Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, April 10, 1810, Image 1

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o VOLUME 1II....NUMBER 2. MILLEDGEVILLE: published (weekly) by DENNIS L- UFA,V* TUESDAY, AI’RII. I O, I 8 I CL ■www 5T ewnaBaai Georgia Bible Society. £We congratulate the poor oF our country on the eflablifhment a Bible Society in this place J v s objefts are detailed in the fol lowing add refs, which we re cot, amend to the poruful and fe r j : >u ; attention of every denomi natio a of Chriftians, hoping the expectation of the' founlers of li s in this country are deftkute of the H >ly Scriptures. What a melancholy reflection?—And how much caufe have the friends of religion to bewail, that they have fo long neglected to exert themfelves in dillributing more extenfively the facred volume. The bleffi tgs of thoufands who have been awakened, ani- and even “ l’he Widow’s Mite” will not be rejected. Finally, we folicit the prayers of all the pious of every deno mimtion. After prayer, this af- fociation was cflablilhed ; and we cannot expert that it will profprr if we do not fupplicate God that it may tend to his glo ry, to the increafe of the Re deemer’s Kingdom, and to the mated, or confoled by thofe It bles, diflributed in this manner, belt inierelts of man have defeended upon the focie- ties alrea ly formed.—Shall not CONGRESS, we feek to (hare in tliefe bene dict ms ? I 1 ' to relipve the temooral dif- this benevolent inftituiion will j be realize 1, and more than re j alized, in the pecuniary fupport j which they folicit. I The -printers throughout the I •flate \vho are intereded in the tr( 'iT s o. iur fe.lo v creatures >* -caufe or humanity, and con fe j our uty how mu :h more are <juently in the diffufion of the we bound to attend to the.r fpt- knowled»e of divine truths, are lini * everlalting tmer<., s, requefled to give a place in their ! ™d m no way can jvvorom >te rcfpeaive papers to the a Idrefs ] fo v and efltcaa mf Savannah Republican. b f a ? b ? >eauiag toon to an ac Georgia Bi ble Society. Tiie Georgia Bible Soci ety call the attention of their fellow-citizens to the obj cl of their infli ution, and folicit the benevolent and the pious to unite with them in accompli fil ing their deligns. The foie object of this fociety is to circu'ate the Bible amrmjp thofe who do not pofTJs it, and efpecially to give it to the poor, in the fame manner in which the falvation, which it proclaims, is offered to them, “ without money, and without price.” We defire to carry this pre cious volume to the cottages of all the indigent, to the retreats of all the afflicted, to the bed REPORT (V TUP. SECRETARY OF THE TitUA UUY, RELATIVE To Leans, Increase cf Duties, and Public Lands. March 21. Mr. F.ppex, from the committee of Ways and Means, laid before the Houle the folio witte; documents, the exchanged fix per cent Rock, amouning to 15,750,000 d >llar3, and in LSI t the whole of the converted fix per cent, Rock, amounting to 1,860,000 dollars It is probable that the owners of thofe two fpecies of Rock would confent to reloan the amount, provided it was irredeema ble for a few years 2diy. It has already been Rated in the annual report of November 5th, 1S07, referred to in «lint of tin . year, “ that the fcveral banks of the United States might find it con venient, as the dimiuifhcd com merce of the country might require lefs capital, to loan the government a confiderable portion of their Rpck, then computed at about forty mil lions of dollars.” Swch temporary loans can be obtained only to a limit ed amount; but they are convenient in two refpefts: 1R. They donor diminifh the facility of obtaining o her loans from individuals, inas much as they do no*- increafe the quiintance with the word o) Gol. While other flates have fit wn a laudable lenfvbility on this fubjeol, llit'l there be found in Georgia a dim in irableapathv ' and indiff rence ? Vve know tJyre -willnil The Society has already commenced under the mofl fi ;t tering profpecls. Many in Sa- vann ih are only waiting to have to bellow th -ir ready donations. . amount of Rock at market: ‘idly, which were ordered to be printed. redeemable at will, and in any January 8, 1810. ! fums which may fait theconvenience Sir, ! of government, intereR is paid only Having Rated in yonr fevetal 1 as long as the money is wanted ; reports, that loans would cor.Ritute | and the extinguifhmcnt of the debt the principal refource of the United ; conrrafted is rendered more eafy & States for defraying extraordinary i certain, expenfes, the committee of Wavs* and Means have inRrufted me to requeR, that you will report your opinion as to the move eligible mode if obtaining motvy by loan—keep ing in view b >th the facility of bor- fiJets of all the aged, the fick | oy the aff cling aifplay which it and the dying, within our Hate, gives of divine love, and animat- The Society is not limited to one Our brethren in Brvan, Lioerly, I rowing Runs c immonfurate with the an 1 *h<* a joining counties, in Augurta an l the upper counties, will heartily concert wi'li ut. In deed, from all pirts of the Rate vve are conn lent of fuppat t. B -liev-MS! wh ) know the val ue of this hook, who have been enlightened by i’x doctrines, cheered by . its promif ’S, incite denomination, and is not found ed on the narrow views of par ty It embraces all, of wlute ver name, who receive the I rip- tures as the ground of their faith and practice; and, by bringing together good men of different feds, and uniting their hearts &: their endeavors in promoting their common chridianiry, it cannot but be influential, chcr iflting that charity and mutual forbearance fo delxrable among the pious. This is not one of thofe chi- d by th * glorious profpect which it op rs to you—it is un- neceffary to afl. you 'o contribute. Your pjety, your love to the lie deeiner, your charity for man. will not p rmit yui to be in li! ferent. We congratulate you on the opportunity you now have of enjoying a pure and (u dime pleafure from fending the con folations of religion to the poor and the broken-hearted. Perhaps alfo, the Billies diflributed thro’ your beneficence may be the means through the accompany ing of the Holy Spirit, of con exigencies of the United Stales and the ultimate exiinguithment of the deb' tmitrafted. You have already given \ cur opin ion i i favor ef jm'iitcreafe of duties on importation To what extent can this be carried with Rifely l Can any other refources except taxes and loans he relied on for immediate re venue ? I have the honor to be, Wi'h refpeft, Your mod obedient, JOHN W KITES. Albert Gallatin, Efq. Secretary of the Trcafury. Tree fury Depm tmcirt, February‘Joth, 18 10. S 1 Loans may be obtained from individuals to an extent commenfu r ite with the national capital, and limited by the exiRing demand tor that capital for private purpofes file terms mutt vary according to circuinllauces, always given the preference to the molt fun,pie form ilia' can effect the object. A por tion of the public lands may per haps, if necefi'ary, either as a pre mium or hy gtvhig an option to fubfevibers, be adrnntageoiiflv ap plied in facilitating loans or improv ing their terms <rh Trcafurv notes, bearing in- terell and payable to order, one year | afier date, may he annually iiT.t'd to j a moderate amount and be put in ! circulation both through them ilium |of banks, and in payment of fitp- i plies. A portion would be abfor- lb il during the year bv the payment j of public lands and revenue bonds, 1 and the redemption of the refidue : be provided for by the loan of the ! enfuing year. This annual antici- Sir, I have the honor to fubmit the j pation of the revenue, though liable following obfervations in anlwer io J toabnfe. may, il kept wi Iiing Rrift the fcveral objects of enquiry cm- i bounds, facilitate both the collection braced by your letter cf ihe 8:h ult. j of the revenue and the loans thefi- merical plans, which ere fotne- verting many thi-ughtlefs Tinners times formed by vifionary bene 1 —And how rapturous will it be. Valence. The imincufe utility of fuel, inllitutions has already he« n abundantly proved in various places. In the year 1804*, a foci cty of this kind was formed in London; the example was fpcediiy followed in Germany and Switzerland. There were \,oo many per Ions of piety and benevolence in the U. States, to permit our country to loolc on your ari ivd in the realms of olifs, to be hailed by numbers whole names though unknown to you, were recorded in the L tub’s book of life, and who flull grati fully exclaim. “When it was well with you, ve thought of your brethren. Thole ferip tures lent to us bv you, cheered us in many an fihftion, direfted us in our way through life, led with indifference upon fuch a | us to our God and Redeemer, plan. A number of affociations ! and by their promifes fufhined of this kind has already been 1 [our departing fpirits.” formed in feveral of our filler flates. In all cafes, there was fliund a want cf Bibles in the community, almoll incredible to thofe who had not made partic ular enquiries on this fubjeft- The real chriflian priz. s his Bi ble as his deared treafure, affo- clating principally with thofe who poflefs and value it, is little aware how many are dellituk of this bidVcd volume. T he Phila delphia fociety, alter minute ex amination, exprefs their belief, th„t one fourth part of the tanu- Puti iots! love of your country will induce you to unite with us. He mult indeed have been defli- lute of obfcrvaiion, who has not marked the civilizing effects of the gofpt-1. Whenever the Bible is generally read and fludied, our rights become more fecured, the aits more fl midling, the laws bet'er enforced, and man more dignified. Let not thofe it*, moderate c ; remittances fuppofe that they aie excluded from this affociation The fmallefl dona, tions will be gratefully received, The amount of extraordinary ex- peiiccs which may be authoTifed by Congrefs being yet unnfeertained, it is not even at this time practicable to (live v.'ith precifion the fum which may be wanted on loan for the fer- vice of this year. And in relation to enfuing years, it would be prema ture to lay down any general rules velpeUing the ntoR eligible mode of borrowing Rims of money, cerumen- futate with the exigencies ol the U. States in cafe of war. It is there fore thought fufiicient for the pre- fent to point out fofne of the moll obvious means cf e.Te£ling loans generally ; leaving it a fubjcQ of fubfequent conlideration to decide according to exiRing circiiniflances on the moll eligible mode, and on the arrangement of details. The enquiries of the committee of ways and means apply to the three following points: IR. What is the moR eligible mode of obtain felvcs In relation to the extinguifhmont of the debt contr.ifb'd, thofe who borrow can nothing mere than to provide and pledge funds fufiicient for that obj 'ft, and to give fuch a form to the debt as may not impede its redemption. To render it irre deemable for no longer time than is necefT.iry, in order to drain the money ; to make it reimburfeable by inRalments at fixed periods — never to create, for the fake of dr- niinifliing the annual intereR, a greater nominal am >unt of Rock than the fum aftualiy borrowed, and above all never to incur t-xpeaces which arc not aftualiy neceflary for the defence or welfare of the coun try, are principles effential for a na tion which does not contemplate a fyflem of perpetual and increaling d. bt. liut for its aftual reitnburfe- inent we muR principally depend on the return of profperous ci cum ing money by loans, keeping in view l Ranees, on the growing both the facility of borrowing futns commenfurate with the exigencies of the United States, and the ulti mate extinguithment of the debt contrafted r 2dly. To what extent can an increafe of duties on impor tation be carried with fafety ? 3illy. Can any other refources befides taxcB and loans be relied on for im mediate revenue ? Loans fources of the country, and on the wildom of our fucce.tors. T he ar tificial ptovifiona of a finking fund may always be rendered inefficient bv the necefllties or extravagance oi government. 1 he real amount of a national debt cannot be diminifhed unlels the aggregate of revenue in eluding the fluids aligned to thc- fmkiug fund, and exclufively of new [loans, exceeds the aggregate of ex- lfl. The commilfioners of the ! penditures, other than thofe for the finking fund will, out of the annual | payment of the principal of the debt, appropriation cf eight millions ci i Favorable circumttr.uces, and a rigid dollars for the payment of the debt, !economy in tlw cuwem 'xpi- ecs i jeft of immediate n vet i^- I mu- tv reimbuife, in 1810, the refidue of ,haw enabled the Untied to |tluicta be a;..', ial’y reimburfe during the laR eigitt years, one half of the debt created by die revolutionary war, and during tome of the enfuing years. Similar cir- cumtlaucfs, and an adherence to the fame principles will be nquitiie to R-cure the aftual reimburlement i-f the debt which it may now be ne- ccfiary to coi.traft. Cur that go vernment will poflefs refources am ply fulficient for tint oljt-ft can- noi be doubted. ihe proceed of the public lands would alone ftov ly perliaps, bill certainly oxtit.guilh a much greater debt than the U. 3. have it now in their power to create. And it is fi.lficiently afcnriai' i d t! at the .national wealth of Tic U i_d States, and therefore the nie.nof railing revenue increafe in a r..;i» Rill more rapid than ibeir popula tion, a population which alinctt doubles cvciy twt nty years. ritofe confideratiotts, conncft -d with other;- Rated at large i; tin an- nual reports of November L*07 a"d December 180s, h;,ve produced a conviftion that loans might without danger be ieforred to as the jnii ci- refource for fop pot ■ iny a w ar. Permit me at the fame time 'o ob- f.Mve live fuggellii ti ha; been confined to that obj eft alone, and that, excepting the cafe of war. ei ther immediate or contemplated, it appears confident with found policy to raife during the year ihe means of defraying all the naii mai xpei fes, borrowing no larger fum than th>- i- ntcunt of principal of old debt p d during the year I he propriety tor providing even in time of war, a rev enue equal to the annual expends on a peace of' ab ifhnient the intei'-fk of the ex'fting di b", and that on the loans wliicli may bt* railed, lias al o been fugged ed in lmma reports. lmtenfe <j DuiitS On iliat fubji'ft, bui lit'i'ecanbe added to the opinions < xpr- 17' <! or» former ixtcafi >ns. I Rii) iliii-k this fcu'Ceor revenue is in the U S. and at this time the moll product ve, ihe eafieR to colleft, the It aft bur— thenfome >o the great mafr of T.e pei'plc; and that thedutiison impor tation generally u.ay, in c >fe of v. ar, be doubled without inconvenience or danger, la time of peace, and particu'ariy ittRler exiRing ciicumflances, habits of fntugglnig might be promoted by fo great an increafe. Cut he pic- cife rate which may with la let; be ;. Joptcd can only b- a matter of. pin ion to be tefied by experience I would not hefitate how ever to men tion an additional du.y ol five | cr cent on merchandize paying ad w- lorem duties, and an iucreafi o' 3:t 1 0 jter cent on ihe exiRing dn if* on all other axtides, as attended wi h very litde danger and preferable to any otiiei new fource of taxation. A renewal of the duty on fait, u! ich produced fix hundred theulard dol lars a year, may be exceptionable in other ref [lefts, but an account of the bulk of the aTticle, is liable to no i b- jeftian in the prefent view of the l’ubjeft. I' was Rated in the annual report of December laR, that an <i«cronfe of duties would net, nn account of the term* of credit allowed for the ptnment of duties, fu( crlede the ne- celfity of a loan for the lirvice of this ye r The an'ount of that loan might of courR* be diminiflicd if no credit, or a credit of only fixty days wasallowut for the payment of the propofed additional duties. Public Lmtu.L. Thefe covRiiutv the only great na tional refource exclulivcly of loto-s and taxes They have ah eadv 1 «* *n menuoned as forming a’fund for i ! fr uhwru.te extinguifiin'cnt ot tlie put- lie debt; and the piffibiliry of th r bchig ufcil as a means ol facilitate g loan», has been tugg* Red. A p turn might alfo be ufefuily applied at a bounty to*di!icers ft RddieTs when ever it lv cotfle utceffaty te r e a confide ruble force, lint as an ft-