Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, May 22, 1810, Image 2

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CONGRESS. IN SENATE, Tuefdny> May 1. Mr. Crawford, fiom ih^ joint co tnirmtee reported that they had waited on the PrefiJcnt cf the United States who informed them that he had no further communications to make to the twoHoufeof Congrefs. The Secretary of the Senate, (M . Oiis,)*having notified the Hi.uf cf Representatives tnat the Senate had finifhed the bu iinefs before them ami were rea dp to adjourn— ’1 he 1’ efident a journed the Senate without day. Ilousr. or Re?rf.‘f,\tatives. Saturday, April 28. # State of the U. Sates Army. Mr. N -wton from the com •Tnitne appointed to enquire into the caufes of the mortality which ■prevailed in the detachment of th'. army ordered for the defence of New Orleans, made a long report, accompanied with vari ous depofirions and nth t papers. The report, which fhail recceive an early infertion, is too long for this days paper. It concludes was us follows: “ The committee from a knowledge which they have ac quired of the climate of N.uv- Orleans and of the country fur rounding it, and from the fafts dated in the depofitions are of opinion that the mortality in the .•detachment ordered to New Or leans is to be aferibed to the -following caufes : l I he detachment confift- ingot new it vies “ 2 ly. t he infilubrity of the climate, the (ummerand autumn • ofth' year 1809 being unufu illy fukiy. “ 3 ly. To the nature of the ground on which the detachment teas encamped at Terree ,iux . Botuf, and the detention of it at .that place during the whole ot .the fuminer, contrary as the co/nmittee conceive to the in It uftions contained in the letter of the Secretary ol War bear .i.ig date the 80th of April 1809. “ 4'hly To the want cl found and whokfome provifions & of vegetables—the want c f an hof pitai and of hofpital Holes and medicines. i>thly. The exeeffive fatigues to which the troops were fub- jefted in clearing, ditching and draining the ground on which they were encamped. “ Gihly. To the want of re- pofe during the night, owing to the troops not biing provided with bars or nets to proud them from ihe annoyance of muiqui- tces “ Tt lily The want of clean- FmTs in the camp, the nature of the polition rendering ii a 1 molt 1 imp) id 'cabk’ to pivfervt it. ‘ 8ih>y. l’he li* k and well b< -ng confinei to the fame tents, which nebher proieded them foffi ii-i't-v Iron) die heat ol the Sue, nor k- pi them dry irom the , d-. ws and rains ” .'i he repoit and documents •were ordered to be printed. Tuefdny, May 1. GFNY.R AL WILKINSON. Tile unfinifheJ Lufimls of yeil rdv was called for. Mr. Butler wi fil 'd to nr’ ke a report, and was informed try the Speaker that In might lay it on t! e Ckuk’s table, bet as it was pa(t the hour ufually devoted to tec ive reports, that it could not, new be read. Mr. Duller & Mr. Randolph ihloicd on the readirg of it. I Confidcrablc conlufion enfn- commercial bill) and all other i'ntei vi ning bh finds on the table, for the pmpoie of rcauing the report. This motion produced a de- bate of two or three hours, in volving in foine degree tht quef- tion ol the powers of the Houle to make fuch an enquiry as that which had been inltitured into and locating military land war rants. For the relief of William and Elias R< ftor. Refolution, relating to the of ftcial correfpondence between the f cvet iry of date and Fran cis J. Jackfon, minider plenipo tentiary of his Britannic majedy To revive & continue in force the coniluft of Gen. Wilkinfon. * for a further time, the firll fefti The motion was eventually car ried, 48 to 82. The report was then read through. f I bis report which is unavoid ably exclu led (rom tins day’s paper, dates no faft as certain I and comes to no conclusion on i the many documents accompa | nying it ] j Mr. Gh dfon obferved that J the reading of th*■ documents accompanying the rcp"tt would on of the aft, entitled “ an aft further to proieft the commerce and feamen of the U States a- gaind the B.irbai y powers.” For the relief of Harry Cald well and Amafa Jackfon, Jere miah Reynolds & Devin Jones. Authoring the difeharge of William Hawkins from his im- prifonment. To preferibe the mode in which application (hall be made for the purchnfe of land at the feveral United States, as lcfpeft the public lands. For the relief of John Stout. Providing for the better ac- .-ommodatton of the General Poll Offi :e. Patent Oifice, and for oth r purpofes. ( . Providing for the fale of ccr- appears that Cadiz has not yet tain lands in th I uliana territo- | been formally attacked, although ry and tor other purpofes. ; h is in a It ate ol complete block- In addition to an aft, entitled adeon the kind fide, At Malaga “ an aft concerning the library the French rema’n in undilluib* to 17 and a frr.ftion, and the;., is a general hope in Rullia that the redriftion on the trade with Great Britain, fo far from being increafed, will be relaxed. Private letters have been re ceived from Spain, by which it for th ■ ufe of both houfes ol Congrefs. ’ To extend the time for mak ing payment for the public lands of the United States in certain cafes. Authorifing a loan of money, for a fu n not exceeding the a- cd.pndflion. __ I Letters from OjXirto to the 2d indant, mention the Er.glilh and Portuguefe armies Co he iu their former pofiiions, \vithout any expeftation of coming into early contaft with the enemy.- The report of Napoleon haw- mount of the principal of public ing infilled on America declar- debt, reimbutftable duiing the ing herlelf the friend of France y. ar one thoufand eight hundred i take till midnight at kail, and he 1 land offices ; and lor the relief h tlure w ml 1 b ■ o '.j ft i1 of Joab Garret. to lil'penl'e with the rea iing of tii I'm. No one objefting, the reading of the documents was difpenfe 1 and the whole was ordered to be printed. The refolution for appointing a joint committee to wait on the PrefiJentof the U lited States concurred in, and Miffrs. j Crawford and R aane appointed on the parr of this Houfe. A rntffige was receiv *d from the Senate that they were about to a ’j lurnantl a fimilar nuflage was lent to the Senate. Mr. Crawford from the joint committee reported that they had w lited on ihe * Pr fid nt cl the United S’ates, who ha I in formed (hem that he had no fur ther eo umunications to m ke Ami no 'c h ving been re- ceived < f tlu-P fi enr’s having fig.ied s»|. th ill ;- I'h Sp k rat q larter pad 12 ' j aimed th-’ H -ufe to the firlt Monday in December next. 7o the Houfe of Reprefentatives oj tht United States. I tranfmit to the Houfe a re port of the Secretary of State complying with their relolulion of the 8<)th of April JAMES MADISON. May 1, 1810. In purfuance of the refolution of the Houle of Reprefentatives of yelterday the Secretary of date has the honor of tranfmit- ting to the Prefidcnt of the U. States, the accompanying papers marked A B C D E *<'. No information has been re ceived, that any communication Ins been made to our miniders at Lonnon on the part of the Bntifh goternment “ in rnfwer j to any note prefented by him in 1 puvfuance ol inltruftions eivtu ! on the 23d November 1809.” No anlwers have bun given to the “ propi fitior s or ov< r tutvs, made on the part of the I 1 S' ns to the government of G. Brit, in am: France, refpeft ing ariy ol th orders & ♦ •rn-t-8 all. cling muiral comm' ro,” vhn h have not been hereto tore or which are not herewith com- nuK'icated. All which is ref- peftlul'y fubmitted. R SMITH. Department of State, May 1, lb 10. LIST OF 1 AWS. Raffed nt the ft< and fijji n of the Ele venth Cotigiefj cf the U. States. AN ACT To atithorife the tranfportation of certain documents free of podage. Suplemental to an aft, entitled “ an aft extending the right of fn.Trage in (he Indian territory, f I, v-hcr a nintkn was made to ( and 'or riliei purpofes. }’ '.Ikj u; Ii;..Hied t t-lii'vfi (the . Extcnmng the time for ifluir" Te revive an aft, entitled “ an aft for the relief of the refugees Irom the Britifh provinces of Canada and N. va Scotia, & for cih> r purpofes ” Making appropriation for the fupp >rt of government during the year one thoufand eight hun dred and ten For tht appointment of an ad ditional jiidite and extending the right ol fuffrage to the citiz-ns of Madifon county, i:i the Mil- fiffippi territory. Making appropriations for the fupport of th. military eliablifh m-nt of the United States, for the year one thoufand eight hun dred anti ten To extend the time f>r locat ing Virginia military lanil war rants, and for turning the fur veys thereon to the fecretary of th department of war Providing for the third enfus or enumeration of the inhabi tants of tfie United States. To prevent the ilTuing of fea letters, except to c< rtain v< fi Is. To make public voae in W fh- ington county in the didrift of Columbia. For the relief of Tridram: Huffey, l o alter and amend and aft, j entitled “an aft providing for the third cenfus or enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States,” p fled the 2Gth cay ol March. 1810. Auihoiifing the difeharge of John 'Kerr from h’>s iu.prilon ment , For the relief cf William . Baynham. To amend an aft, entitled “an aft lor the edabliflinient of a turnpike company, in the coun ty of Alexandria, in the didrift of Columbia,” To allow the benefit of draw- ba< k on merchandize tranfuort- ed by land conveyance Irom Ntwport to Bofion, and from Bolton ro Newport, in like man Her as il the lame were tranf ported coadwife. For the rt lief of MofesYoung. To edabbfli pod roads R< gulating the pod-office ef tablifiiment Concerning invalid per Tinners. To extend certain privileges theiein mentioned to Joftph Jo fliua Dvder. In addition to the aft, to re gulate the Inying out and mak ing a road from Cumberland, in the date of Maryland, to the date of Ohio. To incorporate a company for making certain turnpike roads in the didrift of Columbia. Making an appropriation for the purpofe of trying the prafti cal ufe of the torpedo or iut> marine explofion. For altering the time of hold ing the diftrift court in Ohio Providing for the printing & diflributing of fuch laws ot the and ten. Makingappropriationsfor car rying into effift certain Indian treaties 1 or ot England, is again revivijtf. j The neutrality of America wo have long believed to be much . longer, impoffible. March 22.—Some more fets f ixing the compenfition of , 0 f P iris papers have reached us, public miniders and of confuls redding on the coad of Barbary, and for other purpofes. F >r the relief of ' v illiam W. Weymouth & Jofnph P Wttks. To ereft a light houfe at the entrance ol Seituatr harbor, a done column on a fpit of fancl at the entrance into Bodon har bour, kc. , Allowing compenfation to Ro- beit Robinfon. Further to alter and amend an “ aft providing • for the third cenfus or enumeration of the in habitants of tht United States.” A refolution lor an amend ment to the conditutiSn of the U States refpefting titles of no bility Concerning commercial in- tercouife b« tween the U lited Stati-s and G -Britain and France and their dependencies, and for other purp. f s. For the relief of P. C. L’En- fant. For the relief of Arthur St. Clair. Making fu (her appropriati j or.s to con.pit te the public build- | ■ ings in the city ol WLfhingon,. j & ' ; - j Confirming the decilions in favor ot the claimants to land in 1 the diftrift cl K fk fki.ts. FOREIGN. • • • 45’ £•> <*; • • • I.ondvn. March !'9. We h ive received Paris pa pers to the 13th, and Dutch to the 17 hind. Jerome Bonaparte has pubbflied a proclamation, announcing the incorporation of i he Electorate of Hanover with the kingdom of Wiftphalia, and it is expefted that feveral of the provinces ceded by the Fmpt rov Francis will be reftored to Auf- tria on the marriageof his daugh- ttr to Napoleon.— Ihe Dutth papers, which announce thefe territorial changes, alfo antici pate others of great importance, as like ly to refult from this un ion ; and indeed it will not fur pule us to fee Auftria protruded into Turkey and new plans pre pared on that fide againft our pcfl* ftions in India, within a very lhort time. March 20.—The attention of the public on the continent is fo entirely abfc.rbed by the conn m- p'ation of the approaching mar riage between Napoleon and the Auftrian princefs, that every o- thcr political confideration is fuf- pended. The rumor of war between France & Rnfli i has wholly fub- fided. Lettershavebeenreceived from Petr rfhurgh, dated the 8d inft. Of war there is not the flighteft apprehenfion in that ca- • hi 1. Trade is fomewhat revi ved, the Exchange has advanced but not of a move recent date than tliofe which had already fupplied us with extrafts. If re liance can be placed on an arti cle from Tudtey, Sir Samuel Hood’s Iquadron ha I palled the Dardanelles. The Porte mud have been threatened with feme formidable operations on the part of the Ruffians in the Black Sea, to permit ihe p .11 igo of our (hips. The l yrcltfe inluigents have been driven from the re fuge they had tak n in Vienna, and feveral of them ai reded, by orders of the Auftrian govern ment. Thefe papers continue to be occupied at great length with accounts of the fplendid preparations for the nuptials of Napoleon, which, it is now un- derltood, will be celebrated at Paris on the 29 b inlt. Berthier arrived at Yunna on the 4th, & was to leave it again on the 15th, with the new Emprefs. The on ly notice taken of the affairs cf the Peninfula is the removal of king Jolc ph’shead-quartert rrem Xeies to Port St. Mary. Letters Irom Holland report that 'Bonaparte has agreed to give the Archduke C barks a kingdom, and the Dul< h are a- fraid that the Auftrui P:irce is to be the fucctfloT ol King Louis. If this fliould prove true, it would be not a little lingular to fie ihe General whole airny won the bailie of Afpern, employed in enforcing French decrees againft England. r l he report is evident ly groundlefi. Other letters of the lfcth Hate, tliai the immedi ate return of king Louis was ge nerally txpi fted ; the funds had riftn in confi qucnce, Notwi h- ftanciing all the coaft was cc<u-\ pied by Fnnch troops, viffels were pumitted to pafs fitcly from one port to another. ft he John Adams, American frigate, is to nmain at Cowes till to morrow, to tranfmit to tho American government the ulti matum of the pending negocia- lion between tile .Marquis Wei- i hfleyandMr. Fir.knty. It is fuppofed that the late hoftile conduft of France and her de pendencies towards American, fiiipping and merchandize, has removed fome of the obi'.ruc tions to an arrangement between \ the United States and i nis coun try. It has been conjeftured that this minider, on thji arrival of the A.inerican frigate on the coaft of France, v a s’’to embark and proceed in ’ ll0 i- 10 t b. c United States. It is true that the frigate will touch, at fome convenient French port to receive the dit- patches of the General; it is not improbable that tlicy will contain an application for his re. call, but he will not return until he receives ordeis for that pur- pofc from his government.