Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, May 08, 1810, Image 3

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Virginian to turn his atten tion to the propogation of this valuable animal. A climate the mod mild and temperate, abun dant provifions, the finenefs of our fleeces, when the dock is u’t II fed, and of late the intro- duftion of Merino Sheep, are acqoifitions that render this country fupevior to any upon earth. The great Do&or Frank lin forefaw this immenfe fource of American wealth, when he was examined by Parliament on the internal refources of the co- Ionics. He anfwered, “ the co lonies have combined together ro eat lefs Lamb and raife more Sheep.’’—Where has the genius of patriotifin fl d ? Shall the blood of ’76 be offered up a fa- crifice on the altar of avarice or p'Jcafui'e ? May the genius of A- merican liberty forbid. Let us examine our Farmers and fee who among them is unwilling to enter into fitch an affociation. Let it never be laid that Virginia, the garden of America, poffef- fing fo many advantages, delays to vie with her fider States and exalt her fame. When we are informed that 40,000 Sheep co ver the fields of a Spanifii gran dee, and that the poored Turk thinks his flock infignificant if not exceeding 100, can we who bead our liberty and abundance, be contented with a few meager, ill bred, fickly wanderers, which juftify and therefore receive no attention. The value of the Me rinos is evident, from the price they bear, and from the value of their fleeces. A crofs breed from thefe or one of the genu- | ino blood from Spain fhould lead the flock of every man in pof- J f fiion of a farm. When we confider fo many advantages at- , tached to the propogation of: langerious animals, we are led } to enquire into the caufes of its | delay. To our Northern hri*. j thren it may feem the eflecV of j torpid indifference—The want of emulation. But we know a more obvious reafon. Nothing could fo long have retarded the J progrefs of a work fo laudably . commenced by a number of gen tlemen in the middle diftrift of Virginia, but that cruel love of the pleafurcs of the chafe, which has induced gentlemen of the firlt clafs to raife fuch numerous packs of hounds and mongrel dogs, the mod definitive ene mies to the Sheep. I would therefore move, that every man who judly ellimates the value of his flacks, who fees how nearly they are connected with the in- depence of his country, and his own individual intereft will ira- iWdiately facrifice the ufclefs for the benefit of the ufeful ani mal. This perhaps may be confider- ed an objeft of primary impor tance. But it might be proper y'fo to mention an error into which fome farmers have fallen, and which ought to be correct vd. I mean the erroneous prac tice of penning the Ram for a certain time in the fall feafon. . Some fuppofe the delay will be the means of avoiding the cold of February, fometjmes fa tal to the lamb. But tins is found ko be an incorreft procefs. It not only renders the Ewes lefs prolific, but is a means of en feebling the lambs. And it is found that the earlieft are com monly the healthied and molt thrifty. I would alio add, ano ther neceffary caution. When we cl.oofe from the flock a mut ton or a lamb, we fiiould not take the larged and befi, leaving the word for propogation. Our appetite might had us to this mi flake. Bat a little cbfervati on however foperficial, may lead to its correftion. A'-fdo’ Sheep are the lead exppnfive animals in our dock, they do not there fore require the lead of our at tention, to make them the mod ufeful..—-" Keep your Seep fat. and your fleeces will be large & fine,” was the common adag- of an experienced Farmer in Eafi Virginia. But in order that out dock may occupy more of ou* attention and care, a derivation from the bed Tpecies (the Me rino) fhould be a primary ac- quifition. - Paris, Feb. 17. At two o’clock this dav the Senate affembled, under the Pre fidency of the Prince Arch Chan cellor of the Empire, and a- dopted the following Senates Confulrum : Title fird—Of the Union of Rome to the Empire Art. 1. The date of Rome is united to the French empire, and forms an infegral part there of. 2- It fhall be divided into two departments . the department of Rome and the department of Tralimene. 3. The department of Rome dull fend feven deputies to the legiflative body. The depart- ment of Trafimcne fhall fend four. 4. The department ol Rome fhal l be claffed in the fird feries: the department of Trafunenein the feconcl. 5. A Senatory fhall be eda- blifhed in the departments of Rome and Trafimene. 6. The city of Rome is the fecond city of the Empire. The Mayor of Rome is to be prefent when the Emperor takes the oaths on his acceffion. He is to rank, as are alfo all deputati ons from the city of Rome, on all occafions, immediately after •h« . - V.. ,.f tl.., city of Paris. 7. The Prince imperial is to aflame the title, and receive the honors of King of Rome. 8. A Prince of the blood, or a Grand Dignitary of the em-! pire, (lull refide at Rome, who fhall hold the emperor’s court. 9. The property which com pofes the endowments of the imperial crown Anil be regulat ed by a fpecial Senatus Conful- tuin. 10. After having been crown ed in the Church at Notre Dame, at Paris, the Emperors fhall, previous to the 10th year of their reign, be crowned in the church of St. Peter. 11 The city of Rome fhall enjoy particular privileges and immunities, which fhall be de termined by the Emperor Napo leon. Title II.—Of ths indepence of the Imperial Throne of all authority on Earth. 12. Every foreign fovereign is incompatible with the exer- cife of any fpiritual authority within the territory of the em pire. 13. The Popes Anil at their elevation take an oath never to aid contrary to the four propofi- tions of the Gallican church, a- dopted in an affcinbly of the clergy in 1682. 14 The four propofitions of the Catholic church are declar ed common to all the Catholic churches of the Empire. Title III. Of the temporal ex igence of the Pope. 15. Palaces fhall be prepared for the Pope in the different parts of the Empire in which he may wifh to refide. He fhall neceflarily have one at Paris & another at Rome. 16. Two millions in rural property, free of all impbfition, and lying ia different parts of the empire, fhall be afligflod to the Pope. 17. The cxpences of the Ta rred College and of the Propa ganda, fhall be declared impe rial. 18. The prefent Organic Se natus Confilltum (hall be tranf- nitted by a meffage to his ma- jufty the Emperor and King. (Signed) CAMBACERES, Print* Arch Chancellor of the Empire. FRANCIS JANCOLTR 1\ Carnet. Ss- cretaries. (Seen and sealed) Count LAPLACE, Chancellor of the Senate. March 1. The Emperoi left the Thul- leries yefterday at half pafi 12 to hunt. His majefiy rerurned at 3, and held a council of his minifters. It is faid that the Emperor & great part of his court will go to Campicgne about the 25 of March. (laflft, left Cadiz On tfie 2d of March at which time the army for its »! fence confided of 4503 Engl.lh 1500 Portuguefe, and 2700 Spam ards, who had a plentiful fupply < provifions for fix months. Ther.. were alfo in the harbour and road 7 Spanifii (hips of the line, 1 Por tuguefe, and a number of Englilh men of war. The Britifli merchants., who had embarked their property on board the veflels in the harbour, on the appearance of the French army, had relanded it, from a fup- pofition that they were in perfect fecurity. The Englifii had diflodged the French from one of the fortificati ons which they had thrown up oe- fore the city. Jofeph Bonaparte was with the army. lie had fent a flag of truce to fummon the garrifon to furrender, but they treated his fummons with contempt. April 21.—By the brig Panther, enpt. Story, arrived at this port, in 35 days from Lifbon. The Britilh and Portuguefe ar mies were in high fpirits : no gene ral battle had ‘recently taken place. The French army had not entered ,, apt. Rutter bretfghf Aortic f.x cans that were dij'charged at .’In-:. wiwuMBauwwitogv'i Gen. I.aurifton, aid de camp Portugal, bat were on the frontiers, to his imperial majefiy, fet out \ Latcjlfrom Cadiz—By the brig it is faid, for Vienna ou *.hr 25th Young Soldier, ill 21 d,.ys paffage ult with his majefiy’s portrait. {vom Ca(Ii2 « wlllch P ort the left ««» Mr. Anatole de Montefquiou, ! tlle 22 of March—we learn that Ca- fet out yefterday morning for Vienna. Mr. Halle, phyfician in ordi nary to his imperial majefty, has, it is faid, received notice from the grand Mai fhal of the palace, that he is to fet out to day in one of his imperial car riages to proceed to Brannau, to make part of the proceflion which is to attend her imperial and royal highnefs the arch- dnehefs of Auftria, Maria Lou- il'a, the future ipoul'e of the Em peror. Amongft the perfons alfo ap pointed to' form part of the a- bove proceflion, are, M. de B 'auffet, perfect of the palace ; M. de Seyfftl, mailer of the ce- lains, M. M. de Bearn, de Ba- rolle, d’Abuffon & d’Angoffe. the 22 of March- diz (till held out ; that the French army under Joleph Bonaparte, con fided of about 50,000 men; and that the Emperor Napoleon was fhortly expedit'd with a reinforce ment of 50,000 more. The force employed in its defence conlifted of 22,000 Spaniards, 7000 Britifli, & 5000 others were daily ex.pcfted from England. There is a confi- derable party in Cadiz in favor of the French, but it is almod certain death even to fpeak the French lan guage there. Being well previfloned it was expended Cadiz would hold out a long time agaiuft the befieg- ers. A gale Commenced at Cadiz on the 4th of March, and continued 5 days on the cad fide of the Bay, which is in pofleflion of the French, and the following American veffels were wrecked —s'hips Thomas Jef- witii abodt 10,000 pieces of nan keens and fome provifions; Com merce, Colburn, Hallowed, burnt The Subfcribers in li. or re GOODS for. Striped Homespun, Seven-Eighthi wide at Thirty - Seven and a Half Cents per yard. 'Thomas & Scurry. May 8, 1810. 6-tf FOR SALE, AN ELEGANT Billiard 'Table, &zc. Complete. Cadi or produce will be taken in payment—a fmall credit will be given it requefted, the pi t ch; ifer giving approved fecuritv. «S. Buffington- May 8, 1810. 6'—mtf. Adminiftrator’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD, Gn the 4-th of Augujl next, at the Plantation of Elijah Groom, de.. IVaJhi/ijrtoH county, the Perfonal Property Of faid deceafed. Terms will be made known on the day of fale. Wiley Groom, Ad’mr. May 8, 1810. 6-tds Now in Baldwin Jail, A NEGRO FELLOW, about Twenty years of age, fays his name is Abalard, and that Ire belongs to Jofeph Sill, of Bryant comity. The owner is requefted to take him away agreeable to lav/. John Mathews, Jailer May S, 1S10. (i_t f Thirty Dollars Reward. J^UN AWAY from the fubferu a Negro Man by the name of BOB upwards of fix feet high, thin vifage, black complexion, a fear on his face and the little toe oif of each foot, twenty-fix or feven years of agc.-~ I am inform' d^.z'f- r-p v»T-. k ’ j in Saurtdersville, Walking ton coun ty; I expeft that he has made for - _ _ imeitv, wuiwu..., --— , the lower part of the date as he al ike chevalier or honor, be- | wirlx a part of her outward cargo on ! ways exprofTed a defire to be a boat- ” . w-.- J i3 0art j. Apollo, Huggins, Pliiladel- natoi* Beauharrlois; the grand Equery, Prince Aldobrandini Borghefe ; and the bifliop of Mente, are alfo gone to Bran nau. The Prince of Neufchatel is, it is faid, charged with power from all the princes of the con federation of the Rhine, to ren der every where on their terri- tories the fuitable honors to the auguft proceflion. The produce of Engiifn rher- chandizeconfilcatedbctwcen the Scheldt and Maefe, is to be em ployed in repairing Flulhing. A letter from the duke of Dalmatia, dated from Seville, February 2, gives an official ac- count of the entrance of the French into that city. The duke of Belluno had previoufiy pro- mifed in an anfwer to the two flags of truce, the inhabitants fhould be protected, that thofe in arms fhould be allowed to feTve in the troops of king lo- feph, or retire, and live peacea- ably on delivering up their arms. The inhabitants then fubmitted, and the French entered the city, where they found 263 pieces of cannon, and a large quantity of arms, ammunition and provifi ons. . Bosrox, Ap'il 19* SPANISH SHfcEP. Yefterday were landed and paf- fed through this town, 44 genuine full blooded Merino Sheep, import- ted from Lifbon, in the Edward, by MeflTrs. Cornelius Coolidge, & Fran cis J. Oliver, merchants, of this town. They were in excellent order, and will make a valuable addition to a flock fo important to the manufac turing intereils of Maflachufett9. NewTcrE, April 18. Captain Burrows of the brig Ju» phia, burnt with all her outward ! cargo on board; Franklin, Qucenef- j bury, N. Y. burnt in ballalt; Aria- \ dine, Humphries, Portfmouth, got j off with but little damage; brigs Smilax, Johnfon, Philadelphia, burnt with all her outward cargo on board ; Commerce, Brown, Richmond, burnt, part of her outward cargo on board ; Sampfon, Mafon, Vermont, burnt, with part of her outward cargo on board ; Barque Pornpey, Sevurs, Salem, burnt in ballad ; with a large number of Englifii, Spanilh and Portuguefe veffels, to the num ber of 30 fail, amorigft which were a Spanifii (hip of 112 guns, 3 of 74, and one Portuguefe of 74. It Was fuppofed that not many lives were loft ; but this could not be afeer- tained, becaufe all communication with the eaft fide of the Bay was in terdicted. Admiral Purvis loll a boat’s crew in humane endeavors to aRift the Americans. Norfolk, April IS. Captain Rutter, of the feliooher Mary, arrived yefterday in 15 days from St. Bartholomews, informs Us that before he failed a packet had arrived from England at Antigua, bringing London papers to the 20th of February. That he read Anti gua papers containing London in telligence to that date.—There was nothing important, except that the London papers Hated there had been a firing along the Freucli coaft, in confequence of a Commercial Trca- having been figned between man, and perhaps he may undertake to pafs for a free man by thealfift- ance of fome white perfon. The a- bove reward will be given to arty perfon who will deliver the faid Ne gro to the fubfdribcr, in Morgan county, near the high ftionls of the Appalatchee, or by giving informj- fo that I get him again- Abner Banckjlcn. MayS, 1810. 6-2 w Georgia. Baldwin Inferior Court in Chtitnlcrs, May 2nd, 1810. Prefent, their Hcncrt A. M. Devcreux 4 Robert Rivers, Is? > justices, Elijah Owens, J PON the Petitirin of Daniel U' France and die United States. Captain R. further dates that the London papers fpoke pofitively of an amicable adjuitment of all mat ters between this country and G. Britain. After the arrival of this packet there was -a marked difference in the treatment to Americans—-all who claimed the chat after of Ame rican citizens were difeharged from the men of war, to the number as It was reported of ncaaly 600 at An t tigua, and the adjacent lllaV.ds; Sturges, dating that he is con fined in the common Jail of this county on a ca. fit. in favor of Arthur Cheethani, for the ufe of William Schley, praying the benefit of the infolvent aft, On motion of Mr. Rutherford, attorney (or the petitioner, It is or dered, That on the eleventh day of June next, the faid Daniel Sturges will be brought up before this court, and all the creditors being notified agreeably to law, and no fUggcftiou of fraud being made by any one ot them ; the faid Daniel Sturges will be allowed the priviledge of the find aft. ExtraFl from the Minutes, Fred. Freeman, Cl’k. May b. 6-It "holts ferry. ALL perfons travelling ou horfe back, may crofs at my FERRY lor half price. Thaddcus Holt. March 13, 1810. 50-tf BLANK Collectors Titles, For SAc at this UJjice.