work, and some con aider him a coining man for the presi dency. TUB STRIKERS. In St. Louis the strike of the rail road hands has become very serious. They refuse to work themselves and will not allow others to work. They have destroyed considerable property by incendiarism and otherwise, and the property of the railroads is protect ed by twenty companies of troops. Several citizens and strikers have been killed, and much life and prop erty will doubtless be sacrificed before the trouble is ended, MINUTES OF COUNTY BOARD. Louisville, Ga., April 6, 1886., Board met; present Geo. T. Palmer, W. W, Rhodes and R. L. Farmer. The chairman being absent, Geo. T. Palm er was elected chairman protein. Minutes of last meeting read and con firmed. W. W. Rhodes reported that they had not made any arrangements about having county laid offinto Road Districts and asked for further time; it was granted. R. L. Farmer reported that he had had Jackson Bridge on Rocky Com fort and one of the River Bridges re paired. Also reported that he had bought 90 Iruit trees and had them put out at Pauper Farm. Geo. T. Palmer reported that after examining Bridge at Bartow, he had decided that on account of there being so much more work on it than he thought, had decided that it was best to refer this t 0 tlle Boaril again- He was who f lUcte<l t° repair or rebuild as he / „.v u ght best and cheapest. The Clerk , --ported that lie had complied with instructions about escape convict Fid Smith, and that Burke county did not come for him, he had turned him over to D. S. Holmes. W. W. Rhodes and L. D. Mattthews were instructed to look after Pughesly axd Patterson’s Bridge on Briar creek. R. L. Farmer was instructed to look after River and Rocky Comfort Bridg es. Mrs. Daniel Stevenson and Billv Cummings made application to be admitted to Pauper Farm; they were admitted. The Superintendent of Pauper Farm reports that there are certain inmates who refuse to obey his orders and to comply with the rules of the Farm. The Board feels assured that the Su perintendent has dealt fairly with all the inmates, and he is hereby ordered to dismiss said inmates if they still to refuse to obey rules and resolutions of this Board. The committee from the Good Tern plars made application to still use the grand jury room as a hall. The Board agreed that the resolution adopted in January in regard to the use of the court house lor other than county and court purposes, will be enforced unless by recommendation of the next grand jury. The resignation of J. J. Patterson as commissioner of Road District, No. 3 was accepted, and John Atwell ap pointed to fill the vacancy. Levin Gauos has also removed from the Dis tri'et, and Isaac I. Gay was appointed to fill vacancy. The petition of James Stapleton and othe: ■to open anew pub "c road from the Angusta road just beyond Stapleton’s, and running north west to Glasscock line, was read and the clerk instructed to advertise same. The County Treasurer submitted to the Board his annual report, which was read ami ordered on the minutes which|Uas follows: By cash on hand March l' 18S5 - $5,462,62 By cash from Tax Col lett -r since Meli.. 1. 1885, 8,745.53 By cash iroiu J. G. Cain, Fines in County Court, 225.00 By cash from Gamble A Hun ter (on C. G. Weeks bond), 1,950.35 By cash from hire of Chain Gang, 129.69 Total amt,, rec’d., <fe on hand $16,517,1G DiSHURSMENTS. To cash paid jurors, $1,764.52 To cash paid all county of ficers, salaries and jail fees, 1,879.57 To cash paid for Pauper Farm and improvements on same, 1,372.52 To cash paid lunmber and repairs on bridges, 1,768.38 To cash paid contingent ex penses not included in above 1,082.87 To cash paid insolvent cost in county court, 225.00 Making total amt., pd. out, 8,092 86 Leaving balance on hand 31 arch 1, 1886, $8,420.30 The following accounts were audit ed and drafts drawn on Treasurer for same.: 476 W. J. Murphree, juror on inquest SI.OO 497 Cornelius Thomas, juror on inquest 1.00 498 W. G. Ryals, juior on inquest LOO 499 W. R. Peel, juror on in quest 1.00 500 Angus Bovd, juror on inquest 1.00 501 S. E. McNeely, juror on inquest 1.00 502 G. W. Quinney, attending Ordinary court 6.00 503 Adam Cheatham, burying Ann Cummings * 5.00 504 News <6 Farmer, printing 3 months 37 50 505 W. E. Penrow, corn and day work at P. F. 48.15 506 G. H. Harrell, lumber for Big creek bridge 31.20 507 G. 11. Harrell, lumber for P- F. 35.04 508 G. H, Harrell, lumber for Big creek bridge 63.13 509 Jarvey Hall, work on court house 1.50 510 A. N. Beach, supplies F. F. 16.68 511 James Benning, work on shoes for Pauper 1.00 512 W. J. Murphree, repair on Big creek bridge 75 513 W. G. Scruggs, repair on river bridge 5.00 514 L. R. Farmer, fruit trees and hauling at P. F, 17.25 515 Ellis Johnson, wood for court house 5,00 516 Sinqefield, Abbot A Stone, Supplies at P. F. 13.70 517 Sim Roberson, 1 cow for p F - 19.00 518 W. R. Harvey, lumber and repair Jackson bridge 94.25 519 G. W. McKenzie, supplies at P. F, 2.41 520 G. W. Kelley, jail fees 22.66 521 Little A Clark, supplies at P. F. 90.20 522 J. W. Burke A Cos., books for Ordinary 16.50 523 R. A. Diehl, holding in quest Sylvia Bryant 11.35 524 Marshall & Bruce, books for Clerk and Treasurer 34.15 525 Jonas Stevens, building fence at P. F. 47.20 526 N. Diehl, janitor 3 mos., 3.75 527 W. Hall, cotton seed P. F. 15.00 I here being no other business the Board adjourned until the 2nd Tues day in 3lay ISB6. L. R. Farmer, Clerk. RAILROAD FROM ATLANTA TO THE sea. The people of Atlanta are agitating the building of a railroad that will give them a direct outlet to the Atlnnt ic, and over which that city will have lull control so as to make freight rates favorable for that city. The prime reason why Atlanta desires such a road and will make a big effort to build it, is put thus by the Constitu tion: “Atlanta’s position is peculiar With eight roads entering here, not one is controlled here. The head quarters of each road is in a rival city, and the policy of each is controlled In active competitors. We have been foolish long enough. We put-up over $300,000 lor the Air Line, without which it could not have been started; but the Air Line is controlled in Rich mond, We spent $300,000, and the Georgia Pacific was started with our money; but the headquarters of the Georgia Pacific and its shops are in Birmingham. The Georgia Road is controlled by Augusta; the Central by {savannah; the East Tennessee in Knoxville. And so on through the list. It is proposed to build an air line road either by Hawkinsville and the Ocmulgee River, or via Eatonton, Sparta, Gibson and Waynesboro, an i strike the Savannah river between Au gusta and Savannah. Then the road would be run to Port Royal or Charleston, or put Steamers on the Savannah river. Ifthat road is goiag to be built, we respectfully give the builders au invitation to como by Lon isville. We have examined the map and hnd that if the proposed road is run in an air line from Atlanta to Marsh man’s Lake or even to some other point lower down on the Savan nah river, it would come through parts ef Washington county and by or near Louisville and traverse the best portion of Burke couu ty- The road would pass through a much better section by coming this way than it would to go so high up as Sparta and Gibson. When the route, are surveyed and Atlanta is ready to commence the peo ple of this place and county will make a bid for the road to eouae this way. A Family Treasure- -Webster’s Un abridged is a great treasure in a fami ly, and fathers and mothers cannot af ford to bring up their children without it. How to buy it. “Every Farmer should give his sons two or three square rods of ground, well prepared with the avails of which they may buy it. Every Mechanic should put a re ceiving box in some conspicuous place in the house, to catch the stray pen nies for the like purpose.-w-.Vrtjrs. Life Boat. MOST EXCELLENT. J. J. Atkins, Chief of Police, Knox ville, Tenn., writes: “My family and I are beneficiaries of your most ex cellent medicine, Dr. King’s New' Dis covery for Consumption, having found it to be all that you claim for it, de sire to testify to its virtues. My friends to whom 1 have recommended it, praise it at every opportunity.” Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con sumption itguaranteed tocureCoughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup ami every affection of Throat, Chest and Lungs. Trial Bottles Free at Hunter & Co’s Drug Store. Large Size SI.OO. [communicated.] Sandy Grove, Jeff., Cos., Ga, Mr. Editor;—As you are continual ly getting news from all parts of the county, 1 will give you a lew dots from S .ndy Grove. Sandy Grove is the old homestead of Gov H. V. Johnson, and is .-now owned by his sen, Hon. T. F. Johnson of Savannah. Ga. Mr. Johnson expects to devote his attention to raising stock and small grain, also funds, fruits, Ac lie has already on the place several good brood mares, a line stallion and a line durham bull. He has between four and five hundred acres in oats and corn this year, and expects to plant much larger another 3 ear. Mr. John son expects to use a good deal of im proved machinery which will require less labor to make a crop. He has a sower that can sow one hundred acres of grain in ten hours. He hasa line pasture here that will supply a good number of cattle which will soon be enclosed with a good wire fence. Ow ingtothe large amount of repairing done this spring we are somewhat be hind but hope to get up soon. Yours truly, Farmer. WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW. Everybody wants an honest answer to this simple question:—What is the best medicinepo regulate the bowels, cure costiveness and biliousness, help the digestion and give strength to the whole system ? People ask us *this everyday. We answer, Parker’s Ton ic. It is pleasant to the taste. All tin children like it. Mothers all praise it. It will save a thousand times its cost in every family.—Editor Wester.. Argus, meh-11-86 im. A- S-ba-te of G 3 3r J" eifar 3033. Coiixvfcy. To The Superior Court of Sail County : ffIHE PETITION of DeWitt C. Bacon. I William F. Bailey and Martin F. Am ‘ orous Respectfuliv showeth that thej desire for themselves ami for such othei persons us may be hereafter associated with them to be incorporated under tin name and style of “The Central Georg!:. Lumber Company.” That the object o their assoeia:ion and the particular bus iness they propose to carry on is a geneva 1 lumber, turpentine and general nierelniii dising business, and to that end to own. buy, sell, lease, operate and maintain saw mills, planing mills, turpentine farms am stills, stores, store houses, general mer e iandise, land, lumber, timber machiuen live stock, vehicles and all articles am things necessary and proper for carrying on said business, ami generally to do aim perform everything necessary to the suc cessful management of said business. That the amount, of capital to be cm ployed by them in said business uelinilh paid in is twenty thousand dollars. Am they desire the privilege of increasing tin Capital Stock of said Company fiom line to time to such sums not exceeding Om hundred ami Fifty Thousand Dollars a they by their Btartl of Directors, or other wise may li-om time to time determine. That the place of doing business of sai Corporation will lie Jefferson County Georgia, with their principal office at Jl.u tow in said county ami State, but they de sire the privileged'operating mills, &e. in other counties of the State of Georgia. That they desire to be incorporated a aforesaid for the term of twenty year-, with tin* privilege of renewal at the exp', ration of said term, witn power to pur chase, own, lease, or rent lauds, mills, stills, buildings, easements, tramways, roads, machinery ami other real and per sonal property and rights, and to sel mortgage, sublet or convey the same i r any part thereof with (lie appurtenant es, and to reinvest at pleasure; to nial-r by-laws not inconsistent with the laws of tiie land, to have and to use a Corporate Seal, to borrow money and to issue obliga tious or bonds therefor, to sue and to'le sued in said Corporate name, to enter inn contracts ami generally to have, enjoy an exercise the Corporate power anti priv - leges incident to private Corporations fin business purposes as prescribed by tli laws of Georgia. Wherefore your petitioners pray that they and tlieir associate.- may be incor porated for the purposes aforesaid, for tin term and with the powers aforesaid, am, your petitioners will over pray &<■, Lester * Ravknel, Attys for Petitioners. Petition for incorporation tiled in office and recorded thisUtli day of April, lffso. P. J. Stratford, Clerk S.C. J. C. Ga. Georgia, Jefferson County. —Clerk ’t Office Superior Court. I,P. J. Stratford. Clerk of tiie Superior Court of Jcffersoi Couuty, do certify that the foregoing is t, true extract from the minutes of sail Court, ami that the same was liled and re. corded on the titti day of April A. D 188. P. J. Stratford, apl-3-St, Clerk S. 0. J. C, Ga, Georgia, Jefferson Comity.—By virtue of an order of R. W. Carsw ell J udge m tke Superior court of said county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in May* next, the one half interest in a tract of land belong ing to the estate of Thomas F. Harlow de ceased, containing “l',j acres ml join! in lands of L.R. Farmer, estate L. B. Bostic! and lying on Rocky Comfort Creek on the road leading from Louisville to Bartow J erins Cash. apl-8-86. Mary L. Harlow, Adm’x. PARKER BROTHERS, MAKERS, .. s&2£ •oor’ieaLesaa., CJoMjra., At the Second International Clay-Pigeon Tournament, held at New Orleans, La, Feb. 11 to 10, 1885, tlie First Prize and Diamond Badge in the Individual Cham pionship Match'open to all the world, was won by 15. Tipel with a Parker Gun. Among contestants shooting other guns were such champions as Carver, Bogardus, Cody, Stubbs, Erb, and others. During the entire tournament more prizes were won with Parker guns, in proportion to the number used, than with any other gun. JASiAldAflßS’f? UHBI fa 1^801?b fP c MUBCHT yiiiiittii 1 v CUBES Diphtheria. Croup. AsUuna, Bronchitic, ircr?clgia, Hheutaatir-n, cc.-Vmc: ? t?i? Lr.rtfff, Ucarneneaß, Influenza, Hacking Cough, Whooping Cough. Catarrh, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery. Chronic Pferrhom, Kidney Troubles, anti Spinal Diseases. Pamphlet free. Dr. X. C. Johnson fz Cos., Bogfriq, Mass. vreria wftndcrftU discovery. No others lllco thorn ilnt’-ie relieve all manner of diodhse. Tho information around each box la v, oith ton times the cost of a tox of Rills. Find out about them and you will always bo thankful. One pill ;• dc so. Illustrated pamphlet •ee. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail for 25c. In stamps. Er. I. S.jpaiCSD Ni ■ OQ.. 22 ■'. H. St., 11 on ton. Eherida-.rnr7ToriG,tion*ww ag pj a nri as eg r ri n -p, pj mr?. tr earth Powder is gs* RH M ‘ i*" kffl W rivi t P ; 't will make heno lay pure and highly con- Ejfl gg| n Hsß LI Rare L\wl t* P~A lilto it. It cures centrated. Onoounceg® BgJ 15} mS wvwf Brt livpa EflS few ohickon cholera and la worth b PoumlofßSSß la 54 KktA Kni|j wj* nwa 'Wa '• ri'.A wJ nil diseasaa of hens, any other kind. H M<9 l J w j Pq 13 worth, its weight strictly a medicine tow jg mS fij gl Ehi WH— M y KE** (* —, RrVl Pa in gold. Illuntrated be given with food. Hi BH £3 Bis ail Va ES 3 iHliffl jy v/ affiß M fcS book by mail free. Bold everywhere, or sent by mail for 25 coats in stamps, 81-4 lb. nu-+ight tin cans, ffll: by mail, §1.20w Six cans express, prepaid, for $5.00, Oh. 1* b. aQJLii 2QIX u CO., Bo&bosu TleHost PerfictlEStnunerit Aftfll. (j UofMl Exclusively at the ‘Grand Conservatory of music,” OF NEW YORK. Endorsed by all Eminent Artists. LOW JPUICES t EAST TERMS 1 AUGUSTUS GO,,Mm Warerooms, 58 W. 23d St. NewYqri. p— twiw mn simw.TWiwaa—an—PßH—B ire tie Hast in tie World. Thss3 Extracts never vary. SUPERIOR FOR STREUQTH, QUALITY, PURITY, ECOHOMY, ETC. Made from Solootod Frulta and Spices, Insist on having Eastine’3 Flavors AND TAKE NO OTHERS. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. BASTIITSJ 2n CO., 41 Warren St., New York. ESCAPE HIGH RENTS AND THE GOST 01 HEATING A ROOM BY USING THE “F ft ross Table Bed. Ten Styles, from sl3 to S3O. IBaßßanm FULL BEDjigJ SINGLE BED CHILD’S ASK YOUR FURNI TURK DEALER CLOSBD-m-lth All bmldlne ImM. FOREST CITY FURNITURE CO, WHOLESALE FT UNI TURK MAJKI’FACTTURBRS. SRL * Rockford, 111* $ MMOjMDE! $ AdJm * “SOUTHERN Avery & Sons, Louisville, Ky, eof°ONE 9 SOUD RIIK E T 0 P GATED C °Zl ’ll doi ".j,' *.aPh--K?W- .•' .-V- | washing than -:3V• :f- ;>§gk any wash board iss&' in the market. V.i&i The triune is • and Buwle of hard - 1 wont, in •! 1..-M ''■ ' ' k i h'ftottn vlib an iron bolt run fc. Feb. 27th, 1*77. fevia through a JOB-BUOCEH FUR IT ill tho e i“C like no. other. If ho of the zinc, thus it, keep it, it i6 because binding the hirnbilitjr. If h > will ...j j e torotlie* ; itfor you wo will for- £-•■<{ .I**''! . h noon receipt of mice. K'4 11 , 1 most sub- L nn-.iir Kta*-, grjo. manner, LiiundryEi/.’, producing a wash board which for economy,excellence and dur ability is unquestionably the best in the world. We And so many dealers that object to our hoard on account of its DU II ABILITY, saying “It will last too long, we can never sell a customer but one.” We take this means to advise consumers to upon having the NORTH STAR WASH BOARD. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. lUnufectured by PrANSGiiiIIDT, DQBCrE & CO., g4B & 250 Woat Polk St*, Chlcagb, 111. ! JWHE- ' PURE LINSEED OIL READY FOR USE. J VBr Tiie Best iaint made. Guaranteed to contain no water, benzine, barytes, chemicals, rubber, asbestos, rosin, gloss oil, or other similar adulterations. A full guarantee on every package and directions for use, so that any one not a practical painter can use it. Handsome sample cards, showing 33 beautiful shades, mailed free on application. If not kept by your dealer, write to us. , Be careful to ask for ‘‘THE LAWRENCE PAINTS,’* and do not take any other said to be ” as good as Lawrence's.” W, W. LAWRENCE & SO* PITTSBURGH, S*A. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Cos., Newspaper Advertising Durcau, lO Spruce St., New York. Send lOcts. for 100-Pago Pamphlet rz COSTS t h Kivi-sihrLAhtUiUi: i JL tfeSt.'-* ATv^sr'E a '" l 3eiflmpßi of lvery N -:v iV " riowr.r s : ?*l Piruh. V - O” tllfferent KiudH. ,lM * Knotvn Rule* of Fllrla- S o i:-i Liiva, Farstol, L Wlk 4 c '-* CP'S l-aciffcsrchkiJ auJ it [ AMO 3 Hwst coirpleltwoi k f l o | the kind ever |uil>- i Rli hid. S<*nd Fificcn i |.liaS !<Vai. 11l -liiuin- fill- F--' 1 siiiup.o copy, also our r v- ._vJaii price io ngonis. Agents v.Hided everywhera. Ad. AK£RfcAh F 'P. 70.. 17 HeriS Tenth Strret, r hila'i’a, Pa. susilitiasl sl7 f BAYS’ TSIAL. B'KA 14 A rut! ftei of l' V Ja. w AilneSnn^nls. H 53 WArsKA'STS'UI Yearw. Soad for l tf Uircnlhr. E. €. IS4*WK A €O., A LVOK AH E A 3., Y $ i MoR ' oe ’ cor - 3b.So Si.. Ciiteso,: ■ Willmjpil prepaid to ay .and ’nits, tholr **' ’ Jr AWD CATAUOTjSJS, ,7 VV. ; \ fr. im, ><•. *. •- . • of'( A lialrau.tnt-. Mi.w, t’ctn-W - 1 ©t-ons EpaiUta, O.p f wr.qf, PU-vk. V ' r nruia Alhjo.M i II t . S-„l-y A E.intl Out da. / f \ ’ : !e ‘ JrAructton ar: ! I'r.-r. ', frXt• - • /.* 'j. J aud ia eatoUifu* t J .kvl.*. t!\.. • *; i/iiS M A SONIC TEM PLE AtKSUSTA, CS-A. A.’SQXTAHTERS POH FASHIONABLE AND RELIABLE DBY GOO DSi Our stock for Spring and Sumami-'Trade is now complete in every department. It is the most extensive a_id best select ed and assorted ever shown in the South Atlantic States, and includes everything handsome an l attractive in Dry Goods, Novelties and Notions. In low and medium-priced goods, by extensive additions, we are able to offer the bast line in this section, ami every ar ticle will be exactly as represented, while in finer goods we carry a stock that cannot be matched south of the Potomac; and on prices, for goods of all grades, we give an absolute guarantee not only against home competition, bnl agiinst every city in the United States. Orders for goods or samples will receive prompt and care ful attention. DALY & ARMSTRONG. THE ITIiNITUIvE PALACE HAS Wonderful atttraetions now offering at such prices that astonish the world. We give a few of our unheard of prices: Solid Walnut 3larbleTop Chamber Suits, 10 pieces for $50.00 “ . “ Wood “ “ “ “ “ 38 to 45.00 Imitation Walnut Marble Top Chamber Suits 10 pieces 30 to 50.00 Wootl “ “ “ “ ‘ 20 to 40.000 Nice Reposing Lounges | 5 00 t(J 700 Nice Carpel Lounges 6 t 0 & 0(> Mohair Plush Lounges 60 to 65.00 Raw Silk Parlor Suits 50 ta 75 00 Hair Cl vth Parlor Suits 45 to 65 00 Ml >hair Piu di Suits 45 l 0 20000 Silk Plush Suits 60 to 300.00 WL DLr Y Any and al! Competition from anv quarter. Oaf Stock is the largest ever seen in this market. ' Our New Cata logup will be out cm the Ist ot November. W rite for it and see our priew, 2ci6 E'-rca-d. S'bx-Qe-b, Ga. FRITiMiWS NEW“ERAToWBR Ileitis tnem nil in W ork and Price. Al tide and sold by GKORCI K TLJ.OMBAIiDA CO„ Foundry, Machine and* iioiler Works, and Mill and Engine B tini iiii'Mis mimt aa. ♦pmfM V*E ILA.VE THE latest Ert Armory In th World f and consequently ttu nr.'T c? rActtinss for k.anufacturino an IL-. jINC I -ivIA-vl'iMi. Wii ItAVE'I.IAtE' Cm ONE MILLION MILITARY RIMS W Inch have been adopted and are in use in EVERY QUARTER OF THE GLODE. REMINGTON SHOT GUNS ark noted for the good results odtained at all ranges, we RErac TO ANYBODY WHO HAS USED THEM. OUR HUNTING AND TARGET RIFLES Have taken HIGHEST AWARDS at International Exposition., an A PRINCTPAH PRIZES iv. Leading Matches. * ISLINGTON ® ARE UNEQUALED POR Strength, Simplicity, Durability, Range, Penetration, Precision, Rase cf Action, and Rapidity of Fire. E. REMINGTON & SONS, N2W YORK OFFICE, 2SI & 233 BROADWAY. ARMORY, ILION, N. Y. V 4G&“ Send for 'lm.vstratjcd Catalogue. DAYATANNAHILE; "IIS.-AXSQXJTARTrsmS POR C.vnRrAGKs, V\ arons, Coach AJatkrikls, Saddlekt, Harness, Leatlier, Shee Findings, BELT l N G . ! Fiiiosf and Afost A aided Assart incut of CHilldi-eu’s Car— l'iages at all prices, Ever Brought to the City. mm OF COMFORT AND M i o tliose who im vc been wrenched anti jerked about b\ - so called road cart*. Vo now offer you the most delightful vehicle, with FINKS7’ whoelz and axles for iry one end f::vc yonr health. flrery niun who owns a horse, or wishes t triiin a colt, should h.ive'onc, as the price is within the reach of nil. DAY A T:\XNAIIILI;, - - AUGUSTA, GA. The Brown Cotton Gin CoT. - NEivV LONDON, Conn. r - ■ -i Manufacturers of the Old CT?--'A r .<• \7; A* Reliable Brown Cotton Gins, - ■ ' | Feed ws, and Comleusors. Ail | aUyAT - -jl tho very lateat improvements: K,_v r • v rc*Bj3Sffi two brush belts, steel bearings, Jt improved rollboi, patent whip per. extra strong brush. New f . perfected Feeder, enlarged dust n £'<... Strong, durable and nimpla ■ - • * in construction. Ginn fast rims Y g light, and cleans tho seed per j, W. WHITE, AGENT, lOUISVHJ.iI, GA.