Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, August 08, 1810, Image 2

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reafonabic infcrrence by a forced a- mlogy. Wc (for he the plu ral, when fpeaking of hitufclf) are informed by men of unqueftionahle integrity—he fays—that Maj Clark is owned by the beft of republicans. But then he is cautious not to name tnem. You have taken open ground yourfelf Mr Amphion, and you malt cither produce ycur proofs or withdraw your pofition, and ac knowledge that you are ti'her mif- t.ikeit as to Major Clarke’s politics, or defignediy mifreprefented them. It is an esfy matter for you to make cut your lift of “belt republicans” who own Major Clark. Do not lon ger rely upon the “ ignorance and er ror” of the people of pend upon it, they wilt not admit I know thefe terms are ufed to ex- prefs a difference of political fenti- ment, and this ideal difference is ufed as an cleftioneering auxiliary. But no.hing can be more abfurd, or a 'treater abufo or perverfion of thc- meaning of language* than to attach to thefe pcrfecuted and murdered words, a fenfe different from what is clearly and rationally conveyed in this difinition. What is a Republi can, and what is a Federalift ? It is not an aver(ion,and oppofition, to this or that adminiftration, to the alien, fedition, excifc, non-intercourfe, or other obnoxious laws, nor is it the advocation of meafures recommend ed, adopted and praftifed by this or that prefident ; by this or that con- grefs only, which forms the one or naked aff.Ttion where it is fo eafy for I the othey. 1 he honeft republican you to introduce teftimony of the | and fcdcralift draw their political bell kind Let us fee your catalogue of « bell republicans” who own the Major—Will it include Smelt, Bibb, Troup, or Cobb, our veprefentatives in Congrefs. Will it include Tait & Crawford our Senators in Congrefs. Will it include Early, Walker cr Charlton, the Judges of our Supe rior Courts ; (left it may be urged that I was afraiil to mention him, I give you his honor Judge Carnes, if lie choofes it ) Or fill ibis liftof “beft republicans” include D. B. Mitchell our prefent Governor. Thefe are men, all of them (landing high in re publican eftimation—?c their repub lican aftiotiscorrefpondingwith their republican profefiions have placed them in the highefl offices of honor, Ik profit within the gift of the State of Georgia. Publilh your lift Mi. Amphion, and I will not contend lor the whole of thefe gentlemen, be- caufe I underhand that there are perfotulities exilling between Major Clarke and fome of them, give me bat half of them, and I will not only give up my oppeffrion to the Major, but alvoratehis eleftion witha warm heart. For you mud know fir, that my oppofuion to Major Clarke does not grow out of any pcrfonal pique wtiich 1 have againft him, hut be- oaufe I am (keptical as to his preten- fion.i as a republican. The Junto, and mufhroons with fome of your forced analogies fliall charafter from a much more honor able and durable principle, from a thorough ■acquaintance with the na ture, principles and end of the con- (litution; from a due appreciation I of its excellence, with a facred im- ! mutable refolution bottomed on this ^ acquaintance, and appreciation, to fupport, uphold and maintain it, a gainft all encroachments, hetcrogetii- ous inovations, and flagitious in- fraftions, from whatsoever plaufible, fpecious or fophiftical fource they may proceed. It will now bo perceived, that, notv.ithftanding the contortions,cor ruptions and degeneracy language is made to fuller, by aibilrary cuftom or the fafhion of the age, a true and genuine republican is virtually as true and genuine a federal!!! and vice verfa ; and this too from the very principle, cr fundamental principles of the government; where the citi zen is its real friend. So that the man, who upheld the federal government, and maiflialled all his powers, a- gainft intrigues, fchemes & policies, contrived to operate its ruin, I fay that the man, who has fuftained this noble part, whether under Waffling ton, Adams or Jefferfon’s admini- flration, and does now aft under the prefent adminiftration, from the foie love of its conftirurion, which I take to be the fame as the love of liber ty, without regard to the pcrfonal fen bonify of any one, in my crude obfervations j but I take up the gauntlet, thus publicly thrown down as a challenge to public ferutiniza lion. I know, that I am not a Locke or .a Montefquc ; but am to them as a hill to the globe, and there is a fimilar proportion of influence in the one and the other cafe. Yet babes in fimplicity fpeak the truth, having nothing to fear and without fufpicion. In my eftimation, he is a vain man, arefpeftor of perfon, not of principle, & a contemptible char- after, who expefts to eftablifh his claims, to your notice, confidence and fupport, on his admiffion to the feftivc board, and familiar, fociable tete-a-tete of any prefident. A ge nerous foul & dignified mind would deleft this naufeous fycophancy com ing from what tongue foever. To denionflrate the ludicrous complex ion of fuch claims, have a few anec dotes. Mr. Jefferfon on his rout from Walhington, to his feat in Vir ginia, which in the Spatiifh tongue, he calls heavenly mount, Monticello, (loped to greaze his carriage wheels. While thus engaged, too hon< ft re publican Waggoners approached, recognized their prefident, and of fered their afliffance. The prefi- dent’s polilenefs induced him to the condcfcnfion of acceptance, a few j minutes converfation, and may be, I to an exchange of wine and whifky. i Would any one vvifh to eleft thefe dom flouri(lie3,couri!cls t: inftructr, let her be, from the talents of her reprefentatir.n,as near pre-eminence, as flie is to the greogvaphical extre mity of the union—Fellow-Citizens, you will effeft this, by the cleft ion of Crawford, Bibb, Troup and Fcr- fytil. Lampas LucSHS • • • if** ig’^gfp » • • For the A eg vs. A writer under the frgnature of Analizer in the la.ft Argus, ha: contract in the cafe of the Mcfil. Roe’s, is unworthy of notice and could oniy have origina .j from a heart familiar with the perpetration of crimes.—The fuits of Ridgdeil vs. Jackfon, were bro’t a confiderable time fince, and the recolle&ion <.f Judge Carnes, Mr Fitch, the record itfeif and even I haddeug Holt, will flu-wthat a term ip. endeavored to afTcft; the private j cn one of them was occafior.ed and profdlional reputation of by the clerk attaching the name Major Clark, by pitiful inftnua-• of the Judge of the Ocnuilgcg tions, and a fpecious flatcmtnt of cin uit to the procefs, when there fuels—the author cf the follow- was no luch Judge or circuit ing remarks, v. ill rot dilgrace known at the time the fuit was himfelf by replying in a corn f brought—-Whether they were pondent !lyle • He is incapable delivered by Major Clark to the of dealing in fourtility anu per- tne defendant Col. Jackfon frr fonal abufe, and his only chi ft: the purpofe of concealment/or now, is to give a ihoit and plain not, may perhaps be determined explanation of the material cir- by the annexed certificate.-— cumftanccs alluded to. Suits are gem rally brought by In the fil l! fuit againft the young gentlemen in offices, and Fraction Selling Cornuifftoners, frequently when the principal the cletk of the court in copying is abroad ; and if the fuffering one of the originals, omitted the of non-huts is evidence of guilt, word “ fealed,” ami th? Sheriff 1 ft-ar notone innocent man in of Clark or Oglethorpe made an incomplete return againft the fecurities on the other—a term was given them on account of it: , _ , .. Thefe fafts arc known to Judge nom-ft yeomen, upon the Icore «.f j Eail Mtfrrs Fitch , Skinnt b r Stoors, ana othergcnilemenwho were prefent; but furely Major Clark is not refponfible for the be replied to in the next number of favor of the chief magittrate, and popular voice of the day, is both a federalift and a republican, a glori ous charafter, one'that I never could dcfpjfe, but fliall always admire.— Such a man acknowledges that tire fovereign power is piinurily in the will of the people ; and that union, unanimity and confederacy are ne- C( ffary for the corrcberatioH, peipe- tuity and profperity of the national government; and of confequencc, for the defence, protection ar.d fr.fe- this p per. Before I difmifs Amphion, it will be but jufticc to myfelf to affign the caufeofthe fearful odds with which I have to contend. The reader flicuM be informed of the honor which we all receive from the attention of fo great a perfonage— By the mereft ac cident I have feen a fhort lhetch of his biography. Be it known then, that Amphion is the fon of Jupiter— that lie received a J.uic Cr Harp from this intimacy ? Jerome Bonaparte has been feen in a llreet of Balti more, tete a tete with a hur.kfler o- ver a cauniftor of fruit * yet the lat ter was never known to make pre- tenfions to a:i acquaintance with his Weftphalian majelty, or to being a Frenchman. The fon of an Irifh- rnan paffing a ftreet in London, was met by the king and his retinue, and oidered out of the way. Simple Paddy on joining his comrades, beaded of being fpoken to by the king. What did he fay to you, en quired they get out of way.” I fancy this man never had a feat in the Britifli IJoufe of Commons — Thefe are related to fhew, that the fplcndor reflected fiom a luminous body, upon one obfeure, dees not make it effeniially brilliant; and e- very public man, iliou'd with as W'il the v. hole fraternity wiilbeloutrd —the charge is ridiculous 5f Analizer had been aftinted by the principles of truth and jnf. lice, he wou'd have giten M. j~r Clark fome fmail credit for Ids fuccefful exertions in the very important trial of <j ftmentof Holt vs. Jackfon—Even his con- otnifiions, cr errors of other ' du£t in the profecution vs. Holt pfrfons —At the It ft Stperior ; forltabbingin Wafhir.gton court- court in Putnam, tit? demurrer f Yi wouid not have puffed un- as to the fuftainability of the ac- I acknowledged—he would atleall tion, came up for argument and have laid, that to Major Clark’s after two orthreedays dilcuffion, fidelity and fricndfliip is Thad- Judge Carnt s fufiained it, and dcus Holt in a great degree in- dinfte I a toifuii.—In that ac debted, for the remiffion cf a tion, a general breach of the co- fine of 2.50 dollars and a releafe venant was afiigned—the follow- from imprisonment in the cotn- ing are the principal roalonc 1710,3 J^il of the couritv at lcaft which induced that Joint of ac- todays. — Veritas. tion—The authorities or books Thefe are to certify,thatfome time of practice, are conceived to be aft . er ,llc P^dgeof the ta w rendering as ftrong in favor, as againft it ; VOul fraudulentdraws 1,1 ,he bnd lot - the opinions of proft fiional gen tery, I employed Maj E Clark as my , rm an u.e u e- j ^at weighed more than every 2t the fame time took a fare facias ‘d our \eprefentation| J hin S olfe ’ ' V3S tho fear f *“* tr -' a i " ,he ^ ars, and will be can- j ir ‘K =' ^/breach, or breaches, f * tho c «>umy where- >ft-rr fv,« fnr.l > fwiine that at the time of trial ‘ ’ h .' u h3 gave in his namoi Mercury, and played fuch exquifite ty of all the component parts. 1 lie nufic on them, that the very found ' real republican and federalift anfwer alone moved the Hones fo regularly that they comp.,fed the wailo of the ancient city of Thebes, fome feveral thoufind years fmee—Now if Am phion without other afliftance than hif. mufic could charm the (tones to fuch regularmotiqn&ordefos toereft thewalls of a city, what is no to be this defeription...all others are falfe and fpurious.—View the other fide of the picture, and the charcfter will be feen portrayed in different colours. The man who oppofed or approved meafures under Thomas Jefferfon’s adminiftration, and in the other chief magiftratic terms, and , r , i* ! , ■ • r n—- attorney in the information aeair.ft a ham Pit fwore, not to be fubaltcrn, ( tle mcn cl high Handing, are dt- certain traft of land lying in Jere* a. leaft in opinion to any one.-1 he ! vi , t C ] upon the fuhjcft.-But county, d.awn by one James Roe & horn ft hearted, firm and u.eful fe- 1 ... J - ' - ' deral republican partly compofed the two lalt years, didates next October, arc Crawford 1 feating that at the time of tr: ; l of the Senate, Bibb and Troup of i by the death., ran seal or other the lower Houfe. Thefe venerable c.aufes, witntff s to particular independent & informed gentlemen, f afts could not be ohi fine > to are governed,direfted & .nfluenccd, , !avor thefe rffi.gnei -Under th not bv “ men and meafures, but by n- , , , the conftitution of their country 5 . ! a % r ' u,t ’ nr 11 general breach, They have courage to renounce both I no danger ot the kind cou'd be 1 hat the laid information or feire fa- cia^, proi.r Tied in the faid court as" l. ularc nes did, until after Judge Early dt csded in the county of Put nam ; that ail fuch cafes mull be tried the county wherein the land lies j that foou after die faid decifion Maj; ney nave courage to renounce both . o u riori-i r i r men and meafures,” when they ' apprehended, for Jliould th- ftate |f. ‘V } ( ° ^. tl1 “*:° f the a . ,ld iviate front virtue, right, honefty, fail in the eftablifliment of one I f or marion wi-Tlo *!' * “ u . m g ,T !* , . ... >r r rv .u i. nr Totmation teas at an end ; and ihar if ,d I her own judgment of Jaft, they could eafily fucreed in I would call at l,i s office at any time apprelu nded when lie arrays himfelf does now fo act, under the prefent, againft fuch a «• fimpleton” as I am. , according as they happened tobeob- Hc is wonderfully kind to the noxious or acceptable to the favo- IVIajor to take ir upon himfelf to vilit , mes of that particular reign, is tiei- Milledgcville on the prefentoccafion. - ther republican nor federalift* but a Witli Lyre in hand, 1 fuppofe, the i corrupt fycophant and courtier, ci r- p.voiu ojdn st^Sif uinioptdod,, ru i } t becaufe his maxim of political Maj Clarkoino the walls oftheCrfpi- I doctrine and praftice is tenrporifing t ,1 as lie moved the ftones to thcwalls J fovoritifm, not the folid glory of his of Thebes, A ft tend to truth and Inquiry' ■ • • <5 ■ For the Argus. PUr.EMEU OH GEORGIA, YOU are are Federalifts. Wiffiaright apprehen- f.on of the import of thefe denomi nating epithets, you may with con liilency, and ouglit to be proud of bung either or both-, for they ex- prefs the true and real principles of your government, whether of tire u nionorof the H ate. The one de clares yo :r will to be fovereign ; the other, fpeaks your confedeiacy and country, by which I mean, its real good, but the aggrandisement of himfelf, the parry, and adminiftrati on, with which lie affociated, and in which he was popular. Such a charafter is neither federal nor re publican, but a mongrel, a non de- feript —Let then, fellow-citizens, all candidates for your fuffrages, and your federal and ftate officers and functionaries, be brought to this no- lineal, nay conflitutional ftandard, let their opinions and praftice be fquared by this rule; and where tie lieicncy is, there let condemnation corne ,• but never from the afperfion and calumnies of malice, envy and unanimity to fupport and proteft the prejudice; for merit is as often an government founded on that bafis. object in the view of thefe metaphy- Hi-ncc the man, who is worthy of fical fiends, as demerit or difqualifi your patronage, (liquid knownodif- tiuction, but be equally both ; and the conclufion eafily follows, that men private or public, candidates or now in office, who repre-fent tliem- felves to be the one, and not the o-, drawing a dillinftiou, which Cannot exill pro rti naiura, are in faft cation. I write with a profpeftive eye to the enfuitig eleftion. Its im portance is proved by the number and characters of the candidates. A man’s candidacy is avirtual acknow ledgment of his willmgnefs, that his charafter, claims St principles,fhoulil be diffefted, examined, approved & deviate from and jullice. 1 things, and inflexible integrity never fuller them to compromise, or com- 1 mute their vote for popularity.— . They (land like the ag. d oak, poifed on the Itrengih and gravity of its J own body, while hurricanes fwccp to dcllruftion all that furrounds it. 'Ibis refulgent group of geniufes, would not, fellow, citizens, be e- clipfcd or darkened, by an acccffion to it, of a charafter like Forfyth’s. It would be a collcftion c f a civcr- gent ray into the burning focus.— His eloquence has already been heard in our land. He (lands fair, unre proached and unreprcr.chable—As to the ri ft of the members and can didates, I know nothing of then., except, that as to the majority, nei ther the records of tire flare, nor the journals of congrefs declare clfe,than “ claufo obmutuit ore,” a tonguelefs filence. “ If they do no good, they do no harm,” is a mifcruble charac ter for the reprefentative of a free independent and enlightened people The honor, the claims, and intereft of your ftate would be forgotten in the abysof wife-looking filcncc. To what extremity, might not. that in famous Yazzoo policy, a fource of toiror. contagion and abomination, to all who have been in it, have bro’t another. It is believed thaiwhtn !l (hould have my note of 100 dollars ever tile trial is had, there will j which was originally given him as be found great force and prop- i | h[s fee...that fome confiderable time ety in the calculation, and the policy of a general sfllgnnvnt of the breach mav be Jlrcrgly il- lu(bated. It fliould be recol le £tcd too, that the rules of evi dence in common law trials, ef- fentially difler from thole recog nized before high courts of im peachment—But Analizer tells ]‘ nR ^ lilut '"' el,t draws, 1 employed E- us, that there have been three li'| o' Cla , rk a " d ort H .‘T Storr ® Ef T' s ‘ aftions brought although the re- / 2 1 ol, ; US ? c , afe , r , s o , |f° on after I went to the clerks r fliccj cores of the court can produce |i n the different counties & took out: nut two, and he Itkt wife fays, ! a number of feire facias’s & amongft that by a companion of the co- j others I took out one fer a traft of afterwards I did call ar the office and received nry note accordingly, at^ul that I never did give the faid Clark a, tingle cent in the faid cafe, nor did he a Ik me a cent fot the fame. July 31, 1810. Ilcrry Regers. Thefe are fo certify that fome time after the paffage cf the law refpeft- pies with the originals in the of- | Band in Jones county, drawn by one fice, in the prefent fuit, he has danics . E pc - and annexed the names difeovered another error If Elijah Clark, and Hiram Storrs as this was even the truth, Major theTid 0^1’^° fU . r ‘ hcr ftatc , t ^ t Clark is certainly free from anv o m, ,S, k n0 ‘ ^“7 a u y ,bm(? » . •. ’ y 01 my having taken out fuch a writ imputation, it being a clcmcal and of putting hitt name to the fame, miftake—liut Mi" i n . . Fitch thede fen dents attorney fays, that the copies have been in his pc IV flion many weeks, and never was feen by Analizer, or even by Thad- deus Holt and that if there is an , Retie Fitzpatrick, j Auguft 2, 1810. I have no knowledge whatever of any wiits in the name of Samuel Ridgdeil againlt nvyfelf, being barJ- us, had it not been refilled by the error or variance between the o- lb ^'e 1 S t!<1 ’ nordo fpiritaH oppon.imi .fllihb f< Troup, , i ? in 3 b and £ o ? i cs u i. „nk™ attacked by the intrepid powers of to him ,„ or , , ,• , . y . V , Jackfon, a,?d Wafted by the rifiling T \ nnpvn , c ^ slivered in an enclofed pack- eloquence of Randolph. If there V * nnexed certificates of ct, the contents of whic.i I was .gno- jicither, arc not patriots, and are un- rr jefted jult as they fuit the public fit chaiafters for your co. fidence. notion. I defirc not to injure the eloquence of Randolph. If there be merit and ffiftillftion in filence, let tlio ftate, who willies otij.xy it Let Georgia lie known and dillin- guillied, let her be heard among I <( fiflcr Uatcv’ as one, where wif- Mt firs. Rogers and Fitzpatrick, r,mt rf a,1<1 :!S fuch delivered them u* will certainly fupercede the ne' f ' ic ^-* l 'rk ; but as I b fore obfe-v ‘ cefiity of a Jingle remark as to fi.!'’!.’?.!:® rccc ^ l f- tl, ff n J or ,l ° that charge. The infmuation me by fiiiilcLkUS" ihVr ,'•■•> f ' refpecting the retention of the Auguft 3, lMQ. % h