Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, July 25, 1810, Image 2

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-yen call it, in true fu far as relates tc thccommiflioners prcferinga memo- r'nl to the lad Leg'flitUre, anti ufing their influence to have eftaldifhed on a permanent !>afis, an Academy in the county of Putnam. But if our county impure this to us as a crime, we are willing to hear tire odium, and (land the ted of public ccnfure; hut it will he well for many to re member, that if we are to be con demned for this, Wm. I ) Lane, cfq will be equally guilty, for lie labor rd bard in tlie Senate at the feflion of 1808, to procure the eflabliflt- mer.tof an Academy in this county, ■and actually did fuccoed fo far as to obtain a refolution in the Senate to thjt r(Ie<9, wherein lie fays, were appointed men of the frfl ref. labi lity as commi(honors. We now re coiled the names of three of thefe lefpeclable gentlemen, Mefl'rs. Wm D Lane, Ilcnry Putnam, and Rich ard Refpefs, junior. Dion, you have the impudence to fay, ‘Eugenios volunteered his fervi- res for men, who acknowledge the difficulty of the talk of defending themfelves, and (brink from it. This very reply will convince the world ycu are a mifereant and a liar. Ycu fay that they knew tire cunning and caution ncccflary to defend their con- dud, which you fay, is in its very nature indefei Able, and did not in tend to employ the talents of F.uge- nius in its defence. Know Dion, Eugenius is unknown to us confe 1 quently we could not he apprifed of his intention to anfwer you. But fiincc we find his love of virtue, and hatred of vice, have conflraincd him ro enter into ttie defence of inno- , cence, and todeted guilt and error, ) we are compelled Dion once more to make y>u a fubjed of piTlic fliame, by returning our thanks to Eugenius for Iris difintcrcllcd condud in this i refped. | You fay again Dion to Eugenius, for your better information, know that thefe gentlemen did not intend to come finglv or colledively to the contdl with Dion Thou fliame- Icfs and hardened wretch, if thy bo- fom were warmed with one fpark of honor,honefty or virtue,how wouldft thou feel on tlris occafion, when thou mull know what an impartial public will think of thee, and how little they w ill appreciate thy charader ? Doubtlefs they will think with us, thou art not worthy the name of hu man creature, much lefs that of a p, and that were it not for the caufe of truth, the man and the pen who condefcended to write a- gainft you, would be degraded by the deed. We indeed Dicn would have gaf fed you and the .currilous ebullitions of your brain, in filent contempt as you deferred, but we all know the tlefign of this great project The elc£tion is approaching, and your im- pofing confequence muft be placed on a point confpicuous, left one ray of its fplcndor (hould defeend to the earth without afteding the op.ics of any one, but ibis was unneceflary, for we all know you are a Giant and expedit'd to place yourfelf at the head of a corrupt, diforganizing and demoralizing party, to low the feed of diflention, to fail the flame of a rancorous party fpirit, by which you would be placed in majefty on the floor of the Legiflature, when rai- ling the infignia of your own impor tance, & like the Goat of four horns, puflied to the norffi, to the fouth, to the end, and to the weft, tread the A flcmbly under your feet, fill the county with political ccnvulfiotis, & in your infm iated Ityle, bellow out TREASON—and dcllrcy by yt ur lies and machinations the peace and hap- pinefs of a quiet & contented people Again Dion, you have had the dar ing infolenCc to impeach the condud of ’he legiflature, and to put your abilities in competition with the col- L ifted wifdom of the State, and de clare they have pa (Ted an unconftitu- tional law. Let the world judge of this accufation, and determine who fliail be condemned, you or the le giflature. Again, yot laytio repub lican would ad on fuch a law. Yon might as well fay no republican does now. nor ever did, ad a member of the Board of Truflees of the Univer- fty of this flute •, the two laws of it corporation are almofl vetbatim. It will further be known that ma ny of the gentlemen who have aded, and now ading on thefe laws, are revolutionary characters, who fought and bled for the liberty and privi leges we now enjoy ; but on the o- ther hand we have feriou" douLf; whether this Dion if his youth did not prevent, did not ad a very dif ferent part in that affeding tragedy However, it is a fabfantial fad, if he were not from his young years, ma ny of his near relations were engaged in adual hoftilities agaitill this coun- 71.i'em Beet::: money received into office, ’ 95 00 Received cf Singleton lloit, Efq. Tax CcllcElor. " 203 00 Dollars 407 OS | Money paid away on dfferen* orde rs: j 1809. Decent. Paid Obadiah Edge, j ifoner to Wajh- 24- 00 ror require further r.fTurr.r.cescf his with to promote the interefts of his county, nor of his regard for the public weal. lie will be found at taclied to the conftitutidn and au thoricies of our government; a friend to libertv Zi independence, and pof- fefling talents fufikient to extend its | principles.—He will alfo be found juft in the formation of his fenti- and horn ft in their avowal- try, and the trite hut true proverb , for conveying a prij fays, as the old cock crows the young J ington, one learns ; and there are good rea- ! Paid Doles the amount arijing from 1 ments, fons to believe that every branch of ■ the Tale cf an ejlray bull, after dedaB- He has not the perfnnflve ta enls o - • • *• - J - J |0 61 1.4. ! an orator, but poll, (lbs that honefty 1 aw y Ke,awn's order, 30 00 ’ of principle, precifion Sc clear judg- Paid' Skelton Stand,fer, for keeping "lent which procures him efteem and " _ .. I /J . .-...J Ir —A .A. .. r. • vTsxlo llfrx Iff iilg cop, Paul this famil y have always been, Sc now are, the difciplesof roryifm. We call on you then, citizens of Putnam, as friends and freemen, and aprifoner, 56 25 admonifli you to beware of fuch fe-1 Paid D. Jctckfon the amount ar ing ditious fcribblers, for we are well from the fate of ten ejlray logs, after the principles 0 • - tmnrzt: ;.»nj j a 1 r proof of intcgiity. '1 hat tWife and declamation, without fenle ot mean ing, is not eloquence, end I wouul uige him, fliould he again attempt flump fpeechts. to avoid addrefikg die people as “ gentle men of the j nr. to (hew himfull .1 Lawyer, arc! h(Tui.- him that the “ merits of his cafe ” if not othenvife flared, will before the elcdion be laid before the public by a citizen cf BALDWIN, j A Small Selc£t School, r*~jipIIE fubferiber prepofesto teaclt 1 allured there are many of this kind that are under the immediate influ ence of Britifli and tory principles, and are difperfed through the vail domain for the purpofe cf fapping the fundamental principles of our happy government ; rind fuch, fel low-citizens, eve believe the man to he, who addrefles you under the fic ticious name of Dion. Is he then dej ferving of your notice or confidence, either in a public or private capacity? Know then, fellow-citizens, for your fatisfaflion, & not Dion’s, that a Court-IIoufe will he built, fuch a one too as few counties will he able to boaft of, alfo a Jail will be built, without fubjedling you to any addi. dcduBing cofls. 23 31 1- jPaid J Kcnnon, 24. ('0 Paid It Holloway, pO Paid William Keeling, for the vfe and f:,t>l>ort of James Harriet, an in valid, 30 00 Dollars 237 67 1-2 Extradl from the Minutes, June 1!) 1810 C. Pendleton, Ci'k. /mount of money arifng from the fale of Lots in the Town of Pat on- ton 10,227 75 Amount paid for » town trafl. 1200 66 Anwunt paid S Statidifer. in part tional taxation, as your pretended 1 fir layingcjf town lots, 30 00 friend Dion has reprefented. Let us 1 ’ ‘ again fellow citizens, conjure you to be on ycur g lard, that you be not fe- duccd from the eternal principles of j f r ( j :e y ear Iso A appropriated fa bu ilding the Court Ilcufe, 299 98 Amount paid for building Court - TIoufe, 3 232 00 Amount received cf the county Tax, in the Town of IMilledgeville, A SMALL SELECT SCHOOL; which will commence as foon as Six Schol ars are fitbferibed ...He will be limit ed to Twen'y Bchollars, who will be taught the Latin and Greek Languages, Retoric, Moral Pur-j i.osorHY, and the Mathematics..» Englifli Grammar and common A- rithmatic will not he taught, except to thofe who are ftudying the Lan guages. The fubferiber dees not propofe to teach the fi>(( Rudiments of onr language.—His terms are TEN DPEI.ARS a quarter. Crt RtS 'TOPTIER Ra ni:tn. July 2.5. 17-E right, by the falfe irffinuations of pro judiced, envious and ambitious ferib- blcrs. And, to thee Eugenius we give the words of encouragement. Fear not the gafeonnding language of this felf created Giant, Thou art armed with tilt panoply of virtue and truth, and with the fling of innocence and in tegrity, like David, renouned in ho ly writ, you will not only be able to flay not only this Goliali of a Dion, The reader will find that the whole of the appropriations, except one item, was made before the cftablifli- ment of the Accademy. part of which has fince been paid, and a part of which is vet due. By order of the Board cf Truf.ees N. B. Any perfon wiftiing to be further ( atified with regard to the particulars of the foregoing flate- but a thoufand other fuch uncir- | ments, is requited to call on Simon cumcifed and unconverted lories. Holt, and he may fee every item And now Dion, we-will take our j —enr leave of you, and turn you over to re ceive the laflies of a violated confci- ence ; confidence did we fay ? dead, fir. dead ! Hear you not the figlis For the Argus. Mr. Ryan, OBSERVING a publi cation in the lalt Georgia loumal, that float on every gale for the death! , under the fignature of «< Phori The Board of Trustees which the comparative merits of Mefl'rs Owens and TaHiaf rro, (the Statement cf the funds emu expendi- Baldwin Senatorial Candidates) are tures rfjPutnam county, in 1808, pretendedly brought into view, and and part cK 1809 : in which Major Owens is condemned as difqualified by holding the com- K mount cf if ray money received in- miffion of Judge of the Inferior Court to the office, in 1808 £3* 1809.7>y ! of the county, I am led to introduce Leuveiling Williams, IiJquire former I f°™e dbfervaions to the notice of tiie ■Jerk, 352 89 14. Money received into office for 'Liven1 licence. in the years 1808 and 1809, by L. Williams, Pfq. 480 68 3 4< Dollars 788 58 Money paid away on different orders, by L. Williams, efq. former clerk: 1808. June. Paid Robert Dukes, for building Pdlcry, 35 00 1 809 Jan. Paid Wm. Williams, efq■ for Jury Box, 5 00 Match- Paid Wm. Williams, for recording deed, 50 May. Paid Stckely Morgan in part for Court Hottfc, 78 50 Paid Skelton Standi fer a balance due him, for running and laying out the town lots, ° " 23 00 Paid Luke J. Morgan and Green, for re building the gable ends cf the court houfe, - 35 43 3-4 June Paid James Holt forfervices rendered the county. 5 00 influence, and is a man whofe life is in proof of the maxim, that “ A wit’s a feather, and a chief’s a “ rod, “ An honed man’s the noblefl: work I “ of God.” Such being the qualities poflef- i cd by Major Owens, is his county to be deprived of his fervices in the Le giflature, bccaufe he exercifes the duty of a Judge in the Inferior Court ? When men are fought for to fill the Judicial places in a coun ty, thofe believed to poflefs the bell judgment and information, are look ed upon to receive the appointment; and if a Judge of the Inferior Court is thus difqualified, why is not a Juf- tice of the Peace ? Are not lioneft Judges as well or better calculated to enadl wholefome and equitable laws, as any men among u- ; or are they more dangerous in power ? Is it to he feared that a mail who is confidered as the moll virtuous of our citizens, will barter the interefts cf Lis country; or bt caufe he n£ls as an Inferior Judge and I.egiflator, does he poflefs other powers of op- preffion than are in the hands of any other of its members? L the cem- penfation allowed our Inferior Court fo great, that while they are nrijuft- ingnnd fettling the difpures betw een man So man, the; are anraffing a for tune to themfeives; or rather is it not a fadt that thefe Judges, inltead of having all thefe great and danger ous powers, are placed in the moft difficult and unthankful appoint ments in our government ? 1 the power of making petty appointments a dangerous or defirable one ; or is it not the moft \inw ifhed for and dif- agreeable ? Ov has Pliocion the lead belief in thefe imaginary powers, which have been fo long harped up on, and which he has newly drefled, merely with the hope of injuring the fuccefs of a man he knows pofllfled of too much independence to be go verned by his principles ? But fellow citizens,who are thefe numerous fages of antiquity that have lately fprung up among us,and under the fpecious mafic of ove and patriotifm, endeavor to diredl the minds and actions of the people ? -Does thii Pliocion pofTefs the virtues, or ishc actuated by the principlesthat governed the man whofe name he hasftoler? No! this pretenden Pho- cion (I conceive) is no other than Pla- 1 JV fl 1 , ,J ul uu vio. wholaft year under the name of , kv fubferiber living ele£tors, and examine this “ over grown power,” the poftl ffion of which is fo alarming to Pliocion. The liberty of fpeech and of the profs, being among our mod valua ble and ineftiinable privileges, an ex- ercife of the right furely belongs to every individual. Of the private charadler, the political or moral (landing of any private citizen, nci- i Curtins made the moft unwarantable ther the community or the editor of 1 attack upon the charader of a can- Adfiunl ft r at or s Sale» TV I L L n E S O r. D, Agrc able to an order of the hot, In ferior court of Laurens county, on the firf Tue/day in September next, at the phut at ion of the late Travir Penn, dee. All the Pcrfonal Kflate Of faid dec. confiding of llouf- hold and Kitchen Furniture, Black- fmith’s Tool c . &c fold for the be nefit of the heirs and creditors — Terms made known on the day of fale. Man' hr::-?, Adm’frix- IVm Hawthorn, Adm’r, July 2 5. 17-tds^f Adminiftrator s Sale. WILL BE SOLD, Agree Me to an order of the hen, Inferior court of Ogle*hotpe, on the fhfl Tutf.' ty of Sept next, at Lexington, An undivided third of 600 Acres of Land; Lying on Brufliv creek, in Jack- foil county;and one Lot of 1 and, N° 19 f, in the 20th diltri£t of Wil- ■ kinfon ; being the real eftate of Ifai- ah Johnfton, dec. fold for the bene fit of the heirs and creditors of (aid dec. Twelve months credit will be given, the purchafer giving approv ed fecurity Patton Wife, Adm’r. .Tu’y 2.5. I 7-'ds a paper, have right to make public I enquiry ; but an examination of the I views, talents or principles of every I fjfcer of government, is not only a j light poflcfled by each, but its publi city is renderingfervice to the com- I m-untfy Bo alfo it is widi every man who is propofed as a candidate, or Iafpires to any place of important truft in the government —The pre didate, at the late hour of a Sabbath | night, when too late to give oppor tunity to the gentleman implicated to refute the a'tempt previous to the clcdlion, and then fiirunk behind the real name of a citizen unknown as a w riter ! Flavin too, is a candidate for popular favor, and. has e /-n the audacity to offer himfelf as guardian of the rights of the people of Geor- tpntions of a man thus propofed or ; gia, and folicits a deputation to the offering fer appointment, ought fure ly to be publiclv examined, and his i abilities and afleflion to the gover.n- Paid John ICtnot,, in part for build- ment to bear the (eft of a general in- ing bt idge, 40 ()() July Paid John Kcnnon, in part for do do. 1 10 00 Del Paid fas Berry, 60 42 Paid Matthew Gage, for timber for bridge, 20 00 Paid J. Lew's agreeable to J. Keti- non’s order, 26 65 Paid Peter’F. Flournoy, agreeable to J. Keren’s order, 26 65 Paid Triplet, for working on the court.houfe, 25!) 35 Clerk’s extra fervices, 72 50 Dollars 785 35 3-4* Extract from the Minutes, June 19. 1810. C. Penrleton, Cl’k. Statement of the Fund', and Expendi tures, of Putnam county, from Oct. 1809, until June Term, 1810; F.f.ray received info the cf- 109 98 veftigation I am not about to purfue the en quiry into the “ comparative claims” of the gentlemen. Of the qualifica tions or pretenfions of Major Talli- ferro, I have nothing to fav. If he pofllffcs peculiar qualities to entitle l”’m to the (lation to which he af- pires, his friends will mention them ; hut if lie is only that virtuous man and good citizen he is ftnted to be, I can only refpevT him as an indivi dual, and until I can learn of his po(Telling qualities to which I have never yet learnt he made claim, I (hall he unwilling to depute him with tli” power of ftatc Senator...My ob- jecl is more particularly to ponrtray in true andjult colours the claims.of Mr;Owens to the confidence and fupport of his'fellow citizens. Thofe who have witnefied the condu£l of Major Owens in the Le giflature of the State, will I truft need no otlvr proof of his ability, Lorgrejs of the Union. I' is roat.ain this hoped for power, which impels him to favor the ele£lion of Major Talliferro. It is to obtain the more native exertions of the Major, he thus comes forward inhis praife. Me knows he has nothing to hope from Maj. Owens; that his character and views, and his unbounded and vain ambition is too well known bv that gentleman, to give him the lead hopi of aid from that quarter He would render you thoughtlefs of qualities and virtues he knows he does not poflefs ; and bring into view the pre tended importance of oratoiial pow ers, while he has the confumni .te va nity to believe he poflifles them! But I truft he has much to amend, and much to learn before he is cloth ed with fuch important powers. He lias yet to learn that the mere af- feflation o( Repnbhcanifm does not conftitute the patriot; nor a profef- fed attachment f o two political par ties whofe principles are diamefri. cally oppofue, form any part of the charnfle* of a (latefman.— Fkivio muft alfo Rani tLat to. afl againft Ten Dollars Reward. TRAY ED or ftolen .from the Lincoln county, about 3 miles from Rays- ville, on Fri J ay the firft of this inft. A dark Ray Horfe, about five feet high, five years olcL' his mane hangs on the left fide, on his near hind leg a large knot occa- fioned by a hurt when a colt, he paces and trots tolerable well. Any perfon delivering faiil horfe to w: (ball receive the above reward with all reafonable expences, or to Ro bert Samuel in Milledgeville ; if Rolen One Hundred Dollars will be given (or the Horfe and I hief.^i Edward Samuel. June 98. 17-c GEORGI A, ‘Jones county W J II ERE AS Mary Pav*- W ing & Joel M‘Cicru:on of the county and State afore- faid, have applied to me for E.V- ters of Adrninift ration on the eftate of Peter Pa rting, late of the ftiid county dec. as neareil in kin. 1 hefe are therefore to rite & admonifh all and fmgular the kindred and rreditors of the faicl deccafed, to file their ohjeQions (it any they have) in office o : v or before the firft Monday in. September, cihcr'vrlfe letters- will be granted the m. Given under rnv hand It fc ^ tins 1,5th day of .Tuiy*1810,— and ot American Independetit► the S'tj;lu 1 Roger /if Cart 'r\ K