American Democrat. (Macon, Ga.) 1843-1844, January 03, 1844, Image 4

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A'-assqyTA 1 tov s, 1 Frp7\!'iijff A n«rionn Agriculturist Tnyjiii? Cotton—mar'. Sumpter 8- V. Aw*. -1,1343. * liUil f fe£ £?£& iei ip.ffetUi’r-ot-fajct artjcUis ; onlnt at crttah.,which /urn; £.pp?ared in the late numbers of your ! l iper, by Dr. Philips of : ?tn-»sissi|>feL,;uid j which, by the way, aVe Tfle ciCSt I navel ever seen on the sjjrbject, I do not Teco!- lect that $e hjifctouch'd upon the sub-, ject I have made rind exnerimSiit in this, and was pleastd with tti-f result. : Some plftnterS north toliis, I understand, have also tried this method' and find the cotton 4* rtofwhpt to shed; as when jt is not topped* especiajly in wet seasohs. Ordinarily wo reckon the first week in the best time (or topping; but tins, of course, will .depend upon tiie season, and the forwardness of the crop—for sometimes it must be earlier and sometimes'faf^r. 1 tried the effects of .what I suppose to he marl, 'on a small spot in one of .my fields, say about The marl 1 judge to be of poor quality, yet can not say, positively, as 1 have no analysis of it. I dug it on.t m v January last, and spread it broadcast, at Ure rate of 30 loads to the acre, as an ordinary pair of mules wuiildioaVry. It deemed to pnl verive woii, exposed to the severe frost of last winter, and l ploughed it in deeper than I usually plough, and harrowed the land well -Tiia result is, I shall get full one-thiid if riot one half ynore cotton off this piece thaq any other .part of the field, which more than pays lire for thertrouble. I need not -say tiiat we read the nr- i tides on manures in the Agriculturist ! with miich-iniQi'eytfor many of ns are ; beginniag to learn that it is not only i easier and better, but even cheaper to renovate qpy oltl lands thau emigrate to anew country and bring new lands into cultivation. 0. McD* Good I'm it. •• That- .iLrs just as easy to have good fruit as poor, is a truth that every farmer should remember ; and this, if acted on wtUU* found tlot .'inly easy l<ut prolitable. If fit** fruit orch ird i> tied, imt m ninii bers or Varieties, lose no time in coriect fiTg the eyjl ; and the way,ls ,10 ap pU lo fopii ilierw|i(^d/Uutsot’yuibu for fgw good fruit trees of each desired vo««- Lyy is far better than great nmnbers wfth inferior fruit. A succession of good fruits is iudespeusable. The varieties of sum mer; autumn, and winter, should follow >o us to leave no interval. Enlarge your list of diff rent kinds of fruit, rather than your varieties of the same.— Abbeville C uUivatvr. Tools ::nd Tool Sheds. 'There should be attached to every farm house, a Tool Shed, capable of contain ing all -the implements required on the farm, dtiiing winter, and at other seasons when not in actual use. The expense of such a convenience is a mere trilie,- compared with its advantages, and would bo more than economising in a few years. We have often been surprised on behold ing - life ploughs, carts, ox-whcels, har joav^,aid,wdioeLb|tiT<pivs, exposed ui the ytmfrif a tarn tor, who was tod i to pay a eduph? of dollars a year for a papesjfc)<?-\fM? would "look upon the auqual disbursement for such a pur pose, as a drain upon liis exchequer not ‘‘to be elidured.” And yet, he could complacently behold liis tools rending and rusting in an exposed situation wifh otit even thinking of the loss, or tliosav ./ir»g that might (hi eltected simply b\ providing a Substantial protection from the aits and rains— Maine Cultivator. I*, nttrj- llousra. If ydu wish your liens to lay through <bo winter, have their houses cleaned out thoroughly. Empty the. nests of all filth, lutvc Uiem scraped inside and out, and iheq \vJiitetv;tsltod. Place coutiguphs to your hen-house, under roof, a pock or Jvvqof lime, a budiel of gravel, and a load of sand or ashes, so that they can daily have acfebW to these ’substances. Give them chopped fresh meat once a week, or oftener, and feed them regularly twice a day with grain and potatoes—always feeding them near the hen-house, so as to attach them to it. Keep their nests at all times weil supjlied with clean hay, and a levy chalk mutation eggs in each : if you hrtve tma-ha'lfVClay-u ill answer eve*y.pfusqioso, provided you whiten the eggs’ hywlMtowashing them. See,- too, th at yotlr fowls get water regular! v. [f you ibUovv this advice, you’ll find that ' your hens will lay nearly ns many eggs W winter as they do in summer.— Anier. J 'arui r. | v: lL ; A Arjnhirt nficl UftecrW CniTffof VGUF. & fUtUil: al-o used successfti'iv in the treatment of BILLIOUS FEYBRj Nausea, flenoral Docility, and Norv ouS W«ikness. The most flattering reeommendAiions of this Mod rine have ratify eminent Pltys i i»tu and Alters who have used V. And it is pre*- « otrf’dihit tarxsntkliehie Itas ever been used whoos a iCT more beneficial, pleasant and invig o NTtic,"feid riafled forth from afflicted sufferers -uch expreasKns of WFartfelt gratitude afid tfmiikfttfiicss. id—Chill |V«xrf;l!!; 9 i(|gjch and head fee an 4 ■Jilfi/ug ! j !jfn-|rtf appetite in-, c .-asing anJ improviug, all nervous weaknefc* li)P*.Vc 'c*CF . - nflFCr tail Io cure ihe Chill and For and never siykcu the slomadi an operate tfee tfivels. potion Upon system is ao charming, hat pcr-oiia a. uivarlafeiy s irprised and pleased with their lapidlmd oympie-c restoration to health, The Pills are purely arid solely Vegetable; and the happy Combination of the ingredients and their proportions ary such as ty 'reduce a med cinc which ttev-r fails t . relieve w-iicn relief is at 411 attainable E tch box contains VO doses of Pills—Price, One Dollar. importantcaution! 1 : -■ I PR. SPENCER’S) VEGETABLE PILLS A PLliLh; JJLtid6LN(i. These PUUhave long been knowrt 5 foj then extraordinary and immediate powers of re storing- perfect health to persons suffering- under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable. They are particularly recommended to all those persons who arc afflicted with any kind of Chronic or Lingering Complaint , as there is m* medicine before the public which has so natural aud happy effect up on the system in correcting the ammaeji ad liver,, and to the formation of healthy chyle and thereby purifying the blood. They are acknowledged by the hundreds and thousands who are using them, |o be t*os only the mo3i mild and pleasant in their opcraiion, but the most perfectly innocent, safe and efficient medicine ever offered to the public. Those who once make a trial of hese Pills, never afterward feel willing to be without tthem, and call again and again for more which is sufficient proof of their good qualities. HE ADA CUE—SIC# OR NERVOUS. Those who have suffered ad arc weary of suffer ing: with this distressing complaint, will find Spencer's Vegetable Pills a remedy at once certain and immedi ate in its effects. One single dose of the Pills taken soon as tiie headache is felt coining on, will cure it in one half hour entirely. Asa remedy in Summer and Bowel Complaints, they display their wonderful powers to admiration, and are far superior to any tiling in use lor these complaints. In Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, they stand un rivalled. Many have boon cured in a few weeks, after having suffered under the dreadful complaint for years. In Habitual Coßti v cness, tl\ey are decidedly supe rior to a:.y Vegetable Pill ever brought before the public ; and one 23 cent box will establish their sur prising viitues, and place them beyond the reach of doubt in the estimation of every individual. They are invaluable in nervous and hypochondria cal affections, loss of appetite, ahd all complaints to which females alone are subject. They afe mild in t heir action, and convey almost immediate conviction of their’ utility from the first They.may be taken by persons of any age; and the feeble, the infirm, the nervous ami delicate are strengthened by their operation, because they cicaittfhe system of bad luuuors*ipum. tability", and invariably produce sound health. rpwards of Three Hundred ahd SeVeriry Thous and Boxes of these inestimable P.iUhave bdt*n sold; within the last twelve months in three States alone, and more than iLrcq times the in oth er pStaf As an Anti-tJillioOs Medicine, no faihily should be without them. A single trial of them is more satis factory than a thousand certificates. C 'Eli / IFICA TES. |Tlie tollowing’ is (ruin Mr. Inuae M. t'huinas, Mer i-hanl, ut 'Flllotir ara Sprinjrs, Alabama.] Talladeoa Spuing?, Tallmlepa Cos. Ala. Aiifniai 17, 1842. Till? ia to certify, that I have beeli afflicted with Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, and Liver Cotnplaiui, and Coslivpncas fur the fast eight or nine years, du ring which time I had taken, as well as 1 recollect, about sixty boxes of Bc-ckwiiti’s Pills, boxes of Peters’ Pills, and a number of boxes of Champion’s and B. utdreth's l’ills, all of which afforded me hut h.ttle or no relief. At last, 1 was recommended to try Dr. Spencer’s Vegetable Pills, and well ldid; for I:ic v-r hud but one attack of the Sick Headacho af ter I ct tnmenced taking the Pills, (now about six months) and 1 candidly confess, that 1 have derived more real benefit from the use ot Spencer’s Pills, thitl fro;n all tiie other Medicines atid Pills that I have eveo'.taken, and i would earnestly rccotniuetid them to all, as being in my opinion, the Best-medi cine in use for all lingering complaints- Tiie Pills have done me so much good, that I would not feel willing to be vithout thfcin for five dollars a box; and 1 cannot but feel very gratpful to Dr. Spencer for having prepared such a valuable medicine, and lire distribution of it is conferring a very gr&at favor oh the putdic, as it is a tiling of the utmost importance that every family should have a supply of Dr. Spen cer’s truly valuable Pills constantly on hand. ISAAC M. THOMAS. [From Mr. Adatii Riser, a peptilar Merchant inTaja <lt g.t (Vafnty, Alabama.} Ricrnrs Stohe, Talladega Cm., Ala. } August In, 1 -12. ) This is to certify, that I have used Dr. Spencers’ Vegetable Pills jit my family for the last six months, and 1 consider tlicut the beat Pil’s 1 ever used. 1 was appointed an agent lor the sale of them about <ix months a<n>, at which lime the travelling agent left pie about one hundred boxes, and 1 Ino e sold out every box long since, and could have sold as iiVTuy more if ihcy had been left. I think every family should keep astipp'y always no hand. .1 have jiovcrsuhl any Pills in my stoic tliar have been liked pjwell as Spencer’s Vegetable Pjl! 9 . ADAM IMS Fit. [From a vi ry respectable Planter in tVusltingjon -tii ! Qoutuy, j Washington Cos., Ala.. March 8, 1943. -/b Dr. Spem ar: Dear Sir—l have used your Vr-gotobic Pills in my amiiy lltt Lai year with great success, ami I consid er them the best Pti! 1 ever used. 1 have made con siderable use of many other popular Pilis, but t am convinced that yours are superior to nny of tjiena. For Sick Headache, they a.o au excellent nic.vlioitic. For Bowel ('mnplaint, 1 think litem the best medi cine in the world, and also for the Blorsly celux. 1 t ag say to yon that I made great Use of them Inst season. I had twenty of my blacks sirk with die Flux, an 1 1 administered your Pills freely, and 1 did not loose a siuglc case. My neighbors speak in the highest terms of tlicut. Respectfully yours, JKSSE JORDAN. jIMPORTANT CAUTION- A PROCLAMATION. To Vie CiKiens af Georgia; WHKKEAtS, for several years past, the good Peo ,plc.vf dti-s State have been greatly, and very seri uilily iuipnsed ttpfei in tiroes of suffering and sick ness, by being obliged to pjtj-*the’ctlr4tnotts price of 'Fie Dollar anil lYfltj Cents for a Box of RILES, or a Bottle of MIX 1 l RE, to euro CHILES ASD FIX I / IIS, and oilier tii-mussing complaiufs : Now, ihereforc, that an s.i.’r.o.ri t*,e;«>s Ot relit f have been discovered in DR. JILi.LS YEGET AIIEE FE 1 EH and AGUE, and ASTI-1 E VEll RILES; which arc offered by-the Proprietors and J\n ‘f 4-flits W.lhc low mice of only Upt Dollar per ’Rb v— Turin 23 etiFaperi tlutn the ii.ajffri lyxff all otherdnediriiiioi if .1 the cuti; of stu-h n.mi pfciiots; aud tyi to ♦ump.u'atiyy wufevjiicli they- can be takyp, logcmcr with the simpncoy ut their coiiiponedt pArts (w fiicfi are etvfivoly vegetable) rmtt-*tw» real value of lltili's PtUs, as adapted 10 the v wasi.s-.tfec can b*nu longer tin Icait doubt of their,great tupcri. riiy fiver all othet medicrhcS, not rihW-in'thriir fftifetiflof propeVtiws in the Bate ahd spefedyh rare of Otdls and Fovors, bin rlso a» a (vuutdy! (i. fe'cvcrsvl evixry dt^uGptiott. It is particulaily worthy of remifk, thal out of Op w:irds < 1 T ! Ib-x.vofthv'f PilDst-l.; xh ASabahia alrttw*, *4ti^fi-»iiMasuw-r|##iih,„t is, not .a rfnpte ttwohas eontc to th* kno>vl4dge of ilte pro ) f.timrs, tyiiore they ha', c to ettrp the virills ‘ tid Fevers, when tin jhiaivc Been used avcordiAtg to th - 'hVectttins aecouipaiiyitig them. And t Fsides t!l ‘3O pills arc no "qnnek medicine;” they are tilt £r.*auiW#,vf*ra;a*a>lj «||)f|i men. w i>, aticr having prepared this Muporitfiii rswipt m .st positively declared that fretfiMrtfte itlsc.lVeiie- U 1 to the present time; in medical science, ttiey saw n way by which they could possibly he improved, or in wie in any way inure cuualual in lilt cure of thus, a op lot ms lor which they are recommended : so tha the happy cuiabuia'.urn ot die ingredients anrt.theii proper.ions arc such as to produce a medicine which never tails to relieve when relief is at all attainable. Upwards of one thousand certificates might here lx add d,/>l unppriat.t run*effected by this medicine; bi(t u ii not neces-ary to publish tlx-tn. as a si tip b trial ot tin- l’dls is more satisfactory evulenro than : vol i’ll'.' cf gnuted lestituoniii’s. We would, liowtv- er, refer the reader to some eight or ten tlKiusand Jaipiliev in who it is thought have experi nped their efficacy, and who would bear ample tes timony "f theirunrivalled virtues. nj s I'or .Sale by J. H <S' II - ‘V. Ellis on Cot ton Avenue. >l. S. HA LI. At < O’S DAILY EXPUKiS AND GEtiKli&L FUR WARMSG AMD CUMMJSSIOX HOUSE. I'll id Gfitrai hail kond and Banking Company of Georgia having granted to the subscribers the privilege of running an EXPKESS over their Road during the present year,, with the pitvtlvge of an apart ment tiiuler their own Lock, they offer superior sdvan (ages filrUlie proui|it and safe conveyance of valuable dkrttalee, tspseie. ice., iSjc., and rein hopes ol being afi.'e ty irfake an arrangement with the Post Office De partment, by which they will be allowed to carry a Mail Bug. . : They are prepared tq receive and forward Goods of ill descriptions, to and frofti fsavannah and Alaeotl and uHcrmodiate nlaces, a id between Savannah and Char lestoti, with ilte greatest safety and despatch ; and wiii also pav ptirttrulitr attention tit the purchase of Goods, collection and paytnnr of Draft*, Notes and Balls, and transacting till kinds of business in the above places. They have also ex emied their arrahgeraetnslulxin their Express by the Southern Boats to Ptoolata, in Florida, and Intermediate places on flint route. Maco.x —Office at the fVashingtoq Hall. Savannau—Office at la3Ray Street Do. yj. I’hilbrick, Agt n', for rrceivint nnj frtthv.iAUftJ Goods and Merchandise Cuakllsto.n. S. Gj—A|nu4 Head, Agcut, ofijee No. 95, East Bat. ' M. S. BALL * Cos. June 33. M & J. COWI.ES, HA\ E ™>w on hand at the Store formerly dreupi ed by- Messrs. J. B. ROSS ii Cos, a general as sorment of planters’ supplies, —consisting or— Groceries , STIFLE DISY GOODS, ss&i&ia'WtSi&a, esuiss, Macon, Nov.. 22, 1843. . 27 Mew Goods. T fA C'gm Niw Style M<rrimaek Prints, AvJ J.alit) assorted English and American do. Brown and Bleached Shirtings and Sheetii-gs i tekings. Umbrellas, Point, Dttflil Iff Bose Bhm-. kefs, S:rt| »-ii and I’luul Lmseys, Kerset s, Plttius, and Kent ckv Jeans.—Just receded and for sole l.y the ptet t or pavkagu. SAMUEL J. RAY & Cos. Novemhyfß, 1833. ‘25 .IT ii ’ *V CUE,IP iiOOBSS SAMUEL J. RAY, & CO. 4 RE now receiving ; n huge arid whip selected stock hi ol Eiiglirl< Ffeaeh awf kmeticun DRY GOODS, o which they would bog tiie attention rif their custom ers, and )h« i-uhlic/ geiteiady, |it tore purchasing else w here, it« flu V are deterinineu to sell low lor tush. Oct. 25.1814 23 if eVuv Dry Goods, Hat ami ssioi: kwwmie. at Baldwin’s corneh, cotton avenue, macon, ga. hiypip; stthfeeriheis are now receiving a general stock A ofslapia timl-latteyM •>» Dry Goods, Shoes ISoots and Ilafs, Also. <]nlf Skirts, Sole Leather, Hog Skins, Boot Mo rrtcco. Boot and Saddle Linings, Shoe Thread, Fcggs ami Lasts. Superior Anchor Brand Bolling Cloths, Paper Hangings ant] Bordering. Crockery-ware.' PaiXT.- and OR4 Pure White LeSd ground tn Oil, Extra tmtl N» 1 aud 2 ground in Oil, Colored Putins, Bt stqufiltfv LtttsCed,'Tanners tmd Lamp Oil, Glass, .Rut tv, *.« AH of which will' hi sold low f»,r Cash A. J. & D. W. ORR. Oct. 25, 1813 23 3,n. Baling and Hope. fX ll Afar.V Gnnny. Oloth, 43 t / 100 Piece- Kentucky Hemp Bagging 1 , 50 rVirl Manilla Bale R»»pe. For safe by CHARLES DA Y A CO. Alacun, Nov. 13, 1813. 26 ts W&WM. V.f.Tfl E J. ISJ§\' SCO. \RK receiving and opening a large nnrl riesirnhV arisorimeni of stasottable FOREIGN and A ■MEnICAN Fmcy ami Staple » (GooU.o. The entire f»r«i k is r»« u nml very comple’e, Hud vt U be puIJ at WliolcMiie or Reiail, at very lowest pri cesl. Purchasers are invited io call and exainine lor them stives Nov 8. 25 At Private Sale. JI>T RECmVEH. A r\j kegs White Lead/ TP\/ 16 baVrrls Are, 10 d»i. f) ranges, 2 sets Harncss l complelc, for four hordes each, made for the U. S. Arn y. . ts. T. ROWLAND. XovemherSd. wisvrnm®* JC. O’CONNER, Civil Engineer, wishes tp iri • form the citizens of Macon, that he has opened A Writing School, In Third Street, nearly opposite the Central Hotel. Air. O’O. will teach a complete system of writing in tcu lessons—and to ensare the Improvement or who may avail themselves of this opportunity, be will superintend the W riting of copies fur practice which iniist he Written after the lessons. He would also give lessons on TOPOGRAPHIC AL DRAWING-MAPS,,PLANS, SECTIONS, *o. f~*r Terms 83—one half in advance. Specimens n be seen at the Sol tool room, c“Dec. 6, 29 J. C. O’CONNER. WILLIAM L. CL AUK, WHOLESALE dealer IN STAPLE AM) .FANCY DRV HOODS, NO. 37 LIBERTY STREET, (Scar IVsiaari.) rjEw-Ycmr. Oct. 18, 1843. 22 if. i—q—. ——— CLOTHS AND (AS.SIM LULUS. SI P• Hf'VVfstof England Black, Blue, Brown and Invisible Grt en Cloths, F:.•licit and Americnn low priced do. Plain aril! Fancy BeaverClothu i Stlpcr Wool Diet!, F- nek <C Blue Rlk. Cassimeres. 'Colored and Fat cy do. every variety, Ai.sii, A lew pieces ot G ratfix* Cttstt for Hunting coats. SAMUEL. J. RAY, A Go. November 8, 13)3. 25 *jf(fN NETS. r pilF. subaortber has jest received aficsh supply JL of fine and fashi<triable Florence, Tuscan, and Straw Bonnets. I*", a few DRESS PATTERNS, rich Mouslin dt : Lane; an assortment of Elastic and Half Mitts;' tick aH( I Fa-dli liable Dreaa Silks at reducc'u pricb?; Uso one piece Turkgjr Satiu. , n « 7 1* . G, L. WARREN, One door ahot%} Geo. A. Kimberly'* Ilat Store. dVlacOn, Nkv. 1, 1343. 24—ts GROCERIES- I 'HE euhscriliera continue to keep on hand at tin old stand, opposite the Washington Hall, a gooi Groceries, Bugging,Salt,iron,&c., wltid •ney will seb low tor cash. C. CAMPBELL A CO. Macon, June 7, 1343. 4 if RACOJL I 2,000 lbs Hams and Shoulders. • of," Jehy “ C. CAMPBELL dt C U Macon, June 7, 1843. PROSPECTUS OF THE SP R CTATOR. flt HE Subscriber will continue to publish,' at \Va«h- J. tngVomdk C*<!ioiSPECTATOR weekly. It mil be devo'td 'o the sjicead ol true Deni tcratic pa inci pies an 1 will adopt for its motto the words ofthe lion, J.tlin C. Cnlltoiin “Fn-e Trade ; Ixw Dutts; No Debt; Separation front Banks ; Economy, Retreiicli tnetit;anu strict adherence t it tlife Constitutionand will itear aloft his truly Democratic banner. It will ni si strongly advocate the limitation ol the tenure of the Presidential office to ore term—not un}y 111 justice to to distinguished public men ofthe nation, out as more consonant to the genius of our Republican institutions and more conductvottia faithful and independent ad ministration of the GovertuueuL . As the most direct and effective mode of securing the permanent ascendancy of these dariF|iiul princi ples, the Spectator wjll zealously urge upon the coun trythe claims ot the distinguished Southern States man for the Preside icy. In doing (Ink, * w ill not be unmindful of the t*tttgrity and safety ttf Republi can Party, an I wUlpiamtesi a proper regard lor the pretensions of the" prominent indiviiflinls who have been named lor this high trust, and are identified w ith the advancement of these principles, "The Spectator will be edited by one of the ablest and most experien ced political writers pf;he day- The terms are three dollars per year, in advance, for a single copy. ' i ■t» I ' I ■'' P L aftcl individtgi)s, Ordarfngmore rh«n one copy, and forwarding, (lie pa it mini .of spbscriplions in ad vance, w ill receiVf (Hem ml thHollowiifg terms: Five -§ liars per ahhdt* fftMwp jeopiesj/ Twelve dollaretper aanuin 6>r bye.copies. per artrium htr terf copies. No paper will be seat wjthdut »' rgiuittahce of tliesuh scrip'ion. > I All communication? must be ddilrrsseo to the sub scriber. • • J lIN JIEAItT. Washington, D. C.,, March 13, 1843 TH E GAZETTE. The time has arrived, when, it has become neces sary for the Friends of Free Trade to unite in sus taining their cause,,, _ ~ , , The commercial community and agricultural pop ulation of the cotihtfy; have been subjected to the operation; of at} uucquai and Tariff Law. A law, admitted by "us frhmer? and advocates, to have been hasiilV devised and hurriedly actedFt), forced through Congress ut tjtc »d’if se an extra (session, and adopted by a single casting vote. A law, which makes forced loans front importers, in the way of cash duties, amounting on an average to 30 per cent, of tltyir capital. A law, wlyclt by heavily taxing ma terials used in shipbuilding, being ehubVro $5 per ton, which, on a vessel ot bOO tons.t amounts to the • tiirnvoud suin of &J,SbO G drying our sVtjps from (he foreign carrying trade. Foreign and cheaper built vessels monopolize to a great extent, the business xvbttjli was formerly done by our ships. The friouda of Free Trade, contend that justice to the Merchants, Ship Builders, and Ship Owners, and to the Farmersmf tbc country, demanii# an immedi ate modification of thisiippressivo Tariff Law., They cOntettd, llvar, t'tc Agricultural and Cpiin/terekd itt tcresis of die United States arc indissolubly united. That, the prosperity and extension of trade ami com merce, treeesftarily promotes Uit extension aud{>cos pclity. of agrtcuJture- , , : ~ Thoy he.licyc the powf r grapted to Corig/csS by the Cdnslitutinn, to regtiliato cfuntTrercC, Was not in tended to bo ufecd for its destruction- They belfevy it bad polirrforthc goyertiment, in time of profound peace, twiner prctcncA of passing a revenue MU, to pass a bill destroying revenue, and then bßrrUw money with wlvii It ut carry on die gov crnine i .-t, nud at the same time laying dig foundation of a largo public debt. They belt, vc a crisis has been reached in the af fttirs of tlx* ooutitty, when these mcasuros itMist be' mi t,.resisted anil oyercotae, by the united and if - cient action of tne friends of free trade. From tiie signs of die times, should the advocates of commercial restriction and unequal taxation,suc ceed in electing their candidate fur the Presidency, the disastrous result w:ill bo, that we sltall have the severe grievances of which We justly complain, fas tened upon us as the pcrniaucin policy of die cuun trv. , ■, To avoid an event fraught with such evil cottsc tiuences, it behooves us to unite with or he r» in the support of a Frre Trarle Gamliilatc for the IVesiilen cy. The time for action is short. In a few more months, an individual may he selected, a« President, whose opinions, power and influence, might be fear fully exerted against us. Orotic, whose yicigs, feel ings aud opinions coincide with our own. Something should he done. At the present time, the Piess of this city occupies a position Unfavorable to the success of our cause. Tito necessity for a new paper is evident, from the fact that at present, none of the papers of this city advocate to the full extent, and with sufficient energy and zeai, the prin ciples for which » e contend. A paper of this character seems at the preset! juncture indispensable. It should he in its ends toad aims, essentially n Free Trade paper; a id at the same time, advocate die claims to office, of men in whose undisguised principles, we might place the most ire plicit confidence. A Committee of Tree Trade Gentleaien, have been organized to solicit subscriptions from parlous dispnsedto contribute means, towards starting in this city, as soon as practicable, a now Coihereiul omj Free Trade paper, with the intention, at dip sane time of lending its honest and fair support for the Presidency, to (he candidate » hose opinions are well known to he favorable to a liberal Cohiniercial policy. Writers of acknowledged a iliiy, zeaj and indus try, will have charge of the Editorial columns. Talents of the highest order will be engaged to take charge ‘of the respective Departments of die paper. > tl , j, . The state of the Money Market, with Reports of Banks, Incorporated Joint S:ock Companies, Procee dings of Congress, and of Bfate LcgtsUturaS, iti re lation to all financial affairs, with regular taLies rtf Exi igingc Domvsiie and Foreign, ppmbined with general groupings of all monetary movements taking iplffce in all pahs iff the civilized world, will form a periAhrVcill feature;of the paper, , ~ i j Another department pf thg paper will tie dev.'ted to infonnatioti epneernttig Ihe state of the principal Markets ofthe world ffir Agricultural prhducls. Cor rdspondence will also bo established with tire fann ing and planting districts of the interior, in order to obtain .the,latest, news of the extent and prospects of the growing crops. Your aid in promoting the objects expressed in the above circular, is respectfully soliyjte<l. with that of your triends, which can be. remitted by than, in the way of subsefibers, or other contributions, to the address of I. F. Hutton, 47 1-2 Wall street, or Cos E. B. Hart, 18 Wall street, New York. PROPOSALS —lt is proposed to publish a paper (hat tn Connection with the objects above expressed, shall also support the claims of the Hon. JOHN C. CALHOUN, for the Presidency of tho United States, subject to the decision of a National Convention of Delegates, sent directly from the People. A Doily and Weekly paper, wjll he issued, of the j full ordiuary size, printed on good paper and with en tire new type. The price for the Dailywill he &(i 00 I and for the Weekly, 83 00 per annum, payable iti all Vases, in advance. Single copies of the Daily will be two cpnts, and and of the Weekly, six cents fach. Postmasters are authorised by a law of Cougress to remit funds or subscriptions for newspapers froe of expense. , Mew York, September, 1343; THE PETERSHCRG KEPCBLICAN I’.ELiEviNG tlid present to hri a Urisis'too iiupurtant to trie interests of tiie Democratic party to allow any ptxgs devoted toils cause to sink for want of support, (he subscriber |ws,.at. fjyt ia?wtut,e yf Jnany ir, emit, con sente'l to eOitorfAl ghiaffnee bf the’l eters liurg Republican. 1 Recognizing tit the l»te tetnporary defeat of D ntoc rat-y the neoessity of recurrence for fimire success ro be fundamental prirteiplrs of States’ Rights, nml tltejr strict application to.all Federnl issues. The Republi can wjli neither in itseß exhibit laxity of political faith, jtir ioleraie tts itiduigerrhc tri others, but wiu tindevia imgly atlhi r» to the noble principles, as admirably mn .tooivtl by one of our dfebugihisned •'^taiesnihn—'“rree rate ; low duties : no-debt; srperatioh front Banks;’ oMforay ; rc ieiiL-hitient ; und strict uditetauce to live 4>miitu(ttin.y Tiie soccessfitl mnintenance arid permanent estfflj tslttifenl «>t this wise nttd just system of meusuresyuAist* ;ri ai-ly dejettd on tire judicious selection of the I'etito ratic catidtdate’fdr the next Presidencyt and believing -be amplest guarantee ot tl-.ese important etuis to lie llorded fey the eminent, abilities and unsullied fault oj IO! IN C. CALHOUN, the Republican will advodate ns claims to the nomination ol tin* National Coilveli mn. Tin se claims will be entorccd w ith due respect ■ I the preterenees of others, and the cordial support of tis press will be given the Nominee of a Conven iOit so assembled as to he general, am so constituted s to give a clear expression to the willbf the majority. The Fetertburg Reuliblicait will, as heretofore, be ■ubiishetl three f.mes a week, at Five Dollars pci ati iitn, aixvars payable in ndvance. The snliserifier wHI assutm* its control on the, third lundav in June, un'il whiefi lime all comrtitiniclitlons ill he addressed to bint (|iosr Ricbran and. WASHINGTON GREENJIOW. Rtchmord,3lst May, 1813. PROSPECTUS op nr •CHRROK'EB ADVOCATE. THE mi<Jersjgiii (f,tii the avlwitmiou itljuaiiv Irtenda proposes 'o publi-H, in the village of Marietta, Cofib Couaty Georgia, a weekly uewp|i-|ier ui(dtrade abuvet title. He is assured that n well conducted newspap< r is mueli-w anted m this region, and so tar as Ids Bumble efforts will go,*ltou(d Ik- nieei with encouragement, the‘Advttcare‘snJil add to die rephtaiuMt of the Choro k*‘p Goumry, sffriding as it does, the most sa ujmous clime, with a fertile and productive soil, not surpassed in the Union. 'Phe Advocate will be decided in its poli ics, while at the same titpe due res »«.•« wdi lie paid to the opinions of those who may dtfi" r with us. Be ievitig in a strict construetion ofthe Lortslriurion, ss the truly sure gusr su'ee to tire iagututipifs «and |fec c*4l<Jfe a|}d ,»>f the .two great parties now Ixfore the country, that the Demo cratic Partv, with John ■. Caiaiolw at its, head, is the one on w ltich to look for the carrying out those princi pies, the Advocate will support die principles ot that Parlv, and the man, whoever he may be, selected by the National Cotiveatiuit to carry out Us principles. Agriculture— that most imp* rutin branch of industry, wifi not We neglected in die pageh of the Advoentc. To this hrauph wesliaU devote much attuvion, and in addition, to such selected articn -,‘as may Ife of inten »t to this section, wv wi|t <■ ntleuver |o -prnctKe ihe nssis tance ofthe tariiiersin VVesten Georgi'n, who, by giv ing'theiff own experienfra and inode of culture, will Utjngih rward miters,and ipus all reap a benefit. The Advocate rmty tth->» lie lookt ti to (orsao-h items of news us -we may rcccjve tropi iliff rent stctiojis of the country, and a portion of its pages will he devoted tolighl n apti.g. It Will be an,object oi thquodclsi^ufd to make the Advocate such a paper as every subscriber will led Ia pleasure un perusing birnsrlf, and to pitting helbre his faiiiily. and when Ins year expires, renew Ins kultscripfitm with aihnile on his countenance The Ad-vocate will be printed on an Imperial sheet with new type, press, &.c. at Tltrce Dollar* per an num. m. mjvuocu—iw sub-iription will lie mken for less than a year. Advertisements will he inst Fed M One Dottay per si]nnro ot tweljve lutes for tlv first iuser tion, and Seventy-five Cetits for each subsequent one— legal Advertisi itthtt!* will be inserted til the Oftaalhates. Jub Pn,:tii|tg of every deseripiiott will l« ix.tcutpd with neatness arid despatch. 1 1 , M. M. C.U.DLU. July 10, 18 f3. THE l- A/. I <</. /.• SATUKDAVCOHIER. WrNo INCREASE OF FhtCE IS ASKED Fok TllE ENLAR GED and realtified Courier, and lor tltc purpo e ..i fa cilitating tha formation ol Clubs, of which imv old sub scribe# ofictelmg ’ will be considered ox one, w e ofler the following EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS. Three copies-of tiie Saturday Courier,: lyeir, t is on# copy tor thee years, - - , - 9eveh cr>|»icß «f (lie Sufordny Courier, I year, 10 ’fwclve “ ~, , :!**,' t, , • 15, Fevrinfeeh “ 1 ** ' •••*»•' *»* "120 Two “ and 1 copy of Godov's Lady's Book, 5 Fi-vo copies of iheSptardny Courier, find 2 copies of Gody's Ga ly's pttuk 10 F’lVe x'opti sot UiC Satanhiy Cbtirter, 1 copy of Miss Leslie's Mngazute, 1 copy of Col nan's . ihiys'ahd (xirl's LrlJrAty, and I copy of Go* .(Jc.y’s Lady Book . ~ •, 10 Five rn uit sos (fie Rhturoay Coh'rfef, arief I‘chpy of IfVost's'few Hclorral-UvStiu v ul Anicrun,-a bn book, 10) (Krln fact, vHjatijyor offer is made, by any ctfn r Family .Journal, at all approaching tn, w orth, beauty or. prefenskms r lolhe ritmirdtiy GourieP, will he fiilntished by : . AIAKKN tfe li 'LDIijN, Editors ahd Proprietors rRE l! To any pcrrinTi wlfn wifi send ns Teh New !*tiN»rri- Itets, apd S'Jff, w« will preseot a copy of Vitn-tr Allison’s History of Europe, [English edition of this ! work row's 850!J Or fe' -tfelireai vltuouary of Arts. .M.tnufaetiiror?, and Mines, I5t>CT pitges, and ov<*r IttOO p! I't-s! t-nt-yclotyedip of Gsoyrajjby, 4goO pages, 120fe en graving?, 80 tpapa. I Irvu.tfi''ld’s Greek TWaattn*. For Five Ngw. Subscribers, and SlO, w ill he sent either. Cooky's American iff Egypt, wife ptpnorpus i]]us fritttons. l’lie Farmer's Cvt.'oJa'ilin, 110 U pages, anti innu merable engravings: or titlark*.* Life ntbUjaghington.- ,j , Pictorial History of the United States. Thd ub 've wet ks are 0(1 i.t form to sent! by Mail, at non-periodic til postage. Our bfetfiretiitf the "Pirsg, w ln> ext-ferage with 11°. H-fflgreatly oblige UJ by irwuig the above an iu-< rtipu. M’MAICI'.N & HOLDEN p\ii)SVVAVVtS OF THE rok G RF.SSI ON AI. >F A MSOATAN. fpilE > appn.xchiog ffessrm ot ConffroSß. will, A d.jtdjtlpy, ,hc the iutporLHit one, i« many respects'm tiie attriafs of AMorH'Uft policies. The occurrences will bo interesting to eiery citizen, and we shall make extensive arrangements to spread fee6>(u ogr, most elabo rate,- and moat correct accounts of every tiling tlitit transpires at (lie i-apifal. The proCeFditigJ t.f C.trt prcys.wili be niiiujiely • atijt;gdcd u>, pud. rpt egiies delivered in b tit Houses given at length. Tit* approaching Uons-ross will diffor in many, re jspgpla fixtut any other ever convened.. The Ejredu tive will be firm aril! jfisi, arid yet Vtourtriohs and’ conciliatory to all-thq.parties thnt- roßipose tfegjjon gress, go tiiat in tite political conflicts, w it'ir It nny he anticipated, the PEOPt/ICB iuiereffts ’may be ( el+ogpthor neglected; 9?*? r'Y/yv illfetiH', feu cettdancy in thy Scnatc-Mlfe other ifi ihe IT .ttfe, wftife the Picslilrm ’w'ifi srirlTi', 1 n cehali' or Tin? cpcxTay. to liarinopize tjtoir legislative action. , ('i.t’iL-ress (i.ll'ffiiit that, VtmlVriilie prefelif Fx.-'c 1 - fevp) tlio being in respretsitfle (t«a!td| no defalcations have ntmurretLatid'tltat the agents, . it-, trusted w’ith the puMJc fdnfls,haV.- merited thttteun fetieiiec of Ixith ptorfif s. It wUJ find t\ .atiff sonic.-, what imperfect, ana biincntig From file rdre rftxjjit mettded 1)7 Mr. Tyler, pn-vsed 'in the H ntso hy tlie casting votes, of twenty-one Democrats —tXtrlyJhc ’ (fay xvhlgfov'tnlriig'ng'ahife'U} w’ltffe ‘inAlte Soriate four or fipe l>*ntoyfa<a yotpfl for it, an;l twice that, number of, Wldgs pgainkt it. It w ill find Ihtkt the ciirierix'y rA" fl«<«tiffitr)( is in a eojiditioi . than i; li;)s4>ccu for t,wet|ly years, and jliat 100 out a Rank, of any tiling of a kindred r-n'ilro; While tliofite iruttlOns of ’iVoastrey ,)n«os authorized IP bp issued bearing six per cent., are taken by the Gov ernment creditors witlioiM miy inltrcst at all. ft Will find demagogues and political maiiarrrrs busy cheat- 1 ing the People as usual, preaching distribution, as- I somptiou of state debts, bank, &c. But they can never make mtu-.jj progress while Wr.TylifUPr ev ident. All ific?c RiiftjVits will be sgfitaied forihe bonefitofTrestdeutialaspirants. "At suclt a time, it is necessary that the eftizens in et rirri “settlori ; of (he Urlknj should knotv what is done fey jtlteir. rcpFescntatiyes, and be acquainted witli tiie import and design o*f tile debates and mnve- Wietils in Goilgrcas. 'Che session will t)yt doubt bo long, as w«llias intensely cxcitintr, and hence tire In ducement msuhscrilie for the MadiKotriri'i by tlm year. 'lLnii-S : i ALWAYS IN ADVANCff) tc session, (prdbubiy nirvo is;, 1 ! > ..,-motuha). , . » .. . . - $7 O.J. Tri-w< city, (titling the seuljn, 2 90 VVeokly, ' do. 1 G) Pjtpers with which we exchange, by copying tlii; prospectus a few tiroris, will (confer a fa wliidi tnillibe eltepsftelljj rcpsprociwoi|, ( , . , ~ Postmasters are allowed by law to (Var.k ictriit tances. . ■ • it,], Address J. B. JONES, Washington, D. C. December 23,1343. Democrat Joi> Office. j , It A, ' in The rear of j rarneif boor store, > on uorrory Avanus, macon, <l4. , Is fully stfppbe.l with every tltutg tltat is necessary for the'neat, ritieap, add )trorhj.t fxecuiifttt ofali' varlei ies of 3300 U nm soi> UrmUnrj, -‘-sueff .so— Kotos, Checks, Labels, Circulars, Pamphlets, Bill Hoads, Horse Hills, D.-ay Receipts, Stage Bills, Business Cards, Hail Hoad Bills, Cotton Receipts, Eteara Boat Bills, Bills of leading, A 1.1. RfUfM| iff' JSSWrUltll, Picpkrcil at a wnmiri", ia the ucateßv atii roost txfitJiiiaijx iwrouar. ißife&rijkg* : An of all descripiionsof BLANKS kept consrontly i’ll hand, or prspirad at tJlc shorten Wotie* iSH #f which wiß Be done at the very lowest prices far CASH JNKW BOOK STORE ON COTTON AVENUIi. Two doors above Messrs. J. IT. & \V v ELLIS’ DRUG STORE. Jp#\ J. “2J& wKmm. s 'cte f‘ V cu,:a ‘- fc Family and Pocket Bibles. Prnver and Hymn Boot of every kind apd[ atze, uj Southerv and Missouri Harmosv, Kixgsi.ev’s Scrn Choir, Juvexilf. Sixuixo Book, Mason's Sacieo Harp, Base Prewfii, DirjipMAßy of 4life. CAL 'I'eRMS, <$C., d-C. Hlank Hooks of every description. Court cord, and Docket Hooks, various size*. * Journals, am) Day Rooks; /nr dice j 1 tetter. Dill and Receipt Rookt; Index's for ' HeefgfTs, Rocket Memorandums if- Rocket Ledgers, xf-e., <f-e. .1 B. woriW respectfully invite I embers and other wluymay want,School Books, to calland examine hi stock ; w hich will he sold at the tuwcsl possible oriel. For Cosh —whoJcsafe and-retail. ' He also receives qs soon as pttlilished n|l the new works Hum tt I HtuqierV and other (mhlishittg hous. in New X, or k. Bogton apd Pbtjadelphia, tyubfacin ■a l the cheap aiiff fJishiortnlde litcrnture of the dai wlucfelie sells at New York prices. ,Cr.ns'ant:y on hand a stock oj LA fV BLA SKS, print, on the best foolscap paper. Mac-on, Occobct 18, 22 ts. NEW BOOKS AT OAKSES’ BOOK STOIiE. 'J :iK Ni-Ic.ft!K>•::*—•!afet 1 bjr iJowiil. Jfe' l.* f \ llAjKnaii Monk's Wouks. !?«». (J, * * 2T» ». Tni?F.ui< n*ni, tty • - . |{2^(. Tm« I pi i fliik JtriiN P.'P.unjivx; * 12 1-2 a JJul.wiißV N*'vw 12 12 aiu) ct*ntf. Ja.mks’ Vo.* D.l I)o. ’ ' * rtottklYll 2-1 cißiits ( J , . ’ Alison’s Jiryy*,:, omplete. WfANimfHttntuirß9kii4i>.' , nil i , vxi-ocii’s fiAZ£T)Ti:ii»t, No. P.‘ir»<k*nt*. - -Inothor .new worV in two pii-mj TIIC RREffl REIS rfitiX, from rti« ffjtteil pen of , B>vmcr. bv Marv Howitt. Tito TtlC-mnY OF RDLYXFSIA, 1 vo] b . the Rev. W. Russell. 1 ORR ftps AI.MIXAC for 18-14. ■|tS*Trt he hod at VkUriUs* BbeKsTonia aiqcoti, -7, Jrtbi. -.0- is sole; age\ t i xm the sale of mv pills LVTUEfeIU Y (jl' MACON, GLO. Ik IreANDiiETH, M. ft. Jlacrih, Afav 31' 3 ,r - i a i.t. And v, ini'ek rrcxDDs r : Now arriving muurr from n. yoUTk. ’ rtfidclslerited w orth! re4pdcrftilfv inforui l;i --j -l tlH.ljfU ftfitf i*ui«»>v vccp.vili'r a well aborted tfr-.ilcVr FALL \ND t>CiOOD-S. Muslin Do Lai:o.y, rw’ii Oiapc 1> j f.nnrs, Imperial Ch'.saua an<l AJ.ipntLalianru -, I 0000 yards*prime*! (’alicors, fa.*hional>lcntvl.lllaik t MM rick VrU-rw; H Hmwn and Bic**cbc»J.Liii«:HTuiU»f Cdofli.**. alarffeinl ( olr- nut asujrtruui t of.ndi Idark, Blue Ufrclfai,<| fNiba-rd Dr.RNq S»l Asp Nviih a grnfrnl.T- I j*v,ijm4u,t «»t. tfdk . Jiaudjsc* v|dc|’s Maude?, I Slitiv.l-*, Cilovcs and li«li*ioVv, uicnjifne Helnminirs’ i .\>*'d!c«. Ht.oks arid lyro*, Wbalclx^ir,/Bal j Hhug'ing'r, tic., etc*. • j <v il ALSO,-- | A Sj.tnpdjd assori|t,-ti;t.i< j CaSSIMI ,P.S h Fhmyels, etc., together with inwt 'rilK-r aftielcs itsn.-illi- topi in |)rv- ttisslV Sluros. Ail o| wJmfe.xvill be sitbl its Low. os the Unrest fee . Casii. A share of tiie public palrntiagtj Is rcsprci tull v solititrd, at first door above G. A. JCitaheritb Hat Store. 1 N. B Dress .’Woking, ft> 'the best mnnacr, and most Li.oincf. . t; ! . fv.\r;:;i \ bopn ,;,' ~ .!), i jy. i^nxMiiS ?(-;:■ I;■ -■ . t .v ; be..f c-h.r.d.c.- I A.--0. New stylo Tuscan, Florence and AmatnneJ* 1 JnM received and t.r safe |nwt. by , XML’F.L J. RAY & so. 1 Vnromhf-r ]fi(3. 11 'i 25 h Vl.i .V i!!C.\. 1 Liver,it.: S:dr. j 2U l'oiis tfwvtics Ir. jf . 11' or sale by Cll.Vtf. CAAU'jiiXlj A CO. Bagging find Hope. (h/VfY PIWRB) bt axy Gturltk-Rim- ng, x-'x/W fet)|t " Koiiipiki, .do 53 « Rt.sht, ' J.F 1 200 Cwli llip*, 500 lbs, Bagging Twine. Fori Fu\* liti rensionallte teratsi l>y > CHA-S CAMPBELL i CO. Aug.-S3, IBIS. ll 1 "1 L, 77: — t~ ——; ; r— .pA cvoHa as A .Vi a ■coAt’Mi'ssiox D ‘JI - 7\ CS.'l. tcnrlery Jiis «n victs (o bis 1 ajiid tiie nill>lic, 111 the ajuire btisinrps. For ma* ny aeiiivly d m v. eonductintr the various* brandies til trade ifiiiiwuiely connected wish the interist of planters. Tks j his 7Mrsounl aitcntifiu to u>atu #n4mstt and to.biscare. JOHN BOpT'U.N. Sav.ittnnlii July 5. Uif 11 V. .\|! 'o S ffUTflj t . t. jjROADXVAY.. fON'NKi; MAIDEN LA NR, . viv I 'otk% JS PitiVA tiv BO VRDiAG. YANE s>f tw,o tiLspp.qtftfek; families can be aceots uiuuatcu wttli HJaragoa qjianiMt •" * rr ' niarknblxt Jtealthxj; qftiej and pleasdfifpai t U ih« «>' ty. 1 retveuicntly,itc.-tr tlte/cat of bitsittess. Three ktr fiMrEfSy t’>f’tr;Pisix-fir ll atr.ferpyi-an atso be scsoie m..dared. For particulars apply at the office o( ihe Deinocrat. ' ■ Bripl. 27, 1343. ,G 29 MFI’TCi:. T HE undersigned Haveassdclate<l llicm-clvrst gotber\ utidap the style of I.E.MLSRR, JfA YEf V, if- Cos. for tfee traits 'clfem of the and Printing Business’; tfec copartnership to take *'• foot from the lOUt of Luyust lust. GEARFIELU LEARNED, ’ ' ! r ' nl " JOHN A. HAVEN, JOHN A. TOMPSON. Boston, Sept. 6, 1343. 23 L'OL'li alic) date, applttutipo L marie to the Inferior Kuumif Bibb cMtntyi *« cl ’ ItlttihgtftJ* urdittsry piipnses, furlqsvq to sell thrßc* 1 cutely pi Isitholla Clark, tlr ceased, said county* 1 A f.EX’k ‘MfcLfe.OSB, Atlm'r t, ■Sep' 1, IS4& 11—4 m __ s Sale. 4 C. KKI'.T’M’, to an oltjcriit Ihe Hotiornbir fin* l ** i * Court ol Bd>l> county, when swing M purposes, will (>y sold in the City ol Macon, '[LJct enirntv, bcflrre the Court House floor, on tbe FOy* ryiaBDAY in February next, oil the real estate/*;, y- II Rmttirtns, dtrhasW, lath ft'said county, cohsfrntM! of a IMM SK null LOT OF LA M>,'*ituuted«" the road h uditi" froth the Fetnalt College in this L " to V.i.eviile. Terms Oil the day ol sale, ; , JAM FA .>1 JiIKKN. Admr. November 32,- IS 13.