Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, April 03, 1810, Image 1

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MlLLRDGE.VILI.E: published (weekly) by DENNIS L.RTAN.
. For Sale,
TVhnlesale, and Retail
At Dr. Wilson’s Shop next dooT
to the Eagle Tavern,
1>YESTUFFS, and other ar
ticles in the Drug Line,
T/sey' will be fold on as good terms
av the v can be purchafed in the
State fo» r Cash or the ufual Credit
to punftital cuttomers.
To the Phyfician, Merchant and
other dcale.'S in the Drug Line near
Midedgevill<r the convenience of
having a fhojt> thus near them,
thould point out at lead the proprie
ty .if .nfeertaining how far they can
be fenced cn the terms here propofed.
... f ^e assortment are...
JEn^lis/j Patriotism.
and efficient inquiry has not been
made into that difgraceful tranfac-
It is equally painful to call to your
M idder,
Blue Vitriol,
Drop L ike,
Dutch Pink,
Flake White,
Fig Blue,
Ivory Black,
PatentY ellow,
Prulhan Blue,
V erdegreafe,
White Lead,
Red Lead,
King’s Yellow,
Nthkeen Dye,
Acqua Fortis,
Oil of Vitriol,
Quick Silver,
Caflor Oil,
Sweet Oil,
Peruvian Bark,
Arrow Root,
.yoaqifh Flies,
Cocl.’uieail. ■
Britifli Oil,
Lee's Pills,
Smelling Bottles
We do not find, in our file of Enp-1 majedy’s recollection the melnncho-
hfn papers, that tlie following manly ly fate of a fecond army aflembled
addrefs to the king from (he Livery within the Peninfula under the gal*
of London, had been permitted to be i lant commander Sir John Moore ;
prefented to his majelly. In confe-1 ignorant alike of the date and difpo-
quence the Lord Mayor held com- i fition of the Spaniards, and the force
mon hall, at which a number of very j and defigns of the enemy this army
fpirited refolutions were paffed. The! being Cent to the interior of Spain,
Lord Mayor informed the Livery j was in immenent danger of being
that the remembrancer had called at captured •, in this critical emergency
the Secretary of State’s office with and date of agonizing perplexity,
the addrefs, and an intimation that I abandoned to his own refources,
it was intended to prelent it on the! this haplefs but meritorious officer
which, while they have expofed us i neither party has much need to wuli
to the ridicule of furrounding na- for any addition to their bttlim !..
tions, may embolden the enemy to | The tninillers will do well if th> v
LeVce day The next day he was
told that it mull be left at the Secre
tary of State’s office, to be prefented
(as was ufud with all addrdf-s cx
cept thofe from the Univerfittes and
the Corporation of London) by him
to his majelty. On the levee day the
Lord Mayor told the Secretary of
at length difeovered that they h id
no fafery but in flight—with the'iofs
of his ammunition, horfes, fpecie,
and baggage, and harraffid and af-
failed on all fidee, he fecured the re
treat of his gallant followers, by the
facrifice of his own invaluable life.
Deriving no benefit from expert-
State, that he then had the addrefs e nce, a third well appointed army,
in his pocket, and wiflied to nrefent
it. I’he Secretary faid it was bed to
give it to him, and he would favc the
Lord Mayor all further trouble. To
which his Lorddiip replied, that he
would not confent to prefent it to
any one except the king in perfirm ;
and that it was the willi of both
hin.felf and the Sheriff., to do it in
any way which would fave his tna-
jedy mod trouble. The Secretary
laid the king’s pleafure had been al
ready taken and exprefled as to the
Spirits of rut pen- mode of prefenting it One of the
‘ t j ne< Sheriffs then demanded an audience
of his majelty, which the Secretary i fervants of the crown
replied could not be granted, except j reac t, 0 f j u (Vi C e, your
Effence of Pepper
Tooth Brufiies,
Tooth Powder,
Lip Salve,
Sugar Candy,
sealing Wax,
•Vafers, &c &c
under tlit command of Sir Arthur
Wcllefley, was Iturried into the inte
rior of Spain, alike ignorant of the
force and movements of the enemy ;
where, after an unprofitable difplay
of Britifh valor, and -a driadful
fl.tighter, this army, like the former,
was compelled to feck its fefety by a
precipitate retreat before (ivhat we
were led to believe) a vanquifhed
•foe, leaving thoufands of our Tick
and wounded countrymen in the
hands of the enemy. This lofs, like
others, has paffed without inquiry,
and a* if impunity had placed the
i^Kive the
jelly has
look forward with confidence to the
fubjugation of a nation fo ciillrn£teil
in her councils, and fo improvident-
ly governed.
T^that, while we forbear enume
rating a long train of interna' gri. v
ances, eye cannor but attribute i'ucli
a feries of failures and difalters to
the abufes and corruptions of the
Rate, and the confequent want of a
conditutional control over the pub
lic expenditures, and the fervants
of the crown, whereby the refponfi-
biiity of minifters appear to exiit
only in name.
We therefore humbly pray your
majelty will be graciouflv plealed to
afltm your loyal atul affectionate
people; that the ob-jcj£k to which
their willies are directed, is neither
to be abandoned or eluded, and that
your majefty will be pleated to in-
inftitme a riged, impartial, and gene
ral inquiry into thefe great national
misfortunes : into the plans upon
confine their defence to their own
immediate nfts. We hope never 10
fee the Houfe again occupied with
American bufinefs, the debates m-
coflitrily beget ill blood on the other
fide of the water; and our fince>>-
opinion is, that America is the Lift
and befl refuge tor Englifft corn-
mere.—that ii is a market annually
incrcaling, and which can never i n
filied beyond its demand. England
and America foem as if made for
each other, the one to a (Till the o-
ther in its progrefs to per feel civil
ization.—Bill's IVeehly Messenger.
Better evidence perhaps
cannot be given of the vail nntii md
importance of the interior ttavig. -
tion of our country and the facili
ty of intercourfe which aheadv ex-
ifts between the immenle llreatn
Rivers of the Well, and the tide w a-
which thefe expeditions were tin-1 ters °f *^ ie E iftem fide of'he con-
7» THE hig’neft caffi price gi
ven forBees-Wax,Black Snake Root,
and Seneka, or Rattle Snake Root.
Milledgcville, 19th Feb. 47—tf
The subscriber
expelling to be abfeut from this
ftate a few months, has appoint
ed Capt. James Butts, ol Han
cock county, his Attorney, ol
which all concerned are vequeft*
ed to take notice.
March 27. 52—St
upon fome fpecal and expreffed ! {j een advifed to confer titles of hon-
re. fon ; anil that no audience could orable diftinftiou on the General
be granted on a fubjecl upon which . w | )0 Dact thus exhibited a rafli and
his majefty had already expreffed hir, 0 (tentatious difplay of unprofitable
pleafure.—aV 1 orlc pap. cj A larch i. j bravery.
After thefe multiplied errors, and
To the Kinds mnjl Excellent
The humble and duty fit! Addrefs anil
Petition cf the Lord itayor, ilder-
men, and Livery of the City of Lon
don, in Common Council aff.mbled
Moft Gracious Sovereign!
j in defiance of reiterated experience,
| we have feen another expedition yet
j more expenfive, move difgraceful &
j more calamitous than the iormer.-—
This armament, delayed until the
f,ff<2 of Auftria was decided, landed
on the utr.vholefomc .ftiores of the
Scheldt, where, after an unaccount
able Rate of inaction, thoufands of
our brave foldiers have ntiferably
ilertaken ; and into the conduft of
the commanders to whom tiiey
were entrued —Signed hv order,
It is witli very sincere fatisfaction
that we have to announce, that there
are Hill fome hopes of conciliation
with America. Ii may be collected
from the language of the miniiterinl
papers, that government is about to
fend a negotiator in the place of Mr
Jachfon. Fverv one mud approve of
this determination. The dignity of
the country is not'compronnfed by
confultitig its interelts in preference
to the petulance of its agents Every
account fcoins to agiee, that the con
duit, and Itilt more the tone ot Mr.
Jackfon, has been unneceffariiy of
fen five. Ii fuch be the real Hate of
the cafe, no one can furely contend |
that the miuiftry at home ought nut ' facilitating this moH
to have more prudent confidcrations j extendve connection between the
tinent than a recital of the folk.wit g
circumRances wit ch we have gteat
pleafure in giving to tlie public.
On Monday, the 7thinR. arrived
at the office of the Superintendent of
Indian trade in Gcotge Town, a large
quantity of Beaver and other valua
ble fuvrs collected at tlie U States’s
factories at Fort Ofage on tne Mif-
fouri, and Fort Mndifoii oil the LTp^f
per Miffiffippi Of the 20(H) miles
which this valuable cargo has been
thu* tratifpnrred, it was water h urne
the whole diflatice, except ahem- 30
miles, to wit: down the Miff..uri
and Upper Mlffiffipoi to St Louis,
thence down the Miffiffi pi and up
the k>hio to Wheelen in boats ; from
that place acrofs to Cumberland in
waggons; and again in baits from
Cumberland down the P torrac to
tide water in ll.ediflricl ol Columbia.
So much has nature done 'oward
mportant and
foT the intereRs of tite country tha:
for the negociator. That all the ad
vantages of a commercial intercourfe
with America are now to be facrifi
ced, becaufe certain perfona in tliis
' old
two Tides of the continent—that of
the whole route juH dTcribod, no
exertion of art lias vet been made to
aid tlie tranfportation but on die ri
ver Potomac—on which from Fort
Cumberland to tide water a
vVe, your majeHy’s moR dutiful and inglorioufly periflied by peilt- , kingdom Rill remember th .
and loyal fubje&s, tlie Lord Mayor, lencc, privation and dil'cafe, without j quarrel, and avenge themfelves of c* about 220 miles, large fum . have
Aldermen and Livery, of the city of having accomplished one national j their difappointment by direcl in- beenexpended. inconiuuttingi.u-
London, in Common Hall affembled, objed. Ott fuch an expedition, j fults on the independence of Ameri- merous locks and canals
WAN r E D.
A young lad about 14- or 15
years ofage to attend in a Bar,
one who can read, write and
cypher, and coine well recom
mended* will meet with great
'encouragement hv applying to
27th March, 1810.
The fubferiber exp efts to
have a quantity of
ter, who it is now known, had been j according to all credible reports,
pronounced unfit for his office by his j fuch a party Rill exifts in our court,
colleagues—an expedition that 1 and that Lords Liverpool and Mul-
touches all minds with fhame, and i grave are not confideted as friendly
fidj. all hearts with agony, it is too to America
painful to dilate.
We cannot refrain from repre-
fenting to vour majelly, that while
the affairs of the nation have been
fo (hamefully mifeondufted abroad
' at the Boat Yard in a few days,
which will be fold Irom the
boat at one dollar thirty ftven
and an half cents for caffi.
6th March, KUO. 49-tf
As to the truth of what Mr. Jack
fon alledged, this is no fufficientex-
cufe for the abrupt and oflenfive ob-
trufion of mitters which have been
previoudy difpofed of. It appears to
us moreover, that tin manner of Mr
Jackfon has given more offence than I weftwardly be h-oflied. a
any thing in his difeuffion.—The A- from Brow, fvtlle toCurnbc'
merican minitler. upon the fuggef-
tion of a Certain fubjoft, Teems to
moll humbly approach your maj.'Ry I planned and conduftetl by a minif- | ca. We are forry to have to fay, that
at this awful crifis, to cxercife a duty
no lefs painful than imperious. It is
to reprefent with humility to your
majelly the deplorable fituation of
public aflairs, that we have again ap
proached your royal perfon.
Attached to your maj-Ry’s illuf-
trious houfe from affeftion and from
duty, we fhould ill demonRrate the
fincerity cf our loyalty, were we to
conceal from your majeltv that it is ' the moft fcandalous walle, profu-
not anrongit the lead confiderable of fion, and mifinanagement have pre-
our grievances, that attempts Ri< uld vailed at home, and your majeRy’s
have been made to brand your mnjef confidential advifers, devlitute of all
tv’s faithful fubjefls uith dil. flVc- thofe qualities effc.hial to goad gov-
tion to your pet fon and government, ernmenf, aru, regardlefs alike of tire
whenever they have exetcifed their fuffering of the.people, and of the
indubitable Tight to complain of honor of their fovereign—and infen-
grofs ahtifcs in the Rate, or roattri fib'e or indifferent to the fuvrounding
bute the difgraceful failures of ex- dangers, and the impending fate of
penfive and calamitous enterprifes to the country, have been engaged in
tlie ignorance and incapability of the moR difgraceful fquabbles, in
thofe who cither planned or executed trigues and cabals, that ever degrad-
them, as il infallibility were the ap- ed the councils of any nation—and
pend ige of office, and belongs of which cannot but be as difreputab’e
right to thofe who may be called in to your majelly’s government, as
your n-ajoRy’s councils. j they are ruinous and dilhonorable to
J With equal grief and indignation i the country.
A few days ago, a SADDLE : W e have feen the difaRrou;- refuit of i Wltile we difclaim all intereRs in
about halt worn—theowner may various expeditions in which your j the views of contending parties,
have it hv applying at this Of
fice and paying tor the advertife-
27th March, 1810 52-'.f
F O U N D.
T FOREWARN all perfons
? from harboring my wife Lene
A otos, or trading with her, as I
am Mermined not to P a y an y °f
DU - conaafts.
James Aurn.
from a firm convict ion that we can-
majeRy’s armies have been unhappi
ly engaged, and which moft forc.bly I nor look ior a reformation in the
mark the difgraceful imbecility of abufes of the Rate; from any per-
thofe diRratted councils, which have
fo fcandalouflv laviRted ihe b'ood
and treafure of a patient, loyul, and
burthoned peop’e.
Towards the clofe of the prrci d
ing year, vour faithful citizens hum
lily expnffed to v> nr ivajelly their
deep conn a- a .d difappointment rt
the difgraceful t invention at Cmtra;
hut we have ye-t to deplore that due
lbn# or parties iutereRed in she
piefervation of them, we cannot but
exprefs our ardent hope that your
majelty will be more fortunate itr
the cltoice of the men to whom you
may hereafter confide the conduft
o f affairs; and tliat your councils
will be no longer embavraffed, noT
the country infulted and difltonoted,
by thefe difgi aceful occurrences
round the falls and other wck, to
remove obilruflions which we un-
derllund have been completely ..v\r-
come liv the perfeverance and lpirit
of the company engaged itr that < n-
terprife as relates to the feafon whe
ther waters are up—and that compar
ed with what has been done but lit
tle remains to be executed to render
this river navigable at all feafons:
when this ihalt have been done, and
the iT States road from Cumberland
and on
ly will difeonneft the communica
tion between the F.afiern and Wef-
have denied that the American gov'- j tern waters, bur feventy miles of
eminent had any knowledge ot it, land carriage will interrupt a comm
and even to have alledged the autho- ued navigation from tire I at Is of the
rity of the Prefidcnt in this denial— I Miffmti to the capes of tne Chefa-
Mr. Jackfon appears, in an avowed j peake. A at. Intel, of March 14.
difregard and difbelief of this denial, I
to have infilled on his charge, and I It is with regret we arc obliged to
contrary to the eftabliflied decorum notice what we cottfider difgrzcefid
' of diplomatic intercourfe, to have to the prefent legiflarure of Mali'a-
direfted as accufation immediately ’ ebufetts, (for the great loay of the peo-
tigainR the American government. _p/e have no part or lot in this matter J
Such we fay. feems to be the Rate of Th y have commenced a warfare
things upon the comparifon of the againR the general government of
accounts at prefent before us The the country (irnilar to that purfued
American accounts fpcak plainly, , hit whiter. They have authorifed
and Mr. Jackfon, if his letter to the i the publication of an inflammatory
coufuls be given cmreftly, appears to , report of a committee, in which the
have a very infufficient excufe. Lit- at'empt to j all ifv the conduft »>t the
mediately upon the meeting of Par- j EngliOt povermetn and its infulting
liament, the cortefr.ondcnco will envoy, ot Copenhagen memory—
condemning tiie gev rnnicr.t of our
ow n country. The people cannot, will not counun.u ce Inch
torrifed proceedings—bin at the ap
proaching • •) '.A'on will
doubtlefs be laid before the Houfe.
But the minilters feoin already to
have expreffed th ,ir opinion.
If Mr. Jcckfan be recallccl, the A-
rncricans will probably ‘be farisfled, |
and matters may be arranged before i their feus the authors of thefe b .l.:
Ivurl fiom
they can enter into debate. Parlia-
ruetu will J^tc id much to do, U:.u
attempts to p aralize tbc ^nn pf the
nawon.-*'iSr. , .'CT F.egfcr,