Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, May 29, 1810, Image 4

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Sheriffs S?.ic, I I. L II E S 0 Sheriff's Sale. Te ILL BE SOLD, W 0/, the firjl Tne [day in June next, Oil the fifji l Ufjilo/ill June nllbe 4h.rh‘t Houfe in the Town of Milledgeville, BETWEGS THE USUAL I10URK, 77* Following Property, Two Negroes, Phillis and Tom •, one walnut cubWord, one mahogotiy tea-table, two pine tables and one pine 11 ib, one pine defle. feven wind- n, in the f it'ii of Ciir.tcii, BETWEEN THE USUAL IlOVUS, One Lot of Land ; IsP 13d, in the 12th diftrift of Baldwin now Jones county poflclOnn of Abner lob niton, with a new double geer’d Grill Mill, on Big Failin'! Creek ; taken as the tisfy two executions in favor of John Wifdom Property pointed out by the defendant. •••A L s o*“ One lot cf Land N° 1C9, in the 12th diftrift of Baldwin now Jones county, taken as the pn .perryof John Winflrtt to fatisf) fnndry executions in favor of Thomas Pearce, vs John and Samuel Wii.fiett. Pointed out by Samuel Wintlet, and returned by a conflable. Conditions Cafh. S. Lei [in Sh’fF. M,,y 1, 1810. ° 5-tds. for chairs, one feather bed and fur- property of Abner Johnllon to fa- 'ni.tire, and two bedheads, tl’.rcc fplit bottomed chairs, two waiters, a quantity of queen’s ware and glafs ware, one fit of ca(lots : a quantity of feed cotton and corn, otic trowel Jtoe, three augers, one broad axe and oiv' club axe, one rrofs cut and one pit faw, two (tone jars one of them containing fit jar, three weeding hoes, one garden hoc and rat;.?, one p ter quartmeafure, one jack ferew two hives of bees, cne cutting box and knife complete, three (pinning wheels, one trunk, one waffle ire::, three pots and one tea kettle two, du'ch ovens, two pot racks, one fry ing pan, one half bufhel meafure, two water pails, one churn, and a quantity of hogs, confiding of four fows and their pigs, and eighteen (boats ; levied on as the property of l'Ailid Fluker, to fatisfy feveral cx ecations in favor of Bird and Wil- h tfon, John Mims, Elitha Harris, Thomas ffafwell and others, againll the faid David Fluker, individually, and as executor of James Hirv.v cl c. and Jului S. Tinker. •••A L Sheriff's Safe. IV IL L BE S 0 L D, | Du tie firjl Ti.rfd.iy in dugujl next, at I the Market Houfe in the Town cf Mill edge viile, between the ufual hours. Two Negro Men, Sam and Nathan; levied on as t ] 1(1 ' the property of Edmund and Sarah Lloyd, to fatisfy an execution in fa vor of Henry Pearfon, jtin. 2: Co. vs. faid Edmund and Sarah, on the forcclofure of a mortgage -on faid negroes. C. Murphy, d. s. May 22, 1810. . 8-tds Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD, on the fir ft Titeseitv in July next, at the Market Houfe in the Town of b " P«Wi(he<l mfome public Ga Milledgeville, between the u lual heart, -A L S O- 202 1-2 Acres in the fifth dif- trift of VVtikinfon, now iValdwin county, lot N° 230 ; levied on as Porter and" David , lhc Pfopcrty of Benjamin Howard to fatisfy feveral executions in favor B i of A. M. D v vereux, Efq. Returned Putnam Superior Court March Term IS 10. Samuel Berrt 1 vs. > Libit for Divorce. Nancy Berry, y ■'HE She iff having returned the defendant out of the (late, on motion of C B. Strong. Attorney for the Plaintiff, It is ordered, That the faid Nancy appear at the next term of this-court, and anfwer the complaint of the plaintiff in the Li bel aforefaid , otherwife the court will proceed to judgment thereon : and alfo, that a copy of this Rule ett as the law direft Extraft front the Minutes, Win. i! Uliana, C>’k. May i, 1810. 5-u.t.c. One lot in Salem well improved, I containing one acre of ground, join- j jug George Sintpfon, Ilham Weft and Scabourn Jones’s land, and one forrel horfe; levied on as the pro- j party of Nathaniel D. Smith, at the n,fiance of Dennis Doyle. Judg ment founded on tire attachment.— Conditions Cafjj. Phillip Cock, Sh’lT. May 1, 1810 5-tds Sheriff’s Sale. W I L L B E S 0 L D, Qn the firjl "tnjday in June next, at MadiJ.n, t'organ county, JU'.TwEEN TUB USUAL HOURS, One Lot of Land ; N° 70, »:i the 5dt diftrift of Bald win now Morgan county, taken as the property of John H. Harvey & D jncis Hatvey to fatisfy fundry ex ecutions in favor of Silvanius \Val- k*T ; levied on r.r.d returned to me by a ccr,liable. Property pointed out by ib? defendant. a i. r. o One Ba v HORSE trken as tf'C property of II. I). Stone, to fatisfy Landry executions in favor of John C'. ig aiilgnce Property pointed cut j by the plaintiff’s attorney. A J. s 0 One Tmt of Land, N’ 214 in the j 20.It diftrift of Baldwin now Mor- j j.ati county, taken as the property ! jL I). Stone, to fatisfy fundry j e -,“Cutions in favor cf John Caig, | ygignee. Pointed out by Thumas j Garrett. Conditions calh. A. M'-Afec, p. .v. May 1, 1810 5-tds j to me by a conllable. — ALSO •• 202 1-2 Acres of Land, in (he firft diftrift of Baldwin, onToblers creek, adjoining A. Harris, with great improvements thereon ; levied on as the property of John E.iwfon, dec. to fatiofv an execurion in fa vor of A Pemberton and Maria Smith, adtninillrator and admini ftratrix of Thomas and William Smith, vs. faid Dawfon. Conditi ons cafn. C Murphy, n. s April 24, 1810. 1-tds. Will he Sold, Union Academy. T HE public hereby informed that on the lGth inlt. UNION ACADEMY will open at this place, under the dir -tlion oi Mr. Francis D. Cummins From the her.lthinefs of the fmn- tton, and the ability of the Reftor employed, we (latter ourlelves that this inftitution will meet with a pa tronage liberal and extenfive. . File Languages, Mathematics, Ge ography, Englifli Graninier, Belles I,otters, Reading, Writing and A- litlunetic will be taught. An op portunity is here offered to qualify the Student fertile Univerfity ; fuch an inllitution has been wanted, and we feel a pleafure in anticipating its utility. Boarding can be had as cheap as Cn the firft l ucfday in July next, in any narr of the fface in purfnance of an order ahfo- lute of the Honorable Inferior Court of Hancock, in the town cf Sparta, By o^der of the Pi efnient, S. IV. Harris, Sec’ry. Eatonton, April 2i, 1810. 4—3m NOTICE. A PPREHENDED and lodged tv* r. r \ j t A rrKEHENuLL) and lodged .Fifty acres of Land, j n Clinton Jail onthe I Gh being part of Lot N° 132, in the inlt a Negro Fellow .named Shad- 10th diftrift of Baldwin, now rack ; f?.ys he belongs to a Mr Mon Jones countv, for the b'nifi.t of K rols * Scriven county. He f.qs lie has been in the woods fmce Augull Lift ; he is of a yellow complexion, about five feet eight incite-- high — The ownir can have him by apply ing to the lubfcriber in Clinton and paying charges. Thomas Stubbs Clinton, May 20, 1810. 8—iw the heirs of Jacob Moon, dceea- fed. John M"iddleb oi-ks, April 10. Guardian. GEORGi A, Put in: in county "PERSONALLY came be- cam." fore me Benjamin Hill, a magiftrate for this county, Ro te rt Powers, and alter being duly fworn, depofith and iay- • , . ,l- j , u r t bv Henry Pelt and Daniel Wadf- g:ven to this deponent by John w ' orlhf J obadiah Fchols as they Caution. T^HIS is to forwarn all perfons j|_ not to trade for Four Bonds, erh' that a certain Note of Hand : [ or Ninety-Seven Dollars each, given 0;. Sheriff’s bale. WILL BE SOLD, firjl Tusfday in J, Twiggs Court hou/e ufual heu next, rJ between the One Lot of Land ; K° 2 I-, in tli? 2 ">th did via. taken as the property of Hugh Lee, to f.itis- fv ,ri execution in favor of William and Felix Gilbert. •• A L S O’” I ot N° 223, in the 2."ih diilricl o r t id county, taken as the nroper ty ol Henry h.a.hewn, to iatiofy the date’s and other executions againlt faid Mathews. Conditions Cafli. Hobfon for Sixty hollars, given in the year 1 308, and became due on the 25in day of Dec. 1809, atldted l.-y Cyrus White and Moles D. A'ffhite. and that the faid note is loll or n ifl.iid. Robert Power. Sworn to before me this 9iii day of April, 1810. B. Hill, y r. were fraudulently obtained Henry Pelt M-.y 22. 8-3w. NO r I c E. NOTICE. DO hereby forwarn all perfrns from trading for Four Notes cf Hand, given by tnyfelf to Rt Hill for : Thirty-Seven Dollars and Fifty Cents each, as 1 am determined not to pay them. James Mclnvaih. May 22. 8-3w P. Nur.ii, Sh IT. April 2 k 1810. 4-tds ct Cash ■will he given fo* - R) bufhells of C ORN and J .500 or 2 oootb cf FODDER delivered in Milledgeville at a realorahle price. Enquire at th»» Ulli.e. A LL perfons having any demands again (f the eflate * cf Richard Grice, of Wafhirgtcn co. dec. are requeued to render in their accounts properly at tefted, to Major David Black- fncar,and thofe indebted to faid eflate to make immediate pay. merit. JOHN II. BRYAN. 71 larch 1B. A dm r. B L A N K Collectors Titles, Lor Suk at this Office, NOTICE. INK months after date, application will be made To the honorable the Inferior Court of Randolphcounty,for leave to fell one Trad of Land, lying in the county of Giecne, joining Pinkard, Ligon and Dil lard on the waters of Bever- datn Creek, containing Ninety Seven Acres, the fame being the real dtate of John Coch ran dec. Sufannah Cothran, Adm’tris. Die Icy Cschran, Adtu’r. April 17, 1810. FOR SALE. \)A HOUSE .inu * la ^ acre ^ ^ ltu ii-rpisal ! ated on Wayue ZztM Street near the Market, at prefent occupied by Dr Wilfon—All ) a Houfe anu h. If acre lot, joining the above — For terms apply to M.fTrs. Hill \S Ponce ot A.ugu!la, or to A. M Dcvereux. Milledgeville, 15th March, 1810. Georgia. The SubTcribcio WILT. Gll'L (J O () D 3 r - Striped Homespun, Seven-Eighths wide nt Tiiirf Seven and a Half Cents per yard. Thomas Sain x. May 8, 1810. G-tV Ti O M E S 1* U N. T HE fubferibers will pur chafe TWO THOUSAND yarfu HOMESPUN, Seven-Eighths of yard wide, and llriped hi the warp for which goods at a fair price wij Baldwin Inferior Court in Chambers, he given in exchange. May 2nd, 1810. Prefint, their Hcners A M. Diner tux ? Deverctix SiP Thweatl, May 15. 7-tf Swords C? jEpaulets. Robert Rivers, w b justices, j' Elijah Owens, ) U PON the Petition of Daniel I Thc fubfcribcr8 Q yc for fa!<? a Sturges.ftat.ngthat heu con- hni)cl .p on , e a( r ortmcnt of Epaul4a imed in tnc common Jail of this nad a few o,n« w Swords. P routriyonaca fa in favor of Arthur Cheetham, for the ufe of William Schley, praying the benefit of the infolvent aft, On motion of Mr. Rutherford, Dever eaux cf Tbweait May 16. 1809 7-tf fub- Bces Wax—The attorney (or the petitioner, It ,s or- fcr ; bcrs w , fh fo purcha f„ 20001b tiered, 1 hat on tiie eleventh day ot i , r , . . June next, thc faid'Daniel Sturges of WAX ’ for wmch will be brought up before this court, and all the creditors being notified agreeably to law, and no fuggeltion of fraud being made by any one of them ; the faid Daniel Sturges will be allowed the pitviledgeof the faid aft. F.xtroc] from the Minutes, Fred. Fiecman, Cl’k. May S. G-it twenty cents a pound ccjh will be given. D ever cut df TInvent’. ' February 12. 4G-tf. FOR SALE, Two Cotton Gins, One 59 and the other 30 Combs —they both execute well, aiul will be (old lower (pet haps) thtui Lands for Sale, | can be obtained el few here. A I.OT N° 202, 1.5th diftrift 0 f; ma ) be given ii the terms Baldwin county, and lot N° 08, 8th i i u -** diftrift, of faid county—The cafli Siililfcrd prices are Fight Ilunctred Dollars i *., —, _ . for N° 202, and Five Hundred Del- M^gevtlle, May 11. larr for N° 98— Something more if p. K f nr M pn . r(V , Ti nv any indulgence is given Applica- 101 ixe .g 10 - 1:>u > • tion to be made to me, near Savan- n rx /-. eff Lc. nab, by mail (poft paid.) Benjamin Baynes. -April 10, 1810. 4-eowtf -A otice.—All perfons are fore warned purchafing four notes of hand given by me to Henry Graybill, jun. dated in 1807, or any judgment on either of them, as I have pundually paid the fame. David Sheppard. April 11, 1810. Notice,— 1 do hereby forewarn all perfons from trading for a note of hand givi n by me to John Powers, bearing dale the 7th ot November, 1S09, fora Negro boy named Friday as he has proved infirm, which note l do not intend to pay. Claibcrn Fqftcr. For sale or rent, The HOUSE and LOT, in the lower end of tne town of Milledgeville formerly occupi ed by Allen Greene. Terms may be known by applying to Judkins Hunt. Cl.,fit will be given for a likely countrv born Ncgroe Boy ot a- bout 12 or 15 years old —in quire at the Argus Office. “holts .ferry. fr ALL perfons travelling on horfe back, may crofs at my FERRY for half price. ‘Fhaddeus Holt. March 13, 1810. 50-tf 71 lillcdgeville, May 2 f. 18'0. ■ji r AM defirous to employ a Young X Minas an Afiiiiant in my Shop; one who propofes to make him file acquainted with thc elementary bran ches of Medicine would be prefered. He will have accefs to one of tlies belt Medical Libraries in Georgia, and the advantages cf an extenfive (hop, where the art of Pharmacey, can be belt learned, without a know ledge of which, no man can excel as a Phyfician. Daniel Wilfon. N 0 FI C E. INE months from thc date hereof application will be\ made to the honorable Inferior Court of Laurens county, for leave to fell a Trr.ft of Land, containing 1 wo Hundred Acres | more or lifs, on the waters of |Bever Dam Creek, in Burke county, adjoining lands of Phil— Adminiftrator’s Sale WILL BE SOLD, °”pf X,b :f nd*' the i H P Sa Ib Laboa Tompfon'and Plantation cf Elijah Groom, dec. Wafnington county, the Perfonal Property William Tinney ; being part oD the real elbtc cf William An drews, dec. Sold for the be- Of faid deceafed. Terms will be . i iC fit of the heirs and creditor made known on the day of fale. Wiley Groom, Ad’mr. 1May 8, 1810. C-tck. Adminiltrator’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD, On Monday thc 4-th day cf June next, at the houfe cf Irwin Calhoon, dtc. of faid dec. Ann Andrews, Adm’tri:;. John Tovibcr/in, Adtn’r. April 17, 1810. ^ INK months after date, application will bo mad-..? A11 , r, - ... to Honorable the Inferior All tne rcrional Pro- Court of Baldwin county, for perty of faid diceafed ; confining cave to fell two hundred acres of one Horfe, the flock of Cattle and ol Land in Hancock oil Hogs, HoudioKl and Kirckm Tu,. ,h e twelve mllos Uca«r mture, &c. Terms of fale made dV.Jninfr T ‘ t it* I C|U.mng Lewis lyus and others, —lor the benefit of the Hcir&s Creditors of William Turaerj non-com n us mentus. known on the day. Martha Calhoon, Adm’tti James Calhoon, Adm’r. April 24, iK I (». 4-tds bL’aNK DEl-DS, For Sale at this Office. John Maiib.i. Jothtui I r; ;• 9thAn. 3 3IC. Cat