Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, March 27, 1810, Image 4

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    f OR S A L E.
A HOUSE and*
Yfii 47 ac,e kot, ft (u *
ateii on Wayne
Mg8tjaB*&9 Sd tet near the
Market, at pret'ent occupied by
Dr. VVilfon—Alloa Houle an.]
half acre lot, joining the above
—For terms apply to Meflrs.
11:11 Ponce of Augufta, or to
A. M. Dcvereux.
Milledgeville, 15th March, 1810.
s Sale,
Hundred Hollars
Strayed or Helen from the
plantation of Capt Samuel Tinf-
ley the latter end of Ia!t month,
71 years old, between 14 nd 15
h-uids high, ftrorg made, with
thick mane and tail, trots and
paces but goes roughly, he is
branded but the brands not re
collected— If ltrayed, a liberal
reward will be given on his be-
irg delivered to the fubferiber
• living near the mouth of Little
River, and if ftolen the above
reward cn conviction of the
' thief.
Baldwin County, 19th Match, 1810.
A New Cotton Ma
chine cot ft (ting of forty two cb.
clc3 —Good cotton in like bag
ing will be received in payment.
20th March, 1810. 51 -St
WILL BE SOLD. onThe firfi
Tueflay in March next, ague-
able .0 an order cf the Infer; r
Court of H mooch county, in the
To wn of Spuria, the following
Tracts of Land :
250 acres, Hancock county
on the waters of Shoukltrbone
287 1 2 acres, Wa filing ton
county, 0.1 the waters' of Buff.i-
Lot No. 232 in the 25;h dif
trict of VVi kinfon
Sold for the benefit of the
heirs and creditors of J. D.
Swinney, dec.
lian om Swinney, Adm’r.
ffT file ul the above pro
fit *rry is peilponed until the fit ft
Tuvl’day in April next.
M-.rch 20, '810.
WILL BE SOLD on the firfi
Tueflay in April next, at -the.
Mur ket Ho'.tfe in the l own of
Miiledgevilie, between the vfual
Two Negroes Elijih & GLff
gow, levied on as the property
of Jeremiah Gardner, to iutisfy
Peleg Rogers’ execuiion
him, property pointed out by
Four hundred and five acres
of Land, known by the lots N 3
144 and 162, in the Left dis of
Baldwin county, levied on as the
property ol Noah Dodrioge, to
fatisfy Stephen ■' Bifhop's and
other executions again!!, him,
the property pointed out by the
plaintiff's attorney.
Conditions Cafn.
Philip Cook, s. s. c.
March 13, 1810.
•Wanted-to Hire,
A perfon qualified to nurfe a
child l’even or eight months olu
—A decent old woman would
be preferred. Enquire at this
Feb. 2V, 18!0. 48-tf
Notice.—Ihofe indebted
to the fubferiber for fehooling
1 heir children in Milledgeville,
are requeued to call and fettle
with Major Clark, in whole
hands their notes and accounts
are put to fatisfy fchool-houfe
John* C. Currie.
Swords & Ppaulets.
The fubferibers have for fale, a
handfome a/Tortment of Epaulets
and a few Officers Swords.
Dcvereaux it? Tbwcalt
May 16. 1800 7-tf
A' 0 1 1C Id.
r "R^HE Corn in ifii oners for the
{[ county'of Junes, requelt
all perfons indebted for Lots
purchafed in the Town of Clin
ton, to come forward and make
immediate payment, as longer
indulgence cannot he given.
Hugh M Corner, "J p
Adam Carson, j |
Hilary Pratt, j> S'
John Cooke, j f
1 honuis White. j *•
N B. A funlur number of
Towi; Lots will be fold on the
firit Monday in May next, at
the Court Houfe in Clinton.
Terms made known on the day
of Sale.
March 13, 1810.
perfons having any
ands againft .he tftaie
of L. P. De S tableaux, dec’d,
are requeiled to render them to
the Executors 'within the time
preferibed by law, and thofe
being indebted to faid efiate, to
make immediate payment.
'* D- Bladjhcar> 7 tt 9
Jus. Mason, j rS *
Mar eh 13, 1810. 50-6 w
The fubferibers have entered
Pottery Pickets.
In the New York Union
Colkdge Lotte’ y,~ which is to
commence drawing in April
next, for fale by
Dtvircux cs'' Thiveait.
February lfl 1819. 45-tf
Sheriff’s Sale.
WILL BE SOLD, or. the firjl
Tuesday in April next, in
the to n of E a tout on, between
the usual hows.
Two hundred two and
in half acres of laud on the wa
tors of Little River about three
miles from Eaton ton, whereon
Lewis Coppage and Ihoma
Rutmolds now lives,in the third
dis. Baldwin now Putnam coun
ty, levied on as the property of
Lewis Coppage to fatisly Win.
I. Minton and others, returned
by a conflable.
Two hundred two fcfan
half acres of land in 15thdis old
Baldwin now Putnam county,
known by lot N° 1G7, taken as
property of Artur Beardin to
fatisfy David Bealley, returned
by a conflable.
Conditions Cnfh.
Wiliam Varner, Shjf. p. c.
Feb. 27, 1810.
A LL p
L a. dent a'
For sale or to be rented,
N° 303, (lift dittriO of Baldwin,
tituated on L’oblers -creek, 'within
fix miles of Milledgeville j the land
is of a moil excellent : ruality, and
remarkably level for that part of the
country. It will be fold on a credit
of one and tV/o years, paying one
third in Cafli or Cotton at the mar
ket price, apply by letter to Joieph
Beavan Savannah. Price Fourteen
hundred and Fifty Dollars, with in
Savannah, Nov. 7, 1809. 35-tr
' ALL perfons trav. lliiigon
hoilebn k may cro’s at roy
FERRY lor half price.
Thaddeus ILo : t.
March 13 ’ S'.O 50-;f.
Miirsuufs & ah.
WILL BE SOLD on the firfi j[
Turf'd ay in May next, bdwen. j "
t e ufual haws, at the Mar!it j
TIoufe in the t own of Sparta,
the following property, vi~.
TWO acres of I.and, with a
Rore houfe thereon, in the
county of Greene, lying on
the road leading from Greenf-
borough to Augu(la, adjoining
of Wm. Huckerby and Wrn.
Harris—alio one cotton Gin 88
Fd'.vx. Executed as the pro-
perty of Rob:rv Filter, by an
execution blued out of the Fe-lo
LAW in Baldwin county—their
Office will be kept in the Sur
veyor General’s room in the
State-Houfe, where they will
punchnlly attend to thofe who
may think proper to employ
Archibald Martin
Edmund 13 Jrnkins.
bnlary 12 4(8 tf
Will be Sold.
Agreeably t-' an order absolute, made
by the Honorable Inferior Court of
Hancock county, oti the frjl Tuesday
in April next in the town cf hi il-
tedgeville, precifeiy at twelve o'clock,
•without referve,
Two improved Jots;
One lying on 1 he corner of Jt f
feiion and Vlitofh flreets,
known in the plan ot laid town
by number 3 in fquai* 29 — on
which is a good two flovy houfe ;
the oilier on the coiner of
l! ) Wafhington. and Liberty Arrets,
ra! Const, in. favor cf the U.
States.—T» rms call;.
A Abercrortilie, ;\:,r net.
March II. IS 10. 50- *S
N 0 l 1C E
/\ I.L perfons 'having ait)
fi Y dem .!td» againll ilie *
cf R1 chard G. • u of Wafltington
co. iiec. are n quitted »o render-
*».. their accounts’ly at-
teited, to t\h j *r Lhtvi j Black
lh. ar, and indebted to laid
t ate to m.dce immediate pay
March Id. Adm’r.
A well improved Lot in Mil
ledgeville, whereon DoclorVvM-
foil lived lad year—it will be
fold low lor cadi or male ne
groes—enquire of Edmund D
Jenkins or George Clayton,
Efqrs. in Milledgeville or the
fubferiber -in* Hancock.
A > chi bald Martin.
Ltn. 16th IS 10. 43—ri
For sale or rout,
The HOUSE and LOT, in
the lo\*wr end of Lie town of
Milledgeville formerly occupi
ed by Alien Greene. Terms
may be known by applying to
Judkins Hunt.
I forewarn all perfons from
trading lor a note of hand given
by me to Richard Alien of this
county for 25 dollars, as I never
received any confideiation for
flu- ianie and therefore will not
pay it.
James Thowpfon.
Clinton, county Feb. 23,
known in the plan of faid town
by Lot number 2 in iquave SO
—on which is a good framed
houfe—belonging to the eflato
of johTi Comer dec. Terms
of fale made known on the day
I.,co, Abercrombie,
Bolling Hall,
Jan. 23, 1810.
The fubferiber refpeflful’y informs
his friends and the public in general
that he has purchafed the Houfe
formerly occupied by Major Edwin
Mounter, where he intends to con
tinue his former line cfbufinels and
hones, by due attention and ir.duf-
try, to merit their patronage.
Roger Gimstcad.
Milledgeville, January 9, 1810
Sheriff’s Sale.
WILL BE SOLD, on the firfi
Tueflay in April next, at the
Court Houfi: in Wiiki’fon, be
tiueen the ufual hours.
One Lot of Land, No
SS, in th 2.5th liifbidt of Wii-
kinfon oounly, taken as the pro
perty of Allen and Caleb Goi
den, to fatisly Jeremiah Har
Lot N° 154, in the 2.5 r h dis
taken as the- property of J imes
Durham, to fatisfy Richard
Morgan's execution, pointed out
by the defendant.
Lot N° 223, in the 25th dis.
taken as the property of Henry
Matthews, to fatisfy the Rate’s
I.ot N° 213, in the 4th dis.
levied on as the property of Jo
ieph Miller, to fatisfy the ftaie’s
Lot N° 123, in the 5th dis.
levied on as the property of
Daniel M‘Gonk, to fatisfy the
date’s execution.
Conditions of fale Cafli.
E. NUNN, Sheriff.
March 1, 1810.
Cn the firfi "Tuesday in April next,
at the Court House in Morgan
One lot of Land,
N° 305 in the 20th did)iff of
Baldwin county now Morgan,
belonging to the eftate of An-
hew Reid, deceaftd, fold for
ie benefit of the heirs of faid
leceai’ed.—Terms made known
on the day of fale.
Samuel Reid, } . , ,
... n ■ 1 > Adm’rs.
Alex. Rad, 3
Jan. 10th, 1810.
Shci iff’s l ale.
WILL BE SOLD, on the fi,fl
Tueflay in April next, in th
town of Clinton, between the
ufual hour s,
One Lot of Land,
N° 46 in the 13th dis. of Bald-
win now Jones county, takmias
the property of William H. V-r-
den to fatisfy lundry execinions
in favor of Thomas Aiiderfoj!!, &
others, returned to me by a con-
flab le.
Lot N° 138 in the 9th dis. of
Baldwin now Jones, taken as the
property of James Johnfton to
fatisfy lundry execution in favor
of James Thompfon and others,
returned by a conflable.
One half acre lot with ini- |
provements, in the town of '
Clinton known by lot N 3 14
in faid town, taken as the pro.
perty of Solomon Bevin to fatis.
fy James Bond & Allen Green,
execuiion returned by a con-
dable and to be fold under the
prefent incumbrance to the
Conditions Cafli.
S. J'cagin, Shf. J. C.
February 26th, 1810.
WILL BE SOLD, to the high. 1
cjl bidder or. the firfi Tuefiday in r'
May next, within the ufual |
hours of [ale,
Two hundred two
an half acres of land, of the
eflate of William M‘Kind!eys
dec. in Putnam county in th-.-
third diftridl formerly called
Baldwin and known by the N’
277,‘for the benefit of the heirs
and creditors.
WILL BE SOLD, on the fnfi I
7 urfiday in June r.cxi, at li ar- 3
Two Hundred Acfcs
of land of the above nier.tioiud
eflate, in Warren county on
Joes creek, adjoining lands of
John IM'Coys and James Willis,
for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of the faid dec.
James Martin, Adm’r. Non.
17th February, 1810.
N. YJ. The terms will he
made kno wn on the clay of E!e.
ALL perfons indebted to
Martin Armflrong, late of Han
cock county dec. are requefted
to make immediate payment—
and thofe having demands a-
gainft faid dec. are difired to
bring forward their accounts in
the time and manner pointed
out by law.
Grccnbury Pinekfion, Adm’r.
Feb. 27th, 1810 4S-Gw
WII1 be Sold,
On ibe firfi Tuesday in May next,
in of an order abso
lute of the Honorable / ferior
Court cf Hancock, in the Town
of Sparta,
Two tra&s of Land ;
one fituate lying and being in
the county of Warren, adjoin
ing Cooper, Bifliop and others,
containing 120 acres—the other
in the 20tn dis. Bardwin fnow
Morgan) N° 7, containing
202 1-2 acres. To be fold for
jhe benefit ol the heirs and cre
ditors of George Hencr,.
John Henry, Ad .V-
Feb. 27th, 1810. W-H:
WILL BE SOLD, at the State
House in Milledgeville, on the
firjl Tuesday in April n-xt,
One Thousand Acres
of land, lying on theOcone Ri
ver, feven miles above Mifieged-
ville, known by name of Ceder
Shoals tradl, granted to John
Tankerflty deceafed Terms
of fale. Half the purchafe mo
ney to be paid by the ill clay
WILL BE SOLD, on the firjl
Tueflay in April nextot
the Gourt- Houfe in Greene comi
ty, between the ufual hours
One half of an eight
hundred acre furvey of land in f
Green county, on the waters of J
Shoulderhone, granted to Ro
bert Middhton, adjoining Hmy '|
Jackfon, levied cn as the pro* j
perty ol FdmondCaines,to fat if* ;
fy lundry executions in favor
of January 1811 and the ba
lance in twelve months there- of William Chifclm, levied atm
after, notes with a mortgage and • returned by a ccndabie.
approved fecuricy will be re-
W. B Tankers ley,
Drcadziel Pace,
tor tialcatthh Office.
Conditions Cafli.
J. Andcrfon, Sbff
Feb. 27,‘l810. 49—tds
are defired to meet at Hubeit’-
Store, cn ihe firfi Saturday i ;;
April next.—March 6,1810-