Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, April 24, 1810, Image 1

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VOLUME I II....NUMBER 4' MILI.lDCEyiI.LK: published (weekly) by DENNIS L. RE AN. TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1 8 l O. FOR SALE, Two State Troop Boun ties. ‘ Daniel Wilson. ’ Will be Sold, On thcfrji Tuefday in Jily next in purfuance of an order abjo lute of the Honorable Inferior 1 Court of lancock, in the town vf Sparta, Fifty acres of Land, being part ot Lot N° 132, in the 10th difirift of Baldwin, now .1 ;:ies county, for the benefit of the heirs of Jacob Moon, decea- fed. John Middlebrookt, Ap r il 10. Guardian. NOTICE. WITL BE SOLD at the Plan, tat ion of Bcnfc.n Brya nt. dec’d, in 1 lancock county, on the four- teentb of May next, One Negro Man— Ilorfes, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep & H mlchold furniture. Twelve months credit will be given, the purchafer giving bond with ap proved fecu ity. Mary By ant, Adm’x, Francis C do, Adm’r. April 10 (Postponement.) HOLT’S FERRY. ALL perfons travelling on hoi fe back, may crofs at my FERRY for half price. Thaddeus Holt. March 13. 1810. SO-tf One Hundred Dollars Reward, Strayed or Rolen from the plantation of Capt. Samuel Tinf- iey the latter end ol laft month, A ROAN HORSE 11 years old, between 14 and ! .$ hands high, ftrong made, with thick mane and tail, trots and paces but gops roughly, he is branded but the brands not re- collected—If Itrayed, a liberal reward will be given on his be ing delivered to the fubferiber living near the mouth of Little River, and if Rolen the above reward on conviftion of the thief. HINES HOLT. Baldwin county, March, 1810. The subscriber cxpe&ing to be abfent from this Rate a few months, has appoint ed Capt. Janies Burts, oi Han cock county, his Attorney, of which all concerned are request ed to take notice. JOSEPH THORP March 27. 52— St WILL BE SOLD, = >j —r- r Jb lb* Market lioufein thet,.vm of F °J ” le ,°„ r J t ° Mdledgcvi le, on the first i uef- day in !p il next, One Thousand Acres of Laid lying on the Oconee jivT, ('even miles above Mil- le '.geviiie, known by the name of Cedar Shoals tract, granted to John l’ank■ fl *y, deceafed — Terms of fale; hilt the pur- civii’e money to be paid by the Id day of January 1811, and the balance in twelve months thereafter—notes with a mort gage and approved fecurity will be r quired. W B Tankt'JhyJ , Dreadziel Pace, ) G3r The fdo of the above proo'-rty is polfponed until the firfi Timfday in May next, I April 10,1810.' Sheriff's Sale. SHERIFF’S SALE. IVILL BE SOLD, on thefirjl Tuefday in May next,, in the town of Clinton, between the ufual hours. N° S03, find diibict of Baldwin, fituated on Toblers creek, within fix miles of PAilledgeville ■, the land is of a moil excellent quality, and remarkably level for that part of the country. It will be fold on a credit of one and two years, paying one third in Cafh or Cotton at the mar ket price, apply by letter to Jofeph Beavan Savannah. Price Fourteen hundred and Fifty Dollars, within- tereft. Savannah, Nov. 7,1809. 3.5-tf WILL BE SOLD on the firji Tuefday in May next, between the ufual hours, in ihe town of Eatonion, Putnam county— 201 3 4 acres of land, on the Oconee river, in the 2d difirift, N° 457, of Baldwin, now Put nam, it being a frictional iurvey, and under the incumbrance to the Rate, wherectl Green Sims now lives—levied on as the pro perty of Gree Thweatt and A 252 1 2 acres of land, c.n Little river, lot No 1 53 and part of lot No. 1 ‘39, in the 2d , . , _ difirift Of Baldwin now Putnam, * ones ’ taken as the pot perty of whereon John Whitehead now Pr y° r Cnttendcn t0 Sheriff's ha/e RILL BE SOLD, on the fi-E Tuefday in May next, at the court houfe in Grtcne cow ty, between the ufual hour i \r , One negroe man named Dart/ One Negro Woman by (or Da ; 0 one neRi - 0 the name of Nelly, taken as the named I.iddy and her ch property of Samuel Forgufon to fatisfy Ifaac Motley’s execution. ALSO One lot of land, No. 49 in the iSth dis. of Baldwin now I.iddy and her chiiJ Harry, levied on as the prt per V ot Fheophilus Buike to fathiy an execution in favor of Wi Abercrombie, Indorfee ot R. Raines vs. Charles Burke amt Y icu WH U\J U/L I r f ,1 — ■n ! ms to 1'atHy < ioncs f 0unt y’ taken as the P ro ‘ Theophilus Burke, Adminiftcr.v Grivn.* perty of Joel Smith to fatisfy of Charles Burke, fen. dec. and. j 3 0 Reubin M'Leroy’s execution. . Ezekiel E Baric, property points ALSO. One Lot of land N° 171, in the 9th dis. of Baldwin now lives—-levied on as the property of John Whitehead, to fatisfy Charles Bullock and others ALSO. Cme road waggon, two hor fes and hind geers—levied on as the property of Jacob Lindfey, to fatisfy Elifha England. ALSO. 193 1-4 acres of land, on the Oconee river, in the 2d difirift, No. 456 ot Baldwin now Put nam, it being a fractional fur- vey, wherecn Richaru Fielder an execution in favor Middleton Woods.—Conditions cafh. S FEAGIN, Sheriff 27th March, 1810, 52-tds Will be Sold, On the firf Tuesday in May next, in purfuance of an order abso lute of the Honorable I ferior Court of Hancock, in the Town of Sparta, Two tra&s of Land ; one fituate lying and being in the county <4 Warren, adjoin now lives—levied on as the pro j fog Cooper, Bifhop and others, perty of Richard Fielder, to fa ! containing 120 acres—the other tisfy Jeff - Ham and ethers, and t| ie 20t.h dis Birdwin (now under the incumbrance to the Morgan) N° 7, containing £03 i O acres. To he fold for A 1 s . . he benefit of the heirs and ere- 292 1-2 acres of land, in^tne ^j tors Q f George Ilenery dec. Rate. For sale or rent, The HOUSE and LOT, in the lower end of trie town of ! Milledgeville formerly occupi j ed by Allen Greene. Terms ; may be known by applying to fu(Heins Hunt TO REN T, T IE well known flancL fronting the State-Houfe, lately occupied as a Tavern by Mr. Olmllead; alfo a Rore- h nufe adjoining.—For terms ap- 5 p:y to Hubert Reynolds. April 3. fort Wilkinson, frit lb, IS 10. Regimental Orders. 4 VACANCY having oc- . cun'ed in the upper Bat talion of the Baldwin county Regiment, by M'-j R ,bevt r s l , c ' moval from the limits of the Battalion, an EUR ion will take place cn Saturday the 20th of May next, at the Bafta ion Mu. ter ground, for a “•* aj r, to command Hid B.rtahon; of ■which all cqmmillioncd and bre- vc ted oflicers wdljtake notice, and two Captains or Lieutenants IK I thetnfelves candidates, with M-.vo jultices in (aid county are n qui-fted to attend and iuper- X.uetid laid elegion. ISy order of 1 ^* ur Col. Holt, Thus, G> Colder, Adj’t. \ Wanted to Mire, ’ A pcifon qualified to nurfe a child feven or tight months old —A decent old woman would be preferred. Enquire at this Office. Feb. 27, 1810. 48-tf. 2d clitfrid of Baldwin, now Put nam, whereon Auguflin Prevvit formerly lived, and adjoining Jerry Warren and James Lamar —levied on as the property of Auguflin Prewit, to latisfy Sam uel Yarbrough. a l s ft. One heufe and lot in the town of Eatonton, in fquare M, No 5 fohn Henry, Adm’r. Feb. 27th, 1810 4-9-tds A 1 NOTICE. LL perfons having any demands againlt the eRate of L. P. De Saubleaux, dec’d, are rcqueRed to render them to j the Executors within the time preferibed by law, and thofe levied on as the property of being indebted to faid eRate, to NOTICE. ALL perfons indebted to Martin ArmRrong, late of Han cock county dec. are requeued o make immediate payment— and thofe having demands a- gainR faid dec. are defired to bring forward their accounts in he time and manner pointed out by law. Green bury P inchft on, A didr. Feb 27ih, 1810 48-6w NOT I C E. A LL perfons having any demands againR the eRate of Richard Gill, ofWafhington co. dec. arc rcqueRed to render in their accounts properly at teRed, to Major David Black {hear, and thofe indebted to faid eRate to make immediate pay ment. JOHN H. BRYAN. bUnh 18. Admr. John Holland, to fatisfy an ex ecution in favor of Ifaac Gools- by, vo be fold under the incum brance to the county. also. One negro man named Prince —levied on as the property of Solomon Carter, to fatisfy an execution Thomas Black for the ufe of Elijah Wragsdale, pointed out by William Hamil ton. also. 152 1-2 acres of land, in the Sd diltrict ot Baldwin now Put nam—levied on as the property of John Wynn, to fatisfy A. Gray and ethers, returned to me by a conRable. Wm. VARNER, Shtf. March 27. 52-tds NOTICE. r ip’HE Commiffioners for the county of Jones, requeR all perfons indebted for Lofs purchafed in the Town of Clin ton, to come forward and make immediate payment, as longer indulgence cannot be given. Hugh M- Coiner, ) C 5 Adam Carson, j | Hilary Pratt, Sj fohr. Ccckc, j 3 make immediate payment. D. Black fear, \ > fas. Mason, y March 13, 1810. 50-6 w NOTICE' T HOSE intereRed are re- quefted to take notice, that Mathew Gage, Efq of Lau rel-Hill, Putnam county, is au- thorifed to aft as Attorney for the fubferiber during his ab- fence. F. Clements. April 15, 1810. 3-3w TAKEN UP by the fuhf ri her, on the 10th inR. a BAY IlORSE, twelve hands high, a very fmall Rar in his forehead, a fwab tail, fome faddle fpots on his back, about fix years old ; he had on a fmall bel! tied with a leather firing, the clapper is made of a fmall piece of iron bent up at one end. I defire the owner to come and take him away. Henry Regers. April 16. Thomas White. Swords L? lipciitleis. The fubfciibers have for fale, a N B. A further number of'handfome aflbrtment of Epaulets Town Lots will be fold on the nad a few Officers Swords, firfl Monday in May next, at the Court Houfe in Clinton. Terms made known on the day of Sale. March u, xs:c. Devcreaux & Thweatt May 16- 1809 7—tf Collectors Titles, Ter SJe at this Office* ed out by E. E Park. Conditions cafh John Andersen, SI T. 9";h M- rch. 1310 <- Dolt cry i ick Is. In the New York Union Colledge Lotte y, which is t>v commence drawing in April nxt, for fale by Devereux iy Thweatt. Februa:y lit 1810. 45-’f Bees Wax—The fub- feribers vvifli to purchafe 200( v lb of BEES WaX, for which twenty cents a pound cajh mis be given. Devereux if Thweatt. F bruary 12. 46-.f. ’ noTktl Nine months from the date- hereof application will be nia to the honorable Inferior court of Bui Ice county for leave to 72 acres of Land in faid county - of Burke on the waters ot Oge* chee, for the benefit of the h it s and creditors of john Ezell^ dec. it in c ben Curl, Guardian. September 19th, 1309 ~ NOTICE. I forewarn all perfons from trading for a note which I gave John Wootan one hundred dol lars on (or about) the 14th of January 1809, and payable bout the lafi of faid year—the fame being fraudulently obtain ed, I am therefore determined not to pay it. fames Rickards. February 17, 1810. 48 GEORGIA, Jones County. W hlreas Charles M't nra ty. by liis lathi r and natural guardian hath filed inform mation in my office, that Janus Dawlbn of Wafhmgton county, did fraudulently and contrary to law, have his name entered in faid county tor a draw or drav s in the late land lottery, whereby the faid James Dawlon drew, ot N° 25 ill the 9ih difirift of I Baldwin county, (now Jones) l and whereas it appears from the ; fheiilF’s return that the laid James Dawion is not to be found in the county of Wafhmgti-n. All perfons therefore having intereR in the land in queflion, are hereby rt-quir. d to be and appear at a Superior Court, to be held in and for the county cf Jon. s, on the fi cond Monday in AuguR next & make themfelvs, party to the fuits commenced, to anfwer the allegations & flu w caufe if any they have, why (he proceedings had under fuch fraudulent returns or the giant itfelf if thefame has ifl’ued, fhould not be let afide and made void. Given under my hand this 17th February, 1810. JOHN R. GREGORY, Clk,