American Democrat. (Macon, Ga.) 1843-1844, July 31, 1844, Image 4

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NEW, CHEAP, AND DESIRABLE Tho undersigned are receiving and opening A LARGE AND GENERAL SUPPLY OF STAPLE AND FANCY, FOREIGN AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, gUinniß l s © INMII SIASOMs AMONG WHICH WILL Ml FOUND ALL THE warvr srarxas iswa All of which will be sold at the very lowest prices for Cash, at whole sale or retail. Purchasers in town and country are invited to call and examine for themselves. The following articles embrace in part their Stock: <Juper west of England Blue, Black, Brown, Invisi ble Green, and Fancy ClotllS, Medium and common do. Super extra fine Black, and Blue black Cassi mercs, Striped and Plaid Fancy do. v2ro. dc Ta, Parametto Summer Cloths, London, Cadet, and Fancy drillings, a groat variety, Cfctin, Silk, and Marseilles Vestings, Printed Cambrics, Printed Lawns, and Jaconets, a great variety, —triped and Plaid Foulards and Balzarincs, Black and Mourning do. do. •?rodc Nap, Grosde Rhineand Chamelion Silk'll, Black and Blue black Heleinan’s do. India and French Foulard and Balzarine Hd’k’fs and Shawls, Fancy Silk, Gauze and Filla do. do. Hemstitched and Embroidered Linen Camh. H’dk’fs,; suspenders, Combs, Stocks, Collars, Ready Made Linens, Hosiery, Gloves, &c.; with almost every article usually kept in the Dry Goods Line. SAM’L .1. ISAY A t O. IJItICK BUILDING NEAR MESSRS. E. tfc R. GRAVES 5 CORNER. April 3, 1841. NE W 15 OO K S At Iloardm.ui’s Book-Store. "mLJ' LAV edition of Oliver’s Physiology, ” " Dunglison’s “ “ New Rcnieilics, Gibson's Practical Surgery', Liston’s “ “ Smith’s minor “ “ Class Book of Anatomy, Sir Astlcy Cooper on Hernia, (new work) “ Dislocations, Par.coast’s Wistar’s Anatomy, William’s Principles Pathology, Magendie’s Physiology, Allison’s History of Europe, complete in 4 vol’s handsomely bound, I complete set Charlotte Elizabeth’s works, Tom Burke of Ours, Mrs. Ellis’s compete works illustrated, Presbyterian Confession of Faith, Leppincott’s Manual of Politeness, Burke’s works in 3 and 9 vol’s. New York vs. Boston, Power of London and Guy Fawkes, Dillaway’s Roman Antiquities, Wanderings of a Journeyman Tailor, L. S. D. or accounts of Irish Heirs, The Loiterings of Arthur O’Leary, No. 3 Neal’s History ofthe Puritans, No. 9 McCulloch’s Gazetteer, Defence of the Whigs by a member of the twen ty-seventh Congress, The Musical Album for soprano voices, Wilhetn’s celebrated method of singing for the million, Hans of Ireland, St. Patrick’s Purgatory, The Grumbler, I ine Record Books, Blank Books of all descriptions. A large assortment of Cap and Letter Paper, all the school books usually called for—in short, the most complete assortment in his line, ever offered in Macon March C, 1811. RAILEY’S MILITARY SHAVING SOAP. TAIIE undersigned take pleasure in certifying that -L they have used the Military Shaving Soap, repared by Mr. William Bailey, Druggist,Brooklyn, few York, and for sale by Mr. James W. Bailey, druggist of this place. It is certainly the finest amt most pleasant compound that wc have ever used; leaving the skin after the operation of shaving, smooth and soft, and rendering the act truly a plea sure rather than a task. All who shave themselves and desire comfort in the act, we recommend to them Bailey’s Military Shaving Soap. SAMUEL R. BLAKE, JOHN DARBY, N. C. MUNROE, JOHN LAMAR, DR. JAMES WOOD, N. ELLS, WILLIAM SCOTT. Macon, July 10. 8 tonxivss A Saratoga Water, {"UST received, and for sale by JAMES W. BAILEY, Druggist. July 10. 8 Swei dish I-icecht's. received from New York, and for sale by JAMES W. BAILEY, Druggist. July 10 8 Received this day, A LARGE lot of fancy Soaps, Cologne Water, and a general assortment of fancy articles, and lor sale by JAMES W. BAILEY. Juty 10 8 IteceiKd tliisi day, lZ CASKS Potash, for sale by U JAMES W. BAILEY. July 10 8 Sand's Sarsaparilla, L' OR purifying the blood, for sale by i? JAMES W. BAILEY. July 10 8 Stay’* JLininiciif, A CERTAIN cure for the Piles, for sale by JAMES W. BAILEY. July 10 8 tlofTits Life Pilhaiul IMuniii Hitters, FOR general debility, for sale by JAMES W. BAILEY. July 10 8_ Riilcy’s Sartaparilia, A CURE for all disorders arising from a bad state IX. of the blood, for sale at JAMES W. P Uf.EY’S July 10 8 I Pongee, India Kora. Bandanna and Spittlcfield do.. Jaconet, Mull, Swiss, and Nansuke .Vltislill*, Cotton and Thread Laces, Edgings and Insertings, Cambrick, Jaconet, and Swiss Edginos, and do., Mohair and Filla Cardinals, 2 Cases Geo. Nankeens, 2,000 pieces new style prints, 4 cases superior English do., Brown and Bleached Shirtings and sheetings, Tickings, Checks, and Stripes, Brown and Bleached Shillings, Long Cloth, and Cottonades, Gambroons, and Mexican Mixtures, Hamilton Jeans, Linens, and Diapers, Towelling, Dowlas, and Russia Sheeting, 200 doz. new style Willow Bonnets, Palm Leaf and Panama Hats, Gingjiam and Silk Umbrellas, Parasols, Sun Umbrellas and Shades, NEW BOOK STORE ON COTTON AVENUE. ! Two doors above Messrs. J. 1 f. & \Y. S. ELLIS’ DRUG STORE. T BARNES having mo- C&gAyr P«\ J • ved to the above stand, iKew offers to the public a large sl,,<; lt °f Books, Paper, Stn tionory, Ac., CHEAP for CASH. Family and Pocket Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Books of every kind and size, in various binding. SOUTHERN AND MISSOURI IIaKMONY, KINIiST F.v’s SOCIAL Choir, Juvenile Singing Book, Mason’s Sacked llari l , Base Primer, Dictionary of Musi cal Terms, Arc-, Ac. ißank Hooks of every description. Court, Uc. cord, and Docket Hooks, various sizes. Ledgers, Journals , and Pay Hooks; Inroice, Record, Letter , Bill and Reccijd Books; Indexes for Ledgers. Pocket Memorandums a- Pocket Ledgers, if-c., <f-c. J. B. would respectfully invite teachers and others who may want School Books, to call and examine his stock ; which will be sold at the lowest possible prices, For Cash — wholesale and retail. He also receives as soon as published all the new works from the Harper’s and other publishing houses in New York, Boston and Philadelphia, embracing all the cheap and fashionable literature of the day, which he sells at New York prices. Constantly on hand a slock of LAW ULANKS, printe on the best foolscap paper. BOOIX-3EX.X.EII. IS SOLE AGF.NT FOR THE SALE OF MY PILLS IN THE CITY OF MACON, GEO. . 15. BRANDRKTH, M. D. Macon, October 13, 22 ts. NEW EATING HOUSE, (ADJOINING THE BOWLING SALOON,) IS. S. JTJE IPCO.WB .V CO. (PitOFRIETORS.) fjAIIF. facilities afforded by the Central Rail Rond ■ ol a daily communication with the seaboard, have the subscribers to open an EATING ES TABLISHMENT, to be conducted on a plan hither to unknown in the interior. Their SPLENDID SALOON is now opened (on Mulberry street, in the building next below the Ceil, ‘fal Hotel.) Having become Agents for W. Bransby & Sons, ofSavannah, long and favorably known as OYSTER GATHERERS, ihe subscribers are enabled to oiler supeiior inducements in their line. They will receive daily supplies by the Rail Road, and will be prepared to furnish OYSTERS in the shell, Do. by the bushel, keg or gallon, Do. pickled FISII of all kinds that can be obtained in Savannah ar vicinity. CRABS and SHRIMPS, together with a constant apply of every description of sea food and game in their eason. Epicures and all lovers of ihc ‘‘good things of this life," are invited to call, partake, and judge lor them reives. PARTIES anil CLUES furnished at the shortes! nonce. | .Heals served a! nil hours. \ DO* This room is separate and distinct from doivling Saloon. t o Every delicacy cl the season can be procured in any quantity, as above. B. S NEWCOMB & CO. Nov 3, 181? NOTICE. ' pilF. undersigned have associated themselves to : JL gctlier, under the style of LEARNED, lIA. ; I E\, if- Cos. for the transaction of the Publishing I and Printing Business; the copartnership to take cf | "ect from the 10th of August last. GKARFIKI.D LEARNED, JOHN A. HAVEN, JOHN A. TOMPSON, j Boston, Sent. 6,1313. 23 FACTORAGE A.\l) COMMISSION BUSINESS. PJ3IIE subscriber tenders his services to his friends I jL and the public, in the above business. Forma l ny years he lias been actively employed in this city, ! conducting the various branches of trade intimately I connected with the interest of planters. He pledges i his personal attention to mallets intrusted to Ins care. .01 IN BOSTON. Savannah. .I'Jy 5. 9if. | / U } D"-r. New Style. White, 4 Colored, Cypress I\A' and Willow Bonnets, j Also, New style Tuscan, Florence and Am a zone do ; Just received and for wife low, by SAMUEL l BAY A Cos. WO O , NEW DRUG STORE. j rriHE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends JL and the public that he is now receiving* an ex tensive assortment of I Drugs, .Medical Preparations, Paints , Oils , Dye- SSitJTs, Patent Medicines ami Perfumery. The articles have been laid in on the most advanta geous terms ; are of the best quality, as he is deter mined to vend no other; and will be sold wholesale or retail for cash or satisfactory town acceptances, on the lowest terms that can be afforded in this section of the country. Physicians, Country Merchants, and others are invited to call and judge for them selves. JAMES W. BAILEY. His Store is one door aborc Boabdmax’s Book and ! Stationery Establishment, Mulberry Street. Sulphate Quinine Musk, Blue Mass do Morphine Ilorehound Acei Morphine Otto Rose Court Plaster Isinglass ! Castor Oil Bj»onge, Mace | Citrated Kali Anna to, Chloride Soda Copperas, Senna Alex Borax, Nutgallu j Cavenne African Rosin j Indigo Spanish Float Oil Almonds Caraway Seed “ Annisede Anodyne Ilollamont 44 Burgamott Aqua Fortis *• Cajiput Juniper Berries 44 Cassia Bees Wax 44 C lores Charcoal pulv 44 Caraway Corks Velvet 44 Onganum Calomel Eng 44 Anthoe Calomel Am 44 Juniper Croton Tiglium “ lavender Gum Arabic “ Jessamine (.'am hog g 44 Fennel Blue Stone 44 Savine fresh Salti of Tartar 44 Goldwood Extract Jalap 44 Wormsecd do Lemon for pics, sauces, 44 Double Tansey &c., anew and very conve- 44 Peppermint nient article 4 ‘ Spearmint Extract Valerian 44 Tansey pure “ Acconita 44 Cedrat “ Buchu compd “ Croton “ Pink Root Fluid 44 Sage 44 . Augustura 44 Pulcgi 14 Hardback 44 Sassafras 44 Lettuce MWAc M 44 Orange “ Cort Peru compd 44 Cedar “ Bark Precipitated 44 Black Pepper Nux Vomica 44 Hemlock “ Rhubarb 44 Spruce “ Gentian 44 Cantharides “ Ratania “ Tar “ Dandelion 44 Copavai “ Colocynth pure 44 Amber rect 44 compound 44 44 com “ Balsam Copavia 44 Seneca 44 Hyoscamus 44 Rhodium “ Cicuta 44 Ncrole 44 Stramonium 44 Camomile 4 * Belladonna 44 Valerian 44 Bonesct 44 Cubehs “ Buiiernut 44 Wormwood “ Glycopt 44 Nutmegs “ 44 refd Eng- 44 Annisecd 44 Sarsaparilla Spatalas atsorted Herbs Ilorehound Syringes 41 “ Cleavers Trusses 44 44 Catnip Bruches ' 4 “ Thoroughwort Tooth Brushes 44 Cicuta Nail Brushes 44 March Melon White Wash do No 1,2, 3 44 Col foot Bot Brushes No 1,2, 3 44 Parsley Flesh do No 1,2,3 “ Spearmint Cloth Brushes, fancy from N* 44 Scurvey Grass 1 to 12 4 * Ilyozeanious Blacking Brushes assorted “ Wormwood Bristol Buck “ Double Tansey Sheep Skins, extra French Nj “ Hyssop 1,2, and 3 “ Horse Radish Almond Paste 44 Bitter Sweet Antique Oil “ Lemon Balm of Columbia 44 Sweet Marjoram Bears Oil “ Motherwort Cream of Amber Cold Cream “ Sago Cologne Farina Cantharides 44 French Fly Stone German Colocynth 44 American Acetic Arid Extract Miiliflorcs Sweet Oil Lip Salve Vcratrinc Otto of Reses Syclioninc Macassar Oil Digitalis Pomatum Crcta prept Pearl Powder Irish M<x»r Preston Salts Oxalic Acid* Toilet Powder Cctric do Vegetable Rouge Pru.-rdc do Vinogai Aromatic Tartaric do Eye Water Opium Godfrey’s Cordial Feppcrinc, ITva Ursi Hayes Linament Sage, Syrenges Harlem Oil itch<>i H' t it M*ez«:rian Funnels Wedgwood fioui No 1 Hemlock to 5 Hops Galley Pots assorted Saffron Mortars from 1 iuch to 12 Evieuma Medical Spoons Nutmegs Pill Tiles graduated from I Wafers inch to 12 ('lovc3 Polishing Clay Quicksilver Putty Knives Arrowroot Apoth’s Scales and W’cights Logwood VVicking for Lamps, Madder Extract Roses A Hum Essence of Ty re Fig Blue Florida Water Brimstone Freckle Wash Starch Hair Oil Ward’s Glue Hungary Water Antimony Hair Powder Aloes Soot Indian Dye Rhubarb Kaphalia Emetine Orange Flower Water t*utcnt .Jiedichtes. British Oil Blue Smalls Balsam Honey Deep Blue Smalts Spice Bitiers Red do Bateman’s Drops Green do Butler’s Magnesia Brown do Bailey’s extract Sarsaparil-Black do la. anew and superiorlndian Specific article, used in prcfer-Ncw England Cough Syr ence to all others Opodeldoc Corn Blaster Moffat’s Pills Cephalic Snuff Phtenix Bitters Chemical l’iir Ointment Jewcti’s Pills Essence ol Peppermint Dean’s do Gordack’s Cordial Davenport’s do Soap Naples Mead’s do “ Castile Swaim’s Panacea “ White Bar Saratoga Water “ Variegated Tomato Pills “ in pots, Nos 1,2, and 3Vermifuge Swam's Haynes’ Pills French Pills Beckwith's do Dr. Lagier’s Fever & Ague Peters’ do Pills Elmore’s do Ghnlcgnre’s Fever & Ague Meskin’s do Pills Macon, May Bih, 18-14. Oltlridg'c’s Halm, OF Columbia, for restoring the hair, for sale by JAMES W. BAILEY. July 10 8 •/. »v. il IysW V. IR £/, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Perry, Ga. Sept. 13, 1813. 13 HOWARD’S fD HOTEL. BROAD WAV. CORNER MAIDEN LANE, .1 CIV I"o I'/.'. November 3, 1813. AMERICAN HOTEL, New York. npIIE American Hotel having recently undergone X extensive repairs and alterations, and being en larged by the addition of the adjoing budding, is again open lor the rocopiion of my friendsand he public.— Its location is unsurpassed by that ol any ssmilar estab lishment in the City, being on Broadway, Ironting the l ark, and direct. y opposite the Fountain. The undersigned respectfully solicits a contiuuancc of patronage, assuring all ttjat no pains will be spared to contubuic to the comfort of his guests. WILLIAM B. COZZENS. November 8, 1813 5 ■ VLII* ,V f Hfi.f#* OOIPS SAMUEL .1. RAY, & CC \RE now receiving a large and well selected stock ot English, French and American DRY GOODS, to which they would !>eg the alien!ion of their custom ers and the | uhlic generally, liclore purchasing else where, as they art; determined to sell low for Cash. De' ->5, IK |1 23 ts s.t.ytrei. j. 7f.ii• sco. 4 RE receiving and opening a large and desirable iV assortment of seasonable FOREIGN and A MEKICAN Fancy and Staple Drt> (cjooD.o. The entire stork is new and very complete, and vvi* be sold at Wholesale or Retail, at the very lowest pri! ces. Furchasers are invited to call and examine for themselves, Nov. 8. 25 WILLIAM L. CLARK, WHOLESALE DEALER IM^ STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, NO. 37 LIBERTY STREET, (.Year Nassau .) NLW-YCRE. Oct. 18, 1843. 22 ts. NEW BOOKS, AT BO A ROMANS BOOK STORE. JUST received all of the late publications, among which are : Prescott’s hist, of the conquest of Mexico, price §6 00, No. 8, Earner's Hannah Moore’s works, Alison’s IBt. Europe, lull bound, in 4 vols., Neal’s hist, of the Puritans, price 25 cts., Southey’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Rural Life in Germany by Howitt, 25 cts. vol., Kohl’s Russia and the Russians, 25 cts , “ Ireland, “ Sue’s Theresa Dunoycr, “ Sue’s Female Blue-beard, “ Philosopher’s Stone, “ Agriculturists’ Almanac, “ Elliotson’s Surgical Operations, * The Psalmist, Condie oil Children, Cooper on Dislocations. Ashwcll on Diseases of Females, Queens of England, by Miss Strickland,’ The American Patent Instand; Together with all kinds ofStationery, Taper, &c. c-i all remarkably chea|> lor cash. Macon, Jan. 31, 1844. GARDEN SEEDS. -1. M. Hoardssiass, HAVING been appointed Agent for the sale of Garden Seeds; raised by the Society of Shakers, Enfield, Conn ,is now Ready to answer all orders Having received an extensive assortment, all of which will be warranted the growth of 1843. Large orders for the trade filled with dispatch, and at prices w hich will not fail to please. cILSO The Gardenners’ Manual in which are directions for planting all kinds of seeds in the best manner—Price 6 1-4 cents. .■II. SO “ The Southern Farmer; and Market Gardner,” by Francis S' Holmes of Charleston South Carolina This is a Southern Book for Southern soil and climate, and should be read by all who wish to succeed in garden mg. Jan. 31st 37 ts SANDS’SARSitWRILLA qpmS invaluable Medicine, so much cai- I “ led for ol late, is now to be had at the proprietor’s prices, at GEORGE PAYNE’S DRUG STORE—who is Agent for the same. April 10, 1811. 47—ts % n. stotnufo, vV eo COMMISMON MER(JIIAi v li, OAVAn'iS 3 A J. L. SwiNNKY. i _ j M Busneti » June )4, 1813 I’OST-OFFICE. MACON, GA. JULY 10, 1811. The Northern, Augusta, MillcdgevilJc, and Savannah Mails, via Centra! Railroad, arrive Daily, Sundays excepted, at G o’clock, P. M. Close Daily. Saturdays excepted, at *J 44 44 COLUMBUS Mail, arrives l aily, Sundays excepted, at 7 4 4 44 Closes Daily, Saturdays excepted, at 9 w 44 GRIFFIN Mail,arrives Daily, Sun days excepted, at 7 14 44 Closes Daily, Saturdays excepted, at 9 44 “ TALBOTTON Mail, arrives Tues days, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 7 “ 44 Closes same days, at 4 44 44 MADISON Mail, arrives Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 7 44 Closes same days, at 4 4 4 44 FLORIDA Mail, arrives Sundays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. at 7 44 A. M. Closes Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 4 44 P, M. II AW KINS VII. I. L Mail, .arrives Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days, at 7 44 44 Closes Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satunkiys, at 4 44 44 MARSHALLVILLE Mail, arrives Wednesdays, at 7 44 44 Closes Mondays, at 4 44 44 MONTPELIER Mail, arrives Thursdays, at 9 “ A. M. Closes Thursdoys, at 9 44 “ N. IU The Eastern and Savannah Letter Packages are ke • open *iil U t w.f ek, P. M. K. TV NEK. 1», M. PROSPECTUS OK “YOUNG HICKORY.’’ I llinn is success.—lJromgoole. 1 TNDER the above title, the undersigned proposes ®.- i to publish n cheap paper, to aid the Democracy in their struggle to secure the success of Polk and Dallas. The paper will be published once u week for six months, at the low rate of One Dollar. It will not only contain every thing, but the best of every thing, i riginal and selected, which the editor can com mand, to rally and unite our friends in the great con test for principles in which we are now engaged ; and to explain, enforce, and, if possible, render those prin ciples triumphant Our party has jusl passed through one ofits trying ordeals. Sell denial, concession, and the spirit of harmony, governed and controlled the agents appointed to select candidates for the Presiden cy and Vice Presidency. Individual preferences were given up, personal aiatchincnts surrendered, long, cherished hopes abandoned, every thing conceded but principle, in order to secure unanimity and harmony of action. Patriotic devotion to principles enabled them to select men, “ without fear and without re proaclt"—talented, hottest, capable—faithful to the Constitution, and faithful to the best interests of the country. The people have every where hailed the nominations with enthusiastic approval. The Repub lican party is, atthis moment more united and harmo nious than it has been for many years; and, in ten dering “Young Hickory” to our friends, wc assure them that it shall do soldier's service in sustaining our cause, illustrating and enforcing our principles, and in doing its utmost to insure the election of Polk and Dallas. Wc shall not only have the services of those who have heretofore written for the Spectator, but other aid from some of the noblest spirits and best intellects of the country. If God spares us. we mean to make the paper worthy of die confidence and support of our party, and worthy of the dignity and importance of the glorious cause in which wc are engaged. At the conclusion ol the series, we will publish an extra number, containing all the election returns, and an index to the whole. Wc respectfully invoke the aid of our friends, and the friends of the cause, in giving publicity toour pros pectus, and shall be happy to furnish copies to those who will give them circulation. To encourage the formation of clubs, wc will send to one address six copies for five dollars, thirteen co pies for ten dollars, and twenty copies for fifteen dol lars. Payment may be transmitted by mail, postage paid, at our risk. By a rule of the General Post Office’ postmasters arc permitted to frank letters, written by themselves, containing money (or subscriptions. The notes ol any bank, current where a subscriber resides, will be received by ns at par. No attention will be paid to any order unless the mo tley accompanies it- JNO. HEART, I j Washington City, June fi. A NEW VOLUME OF SHAKSPEARE IN AMERICA. THE CHEAPEST AND MOST SPLENDIDLY" ILLUMINATED AND ILLUSTRATED EDI TION OF THE BARD OF AVON EVER PUBLISHED. EDITED BY THE IION. GULIAN C. VERPLANCK. Will dopicrn, select, and arrange the illustrations, of which there will be about 1400, executed on wood, in the very best style of the modern school of that art. In subtnittinpr the Prospectus ofthe Editor to the public, the publisher has only to add that he will spare neither expense nor pains to make this edition of the World’s Poet superior to any lhat has hereto fore appeared—in illustrations, typography pa per. The form will be royal octavo, and will be is sued in weekly parts, price 121-2 cents, which pla ces it within the means of persons ofthe most limit ed fortunes, whilst on account ofthe peculiar beauty it will grain itself admission into the libraries of the rich, and there prove to be one of the choicest orna ments. Those who wish this work in the most perfect state will only he surcofit dy taking the parts as they ap pear. which will contain the early proofs of the en gravings. The Tragedy of Hamlet is now in press. The first part will be issued in March. PROSPECTUS. The Pictorial and Illustrated editions of SHAK SPEARE, lately published in England, are amongst the most beautiful specimens of the recent and re markable improvement ot the art of wood engraving l , which, by combining great excellence of execution, with economy of price, has given an unprecedented diffusion to the most useful as well as the most ex quisite productions ofthe arts of design. The designs of Kenny Meadows for the illustra tions of Tyas’ edition of Shakspeare, expresses the character of the several personages, and the spirit o the scene, with wonderful truth and power; whilst tlie wood engraving of Knight’s Pictorial edition combine with the highest merits of art and taste, such a learned and minute accuracy as to scenery, costume, architecture and antiquity as to make them a perpetual and most instructive commentary upon the Poet's text, it is now proposed to embody in au American Edition, the admirable illustrations of both these editions, engraved with equal excellence of mechanical execution, to add to these, other en gravings from eminent artists, as Reynolds, Fuseli, S. Newton, &c., and to accompany them with a bcau lifully printed and correct text. Hut the publisher, anxious that his country should pay some part of the homage due from her to the greatest of Poets, as to one who belongs not solely to England, butte all who speak the tongue That Shakspeare spake. Could not content himself with a mere republication or compilation. He has therefore prevailed upon R. W. Weir, whose reputation as an artist is already identified with his country’s history, to contribute a series of original designs, together advice and assistance in other details of art as his taste inny suggest for the illustration and embellishment of thispublication. From the same reason the publish er, instead of reprinting the text and commentary of any popular English impression, wa3 desirous that his edition should have the supervision of an Amor can editor. This tnsk has been undertaken by GU LIAN O. VERPLANCK. The plan proposed to himself by the editor is to furnish the reader with a carefully prepared at and ac curately printed text, unencumbered by any notes or comments upon the page itself; as however use ful they may be elsewhere, they are too apt to divert the mind from the power of the Poet’s thought, and to disturb the magic of his scene. Such notes as may he thought useful for the explanation or criti cism of the text, will be thrown into an Appendix to each play. The text of Shakspeare’* dramatic works, drawn from old printed copies in his age, which had never passed under the author’s own eye, was consequent ly disfigured by many errors and obscurities. It passed during the last century through a succession of varying editions until the revision of Stevens and Malone, whose text, (or rather that of Stevens) has bccatnc the standard from w hich most of the English and American editions have been printed, with vari ous degrees of accuracy. Hut w ithin the last twen ty years a more minute and familiar acquaintance with old English idioms, habits, and modes of thought, guided by an intense and constantly increa sing admiration of Shakspcarc’s genius, has led to the strong conviction that very many of the numer ous though slight deviations from the ancient tert appearing in modern editions, arc urelessor errone ous interpolations, sometimes weakening the sense and often substituting r.n arbitrary monotonous met rical regularity to the Poet’s own native melody.— Accordingly very many of .these emendations have been rejected by the last and best English editors, especially Mr. Knight and Mr. Collier, and the rea dings ofthe old folios and quartos have been resto red, unless where some error of the press or manu script was undeniably manifest. Y r et there are ma ny such passages confessedly corrupt, and requiring I conjectural emendation; there are also differences of reading between the several old impressions, af fording grounds for some diversity of text and warm controversy between the more recent editors. Upon these the American editor thinks it due to the character of this edition, to decide for himself without implicitly following the text of any one mod ern edition. As the industry and learning of prior editors have furnished the collation of various read ings and the authorities upon which they may he supported, the task is no longer that of laborious in vestigation, but, as it were, of judicial decision, lightened by contending argument. As many of these variations are of nearly equal probability, and as some of them are doubtless the author’s own alterations ot different periods B all tho more important readings will be presented to the reader in the notes for ids own selection. Those notes will also contain so much of commentary as may be useful to explain antiquated words and phra ses, obscurely expressed passages, and allusions to obsolete opinions or the habits or history of the times; the whole in as condensed a form ns practica ble. Hut any commentary upon Shakspeare, how ever brief, would be imperfect if it did not present some view ofthe higher criticism employed, not on the interpretation of his language, but upon his thoughts, his character, his poetry, passions, philoso phy. The only difficulty here arises from the abun dance, the magnificent variety of the materials con tributed during the last half century by the most brilliant minds of Europe. Still it is believed that this duty can be satisfactorily performed without swelling the edition to an inconvenient bulk. H. W. HE WET, Publisher, 281, Broadway, Nc w York. March 13, 1814. 3iLi33saßii'i'l3 £.333 3SBW PICTORIAL BILE (dm tot 1600 HISTORICAL ENGRAVINGS, EXCLUSIVE OF AN INITIAL LETTER TO EACH i IIAPTER, if 1* ./• .1. JiDJiJfIS, MOBE THAN TOURISM HUMID LI WHICH ARE FROM ORIGINAL DESIGN?, ILT2 (Ua a IT will be printed from the standard copy of the American Bible Society, and contain Marginal References, the Apodiryphn, a Concordance, Chro nological Table, List oi Proper Names, General In dex, I able of Weights, Measures, Ac. The large Frontispieces, Titles to the Old and New Testa ments, Family Record, Presentation Plate, Histori cal Illustrations, and Initial Letters to the chapters, Ornamental Borders, Ac., will be from original de signs, made expressly for this edition, by J. G. Chapman, Esq. oi New York. In addition to which, there will he numerous large engravings, from de signs by distinguished modern artists in France and Lnglaud; to which a full index will he given in the last number. THU GREAT SUPERIORITY OF EARLY PROOF IMPRESSIONS from the Engravings, will ensure to those who take the work in Numbers the possession of it in TilE HIGHEST STATE of PERFECTION. .Umuary 10 1 11 ' DYSPEPSIA. DCT To soothe the sufferings liuinai ity, to ameliorate the pan<rs of disease, is the grand object of medical science. This is efficient ly demonstrated in the healing vir tues of bit. BENJAMIN BRANDRETIPS PILLS, The cures effected by this medi cine would fill volumes. Views cn Indigestion as a source of various Undefined and Irregular Nervous Sensations. “His, small at first, grow larger from delay, “ And slu'Gy eat their sad and cankering way; “ Thus by successive throes, the frame is torn, “ Till health and peace of mind alike are gone.” THK nerves ofthe human body—those necessary and mysterious agents which immediately con - nee* man with external nature—are singularly prone to have their (unctions disordered by an oppressed con dition ofthe stomach ; the minute termination of that portion of he nerves expanded upon the organs of digestion convevin" the morbid impression to the Brain And although the Head can. undoubtedly, like other organs, be the seat of priman eisorder.yet, in the t>rtat majority of cases, the uneasy sensations there experi enccd are symptomatic of disordered Stomach; and further there is abundant evidence to prove that crudi’ ti« s in the Stomach and Bowels can, in every grade of Imrnhn existence give rise to spasmodic action in every organ of the body ; and whether wc survey it in the agonising form of Tic Dolereaux—the alarming con vulsions of the Kpileptic seizure—or in that irritable condition of the nerves ofthe heart occasioning nervous palpitation—they can all frequently be traced to the source above mentioned, and bo cured by mild evaett ant and tonic remedies. 7’o relieve a state of so much suffering and distress (in which body and mind also participate s SHAN3RETH i’IIAS are ronff detitly recommended; as, by combining aromatic tonic and cleansing properties, they remove all oppressive accumulations, strengthen the Stomach, induce a healthy appetite, and impart tranquility to the nervous system ; and in fact, by tlieirgeneral purifying power upon the blood, exert a most beneficial influence in all cases ot disease. Read the following. DYSPEPSIA CURED BENNINGTON, Vt. I)cc. sth, 1343. Dear Sir : —I wish you to add my testimony to the host ol others that you have, in favor of your valuable Bills. In the year 1335, I was attacked with that dis ngreealde complaint, the DYSPEPSIA, which so affected me that I could not take the least particle of food, without the most unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations in my ( best, bead and bowels. My chest was so Sore that I could not bear the slightest pres sure without giving me pain. My health was most miserable ; many physicians told me they thought was in the consumption, and that if I did not give up my business, and change climate 1 could live but a short time. I tried every thing in the shape of medicine, and' consulted the most skilful physicians, but found no permanent relief. I became discouraged, gloomy, sad, and sick of life; and, probably, eFe this should have been in my grave, had I not fell in with your precious medicine. A friend of mine, wliohad been sick of the same complaint, advised me to try your pins ; bitt„having tried most of the medicines without obtaining any relief, bad but little faith that your Dills wouldl.e ol hen*-fit to me; but, at his earnest solicitation?. I procured a box and commenced taking them. The'first box produced little or no effect,and I began to despond, for fear that your medicine won' I prove like others I have taken; but my friends argued lhat one was not a fair trial, anil I purchased a second, and before 1 bad taken the w hole box be gan to experience a change : the pain in my chest began to be less painful, and niyfood did notdistres tme as mul, as formerly. Iw. nton taking them un it I had taken six boxes, and my DYSPEPSIA was GONE, and my expectation of an early death vanished, and I felt like a “ new creature.” 1 was then, and am now, a healthy man. I have never since been troubled with the DYSPEPSIA. I bare administered your Pills to the members of mv family, and to my friends, and in all cases with good success. You can publish if it will be of any use to y° u - I am, dear Sir, trulyyours, J. I. ( ( MJK, Publisher of the State Manner. Dr. Brandvc th’s Principal Office, 241 Broadway; New \ ork. S >!d by J. Barnes Book seller Macon Ga and by one Agent in every City and Town in the United States. Macon, 12 if 'I. S. R \ LT, * CO’S DAILY EXPRESS AXD GENERAL FOR WARDIXG AXD COMMISSION HOUSE. TJMIE Gc itral llnil Road and Banking Company of Georgia having granted to die subscribers the privilege of running an EXPRESS over their Hoad during the present year, with the privilege of an apart ment under their own Lock, they offer superior ndvan tngesfwr the prompt and safe conveyance of valuable Articles, Specie. Ac., &c , and rein hopes of being able to make an arrangement with the Post Office De partment, by which they will be allowed to carry a .Mail Bag. They are prepared to receive and forward Goodsof nil dfsi rip. tions, to and from Savannah and Macon and intermediate places, a:.el between Savannah and Char leston, with 11 to greatest safety and despatch ; and will also pay particular attention to the purchase of Goods, collection and payment ol Drafts,Norcs and Bills, ami transacting all kinds ol business in the nbove places. They have also extended their arrangements to ruA their Express by the Southern Boats to Picolata. m Florida, and iioertpediate places on that route. Macon—Office at the Washington Hall. Savannah—Office at 153 Bay Street. Do. S Philbrick, Agent, for receiving and forwarding Goods and Merchandise Charleston. S- o. Amos Head, Agent, office No* ‘JC, East Bay. M. S. BALL & CO. June 23. DENTAL SURGERY, DR. FOOET, DENTIST. From New - York. announce to the* Ladies and Gentlemen of Macon, that he has become permanently lo cated in t his city, where he will he in readiness to at tend to all calls in the line of his profession. He inserts teeth on Gold plate from one to an entire sot, with spiral spring’s or by atmospheric pressure also by pivots, lie inserts artificial palates, plugs teeth with pure gold so as to prevent further decay,ex tracts teeth with the perpendicular cxtrieator,and treats diseases of the mouth and gums that have been produced by the use of Calomel or from otficr causes, and obviates irregularities in children’s teeth 1 >r. . fed* confident from the experience which ht has had during the last ten years, that he can give entire satisfaction. If c pledges himself that all bu siness entrusted to his care shall be done in a insul in r not to be surpassed by any Dentist in the State, and at such prices as will suit the times. His work will, in all cases, he warranted. He will also keep < onatantly for sale, gold foil, artificial Teeth, Tooth Brushes and Tooth Paste of a superior quality. Office Washington Hall, Room No. 33. N. B. —Ladies can be. waited on at their dwellings if requested.—Dr. F. is permitted to refer to Rev. J -11. Kendrick and J. If. Ellis. Jan. 24. 96 Democrat Job Office, o i’-. ee oi.ti />./«//;.v /i.i.vb. MILBERKY STREET, MACON, CA. 1; fully supplied with every thing that is necessary for thancat, cheap, and prompt execution of all 'varieties of iiooU auU Dumtuifl. SUCH AS Notes, Checks. Xtabels, Circulars, Pamphlets, Bill Heads. Horse Bills, Dray Receipts. Stage Bills, Business Cards. 'Bail Read Bills, Cotton Receipts, Steam Boat Bills, Bills ol Bading. ALL KINDS OF Prepared at a moment’s warning, in the neatest and »k ex | ►editions manlier. 3BJLiuiks» An a.-.ortmont of all descriptions of BI.AN KS kept c or,sti. U „„ hand, nr prepared at the shortest notice. v . „,u., d”f .. t.,y it* we - piKcafcrC**