Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, March 27, 1810, Image 3
th At G-;-;l Cadano; v,^'. at Al gefiras on the 'Jilt Jau. again to take comuuhd of the Spard'h armv. SUMMARY OF THE FRENCH EXPOS if, Delivered before the legiflativebo dy by MonftcuT de Montalivet, mini, fterol the interior, on the 12th De cember 1809. His excellency divides his report into feveral parts. In the firft, he describes the works undertaken, or f finilhed in the different parts of the empire fince the lad fedion •, on one fide the canal of St. Quentin, finifh- ed by the prifoners of war j that of Napoleon, which is to join the Rhone to the Rhine, already far ad vanced •, feveral locks of Importance finilhed ; the maritime works of the ports of Dunkirk, Havre, Cette, Marfcilles, the bafon of Antwerp, c2 T ried on with great activity, the jfoad of Mount Cenis, opening the pafiage of the Alps—the marlhes of the Cotentin,and of Rochefort drain ed, are the refults of the favors be llowed by the government, and of that folicitude which it manifefts for every objeft of its adminillration Before our eyes, numberlefs monuments embellifli the metropolis of this vail empire : Out of the city of Paris, the bridges of Bezens, of ■ Choizy are commenced: that of Charenton is re eftablithed—the bridge of lena gets forward, the bridge of St. Michael it entirely cleared, the keys of the Louvre, and of Jena are finilhed—grcnarieG are crefling—large {laughter houfes have been built near one of the gates of Paris—laboreis are working at the building deflined to be the exchange of Paris—the column cf aUtflerlitz is already covered with hail of the bronze which is to decorate it—the Louvre is adorned with a rapidity which aftonifheseven the inhabitants of this capital—already Paris enjoys the waters of the Oureq, and by an other favor of his majelty, beggary that hideous plague in polilhed flutes lias difappeared. His excellency here mentions the improvements which the depat t- ments have experienced during this year; the inhabitant^ on the banks of the Rhine, who have fullered by the inundations, have been indemni fied for their Ioffes—fuccour has been afforded to the Communes af- tlitled by hail and fire—cllablilh- inents foT vaccination have been cflablifhed in the departments—the arts and fciences have been incour- aged—hib majefly propofes to honor and reward them. With that view he has ellablifhed decennial premiums, they would have been dillributed by this time, if the jury of examination had Tent in the refult of their labors, and rf the emperor had not thought proper to give more fcope to his firft decree, in eftablifhing new premi ums, and in ordering a more folemn difculfion for the works of the learn ed The adminillration of jullice has been the fame as in former years. The emperor, refpefting ihc con- B fciences of his (ubjects, has thought that all religions founded on the mo rality of the golpel were ufeful to focrety It was with that principle that the worfhip of the Lutherans has experienced the effeds of his protection, and miniflers of that mode of worfhip are fupported at the expence of the (late. As to the religion of the emperor, which is that of all his family, and °f the majority of the French ; It has Iways been the objedl of his tnolt affiduous cares} many places of worfhip have been repaired, now feminaries*have been formed \ the number of chapels of cafe has »een increafed, affiflancc has been allorded to the curates, and deferv- j"S and infirm old clergymen. Lall- b> his majefly has appointed as members of the fenate, and of the miiverfity feveral archbifhops, and ropoles to appoint them in his ouncil of (late. Nobody can deny the evils which he temporal power of the Popes has ccafioned to religion, had it not eon for that power, more than the df of Europe would not have been parated from the other. Theetn- <•'. .t, fignedby the pope, was inland- cd to rccogniz: thole rights i but the court of Rome, actuated by ha tred ag.tinfl France, could no longer conceal its fecret fentimenrs. Ir conllantly manifefted them, au«J tliat even before the battle of Aufter- litz, by receiving the enemies of King of 5U!y. It b’u \> repot i- ed, that Napoleon Inn written a letter to tile King, requiring an aftfwer from hunfelf, -propofing very gentle m.’uru of rofforing peace to mankind i and that the Marquis V/ ‘Hell y, in whole de- France, and by refuting to acknow-• pertinent it lies to adviftf his ma ledge the Uwfulnefs of the appoint ment of fome members of tlie French clergy. Incendiary writings, and clandetline bulls have been hawked about feveral parts of the empire ; out they have b.'cn received with that contempt they deferve. Convinced of this perfidy of the Court of Rome, the emperor had only to chafe between two refac tions : that of creating a patriarch or chief of religion in France. His jetty <J’i this lubjoft, has ‘hought it dtlc*, jn p^litenel’s, that the let ter of the ij.'nperour ihould be anfwered in his s own name.—Star. January 20- An American (hip, it is fai.i, i with the dcfpatches for General Armftrong at Paris, in attempt ing to go into Havre on the 8th to another port. Her delpatch es we re forwarded immediately to Paris, but her crew were not permitted to have any commu nication with the flmre. This circumftunce is of itfelf lufGcient proof that no definite arrange inent hrts yet taken place be tween America arid France. ui Vinci nr religion in nance, riis : ,« ” „ , n . majefly has rejected the firlt refolu- £ 'V‘ S f ^en poll, ilion of by a tian ? but he will never acknowl- ! * rench . armed Ihip, and font in edge the triple crowu, and will only admit of the fpiritual power of the pope. It is ncceffiry that the fucceffir of St. Peter, like St. Peter himfelf, iliuuld be a pastor accord ing to the precepts of lefu-i Chrifl : popes, like king,, ought to give un to what belong to Cxfar. His Excellency after announcing that the emperor having done a great deal, is difpofed to do Hill more for religion, lias dedicated ail- o her part of his report to the triumphs which have crowned the French armies in the lall campaigns. Hie emperor adds, by a Ikilful m.t- nesvre, he hail fuccecded in drawing the into a fuare: al ready he w.ta purfuing it, and was on the point of aiinihilating it, when lie received intelligence that the cabinet of Vienna was meditating a diverfion in favor of the Spanilh in- fargents-, that it ln<l promifed them 100,0(A) mufquets} and time 500, j 000 men had invaded Bavaria wiih- 1 out a declaration of war. His excel- I leitcy calls to mind the effects which the prefence of the emperor proriu- j ced amidlt the foirfiet-s in Germany, 1 and the brilliant victories which brought aboat a peace witliout doubt more durable than that of Prel burg. I His excellency then remarks up- I on the expedition of Flulhing, fo ! O' I he Rev. Jofeph Tarpley will preach at the Methodiit meeting hcule, to-morrow even ing at < urlv candle light. Sheriff's 6a/e. [J ILL BE SOLD on tbs frj} Tut pay in Mav neat, id wan the ufrnl hours, in ihc town of Eat on ton, Putnam county— 201 3 4 acres of land, on the Oconee river, in the 2d diflricl, N° 457, of Baldwin, now Put nam, it being a fractional furvey, and under the incumbrance to the Rate, whereon Green Siins now lives—levied on as the pro pet ty of Green Siins, to fatisfy i’hwcatt and Green. ALSO. 252 1 2 acres of land, on •MARSHAL'S SALE. WILL BE SOLD, at lbs Mir k'l II use in tbs town of Mi!/, c, I'ycville, on Friday tbs 4tb of May next, between tbs usual hours, tbs following property to wit : 35 i Acres of Swamp Land, lying in Montgomery pounty, whereert Col. G M. Trc 'ip refides—GO acres of land ill gn '*Lind—202 1 2 acres of tend, N° ‘^4th diftrid old vViiJr'ofon,* now' Pulalki—and the ii.alf c* fi'aftion JN° 239. Iff dillrid Wiikfafon, inclu ding the terry, the tkflio.n under mort gage to the Rate—executed as the property of George G Gains, by virtue of an execu tion ilTued out of the Federal Court in favor Richard Dennis. ALSO Two Negroes, to wit. Beck and her child Harriet: executed as the property of Henry Graybill, jun. at the in- dance ot John Church. Terms Cadi. A Abercrombie, d m d.g. March 20 .52. SHERIFF’S SALE. cowardly furreiidercd ; and pvaifes i Little river, lot No 1.53 and the zeal of the depattmems which part ot lot No. 139, in the 2d flew to the defence of the French ; oiltrict of Baldwin now Putnam, terntory. He ncvertheleft, experts | whereon John Whitehead now WILL BE SOLI), on the fxrfl Tut flay in May next, in the town of Clinton, between the ufual hours. One Negro Woman by the name of Nelly, t.iken as the property of Samuel Fcrgulon to fatisfy Ifaac Motley’s execution. ALSO One lot of land, No 49 in the i3th dis. of Baldwin now Jones county, taken as the pro perty ot Joel Smith to fatisfy Reubia M’Leroy’s execution. ALSO. One J^ot of land N° 171, in I the y.h dis. of Baldwin now j Jones, taken as the poiperty of Pryor Crittenden to fatisfy an ton WANTKD. A young lad. about 14 t>r i.j years of age to attend in a li. , one who can read, wrile a. I cypher, and come well recoin• mended, will meet with great encouragement hv applying SAMUEL BUFFINGTON. 27 th March, is to T ,U.. . • salt. The fubferiber expedls to have a quantity of S A LT at the Boat Yard in a few days, which will be fold from tlie boat at one dollar thirty ftvui and an half cents for cafh. J. vy. DEVLRKUX. 6th March, 1810. 4!>-:f foundT A few days'ago, a SADDF.J. about hall worn—theowner may have it by applying at this ()t- fiee and paying tor the advertik- ment 27th March IS’O .52-if iary coitmiifiiaus to puiiilh the guii- ; les and hind goers—levied on as ty ; already a council of Hate has i ,|, e property of J iCob Lindley, gone to examine on the fpot the con- i {Q latisiy Llifha England, duel ot thole communes ; fuch ,c J ° m 'lo Pat sty II'. Bui ton. have betrayed their honor, will he condemned to pay for 25 years ilou- the gates of the town thefe words flull be written. “ Thu is uot French Commune T AKE notice, that I did on the 1.5th day ot November in the year 1809, in terms of an A I. s o. 193 1 4 acres ofland, on the bie taxes, the'inhabitants willTofe ! Gre.nce river, in the 2d diilrift, • acl of the general affembly_ of their rights of citizenfliip ; and, over'] No. 456 of Baldwin now Put-The Hate ot Georgia, pointing natn, it being a fractional fur- j out the mode of rendering void vey, whereon Richard Fielder Till grants and o.her proceedings now lives—levied on as the pro- ; founded upon falfe or fraudulent LONDON, January 18. The wind having come round to the weftward, the Anurican frigate John Adams failed yef- J terday front the dewns for Am-' flerdam. America has made hade to ] arrange her differences with France, a convention between the two powers is faid to have been figned on the 5;h or 6th of this month.—Not a fyliable of its contents has tranfpired ; but one great point which the A- merican government has always endeavoured to gain has been the abandonment of the right of fearch by the Naval powers of Europe. Courier. We have have already dated that Prince Stahremberg might be expt&ed foonto take his de parture from this country, hav- u.g rectived from his Court in drudions to that i fleet. This circumdance has giv* n rife to various rumours, which may at i ton. lead lurnifh amufeinent to our readers. Ic is iaio that all hopes of a negotiation for peace heve perty of Richard Fielder, to fa- i returns, made by perfon3 not en tity Jeff- Ham and others, and ] titled to draws in the late land under the incumbrance to the ( lotteries of faid date, obtain a Hate. also. feieri facias, from the citric of 202 1-2 acres of land, in the the iuperior court of Randolph 2d uiltikd of Baldwin, now Put ! county, which was made return- nam, whereon Augultin Prewit able to the laid court at March formerly lived, and adjoining Term, in the year 1810, and di- Jerry Warren and James Lamar reeled to the (h riff of Franklin —levied on as the property of county, in which you are charg- Augullin Prewit, to fatisfy Sam- cd of having entered your name Gcot gia. In Baldwin Superior Court, May Term, I 809. Dolling Hull 1 Petition for vs > Foreclofure. Liberty Holmes j RULE NIST. U PON the petition of Bolling Hall, praying for the foreclo- j fure of the equity of redemption in i a certain tracil of Land, lying in the j county of Baldwin, containing two hundred two and a half acres, more, or lefs, known in the plan ot laid | county by Lot N° Three Hundred j ami Twenty One, in the firil dif- IridJ, drawn by Benjamin Curt ie, it\ one of the late Land Lotteries, and by him conveyed to the faid Hall, and by him to the faid Liberty Holmes ; which of Land, on the Eighth day of Augull, in the }ear One Thoufand Eight Hundred and Seven, was mortgaged by the faid Liberty Holmes to the faid Hall the more effeflually to focure the payment of Sixteen Hundred and Three Dollars, acknowledged be faid mortgage to be due and owiny from the faid Liberty Holmes to thg faid Hall, on four feveral Notes oc Hand, bearing equal date with the filid Mortgage, amounting exclufive of imerelt to the abovementioned fum : On motion of Thomas Fitch at torney for petitioner—It is ordered, by the court, That the principal, in- terc-H and coH due on the faid mort gage, be paid into court within twelve months from this date, or the equity of redemption be thence forth and forever forcclofed ac cording to the prayer of the petiti oner} this rule being publilhed in one of the Gazettes of this Hate, at lea'll once in every month, till the time appointed for the payment, or ferved on the mortgager, or his lpecial attorney, at lealt fix mon.ha previous to the time the money is diretled to be paid into court. Ext rad from the minutes, John Mathews, Clk. May 8. (i—iaml2 n uel Yarbrough. ALSO IN E months a tier date* application will be made fraudulently and contrary to law, 1 to the Honorable the Inferior N in the laid county ot Franklin, ( Court of Baldwin county, for leave to fell two hundred acres One houfe and lot in the town for one draw in the fccond land of Eatonton, in fquare M, No lotteiy for faid Rate, and to have I ot Land in Hancock county on 6—levied on as the propel ty of drawn lot number fourteen, in l the twelve miles Beaver Dam, John Holland, to fatisfy an cx- the fourteenth dillridt of Bald-J djoining Lewis Tyus aud others, ecution in favor of lfaac Gools-! win county, and that the faid ! —for the Taenefit of the Heir & by, to be fold under the iucum- flit-nfi hath returned thereupon j Creditors of William Turner a brancc to the county. j that you were not to be found. * nou-cotnpus mentus. You are therefore as v. ell as :unty. i. s o. all One negro man named Prince other perlons, who have any in- —levied on as the property of, ten It in the laid tot of land, re- Solomon Carter, to latisiy an quired to come forward and execution Thomas Black for , make yourfelves parties in the the ule of Elijah Wragsdale, And caule, and to anfwer the pointed out by William HatniL . allegations exhibited by the faid a i. s o. i lei. fa. end to flu-w cauie, if any 152 1-2 acres of land, in the you have, why the proceedings Sd diRrift of Baldwin now Put- which may have been had under -comp John Mistlhc 1 Joshua Tur 9th Jan. 1810. ictus, tier, y Guardians '"or has had difeuflion. with the | ™ ifl,ed \. FreUch . Cm P er °r °P e > hi* majeRy acknowledging every tiling his fpiritual power, bought it his duty to preferve the |«»bt3 of Jus crown. The concoi- havirg refilled as a preliminary, I that we fhould treat in concert ' with our allies, Ferdinand Vll, ! the Queen of Portugal, and the—levied on as the property of John Wynn, to fatisfy A. the fa lie or fraudulent return, and grant itfelf Ihould not be let Gray and others, returned to mc^sfide and make void by a conltable. Wm. VARNER, S/of. March 27. j‘>- r-;s WM. C1IRIDAIN, Informer. March 27. " r.2, NOTICE Nine months after the date here of, application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Morgan county, for leave to tell all that tracl or parcel of LanJ } containing 202 1-2 acres in the county afore- laid, oft Sugar creek, it being Lot N° 258, in the-fourth diltnct tnr- merly Baldwii. new Morgan county, '■>eing the real ellate ol David us dec. and fold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Samjfsn Cibfn, Adn’r. Julv i, im)8. i 5r-ln-9m.