Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, June 05, 1810, Image 3

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oehtI ■rr-.TvvtHBuareas'jrcfiKfcei ARGUS. “ WVtv 2’j? UTII unlicens'd reings, And dare accost e'en lings themselves ...Or rulers of the free." MILLEDGEVILLE :, -June 5, is 10. •••<•> *}■»••• JACKSON IS RECALLED By the Britifh government but they jo not admit he has a£led improper ly; on the contrary they applaud him for his “integrity, zeal and ability !” The letters which puffed between Mr. Pinkney and Lord Wellefley on the fubjeff, are fo lengthy that we are compelled to defer their publi cation till our next paper London accounts have been re- S eived up to the 8th of April, they ontain nothing very interefling to the American reader—Sir Francis Burditt lias been committed to the Tower for a publication in Cobetts’ Regiftcr.—Admiral Collingwood is dead—The nuptials of Nepoleon with the Arch Duchefs of Auftria have beeuconfummated. ELECTIONS. John Trad well, (a Fed.) has been chofen Governor by the Legiflature of Connecticut.—The Bolton Pa- triot fays—“ There is no longer any doubt of a Republican Houle” of Reprefentatives in Mafl’achufetts, confequently Tim Pickering may fay “ farewel a long farewcl to all my greatnefs ”—There will be in the Twelfth Congrefs, from the ftate of compl.nfaut view of her own pride and unconquerable credulity. We hear much of her friendly difpofition to America—but after what lhe has done, fomething more than words are neceffary to convince us of her fincerity. Wealkuothing more of her than that lhe do juftice to her own chara&er. Whenever file ceafes to make her power (or as her humble advocates here will have it, her neceffltiesf) the mcafure of her rights, and to annoy us in the exer- cife of ours, then and not ’till then we fliall own ourfclves her real friends Boflon Patriot. In his letter he boafts of his tran- ’ palace fo richly flored, the World quility of mind, but betrays the fe- with all its vanities and tempta- \ cret, that like the bedlamite, his cafe confifts in raving. He makes a merit of what he calls his contempt of de mocratic calumny •, but feems not to have learnt that genuine contempt is never lenuacious, much lefs, an gry. He complains of the unrea fonablenefs of this calumny with as ttons. The figure with bow bent is Death : and the carbuncle is Human life. He fuft'ers for his avarice in coveting and feizing what was not his own ; and no fooner has he taken the golden knife and cup, that is enrich him- PROPOS if Uy A. Day, 1 For puM’Jbing bp much apparent good feeling as tho j felf with the goods ol thio world, he had not been the moft daring and than hg ; 3 d ’.|j vere d up to the From the Bojlon Patriot. CONGRESS OF 1809—10. No feffion of Congrefs fuicc the adoption of the federal conftitution has, I believe, attracted more atten tion than the prefent. The peculiar fituation of our country in regard to our foreign relations, the commercial i mere ft of the nation en-.barrafled by thofe disjointed relations, the re- folves that had paffed on the fubjefts of our injuries and our rights, the difmiffal of the Britilh Minifter, and the confequences which many fup- pofed would refult from that mea- fure, all united to excite an anxiety in the public mind, and to turn it to Congrefs for relief from the painful ftate of fufpenfe in which it la boured. Something muft be done, was the po pular voice through the union ; and, as ufual in fuch critical cafes, every (late phyfician gave his prefeription for the cure of the nation, and in filled it muft go to ruin unlefs his direction was followed. Some were for war, but more thought this re medy wotfe than the difeafe—Some unpardonable calumniator that poli tical degeneracy has ever produced in this country He fays, he is not ambitious, while he labors to ftick himfclf up as the peg on which fe- deralifm is to hang.—If this ftrange man have any thing of the hypocrite in his compofition, his attempt at deception is of no ufe—his unruly rage and fwellitig vanity immediate- 1 ly burft the veil which fliould hide 1 the uncouth qualities of his mind, I and his want of diferetion excufes him from the imputation of hypo- crify. The republicans of New-England do not accufe this man of cheating in dollars and cents.— The higher charge which they bring againft him is, an attempt to the extent of his abili ties, under the function of his high of fice andfelf avowed integrity to aid G. Britain in her encroachments upon our national rights and to enlijl the preju dices and pnffons of our citizens againjl their government. ibid A BEAUTIFUL APOLOGUE. There was an image in the ci ty of Home which Stretched forth its right hand, on the middle fin ger of which was written, ft rile here. For a long time none Ncw-York, 12 repub. and 5 feds, j for prote£liiig our commerce, others i ,, , n , • r there was in the Eleventh Congrefs for leaving it to its fate-fomc for • COuld underftand the meaning of 9 repub. ar.d 8 feds, confequently a ! impofing new redactions, others for republican gain of 6 members. j removing the old. ==> | In this perplexed and perplexing England has as great an idea of ftate of things, Congrefs convened— her own importance and power, as a our impatience demanded much of tr.e eyed man hits of the magnitude of his our rulers—fome new courfe of po- uose, when the candle is on the blind litical meafures, of prominet fea- Jnle” | tures and an energetic nature, was ’There is fomething in power fo fanguinely anticipated by many who flattering to the pride of thofe who feemed to require that our reprefen- poffefs it, that they are naturally in- tatives fhould harmonize in their dined to over rate it. Will England fentiments when fo many claftiing be able to maintain a fuccefsfui war i opinions prevailed in the nation.— againft the united continent ? is a I Congrefs are on the point of rifing queftion to which the uncalculating confidence of an Englifhman will rea dily give an affirmative anfwer. Aft: him why his country continues this war, and he will tell you, it is becaufe lhe thrives by it. His ftout heart difdains the idea of a defenfive war, and defpifes our companion when we uffert that flie is ftruggling for her evidence. She does not, like her abfurd apoligilts in America, juftify herfelf upon the double ground of her weaknefs and her power. Her arguments are addreffs to the fear, not the fympathy of the world. Na val fuprcniucy and commercial mo- this mayfterious infeription At length a fubtle Clerk who came to fee this famous image, obfer- ved. as the fun ihown againft it, the fhadow of the inferipted fin ger on the ground at iome dis tance. lie immediately took a fpade, and began to dig exadtly j on that fpot. He came at length , to a flight of fteps which dcccn- \ ded far under ground, and, led him to a /lately palace. Here he entered a hall, where he Taw a king and queen fitting at a ta ble, with their nobles, & a mul- gloom and horrors of the grave. Married, on the 8th ult. IIowp.i.l C^Bb efq. a Reprefentative in Con grefs, from the ftate of Georgia, to Mifs Martha J. Rooms, daughter of Thomas ft. Rootes, efq. of Frede- rickfburg, Virginia. «w»ai»anBaiK mitssrmmsftfmaj ms DIED on Wednefday the 23d. ult. after a lingering nticfs, Mr. Cor nish Navuy,—he has left a world of cares to inherit a manfioil where i the wicked ceafe to trouble atid the weary are at reft. me die the death of the righteous and let my lall end be like his ! — cc? An Ele&ion will I be held at the houfe of Enoch Lunf- ford, in Milledgeville, on Saturday ! the 80th inft for a County Surveyor,, to fill the vacancy occafioncd by the | i removal of Jeffe Talbert, Efq. A. ill. Devsreux, I. 1 C. Z. Lamar, I. I. C. j B. Tar ver, 1.1. C. i June J. 10—1£ I j ! \y e are author-, ifed to announce Dr. yo/jn C. Cur rid as a can - 1 didate for County Sur veyor. Sheriff’s Sales. WILL BE SOLD, On the firft Tut [day in July next, at the Court-Houfe in Greene county, between the usual hours, Three Negro Men, viz. Abram, Forday and Joe, taken as the property of Charles Burke, fen. dec. to fatisfy an execution in favor of Willie Abercrombie, Indorfee of bfrripti A SKETCH or the DiFrr.KEN r denominat:?;: - INTO WHICH THE Chriflian Wcrld IS DIVIDED.- Accompanied <wi:h a prrf nfioe to RELIGIOUS MODERATION. To which is per fixed, aJhorl account • ATHEISM, DEI JUDAISM, & CHRISTIANITY Together with the DUTIES OF CHRISTIANS TO EACH OTHER ; AND AN ACCOUNT CT TIH2 SUCCESS OE RELIGION in Georgia, O’ the adjoining S.U’JtS. THIS work (compiled from fome of the belt Cliriltiau Writing-!) will doubrlefs be new to nioft religi ous focicties in this day, and confe quently claim their attention. It ia impartial throughout—.u.d whoever takes the trouble, and expends a tii- flte, will be amply remunerated— they will fay with us, it is admirably calculated to aid in bringing about a millennium with profeffois of reli gion. CONDI HONS. This work (hall he hand fome! y executed, on a middling fzc type, and a good quality of paper. Ic will contain from 160 to 200 page* —with paper binding. Price 75 cents, on delivery of this book. This work will be put to pref. e » foon as eight hundred copies are fub- lcribed for A lift of fubferibers names will be annexed. Thofe who feel difpofed to affifk in obtaining fubfciiptions, are in formed that they fli.iil receive 10 pi r cent for their trouble, provided tin y become refponfible for fuch fublcrip- tion. 1 he Subscribers, T> ETURN their thanks to their friends and cuftomcrs for the liberal fupport they have had m the- Faft or age Id Cammiffton Lit, IVhat have they dons?—alk hundreds. Nothing—anfwer thousands. Let us not be too h^fty In the expectation . , - , , , . . of fomethinrr extraordinary wg are ; tllude P eo ph’j all clothed in | and Ezekiel E. Paik, with fundry o- tal . e pj ea f ure [ n announcing to tli ir apt to overlook ordinary affairs.— rich garments—Bat no per Ion ther executions agamft fa.dAdmmi- friendf> that thcv have the fulleit The common bufmefs of the nation fpeake a Word. lie looked to- j ft»tors. Property pointed. out by c011 f ld ence in him, and doubt rot and would beg leave to recommend „ „ . . „ , to their friendihip, Mr. HENRY H. R. Ramos, agamft the Admiuiflra- MOUNGER, who has lived with, tors of fa.d Burke, Theophllus Burke thcm for fevcral ycar3( and ,j cf has met with its accuftomed atten tion. But it is faid Congrefs fliould have done fomething for the honor of the nation, that would have placed us on higher ground. They appear to have confidered that we were on fafe ground; tint moderation and perfeverance are bet ter remedies for our complaints than powder and balls ; that our high re nopoly are evidently the objefls for folves againft the injuries we have which (he contends. If fhe ftrove for fuffered, arc to tie confidered in the nothing more than her equal rights nature of protefts—not as pledges on the ocean, it is manifeit that lhe ! of that aflual refiftance which might might wnd would puilue a courfe hazard the peace of the nation, and that would dilTolve the confederacy | that it was better to do nothing, than now formed or forming againft her, | to do amifs. If in this courfe of po- arftl make her the patronefs of the | licy there is in one hand nothing to commercial world. her declare excite the enthufiafm of praife from Iierfclf the advocate of neutral rights, the friends of government, there is fuch as (he claimed for herfelf and 1 on the other nothing to provoke the conceded to others, before her cu- 1 virulence of oppofition. And fnould piditydifcardedjulticefromhercab-I we during the recefs of Congrefs, inet and her courts of admiralty.— j turn our attention from the affairs of Let her return to that fafe and lion- ftate to thofe of refaurces, improve- orable courfe of public law which ilie has fo lhainefully abandoned, and pvbpofe to treat with every indepen dent nation on terms of reciprocity, and pledge herfelf to refpedt their equal rights on the high feas. Let her do this and (lie would put the fincerity of Napoleon to the teft—It in earned, a general peace would en- iiie—If not, and he choofe to conti m/e the conteft, the tables would be effectually turned againft him, as he would be left without a pretext for hoftilities. Whatever might be the effedt of-fuch liberal policy in La ments, and privileges which com- pofe the growing wealth and honor of the nation, and contrail our fitu ation with that of other countries, perhaps we may conclude that we are botli on fafe and high ground— that tlie prefervation of our peace is the belt guarantee of our profperity and that our ftate phyficians have done wifely to leave us to air and ex- crcife in the ordinary avocations of life. ONE OF THE PEOPLE. COL. PICKERING, In anfwer to Mr. J'.mott, member of wards one corner, where he law a polifhed carbuncle which illu minated the whole room In the oppofite corner he perceived the figure o/ a man Handing ha ving a bended bow, with an ar row in his hand, preparing to ihaot. On his forehead was writ ten, “ I am, who am. Nothing can efcape my ftroke, not even yonder carbuncle, which /nines fo bright.’* The Clerk beheld all with amazement: and enter- Thcophilus Burke, one of the Ad- bllt he wiI1 do juft ice to thulc who miniftrators as well as one of tne ma y entruft their bufinef3 to hi* care. Si urges. Burroughs Id Butler» Savannah, May 24, 1C—if defendants. -ALSO- 230 Acres of Land in Greene county, be the fame move or lefs, with improvements, on the waters of Town creek, adjoining Grefliam, Watts and others ; being the land whereon David Roberts lives ; levi ed on as the property of James Tay lor, to fatisfy an execution againft faid Taylor and Henry D. Stone, in favor of the Executors of Thomas Finley, dec. Pointed out by Jofeph ing a chamber fawthe moft beau- Watfon one of faid Executors.— tilul ladies, working at the loom ( Conditions Cadi, in purple. But all was filence. j He then entered a liable full of ! the moft excellent horfes ! he | touched fome of them, and they were inftantly turned into (lone. John Anderfon, Sh’/f. May 28. JO—tds The (Jo-Partnerlhip HITHERTO fubfifting between the fubferibers, under the firm of He next furveyed all the apart- COLLIER, & Co. is this day dif- ments of the palace, which a- ; folved by mutual confent. All per- bounded with whatever his wi/h- es could defire.—He again \i(it- ed the hall, and now began to reflect how he fliould return ; Fa&orage & Commis sion Business. T HE Subfcribers will enter into the above line of bufinefs, iu the Store at prefent occupied hf Aleffrs. Sturges, Burroughs and But ler, oil the fiilt of July next, and fo- licits a (hare of the bufinefs of hi* friends and the public. Henry II. Mounger, Savannah, May 24. 10-tf foils indebted to faid firm, or to ei ther of the firms of RAYMOND & LOCKWOOD, or N. RAY MOND, & Co. will pay the fame „ f , uulu * tlu ‘ 11 ’ without delay to T. C. Collier, who •‘ but,’* lays he, my report of i# authorifed }r to receipt the fame; all there wonders will not be be- j and aU per f ons having unfettled Re lieved, unlefs I carry fomething count s with either of faid firms, will with me.*’ He therefore took apply to him for fettlement. from the principal table a gold en cup and a golden knife, and placed them in his bofom. The man who flood in the corner with his bow, immediately fliot at the carbuncle, which he fhat- Cotton Machinery For the enfuing Seafjn, T HE fubferibers will make war ranted SAW-GINS with lat<? and valuable improvements, at Three Dollars per Saw. Credit will be given nntil the 25th of December next, by giving notes under Thirty Dollars. Thcs. Zd T Reid. Putnam county, June 4. a*{ Thomas G. Collier. • Nathaniel Raymond. Milledgeville, June 1, IblO. Nathaniel Raymond, WILL CONTINUE THE . .. . , r ■ ai me Ldruunue, Wlltui uc iu«- I WILL CONTINUE THE rope, its (ucccfs, if adoptee, with re- Congrefs from N. York, has written , • l i, r . 1I r lrir l nWeq At 1 tj C 9 I TVf.,1* gard to America, cannot be doubted ] on „ letter, accompanied with . *" I Boot Cu bllOC Making fr.i- "F. 7. _’.C r...v. that moment the hall became as Bufinefs for a moment. vouchers from the treafurer’s office. r England hap done the utmoft fhe to p rove tliat he has accounted for dark as flight. In this daikncls, can do by her power and her gold on tbe mon ; es w ith which he apparent- not being able to find his way the continent. Every effort has in- jy flood charged-—Few we believe out he continued in thefubtera- creafed the union of her foes. No- ever doubted the Col’s, honefty in neous palace, & foon died a ini- ’ ‘dong but her juftice can effectually p t . CUI1 iary concerns—if any, we are d:(Halve this union and difarm her not Q f that number, ftishisinor- mighty adverfary.—Will (he try this ,]; na te prejudices, ungovernable paf- vxperim»nt ? It is believed the can- p l0ns and CO nfummate vanity, which die is tlill on the Hind fide, and that him dangerous in power and her power is magnified in tho felf- ridiculous without it. ferable death. In the moralization of this fa- And will keep a fupply cf the a- bove articles for fale, at Lie building adjoining Capt. Thomas ; hut hav ing fuffered fevere l jflcsby credit ing, muft in future, in every in- ftance, requiie prompt payment— Now in Baldwin Jail, A NEGROE FELLOW, a. . brut twenty years of age, lays his name is Abalaid,Jc that he belongs to Jofeph Sill, o( Bry ant county. The owner is re quelled to take him away agi cit able to law. John Mathews, Jailer, June 5, 1810. ble, the fteps by which the Clerk 1 j^e will purchafe good GOAT defeends into the earth, are lup- SKINS at Fifty Cents each, poled to be the PaJJims• 'lhe I Juune 1. 10-tf Feathers Wanted. Fifty cents per found will be given for any quantity of live GEESE FEATHERS, ifddiv- qrectwiihin four weeks, to Thomas C. Cclinr.’ Milledgeville, May ‘JO. ihf.