Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, February 13, 1810, Image 4

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SPAIN. DECLARATION OF WAR by Spain again ft Denmark. ROYAL DECREE. Don Ferdinand VII. by the grace of God, King of Spain, &c. &c and in his name, the Supremo Central Governing .Tunis of Spain and the Indies, to my Counfellors of War, Vice roys, and Captains General of my Armies and Provinces, and all other Officers of my Army and Navy, lntendants. Govern ors, and Alcaides of Towns and FortnfTes, and others perfons, ofvhatcver clafs, eftate, or con dition they may be in all cities, towns and villages of thefe my kingdoms of Spain and the In dies, to whom the contents of this my royal decree may refer, be it known that on ihe 13th of September, I have fent to the I’a fulent of my Supreme Coun cil of War the following Dercec: Spain, elevated in one day to the fummit of glory, which her valor and magnanimity acquired her, cannot now, without com- promifing her honor, obferve much longer with indifference the* aggravated £ r hoftiie ads of the Danifh Government for which that Government cannot plead in jullificalion or excufe to the Court of Spain, the lofs of liberty, and the opprcflion fuf- f i red on the part of France. One of the means by which the French Government took advantage to forward its defigns, was lo fend from Spain a hart of the Spahilh army, firft to Ham burg, and then to Denmaik, in which it was evident to the fo rt reign of (hat kingdom, and to t!ie French themfelves, in the war in which they were engag ed, thet the fervices which all Europe has feen (Sr which were to have been expefted from the < i'cipline and valor of lire Spa- lnlh troops) and which were performed with fo much glory, became an injury to themlelves, of which the lofs of fo many men in dillant regions is a mani- Lft proof. The moment that part of the Sp.inifh army which was in Den- in. 1 k, got intelligence of the no ble rcfolution of their compatri ots throwing off the yoke and tied wing war againlt France, llu y adopted the noble plan, ox- r.mplcs of which are very rare in hiflory, and abandoned Den mark, embarking themfelves to unit** with their fellow citizens in (ii'ir own countries; to fiy to fuccor their brethren, fearleis of danger, and to partake in the glory which the others had ac- q lire—a memorable inftanceof the unanimity and cordiality of fentiment which reigned among Spaniards, even when divided by fo inimenfe a diliance. The Marquis of Romana, who com manded that corps, not doubt ing ol the valor, the conftancy, and p itriotifm of his ioldiers, ai- iidv'i by the zeal of the officers and the common fentiment, re- f.’lved to withdraw with the greater part of his troops, re uniting them in ihe ifland of l-'giland, from which they W' re to ctnbark for Spain, by in ans of the efficacions afliifl. ce which was rendered them 1 v the F.nglilh Navy llaiioncd in ilicit fcas. The delicate proceedings of the Mnnuis of Romana, and his rare in avoiding every thing "hi< h couM be confidercd as an aft of hoflilitv towards the Go verninri.-t of Denmark, and in ma : ritninirg, on* his part, that i- ed harmony which has full- Iffed I ' tween that Court and Ith own, deftim-d th • ixtdifpcn- fible (Viz it re of fame Duniff vef fels to carry his troops to the fortref? of Nyburg, which might hive protected tnfcir cfcapc, and he requeued the Engjilli Admi ral to vary them acrofs. If Denmark had remained neutral during thefe events, and had not oppofed their flight, nor uf’ed force to retain that po:»lon of troops, Spain, conihnt in her fyftem of delicacy and ferupu loufnefs, would not now have had recourfe to flrong meafures towaids Denmark, nor would nave brolc n (lie ties of good Whether Denmark confi.iers herlelf independent and with ihe faculty of acting freely, or whether Denmark is opprtffed and lubjeft to the will ol Napo leon—Denmark is no longer in peace with Spain.—Spain de dares war to her, in the fv-lt place, as a power by whom Ihe feels herfelf injured, and fecond !y, (he does io as to a province of France. Denmark isVefpon- ftble ro God, the world and hu manity. for the blood, which in this contell:, will be fpilt—like- wife refponfible for the Ioffes & harmony and amity which have; damages which will take place, exifted for time immemorial and for the fate of the reft of the between the two nations, but j Spaniards who forcibly remain the fucceeding events fully prove j in her territory. Spain, and the nftive part which the King j her government, in the name of of Denmark, whether fponta ! their beloved foveroign, Ferdi- neonfly or by force, has taken, and continues to lake, in (lie war between Spain and France. Denmark oppofed the retreat j of the Sbanifh troops from her t< rritories, and if Ihe did not fucreed in detaining them, it nancl the 7th, peifi uoufly de tained in France, declares that Ihe has ceafod all communica- To Zaebariab EasUt. Y OU will take notice that I did on the 24rhday of Jar. uiry, iri the year 1809, in term of ail act of the general alien bly of the Rate of Georgi.. pointing out the mode of ren f del ing void all grants and oth< proceedings founded upon fall or fraudulent returns, made by perfons not entitled to draws ii the late land lotteries of the laic Rate, obtain a feieri facias from tlie clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph county, which wai made returnable to the fait court, at March 'Term, in tin year alorefaid and that the fain' was directed to the fheriff o Oglethorpe county, in whicl you are charged ol having entci ed yout name fradulently, am contrary to law, in the laid corn. - ty ol Oglethorpe for two draw ‘"‘o uit v-wi it uiuuiid* j j o r “ ... v tion with Denmark, and th at the j l ‘ le fecond land lottery of the ties of fricndffip which unite th ni, gives liberty and au*bo-, riles ihe Spanifh troops, veffels vv * u county, which lot now ought (o be attributed more to j of war, and privat.- veffels lo at- j — ; — the bad means taken to oppofe | tack the Danilh forces whether and l l la ‘ the laid fheriff hath re- faid Rate, and to have drawn lot N° ten in the 17fh dilhift-Bald ,. lies in tlie laid county of Raar.doiph they may be lound, to take th. ir revenge and not to ceafe hoRiiities uniil a mu tual agreement has taken place between the two powers, by treaty, in which lhall be ftipulat- c-d tlie conditions ol peace, and put an end to a war which Spain folemhly declares to the world them, or the exertions of tlie Spanifh troops, than to the will j veffels in every p!ac of the Danifh Court, which ad- j their received infults, heres in its fyRem of coalition with France, and blindly obeys the orders which arc dictated to it by the Emperor of France. Our clear proof of this is the 1 to receive a Negociat< r from Spain in Copenhagen, and the declaration of Count Burn i l Rorff, that did ; not permit him to maintain any ! corrcfpondcncc with Mr. Shaw. ; D. Edmund Bourke, the Mi- | j niRcr of Denmark, was at this j time tranquil and refpefted in j I Madrid, and only departed from | j that capital, abandoning his cm- j | ployments, to follow the French,! ! in the month of July, 1803;' j which proves, by the moR ob vious evidence, his attachments to France, and is renouncing all correfpondence with Spain. Denmark yielded their naval and land force to France ; the ir ! fortrels ferve them as a wall, and janafylum: the Span iff velffls I cannot freely navigate their feas, j and much lefs enter their ports to trade with them as an afylum again R tempefts, and a portion of Spaniards are detained in their forts as prifoners ; and in a word, Denmark is, without a formal declaration, at war with Spain. What more can one power do than declare war to another, whom (lie judges her enemy r Spain is convinced ihat Denmark, neither for intereft or friend ill ip, nor for any motives, I enters cheerfully into this con- tendon. Spain is convinced that Denmark being governed by the force or influence of France cannot throw off the yoke which me lias fixed on her —a yoke as hard and arbitrary as il flic had been a conquered nation ; and that if Denmark was free, fhe would not aft hof- tility againft a nation of which Die has no complaint, but on the contrary many motives to cultivate a good underftanding. But Spain mu ft anfwer to Eu rope and all the world for her conduit. It appears that fhe ought to have no confidtion with a nation of whom fhe has received fo many injuries, hav- ing committed ails of hoflility againft the individuals of the nation, againR their commerce, turned theteupon, that you are not to be found in thefaid ceun- ty of Oglethorpe—youare there fore, as well as all other perfons who h ive an intereft in the fait lot ol land, required to come forward avid make yourfelves parties in the faid caufe, and to anfwer the allegations exhibite.; by the (aid fci. fa. and to ffu-Vv file gave'no caufe for, but rather c.mle. it any you have, why th endeavored to avoid- And lor proCedings which may have beer the evils refulting, the is rtfpo.-ilible, as flieu.jullly gave occufion to the mifunder- ftanding which .ia:> taken p.ace. Let it be (o underftood in tlie council and chamber of Caftile- for the convenient effects. (Signed) THE'MARQUIS OF ARTOROA, Picfidtiit. Royal Palace ol Alcazar of of Seville, ihe IS hS.p;. 1809. To the Senior of the Supreme Royal Council. mjilKigianiwwiiiroi wmanrogai lo ihe Orphans oj Jacob Levons, Y OU will take nonce, that 1 aid, on the 14th t.ay of April, in the year 1809, in terms oi an att of the General Afleni- bly of the Rate of G orgia poin- tii:g out liie mode of rendering void ail giants, or other pro ceedings, louuded upon falls or fraudulent returns, n ado by pi i- Ions not entitled to draw s in th-* late Land Lotteries of faid state, obtain a feieri facies from the clerk ol tlie Superior court of Jones county, which was direc ted to the fherriff of the county of Wilkin I on, and made re turnable to the faid court at Gc. tober form, in the year afore laid, in which you are charged of having; procured your names in the faid county of Wilkinfon, fraudulently and contrary to law to be entered for two draws in had under the falfe or Iradulen: return, and grant itfelf Ihouid not be fet afi ie, and maid vuid. RICHARD CARTER. Informer. To fames Roe. *\TO r J will take notice, that 1. I did on tiie ‘24th day ol January, in the year 1809, in tei ms o| an aft of the General Affembly of the Rate of Georg : a, pointing out ihe mode of render ing void all grants, or other pro ceedings, lounded upon falfe ot Iran lulent returns made by per fons not entitled to draws in the late J,and lotteries of the faid Rate, obtain a feire facias from the clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph county, which was mad" returnable to the faid court at March t"rm, in the year afore- Dt' 1 , which was direfted to the Sheriff of Baldwin county, in v. hirh you are charged of hai ing c.lufedyour name to be entered irauduldntly and contrary to law. loi two draws in the fecond land lottery in laid Rate, and to have drawn lot N° C3, in the 12th d iff rift of faid county of Bald- w .n, which lot now lies in the laid county of Randolph, and rhatthelaid Sheriff - hath returned thereupon, that you are not tc be found.—You arc therefore is well as all other perfons wbc may have intereR in the faid loi ue ciuereu ior two draws in n ' , * the fecond land lottery of the ° f , " pp q u ‘ r «l to come forwa faid Rate, and to have drawn lot and make yourfclvts parties the faid caufe. parties 1 and to anfwer tl No 1 8, in the tenth diftrift of ,, Bildwin county, which lot now a . ic K n "°. !ls exhibited by the lai lies in the faid county of Jones, .r" c ^ acl0 . s HffthiR you, and and that the faid fheriff hath re- ; turned thereupon, that you are not to be found—you are there fhew eauleif any you have, wh the proceedings which may h;u been had under the faid falfe < lore, as well as aU other perfons ; ^ r '?" d “ lc ‘ n f re,urn *» and ' having any inteieft in the * e 5 Should not be fet af;de ar having any inteieft in tlie faid lot of land, required to come forward and make your- felves parties to the faid caufe, and navigation. Spain confultl | ?" l d ./°, a " 1W f r ,i ’ eall ^ nt| f 0n8 cx : mg her generofity, waited a ' llb i t<?d tl,e <c1, ^ a - aud I to lhcw caufe, if any they have, ing her generofity, waited a year that Denmark might de cide more conformable intereft and duty—and Sp-'?n, confuitmg her dignity, cannot delay any longer from taking a Rep which fhe is compelled to by her honor, decorum an-.! grcatnvfs. to her vvh Y the proceedings which may hvae been had under the faid falfe or fraudulent return, and grant itlelf, fliould not be fet afidc and made void. RICHARD CARTER. h forcer. made void. RICHARD CARTER. Informer. May 16, 1809. " 83— For sale or rent, The HOUSE and I.OT, ; the lower end of rne town ! Milicdgeville formerly occur J ed l y Alien Greene. Ten; ! may bo known ny applying to j . Juetiuh Runt. Fort Johniloii, Charleflon Harbor, fan. 4lb, IS 10 One Hundred Dollars Reward, For fix Dvferters, who de nrted from this poR on the Si \ft- viz.—John Wynne, and Thomas Stewart, of Captain Armftead’s company of the firft Light Artillety. Stewart, was born in Ireland, (but came to this country when an infant;) he is five feet elo- • ven and an half inches high, twenty-two years of age, has grey eyes, brown hair, good complexion, by occupation a aborer; took with him citi zens clothes, and armed with a lie and piRols. The piftols are I uncommon make, the pro perty of the United States. John Wynne was bom in Georgia ; he is five feet fix in ches high, thirty five years of ige, has grey eyes, light hair, fair complexion, by occupation a taylor ; went away in citizens clothes and armed with piRols, and probably a rifle, as the par ties Role two rifles and a num ber of piRols previous to their ^ defertion. The rifles are very ordinary in their appearance, & the piRols uncommon, particu larly with lefpoft to the locks & the fixing of the ram rod. John Hopkins, cf captain La val’s Troop, is a native cf South-Carolina, is five feet nine inches high, has dark complex ion and hair. Charles Merul, of faid Troop, is a native of South Carolina, twenty-three years of age, five feet ten inches high, has light complexion and dark hair; went off in citizens clothes and armed with cither piRols or rifle. Daniel Holloway, of Cap tain John R. Span’s company of Light artillery, is a native of Virginia, twenty-three years of age, five feet nine inches high, has lair complexion, blue eyes and dark hair. ' Wiley Barlow, of faid com pany, deferted at the fame time, of whom an accurate deferip- tion cannot be given. I he above reward, with all cxpenfeSjWill be paid (or in that proportion for either) to anv perfon who will deliver the laid defer tors to me, at this nofi, or fecure them in any Jail and give the neceffary information to me, or any commanding Officer in the Army ol the United States. Jl. IS. ARMSTEAD, Captain, United States 1 st Regiment Artillet y, Commanding. Cj* The different printers q£ North and South-Carolina & Geor gia, are requefted to infert this ad- I vertifeinent fix times in their ref- peftive papers, and forward their accounts for payment. Runaway, From the fubferiber living in l Pulafki county on the Oakrnul- i gee river, on the 17th infl. a V ! Negro Man named LEWIS, black comph fted, tall built, a- bour 18 or ] 9 years of age, tol* : leraUe much knock kneed and has a bump over one cf his eyes about the fizc of a partridge I egg, faid negroe took away with him a light coloured chefnut iorrel mare, about 6 or 7 years of age and about five feet high, I exptft he is making for Put nam county—any perfon who will deliver him to me or con fine him in any Gcal fo that I get him (hail be liberally re warded and all neceffary expen- ces paid by the fubferiber. JatiKi /. Thomas. Jan. £3, 18)0. 44-31*