The News and farmer. (Louisville, Ga.) 1875-1967, February 10, 1887, Image 2

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rtIWS & FARMER The Advertising Medi um of Jefferson county. J. W. WHITE, Editor and Proprietor , ville, Georgia, Thursday, Feb. 10th, 1887. THREE KINDS OF SUBSCRIBERS The subscriber who take , a paper year after year, and finally iv hell refuses, and says lie never did like the paper anyhow and never road it, i', says an exchange, like the man who buys his groceries lor years, never paying a cent, and then refuses to set tle because ihe sugar had sand in it, and the tea was not as good as he could get somewhere else, and ho nev er need a particle of the soap he had bought. He never could pvt alien lof the grocer like that. It is "lily the in nocent p-inie! that can be gulled so easily. The second kind of a subscriber is the one who reads the paper and then pays for it. He is like the man who buys an overcoat, wears i 1 out, and then pays for it. He is 10,000 times better than the lirst kind, but lie is bad enough. The third kind is the man aftci the printer's own heart. lie pays in ad vance foi his paper and is happy. He is the man who pays cash for ids gro eeriest, medicines, hardware, jewelry, dry goods, and everything else. It is this kind oi nu n who keep all kinds of business alive, and without whom a town waulri l>e as dead as a copy of tiie “Cosc.ut 'rji..vAi, Recur i*. SLEEP .A PREVENTIVE OF Z/EADACHE. A seicßidie writer says: “Sleep, it take, at >.hc -igUt moment, vill pre vent cn attack of nervous headache. If the subjects of such headaches . watch the symptoms of its coming, they can notice that, it begins with a feeling of woorincss or heaviness. This is the tuna a sleep of an hi •or, or. even two. as nature guides, will oiled uallv prevent the headache. It not taken just then, it will be too late, for, alter the attack is fairly under way, it is impossible to gel sleep till far into the night, perhaps, it is so common in these dnvs for doctors to iorbel having iin ir patients waked to take medicine i , i hey mash . p w . hour coiv-'s round, that lire people have learned the It:.m>u pret!.y we i. and thev generally know that sleep i brier for ti ■ -i"k titan modi inc. But it is not so well known ilia s' p ; . u won lerl ul prove ivc of disi ter’.hail lonic, regulators and tliiun- Jan. —Scientific Amcrienn THE INFLUENCE OF 01 IEEI{ FUL HOMES. See to it, tln*n. that their houses compote vit !) public, public pioix-s in thsir nUr.-H vivenoss. ()pon your olinds bv day i!ii'i light bright tires by night. Illuminate y<>iiv homos. Hang- pi trim - ■ upon the walls. Put books -in I nov ■ papers on your tables. Banish do mans and dullness and apathy, that have so long ruled in your household, and Icing in mirth aud good eh or. Invent occupations for your sons.: Stimulate their ambitions fi-r worthy' directions. While von make home their delight, till ilieni with b : da purposes than more pleasure. Win er they should p.a*- happy liny 1.0,1 and enter upon manhood with . ■ mi-. taste and noble umhilinn-* depends mi you. Believe it p -i'de that, with ex oriion and i-igli' means a lnollicr may have more control over the destiny of her boys than any oth.vr influence ■whatever.—Omaha Daily Republican. A FEW LAUNDRY HINTS. A spnonfull of oxgall to a gallon of water will set the colors of almost, any goods -naked in it previous to wash in-. A teacup of lye inn pail of wa ter will improve the color of black goods. Napkins should lie in Ive he fore being washed: it sets tin eoim. A strong- tea, of common hay will pic servo the color of French linen, \ in egar in tho rinsing water Ibr the green or pink calicoes will brighten then,-, soda answers the same end for both purple and blue. To bleach cotton doth, take one large spoonful of sal- Sofia ami one. pound of chloride o! lime for thirtyards; dissolve* in clean soft watei ■ rinse the cloth thoroughly in cold soft water so that it may not lot. Tliis amount of cloth may be bleached in fonrtoen or fifteen min utes. —Scientific American, MEDICINAL VALUE OJ HONEY It is said that those who have snt fered intensely from asthma have found almost instant relief from :i single teaspoonfnl of warm honey. A professor of medicine has declared that honey disturbs the fot maliou of fun goid growths, and has, therefore, been of great use ns a preventive of thrush in babies. It is also claimed Unit an ointment made of honey and (lour is an excellent remedy for boils. The medical authorities claim tliat its in ternal use cannot be too highly prais ed. —Chicago Tribune. NO WOMAN UAN BK INDUCED To go through the ordeal of confine ment without Mother’s Friend after once using it; have used it in nil in bers of eases; worth its weight in gold, writes a physician. Address Bradiiolcl Regulator (Jo., Atlanta, Ga. “The Charleston News declares that she South prospers as regard to cotton, because it can make cott on more cheap ly than it can be made in India. It prospers in iron, because it can make iron as cheaply as it can be made in England. Its prosperity is not de pendent on the tarilf. This is very i pretty and all that sort of tiling: but Jit is not true. The South has not been able to make cotton so cheaply as In ilia since slavery was abolished. The I South prospers in iron, not because it jean be made hero cheaper than in j England, but because, under a kind of protective tarilf, American iron can be j put on the domestic market more [ cheaply than English iron. Take oti : the tariff and the South will realize, at once, how false and misleading the as sertion- oi the News are.”—Louisville Post. THE OLD .MAID’S CHRONOME -1 ER. CHAJiIIKS THAT OCCIH AT THE VARIOUS AliiiS OF lIEII LIFE. At ly Anxious for coming out and i for the attention of men. I At 16 Begins to have some idea of j the tender affection At 17 Talks of love in a cottage and disinterested passion. At Id Fancies herself in love with some handsome man who has flatter oil iter. At 19 Isa little more difficult, in 'consequence of being noticed. At 26 Commences- to be fashiona . hie, and makes a datli. At 21 Kill more confident in her at tractions, and expects a brilliant cs I tablisiiment. At 22 Refuses n good offer, because he is not a man of fashion. At 23 Flirts with every man she ; nice ■ s. At 21 Wondci - site is not marri ; ed. At 25 Rather more circumspect in her conduct. , At 26 Begins to think a large for tune not ipiil- i indispensable, i At 27 Prefers the conversation of ■ rational menloflirting. At 2s Wishes lobe married in a quiet way with a comfortable homo, 29 A linos despairs of enteiing ; the marriage stale. , At 20 Rather afro id of being called an old maid. At 3. An additional love of dress. At 32 Professes to dislike balls, : finding ii dpi cult to get a partner. At 33 \\ mdei's how men can leave ihe -oeicty of sensible women to flirt j wit b chits. A ‘ : * Affect good humor in her conversation with men. Al :tj Jealous of the praises of oth er women. At bG Quarrels with her friend, who is lately married. A'• -7 '1 liinks her elf slighted in so eiety. Ai :;n Likes till king of her ac (|uamt:iintanc(-s who are unhappily married: finds consolation from their I in is Cor Dies. At fit) 111 nature increases. : Idlin and very offi cious. ! At II It rich, makes love to some j young man who is without fortune At Id out succeeding, rails against I the male sex. i At i.'i Partiality for cards increas j c$ and .-.eatuhil eomincnces. j At 11 Severe against Lite manners i of tin* age. At id Strong predilection for a Methodist parson. At til Enraged atliis desertion. At 1 1 Becomes desponding and takes -nillll At 4S Turns all sensibility to dogs and cats. At 49 Adopts a dependent relation \ to attend upon iter. At of! lie-mm-s disgusted with tlio bi and vents ali bet il! humor on tins unfortunate relation.—London Paper. An exchange says “that a young la-I dy wild wiii make a good wile is a du tiful daughter, an affectionate sister, a I constant Inend, gentle in disposition, possesses a desire to be useful, to cul tivate habits of industry, frugality mil neatness; has a love for domestic quietude rather than a desire for fash ionable life, and is faithful and affec j t innate, noble and generous in spirit.” Well now. that is very nice. We all like that kind of a young lady, but why doesn’t our exchange friend say ..omo! hing about the kind of young ; men t hat will make a good husband ¥ The crying need of this generation is ! good husbands. Wc have plenty of good wives, and there is material for a good many more waiting for the men who shall prove themselves worthy of j their possession. Don’t bother so much about the young ladies my, trien I. jnst go ahead and prove your ■olf worthy of■; good wifi-, and il you 'don't gel me it ■ il! be nobody’s fault : but your own. THE YEiIDKT UNANIMOUS. M D. Suit, Druggist, Bippus, Ind., t< lilies.- “! cun recommend Electric L>iuc :- as the very best remedy. Every bolt le sold has given fin every case. One man took six bottles, and was mired of IJlietn-natisni of 10 years’ standing. Abraham flare, Druggist, Ohio, aliirim Die best selling medi cine I have ever handled in iny 20 years experience, is Electric Bitters.” Thousands of others added their testi mony. .so that t he verdict, is unanimous that Electric Bitters do euro all uis eases oftlie Liver, Kidneys or blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at Hunter it Co's., drug store. FOIv DYSPEPSIA and Liver Com plaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh’s Vitalize!*, it never fails to cure. For sale by Hunter <t Cos., and IJ. L. Battle & Cos. “IC\( KMETA(’K.” a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price 50 cents. For sale by Hunter <fe Cos., and 11. L. i Baltic & Go. MACHINERY, | ENGLES Stesm&Water r BOILERS Pip & Fiiiiij 1 sav/ mills “Brass Valves GRIST MILLS SAE?S Cotton Presses files SHAFTIN6 IMJECTOBS - PULLEYS PUMPS i [ hangers Watsr Wheels 1 \ GOTTEN GINS CASTINGS I gearing Brassed Iron j A full stock of Supplies, cheap & goal BELTING, PACKING and OIL. at BOTTOM PRICES AND IN STOCK FOR f| PROMPT DSUVERY. \ J®* Repairs Promptly Done. 1 GEO. R. LOMBARD & GO. I Foundry, Machine and Boiler H Works, AUGUSTA, GA. ABOVE PASSKNGER DEPOT. | TELEPHOXES FOR SALE. BY LONG TELE PONE L’EL. CO., Washington, D. C. City, County and Town Rights fo; the use of same or for sale. Specie attention paid to sale or rent of Tele phones, for the erection of private line: and exchanges. C. W. MOXLEY,& CO., Agts for Slate of Ga—Wadley, Ga; (i-24-6 m-S6. THEO. MARKWALTEirS Steam Marble and Graxite Bkoad St., near LOWER MARKET. AUGUSTA, GA. Marble Work, Do mestic and Import cd at Low Prices. All kinds of East ■fill era and Scotch Granite, Georgia South Carolina Granite Monuments made a Specialty. A Large assortment of Marble ar r Granite Work always n hand, ready for Lettering and Delivery. 1-27-S4-1 v. CHICAGO COTTAGE - ORGAN Haa attained a standard of excellence which admits of no superior. It contains every improvement that Inventive genius, skill and money can produce. ©TO BVBBT 18 BANTED EXCEL. YKAna These Organs are celebrated for volume, quality of tone, quick response, artistic design, beauty in finish, perfect construction, making them the most desirable organs for homes, Schools, churches, lodges, societies, etc. . ESTABLISHED REPUTATION. * 17NE<IUALED FACILITIES, > SHILLED WORKMEN, i BEST MATERIAL, COMBINED, MAKE THIS THE POPULAR QRQfAN Instruction Books and Plano Stools. Catalogue and Pile. Date, on application, nu, CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN CO. JB3I Blut Island Annus, CHICAGO, ILL. \ mill SALE. Georgia, Jefferson County. —By virtue of an order passed at the last term of the Superior Court of said county, we will sell at public outcry on the first Tuesday in February next, within the legal hours of sale, at the Market House in the Town of Louisville 111 said county, all that tract of land lying ill the 77tb District. G. M., adjoining la ids of J. T. Swan, J. S. Mur phy, 11. L. Burke mid others, known as the Sallie Stephenson place, containing forty-four ami oue-luilf acres, more or less. Sold for tlie purpose or a division .-inioiigthe tenants in common. Purchaser to pay for titles. This Dec. 21st, l-SSO. H. L, HP BICE, .1 P. BUBKIC. K. P. WHEN, Commissioners. State of Georgia, JelVerson Comity.—On the first Monday ill March, 18S7, 1 will apply to the Ordiaary of said county for 1 leave to sell the lands of Matthew 1.. Cole -1 man, deceased, a minor, l'ov the purpose of paying debts, and for distribution a mong the next of kin. Ghai-les YV. Salter, Guardian and Fx-ollicio Adm’r of said dee’d. January 27tb, 1887. State of Georgia, Jeftersou County.— YVliereus Jolm M. McGaliee, admiuistra tor of Michael McGaliee, deceased, Inis applied for letters of dismission from said estate: These are therefore to cite mid admon ish all persons concerned to show cause before me on Hie first Monday in May j next, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted. jan 24-87. Nicholas Dielll, Ord’y SHILOH’S VITALIZER is what you need for Constipation, Loss ot Appetite, Dizziness, and all symp toms of Dyspepsia. Price 75 cents ' per bottle. For sale by Hunter & Cos., I and 11. L. Buttle A Go. REGARDLESS_OF COST. THE COLD WAVE IS UPON US And in order that everybody may bo made comfortable during the cold weather J have placed my Blankets, Shawls, Ladies Cloaks, Walking Jackets, Jerseys New Markets And wraps of every description in reach ol all. You can buy Blankets from $1 .00 per pair up. You can buy a nice Cloak for $2.50. You can buy a Walking Jacket (Boiicle) for $3.50. You can buy a Xew Market at yum- own price. Short Wraps, I have them of all kinds and prices to suit the times. Come and examine these goods borore purchasing. In GENTS’ and I.AIMES UNDER VESTS I defy tlie city as to low prices. My stock of FLANNELS lia> just been replenished, and lean offer you any price flannels yon may de-ire from the coarsest to the finest silk warp. In every department the order has been given that from this date to the e lesiii"- of the season 1 sell REGARDLESS OF COST. The strike is over, the water lias been turned on, the big wheel lias been moved and I say to one and ill), iFy.ou want some bargains now is your time. This i- nil newspaper puff, I mean business, ft will cost nothing to look. You will find every one ready and willing to show. JAS. MILLER $ Miller’s Corner, Augusta, Georgia. W, I. DELPH, 831 BITOAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. Wholesale and Retail dealer in Cooking Stoves, Heating Stoves, Crates and Tinware. Buy the Excelsior Cook Stoye. Seventeen different sizes and kinds in stock. Heating Stoves in great variety—for wood and coal. Tinware very low at wholesale. W. I. DELPH. This space will be occupied by the Ad of A. J. GOULEY, 722 BROAD STREET, Augusta, Ga., Opposite the Monument, Wlio has the best stock of First Class Boots and Shoes of any IToii-e in tiie City. He keeps no shoddy slock. Call on him when you go to Augusta. -. ~ ~ r —■ "i. ii * ■ i.. B JPStICES. 'SA BOOKSmi M S LLION Complete Novels and Other Works, by Famous Authors, Almost Given Away! The follow tag hooks are published in ner.i pamphlet form. litany of Dn-m liuu.luumcly illiiHtrntcil, ami all :irr p< inicd from type upon goad paper. They treat of a areal vuiicty of si*bj<, i>, .m*i v.v think no one \*n, o\ur.*!w.* Hi! without finding tM-r,ln many that he or .he v.uul-1 like to poa-eaa. lu vioth oouml form these books uud com ;'l T each. Each book ij complete la It-©if. 1 Th© Widow Slcriott l*apor. This Is ibe bool; over which \mir grandmothers l-tugliid till ibtv eried, anl | is just as funny to-day ns It ever was v. Fuiicy- Work for Horn© Adornment, an en tirely new work nimti tt!* subject, coututtiing easy ami practical io-.ti uetlous for making fancy ba'kM*. wall pocket, brackets, nc -die work, stubrol-lcry, etc., eto.. pro (uscly and olreautly Illustrate 1 3. (irlinm's Ftilry Kturlen for the Vouncf. The finest eollecdoii of f-ilry stmle* ever publiabc- J The chil l ten til b*. l •l-lightei with them. t* Th© l,ndy ot th*.* l.nLo. By Plr B'alter Scott •'Tin- I. :v-!y nt th.* Like' Ia nmanee In vers**. :uii of ull th’ vv.nks of Scut n un* N more Ii initiful thnti this. 5. .Mnntiitl of !*lh|tu*ttc !*n I. ■*• -a . I Gel th men. n g lide, to polite:ie>-< ant good breeding, suing the ivies of |no !**rri etl pi tte f-*r all o-rensions. <•- The <r4itn<lnn! lit'llrr Writ©© for Ladle* ami Clen'lvuioii, a ooni|>bde g'ii 1-; to eorr***|*n Knee, giving I'l.Yiu -lirc-'tii'tis lor ill* c<>iii|m> i.--ti of lettm of *vti> • in*l. wit'i innuiii.-i iblc forms :iii I rxnniplea. 7. Win til* Evenlni; {©cr©at l*i, a lurge coll'ctioti of Acting Oh iradc*. Tubb an* Games, l'ur.slc-, etc . u-r ao.-i-il c*itlierine*, privntu ihcntnonls, and evci.lngs at lintut*; iltu truled. X- IMult>|gii©, |{iH*l(ntloua nnd lt©udlns, n large on*! clioi.-i* rollc.riiun f*>r soboot oxlitbitlwus and public nnd private eiitertniiin'ctiti. I*url>r *dittc!© und t'li©tnl©l r.xporlinonf-. r. l*oo . vvlii th tells bow to p- rfnrm Imndt- 'ls of ainitelng tri-.-k-i in magic aud iuitructlvc ex|K-nnieut* with simple tipnH. Bh Tit©. Ilotne Cook 8001, nnd Ftinilly IMiytil. ©lnn, i“inininitr* hundreds of cvellcnf* reelpi-s utid hint s 1.1 lion- kccpers. al t. Iling h>w to euro all com Dion Hiloii'uts by simple home rcm-ly. 11. .Tlntint-rM ami I'tmUmiM In Fnr Awuy I.rihlm, n vciy lni ri'.ini.r and in-irueiint Kook of travels, descrih In- iho pvouii ir life,*. mnimrrs aud customs or the pe .p!-* of |.>r-|gii countilea; illustrated. I-’- ll)it©©n Coiuplotc Stm It 1 * by Authors, embracing love, humorous nnd defective etorief, mi.iK's of Bocietv Ilf**, of a I venture, of railway life, etc., all Very in* ter t-ting I J The Itmlirof, of VVIf, Humor mid I’nn, a larra Col,.*.;:ton .f tin: funny stories sk* trhe. aiuTdotet. poem and jokes i! ;u li.tvo been writ!* n for aon.o vears ; Him ted. IL I •‘©fill !v for th© .Billion, a hand.* oivik of u-.-iui information lor ail, ut*u many and various •uhjoct.4. illustrated. 1 1. t’nlled IC:t*M. A Novel, Bv Hugh Couwar, auttinr of** Dark l>ay*," etc. B I ** !l * en ’' any fournf ther hook* an<l our catalogue, containing .“* vJrkliLlfaW' L? 8 i t.FI pri-se* of all leading paper* and Wiks for I‘Jcenls in stamps. Any 8 buolvM VO i*t.:'h the vvlioic-io firsts.4o. Hend I*. . A mr,r, n Pi,k Hr, Pf-.'lrtrJ’ n Pn Note, Registered Letler, or MoUvy tjrdcr and adlrs** at on rltflOl /QQ/1 lUO. I/0.. th/ICLU (2, rfl. . SiiElT^ OTT* CTTIIBB DiphthcrJa, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Nor raljlau Ziheumattsm, Blttcdingr ot tho Ltmgs, Xloarseneoß, Irvttuenro, Ilaohiofi Couh, whooping Couch. Catarrh, Cholera Morbus. Dysentery, Chronic Inari-ha-f*. Klc.ney T.0'.b10., andSplr-alDlawso,. gsiapluetngw Dr. 1. 0. Johnaon St Cos., Boot.}q, Moss. Tligro pill a wore a •Jlaoovory. No othora ItVo in the world. Wifi rolleve iul inntmor of diseaso. The information around euo’.v bo* Is worth tea times tho coat ei a box of Rills. Find oat about then nnd you will always bo thankful. One pill a dcoo. Illustrated pain pit l>.t na. Sold everywhoro, c-r sent by mall l'orflfio. lu ©tamps. Dr. I. 3, JOHNBQN & CO., 23 O.H. 8t..,80f1t0-.t. Bboridan’s 6oaditioa**TV.n n** n n r-n in rn an jtx m uo n r*Nothing on earth Powder is oboolutciyE fcJj fevj fa Hi 1 AQ |?vrtu nu.ko here* lay pure and highly oor.-jM k-j "nfß Ij m j f-l J- A \SS/-*ho it. It. ourcs pontrated. Oneouno><KSjr*Mi ktVu K*.W tuLr* W- 3iinA n Bfib ij fcQ ohichou oh^leraand is worth a round of Riiiß &* > nr GI, •’% 3 (and WCT vx all dliieaien of henr:. any othor kind. It isPJ jrJjJ U M leA ri MCi Ib worth its velaU*| strictly a modloino ujli* rrv.A B|va nrl u? KJtJ P-1 in p.old. llbi.i* v.rcd be given with feed, td UiJLJ u m iua MJww uva ft* bl buok by njoii tree. Bold orery whore, o.* nonfc by mati fvr S3 COUU La Haiuyß, fl ib. Mri?lgUt tixi o©n. :by imdl, ki 'AO* iUMOfI L-; •Mpsvtar9ip*i& t fer 9C.00 SO* X* (*• JOUItOOUf it C 0„ boutoa* Id- Al llic Viirld'* ilcrcy. A Jfnrcl. By Fluivni'u YVnr iin .-■••tlinr and “The Ihm-n oil tin* Mur'h,'' i-ic 17. Alilitri || T rev Util 1111. A Novel. Ily "The Dueh* **. ainf,*ir* t *Muhy ISawii," etc. US- Ifurk Pjm A Novel. By Hugh Conway, author ■f •• Until..l ■ w eie. I'j. The Mystery of ill© Holly Tree. A Novel. By the kii'lim -f Dora Thome.” Bhu.l<.v>H on lh© Snow. A N©v©l. Bv B. 1.. far lent* nini.ur *.f Hr-nd m.d Umi e nnd ki-'t-i',' Zl Th© Gray Woman, a New!. T.v Mi . (.n-kdl, author <>f M ir. Il:ui*-n. ,*ic. * Tin* !'r, j*.*u Jtei (. A N'iim I. By V.'iikie Gi.ilins, autlmr of • The YY i.o mi in Wliii-*.' • ic. -H. K*d C'uurl !’iii*ru. A Nvl. I<v Mrs. lli-urj Wood. Ki ... i. i- 1 *i.i l.yi.rir, et©. VI. In CuiiliiV.Nd. A Novel. By the Authortf'Doit Tbiwti*- '*•’*)• !I;is*k toth© If Id lionio. A Novel. I’ Maiv Cecil II t>* UU'tiol -f HI id. n I'. I ii> 'el • .' .lollit Hov.i rliiiiiL'n Wile. A Novel. Bv Vis* Midojk auilioi ol • .loin llnlifnx U. ntkli.nti, tie. V". |.:tf!y H vet utitillii©** i>r©:,in. A Novel. By lb** author of • hi-n T'iiii.-. mo. ?H. Jn*per Neeret. A Novel By Miss 31. E. Dm Kioi; author ol Am.-ri. I- **vd. i-fc. '?*.* I.*>lln©. A Novel. By iiury Cecil liny, author of ' Bn York*-*' •(-• SO (iiiJrrltL*k .17urr!:*i;o. A Novel. By Wlkle Collin*, author of No Nmu\" tic. llitvlil >3ii*tl. A Novel. By Mrs. Ann B.Stephens, nothor ' Fa-Mull nnd Fiiintiu*.'' etc. •IV !kCit|>li| th© Whirlwind. A Novel. By Mary Cecil Jlrv. niiit.oi of "Old Hi'ld'.ttun'ss Money*tc. •H3©> t’m lcoil. A Novel. By Mus .M. P. Bi ad don. author tif ■ Lady AudlrVr- Secret,** etc. BI Kisicaj on Ti:r Mv muv or Tun Hfaiu.ami*. a Novel Bv Ktm W I’it-rre,aiill or r.f "The Birih Marl;, i'*. *T. A <Jold©!i llttvvii. A Novel. By the nuilivr of *• Dora Tliariu*.' • •;•*. *'! , 7 Vn!*rl©*u Unto. A Novel. By Mrs. Alexander, author .r ** Th- Windin' O't.' etc. Hi. Ho*,©. A Novel. By TYilkie Collins, author of *T'*o Woman in White, ’ etc. JR A nit©. A Novel. By Mr*, flonry Wood, author of ''Eat l.yiiae,*' IB* The l.utml final). A Novel. By Mi** Muloek, author of " John Halifax Urntlentrtrt.' ©tc. '• Amu" llurten. A Novel Bv fJeorgo Lliot,author f "Adutu liedc," The Mill ou the Fioss," etc. FURNITURE FOR THE MILLION! And Prices that will make you Smile all over. Just look at these figures that we defy the world to beat: Bun-tends ..$1.75 Lovely Oil Paintings Gilt Frames $2.00 V, TT 10 Bailor Suits _ 35.00 re- <‘s . .2.00 Book Cases _ 12.00 Lounge, with Springs 4.50 Seerctarvs and Book Cases Iti OO Children’s Rocker .45 Dining Tables...- " Full Bedroom Suits 15.50 rndestriietnble Chairs Guaranteed 1 (10 Nice Im. Cherry Suits 22.50 Nice Cane Seat Chairs 70 Ladies Desks S.OO Nice Rattan Rockers ;; 00 Ladies’ Rockers 1,00 Marble Top Tables ..3.50 Gent - Rockers. —— 1.50 Spring Beds ] 50 Beautiful Cliiomos. 75 Ladies’ Carpet Seat and Ruck Bookers 2.00 We have over One Hundred Bedroom Suits in our store, ranging from $15.00 to $ 100.00. Fifty Parlor Suits, ranging from 885.00 to $500.00. We Keep Everyth! xg in Tiie Furniture Line, and defy till compelition. You can depend on it—WE ARE THE LEADERS OF JA) W RlilOES—and we will save yoo nion ey. If you can’t come and see us, write for our Illustrated Catalogue and Prices. Don t fail to come and see us before you buy. -VII goods packed and shipped free of charge. No. 888 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. BOOKS, THREE CENTS EACIL The following books aro published in neat pamphlet form, many of them handsomely illustrated, and all&re printed from good type upon (rood paper. Please examine the list and see ifyoudonot find therein some that you would like to possess. In cloth-bouuu form these books would cost SI.OO each. Each book is complete in itself: Anecdotes of flic ltrhclllon. A collection ofhtimorona, Oat of the Sen. A Novel. By Clara Avhvbta. pathetic, and thrilling iturrativcs oTtlio war,*lurle of bivouac A gullin’* History. A Novel. liy Makuaiikt Hi.ouvt. and baltle-tiobl,march an-l picket,adventuresofm-outsand |>lm, Toe Morwlck Farm Mystery. A Novel. By IVitns atoricH oT prieuii life, oft lie groat C>('nerli,olMr. Lincoln, ftc. Cos U. INK. Illustrated. The Life of General U. R. Grunt. By W. A. Pktkks. ThoLnst of the Kuthvcns. A Novel. By Miss Me lock. With portrait ami other ill tint rations. Illustrated. Poems, by John G. Whittier. The only cheap edition A Dead ITeart. A Novel. By Author of “ Dora Thorne.”—Should ho In every hniwelmld. Illustrated. Out or the Depths. A Novel. By HuH Conwat. Forum, by Jlcnry \\ . Longfellow. No one cu afford to The Itomanttc Adventures of u Milkmuld. A NoveL be without this flue collection. Illustrated. By Thomas Hahdy. Pocinn, by Alfred Tennyson. This work contains some In the Holidays. A Novel. By Maby Ckcii. Hat. } of the tinesfc composit oltho great Poet Uureato. The Ilelr to Ashley. A Novel. My Mrs. Hknry Woon. Parlor Ainimeiiienth. A largo colloctlou of Acting Cha- Miss or Mrs! A Novel. By WilkikCollins. Illustrated. fades. Parlor Dramns. Shadow Puntomlmei, Games, Pussies, More Hitter than Heath. A Novel. By the Author o i etc., for social gatherings, public auil private entertainments “Dora Thorne.” •Dd evenings at home. Illustrated. CurrUton’r, Gift. A Novel. By linon Conway. Illustrated. -Manual of Floriculture. Teaches the host method of prop- The Futul Lilies. A Novel. By Author of" Dora Thorne.’* agating all the different plants, tolls how to cure disense ami A Shndow on the Threshold. A Novel. By Mary C. Hat. erudlcatclnsfct pests, gives directions for making beautiful floral The Curse oft’arew. A Novel. By author of “Dorn Thorne.’* and other devices, for window gardening, etc. Illustrated. The Klutohford llcqucst. A Novel. By ltuuu Con war. Guide to Needlework, Knitting and Crochet. Con- Illustrated. tainiug designs and directions for all kinds of Fancy Needle- A Queen Amongst Wsmcn. A Novel. By the author of work. Artistic Embroiderv, Lace Work, Knitting, Tatting, “Dora Thorne.” Crochet ami Net Work. Illustrated. The Fatal Marrtnjre. A Novel. By Miss M. K. Braodom. w* anions Dctocll vc Stories. A collection of thrilling nsr- ATuloofPln. A Novel. By Mrs. Henhy Wood. ratives of Detcctivccxperleuce, many of them written by actual A Bridge of Love. A Novel. By author of “ Dora Thorne.** members of the profession. A Fotwlvc Crime. A Kovel. By “ This Di'chuhr.'* Ah-.i1.0c Wit and Humor. A collection of humorous Inglodew House. A Novel. By author of “ Dora Thome.** storie;!,sketches,poems and paragraphs by the leading funny The Knigh tabrldge Mystery. A Novel. By Cuablu men of the American Press. Illustrated. Illustrated. The Mystery at Blackwood Grange. A Kovel. By Wedded nud Farted. A Novel. By author of “DoraTbomo.** Alr4. Mat Aon kb Flemish. A Fortune Hunter* A Novel. By Annik Tiiomas. Ill'd. T lie Evil Genius. A Novel. By M. T. Calsor. Among the ltulna. A Novel. By Mahv Cecil Ha y. lU'd . The Story of a Storm. A Novel. By Mrs. Jane G.' Acrrix. Hose Lodge. A Novelette. By Mrs. Hsnby Wood. r2r*We will send any four of the above books by mail post-paid upon reeelptuf only TV’elve Cents; any ten for B.r Cents; any twcntu-fi >t. for AO Cents; tlio entire lißt (40 books) for 75 Cents; the entire list bound in boards with cloth hack, for sl.lO. Those are the cheapest books ever published and guaranteed worth three times the money asked for them. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Postage stamps taken for fractions of a dollar. As to our reliability, we refer to auynewspaper published in New York, likewise to the Commercial Agencies. In I Toeveryonesendingfortheenfirelirtofbooksasabove. we will send, without 3IOi extra charge, either sixty cents’ worth of the Imperial Pinned Paper Patterns, to be selected by yourself from a catalogue which willbe eentyou, or The People's Home Journal, a largo 16 page, (R-column illustrated Uterarypaper. for one year. All orders filled by return mail. Address all letters: F, it LVFTOA, Publisher! No. 8 Park Placet Xew York| Fall Opening AT 1! I C l ll I! fl IBH IJ ! B ■ SI I%Uil II ! I if! llt ll ss :S u v tj 4 4 J I If til I If HJ l Ov.r stork 1- t oy ct niplcte in every department, and casual • r caret it: hu- jK vrill slow it to be the luuulsoiuest and ! *cst asst.; ted ever U'o\vn in tills section. h; ann:i;meir..i>-ihat we tit c thoroughly prepared for the Fal. Fr.nlc, v-.v *••-' 1! not <p into descriptive details about tlic/jood.s, but simply- sn--- Fiat everything Novel, Elegant and Easiiion uble in the Dry (rood* Li ne can be seen or our couni ers and s’.e!v< - t'he L.oek includes everything from low-priced, ■sub lantial ;>*ootl- to the very finest manufactured at homo rad abroad.' V>■ g 're a standifig. unqualified guarantee on prices agants- -.■ ,-e y nt u-ket in t!io l nited States, and anyone who doubts our ability to do this is earnestly requeue:! .<) put the matter to a practical test. Every guar antee we otter will be (ally maintained. "Whether you are i ■ • 'v o imre-m.-eat present or not, we cordially invite you to <■ !1 and examine ibe stock. Sample* sent on application. In ordering goods or sam ple-.please specify the "ki fid. of goods desired, and whether nearest we have will do if we have not the exact thing order ed, IT*. *■ V? ft B S’* M TPn** F* m 1-ltiillS f hOrfb, T W> v n \y owyrj T"S .ViTE-IJST.V. U V PARKER BROTHEkJ, m.A t< o , ’ At the S-.-ckl InU-niiitipiitil O’ I :i.v-f*ig *<>:i T.>uriim.>nt, held at Xi-a-Orleans, La, ! Vb. 11 t.l lit. IS Hie l-’ frize aa.l Diamoml Bulge ill the lirlivi ltta! Oiiatu Among contestant* .-boo.tingotfier guns were sueli oiiampions as Carver, Boganltis", IW.-ly.Slufibs, Erb, an,l otliers. During the entire, tournament more prize” were won with i’.trker.gnns. in proportion to tin* number used, than with any other gun. D A Y ATASXAHI LL, 1-ISii.DQ-CTii.nTSK.S FOR t Ainu ag i.s, \\ a<i o-X sj C/OAcii MatebiklSj SaddleiiYj Harness, Leather, Shoe Findings, B E L T [iN(|. The Finest and Most Varied Assortment of Children’s Car riages at all prices, Ever Brought to the City. mm oi 1 cohort and joy To those who have been wrenched and jerked about, by 8 o called io.*i<l carts. We now offer you the most delightful vehicle, with FINDS V wheels and axles for 5E&4355..00. Iry one and save your health. IS vary man who owns a horse, or wishes to train a colt, should have one, as the price is within the reach of ail. DAY & TAAAAIIJLL, - - AUGUST A, GA.