Newspaper Page Text
M/l LEDGE YIL/,E: published (-weekly; by DENNIS L. RCan.
jfnr{T. be sold, c» the f„ji
dff Tuq'ddy in March next, at the M tr-
4 let Houfe in the town of Mill edge-
f- ville, between the vfuul hours.
y One Waggon ami two Hol
ies, levied on as the property oF
Wilfon Brown to fatisfy
Chapman's execution againfl
@ Tvwo Negroes El’.j.ih ft Glaff
■jpw, levied on as the property
5f Jevemiah Gardner to fatisfy
ft leg Rogers.’ execution againfl
him, property pointed out by
384, and 285, In the fifth dis.
Wiikmlbn now Baldwin coun
ty, with good improvements,
levied on as the property of
rhadetis Holt to fatisfy Zach
Sims, Joleph Cooper’s and
other executions again ft him,
to be fold under the Incum
brance of a mortgage to the
Four Hundred and five A-
ores of land known by the lots
N a 144 h 162 in the firfi dis.
of Baldwin county, levied on as
the property of Noah Dodridge
to fatisfy Stephen B’finp’s and
other executions againfl him,
the property pointed out by
the plantilL attorney.
Conditions Caff,
Philip Cosh, s. 2. c.
Jan. 30, 1319
Ninety Acres of Land more
or lefs joining the common of
Milio dgev'lle, below Fifhing and known by the 4o N 0
28G, levied on as the property
of Horatio Marbury to fatisty
George Stovall's and A vi ral
other executions againfl him, to
be fold under the prelent en
cumbrances, pointed out by the
1 Two feather Beds and Fur-
rpture, three Bed Steads, three
Matraffes and Furniture, one j Johnfon to fatisfy benjamin
Sideboard, one Dining Table, ! worth’s execution
Cvjvo Tea Tables, one fet of cle-
SheriiF’s sale.
WILL BE SOLD, on the firfi
Tut flay in March nc::t, in
the town of Clinton, between
the is foal hours.
Ouo lot of laud N° 7S in the 8fh
d:ttricSt ol Baldwin now Jones coun
ty, taken as the property of John H
‘ Aih-
gsnt China,a quantity of Queens
Ware, feven l ea Waiters. Giafs
Ware affected,one doz n Knives
aid Forks, four pair Fire Irons,
three Trunks, four Iron P tts.
four Dutch Ovens, two Brafs
Katies, and one Trevette, one
Shovel and Tonus, two Snuff, r
Trays, ten Windfor Ch-nrs, one
fet of Carters, a quantity of
Books to wit: the Lire of VY afli-
ington, Sidney on Government,
jlergufons Leftures and Artio-
npniy, Winterbothams Htllory
qf America, Golclmiths En
gland, Gordons America, Ro-
bfinfons India Shonflones vv orks,
The Mirror, 2 common Prayer
Books, Clarkes Magazine, Ma-
fonic Son^s, Ooonomy of Hu
man Life, Kiflory of Louifi- !
anna, Sheridans Dictionary, !
' Penning on the Globe, five P:ne
Tables, one Grid Iron one Cof
fee Mill, one Cullender one tin
P.m, one Coffee Pot, three
iSmoothins Irons, four Jars, one
Rum Hngfliead, four Jugs, one
Wheel Barrow,twoSugurBoxes,
two pair plated Candle Sticks,
two jpair Brafs dito, one Wafer
and Waffle Iron, one Frying
P.m, one Marble Alerter, a La
dle and Flefh Fork, half a do
-zen baking Pans, one pair De
Icanter Hides, two Spinning
Wheels, one check Reel, & one
Tea Kettle, levied on its the pro
per''.. of Daniel Sturgcfs to fa-
tisfy'Sheldon and William Bat
toy and James Merriwelhur’s
executions againfl: him. proper,
ty pointed out by the defendant.
One work Stear, I Ox Cart,
one Safe, eight Chairs, one
S nr it ifi Bellows, one feather Bed,
three Planes, three Augers, one
Hand Saw, otie Tenant Law, two
( bill Is, one plough and Geers,
«mr Jugs, levied on as tile pro
forty of John Ilumphris to Hits
,fy Abram Jones and T. Smith
Smith and Anderlcn (Sur
vivor) Execution againfl him.
' Two Hundred ft twenty-five
Acres of land mere or lcfs, be
ing three Fractional Surveys
known by th Numbers 2G8,
101 1-4 Acres in tire 12h dirt rift
| of bale 1 win now Jones county, par
j of lot N° 42 in f.iid dis. taken as the
j property of William Y. Fannin to
| fatitfy William Williams’execution.
Conditions C.Tn
S Feagin, Shff. J. C.
January 27, 1810,
WILL BE HOLD, at TViliinfon
court houfe on ti:e fir!} lucjday in
March, betivetn the uf.a! hour..
| Lot N° 191 in 2Gtii (iiftcidt Wit-
| kinton county, levied on as the pro-
■ petty of Lot Jotifon to fatisfy John
1 iVlavcheiu’s execution, returned to
! r.-.e by the conllabie.
N° £06 in 2 kh dis. Wilkinfon,
levied on as the property of James
Partiel to fatisfy MarlJnTowit’s exe
cution, returned by ihe conllabie.
Lot N° 308 in 3d dis. Wilkinfon
county, levied on as the property of
William Warden to fat
Beviu’s execu ion.
Sheriffs Sale.
WILL BE SOLD, cn the firfi
Tuefilay in Merck next, in
Mmiif on Morgan court'y, be
tween the hour: of ter. and three
.70 Acres ofland part of lot
N a J89 in the 15th dis. of Bald
win now Morgan county, ta-
ken as the property ol Joint
Watts to fatisfy fundry execu
tiohs in favor of Henry Peeples
ar.d others.
202 1-2 Acres ofland, N°
.064 in the fourth dis. Baldwin
now Morgan county,, taken as
the property Purkct Dean te
fatisfy fundry executions in fa
vor of Ernert C. Wiitiek and
others, property pointed out by
' the defendant.
a 1. so.
202 1-2 Acres of land. N° 214“
in the 15th dis. Baldwin now
Morgan county, taken as tin*
property of Thomas Watts to
fatisfy an execution ha la.vor cf
Stewart and Gtbfon, pointed
out by tlie defendant.
One Negroe Boy named Ar
che, taken as the property of
Lemuel Trannm to fatisfy an
execution in favor of William
and Felix Gilbert, pointed out
by the defendant.
One town lot in T-.Tadifon,
known by N° 25, taken tv; the
property of James Cannon to
Fatisfy an execution in favor ol
Mitchell and C n x levied rt•:*
returned to me by a ccnitable.
Conditions caff.
A ADA fee, n. s. m. fc.
January 29, 1809.
Sheriff's sole.
WILL BE SOLD, on the firfi
Jufilay in February next he
tween the hours of ten and three
o’clock, at Madifon.
Part of Lot No. i2i in tin
5th dirtnft ol Baldwin, now 1
Morgan county, handforincly im j
proved; taken as the property ol 1
William Lamhirth to fatisfy an ■
execution in ffvor of the ad mi '
nirtralors of Hodges.
M P. Sparks, Shff.
December 29, mof).
U ILI. B'h SOI. D, cn the firfi Tuef-
day iii Itlruary u.xt, in the Town
of Eaton ton, Putnam county, be- ,
tween the it fad hours.
named Sylvia and her Ch Id Pe-
i ter—affo, one bay Filly C< It ;
| I evied cn as the property ol Da
| viJ Thompfcn to fatisfy an exe-
j cution in favor of 'A illiatn Var-
j 7'cr and James Walker. Re-
j turned to m.e by the Sheriff
Martin Nall, Coroner.
December ftp, 1 ROD.
Collector's sale.
the 1 'Ith day cf March next, a!
the casket House, in the Down
of Millcdgcville, between the
usual hours, ihe foil wing trap,
cf land, or its much thereof as
will be suflu i r.t to satisfy the
tax mid costs for the year, 1808
202 1-2 acres of Land,
ill Baldwin county, granted to
J^ea, adjoining F.mik,
, r ‘ ‘
Lottery ’Tickets.
In the New York Union
Col ledge Lottery, which is to
commence drawing in April
next, for fale by
Deverfttx Pf Thwratt.
Februauf HE 1819. 45-tF.
~ 'EY CU roR’s SALE
On Sat a dry the 17 lb of March
next, at the plantation cf l!\.
Ham l iii Ham npn late of r'u na/ti
corrty dec
The whole of the ptrfonol
property of fald dec. 'l'enn
made known cn the day of
Gar la ltd Hard wick A
Anthony blolozvay, Adm’rs.
I Barnet Strath. J
February^, 1810 47-2r*
WILL B E SOLD, cv. the jhfi
Fu'flay in March next, at the
market houfe in the Town
Spa ta,
A NEGRO MAN, belonging
to the citato of Leonard GoHy
deceafed—for the benefit ol tko
lieirs and creditors of laid dec.
S. HI Devcreux, Arim’r.
on luffing Creek
the property of
due 2 dolls .39
levied on as
laid Lea. Tax
3-4 cents.
Co ttei'itts Murphy, r.c.D c.
'.mural Nunn, S TV. C.
January 28, 1810.
WILL BE SOLD, os the firfi
Fttcfday in March next, at
the Court- Hoi
ty, between the ufuai hours,
Three Negroes to wit : Abram Sc
Foreday as the property of Charles
burke, fen deceafed and Bridget a
negroe girl the property of Theophi-
lus Burke, levied on to fatisfy an ex-
ecuiion in favor of Willie Aber
crombie indorfee of R. Raines vs
Charles Burke 8< Theophilus Burke
Adminiflrators of Charles Burke
fen. dec. and Ezekiel E. Paik.
Conditions Caff
"I Atulerfor.t, Shff.
January 22, 1810.
Sheriff's Sale.
On the firfi Tucfday in March next,
in the Tenon cf Modi feu, Morgan
county bitvsetr. the ufu.d hears,
Two Negroes, John ft Nan
ny, taken as the property of
John Stewart to fatbfv an exe
cution iri favor of Jas. II. Ni; h-
otffii, properly pointed out by
the plaintiff.
A. \BAfee, D. S.
December 29,, 1809.
lues day in March next, in
the to . n of Hat out on, between
ihe usual hou. s,
SO Acres ot land be the fame
more or Lfs being a part of lot N°
lod in tlie 2d Jis. ol Baldwin now
Bu.ivam county, levied on as the
property of Lincey 'Uionuon to
j latisly A. Bolwell and others, le-
fy William | turned tome by a conllabie.
Two Fraftions N° 285 and 292
in ihe i lili dis. of Baldwin now Put
nam county, adjoining of William
Hammer and Sparks and others, on
i the watesr of Indian Creek, levied
on as the property of Winkiield
I Hammer to lati'fy Bern. W linams’
extiuiion, rctunied to rue by a cou-
26.3 Acres land, whereon Jolrn
Ketiium now lives, on the waters of
Liitle River, part of two lots N° 28
December 19, 1809
The Subfcribcr
(lie 1 louie of
Mr. S.
On the Sul Sat -relay in February
next, will be old, in Putnam
county at the plantation if fas.
Eakin dec.
ALL the pcifonal ertate <SF
Hid dec. (one liegrbe ex. • pm. .)
| coufflHng ol a crop u- Cotton,
and Fodder, fcvcitl heacl of
Ilorfes Cattle ruui hog 1 - o: e
thoufalid wait ui, Pork, one C .rt
one brace of brafs barrel Pirtnig
•and fword, plantation utenfils
and fundry other articles—a
credit will be given till 25th of
Dace mb r next, for all luma
over three doll rs the purr had r
giving his notes and approved
All perfons having demands
Bulfiogton on me 3d Saturday againfl laid eflate are r< quvffed
m Febmary next, in oruer to i to bring in their accounts iiu!y
collect the Fax in Captain Jar- | attefled and in th ■ time pro-
rati’sDntnft, for the year 1809. (bribed by law and th fe indebt
ed to make immediate payment.
MOSES EAKIN, Executor.
Tm. 3 L 1 9io *
C. Larphey, r. C
22d January, 1810
N. B. tlie receive*' of tax re
turns for the prelent year will
attend on that day all'o.
Savauuab, IP ctlueflay,fan. 1 7, 1810.
A( the requert of a number of
the members of the Cincinnati
S-n'iety of Georgia, they conven
ed at the Exchange, agreeable
to notice.
It appearing that the funds
S i R A v l. D
Fmm the fubferib“rs on the (7th
inlfuit, two Hor fes one of th(-Wi a
red bay with his Mane cu* IFbut
has grown until n railier fails, he
lias what is called a named tail ;r. I
a black (break down the tail b
and alfo a Lack Break on his wea
thers and down each (boulder feree-
thing like a Mule, lie is fmall and
well made, with a (far in his
and feme fad dip fpots on his batk,
ol the lociay are in a deranged ! about nine or ten years old. Th,*
iLly Ceoige Hargroves and ethers
One hay Mare, about 5 feet high
8 or 9 years old, levied cn as tlie
property ol Stephen L’.unel totatis-
jy James Welley.
Conditions Cadi.
Wiliam Varner, S/.fif. e. c.
January 30, 1810.
fituation, aild is the opinion of [other llorfe is a daik bay, about 4.
•and 33 in the third dis. of Baldwin | the members prefent, tliat a fpo- ! feet 10 or 11 inches high, lv.*s a
now Putnam county, levied on as | cial meeting beheld at the l x- [white fpat in his face, trots ft racks,
the property of John Kennon to la- . change, in the city of Savannah,
on 1 hurfday ihe 22d day of
March next, at 10 o’clock in
the forenoon, when an election
will take place for a Prefident.,
Vice Prelideat, Trealurer an a
All perfons having in pcffef-
fion papers or any documents
relative to ihe lociety, are re-
quvfled to attend with, ft
all the members within the flate
Tiic fufertber rtfeflfully Inform! ! are particularly invit«l.
his friends and the public m general
tiiat he lias purchttfed the Houfe
formerly occupied by Major Edwin
Moungcr, where lie intends to con
tinue his former line ofbufmefs and
hopes, by due attention and utduf-
li y, to merit ilieir patronage.
Roger Olmstead,
* r fk 1810
Resolved, 1 hat notice be pub-
liffed in the papers accordingly.
N B. I he punters in this fiatt,
arc requested to publish the above
once a week and forward their
Ills for payment.
JartU' -y 9 1810. 4$
i nine or ten years old, a toilet able
long tail and Mane—the above def
er') bed 1 lories flrayed iron Mr.
t icorge Thompfons, near Barrows
I or lioTlands Ferry on the Oconee
river in Baldwin comity, and their
rout is unknown as they were railed
lin ditFerent p rts of tic- country.
) Any perfan (topping them and giv-
j iug notice to either of the under fign-
Icd i:i Baldwin county, (hall receive
!a reward worthy their trouble.
John Humphries,
James Bailout.
j Jnjt’i'tar 30, 1810.
| Swords & Epaulets.
j The fubferibers have for fair, a
handfeme aflortment of Epaulets
land a few Officers Swords.
I Dover sirtix if 1 fmeatt
I 809