Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, March 06, 1810, Image 1

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© VOLUME II...NUMBER 4(J. MILL EDGE TITLE: published (-weeklyJ by DENNIS L. RCAN. TUESDAY, MARCH 6, l8lO. For Sale, Wholesale^ and Rctaily At Dr- Wilson’s Shop next doro to the Eagle Tavern, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OP medicines, patent medicines, POINTS, DYE STUFFS, and other ar- tides in the Drug Line, They will be fold on as good terms as they can be pnrcbnfed in the State for Cash or the ufual Credit to punftual cullomers. To the Phyfician, Merchant and other dealers in the Drug Line near Millcdgevillo the convenience of having a (hop thus near them, flyluld point out at lealt the proprie ty of afeertaining how fir they can be ferved on the terms here propofed. ... Among the attortaunt are... Arnatto, Logwood, Madder, B'ue Vitriol, Drop Lalw, Dutch Pink, Fiake White, Fig Blue, Ivory Btack, I.vtharge, Pitent Yellow, Pruflian Blue, Verdegreafe. White Lead, Red Lead, King’s Yellow, Nankeen Dye, Jkcqua Fortis. Oil of Vitriol, Alum, Copperas, Quick Silver, Calfor Oil, Sweet Oil, Opium, Jalap, Swords $■? Epaulets. The fubferibers have for fale, a handfome alFortment of Epaulets and a few Otlicers Swords. Devereaux iff Tbweatt May 16, 1809 7-tf EAGLE TAVERN. I “ The fubferiber refpertfully informs his friends and the public in general that he has purchnfed the Houfe formerly occupied by Major Edwin Mounger, where he intends to con tinue his former line of bufinefs and hopes, by due attention and ittduf- Eoltery Tickets. In the New-York Union ! try, to merit their patronage. Colledge Lottery, which is to commence drawing in April next, for fale by Dcvercux Ss 5 Tbweatt. February ill. 181!). 4.5—tf Roger Winstead. Millcdgcville, January 9, 1810 Calomel, Rhubarb, Magncfia, Peruvian Bark, Arrow Root, Camphor, Spanifh Fiies, Cinnabar, Cochineal. Saffron, Emery, Nutmegs, Britifh Oil, bee's Pills, Smelling Bottles, Spirits of fui pen- tine, Opodeldoc, E(Fence of Pepper Mint, Tooth Bruthes, Tooth Powder, bin Salve, Sugar Candy, Sealing Wax, Wafers, See. Sec 3, -7* THE highr ft cafh price gi ven forBees-Wax,Black Snake Root, and Seneka, or Rutile Snake Root. Milledgcville, l!Kh I'eb. Im — tl Law-Office. The fubferibers h ive entered into COPARTNERSHIP in the PRACTICE OF THE LAW in Baldwin county—their Office will be kept in the Sur veyor General’s room in the State-Houfe, where they will punctually attend to thole who may think proper to employ them. Archibald Martin- Edmund B. Jenkins. February 12 46 tf Bees Wax—lhe luhi'cri- bers wi(h to ourchafc 2000tb of BEES WAX, for which twenty cents a pound catbv/\\\ be given Devercux f3* / bweatt. February 1*2* 46tf For sale or to he rented, N° SOS, firft diftrict of Baldwin, (hualed on Toblers creek, within fix miles of Milledgeville ; the land is of a mod excellent quality, and remarkably level for that part of the country. It will be fold on a credii of one and two years, paying one third in Cadi or Cotton at the mar ket price, apply by letter to lofeph Benvan Savannah. Price Fourteen hundred and Fifty Dollars, with in- teroft. Savannah, Nov. 7,1309. 35-tf WILL BE SOLD, On the ftrjl Tuesday in March next, in the town ofGrccntjborougb. 150 acres of LAND, on the waters of Shoulderbone, in the county of Greene, adjoining Mapp and 'Tally—Sold for the benefit of the heirs and credi tors. JamgKImm.l M , A. Wells, January 1, 1810. Will be sold, On the 9th day of March next, at Slovak's Store, in Putnam county, on a credit of 9 months, • The Negroes belonging to the eftate of Capf. John Weeks dec. The puv- hafer giving bond wiih appro L. O S T, ON the road leading from Align An to Sparta by the Shards of Oger/.te, A BbACK LEATHER POCKET BOOK, in •which nuns one fifty dollar Bank Mill, three twenty dollar hills fa’ one ten dollar hill all ca the U. Stales Bank and S tvanmih depofit—alfo fede ral notes of hand fame of which made payable to the fubferiber and a runnier of receipts and other paperr. A reward of twenty dollars will he given to the pet fen who will deliver the [aid Pocket Book, Money and P.i- pen to the fubferiber or to Capt. John Abercrombie in Sparta Mofes F.akin. Fib. 17, 1810. 43—2w. and amunition, &c. flvtll not be ufed lor any unlawful purports, but merely for refi(lance and defence in the cafes authorifed and fpecifieJ in this art, and that fuch arms (h ill be returned within the United States. The 1 Oth fecliou provides that vcfiels thus convoyed Ihall be (abject to the fignals of the commander of the armed vcfiels convoying and to I'm h rules and CONVOY AND ARMING [III the tail Argus we noticed a bill reported by Mr. Burwell, from the committee appointed for that purpofe, authorifmg the Prefideut of the United States to employ the public armed velFels and per muting Merchants to arm for the defence of American commerce, we now lav bitore our reader an outline of the bill—It would ap pear, from a letter written by Mr. Burwell, to the Editor of the 1 , • , r , Lynchburg Prefs, tint the main ; ^l^ns as the Frefident may, objedl is to prohibit our com- j undei. the provifions of the abt merce againft privateers and pick-: citablithed tor the government^ aroons.J j of the convoy. The firll fertion of this bill ] Tire 14th fertion limits the provides that the Frefident of I duration of the bill to GEORGIA, Putnam county. Perfonally appeared Mofes Eakin before me and made ved lecuriiy to bear interell from oath that he wns in pofelfion the date if not punctually paid, j of three notes of hand on Sher- Gcor gc Stovall, 7 1 > «v * m r adm Jose pi.) Cooper, ) Foh. «dl 1810. | ly Sledge, one for rne hundred 1 and fifty dollars due the 31 It ' January lad, one for two hun- La7*11 1 Lit died and fifty dollars due the v\ ill DC 80.u, j q,.q <j a y ^r arc | 1 next, the O u thefirjl Tuefday in March next, in 1 otheV for two hundred dollars the Town of Sparta, | due the firll day of March FOR SALE. A well improved Lot in Mil. ledgeville, whereon DoctorWil- fon lived lad year—it will be fold low for calh or male ne groes—enquire of Edmund B. Jenkins or George Clayton, Efqrs. in Milled geviile or the fubferiber in Hancock. Archibald Martin. Jan. 16th 1810. 43-tf A likely country born Negro Boy, Part of the perfonal property of James Wilkins, dec. Terms will made known on the day of fale. Catharine Wilkins, adm’trix. William M'-Doivell, atlm’r. February 5. 46 3t WILL BE SOLD, on theJhjl Tuefday in March next, agree able to an order of the Inferior due th ISM, all made payable to laid Moles Eakin, one note of hand on Edmund Lane and Wiiliain Alexander for Eighty dollars due twenty fifth December, lad, made payable to James Eakin, three notes of hand on Robert Williams, Levveiling Williams and Nathaniel Mafon two for twenty five dollars each and one for fifteen dots, with a credit on it for ten dollars all due about the fil'd ( For sale or rent, The HOUSE and LOT, in the lower end of town of Milledgeville formerly occupi ed by Allen Greene. Terms may be known by applying to ‘Judkins Hunt. Notice—Thole indebted to the fubferiber for fchooling their children in Milledgeviile, are requefted to call and fettle with Major Clark, in whole hands their notes and accounts are put to fatis/y rthool-houfe rent. John C. Curjuh. ~ . ,i day ol January lad and made Court of Itantock county, tit the ’ b|e Sainoel Rofs and iownofSptitta, the JoUmn S .\y a , lotes of | um , on Jjmc8 1 Facts Or Land : ; Eakin and the faid Mofes 250 acres, Hancock county, j Eakin for twenty dollars each on the waters ol Shoulderbone. j made payable to Wilmoth E- 287 1-2 acres, Wafhinpton vans and Edward Wood ham, county, on the waters of Bulla-; all of which notes is loft. loe. Lot No. 232 in the 25lh dif- trirt Of Wilkinfon. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of J. D Swinncy, dec. Ranfran Sivinney, adtn’r. WILL BE SOLD, on the firjl Tuefday in March next, at the maket houfe in the 1 own 0 f Sparta, A NEGRO MAN, belonging to the eftate of Leonard Gordy deceafed—for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of laid dec. S. M Drvereux, Adm’r. MOSES EAKIN. Sworn before me this 17th February 1810. Ldmund Lane, J.I-C. fr All perl’ons are forewarn ed trading for the above notes. Mofes Eakin. Putnam county, Feb. 17. 4-27t Independence. MY find horfe INDEPEN DENCE, will (land at the plan tation of Mr. Hartwell Jones, in Randolph county, about fix the United States be autnorifed and required to employ the pub lie armed vcfiels of the United States to convoy veflels owned by citizens of the United States and laden with the produce of the United States tile property of fuch citizens, provided fuch pro duce is not contraband of war, and the faid vcffjls (hall not be bound to a blockaded port, or to any port or place belonging to or in the artual pofilfli m of any nation having in force orders, edicts or decrees againft neutral rights in violation of the law of nations. The 2d. fertion enumerates articles which ftiall be deemed contraband of war. The 3J. fertion provides that no port lli ill be confidered as blockaded, unlefsa&udly invert ed with a fufHcient force to ren der the entrance to it dangerous. The 4th fertion provides that the commanders of the public armed veflels convoying accord ing to this law {hill permit the i public armed veflels of any bel- j ligerent nation to vifit and fearch | on the high leas any private : Ihip or vcfV l under their con I voy, for the purpofe of exainin- ! ing whether it be laden with enemy’s property or articles by this law declared contraband 01 war, or whether it be bound to a portathiallv blockaded. The 5th left ion provides that tiie laid commanders (hall not permit any privateer or other than a national armed veffel to vifit any veffel under their con voy. The-6th feflion requires the commanders to refills by force the capture of any veffel under their convoy for any other caufe than having enemies property or articles contraband of war on board, or being bound to a port atlually blockaded, and to con tinue fuch refi fiance fo long as may be ncccff.iry for the pro tection of the vcfiels under their convoy. The 7 tii feClion provides that vefiels under convoy, a a year, and from thence to the end of the next fefiion of Congrefs thereafter. The bill has been twice read and referred to a committee of the whole- From the Boston Patriot. FEMALE PATRIOTISM. Mr Editor—l don't allow myfelf to taIf politics on com mon oceafions; but I hii.k in the prefent Itate of our country the women have as important a part to art as the men.—Wiili ail due refpert to what you call the refol ves of Congrefs, I think the refol ves of our fex of full as much confequence to the nation, and that a hundred thou fan d Ipinning wheels put in motion by female hands will do as much towards redrcfiiug our wrongs and eftabltfiling our in depen dence, as a hundred thoufand of the bell militia men in Ameri ca. I am not alone in tilts o- pinion—’Squire Homefpun, [a true American inside and out. J fays the noife of (pinning; wheels and looms is more alartn- ; ing to John Bull, as he calls I king George and all his folks, j than Mr. Macon’s bill and all j the ether bills that congrefs are. | making for his annoyance—and | (he ’Squire favs further, that ! his cotton and (pinning fartoty : will be as great an eye-fore to old England as a man of war with as many great guns ar, his fartory has fpindles. Now I know of no better rule of war fare, than to find out what the enemy willies us not to do, and to go about it in eainert. My neighbors agree with me, young and old, and are determined to attaik this fame John Bull with at lealt a hundred tiTerttve {pin ning wheels. DORATI-IY DISTAFF. THE CONTRAST. VIRTUE alone has that to give Which makes it joy to die or live. While VICE can only that fupply Which makes it pain to live or die. ••• When the Khan of Tartary, A quantity of FAR For Sale by T. SiUBBS. greeabic to the provifions of the , w ho has not fo much as a houfe, art, may be armed; that they fiiall permit fearch in cafes be fore mentioned ; but that they (hall refill any fearch by priva teers, letters of marque, or pri vate armed vefl’cls. and who luhftfts folely on ra pine, has finilh.'d his repaid of mare’s-mik and horfe 'E (h in his tent, he caufes an herald to proclaim, that all kings, prir- ' ces and potentates of the eartu The 8th fertion provides that I now have his perniilGon to go veflels deferibed in the pteceed- to dinner, ing fertion ftiall refill: capture,' &c. in the lame manner as the 1 There is now, (fays a I.on- commanders of the veflels enn-1 don paper) redding at Stafford, voying them are by this bill au- a man of the name of Nolan who is at prefent married to his twenty, fixth wife, and has miles from Monticello, and at ihorifed to do. fuch other convenient places as) The 9th fertion requires of faid Jones may appoint. * every merchant veffel armed as , Revert Wynne. ! nforefaut, pre vious to obtaining I is 105 years of age, and his February 13. ■ a clcdviI and, that its guns j prefent wife is now pregnant 1 by the whole 73 children. He