Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, February 20, 1810, Image 2

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ARGUS. *«Here TRVTB unlicent'd reings, And dare accost e'en tings items lives ...Or rulers of the free." MILLF.DGEVIU.Ei Tuesday, February 20, 1810. •*— • CONGRESS —By the A- tliens mail, thro’ the attention of our worthy reprefentative Capt. Cobb the Editor of tbe Argus was furnifiled with the proceedings of Congrefs up to the 9ih Feb. The Navigation bill (or Mr. Macon’s bill as it is termed) pa fled the Houfe of Reprefentatives on the 29th Jin. Ayes 73 Noes .52—Mef- J'rs. Bil'h, Cobb and Smelt in the in the vocated the paflage of the bill Wiih no little pleafure we infert J paper. We under ft and that the following article, from the National Intelligencer. It mtift ; flford every American folid fatisfaftion to find every exertion is making to place our country in Inch a poflure of defence, ns to defy “ our bed friends” the Britifh—in their tender mercy—to exhi bit a Copenhagen tragedy in any of our commercial Cities. It is with a furprize only e- nothing important had occurred. Accounts from the Bntifli army at Badajos are publifhed to the 12th December, but we do not know what they (late. From a paper of the 16th of December, we procured a tranf- lation of the following article : Lisbon, December 1G. The day before yefterday the Bririlli Packet arrived here, Bringing London intelligence to quailed by our indignation, that thc ,„ Jth cf November- The we perufe the unfounded ftate ments, with which too many of | the papers teem, of the defence- I celofs Rate of our ports and harbors. Were they partially ; true, the avidity with which they are circulated wouid expofe the patrlotifm of their authors to when re- mnch qtiellion. But affirmative and Mr. Troup I presentations, flagrantly untrue, e negative—Mr. Bibb, ad- \ are depicted in glowing colors in times like thefe, when the in- in a fpeech of an hour in length, j j u fticc of 1 he next day the bill was taken J Us nothing to hope from their forbearance, fuch cor.duR be- up in the Senate and ordered to pals to a fecond reading. Both comes highly criminal, and calls houfes are occupied on the fufc- j f 01 - marked reprehenfion. j ’ct of railing a military force, ( by detachments of Militia and Volunteers) but nothing decisive has yet been adopted The fol lowing motion (by Mr. Reed of tile Senate) lor an amendment toihe cotiftifuti >n h;sbeenmade the order of ihe day lor the 13ih February. ‘ If any cit’zen of the United ; States, {hall accept of any title of nobility, or of any other title of f diIliaction from any emperor, king, prince, potentate, or for- The truth is. that mod of the works contemplated Eaft ol N. Yoflc are either fitiilli, or nearly fi lifhed, and in a. refpectable condition for defence. Thofe in. the harbor of New-York, being on an unufually large fcale- have progrefled more 11 )\vly than the reft. Bat as the funds are fufii.ffent, they will, as foon as the leafon ad mits, be profecuted with ncvr vigor. The proper departments have not been inactive ev. n in ;ign ftate, or (hall hold the fame the dead of winter. On the by dtfeent, or lhall intermarry with any defeendant of any em peror, king, or prince, or with :my pet Ton of the blood royal, j plernents arc making, fuch citizen lhall thenceforth, be ; f 0 r powder and ball i incapable of cxerciling or enjoy ing any of the rights and immu nities of a free citizen of the U. S. or of the individual Hates ; Sand lhall a!fo be incapable of holding any office of honor, pro fit or truft, under them, or ei ther of them.’ The following bill ptflrd the Houfe of Reprefentatives on { the 8th February.' ‘ Be it enabled &c. That in fu- J tnre no Tea-letter vcflel or other j dockutnent certifying or proving : any Ihip or veflel to be the prop- j my of a citizen or citizens of die U’ S. Avail he iffued, except to blips or veflels, duly regillered or enrolled and licenced as fnips nr veffcls of the U. S. or to vrflels at this time owned by citizens of the U. S. and alrea dy furnilhed with fea-letters or other ruflom-houfe documents, nuy hw or laws heretofore pal- f-d to the contrary notwiih- Itanding ’ Mr. Pickering (of the Senate) laid on the table the following refolution: Pefohed, That the prefulent of the United States be n quell ed to lay before the Senate the information which will exhib it thofe “ features in the con dufl of foreign powers towards the U. States,” refered to in his jnelT'geof the 3rd ind. “ which i-npofe on them the neciffitv of the precautionary meafures” recomended in that tneflfage, ol providing by law for detach ing one hundred thoufand ol the militia, and railing a force of twenty 'houland volunteers. A bill has pa!Ted the Houfe of Reprefentatives making ap prrpriations for the fupport of the government for the year )8IO, and has been twice read in the Senate and committed to Meflrs Smith (of Md.) Ander- fon. Crawford, Franklin and Goodrich. contrary cannon are now cou- llantly calling and in a ftate of tranfpertation, carriages and im contrafts powder and ball in execu tion, and ammunition of every defeription preparing. Small arms are ready in abundance, and the preparations for war, fhould it eventually become ine vitable, may be affirmed to be in greater fonvardnefs than they have been at any antecedent pe riod fince the firft fetllement of the country. articles of the moll intereft are as follows : Official intelligence has been received of the deftruftion of a French fquadron, which has been communicated by lord Mulgrave to the lord mayor in the following letter : — Admiralty Office 2h,th Nov. 1809. My lord—I have the high fa- tisfatlion to inform your lord- From the Dublin Evenin'* Po/l. Catholic Emancipation.— There is every reafon to believe tint the catholic queltion will come next feffioi before Pariia ment, with fuperior weight and dignity. The principal Protef t int gentlemen of the county of Tipperary will prefent 3 petition to Parliament in favor of Catho lie Emancipation in theenfuing fefti >n. LordsLandafF.D.mough- more, Hatchifon, Djnolly. Meflrs. Prittie, Mafley, Dawfon, William Heaton Armftrong, G -orge Li iwell and other molt •confiJcrable Proteftant gentle men, are at'the head of the pro ceedings taken lor the purpoie. Their example is lik ly to be pretty generally'followed. The Catholic committee filially a- greed upon the form of a petition at the meeting of Mon iay lad. Earl Fingal in the chair, and .58 members attending. They have fli.p, that difpatches have been ■ a .| optet | a bold and decided Ian- received from lord Colling | b HVting their caufe. the lall,! prefent wood, dated the 30th o and the firft of th- month, which announce rhat a French convoy, which failed fro n Toulon on the 2) ft of Oc tober, deftined for Barcelona, comprtfed of three fh us or the line, two frigates of the hugeft clafs, and two Imaller, with 20 armed tranfports, laden with (tores and ammunition, bad all been destroyed, with the excep tion of one of the larger and one of the fm filer fideates. THE NEW8. The fhip Exeter, Bray, arriv ed at Salem from Liverpool, furni flies London papers of the 27 ol Nov. but contains nothing of importance.—The hon. Da vid M. Eitkine, in the Alricane frigate, arrived at Portfmouth on the 24 h of Nov. in 18 days from America. It was ft Tied Sir Richard Strnchen, hid left London on the 21th oi Nov for Walcheren, to fuperintend the embarkation cf the troops, a- morig whom the mortality ftiil continued. Orders were re ceived at Plymouth to lend to lea every Ihip fir for fervice, to cruize along the French coaft, to pick ■ up draggling fliips as might have efcaped from Lord Collingwood. Licenfes were on the 24lh, granted to vt ffi-ls for Dutch Zealand, but at the fame time, refufed for the Ems. In the London Star of Nov. 2 5, it is Hated, that “ a large quantity of military cloathing is ftiipped for Corunna, for the ufe cf the Spaniards; asisalfo all kinds of '(lores for our army in Portugal.” A Norfolk paper of January 31, fays—Our paper was jult ready for prefs, when the ihip Betfey, captain Watfon,, arrived in 40 days from Lilbon. By captain Watl'on we were polite ly favored with files of Lifbon papers to the 19th of December., from wh'mh we have not time to procure tranflatiens for this The fhips of war were ddtroyed on the coaft, and the armed tranfports by the boats of the fquadron, under tlie command of lieutenant Tav'or. in the bay ol Rofas, on the In ft inftant. 1 am forry to fay that in this fuc cefsful and intrepid enterprize, that fifteen of our men were killed and fifty-five wounded. I have the honor to be, &c. 'Mui.crave. To the right hon. the lord mayor. A London paper of the 29 h November, fays, that Bonaparte had announced to the kings of Saxony and Weftphaiia, then at Paris, that he has determined to aflame the title of emperor of Germany. SPAIN. We fhall continue to pubiilh fuch news as we receive from Spain ; Dut we con lefs we do it with little intereft. no longer adhering to the vapid cant of protellations, & the ful- fomonefsof unprofitable compli ment, they venture by this peti tion to remonftrate, like freemen upon terms of eq.i.fiify, and claim Emancipation as a right, long uojuftly withheld. We hail this fympton, ns promifing fpeedy fuccefs. Ic is the only becoming tone. The petition is to be forthwith fumed. engroilefl and The count Theodore Vender Pahlen, chamberlain at the court of St. Petulbrurg, has been appointed minifter plenipo tentiary from the emperor Alex ander, to the United States. relations; that Mr. Smith and one of the other Secretaries, were de cidedly for war with England, and Mr. Gallatin and, (we believe the Secretary of the Navy, in favour of an adherence to the prefent pacific fvftem—The fecond report was, that Mr. Gallatin intended to re- fign his office in May, to offer for a feat in Congrefs, and if defied, “ to become a leader of the Democratic Oppofition.” This laft report has been improved upon by other anti-ad- miniflration Journaliita, and they have even gone fo far as to fay tl^ic Wilson Cary Nicholas was intended as the fucccffbr of Mr. Gallatin. Now, we have very good authori- ty for Hating that thefe rumors a totally void of foundation—that x perfeift: unanimity prevails among the different Secretaries, and that Mr. Gallatin has no intention of re- figning tlie office of Secretary of the l’rcafury. A letter from Waffling.. ton, of date the 12th, aflerts that, the Executive officers were unanimoijfoy of opinion lliat the non-intercourfe law was inefficacious, and detrimen tal to ourfelves alo/re ; that upon the fubject of preparations for precaution, and aggrtjjiiii, there is alfo coinci dence of opinion. This letter con cludes with obferving, “ Upon the fuhjeCt of divifion in the Cabinet, tz the madnefs of proclaiming difeord, when it does not reign—the attempt to quarrel with Mr. Gallatin, to im pure to him every obnoxious mea- fure, when lie is only refponfihle for co-operating with others, is. cotifi- dcred by many as nnjuft in the high- eft degree ; and there are fomo fuf- picions entertained, that intrigue is at work to expel from the Cabinet* a mau. vrhofe talents are doubted by none, and who retains the confi dence of a fufficient number of men to defeat the intrigue, if it prove to be one.” ( Petftrjburg Intelligencer.) yames Chcetham, of N. Yoik, has written and publilhed what he calls a Lifu of Ti-iomas Paine.—We have not (eon the work; but from Cheetham’s (leader talents, profligate princi ples, and perianal enmity to P.finu, we prelucnebut little con fidence can be placed in its intel ligence, veracity and impartiali ty.—Trent. True American. DEFENSIVE MEASURES. 1 There is fume appearance now of proper fteps being taken to meet the dangers by which we are furround d, and to ward off’ the blows with I v/hich the nation is almoit threaten ed to he ailaiied.— The prefident, in his meff.tge of tiie 3d in!t tnt, recom mends the enliftment of volume rs, the bel ter organization of the mili'ia, and an attention to the regular ar- 1 We adhere to an opinion long fince exprefled, tiiat peace be tween France and Aullria deci ded the. fate of Spain. On the fcore of humanity we regret that in this contefl another life fhould be loft — A few more expiring druggies may be made but the doom of that nain-n is fixed. By Ion Paper. A letter from a gentleman in New Yoik, to his correfpondent in town, after mentioning the arrival there of Mr. Jackson, and his taking a houfe in Broad way, ados—A few hours after his arrival, a trunk was ftolen from the entry of the houfe, which contained Mrs. Jack- son’s j.welery, Src. valued at 300U pounds llerling.—Ibid. It will be in the recolleflion of our readers, that we Hated, f'Uie time ago, that admiral Hanikoff who commanded the Ruffian fleet when it was forced to take (belter in the Baltic Port, had been tried by a court martial, and degraded from his rank. He was condemned to ferve three months as a common failor before the malt. Theft- accumulated indignities broke his heart. He died lately, the victim of grief and indignation. [Democratic Prefs. ] f&T. Chccthim having in his “life of Thus. P tine,'’ grofsly aft perft (1 the character of Madame Bonncv lk, to whom Mr Paine has left molt of his property ; vlr Emmet,-Paine’s executor, has, in a letter addreff d to Gheetham, vindicated the char actor ofiUrs Bonneville in a very latisfaftoty manner. Gheetham has promifed to expunge from his work the parts complained of; & Mr. Emmet has caution ed the Bookfellers not to dilpofe of any copies without thofe cor- reftions as they will be perfon- ally refponfible lor the 11 mtlcr. Ibid. my, the enliftmeiu of wheih iiave .never yet been completed—he alfo fugg efts an enquiry into the expe diency of calling into a£tual fervice a greater portion of the naval force of the United States. We iliould have been better pleaf- ed had the prefident, in the mea fures of defence recommended by him, not omi ted the fortification of our ports and harbours—fome oF 7 he Secretary of the Trrafttry. Our readers perhaps are not un- aprifecl of the rumors which have been for fome time pad in circula tion, ot certain divifions faid to have taken place in the Cabinet, of the intended refignation of Mr. Galla tin, &c. Thefe reports, it is be lieved, were firft given to the public through the medium of the Phila delphia Freeman's 'Journal, a piint remarkably fertile in little conjeElural paragraphs, and one of the Editors of which is flationed at Wufhington during the feflion of Congrefs, from whence he tranfmits to his coadju tor the proceedings of this body, in terlarded with fatvrical lketches of the different members, and accom panied from time to time with fuch rumors as originate in tavern talk, in pod-office crouds, or in ftreet caucuflees—thefe latter are ifluedto the public with all the folemnity of an offic’al narrative. The firft re port which appeared in the Journal, was, that a divifion had taken place among fome of the Cabinet Oifi- thefe are in fuch exnofed fituations, and poflefs fuch feeble means of refiftance, as almoft to invite the af- j fault of an enemy There is no y doubt that if England does mal e war upon us, her plan of offend » operations will be, the capture of our vt-fl’.ls, and the bombardment of our )' fea-port towns In the latter event, ; what would he the firuation of N. j Yoik, af Norfolk, of Charlellon, and of other places adjacent to the f?a* . board ? Deplorable indeed. Tfe \ tragedy of Copenhagen would ligain be witneffed, and the “ curling I fmoak” woukl afeend to Heaven along wirh r.h • cries of the widow & the orphan.—It may perhaps be faid ■ that the fortifications of thofe plac s are progrefling with as much rapi- ■ dity as the circumflances of the country will permit—But this is not ) fufficient—there fhould be additio nal means ufed to complete them, and no time fhouid be loti—If there is not Turpi us money” in the . treafury, the credit of the nation is V good, and it can with eafe borrow any fum which its wants may require 1 ...Who knows but by fh ft ef March, our ears may be aflailed with the 1 thunder of Britifh cannon, alid our chief cities blockaded by the \ “ wooden walls” of England ? We do not found thefe remarks upon any greater expectation of war fince the receipt of the prefitleni’s meflage, than we entertained hc-fory its arrival—The prefident indicates no difpofition to purlue hqflile ftep 1 ’, and tlie meafures of defence recont- mended by him, are fuch as fhould not fail to he taken in the prefent difordered ftate. of the world—Tut CC1S, on the quellion of our foreign ftiil, it is yory poflibie liar Knal.tM