Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, February 20, 1810, Image 1

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\ o VOLUME II...NUMBER 47. MILL HUGE.VILLE: published (weekly) by DENNIS L. XI'AN. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, I 8 I O. [ Law-Office. Tfi'ie fuhfcribers have entered nto .COPARTNERSHIP in the PRACTICE OF THE L AW w*' Baldwin county— their Office w. U be kept in the Sur veyor Gt neral’s room in the Statc-HouL?, where they will pun&uvlly attend to thofe who may think proper to employ rhe^. Archibald Martin- Edmund B. Jenkins. February 12 46 ti Swords & lipaulets. The fuhfcribers have for falo, a hxndfome afTortment of Epaulets ami a few Officers Swords. Dtver mux cs’ Thweatt ^ayI6, 1809 7-tf lottery ‘Tickets. In the Ncw-York Union Col ledge Lottery, which is to commence drawing in April next, for fifte by D ever tv x Isf Thweatt. February t ft. 1819. 45-’f Bees Wax.—The (Wcri- foers vvifh to nurchafe 20001b of JBFES WAX, for which twenty cents u pound cash will be given. Dewrcux is' Thweatt. February 12 46 tf Notice.—1 hole indebted to the fubferiber for fchooling [their children in Milledgevitle re requeued 10 cuU and fettle with Major Clark, in whofe hands their notes and accounts are put to fatisiy fchool-houle rent. John C. Currie. From the (N. T.) Columbian A quantity o/TAR For Sale by T. STUBRS Port jotmiton, Charlejlon Harbor, Jan. \th, 1810 One Hundred Dollars Reward, For fix Deferters, who de ferted from this poft on the 3d inft* viz.—J ihu Wynne, and Thomas Stewart, of Captain Armftead’s company of the firfl L'ght Artillery, Stewart, war. born in Ireland, (but came to this country when an infant;) he is five leet ele ven and an half inches high, twenty-two years of age, has grey eyes, brown hair, good complexion, by occupation a laborer; took with him citi zens clothes, and armed with a rifle and piftols. The piftols are of uncommon mike, the pro perty of the United States. John Wynne wis born in Georgia ; h ? is five feet fix in ches high, thirty five years of : bis is to meet the authmiz age, has' grey eyes, light hair, i ed agents of thy continental man COMMERCIAL POLITICS. The prominent feature of our re cent European intelligence is of the utir.ofl confeejuence 10 the commer cial part of the community. It e- veu embraces a more extenlire range; and the confummation of the plan now in agitation bids fair to put an end to the mifertes entailed on mankind, by maritime war : con- feauently, in its operation the in- terefts of the whole human family are involved. It is well known, becaufe it has been extenfive y felt, what u liufl vexations and arbitrary reflri-Tions our commerce has been fubjecled to by the belligerents during lapfe of years. 1 A- ia(t it appears that one of them j is difpofed to conciliate and render arms, in a (hort period fhe will com- in thole provincies where the peo- mit u national filicide. Prol'cribed pie are lealt capable of robu (l labors, from tlie principal markets, herj On th? coalt of Coromandel, maim failures, the fource of her and in the province of Bengal, wealth, will languilh and die. Mif-. when at fome dillaitce from the cry and diftrefs will abound in the I high road, and a principal town, it very vitals of her kingdom. The j is difficult to find a vill vge in which pili.irs of her national credit will be j every man, woman and child is not (haken. Her enormous paper cur- j employed in making a piece of rency will depreciate. Her boafted I cloth.' The afliftance which a Wife navy, the nation’s glory, in a few, and family are capable of affording years, for-want of foreign lupplies of j to the labors of the loom mav ha-e ! much contributed to a preference given by a lazy people to tins maim hemp, pitch, &c- will become rot ten hulk and ufelefs lumber. And her immenfe national debt will final ly involve her in a national bankrupt cy. A revolution will tread on the heels of her difallers, and her rotten I and corrupt government will give j slice to one that is equitable and long | i' J t - Fhefe are no chimeras of a heat ' imagination ; they are events that perfe.Tly in fine order of nature, us that justice which has fo long been demanded in vain ; and it is confidently reported that a commer cial treaty has been formed between this country and imperial France. Conne£led with this, Mr Adams’ midi in to Ruffin is of th - firfl im portance, becaufe it is well ufeer- tained that the principal object of r°- ’ T 1 .. ' time powers, in order io digclt lair complexion, by occupation ; ncw p m il[6 , ne co d c f or the govero- a taylor ; w nt away in citi.^ rij j^entof the civilized world. From cloth j s aud arniefl vvi'h patrols, in o^ authentic fources of infor- and probiblyil rifl .*, as the par- j-mauon wc leaWt that this g aud and benevolent plan, to put an end to legalized robbery and cold blooded murder on the ocean, will undoubt edly be a lopted. Great-B-itain alone will oppofe the humane, the godlike plan, and refill its benevolent and friendly one r atiotis The conlequ nee will be, that a war with England will be rendered inevitable. Jr, the event of this, although wat is one of the greateil fcourges that ever afflicted humanity, we trull our countrymen will b-» unanimous and one | la * miv 'hortly be expc&ed to b realized. We therefore, as vigilant and watchful citizens, ought to be pre pared to meet our foe? for, a thirdly; in cafe of Mr. Adam-.’ embaffy be ing crowned with complete fuccefs, our city will be the firfl object of attack, and if we are not on the alert miv (hire a Copenhagen’s fate. Foorefore, neaiti I fay, “ To your tents O Israel.” Independence. MY ftud horfe INDEPEN DENCE, will Rand at the plan lotion of Mr. Hartwell Jones, in Randolph county, about fix miles from Monticello, and at fuch other convenient places as laid Jones may appoint. Robert Wynne. February ] 3. FOR SALE. A well improved Lot in Mil 1 ledge ville. whereon Do£torWil ULm jived laft year—it will be fold low for ca(h or male ne groes—enquire of Edmund B. Jenkins or George Clayton, Eiqrs. in Milledgeville or the fubferiber in Hancock. A1 chi bald Mtrrtin. Jan. 16th 1810. 43-tf Fo? sale or to be rented, ties Hole two rifles and a num ber of piftols previous to their del- rtion. The rillos are very ordinary in their appearance, 5i the piftols uncommon, particu larly with lefpeil to the locks <?; the fixing of the ram rod. John Hopkins, of captain La val’s Troop, is a native ox Souih Carolina, is five feet nine inches hi ;h, has dark complex ion and hair. Charles Merul, of faid Troop, j [fiat all party diltimTions and loci! is a native of South Carolina, twenty-three years of age, five feet ten inches high, has light complexion and dark hair; went off in citizens clothes and armed with either piftols or rifle. Daniel Hollowav, of Cap tain John R- Span’s company of Light artillery, is a native of F, •otr.: the Baltimore American. S ong fymptoms of the circum fieription of the Britifh empire in the j Eafi have been manifelled by that j very power which produced its ex- ten ft m ? we mean the military pow- I er in the Engliflr Ealt India fettle | meats. A revolutionary fpiric was j engendered among the officers of' the Ealt India company’s troops ns j the year 1793, and a dif- fatlure. The thread is laid the whole length of the piece of cloth, hence the weavers live entirely in, villages, as they could work no where elfe in this manner. A wea ver among the Gentoos is no d?f- picable call. ..He is next to the feribe, and above all the mechanics. The dfftintlion of drefs in Indoflan, confills entirely in the littell of linen of which the habit is made. The h tbit has at this day the fame cut which it had a thoufand years ago. Ornaments of gold or filver are marks of foppery, which are indulg ed only to their children ? jewels are not worn about the perfon, ex cepting on particular occafion, even by the grandees; the richell man ire the empire Sffetils r.o other advan tage in his drefs, but that of linen exceedingly fine. Here it may bat enquired how works of l’uch extra ordinary nicenefs can be product d by a people who, if what he faid of their mechanics be true, mult be deprived of fuch tools as feem ab- folurely necelTary to fiuilh fuch fine manufaft mes. The furprife will be heightened when we find, that at Dacca, in the province of Bengal, where all the clothes for the ufe of the king anti his feraglio, are made, they are of fuch wonderful fineness early as , covery of fome plans and the manly j 35 t0 exc,:!e ^ ten thnvs the price of and dignified manner in which the ' an y permitted to be made fot Euro- will be baaed obli- ; prejudice; , vion. j In cafe of war, the federal party , in our fca-ports will certainly effi- j cientl%, aid the government: tot in their memovials and petitions for j years pail, they have pro ruled to fupporc ir wit,*i their lives and for- ! tunes, in v; -dicauon of our violated j maritime rights I Our eallern brethren can have no - , c 1 caufe of complaint by being involved Virginia, twenty t lite Veaio o ; j,, the common calamity. For they have often alledgcd that they are the only commerct .1 p trt of the country, and that they cannot exid age, five feet nine inches high, has fair complexion, blue eyes ami dark hair. Wilev Birlow, of fail com pany, eh ferted at llie lump time, of whom an accurate dtLrip- tion cannot be given. The above reward, with all exp- nfes,vvill be paid (or in that proportion for eilh r) to any perfon who will deliver the faid deferters to me, at this poll, or fei ure them in any Jail and give tlv neo ffary information to me, or any commanding Officer in without trade. As, therefore, the cbj'-cl of .the war .viil be to obtain freedom to commercial enterprize, their (lake is deeper therein than any ether part of the union gnifi_ inherent rights of free men were fupported in the “ Indian World,” at Calcutta, lent its Editor (the prr f. nt Editor of the Aurora) a llate prifoner to England, and produced the difeharge of many of the com pany’s officers, from the fervice, whofe places it was judged proper to fupply with ollicers and troops afling under the immediate orders of the crown. This fpivit has been fmothered for fome years, but if we may judge from Bengal, the flame will bttrfl forth with renovaied peans, or any one eife in the king dom. The hand of an Indian cook wench (hall be more dclirate thare that of an European beauty ; The lkiti and features of a porter (hall be fiofter than thofe of a profefied petit mail re. The women wind off the raw filk from the pod of the worm. A fiugle pod of raw filk is divided into twenty different degrees of fine- nefs; and fo exquifite is the feeling of thefe women, that whilft thee thread is running through their fin gers fo fwiftly that their eye can be brightnefs and pofiibly end in the ! 110 •'fulance, they will break it olF ext:m c Vion of the Bririfli Empire in \ exa ^^y anoitments clian^e^ the Kart. 'Fhefe poir flions iince I at ^ I1C ^ * r01 ^ . 10 ^ ie twetl * the-i-'fs of the American colonies, j nineteenth to the fe- liave been confiderod as the brightell j c jj n n. ihe rugged cl unify finger* he Englilh diadem, and of of 3,1 European would fcarcely be gem fuch confequence were they confi dered tliat at one period when the Enghlli court dreaded a revolution, it was reported to have actually made preparations to remove the fear of Empire thither, an example able to make a piece of canvass with, tlie inllruments which are all that an Indian employs in making a piece of cambric. Matter—GaUi heaters at- As to our patriotic republican i which has fince been followed by ford us tile mens of detiioiiftia- phalanx, we need fay nothing—they I the court of Lifbon in their removal ting tile minute divifiatlity of ate always ready and obedient, at ! to the Brazils. The p'an which was matter; - they can fprcad a grain their country’s call, to vindicate her j form rly in contemplation, was the of gold into a leaf of 50 iquare , 1 i —i...—j I «n .ut:m.v, a ». .... |j ls ru | ns 0 f (he • • • - • 3 - honor anil her violated rights. I eflabliihment on me ruins oi me incheS whii;h Iea f miy be r (. ad i. I We have faid, England alone will Englilh power in India, of a govern- , . , . . ' , oppofe, and will die in the lull ditch ment founded oil principles fimilar j ; parts each i oppofi 'g the principles of an equita- | to thofe of the U States. The ex- Viliole to the naked, eye. 1 he I ble martrime code. She will do lo, ! tent of the prefent revolutionary natural divilions ot matter are, Army of the U i ed States. | becaufe (lie coi fiders her power otn- fpirit of the foldiery and the feares however, far more furprifingly N° S03, firfl diftrifil of Baldwin, (h fituated on Toblers creek, within j ^ ^ ARMSTF.AD, Caltain, ! nipotent on the ocean, and will nev- j which they have excited in the go- minute ; there are more animals fix miles of Milledgeville ? the land XJnitedStates ]st Rn'iment Artillery, I er extinguilh her commercial mono- j vemment, may be judged of from j n t h e melt of a fiugle codfiih — — — f H II . 1 - — —— —" d ll" I I 11 V. ,.l. . 1 I, ■ . *1 . i 1 .... l 1 ... I, ■- n M • l n . • . . . _ is of a moft excellent quality, and : Commanding remarkably level for that part of the I dlfftffent printer9 0 f | T ntr y- . II wl " be foltl 0,1 a credlt Nonh and South-Caroluia & Geor- of onp and two years, paying one . ^ ft , ( , t0 illfert this 3(t . \ t Vr h, ; d iu Ca{h ” r C°V° n at 1 1 Th fix times in their ref- apply by letter to Jofeph a „d forward tlie.r Beavan Savannah. Price Fourteen , 1 ‘ 1 hundred and Fifty Dollars, within- I accounts lor tereft. Savannah, Nov. 7,1809. 35-tf I For sale or runt, The HOUSE and LOT, in the lower end of rue town of JVIilledgeville formerly occupi ed by Allen Greene. Terms may bg known by applying to yuditim Hunt. NOTICE. A FTER the expiration of Nine months from the date hereof, application will be made to the ho norable Inferior Court of Baldwin county, for leave to fell the real cf- tate of Thomas Jewel dec. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of faid dec. Catharine Jewell, Admr’x. June 5. 1808. 11-1ju9 mutate, is yet involved in the hid-» den book ot fate But ihould thefe events happen, and ihould the mon- archs of Europe unite with America in the vindication of maritime rights, we think it does not require tlie fpirit of prophefy to pronounce tliat, “ her end mult lhortly come.” Inftead of a refpe£tab!e naval power and a great commercial na- iion, in cafe of her refilling the new maritime code, flic will become tlie univeifal pirate of the civilized world. Her fleets will traverfe every fea and be the lcourge of every unprote£lcd lhore. But by her mighty efforts againft tlie world in polios which Ihe has obtained by tlie official proclamations and mani- t u, n , ncMl w hnii» na.ih f.;rce Ir.,«d. W. « Uh pol.n- Mlo. of .hc. B »vc„,n,„ t Mclf and ™ “J “ ^ cal exiftance. When that will ter- the recent intelligence trom that f ... . p ^ .... quarter> b I land is larger than lour millions —rest of thefe animals; yet each of On the Manufactures of tndojlan them polE'fTes a lieart, ftomach, bowels, mnfcles, nerves, veins, glands, tendons, &c. It has been calculated that a particle of the blood of one of thefe ani- malcula, is as much ftnaller thaa a globe one tenth of an inch in diameter, as tliat globe is ftnall- er than the whole eat th. (E.f Indies,)from Mr. ORNE. A people born under a fun too fultry to admit the exercife of and fatigues neceffary to form a robuil nation, will naturally, from tlie weaknefs of their bodies (efpec’ally if they have few wants) endeavour to obtain their fcanty livelihood by the eafieft labour. It is from hence, perhaps, that the manufac tures of doth are fo multi; hod in Indofton. It is obfervabie that tlie mauufad.ures of cloth ptera>ls moll BLANK DEEDS For Sale at this Oilice.