American Democrat. (Macon, Ga.) 1843-1844, May 22, 1844, Image 3

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tvou'd never do you know, to let Tyler And Calhoun have the fume and popula rity of carrying through such an incal tulably important measure. That would throw us into the hack ground for ever.” This we conscientiously believe, to be a fair, and tolernbly full exposition of the true intent and meaning,of bothof Clay’s and Van’s manifestos against the annex ation treaty. We have thus far* supposed Mr. V. D. explaining —the knight of the ancient and honorable order of the Four Kings, would after noticing the reaction conse quent on his letter, probably have pro ceeded differently, by discharging a vol ly of wishes, it would'ntdo to place in a prayer book, on the heads of his refrac tory lieges who dared refuse to follow his lead—on the aged patriot of the Hermi tage—on Tyler and Calhoun to the ex tremity—and finally on the abolitionists, to secure whose votes, he had been temp ted to play that dubious card. It is doubtful if the pious Mr. Clay’s malcdic tions were exceeded in sincere bitterness, by those of Doctor Slop in Tristram Shandy, lint Henry Clay is not the man to de>pond, he looks at his cards, his hand is a strong one—four knaves, the king, queen, and ace of clubs, they were all trump cards in h*orty. They’ll do in Forty-four. A peremptory ukase from himself and little Matty command ing their collar men in the Senate to re ject the treaty, will complete the plan of Clay’s campaign, now in progress. From present appearances there is lit tle doubt that by the united action of the satellites of Clay and Van Iluren, the Texan treaty will be rejected in that once august body, the Senate of the. U. Slates. Will the collar men in the Senate ven ture this atrocious treason against the dearest interests of their country? Aye, that will they—they know they must earn the secretaryships, embasies, consulates, ttc.—they have promised, they know the old fox of the West gives nothing but for services rendered. The Clay collar men of the South un derstand the terms and are acting accor dingly; they too know that if they get the crumbs which fall from their master’s table, they must work for them and are ‘going it bravely.’ These remarks have not the slightest allusion to the great Whig party of the South, and especially none to the Whig party of Georgia, in their camp—thank Heaven there are yet ten thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal, or dis graced the neck> of Freeman by wearing the Clay collar, and who like the noble Chappell, refuse to sell their country and risk its desolation, to win the smiles of a pernicious demagogue. No, no, we Were speaking of those who have degraded the name ot the Whig party into the Clay party, of men proud of the vile badge of servitude they wear, of men ready to ru in their country tb prou ote Clay’s elec tion—of men, who, if the dictator ot his officials that are to be, hid the collar gen try ‘ Go to hell, to hell they go.’ Political Gbntl otine. We regret to notice that this dread en gine has been brought to hear with fatal effect upon our respected friend ('oh Chappell. Having, like a high-minded, honorable man refused to renegade from those principles which have guided his political course through life—having re fused to abandon long cherished opinions at the behests of the party at Washington, or bow to the dictation of cliques at home ; a decree for his political decapita tion has grtfie forth. Before, however, striking his head from his shoulders we are in formed that he was formally read out by n regular bull of excommunica tion from an influential clique of the uni versal whig party in this place. After consummating their fell designs upon the Col.’s political life we have no doubt that they are prepared to bury him in a deep abyss of hatred and calumny from whence be will never rise to stand in way of certain aspiring politicians. The “Loud roar of foaming calumny” is ere this directed towards him in a full torrent and its waves are curling and cresting about his devoted head. “ The small whisper of the paltry few, and the subtler venom of the reptile crew,” is also at its deadly work. But Col. Chappell has not “lived in vain.” He cannot be deprived of the in ward consciousness that be is an honest nnd honorable man, by the united efforts of the whole Tray, Blanche and Sweet heart tribe. Not can he be deprived of that honorable estimation in which he has been held by the hcricst men of both parties. FOR THE AMERICAN DEMOCRAT. Mr. Editor i Cannot the friends of Annexation procure a suita ble room in this city for their met tings in future ! Such a place is greatly needed. The glorious cause tn which they are engaged, as well us the rights, in fluence, snd institutions of the South demand it.— Will not someone move in the mutter 1 JASPER. Texas Meeting in Charleston. Want of space prevents us from copying the entire proceedings olthe immense Mass meeting of the citi zens of Charleston, in favor of annexalion. The meeting was unrivalled for number, respectability ami influence. The enthusiasm was most intense and pervading. John Robinson, Esq , was called to the Chair amid “ thunders of applause.” 'thirty-fire Vice Presidents Were appointed, and seven Secreta ries. A commirtee of 113, Col. Elmore, chairman, to report a preamble and rtsolutii ns. The following contain the pith of the proceedings: On motion of A. Moise, jr. Esq. the following res olutions were adopted : Revolted, That the grateful tlinnks of this meeting are hereby tendered to the Honorable R. J. Walker, of Mississippi, and the Honorable C. J. Ingersoll, of Pennsylvania, for their luminous, eloquent, and con vincing ex positions on the great and vital question of the ANNEXATION OF TEXAS to the Amrri e.n Union—productions which must elevate their au thors to a high rank amongst American Patriots amt Philosophical Statesmen. That in the forcible lan guage of the formei, “this is not a question between Mexico and Texas, but a question between the ad vance of British or American power; and that, too, in the very heart of the valley of the West, that it is to lower the flag of the Union before the red cross of St. George—to surrender the Florida pass, the mouth of the Mississipi i, the command of the Mexican Gulf, and tinally Texas itself into the hands of England.” That in the hold and lofty phrase of the latter states man, “ It is the la-t struggle for American Indepen dence, to tie conducted peaceably if we may, but for cibly ii we must; that it is no |>arty question-that Presidential candidates must hide their diminished heads liefore its overpowering nationality. In fine, that it is what Jefferson said of Louisiana, a ques tion t > agitate the whole United States. Resolved., That this meeting recognises, in the sen timents recently expressed by the venerable hero of New-Orlrans, the trite, intrepid and unflinching pa triot whose bosom, even amidst the infirmities of age, yet hums with a holy and enthusiastic devotion to his country; and whose last struggle, as it were on the verge of the tomb, is for her h. nor, her glory, and hir liberty. That we believe with him, that “the present goi.den moment to obtain Texas must Hot he lost, or she must from necessity be thrown into the arms of England, and be forever lost to the United Stales. That the annexation of Texas will be as an iron hoop around our Union, and a bulwark against all foreign invasion and aggression.” The meeting was addressed, during the evening by Messrs. W. D. Porter, C. G. Memmingf.r, B. F. Hunt, and the Hon. W. B. Sbabrook, with an im passioned eloquence worthy of the great occasion for w' ich t icy were convened —and of thu deep and uni versal interest with which it is regarded by our whole com nunity. The Hon. H. L. Pinckney having been loudly called for by the meeting, caine forward and declined addressing it on account of the lateness of the hour, hut took o Casio., before he resumed his seat to de clare that he had ever been, and still is an ardent ad vucutc for the annexation of Texas. On motion, the meeting tlieii adjourned. JOHN ROBINSON, Chairman. John E. Carew, 'l A. Moise, Jr. J. H. Dcres, L. A. Edmondston, Secretaries. John Chf.esborough, G. W. Cos PER, B. D; Roper, Gen. Jackson. The editor of the Gallatin (Tetln.) Union in giving l an recount of a recent visit which he made to the Hermitage, makes the following allusion to a scene of deep solemnity that he was brought to witness on the occasion.* “There was an interesting hut solemn scene presented on the Sabbath, It was communion season in the Hermitage church. The General and his friend were there early in the morning. And at the close of the sermon preceding the breaking of bread, Andrew Jackson took his seat at the table, B. F. Butler by his left side and an affectionate daughter oil the othpr, with his neighbors nnd friends seated around and on either side, and there partook, perhaps for the last time, of the emblems of the broken bodyandshed blood of their Lord and Saviour. Beau tiful contrast. The man whose voice had often been heard lead on armies to battle in defence of his country, and then filling the highest political office in the gift ofa nation and giving council to the world now sentedut the table of the Lord, in meek submission, celebrating his death and suffering. And like “The tossed seaman, a ft<-r boist’rous storms, Lands on his country’s breast.” He seeks repose in retirement, and finds peace and consolation in that the world cannot give or take away.” Fredericksburg Recorder. & 'Ji&tx ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Forsyth, March 27 45—If. M JOHNSTOIL JLislw, lUAI'ON, (;eo. X'j Oh'PiCk over the old Darien Dank. March 27—45 -if DENTAL SURGERY, liRFHCTK, DIiNT.ST. From New- York< \VTOULD announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen ' ’ of Macon, that lie has become pi rumnenily lo cated in this city, where lie will be in readiness to at tend to all calls in the line of his profession. He inserts teeth on Gold plate from one to an entire set, with spiral spring's or by atmospheric pressure also by pivots lie inserts artificial palates, plugs teeth with pure gold so as to prevent further decay,ex tracts teeth with the perpendicular extrieator.and treats diseases of the mouth and gums that have been produced by the use off aloinel or from other causes, and obviates irreguiaiities in children's teeth Ur. —. feels confident from the experience whieh he has had during the last leu years, that he can give entire satisfaction* He pledges himsell that all bu siness entrusted to his caie shall be done in a man* nei not to be surpassed by any Dentist in the State, and at such prices as will suit the times. His work will, in ail cases, be warranted. He will also keep constantly for sale, sudd foil, artificial Teeth, Toutii Brushes and Tooth Paste of a superior quality. Office Washington Hall, Room No. lid. N. B.—Ladies can be waited on at their dwellings if requested.—Dr. F. is permitted to refer to Rev. J. R. Kendrick and J 11. fyiia Jan. 24. 36 *. $. DENNAitD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Perry, Ga. Ban:. 11 1543. X 8 ts NEW DRUG STORE. THE subscriber begs leave lo inform his friends and the pubi c that be is now receiving an ex tensive ssoriinent of DRUGS, MEDICAL PREPARATIONS PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS, PATENT MEDICINES AND PERFUMERY. The articles have been laid in on the most advanta geous terms ; are of the best quality, as lie is deter mined lo vend no other; and will be sold wholesale or retail for cash or satisfactory town acceptances, on the lowest terms that can he afforded in this section of the country. Physicians, Country Merchants, and others are invited to call and judge for them selves. .lA.Mt.S B. H tILKY. His Store is one door above Bo ashman's Book and Stationery Establishment, Mulberry Street. Sulphate Uuimne Musk, Blue Mass do Murphine Horehounil Aeet Morphine Otto Rose Court P amer lringlass Castor Oil Sponge, Mace Curated Kali Aiinato, Chloride Soda C opperas, Senna Alex Borax, Nulgalla Caveime African Rosin Indigo Sjtaiush Float Oil alntoads Caraway Seed *' Atmisede Anodyne Hoflamont “ Bureamott Aqua Fortis Cajiput Juniper Berries “ Cassia Bees Wax “ Cloves Charcoal pulv 11 Caraway Corks Velvet “ Ouganum Calomel Eng “ Anthos Calomel Am “ Juniper Croton Tieltum “ Lavender Gum Arabic “ Jessamine Gamboge “ Fennel Blue Slone “ Savine fresh Salts ol Tartar “ Goldwood Extract Jalap 44 Wormseed do Lt nua for pies, sauces, 44 Double Tansey Ac., anew and very conve- “ Peppermint nient article “ Spearmint Extract Va erian “ Tansey pure “ Arconita “ Cedrai u Buchu compd 44 fcroion “ Ptok Root Fluid “ Sage “ Augu-s'.ura “ Puiegi “ Hardback “ Sassafras 11 Lettuce MW A M 44 Orange • “ Cort Peru compd “ Cedar " Bark Precipitated “ B act Pepper “ Nux Vomica “ Hemlock 44 Rhubarb “ Spruce 44 Gentian 41 Caniharides “ Ratania 11 Tar “ Dandelion “ Copavai “ Cotocymh pure 44 Amber rect “ “ compound “ 41 coin 44 Balsam Copavia 44 Seneca 44 Ityoscamus 44 Rhodium 44 Cicuta 44 Nerole 44 Stramonium 44 Camomile 4 - Belladonna 44 Valerian 44 Boneset “ Cubebs 44 Butternut 44 Wormwood 44 Glycopt 44 liiuimess 44 44 refd Eng- 44 Anniseed 44 Sarsaparilla Spataias aborted Herbs Horehouud Syringes 44 44 Cleavers Trusses 44 44 Catnip Britches ' 4 44 Thoroughwort Tooth Brushes 44 Cicuta Nail Brushes 44 Marsh Melon While Wash do No 1,2,3 44 Cos! foot Bot Brushes No 1, 2,3 44 Parsley Fieslt do No 1,2, 3 41 Spearmint fclnlh Brushes, fancy from No 44 Scurvey Grasa Ito 12 44 Ilyoxeainoua Blacking Brushes aesortcil 44 Wormwood Bristol Brick 44 Double Tansey Sheep Ants, extra French No 44 Hyssep - 1,2. and 3 44 Horse Radish Almond Paste 44 Bitter Sweet Antique Oil 44 Lemon Bairn ol Columbia 44 Sweet Marjoram Bears Oil 44 Motherwort Cream of Amber 44 Penneroyal Cold Cream “ Sage Cologne Farinn Caniharides 44 Frknch Fly Slone " 4 German Coiocynih 44 American Aceiic Acid Extract Miliidores Sweet Oil Lip Salve Veratrine Olio of Reset Sychonine Macassar oil Digitalis Pomatum Creta prept Pearl Powder Irish Moss Preston Salui Oxalic Acid Toilet Powder Cetric do Vegetable kmifn Prussic do Vinegar Aromatic Tartaric do Eye Water Opium Godfrey's Cordial Pepperine. Eva Ersi Hayes Linament Sage, Syrenees Harlem Oil Honey, Squill* lichOinment Mezerian Funnels Wedgwood fiom No 1 Hemlock <« 3 ilops Galley Pots assorted Saffron Mortars front 1 inch to 12 Evicuma Medical Spoons Nutmegs Pill Tiles graduated from 1 Wafers inch to 12 Cloves Polishing Clay Quicksilver Putty Knives Arrowroot Apoiit's St ales and Weights Logwood Wicking for Lamps Madder Exirai i Roses Allum Essence ot Tyre Fig Blue Florida Water Brimstone Freckle Wash march I ,alr 1 ' ll aril's Glue Hungary Water Antimony Hair Pow ler Aloes Soot Indian Dye Rhubarb Kaphalia Emetine . Orange Flow -r Water Patent .Vsefiicines. British O I Blue Sinnhu Balsam Honey Deep Blue Smalts Spice Bitters Red do Bateman's Drops Gr<en do Bmier’s Magnesia 1 row'll do Bailey's extraci Snrsnparil-Black . do # In, anew and superioflinlian Spe> ific article, used in prcler-New England Cough Syr en>e to all others ()p<nit jdoe Corn Plaster Mofliit’s Pills Cepha IC Snuff Pncenix Biters Cnemical Pi e Ointment Jewel’s Pels E'seneenl Peppermint Dean’s do Gt.rdaek’s Cordial D ivenport’s do Snap .Naples Mead’s do “ C .stile Swaim’s Panacea 44 While Bar Saratoga Water 44 Variegated , .Tomato Pills “ in pots. Nos 1,2, add 3V. rmifuge S.vam's Havnes’ P Its French Pills Beckw ith’s do Dr. Laater-e Fever & Ague Peters’ do Pi Is Elmore’s do Glialegare s Fever &. Ague Mcskin'S do I ils Surgical Instruments. Ampu'ating Instruments itiLaiicets Evan's best caws 44 eom shell handles Amputating &. Trtpatvng 44 Gum Instruments in easts 44 Abscess G E Bougie's Cupping tn- ‘ 4 Cases s:rumen's w ilh Scarifa-Nutsing Tubes Ivory t.-r and Five cuppirlgSeedles Seatons glasses * 4 Curved Cathe'erd male Nipple Shells >• female Pocket Cass containing 22 Couching Instruments in Instruments easts P eket Cases do 16 do Camelat ’s double silver dis-Pockei Cases do 12 do seeling Instruments inProbes eases Pessaries gum elastic Dentist’s Inslrumcnts for Saws Amputating plugging arid scaling S eihes.opes Forcept’s Midwifery Scissors straight & curved “ 1 'isseefing Stomach Tubes E G 44 Dressing Hair Lip Pms <• Bone Tooiti Keys ivory handle 44 Tooth &. Patterns spring Olysier Bags with Iv PipesTuOtli Keys pivot handle Kilims Ampu'ating spring •• t. inline Tooth Keys ivory handle Whispering tubes for deaf hinge tu crum person.-'* a most valua-Toumeqtiet ole article Tooth Files Glass It are, Stc. Specin Bpttlcs Iroin 1-4pintNippleSnells to 2 gallons Nursing Bottles Tincture Bottles from Ipt do Flasks to 2 gallons Funnels As-titled Salt mouth Bottle* Cupping Gileses Bieast Pipes Phials assorted Urinals Graduate measures jPflriJl fjjf, White Lead ground in Oil Drop Black, Gum Shelleck do i.o dry Lmseed Oil, Lamp Oil Red Lead, B Bek Lead Train Oil.-N* - at’s K Oil pamsli Brown Spirits Turpentine Venetian Red Varni6h Copal Yellow Ochre 44 Jap«n Chrone-Yt Ihiw 44 Black Leather Chrome Green, Ix hfrage Gold Leaf, Saver Leaf Prussian 1 lue, Vermillion Pomice Stone Verdigris, lv ry Black • a ent Yellow, Cha.k Red Terra tie Senna Putty Chalk White Rotten Stone, Rutch I ink Carmine. Diop Lake Dom Pink,Spanish Whi e Patent Brush and Sash Pari* whi e, Turkey Urab Took* ot a I kinds 100 boxes Window Glass, 300 kegs White Lead, 300 gallon* Linseed Oil, $ bbl*. Sprta.-Turpentine 2 bbl.. Copal Varnish, 1 do. Japau do. ALSO, 300 ralloni Lamp Oil, 200 gallons Train Oil, 100 gallona >est»ioot Oil. I Maceti/May Bth, J 941- Ilibb Nlieriir Sale. On the Jirsl Tuesday in June next, W r ILL Ix3 t-o’d hefibre the court housn door in .Mam n, i eiwoen the legal hours of sale, the following piopeity: One negro girl named Lmra, nboiit 16 years old levied on as the properly of Vu ginia C. YVilkerson, to satisfy or.e ci si ex ec tioo is.icd from the fusti es c-iurt < f the 716th dist. G. Al. vs. C. Wil kersoti. O le negro woman named L tia about 40 years old and her four children, Elizabeth twelve jeers old, Fed nine, Julia six and an infant ore week oid, nnd 315 acres of Land nj fining llie lands of A. Couppjll and C. W. R tins, levied in as the propeity of Harmon 11. Howard to satisfy four ti fas •ss ling from Bb> fnfui r Coirt, i-ne in fivorof E izu >etii Low trier vs. \|t>crt S. S orv, principbl, and Ha mon H. Howard, 'ec iritv, two in f vor of F. At C lie I for the use of E T- Beil vs. Ilirimii 11. Howard, amt me ii favor of Ciar'es S. R:dl<y vs Fred ic.k Pratt, Allw-r. S Storv and liarmon 11. 110 vi r ', sec irit'e-ii li. TRAPP. D Shff- T!ie Monroe R il R >ad ir>m RI icoi. B h i counlv, t|» W l’tij II >ll,ll 1) Ri.b conn y, inclatliog al llie iio’i, vvimd work shop-, depot biiili’in vs, in tchinery, tools ami mat 'i i t!s of ev> r. k ii I and and« 8 'rijition be. h nging to said M>n roe R uii old and B lik ing (ion piny ; also five locomotive ei.giaes, tl ree | iis-a tig >r can md twen’y-two fr ight cars, a I levied on as the propt itv of the Monro:* Ra.'l Road and Ban' ing Corn nary to satis y an execution in favor of the Sait of (i« orgia. f>r luxe': property pointed out by A, S. Wingfield, Solic.toii Gen. On” House and I.o 4 , No. 4. in square 64. n ‘ j lining the l< t < f D c'or Gorntan, levied on as the properly of Asa B. Cook to s.t 'sfv a fi fa from Bi’ib Sit| er or Court ii r av« rofJ. &W. Bildwio vs said Asi B. Cook—execution Iran-furred to Thdaias Lary. JAMES GATES, Sh’ff. May 1, 1544. l, u Inn, THE suhsoriber has again taken this Ks (nlllMlIllCItl where he will clwayt lie happy to attend to the calls ofkU customers, and the travelling public generally. Macon, April 346 S. LANIUS. NEW, FASHIONABLE, AND CHE/P SPRING AN3 SUMMER I) R V G 0 0 I) S. unders’gned, graceful fer past f.i --- vors, w o lid resp cili.llv in.'ortn their frien '* and tic poo i , that i|te » e now n-ciivitig a g> ne'iil st p !y of F IICV and Mltiple Hry Gitud*, atnong wirett are Lov. -|n iced, iMt>l u u and Very Ri«dt llalztiiixs and Bt'zirine Muslins; Lace and oilier Fn neli M sli s; Printed Lawi s; Bonnat Lawns nnd S.iks; Dress Silks; S lit and Lac 44 Cnrdina's; Siik, T niton, ard Brai:e AI hi le ; Silk Siiawls and Neck Tit s; KM, Luce, Thrcid an I N Ik (i!«i.« s m and Mitts; d Cos to i H.gTiy; Id en Cam’ric, and Li am Cam'iric Ihtcdker. chiefs; Jaconet', Mull, and Su m .Mi,s ins; Coi’d a id 'V Lit i Tar «•!« i t'o M sin and Lace Trni’nit g-i, a luge as.-orm mt of fas! iontd le Prints; ra' Ir s’i Linen- 1 , fine and he vv. A *arge ns o tment of fine and f>--hi'*ntib!e Ribbon ; Bonnuts, French Flower*. &c. Ate A so, Bioad. loths, ('assitners, Cash mcr t.s, Drv-de-Kte; Gro-de-Efe; Linen Cos t ngs, and drillings; Marsails and Lon don V s i gs; wit i a great variety of Lin en and C- tt'.n Goods for men's vveai; Brown and Bleached Shirtings and S'leetinjs; 12 4 Linen S eetings* 10 aid 12-4 l‘. v l ion L c •: to retlier w t i mott art'c'es ii'iin - Iv ke| ti i dry Goo >St nes All of which will he sold v iv I- w fir CASH, at t o o'.d stand. G. t.. WARREN, Ar Cos. Al c ut. Ap i| 10, 184 4. 47—;f. NOTICE. undi r gned having a c so"iated -®- J. R- llowkl with him. the r bus . ness ill her afer :>e coitt 1 ' u- and under tie nan * L. Waurkm, & Cos. G. L. B ARREN. April 10, I*4l. 47—f NOTICE. 7 IIE undersigned have associated thfin • st lv s m the practice of the uw, and will “ive pionpt nttcmtii.n o such b isiness as may be intiu-i'ed to their cue. They w i I at end t e f.Pbwitig Courts; Bi'oh. C a'fil'd. Al-uiio*, ’i’w iggs. J nos, Wilkituoti, li ojsto i, Pulaski, 11. nrv, and P:ke. A. P. POWERS, L N. WHi ITL Pa. M icon, April.l7 1 •844. 4s—tt Oißce over E B. Weed’s store, two doors l elq.v Win. B J >linsto:i. SANDS’ S.4RS.4PARILU TILS inv«mi»le Medifine, so much cu;- liteftir of late, is now t ) 1 e rind at tbe proprietor’s prices, at GEORGE PAYNE’S DRUG STORE—wto is Agent lor trie same. April 10, 1844a 47—;f ■— - -j • • ■ Administrator’s Sale. AGREEABLY to an order from the Honorable Inferior Couit of Macon county, when s.tting lo>* Onliu>.?y purpotu g, will b t; **old before trie Court Hou>e d»o., in the Town of Lanier, M-tcon county, on the fiist ’Tuesday in JULY next, the North half of L>t of Land, nnm »er twenty itae, nn>t Lot i timber thirty in toefitteenth Dmt of original y Houston now Macon couotv. Sol.l a* the pr >p« r y of Elt.iuJourdain, late of said cou ny deceased. Sold for tie benefit of the tutird and creditors of said deceased. ’ierms *>f Sale ra tde kn' wn on the and ty THOS. T. JOHN SUN, AJ.m’r. April 10, 1344. 47—td NEW, CHEAP, AND DESIRABLE —- The undersigned are receiving and eponixlg A I.AHGt: AND GENERAL SUPPLY OP STAPLE AND FANCY,’ FOREIGN AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, SHJH T 33B3D) ‘IP© TME AMONG iVIIICII WILL BE FOUND ALL THE itarsf All of vvliich will be sold at lltc very lowest prices ybrCA«tt}at whole sale or retail, l’tirchast rs in town and country arc invited to call itnd examine for themselves. 7ho following articles embrace in part tbeif Stock: Suptr went of Englaml Blur, Bl.u k, Brown, Invisi ble Green, ami Fancy A loillM, Medium and common do. Su|>er extra tine black, and Blue black Cttssi* mere*, Striped and Plaid Fancy (10. Gro. de Ta, and Parametto Summer Cloth*, London, Cadet, and Fancy drillings, a great variety, Satin, Silk, and Marseilles Vestings, Printed Cambrics, Printed Lawns, and Jaconets, a gteat variety, Striped and Plaid Foulards and Balzarines, Black and Mourning do. do. Grade Nap, Grot.le RhineandChamelion Silk-, Black anil Blue black Hrleinan’s do. India and French Satins, Foulard and Balzarine Hd'k'fs and Shawls, Fancy Silk, Gauze ami Filin do. do. Hemstitched and Embroidered Linen Camb. H dk fs, Suspenders, Combs, Stocks, Collars, Ready Made Linens, Hosiery, Gloves, Ac.; with almost every article usually kept in the Dry Goods Line. SAJI’L J. RAY Sc CO. Brick building near Messrs. E. & R. Graves’ Corner. April 3, 184 K CHRISTMAS IS COMI MI. AND SO AM I; Asia. vax. sxaarT.oiLjctrs oua by. LOADED \l ITII ILL TIIP LL'XIIIIIES OF LIFE FOR OUR STORE. A ND this is to inform tt. good citizens of Macon, and the whole people of im. Georgia, that 1 have givet. up distributing food for the mind, and will now distribute food that will please the taste mid invigorate the body. J OPE* Y%G#J A FAMILY GROCERY STORE AT W.Y OLD STAND, W lie re every thi.l2 of the best qu .ility ii that 1 nc mat be found. / WILL RECEIVE EVER Y N/ 2HT B Y M S. BALL'S EXPRESS All Liu<s* «f Frpnh wj's’ers, Oran»Mj II tiittnims, Ap* 4 1»Icn, Lnuorts, Fine Applet, Ac. Ac. And to my country friends I will say that I will make the most liberal exchange# with you for all COUNTRY PRODUCE. *Tj=l)o not forget to cal! at mv Store, ox Mulberry Street, two doors South of the WASHING TOM IIALL , where you can buy a good many Goods for A little money. Macon, March 20th, 1844. CHEAP CASH STORE. The subscriber having just ripened on Commerce How, first door north of Messrs, Kea & Cotton, offers to the public a fresh and full assortment of F4SUIONABL& AND SEASONABLE, Dryaii.i Fitiu y Goods. Among his stocK will l>e found new styled printed Lawns*and Muslins, new styl»d Calicoes, front (Jets. Upwards; Scotch a’nd Larlton Ginghams; Balierities, •Silks; Su|>er Irish Linens aud Long Lawns; 8-4 1 -2-4 ami 14 4 super Linen Damask T»ble Cloths; Hemstitched and plain hnen Cambric Handkerchiefs; a beautiful assortment ol dress Shawls; Linen thread an>l lisle Lacc; Ribbons; fillet, Mohair. Silk and cot ton Gloves; a full assort uent of Hosiery; Florence, Tusk an anti willow Bonnets; ladies Shoes; trim mings, tec. &c. 6-4 and 7-4 Broad Cloth; Oasimers; Tweeds iinrn Drills; Cban.brags Nankeen; 3-4 4-4 5.4 and 6 4 brown anJ bleached Shirtings and sheet ings; Stocks, Collar*, Suspender*, Shirts, fine Boot*, Hats, Umbrella*, Parasol-; Cuulery, silk, pocket Handkerchiefs, with many other articles- The subscriber in order toe Ject sales, ha* determin ed to sell his, Good* at the very Incest price*, and hfc invites Ladies and Gentlemen to give him a call, most respectfully, F. WsSSAU. Xfj- p. S. ! have made arrangements at the North, to .“ceive every two weeks fresh Good*. Macon, May 1, 13-14. 3m—so Cana* Fleur, (losiiev Butler A CllCi st 4 , superior quality, just recetutxi and for sale by C. A. ELLS. April 34-^-ti Pongc*, India Kora, Bandanna and Spitticficld do., Jaconet, Muil, Swiaa, and Nansuke Ilihslini, Colton and Thread Laces, Edging* and Inserting*, Caoibrick, Jaconet, and Swiss Edgings, and do., Mohair and Filla Cardinals, Cases Geo. Nankeens, 2,000 pieces new style prints, 4 cases superior English do., Brown and bleached Shirtings and sheeting*, Tickings, Checks, and Stripes, Brown and Bleached Shirtings, Long Cloth, and Cottonades, Gambroons, and Mexican Mixture*, Hamilton Jeans, Linens, and Oiapers, Towelling, Dowlas, and Russia Sheeting, 200 dos. new style Willow Bonnets, Palm Leaf and Panama Hats, , Gingham and Sitk Umbrellas, Parasols, Sun Umbrellas and Shades, GUM-SMITHING. IXltB subscriber woitld inform the citixens of Macon snd the public generally, that he has taken the stand Known as the old Post-Office, ON mulberry street, one door from B. S. NEWCOMB tfc Co’s EAT I NO-HOUSE AND BOWLING ALLEYS, Where he is prepared to do all kind* of work in the above business, in a superior style. Rifles made to , r der, and warranted. Double Guns restocked,and ait kinds of repairing done with despatch. H£ HAS ON HAND, A FEW FISE DOUBLE OUXS ; RIFLE POWDER <tf a Superior Quality; GUy PO WDER i SUO TANARUS, qf all else* ; BALDWJS'S ELASTIC GUN WADDING; PLAIN PERCUSSION CAPS; SPLIT AND RIBBED D9 WALKER’S BEST EH GbISH CAPS; POWDER FLASKS; SHOT POUCHESt ' And all e-.icles usually kept In the fine, which will W auld ldW liar cask. 8 . & KOGEA6* M icon. Fab. 14-^39—-ff*. . SUPERIOR LAMP OIL, For sai 5 at C. A. Ell** FAMILY 6ROCERY STORE. FROM the extreme purity of tlti* OR, it ban# wuh * bright white flame, and without the an* uteasant scent of the oomtaon article, and is sold at the low price of Si 33 pc.- gxio>n. No. BZ* Oil, oA escclient article, at SI OOrfUrghtftßT Maton, March 37, idfcL The No. I Oil, noted -hove, affords a beautift], ch ar light, and i. frea freta the diasgreesble sdeur e 4 tbs lew purified Oila- [Ed. Am DsKoeaar.]