Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, February 20, 1810, Image 3

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may fefent the difmifT.iI of her mlnif- ter, and the language which lus been held upon the occafiou—it is very poflible too that Ihe may per'ill in herrefufal to do us jultice—md under tltefe circumft.inces, it is our duty to be PREP HIED FOR THE WORST.—Ibid. DIALOGUE, Between the Printer, a Subscriber and a Bystander. Subscriber. ...Mr. Printer, I hope you don’t mean to fue us all as you threaten in the paper. , * Printer....11 is not my wifli, Sir, ’ to p.ut any man to coll: but felf-pre- fervation is the firlt law of nature. Subscriber....Mat I have taken your paper a long time to encourage you...and I will leave it to this gen tleman whether it will be generous to fue me. are able to kindle the blare of con- j they will bo ready to make any ex- tention. By frequent conflicts and unreferved familiarity, all that mu tual refpeX, which is nccefTiry to preferve love, even the molt iiuim ue connexions, is entirely loll: and the faint affhXion which remains, is too feeble to be felt amid the furious operation of luteful palli >ns. Fare well peace and tranquility, and cheerful converfe, and all the boafl | change: and will often lofe their charaXers, virtue, and happinefs, in the purfuitof it. Indeed the female character and peace are fo eafjly in jured, that no folicitudc can be too great in their prefervation. Bur prudence is nece.fary in every good caufe, as well as zeal; and it is found by experience, that the gen- tlell method of government, if it be ed comforts of the family circle.! limited and tit retied .by good fetife, ; °f receipts and other papers. "' Ai —’ L: ~ I n —M r , . . ... . • * * - A reward of twenty dollars will be i n to the peefon tub? will deliver LOST, ON the road leading from Augujla to Sparta by the Shoa/s of Ogechee, A BRACK LEATHER POCKET 11 JOK, in which was one fifty dollar Hank Bill, three twenty dollar bills C5* one ten dollar hill all on the U. States Hank and Savannah depfit—a!fo feve- ral notes of hand fame of which made payable to the fubferiber and a number The licit which Ibould preferve a is the bell- It ought, indeed, to be peipetual warmth l.y the conftancy , Ready, but not riged. of parental and conjugal atrcXion,! is rendered cold and joylels. In the place of the foft down which flvmld cover it, are fubftituted thorns and briers. Tiie waters of llrife, (to make ufe of the beautiful allufion of the facred oracles.) rullt in with impetuous violence, and ruflle and dilcolour that dream, which, in its By stander,...When, fir, a man j uudifturbed current, devolves its wa- has been indebted to me a long time it i> rather a reafon that I ibould ^ue him, than that I ihould continue ; to trull him...But if every fub feriber expeXi the Printer to cre dit him, how is he to pay for pa per, even allowing that, like the Camelidn, he can live upon air ? Subscriber.... v ' by, I fuppofe that fome d his patrons pay him, if I donjt. By-j/a«rfr»'....Doubtlefs there are fome who to their honor pay punc tually, and thus keep the prefs and mill going, while dronilh delinquents enjoy, as long as they are permitted, the f' uits of others’labors. Subscriber. ...But I have not re ceived all my papers. By-slander....'That may be the fault of the Poll-M iller or Poll-Ri der, therefore the Printer ought not to be punilhed lor it •, and as he works up the fame quantity of pa per every week, I dare fay he is wore punXual in fending the pa pers than the fubferibers are in pay ing for th -m. Subscriber..,.I fufpefl, Sir, by your obfervations, that you are the Paper Maker, By Jlander... .Your fnfpicion is Corretl—but I (hall not fupply him with paper much longer, unlefs he pays me more punctually than his fubferibers have paid him. Subscriber. ...Weil Mr. Printer, make out your bill ; I will pay it, tk then you may dun as lharp as you pleafe, I lhant feel it. ters all frnootli and limped. But it is not necelT.try to expa tiate on the mifeiy of family diffeil- To what wiekednefs, ns well as wrctchednefs, matrimonial dii’agree- merits lead, every day’s hitlory will clearly inform us. When the huf- band is driven from his home by a termagant, he will, if not rooted in piety, feels that enjoyment, which is denied him at home, in the haunts of vice, and in the riots of intemper ance. Nor can female corruption be wondered at, though it muil be- greatly pittied and regretted, when the heart of a, which ' tions. I mean more particularly to | ove and friendftiip lltould warm, We recommend a f-rions and a'tten- tive perufal of the following ju dicious attd well written efl'ay. j FAMILY DISAGREEMENTS. j After all our complaints of the j uncertainty of human atl'airs, it is j undoubtedly true, that more mifery I is produced among us by the irregu larities of the tempers, than by real misfortunes. And it is a circum- ftaiice particularly unhappy, that j the fie irregularities of the tempers j are moll apt to difplay themfelves at ; onr fire-fides where every thing j ought to be tranquil and ferene. j The perverlion ol the bell things converts them to the worlt. Home is certainly, well adapted for repofe and folid enjoyment, when accom panied with the genuine influence of religion. Among parents, and brothers and fillers, and all the ten der charities of private life, the gen tler affections, which are always at tended with feelings purely and per manently pleafurab'e, find an ample fcope for proper exertion. The ex perienced have often declared, after wearying themfelves in purfuing phantoms, that they have fountl fub- ilantial plesfure in the domeftic circle. Hither they have returned from the bufy, diilipated world, as the bird, afterfluttering into the air, defeends into her neR, to partake of and increafe its genial warmth, with her young ones. Such and fo fweet are the com forts of home, when not preverted . by the folly and weaknefs of man. Indifference, and a carelefTncfs on ■ the fubjeX of pleafing thofe whom, of all below, it is our heft interells to pleafe, often rentiers it a fcenc of dulnefs and Infipidity. Happy if the evil extended no farther, hut the tranfition from the negative ftate of not being pleafed, to pofitive ill- humor, is but too eafy. Fretfulnefs and peeviflmefs arifes, as nettles ve nd profligacy or an | Ifteti'-fs or (to fpenk more according :uliarly fruitful of lt) Bie Grades of Goil) courtefy of fugged,- that family diflention, be- Ttiles all its own itntnendiate evils, is the fruitful parent of moral mif- condticl. Waithe feveral parts whicli co mofc a family, un ? ify in tlut h >m ral.y the feat of mutual enjoyment, they are tempted from the llraight ro ul of Chtittun prudence, to pur- fu' happinefs throught a devious wild of pa Hi on and imagination. The fon, arrived at years of inaturi- ty. who it; treated hdtfhly at home, will feldom fpend his evenings at the domedic fire li-le. If he fives in the city, he will fly for refuge to company, and in rite end it is very p ob-.ble he will form fome unhap py connexion, winch cannot b-e continued without a plentiful lup- j ply of money. Money, it is proha- ! hie, cannot he procured honeilly I b.ic from the p rent ; but money mult at all events' be procured. | What then remains, but to put fue j thole methods which unprincipled j ingenuity has invented, and which j footier or later lead to their proper j pui-.ifhments, pain, flinme, ft death ! But though the cottfcqtiences are not always fuch as the operation of human laws produces, yet they are always terrible, and deltruclive of 1> ippinefs, virtue, and every latent fpurk of piety to God. Mifery is, indeed, the neceflary refui; uf gfi de viation from reXitudv ; hut ea-'y licentioufuefs and profligacy of all kinds, are pec vtetcltcdnefs, as thev low the feeos of mifery in the fpring ol life, when all that is fown (trikes deep root, and buds and blofloms, and brings forth fruit in prof ale abun dance. In the difagreements between children and parents, it is certain, that the defective, experience, ren der them difobedietit and umluti- ful. Their love of pleafure operates fo violently, as often to deftroy the force of filial affeXion, as well as all fear cf the Molt High. A parent is flung to the heart by the itigt ari- tude of the child, i Ie checks his pre cipitancy, and perhaps, with too lit tle command of tempe-r. Afperitv produces afpericy But the child was the aggreflor, and therefore tie- | ferves a great part cf the mifery which enfues. It is, however cer tain, that the parents is often im prudent, as well as tile child unduti fill. The parent fhould endeavor to render home rgreeable, by gen tle treatment: for man at every age willies to he pleafed, but more par ticularly at the juvenile age. He Ihould indeed maintain his authori ty ; but it fhould he like the mild dominion of a limited monarch, and not the iron rule of an aultere ty rant. If home be rendered pleif- ing, it will not be long deferted The prodigal will foon return, when his father’s lioufe is always ready to receive him with joy. Parents fhould never forget the word of God, delivered by St. Paul, “ A’e fathers, provoke not your children to wrath. Eph. vi. 4 What is fald of the confeqttences hatred is found to rankle. Conju gal infelicity not only renders life mod uncomfartable, but leads to that- d^ftwate diflolarenefs n m r ieffueis in manners, wuicii teimi- find the ml fives ! nates in the ruin of health, peace & v.-aieh is nrt- fortune, and bodr and foul. But it avails little, to point out evils, wi bout recommending a re medy. G..e oi the-finl rules which } fuggefts itfclf, is, that families | ihould endeavour, by often and f> ! rioufly refl-;Xing on the iubject, to I convince themfeives, that not only the enjoyment, but the piety an-1 virtue of every individual greatly depend, under the grace and hell ing of God, on a coaiud Union. When they are convinced of this, they will endeavour to promote it : and it moll providentia ly happens, that the vt-ty vvilh and ate mpt of every individual mult infallibly fe- curc 1'ucc els. A ttother molt excellent rule is, to avoid a grofs familiarity, even where the conneXioti is molt inti mate The human heat t is fo con- fl tutted ns to love refpecl. It would indeed, be unnatural in very inti mate friends, to behave to each other with ftiilYiefs j but there is a ilifier- ence attd a delicacy of manner, that tend to preferve that degree of ef- teem, which is lieceiiary to fupport* Xi'an, and which is loft in con tempt, when it deviates into excef- five familiarity. An habitual po- theflid Pocket Book, Money and Pa pecs to the fubferiber or to Capt. John Abercrombie in Sparta Mofes Rabin. Fib. 17, 1810. 43-2 w.. GEORGIA, Jones county, Whereas Janie M‘Neil has ap plied lo me for letters of admi mftraiion oil the eltate ol Jacob Smilie deceafe. Thefe are therefore to cite and admonifh all and lingular the kindred and creditors oi laid dec. to file their objections (i! aay th y hav p ) in my office on nr be! vi jhel2th <!av of March next, other wile letters vvui b. granted him. Given under my hand and fell this 12 h day of F-horary 1810 and ol American Independence ftt 1 and 3tth Roger M Garth j. 0. C. 0. For Sale, Worths ale, and Rctaif,. At Du. Wil-on’s Shop next door to the Eagle Tavern, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT of MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, | DYE S TUFFS, and other ar ticles in the Drug Line, They will be fold on as good terms ts they can be purchased in the Sr ate for Ca i-i or the ufual Credit ro punXual eultomers. To the Phyfician, Merchant and other dealers in the Drug near Milledgcville the convenience of having a iltop thus near them, fhould point out at lcalt the proprie ty of alcertaining how far they can be ferved on the terms, here ptopnfed. ... Among the assortment are... (1 El >RGIA, Jones County. W here as Charles M‘Car ty, by his fathv r and natural guardian hath filed infor mation in my oftithat Jam s Daw foil of Wafhington county, did fraudulently anti contrary to law, have his name entered iri fai.l county- for a draw or draws Arnatto, Logwood, Madder, B ue Vitriol, Drop Lake, Du eh Pink, Flake White, Fig Blue, Ivory B ack, I .yth.nge, Parent Yellow, Prudi.m B iue, Verdegreafe, White Lead, Re.l Lead, King’s Yellow, j Nankeen Dye, Acqua Fort is. Oil of Vitriol, Alum, Copperas, Q-tlck Silver, Caltov Oil, Sweet Oil, Opium, Jalap, THE higheft raflt price gi- Calomcl, Rhubarb, Magncfu, Peruvian Bark, Arrow Root, Jamphor, Ipanifii Flies, Cimiab • v, Cochineal. S if. on, Emery, N utmegs, Britifh Oil, ?'s Pills, Smelling b 'ttles, Spirits of l u peil- tine, Opodeldoc, Elf nee of Pepper Mint, Toot ft B'ufltes, L't'Ot'a Powder, Lip Salve, Sugar Candy, Sealing Wax, Wafers, &c Sec. in the late land lottery, whereby ; ng foi Bees-Wax,Black Snake Rom, I iie fai l J unes Dawlor. drew and Scneka, or Rattle Snake Root; Milledgeville, )9-!t F-b. 47— -f Strayed or btolen, lot N c 25 in the 9ih diftriX of IJiiiiwin coutuy, (now Jones) and wiiereas it appears from the flier id’s return that the laid James Dawfon it not to be found in the county of Wafhington. ^Yll perfons therefore having intcrefl in the land in queftion, From the fubferiber, on Saturday the 11th of this month a light gray mare, no particular marks rt coiled* ed except a few fporg of iar on lief fide near her foer (boulder and co t- are hereby required to be and I fiderably marked with the trace mnnri.-rs, will prevent even indi(Te rence from degenerating into hatred, ft will refine, exalt, and perpetuate atKtti'jii. But the brft and rpoft eflleacious rule is, that we ihould not l.fiitik our religious and moral dmies are only to be praXifed in public, ond in the fight of thofe from whofc appiuufe we expcX the gtaiificatiou of i ur vanity, ambition, or avarice . but that we fhould be equally auditive to our behavioui among thofe who can only pay us by reciprocal-love. We imiil fet God always before our eyes, and flt?w f he (incerity of our principles and profeilions, by aXing confillently with them, not only in the legiflature, in the field, in the pulpit, at the bar or in any other public aflembiy, or in the ouming- hoitfe, the office, or the thop, but ai- 1 ^ notice, fo nt the Fire-Side. r at a Superior Court, to h -h Id in end for the county of Jones, on the fecund Monday in A UK u ft next & make themfelvs, party to the luits commenced, to aafuMr the allegations fk fliew cr.ufe if any they have, why the proceedings had under lu^h fraudulent returns or the grant itlell if the fame has ifi'ued, Ihould not be fet afide and made void. Given under n;y hand this 17th February, 1810. JOHN R GREGORY, Clk. CINCINNATI. Savannah Wednefday.Jan. 17, IS 10. At the ot a number of the members of the Cincinnati Ssc cty rf Georgia, th .y conven ed at the Exchange, agreeable j It appearing that the funds A Mr I fociety are in a deranged fituation, and is the opinion of the members prefent, that a fpe- laughters from 17 to ‘15 years l™ 1 ""-'thing be held at il.» fx- >ld, U uvo fans the youugelt of ’ ,n ' he °\S Remarkable affliction faun s Mtler, or Attains county, I I1,u,ll ' u “> ‘ ,uu ,B 11 Ohio, has fix children (lour 1 the ambers prefe whom is 8 years) who were all torn cripples, have never been a- ble to Hand, walk or talk, but have remained as htlplefs as in fants from the day of their birth to the prelent time. Within a few weeks, Benja min Franklin Stiekney, of liovv, has difeovered and opened a large body of iron Ore in the northren part of the townfhip of of domedic difunion to ftms, is e- | Chef ter, near Merrimac river, a .iiiillti f ha qnnltarl t/v /lannnfari;. ^ ... _ .. . .. qually to be applied to daughters Indeed, as die mifconduX of daugh ters is more fatal to family peace, though not more heinous in a moral getate, fpontaneoufly, where no falu- I view, particularly care fhouhl he ta- tnry plan s are cultivated. One un kind exTir.-ffion infaltiably generates piaoy others. Trifles light- « ^ir ; 1 When their home is difagreeable, ken to render them a‘tachcd to the comforts of the family circle. bout a mile above IslleUookfet Falls, and about the fame dif lance irotn the great falls on Sun- cook river. [_N. H. Patriot j iiMra-iin-ur,itaaKm»-«-rww BLANK DEEDS For Sale at this Office. on i'hurfday the 2‘2d day of March next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, when an election will take place for a Prcfident, Vice Prefident, Treafurer and Secretary. All perfons having in pofTef- fion papers or any documents relative to the fociety, are re- quelled to attend with them, & all the numbers within the Hate are particularly invited. Resolved, That notice be pub lilhed in the papers accordingly- EDWARD WHITE. N B. The printers in this fate, are requested to publish the at eve cnee a week and fa ward theit bills for payment. January 2, 1810. 45 chains on her Tides, and (hod hefo e — Any perfon bringing her'to n-» or will give me information where I can get her ill all be liberally re warded. MOSES A. ROBERTS. Oppofite the Goal, Milledgeville. February '20, 1810. 4 7-Hw GEORGIA, Putnam county. Perfonally appeared Mofes Eakin before me and made oath that he wns in pofeifion of three notes cf hand on Sner- !y Sledge, one for one hundred and til ty dollars due the Silt January iaff, one for two hun dred and filty dollars due the firll day of March next, the oth> r for two hundred dolla v s due the full day of March 1811, all made payable to (aid Moles E.-kin, one note oi hand on Edmund Lane and William Alexander for Eighty dollars due twenty filth December, made payable to Janus Eakin, three notes of hand on Robert Williams, Lewelling Williams and Nathaniel"Mufon two for twenty.five dollars each and one for fifteen dols. with a credit on it for t- n dollars all due about the fi ft Jay of January and made payable to Samuel Rofs and two notes of hand on Janus Eakin and the laid Mol s Eakin for twenty dollars each made payable to Wilmoth Ja vans and Edward Wood ham, all of which notes is loft. MOSES EAKIN. Sworn before me this 17th February 1810. Ldtmnd Lane, y.ic. 0" All pet fops are forewarn ed trading lor the above n<it:s. Mofes h akin. Putnam county, Feb. 17. 47-2*