Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, April 03, 1810, Image 3

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meflifc follower*. By the union of liberality and juflice, lie acquired the love of the foidiers, without al ienating the aiFedftions of tile people. The Tick and wounded were relieved with medicine} and money; and (fill more euicacioufly, hy the heal- ing vifits and fmiles of their com mander. The lofs of a weapon or an herfe was inllantly repaired, and each deed of valor was rewarded by the rich and honorable gifts of a bracelet or a collar, which were rendered more precious by the judgment of Belifarius lie was endeared to the hufbandmen, by the peace and plenty which they enjoyed undtir the lhadow of his ilandard Inttead of being injured, the country was enriched by the march of the Roman armies and fuch was the riged difeipline of their camp, that not an apple was gathered from the tree, not a path could be traced in the fields of corn. Belifarius was clulte and fober. In the licence of a military life, none could boaft thit they had feen him intoxicated with wine : the mod beautiful cap- tive.rof Gothic or Vandal race were offered to his embraces; but lie turned afide front their charms, and the hufbatid of Antonina was never lufpc£led of violating the laws of conjugal fidelity. The (pe&ator & hiftorian of his exploits has o’oferv- ed, that amidft the perils of war, lie was daring without raflinefs, pru dent without fear, flow or rapid ac cording to the exigences of the mo ment •, that in the deeped dillrefs, he was animated by real or apparent bequeathe, never be loft on thole who live after you, JAMES MADISON. Gen. John Stark. ANSWER. Derry field, Jan .21, 1810. SIR, I had the pleafure yefterdav of receiveng an addrefs from the firft Magistrate of the only Re- puh’ic on earth. This letter complinvnts me highly upon my fervices as a fo'dier, and praifes my patriotifm. It is true I love the country of my birth; for it is not only the country I fhiuld choofe above all others, but it is the only fpot where I could wear out the rem nant of my days with any fiitii- facti m. Twice mv country has bee invaded by foreign enemies, an twice I went with the reft t) ob tain p ace. And when the oh j tl was gained, I returned t my farm and my original occu pution. I have ever va!u peace fi> high, that I would no facrifice it for any thing bu freedom ; yet fubmiffi.m to in fult I never thought the way to gain or fupporr either. I was pivafed with your dif- mifi'il of die man the h'nglilh to irtfult us, becaufe they have no doubt but Mr. Langdon phine's dower (h :li be two mil will be elected Governor. The a- | lj(jns f rancs p , r annutn . :uil( mount ol votes, in thofe 12 towns, ,i. ■ r , , . . .re for Langdon 1039-for Smith I th f continuance■ of her rank and title of Emprefs Queen, hope, but that he was mod ell an f, will fee by the exp, riment that humolc in the mod profperous for tune. By thefe virtues, lie equalled or excelled the ancient mait-rn of the military art. Viffory, by foa and land, attended his arms. He fubdued Africa, Italy and the adja cent Blands, led away captives the fucceflurs of Genferic and l'lieodo- ric fitied Co’.iltaiitinople with the fpoils of tlie : r palaces, and in the fpace of fix years recovered half the provinces of the Wellern empire In his fame and merit, in wealth & power, he remained without a rival, the fird of the Roman fubjeds: the voice of envy could only magni fy his dangerous importance ; and the emperor might applaud his own difeerniug fpirit, which had difeo- v u red and raifed the genius of D.uifa- Frsrn the Newham fiji re Pat; hi. “ Shall wifdotn cry aloud, & not her voice be heard ?”— Shall the warning voice of STARK, the Cincintiatus of America, the hero who never fought for honors but in the tented field or in the rural duties of his own farm, who never fighed for the haves and fijbes of office—pafs unnoticed, uu heeded ? we ,re the fa ne nation that we were in '76 grown Itr >ng by age, and iitving gained w:i- dom hy experience. If the enmity of the Britifli nation is to befeaied, their al li-ince is mu li move dangerous. For I hive f >u ;lit with them ik againlt them, and I found them treacherous and ungenerous as friends, and difti onorable as enemies. I hive tried the French lilcewife, firft as enemies and then as friends; and al though all the ftrong partialities of my youth were againlt them, (til! I formed a more favorable opinion of them. Cat let us watch THEM. However, among all the dan gers that 1 have been witnefs of 1580—luff year they flood for L. 84 8— for S. I ".’ll,. This being the molt federal p.rt cf the (late, no doubt can be entertained but Mr. L will have a large majority.” A letter from Dunbarton, N. H. fays—“ We have this day cliofen a Republican Reprefentanve, being the firft time we have fuccecded thefe ten years pad.” in. Ihe zeal and intereft of the republicans in the approaching election is, the certain prophecy offuccel's. We anticipate a fa vorable ch mge in puolic fenti- ■nent—but the prefeut appear mce of things is fin tiering beyond our tnojl fir gun. e expectation. From ail puts of the Stale the nod favorable r.cccuts are muring in upon us daily—a fpi- This important fubj ■& took place at the Palace of the Thuilleries, on the 1.5th Dec. when the follow ing perlbnages were prefont-- belides the Emperor and Em prefs, the Kings of Holland, Weftphalia, and of Naples, the Viceroy of Italy, with their Quevns, &c. &c. when Bona parte addrtffed his coufin as fol lows : “ Vly coufin I have fent for you to make known the relblu ion that mylelf, and the Emprefs, my dear contort, have taken. I have been very glad th ir the Kings. & Q leens Prin elks, my brothers and filters, brothers in law, an I filters in law, daughter in law and foil in SCHOOL. THE School under the direc tion of Mr. Rankin, havi g pired, (as he was only eng -g. d or time,) will i mence again on -lo'tday th . u inlt.—The employ is lor to. 1 firft quarter are highly pieafi.! ivi'h Mr. Rankin as a Tench' . and folick particular encourage meut. yohn Herbert, y°bn Howard, TJjotllfifm Bird, 'John Mathews. April 2, 1810. it and vigor pervades the pub- j law, become mv children i y a tc. The Maff-ichufetts Farmer ind the great Merchant will un ioubtedly be elected by a v. ry irge majority —Bficn Putrid. SOU Til Eli N IN FLUE NCE. There is one proof of South ern influence, which, as the ad- vertifing gentlemen fay, is adapt ed to the (ealon. For leveral months pall, Virginia weather has prevailed througout thefe N irtiiern States ; while the (Live- holding inhabitants of the an cient dominion have had an un due proportion ot cold weather, (how .old fleighing. It did not ufe to be io in good old federal litn -s: and yet, to aftonifttingly inattentive are we to the progrefs of iouthern influence, that tliis alarming circumftance has doption, as well as my mother fh.juld hear what 1 had to make- known. “ The policy of my Monar chy, anf the intereft and the wants of my people, that con tf.mtly guide all my adions, re quire, that after me I have chil bren to inherit my love for my people and the throne where Providence has placed me. Du ring many years I have loft the hope of having children bv my mairiage ny well-beloved fpoufe, the Lmprefs J >f< prune ; this is tint calls on me ro fieri ! fice the moll fw et atf 'dions, and to will the u.irButton of our marriage. w Arrived at the age of 40 years, I yet conceive the hop • - - . to live to raife according to my Ic trcely bee".! a (abject of obkr-, m i n d anu j thoughts, the children vatton. Ibid. Georgia Cincinnati. At a meeting of the Cincin nati Society of Georgia, h;ld ,.c the Exchange, on th.' 22d in<t. On motion, Rifilved, That i meeting ot this foenryfi.* held at the Exchange, in tii - city of Savannah, on the HJ.'ii -lay of April n. xt, at wliLii lime the Members are r- quell, i to attend, as bulinefs of impnj - tance will on that day be laid bv- fore the fociety. By order of th‘ Prefident, Thomas E. Idoyd Sec’rv. £3"The feveral printers m this (late will puhlilhed tin fame, and forward their bills for payment. Mir- h 24 j Justice Coming—V. ft r r- j day fames Cheetbam, author of I the Life of Paine, was brought i into the court of genera! fe (lions and plead to an indictment i found again!! him by the grand jury of the country lor his puo- hcations refpeciing Madame Bonueviile, in that book. Eve- 1 HIGHLY INTERESTING C0P.RES PONDliNCE. Wajbington, Dec. 20, 1800 SIR, A very particular friend of yours, who has been much re commended to my efteetn, has lately mentioned you to me in a nnnner, of which I avail my fdf to offer this exprtffon ol the fenfe I have always enter tained of your character, and of the part you bore, as a hero and ^patriot, in eflablifliing the in dependence of our country. I cannot better render this tribute, than by congratulating you on the hnppinefs you can not fail to derive from the mo tives which made you a chain pi f fn in fo glorious a caufe; from the gratitude (hewn bv your fellow citizens tor your diftinguifhed fervices; and et pecially from the opportunity which a protrafted life has given ycu of witnefffg the tri- 1 umph of Republican inflic tions, fo clear to you, in unrival led profperily flowing from them, during a trial of more than a fourth of a century. May your life (till be contin. ued as long as it can be a bl< ff ing; and may the example it to our country and our “Re publican Inftitutions,” p rh ips . r y h'icnd to juftice mu ft rejoice th.-re is none that rtq lir. s a i to fee this man at length in the more witchful eve than our iu» I^ ant ^ s m'mifters ot the ternal Baitilh fadion. i l iw - . AnJ ^ has atoned I* ttie communication of the M ul his conduct in tins cate, he ri'fu-t of my experience can be | 111 'Y exp-cl to be called to ac- of any ufe i.i th approaching [count for hi., att.cks, on a great . Itonn, or if any ufe can he do- | number ot other reipeClable and i riv-‘d from any example of mine ' worthy characters who have ‘ j —my ftrongeft w,(h will be ! th e ohj.-its of his malice Sc ! gratifi- d I The tew days or weeks of the remainder of my life will be in trienofliip w ith James M adison. JOHN STARK. To James Madison, Prefident of the United States. re veng e.—Columbia n. Pbiladeihpia, March 20. Captain Manlove ot the biig Amity, left L.fbon the I It of ! Feb. and informs that every that God may give ine God ‘ kn nvs how much my rvfoiutton has coll my heart ; but no facri- ftce appals my courage, when it is for the good of Fra-ice. I “ I want notiiing to add to mv hippin -fs, on the contrary I h ive to praife the attachment 1 and tendernefs of my welt be loved fpoufe- She has embel- li/hed eleven years of tny life ; ttie rememberance will ever be t-ngraveil on my heart; (lie was crowned by tny h nds; I will ! that (he preferve the rank and the title of Emprefs ; but above all that (lie never doubt of my , femiments, and that (he always regard me as her belt and uear- eft friend.” i The Emprefs then faid : “ Hut conceiving no hopes 1 of having children to fatisfy the i calls of the policy and interefts of France (he had confinted to give her hufbindthe greateft j hhn 'j] ’j Na/e VII. L BE SjI.D,on the fird Tuefdiiv in M y next <r the court houfe in Greene county, bi t ween the ufual hour i. One negroe man mined l)..vy (or Dave.) one n.gro woman turned I.iddy and h.r child 11 .rry, levied on ax the prt'perry ot LheophilU' Bu kf t i fatisfy an execution in lavor of Wi be Abercrombie, I.ulorlee ot R. Raines vs. Charles Ru ke ai d 1 heophilus Butke, Auminiltors of Chari s Burke, fen. Dec. ,n d Ezekiel E Paik property point ed out by E. E. Pork. Conditions cadi yohn Anderson, Shjf. 27th March, 1310. Swords & I'.paafets. The fubfciibers have for fale, a han.lfome affortment of Epaulets and a few Officers Swords. Devcreaux Is? Thweatt May 16, 1809 7-tf Information relative to the e lections in Miffichufetts ami New Hatnpfliire, fo far as re ceived, renders in highly prob.t ble that tlicy will iffue in the complete triumph of republi ranif n. The town officers o* S.liein, in Maffuchufi its, in which ‘he votes have for fam years been nearly balanced, are this year all republican, by a tna j >rity of 120 The < in other towns in New Hamplhire and Maff.chufetts exhibit a like refult. Nat. Intel. thing remained tranquil in Poi : proof cf attachment and devo- tugal. 'Ihe Uritifh army were «on that had ever been given on Itaiioned about thirty five leagues diflant from Lifbcn. Coming out, C?pt M. faw up wards of 60 Bntifli tranfports with troops going into Lifbon. New fhunpfljirt ticclion. The votes of ti I towns fi.r Governor, give Mr. Langdor - - fi 4-87 Mr. Smith - - - 6 303 Republican majority 179 The fame town laft year gave - f dcral majority of 70. Keene, (n It ) March 14. “ 'Ycfterday was a ineetinc through out this A ate for the elec tiou of flute and town cHie u E’roni the r» turn* we lwvc had of twelve twwr.s in this ccuutv, we can It is rumored fays the Free man’s Journal that Lord Hol land, a nobleman of ciiftinguilh- td character, who in conjunc tion with Lord Greenville con cluded the treaty with Mtff.s. Munroe and Pinkney which was returned by Mr. Jcffer- >n, is to come out to the U. States <nd Miniftcr Plenipotentiary die room oi Mr. Jaeklon. the earth. “ confented to a diffolution of a marriage that was an ob(ta- j cle to the good of France, that ' might deprive it of being one day governed by the defeen- I dants of a great man, fo evident-1 ly raifed by Providence to efface the ills of a terrible revolution, 1 and re-t (tablifh the throne and focial order. But the uifiblu- tion of the marriage wculd ' make no change in her ficul ments.” “ The Erripcror and Emprefs, Lottery Tickets. In the New York Union Coiledge Lotte y, which is to commence drawing in April next, for fale by Dcvcrcux isf Thweatt. February lit. 1819. 4.5-tf Bees Wax.—The fuS- ferib. rs wifli topurchafe 2000lh of BEES WAX, for wliicht twenty cents a pound cajls writ be' given. Dcvcrcux (if T/jwcatt. February 12. 46-tf. A TR 4CJ OF a6 envoy Extraordinary a bd all »he perfons prtfent fign inifter Plenipotentiary, in l ’ ,e declarations ’ L A N D N° 9,04. in the fork of Little River ar.o ihe Oconee, Putnam, county ; this land is excellent and in the belt fettlcment in the county, joining Col Iverfon, Maj jr Mapper and Mr. Gage, the V/ater of the bell quality and abundant—For terms apply to Major Elijah Clarke, at torney at law, Milledgeville*. F. CLEMENTS Aug 29, 1809 tf. DIVORCE OF BONAPARTE AND Ills WIFE. The ofliciul account of Napo- icon’s i ivoree from Jolephine, (i.gelher with the formal pro- tedii gs ot the French Senate n the fubjicl, have been pub It is added, that Bona- i parte is lo marry the Fmptror cf Rufu’s filler, and lliat Jcfc- { TO RENT, T IIE well knonn (land, Notice.—Thofe indebted fronting the State-Hcufe, to l . he *J»blcriber for fihooliig lately occupied as a Tavern by children in Milledgeville, Mr. Olmltead; alfo a ftoro- |‘ ar . e rt q«efted to call and fittle L ' houfe adjoining.—For terms ap- j hlajor Clark, in w tu fe , ply to Apiil 3. Hubert Reynolds. l-3t. hands their rotes ai.d acc< i«ntg are put to fatisiy fi.hocl.lxUe rent. JcllN C. CtiKRlE.