Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, January 09, 1810, Image 4

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Sheriff's Sale. WII.L BE SOLD, on the f.rfi Tuesday-it* February next, in the town of Madison, Mo gun county, between the us it A hours, One lot of Land ; NT i9 in the i9th die. Baldwin now Morgan county containing 202 i-2 acres, levied on as the property of James A Goodwin to fatisfy an execution in favor of Leonard Rone, the property pointed out by the defendant. .ALSO / I 202 i-2 Acres of land, N® 207 in the 20th dis. Balbwitt now Morgan county, levied or as the property of John Stewart to fatisfy fundry executions in favor of Thomas Stephens and others, property pointed out by Janies H Nicholfon. SHF RIFF’S SAUSg^J ‘y’~i •^V . Sheriff’s sale. TILL BE SOLD, on the firji Tuefday in February next, be- Jr'. y. 4,' tween the hours of ten and three o'clock, at Madrfon. Part of Lot No. i2i in the r|i diflrift at Baldwin, now Morgan county, handfomely ini To the Orphans cf Jacob Levens. To James Roe. A is SO 202 i 2 Acres of land, N* 92 in ill 4th .is. of Baldwin now Me rgan county, levied on as the property of HamnerFitchpatrick to fatisfy an execution in favor of Thomas Crawford, indorfee of David Crawford, property pointedx)ut by the defendant. A I.SO One Bay Mare, Saddle anti Bridle, levied on as the proper ty of‘James Locke to fatisfy an execution in favor of Solomon id diftrift, levied on as Preftley Ingram Isfy two executions, Andrew rex’or. of Win. Ingram dec. fundry other executions— Property pointed out by the de fendant. i ALSO, Lots No i44and iG2 and half of lot No 14.7, containing 306. i-4 acres land, lying in the fit ft diftrift of Baldwin county; le-1 vied on as the property of Noah Dodridge to fasisfy Sarah James’ , execution againft him—Levied on and returned to nie by a Conltablc. ALSO, j A forrel llorfe, Bridle and j Saddle, levied on as the pro perty of Noah Dodridge to la- , tisfy Thos. Foard & Co Stephen i Bifhop and Thomas Cavenah’s execution againft him. ALSO, A Negro Girl named Pru dence ; levied on as the proper* I ty of Mary Atwater to fatisfy '\7'0U will take nonce, that 1 did, on the 14th day of April, in the year 1809, in terms of an aft or the General Affem- bly oJ the Rate of Georgia poin ting out the mode of gendering X7*0U will take notice, that proved; taken as the property of void M S'' ants ’, ° r othe J ,,P ro TT.’ir V r , • .i r • r . Cf-eilintrs. founded linon Lite nr Willi^Jt Lambirth to fatisfy an execution in favor of the admi niftrators of Hodges. M. P. Sparks, Shff. December 29, i809. Sheriff’■ , rr , . , , Ifodore Seoul's execution againlt Ward, property pointed out by j,. . e r s Sale. WILL BE SOLD, on the firji Tuesday in February next, in the to . ii of Eatonton, between the usual hows, Two Negroes, One Girl named Meriah one Boy named Ben, Levied on as the property of Auguftan Pruett to fatisfy an execution in favor of Celia Byrnes, point ed out by S. Standifer. Wiliam Vi truer, Shff. p. c. December 30th 1809 ceedings, iouuded upon falle or fraudulent returns, made by per- fons not entitled to draws in tiie late Land Lotteries of faid state, obtain a feieri facies from the clerk of the Superior court of Jones county, which was direc ted to the fherriff of the county of Wilkinion, and made re tuvnable to the faid court at Oc. tober Term, in the year afore- I faid, in which you are charged of having procured your names in the faid county of Wilkinfon, fraudulently and contrary to law to be entered for two draws in the fecond land lottery of the faid Rate, and to have drawn lot No 18, in the tenth diftrift of . Baldwin county, which lot now lies in the faid county of Jones, and that the faid fherifF hath re turned thereupon, that you are not to be found—you are there fore, as well as ail other perfons having any intereff iri the laid lot of land, required to come forward and make your the defendant. ALSO One Lt afe for 2 years on a lot of land with handfome im provements, lying on Grafe creek in the 4.1) dis. Baldwin now Morgan county, to fatisfy an. execution in favor of James Taylor and others, returned to me by a conflable. 202 i 2 Actes of land, in the i7fh dis. Baldwin now Morgan county, N° 63 taken as the pro perty of the eftate of Nathan Dyer to fatisfy fundry execu tions in favor of Richard B. Davis and others, returned to me by a conflable. ALSO One ' Lot of Land ; N° (i!>, in the 20th diftrift of Ibklwin, now Morgan county, ta ken as the property of tire eftate of Nathan Dryer to fat'ivfy fundry exe cutions in favor of Richard 15. Laws id others. Property pointed out jF.xecutrix. Returned to me ahfftable. yl Nepproe Bov Girl, Named Moles and Frances ; taken as tie property of Hurkec Dean to fatifv two executions, . ne in favor of F ' "mand Phinizy and Earned Whirl. Property pointed out by the cbfenifyt. A L 5 o... One Fa. Mare Saddle If Bridle, Taken at the property of .Lines Locke, ro fatisfy an executian in fa vor of Solomon Ward. Property poinmd out by the’defendant.—Con ditions cadi d. AT A fee, n s m.c. December 29, iS03. SherifF’s sale. WILL BE SOLD, o the firji Tuefday in February next, t the Court-Houfi in Greene coun ty, between the ufual hours Three LO I S in the Town of „ . _ ! C-reenefboro’, viz. No. :08 with le ves P ai * ies ^ a ' d caufe, \ 1 did on the 24th day of January, in the year 1809, in terms of an aft of the General Affembly of the date of Georgia, pointing out the mode of render ing void al! giants, or other pro-, ceedings, founded upon faile or fraudulent returns made by per- fons not entitled to draws in the f late Land lotteries of the faid if ate, obtain a feire facias front the clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph county, which was- made returnable to the faid court at Mat ch term, in the year afore- fai% which was direfted to the Sheriff of Baldwin county, in which you are charged of hat ing caused your name to be entered fraudulently and contrary to law, tor llvo draws in the fecond land lotta y in laid (late, and to have Uray rt lot N° 63, in the 12th dilliCft of (aid county of Bald- vvinj which lot now lies in the faid county of Randolph, and that In. laid Sheriff hath returned upon, that you are not to ound —You are therefore, :ll as all other perfons w'ho '.have interefl in the faid lot ltd required to come forward oake yourfelves parties to li t caufe, and to anfwer the itions exhibited by the faid '1 ALSO, an unfinifhed houfe thereon, No and t0 anfwer the allegations ex- 90 acres of Land in Baldwin ^9 unimproved, & No no with i hlbited b Y the faid fci. fa. arid county, near Salem, adjoining a (hop thereon ; levied on as l S aborn Jones and Jefle Ellis’ t the property of Il'aac Matthew land,whereon Mrs Rogers lives; t0 fatisfy fundry executions- SHE RIFF’S SALES. WILL BE SOL D, on the firji 7 uefiday in Ft Iruary next, in town of Clinton, between fual hours. I.ot of Land in the nth ff Baldwin, now Jones, No. i "i ; ofcdo-n as the property of William miflrter to fatisfy two •executions, onN in favor of .Charles M'CartnSv and the o ■her in favor, of J o fi .u\S t urges, Hexecutor of Afa Shaw^Nkc. \ALSO, Lot No. ijf> in the S'h diflmCt Jof Baldwin, (now Jont s; taken | ?s the property of Samuel Haw kins to iatisf/Abner Fluellen’s execution, ors Crfli. •agin, Sljr. J, C. r>, 18oy, levied on as the property of Richard Hill to fatisfy Daniel Sturdivant’s execution againfl him. Pointed out by the plain tiff’s attorney. ALSO, Seventeen Negroes, Harry, Violet, Charity, Zilpha, Tem- pey, Shadrach, Pleafant, Avc- linah, Albert, Tom, Anthony, Mack, Charity, Liley, Philis, Rachel and Bafdale, a Waggon and hind Gear, one bay liorfe, one black Mare, one forrel Mare and a Mule Colt, five Cows and Calves, five Bales of Gind Cot ton, a forty faw Gin r.nd a quan tity of Coi n ; levied on as the property of David Fluker to fa thly fundry execution in favor of George Rvves, Bird & Wil liamlon, Jofiah Durden, Pem berton and others againif him. ALSO, 101 i-4 acres of improved Land, being part of lot No 74 in the fecond difirift of Bald win, and others, and one bay Hoife; levied on as the property of Francis Merrier to fatisfy feveral ex< utions in favor of Burnfides and others againfl him. Conditions Cafli. Philip Cook, 5 B. C. ' December 26, i809. by Levied on and returned conflable. ALSO, 100 acres land, more or lefs. in Greene,on the waters ofStew- art’s creek, adjoining Joel Pa- to (hew cauf. if any they has r e, why the proceedings which may ! have been had under the faid falfe or fraudulent return, and grant itfelf, flioul' not be fet afide and made void. RICHARD CARTER. Informer. May 16, 1809. S3—Cm. rifh and others ; levied on as the property of Benjamin Gil bert, to fatisfy fundryexecutions in favor of Samuel Brooks— pointed out by the defenuant. Levied on and returned by a conflable. Condt ions Co fin. j Anderfon, Shff. December 26, i.809. SherifF’s Sale. W n I. B K S 0 L D, On the fiiJ! Tue fday in March next, in the Toner: oJ Ifnd/fort, '1 organ county between the ufual hours, Two N-giocs, John & Nan ny, taken as the property of John Stewart to fatisfy an exe ration in favor of Jas. H. Nich .... T „ . . T r i olfon > property pointed out by adjoining David Jamerfon I t h e plail . t ijF. A M'-A fee, D. S- December 29, i8C9. To Zachat iah Basics. Y OU will take notice that I did on the 24thday of Jan uary, in the year 1809, in terms of an aft of the general afiesn- bly of the ilate of Georgia, pointing urn. the mode of ren dering void all grants and other proceedings founded upon lalfe or fraudulent returns, made by perfons not entitled to draws in the late land lotteries of the faid flat,, obtain a feieri facias from the Clerk of the Superi >r Court of Randolph county, which was made returnable to the faid court, at M-.w'T Term, in the year aforefaid and .hat the fame was direcled to the flic riff of Oglethorpe county, in which you are charged of having enter ed your name fradulently, and contrary to la -, in the faid coun ty ol Oglethorpe for two draws in the fecond land lottery of the fcirir facies againft you, and to flievj caufe if any you have, why f roceedings which may have had under the faid falfe or ulent returns, and grant it- Jiould not be fet afide and I void x RICHARD CARTER. Informer. 16, 1809. 33—6m 7 Cl jORGIA, Morgan county. ’\lk THERE AS Ruffe 1 Jones hath VI*: —filed information in resi'gxAes fice that James'"!’inTupV'’ county, did fraudulent! trary to law have his in faid county for two di laft land lottery, whereL^^^ James Phillips drew loljffip®® the 20th diflrift: of Balt now Morgan :—And ' * ' pears from the fherifll a writ of feire facias/ faid Ruffel Jones agaii/ift laid JamelVa',- Phillips for the landd drawn by him, the laid the faid James is no! in the county of Cl/arkl All perfons therefore | terefl in the land ifi qu'-vi hereby required to /be in at a luperior court /to be for the county of Moigtr, on the fecond Monday iJi ft hr'ary next, and make diemfelvles part es to the arfw CORONER’S SALE. IT!LI. BF. SOLD, on the firji Tuef- j fai,’ flute, and to have drawn lot i o Dollars Reward. Strayed o* Stolen, from Ri chard Odam’s in Randolph county, about the Sc! inft. A bright bay Horfe ; about four years old—fourteen and an 1 alt hands high—dim made—both hind feet white— fome faddle fpots on his back and a gray fpot on his right thigh—paces, trots and canters and is very fpirited. The above reward will be given and all reafonable cxpences paid to any peifon who will deliver faid horfe to the fublcribcr in Savan nah. Asa L. Farmer. December 23, 1S09. 3t| <lay in February next, in the Town of Eatonton, Putnam county, be tween the ufual hours. One NEGRO WOMAN, named Sylvia and her C’.h'ld Pe ter—alfo, one bay Filly Colt levied on as the property ol Da vid Thompfon to fatisfy an exe cution in favor of V\ iilium Var ner and James Walker, Re turned to me by the Sheriff Marlin Hall, Coroner. December 30, iS09. , N° ten in the.l7ih diflrift Bald I win county, which lot now lies j :n the laid county of Raandolph, I and that the (aid flier iff hath re- I turned thereupon, that you afe > ' not to he found in the faid couu- ty Oglethorpe—youare there- faicl feire facias, t' gations therein alid ft any they have, wily the had under fuch frnudul or the grant itfelii, if i-L ! not be fet afide aad ma Given under Iny ha day of July i801) Jo/Jn Nej\ ihe allc- caufe, if bceedings - • 2- TO Two fettleme* Cleaifed L; Nr NOTICE. i^s is to forewarn all per- fons noKjodam upPotatceCrcek foas covc^ny ol my land. William Mallet*. Baldwin county^Dcc. 19. i>J Philip Turner & Son, Have jujl received from Savannah, A FRESH SUPPLY OF Dry Goods L? Groceries; Which added to their former flock make up a good aflortmeiit —which they will d.ifpofe of on as pood terms as pofiible for Cr(li or Cotton. O All rhofe v ho are dill in arrears with Philip Turner are earnefily liquefied to call and lettle ; as mat y of their notes & accounts have been for feveral years /landing. ^ Fparta, Dec. 23, 13Q9. fore, ns well as all other perfons on Ocoi/ee Rive who have an interefl in the faid lot of land, required to come forward and make yourfelves panics in the* faid caufe, and to anfwer the allegations exhibited by the laid fci. fa. and to fliew caufe, if any you have, why the proccdings which may have been had under the falfe or fradulent return, and grant itfelf fhould not be fet afuic, and maid vrid richard car ter Informer • For sale or rent, The HOUSE and LOT, in the lower end of the town of Milledgeville. formerly occupi ed by Allen Greene, l et ms may be known by applying to Judkint Hunt. Hancock county, Dec, 1. -J quality, fit/uate all from MiI’u/dgevil 1J> \ fnbfcriher’s 1 WO f tore- fronting thf State to be good:' hands He if i flus t an honefl lijiduftriJ^H change in the ledgevii Fifliin will bci ir.g to to undertake the ri) a SAW-IHLL- ing well p commtB^ with proffi table c i-T Any perforjMB|