Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, May 01, 1810, Image 1

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3 VOLUME III....NUMBER MILLBDGEVILLE: published (weekly) by DENNIS L. Rt'AN- TUESDAY, MAY I, I o I O* Sheriff's Sale. WILL BE SOLD, on thefirfl Tuesday in June next., at the Market Houfe in the Town of Milfedgeville, between the u- fual hours, Two Negro Men, Sam and Nathan •, levied on as the property of Edmund and Sarah Lloyd, to fatisfy an execution in fa vor of Henry Pcarfon, jun. & Co. vs. fa id Edmund and Sarah, on the foreclofure of a mortgage on faid negroes. -A L S O- 202 1-2 Acres in the fifth dif- trift of Wilkinfon, now Baldwin county, lot N° 230 ; levied on as the nropevty of Benjamin Howard to fatisfv fevera! executions in favor of A M. D rrereux, Efq. Returned to me by a condable. — ALSO •• 202 1-2 Acres of Land, in the firft fi drift of Baldwin, onToblers creek, adjoining A. Harris, with great improvements thereon ; levied on as the property of John Dawfon, dec to fatisfv an execution in fa vor of A. Pemberton and Maria Smith, adminiflrator and admini- ilratrix of Thomas and William Smith, vs. faid Dawfon. Conditi ons calh. C. Murphy, D. S. April 24, IS 10. ' 4-tds. Sheriff's Sale. WILL BE SOLD on the firfl Tucfday in May next, between the ufual hours, in the town of Eatonton, Putnam county— 201 3 4 acres of land, on the Oconee river, in the 2d diftrift, N 3 457, of Baldwin, now Pat natn, it being a fractional furvey, and under the incumbrance to the hate, whereon Green Sims now lives—levied on as the pro perty of Green Sims, to fatisfy Thweatt and Green. a i. s o. 252 1-2 acres of land, on Little river, lot No 153 and part of lot No. 139, in the 2d diftrift of Baldwin now Putnam, whereon John Whitehead now lives—-levied on as the property of John Whitehead, to fatisfy Charles Bullock and others. A L 8 O. One road waggon, two hor- fes and hind geers—levied on as the property of Jacob Lindfey, to fatisfy Elifha England. ALSO. 193 1-4 acres of land, on the FOREIG N. papers tothe24ch. The enemy have yet made no ferious attack upon Ca diz or the Ifle of Leon, and the Span iards are aftivly improving themuans of defence. The French with to car ry on an aftive commerce of flaps of truce. They fend in proclania- —»>!"*-4- — London, March 8. A communication wc received yefterday fromLilbon, fpeaksinmore tions and addrdles, which the gov- melancholy terms of the profpeft in ernor orders to be burnt bv the hands Portugal than fome of our other let- of the common hangman. The writer, after pointing out j Cadiz, February IS. the ports of Holland, Spain, Italy and Naples, American vetfels were feived bocaufe the Americans had feized French voile Is. The Ameii- cans cannot h Tn.itc as to the part which they ought to take They ought either to break the aft of their independence, and become again .is beiore the revolution, fubjefts of England, or take fuch meafures than their commerce and indullry may not be tariffed by the Engiilh, which the ground for apprehenfion from various caufes, defires that noan-j «In the night of the ifith^ and do- j would render them more indepen- fwer may be given to him, as he is j ring the whole of the 17th, we were dent than Jamaica, which at h all fearful that the reply would devolve j employed in condrufting, under has an aflembly of reprefeiUanves into the hands of the enemy, who) p ro teftion of the boats, an advanced i and its privileges, would mod certainly make an injuri-1 battery on the right, in the flotation | “ Men without polity, ous ufe of it. Lord Somerville's Spring Show.-*- After the bufinefs of the day on Tuefday, about 360 fat down to din ner at Freemafon’s Tavern. Lord SomeTville in the chair. The pre miums having been didributed, his lordfhip among other toads gave. “ Mr. Pinkney, the American mi nider, and may harmony always pre vail with thefe who fpcak the fame language.” Which was drank with long and loud plaudits. Mr. Pinkney rofe, amidft a thun der of applaufe, which for fome time prevented his fpeaking, he then faid :— called El Saiero, which did confider- j honor, and without energy, may well able damage to the enemy. The 1 alledge, that they will to boats and old batteries every day oc- | the tribute impofod by England cation a continual lofs to the enemy I becaufe it is light, but will not the of men and horfes. According to the lad accounts, which may be reli ed on, there are in Puerto Real, 3000 French, almoft all infantry, with G brafs pieces, 24 pounders.—They entered on the erening of the 16th by the Cumino de la Ilia without ar tillery. Paris, March 1. A letter dated Seville, February 3, Hates, the entrance of Sebaltiani into the Grenada, and that the duke of Trevifo was the next day to march for Badajoz. Another letter from the fame. SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL BE SOLD, on the firft Tuefday in May next, in the town of Clinton, between the ufual hours. One Negro Woman by the name of Nelly, trken as the property of Samuel Fergufon to fatisfy llaac Motley's execution. ALSO One lot of land, No. 49 in the i3th dis. of Baldwin now J ,nes county, taken as the pro- p rty ol Joel Smith to fatisfy Reubin. M’Leroy’s execution. ALSO. One Lot of land N° 171, in the 9th dis. of Baldwin now J mes, taken as the potperty of Pryor Crittenden to fatisfy an execution in favor Middleton Woods-—Conditions calh. S. FEAGIN, Sherff. 27th March, 1810, S2-tds Sheriff's Sale. , WILL BE SOLD, on the fird Tuefday in May next, at the court houfe in Greene county, between the ufual hours. One negroe man named Davy (or Dave,) one negro woman named Liddy and her child flurry, levied on as the property of Theophilus Burke to fatisfy p an execution in favor of Willie Abercrombie, Indorfee of R. Raines vs. Charles Burke and Theophilus Burke, Adminiltors of Charles Burke, fen. dec. and Ezekiel E Park, property point ed out by E. E- Park: I Conditions calh. John Anderson, Shff. 27th March, 1310. Engiilh feel that they would ratlu have the principle admitted than in- creafe the tariff, becaufe, if this tribute now light, fiiould become infupporta'ule, thofe who hud re futed to fight for honor mutt then fight for filtered “ The underfigned frankly con- feffes, that France has every thing to gain by giving the Americans a good reception in her ports. Her commercial relations with neutrals are advantageous to her, and die is not in any manner jealous of their profperity. Great, drong, and tick, the isfatisfied, if by her commerce, or that of neutrals, hcrexportation» give a fuitable developement to her agriculture and manufactures. “ I r is fcarcely thirly years fincc the dates of America became an in dependent government, in the bo- fom of the new world, at the pricer of the blood of many immortal m< a, who perifiied on the field of battle,. My Lord— I bag your lorddiip fr Oconee river, in the 2d diftrift, I this company to be perfuaded that I No. 456 of Baldwin now Put- j am very grateful for the unexpected dated Seville, February .5, dates that natn, it beinej fractional flir- ) notice which you and they have been Sebaltiani Was to be that day at Ma vey, whereon Richard Fielder good as to take of the U States, | laga, and was to_ occupy Antequcre | a „U and their minilter. I thank you in and Guadix, and communicates by now hves-—levied on as the pro- tl>e firft place , f or my country; and Romla and Mabello, with the fird perty or Richard rieldel, to la- j ] 10 p C j (hall not bethought very corps, the troops of which wereon tisfy Jeff; Ham and Others, and prefumptuous, if led, or even mified, that day to occupy San Lucar de under the incumbrance to the by my wifltes, to conclude that as Berramindo, Rota Puerto, de Santa Rate. petfonal kindnef* may have had fome | Maria, Puerto Real et Chiclona, & . ■ , . -- - ALSO. little Ihare in pr. mpting your con-1 Medina Sidonia, for the purpofeofi , 7=-*°rA* 0 oil the leader ooa 1 o nrros nf land in the duft on that occafion, I venture to entirely blockading Cadiz on the °‘ ‘he Enghui monarch, i hefege- O ,7s -k c ni, • * V I i thank you for mvfclf. I trud, my lane! fide. ncrous men were far from foppofing. ‘" 1 did rift of Baldwin, now Put j Iord| ; fcarceI ' f or nie t0 f ay how | NOTE when they thus faenficed their bloo.t n<un, waereon x\uguliin Piewit j fincerely I join in the wilh which has , from formerly lived, and adjoining been fo well received by the noble- J Jerry Warren and James Lamar men and gentlmen here prcfint, that ! —levied on as the property of there maybe perpetual good under- | Auguftin Prewit, to fatisfy Sam- Handing between Great-Britnin and I ‘ the United States. An American minider, has in truth, no merit in anxioufly defiring cordial friendthip he had with Mr. Armdrong, mini- with tliis country, on terms conlif- Her plenipotentiary from the Utti- tent with the honor of his own, and ted States of America, his majedy your lorddiip will allow me to rejoice has authorifed him to-rettirn the fol- that there do exift on both tides the j lowing anfwcr: for the independence of America, that a queltion would fo foon arifo fairs to Mr. ArmUrong, Minijler , , - . Plenipotentiary from the Untied °[ °» *' a yoke heavier that x - that which they had fliakcn otf, m ucl Yarbrough ALSO. One houfe and lot in the town of Eatonton, in fquare M, No 5—levied on as the property of John Holland, to fatisfy an ex ecution in favor of Ifaac Gools by, to be fold under the incum brance to the county. ALSO. One negro man named Prince —levied on as the property of Solomon Carter, to fatisfy an execution Thomas Black for the ufe of Elijah Wragsdale, pointed out by William Ilatnil- ton. ALSO. 152 1-2 acres of land, in the 3d diftrift of Baldwin now Put nam—levied on as the property of John Wynn, to fatisfy A. Gray and others, returned to me by a conftable. Wm. VARNER, SLtf. March 27. 52-tds States. “ The underfigned having ren dered an account to the emperor and king, of the convevfation which Adminiftrator’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD, On Monday the 4tlj day of 'June next, at the houfe of Jjham Calhoon, dec. All the Perfonal Pro perty of faid deceafed ; confiding of one Horfe, the Hock of Cattle and Hogs, Houdiohl and Kitchen fur niture, See. Terms of falc made Jjnown on the day. Martha Calhoon, Adm’trix. fames Calhoon, Adm’r. 24^ jlilO, 4-tds Sheriffs Sale. WILL BE SOLD, On ’he firjl Tuefday in June next, at Twiggs Court houfe, between the ufual haters, One Lot of Land ; N° 24, in the 25th didrift, taken as the property of Hugh Lee, to fatia- fy an execution in favor of William and Felix Gilbert. •••A L S O". I ot N° 223, in the 25th didrift of faid county, taken as the proper ty of Henry Mathews, to fatisfy the date’s and other executions againlt faid Mathews. Conditions Calh. E. Nunn, Sh’fF. April 24, 1810. 4-tds BLANK. DEEDS, , For SAe at this Ojfce, mod powerful and obvious induce ments to cultivate fuch friendthip. We need not trouble ourfelves to in quire whether it be true, as fome po liticians have pretended, that filter ed is the only tie of fulficient Hrength to hold independent nations toge ther as friends ■, for we are fortunate ly bound in amity by all forts of ties, which I fervently hope we lhall not, even if it were poffible that we fhould be fo difpofed, be drong enough to “ His majedy confiders his de crees of Berlin and Milan as incon- formable to the principles of eternal judice, if they were not the com pelled confequences of the orders of the Britilh council, and above all of that of November, 181)7. When England proclaimed an univerfal fo- veteignty by the pretention of mak ing the univerfe fubmit to right of navigation, and of bringing the in- ludry of every nation under the break No reflecting and impartial jurifiliftion of her parliament, his man can doubt, that the true inter- ; majedy confidered it the duty of all eds of Great-Britain and America j independent nations to defend their are compatible in all cafes, the fame fovereignty, and declared denationa- in mod. A liberal and comprchen- j lized the vetfels, which, ranging five view of thefe, can le. d to no o- themfelves under the dominion of ther conclufion than that they are England, recognized the fovereignty calculated to cherith and invigorate which the arrogated over them, each other. But a fenfe of this com- i “ His majedy didinguithes the patibility and indentity of inteveds, vifit and the rccognization of the efleftualas it ought to be in commit- vetfels. The rccognization has no nicating a charafter of Heady friend- other objeft but to afeertatn the re- fliip to our relations, is not the only ality of the flag The vifit is an pledge of harmony between us ( for , inferiour inqueit made notwith- a thoufand kindly indances, with Handing the reality of the flag iu which calculation has no concent, i afeertained, and of which the re combine to form an auxiliary pledge, i full is either the preflitig of indivi- littlc inferior to drength, I Ihould duals, the confifcation of merchan- hope, far funeriorin moral beauty, I dize, or the application of aibiirary am fure, to the other. Thefe inllu- laws or difpofitions. fubmitting its indudry to the tatilT of Britilh legiflation. and to the or ders of council of 1807. “If then the American minider will enter into an Engagement that American veffels lhall not fubmit to the orders of the engiilh council, of November 1807, nor to any decree- of blockade, unlefs that blockade be real, the underfigned is authorifeef to conclude every fpecies of convention, tending to renew the treaty of com merce with America, and in which, lhall be arranged all the meafurea proper to confolidate the commerce and the profperity of the Americans. “ The underfigned has thought ic his duty to anfwcr the verbal over tures of the American minider by a written note, in order that the pve- fident of the United States may bet ter know the amicable intentions of France towards the United States* and her favorable difpoGtion to Ame rican commerce. Doc de Cadoue.” — i —— m mu i i i i i i i n enccs, my lord, it would be a pleafing and perhaps not unprofitable talk, to review in detail, and by reviewing, to give them frethnefs and augment ed activity, for the noble and lalutary purpofes of peace and kindtiefs. But I have already tTefpafled too long on your indulgence, if, indeed, I have not trefpaffed upon that direftion which fo emphatically becomes my fituation. I beg leave to dlink the health of your lorc’fhlp &c. March tO. We received litis corning Cadi: “ His majedy could not hut at tend to the proceeding of the Unit ed States, who without making any complaint to France, compromifed her in their afts of exclufion ; ami in the month of May prohibited the entry into their ports of French vef fels, under the penalty of confifca tion. Immediately that his majedy was informed of this tneafure, he ordered a reciprocity to he ufed to wards American vetfels, not only in his own territories, but alio in the cow-tries under his influence. Li Union Academy. T HE public are hereby informed that on the lfith ind. UNION ACADEMY will open at this place, under the direftion of Mr. Ftancia D. Cbmmins From the healthinefs of the fiti’a- tion, and the ability of the Riftor employed, we flatter ourfelves that this inditution will meet with a pa tronage liberal and rxtenfive. The Languages, Mathematics, Ge ography, Engiilh Crammer, B. lies Letters, Reading, Writing and A- rfihtnctic will be taught. Att op portunity is here offered to on dfiy the Student for the Univerfity ; fuch an inditution has been wanted, uiul we feel a pleafure in anticquiitig its utility Bearding can be had as cheap as in any part of the date. By o'-der cf the Prcfdent. S. IF. Harris, Sec'ry. HittciUun, Apnl 21, 1810. 4-Jtr.