Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, August 01, 1810, Image 2

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mnrstmmMMnv ARGUS, “Here TRUTHunlicens'd r tings, yin,! ihre accost e'en Lings themselves ...Or rulers of the free}' MILLEDGKVILLE : WEDNESDAY) AUGUST 1, 1810. IN the Li ft number of the Georgia Journal, a writer over t lie fignature of Amphion has made an npoeal to the friends of Religion St Liberty in behalf of Major Clark The general Jlrain of his remarks are groveling and almofl beneath con tempt. His quibbling and prevari cation is worthy the defence of the “ blunderbufs of law,” whofc char n£ler he advocates. Nothing can more flrikingly difplay the petulcnce of Amphion and his want of grounds to impeach the corredlnefs cither of the opinions or charges advanced a- gainft Major Clark than the Ryle of his would difgrace the veryeft beldam in exiftence;.. Xantippe herfelf did not a Rail So crates with more filth and dirt — lie reprobates the ufe of infinuati ons and abufe, yet he deals profuie- ly in both, and without the lead ce- Temony endeavours to apply to the Editor of the Argus the terms “ bale -—hypocrite whole heart is as black as hell—viper from the head of Me- dufa, fit only for the regions of def- pair, horror and mifery.” I would all: this difeerner of the heart, is a perfon, becaufe a profeffor of reli gion, to ihrink from tlie duties of his flation, when tlie good of the coun try calls loudly for the expofure of improper conduct in men filling high Rations and afpiring to higher in the gift of the people? Is lie to cry peace, peace, when the enemy has almoft taken pefl'efiion of the out-po(ts ? Decide men of candor and refledlion. But a blind advocate for the Major may fay, every body fays peace, peace, but the Editor of the Argus, and he is always crying danger, dan ger— Let me all: when did the Edi tor of the Argus found the alarm and tlie Republicans of Georgia did not take warning •, and have they ever regretted tlie refult ? But in the pre fect infiance he is not theextra£ls from the Augufta Chro nicle, Georgia Exprefs, (primed at Athens) and Mirror of the Times, (printed at Augufia) in tlie firfi page cf this we* k’s paper, and then let the unprejudiced lay whether 1 dc- ferved the unqualified torrent of Bil- lingfgate abufe which Amphion has fo liberally poured upon me, merely becaufe I doubted the claims of Ma jor Clark to a feat in the legillature of the union, I fiiall take no further notice of Amphion and his firrago, but conclude by joining ifiue with him Amphion fays, when addref- fitig himfclf jointly to the Friend of Truth and Enquiry, Annlizer and the Editor of the Argus, if you pro duce “ fubfiantiated fafls relative to Ins (Maj Carles) public or private conduct we will be as ready to believe them os you.. If you are finceie in this declaration, “ you (Amphion) are now upon ground from which there is no retreating ” Ibefeechyou only have a lit tle patience and “ fuh- ibntiated fafls” will be produced which will make you hang your lyre upon the willow...and caufe the friends of the Major to repent that ever he was held up as a charatfler in every j oint qualified for a great and virtuous Foe tnf. Argus. N° II. ANALYTtCCS ANAUZED. IT will be tecolletfled in my (Ii(lN°l allured Analyticus, that Major Clark’s conclufl as a public of- fic> r, was at war with every quali fication that he was faid to pefiefs, which could recoil mend him to a ft at in congrefs, and I now call on the public, to take the bandage oil' their ever, and open them, that they may fee, at d their ears, that they niav hear, while I lay before them a plain fiatement of llubborn facts, which cannot be controverted. I with not to monopolize tlie whole of the Argns, I will only flare two or three fadls in contradiction of the Majors pofieffing any one of thofe gtoat qualifications fo recently dif- covercd by Analylicus and will be gin with his great legal talents in doing which I call tlie attention of the public to a Hump fpeecb, made a few days before the laft general c- ledtion, wherein he declared our prelent Governor to be a fubjedt of Great Britain, and if he was eledted governor, that king George the HI. had a right to demand him of the Rate to-morrow...this fadt can be proven by fifty men who were pre- fent—I afkyou to read the Federal conflitution, think of the man and reflefl. In the fecond place I call your attention to the Major, when ordered by the Rate to commence tuitions a gainft the Fraftion felling Cor.tmil- (ioners, and their fecuvities, and fay has not tbofe fuits been twice bre’t j by this /Joining luminary and as often | nonfuited, and is there not the third j adfton now pending againll thofe commifiioners all penned by this man ? I anfwer there is, and can fur ther inform you that I have been to the office to examine, and the origi nal writs and the copies do not a- gree ; for this truth I refer you to the records of Putnam Superior court. But you will afk, what ob ject can the Major have in this bufi- nefs ? I catinot tell ; but fince thofe writs were firfi ferved, the fectiri- ties have run away} and I now would recommend to the governor to call on tlie attorney-general to have thofe papers examined and put to rights} hut perhaps he had better be on bis guard, for fhould the Major he ( levi ed to congrefs, his reverence for the conflitution, might caufe tlie Gover nor to be tranfported to king George the HI. Bur I will flick to tlie point In the third place I call your at tention to the cafe of Rene Fitzpa trick, it appears that Mr. Fitzpatrick gave Major Clark a fee of Five Hundred Dollars to attend to his Land cafes, and in one cf thofe fuits Henry Rogers was interefled, and accordingly employed tlie Major and gave him a fee of One Hundred Dol lars to appear as his counfel! Now botli of lliefe men arc living in a few miles of MilledgeviJle, and ycflerday one of the parties informed me, that he was at this time filed for the fee which he gave Clark } but I am told that the Major fays, that he forgot that Fitzpatrick had employed him } this may he the cafe, but if a Fee of Five Hunched Dollars will not bright en the recolliSlion of the Major, as an Attorney, 1 confels I am at a lofs to know what will ! But as I expect affidavits on points of this kind, 1 fiiall proceed on and Fourthly, call your attention to the cafe of Col. Holt in which it will appear that Col. Holt had em ployed the Major generally to attend to his legal bufinels, as there u as no other attorney at that time living in Milleclgevillo. 'I he full fuit was or dered to be inflituted ngainfl Walter Roe, then living in Milledgeville, and here a fuit was commenced, but agait fl Alexander Roe, who then did and uniformly had lived in Sa vannah. But previous to this it appers that the Roe’s had purchafed fix trails of fwamp land of Holt, for which they were to pay all ca()i,but in this payment they failed, and licit difeovering one of the party to be j infolvent at the time the fit ft pay ment was to be made, Holt and the Roe’s entered into a new coinraft, aid called on Major Clark to draw the agreement, which lie did, arid then requelled to have faid con trail copied by Anthony l\ rter, tlie prelent ftcretary to the Governor} which was done, and then by tlie re- queft of the parties, and in prefence of l’orter, this agreement or contrail was delivered to Major Clatk for fafe keeping ; and feme time after this, the Roe’s commenced an ailion a- gainft Holt for titles to this Land or the value thereof, which demand Holt refufed to con ply with, know ing the contrail then in the hands of Clatk, hound tlie Roes to give him approved fccuvity for his money pre vious to his making titles, and there fore felt fafecn that head } but pre vious to the trial oi tilts fuit, on Sun day before the laft general eleilion, a fcurrilous hand bill was publifhed again ft tlie Col Ggncd Curtins, which was fuppofed to be written by the Major, and at 'the court in which this important fuit was tried. Holt wrote a polite note to Clark, in which he informed him, that his friends fuf- pefted him of writing tlie fcurrilous handbill figned Curtins, and if that was a faft, to deliver up his papers to Chriftophcr B. Strong, Efq. and ac cordingly tlie moll of Holt’s papers^ were delivered } but next day this im portant trial game on, when Holt’s attorney applied lo Clark for this laft contrail then in liis Clark’s anfwer is not recollefted, but tlie contract was not produced to the Court...what was the confequence ? Ilolt was call Ten Thoufatul Dol- Holt, and will certainly make goodj a well founded remark, i. e. the mail | who receives an injury may forgive, j but he that inflicts it, never will.— In my next 1 fhall Ihow the pub lic, that fo far from the Major’s re bars } and at the fame time it will verencing the conflitution, he has vi- appear that the plaintiffs are juftly dated aimed every part of it. - ■ — • ANAT.IZEI indebted to Holt between 'three and Four Thoufand Dollars! However from this judgment Holt has appealed to a fpecial jury, where a decifion is expected to be had in Sept. next.— For the truth of this fad, I refer the public to the records of Baldwin Su perior court. But among Col. Holt’s bufinefs there were two fuits com menced againlt Robert Jackfon, in tlie name of Samuel Rigsdell, and in this cafe, Major Clark in order to facilitate this bufinefs, makes out the writs, and puts them into the hands of the defendant for fafe con veyance to the clerk of Wilkinfon court } but notwithftanding the great exertions of this inftrument of per feftability, thofe writs did not reach the clerk in due time.—Holt then ordered them to be ferved in time for [[Here follow, a letter from Fer- ANAL1ZER. Paris, April 28. Theminifter of Police [Tou che] has announced to the em peror, that the commandant of: the Cattle of Valencay has giv-j en information of the introduc tion into that cattle of a Baron De Kolli, calling himfclf a mi- nifter of England to Prince Fer dinand, (the legitimate king of Spain, a prifoner in that cattle.) Koii is now a prifoner in Vincen nes. The diamonds, &c. of which he was the bearer, a»e depofited at the Police office.— the next coutt and has ever fince been waiting on that court to get a judg ment } but at the laft Superior court one of thofe actions was amended, and the other difrriifTed for the want of form.—For the truth of this fad i I refer you to the records of Wil- irinfon Superiorcourt —Another fuit was commenced by the Major for Col. Holt again ft Zacliariah Sims on a Bond, where Simms bound him- felf to make Holt a title to a Houfe and Lot in Montpelier at a given pe riod, on which lot Holt had ella- dinand apprizing the French go vernor of the conduct of Kolli : a!fo a certificate of the Marquis Wellefley as a credential of Ko ii : — Alfo, a letter from the Bri- tifh King to Ferdinand, alluring thi' latter of his friendfhip and alliance : —of the means em ployed to ref'eue Spain from her invaders; and exhorting him to efcapefrom his lervirude Then follows a letter from the gover- Forl Wiikinfcn, July 29, I Sift, Regimental Orders. To the Militia Officers cf Bald win county, Gentlemen, HaVING received a pe- tition from a number of inhabi tants of capt. V\ ill jam Wation’s dill riel, praying a divifion of the fame; and after examining the number of men contained in thej two other adjoining diflrifts, am of opinion, that to take a final! part of capt Saunders* dif- tritfl, and a fmall part of capt. Ellis’ diftrict, and add to capt. Watfon’s diftrict, it will be then fufficierit to make two complete diftri&s, and thereby thofe men now complaining maybe accom modated ; and by the power Sc/ authority in me vetted by the fe cond feftion of the Militia Law of this State now in force, it is ■ hereby Ordered, That the faid Officers commanding Bittalions and Companies do convene in the town of Milledgeville at the houfe of Enoch Lunsford, on Friday the 10th of Augufl next, in order to divide laid diftridl in ' terms of the law, of which all officers will tak p due nofice. By order cf Lieut Col. 7. Holt. Thomas G Collier, Adj’t. blillied a ferry larding, which con- j nor of Valancay, giving an ac- traft Simms never did comply with, { count of the ill ol April, in ho- and after Holts waiting feveral years nor of the emperor^ marriage T for a judgment, laft court the fuit was difinifled for want of form — For tlie truth of this faft I refer 'he public to the records of Green Su perior court. Another fuit the Col. ordered the Major to inftitute a- gainft John Robinfon of Wafli- irigton on a plain Note of Hand, and when Holt went to court ex- at which the Spanifh Princes tef fitted their joy in the < vent, and ’ wh< n Ferdinand 7th gave a toaft: “ Our aligult fovereign Napole on the Great, and Maria Louifa his auguft fpoufe —and alfo a letter from Prince Ferdinand, declaring his with to become the peding to get a judgment, he dif- adopted fon of Napoleon ] covered his fuit brought ngainfl a man living in Baldwin county, Clark then allured Holt that tlie thing fhould be reftified, and afterwards informed Holt that the fuit flood ready for trial laft court} and Holt accordingly attended court,but could find no iuch fuit on the dccquet} he then applied to Mr. Fort, and af ter a tedious fearch, found his note, which he then gave to Robert Ru- thurford to commence fuit on. In another cafe, the Col. elireded the Major to inlfitute a fuit againft Ma jor Mitchell for exereifing the right of a Ferry on his land adjoining the On the examination of Kolli, he laid he was Ch tries Leopold, baron of Kolli, aged 32 a na tive of Ireland, and minifter to Ferdinand 7th :—That he came to France with proper credenti als and letters to Ferdinand ; that he had funds with him to t he amount of 200,000 ! rancs ; that his project was to effect the elcape of Ferdinand from his confinement, by Rationing re lays of horles and carriages to the coait, where a fquadron of Long Bluff, who refufed to allow or one fail of the line, a frigate a make him any compenfation, and brig and a galliot under commo- this fuit was brought, but in order to fhew his great legal talents irt- ftead of fuing for a trefspafs, he brought fuit for an affuniption.— What was the confequence ? Holt ; had the coll to pay, and lias fince re- j quelled Major Walker to commence j the fuit again.—For the truth of I thofe tw o fafts, I refer the public to | the records of Wafhington Superior court But in the midll of all dif- ! conriitures and grievous difappoint- j mints, the Col and others in his j fituation may derive fome fmall con- j filiation from the following claufeof : the Judiciary aft, palled in the year ; 17'tl), “ And if any party plaintiff or de- ! fendant, be hereafter nonfuited or call by reafon of the negleft or mif- conduft of tlie attorney who fhall hereafter, bring or be employed in fuch fuit, in all fuch cafes the faid attorney Rial! pay all coft, that may accrue thereby, and the court fhall immediately enter up judgment ac- cordinjriy for the fame.” Now Mr. Analyticus “ with thefe truths before us,” I call on you, to point out the virtues or great legal talents of this fhining lumina ry of yours, or rather will you not agr< e with me, that almofl every acl of his life, is at war with every prin ciple St virtue that could recommend him to a feat in Congrefs ■, for evc-- ty man of fenfe mull agree, that thofe (allures mud fall under one of three lteads, viz Negligence, Imbe cility or Depravity and either of which, ought to difqualify the Ma jor from a feat in Congrefs •, and here it may not be amifs to obfeive, that all thofe failures, and tlie fcur rilous hand-bill figned Curtins, was put into operation, while the Major \, ss in apparent fritmdihip with Col. dore Cockburne to receive them were ftationed —That he was THE CO PARTNERSHIP Oh' Thomas £■? curry, S this day diffolved my mutual confent ; all thofe inc ehted to faid fion whole notes or accounts are now due wil! make immediate payment to Jett 1 homas, am! thofe whofe notes and accounts becomes due next Fall, produce will be taken at the market prices. Jett Thomas, Richardjon 0. Scurry, The bufinefs in future will be carried on by the fubfeviber under the fuperintendency of Richaidfon O. Scurry who will receive pay ment and give receipts in my name. Jett 'l homas. July 27. IR-c GEORGIA, Baldwin county. HKREAS James Bark ley has applied to me for letti rs of Adminittration on the eft.ite and tffetls or Reuben Roach, late of this county, de- ceafed. Thefe are therefore to cite and admonifh all and ftngular the kindred and creditors ol fa’il dec. to be and appear at my of fice within the lime prefevioed by law to file their objections, . .. „ (if any they have) why faid let- accompanied by M. de St Bon | ttrs fl louW not be granted. Given under my hand nel; that uruier pretence of hav- | ing fome curtous articles (dia monds) to obtain an inteiview with prince Ferdinand, in order to put into his hands the letters he was intruded with ; but that the prince relufed to either hear ! or fee him; and he had rea-i this 29;h day of July, 1 S IO. Fr ed restn.m, c.c-o. GEORGIA, Hanco ch county. HEREAS Jtffe SaiFordl has applied to me for letters of Difmiffion on the ef- lon to believe that he lent infor- j ta [ e Jofeph Howard, late of mation of his propolals to the This county, dec. Cattle, which occafioned his ar-1 Thefe are therefore to cite and admonifh all and Angular the kindred Si creditors of faid c’ec. to be and appear at my office within the time prefetibed by reft. Take hot ice all Concerned, SHALL apply to the honor- j ^ w » t0 ttuw caufe if any they have why faid letters fhould not be granted. Given under my hand at of fice this 14th day of July l8l(). John Chambers, for Myles Greene, c. c o. 1 'The Subfcribcr "Will either fell, or leafe for a a term of years, his property in this place. Pofffffion will be given the firfi of January next. A. M*Mil/an. Augufl 1. 18-B NO f f G E. N mv abfettce Mr Frederick San- f'trc! will attend to any bufinefs able court of Ordinary of Warren county, at their next meeting, for letters of Difmifli on on the eftate of Thos. Jones, late of Warren county dec. John Lamar. Augufl 1. * Received March 31fl, 1810, of John Lamar, the balance remaining due on a Note of Handfrom faid La mar to viyfelj for Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars, dated the I (ith of . frit 180.5 , whichJaid Note I have lojl or mi J!aid Jo that I cannot deliver it up to faid Lamar; but I do hereby war- ant and defend him againjl any claim whatfoever on account cf faid note and caution all perfons againjl trading for of mine relative to the eilate of F: an— c’ts Sayre, dec. and Mr. Samuel S: Steele will attend to the concern of D ever tux C Thwtcit. faid Note. Epcntzer Signed in the prcfcnce of 'A Lamar, Augufl 1, 18-v-c Augufl A. 1. M. 1): verevx. lS-tf,