Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, August 08, 1810, Image 3

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ir*'”'* 3Bn *a»f:m!rn , s53.': ['J T T O «Here Til rrn unlicens'd r sings, jSnd dire accost e'en lings themselves ,..0r rulers of the free." F- I f'C A tit/T*.Y.. Itdi slige nsfr. NAVIGATION or TIl£ MOBILE. It will lv? rccollcfted by our reason, that during the laic and preceeding feffion of Congrefs, fevcral petitions were prefented to Congrefs Iromc'tir. 'ns of Fen- neflce and tire Miffifiippi tcrritc- ry, prayin r for the adoption oi fo:ue mcafures to relieve them from the payment of duties cx- acled by the Spanilh govern ment on produce or goods pal ling through the Mobile; which were referred to the fecretary of lir.fc, on the fiuggefi ion that it | was only by treaty that a modifi cation nr repeal of thefe duties could lie obtained. The Iegifli- t ure of i'enticfE* alfo at th.cir lad fcfll^n inftrufted their lenalors and requeued their reprtfenta fives in congrefs to ufe their en MILLEDGEVILLE:, AUCiVST8, 1 RIO. 1 K$* The N irthern Mail due hift Sl'ijjhc had not arrived thn morning C o'cock. when our paper was put to profs. D'fiofel to do Major Clarice am pin juftice, v,v lvr. laid over the fid of Analizer until not week, al though it was in nur pofiViTion fome time before Vet itas and his Certifi cates came to hand. i We requeft the reader to fufpend ms opinion as to the cerhficr.t"S of Jlr. Fitzpatrick and Mr. Rogers, as well as Mr Fort, as we are ador ed from undoubted authority that , r . Analizer, N® 2. is fundamental ',’ ; 'htsob tract, on tiltic .tee nsvi- correft ; and that it will be proved ; g af| °n of the Mobile. In ccn-j to the public in our next paper j h’qu»*ncp ( I this inftruftion the | fenators and reprefentatives from We are informed that our go-1 Tenneffee addr-.fied an urgent vernment have appointed a con- | memorial to the prefident of the ful to refib" near the new go- ! United States on the fubjoft. vernment of Carracci. We do Though the evil complained J not pledge ourfelves for the ac curacy of th'> fact, but it has been communicated to us by a very means as induce us to put fome faith in -the report. Dcmscraiic Prej's. to obtain a removal of j of operates with ccnfi lerable fe- veritv orv a portion of the peo ple of the wellern country, iris refp'ftable citizen, whole , one which, iris generally bc- s of information are fuch lieved, cannot be efleftuully re lieved l’o long as a foreign pow er exercifes fovereignty ever the territory at the mouth cf the river; becaufe they have the paver, at any time, wholly to ob- draft the navigation. The following extract of a let ter from Pieafant i\I Miller, Efq. addrelfed to his conftituents, will drew the refu of the late application to the prof.lent of tlie United States in relation to this matter: “ It is with deep regret, that go vis Jura coffee, aiid haul certificates of origin on hoard. The Britilh efii ;cr, indcad of fending her into the noa>’eft port j in England, ordered her to Ha lifax, faid h' was ordered on that Itation, and into that port every thing he fhould take Mr Hawkins, the fnpercargo, requeued iier tobc font into Eng land, hut was refilled. The lk’gu belongs to the port of Philadelphia. Mr. Ryan, I bes> leave th ough the modi- um of your Paper in ju lice to Maj. E. Clark and to the public, to contra dict a ftsTir.enr rr.ade by Analizer in | your lad N° fo far as relates to an i aft : nn in Wafliington Superior court, Hob vs. Mitchell. Previous to the commencement of j that action Col. H >lt informed me of the circumltauce and that he had employ’d Maj. Clark to bring fuit;, he dated that he had notified Mitch ell that .90 dollars per year was the price he {hon'd demand for the pri vilege of landing on his premifes, Hi that he wiflied (he fuit brought for the ufe of the landing at ihe above rate. Maj. C’ark and myfelf being then in bnlinefi together, I bsought a:i aftion of alTunipfit, the proper ail ion on the above inftruftions, which 1 deemed imperative. M. Fort. Auguft 4, 18‘.0. sir. Aci mrni'Rralor’s Sale. IV11 r. HE SOLD, To the btgh.fl bidder at the tale dun!. lir:g houfc cf (. ritijb Knvey, dee. in the tcii'n gj J.‘ i/hdgevil/c, in Turf, d 7 the 1 >tb of September, next, LI orfcs, Catt le & Hogs, ..•/■TKrsrrss... Ifar fa r >!d [' unit lin'd. Terms made known on the day of file. E Kavcy, Adm’trix. Ji/.’h Mathewt, Adm’r Augu.t 8. 19—tds. Sheriffs Sale. w i r. i. i) e s o r. d. On the fir/} Turf lay in September ne\‘, in the Town cf MndiC-.n, Margin counts, between theufual hours, the following property, vies. One Negro Boy by the I'snie of lfane ; taken a = the property of Hamner Fitzpatrick to fatisfy an execution in favor of Mltchcl and Cox. —a L s o— R9 Acres of Land in the -1 th dif trift of Baldwin now Morgan coun ty, N° "72 ; taken as the property of Hemy D Sior.c to fatisfy an ex- cxecution in favor cf John C..ig, and I others. Conditions cafli A. ADA fee. />. s. Auguft I. 18—tds. Ten Dollars Reward. Entertainment. Weundcrflaml that the Avon proceeded to foa and was tlvu-e by a Somilh m reliant v It 1, relieved of the dollars fhe had on hoard, whi h have been landed in the United States.— The Avon is gone to fen after having Tvrfom" 1 the fecon 1 aft of the fl aop D iv'T. Ibii The New York Public Ad- veriifer fays, hy late advices from j I have to inform you, that all O TRAY El) or ftolen from die fubferiber living iil Lincoln —t county, about 3 miles from Rays- r 'g"9 IE Subfcdber rzfp Afully in- ville, on Fri ’ay the firftof this init forms his friends and the pub-; Cl Zll't Rdy I'loiTc lie, that ne has taken the budding , r , , J r , . , (vii . ..'I , . aliout five feet high, five years old, latelycrefted by capt. I nomas.front- , , b , ’ k , iug the Public Square, Mn.LF.nGE- p4iis, it is ailerted to be the in- tenuon of the Emperor to efhb- lifh a kingdo ti in South Ameri ca, an 1 place Ferdinand the 7-n on the throne of th’t kingdom ; :m 1 thit this is fuffiuiont to ac count lor the late conduft ot that prince in refilling to favor the late ho! 1 and daring attempt cf the Britilh government to pro cure his enlargement. A kind of regimental uniform is miking to \ cori fide ruble ex- thc exertions of the delegation from this ftate to obtain the de- firable objects recommended to tinir attention by our laid g ne- ral afE mbly, and fo frequently and prillingly urged by his ex cellency the governor, have pio- ved unfuccefsful. The want of : fuccefs in our apolicati >n, is not I appr. hend, to be r.faibed to a- j ny ho.'lility on the part of the ! prefident to the ititerefls of this Bate, cr to the weftt-rn country i in general, but principally to a tent,intended to be worn on the belief, tint while the Spaniards vii.i r., ik opened i houfc for PUB LIC EM PERT \INMEM r,and will m.ikc every exertion to fuit the with es cf gentlemen who wi < tavor him with a call.—He is fuppli ’d with the belt articles the country will pro duce, & has fonie choice Liquors — Articles to completely turnith his houfc in a handfomc ltylc, arc fliort- ly expefted from New-York, and he will then receive fuch addirional_/?’/>- pl'ns as will enable him to fuit the laltc of everv parfon who will favor liiir. with their commands. - Thomas G. Collier. Auguft G. 10—tf To the Public. day of Sir V. Bur iutt’s liberation from the tower : one taylor has executed an order for five hun dred jackets. The color is groin. I.on Paper. IA Splendid car is building, for the reci ption of Sir Francis Burdett, who, it forms is to af- cend this triumphal vehicle at the gate of the lower, on the day of his deliverance, which will be that of courfe on which Fdilhtncnt it: prorogued. Ibid The London Courier of May 15, announces the arrival of Commodore Bin on, late com mander or (ho U. States frigate j Chefapcake, at lonningen, for 1 .p the fupooled ohjeft of demand- •'“P are in pc.IT; fTton of the mouth of the river, the navigation of the waters of the Mobile will not very cfTcntjally promote our in- terefis, as tiny will have it in their p^w'er at pleafure to ob- ftruft our paffage to the oceati ; this opinion, and the fear that the free navigation of tltofe wa ters would have a tendency to involve the United Stales in con trovcrfiis with the Creeks and Spandrels, have, I believe, had very confuierabie influence in in during the preiUent to decline a compliance with oar requefts.” hie inane hangs on the left fide, r.n his near hind leg a l.rgc knot occa- fioned by a hurt wheii a colt, he pacer, and trots tolerable well. Any perfoii delivering faid herfe to me fhall receive the above reward with all ronfonable experccs, or to Ro bert Samuel in IHilledgeville ; if ftolen One Hundred Dollars 11111 be given lor the TIorfeand L’hief. Edward Samuel. Jupe 9.0. 17-C Fori Wtlhinfn. July 25, 1810 Regimental Orders. To the Mi Hi in Of leers cf Bald win ccurdy, Gr.KTLr.M fm, 1 i.. YING received a pe tition from a number of inhabi tant;: of capt. V. illiarn Watfon’s dilfrift, praying a divifion of the lame; and after examining the number of men contained in the two other adjoining iliftrifts, am of opinion, that to take a fmall part of crpt Saumiers* dif- H AVING unde:flood that fome perfon, or perfons have, through ignorance, or with improper motives, circtt- l itcd a report, that the caufe of the alteration of the Mail routs (or the difcontinttance of the mail from Louifville via Saun- derfville to Milledgeville) was in i {rift, an .l a fmall part of capt confi quince ol the failure of the Ellis' diftrift, and ac ! d to capt. I’ id nl dter at Saundetiville to ; \\ utfon's riillrift, it: will be then nuiku regular returns and ro- i fufficient to make two complete nvtrances ^ ^ j diilrifts, and thereby thefe men I do hereby declare that the* now complaining maybe accom- rcrort is falfe and without foun- j ,undated ; and by the power & ! riation, which I can prove co the j suthoriiy in me veiled by the fe- l f uisfaftion of any perfon by re- ; fon ,l fection of the Militia Law j eeipt; from the gca. poft-Offi :e c f this State now in force, it is Confiscat'd Property F O R S A L It IP 1I.L BP. SOLD, At fhe State House in the Town of Milledgeville, on the third Monday in November next, THK roi.LO\VlS. o Valuable Froperty, viz* One lot lying and bring in tor* city of Savannah, with levoral te nements th'Te ui, and known in th:* plan of faid Town, by ht N° 1(, Dick’s tything, lorcival ward ; at prrf-nt occupied by Fanner and others. Confifcated as the pro perty of Dr. M. J. Yoagc. ..(too Acres of land, lying cn great Satiila river in the county (•.* Camden, moltly pine {and, - t pr ft much cf faid tract a, (• .. been laid off for the Town call, a It fibi- fon, confiding of one hundred !c:a of two hundred fquarefeet each ) 1000 Acres on faid liver aV ut one and an half miles below Buil- aea.l 1 > 1 u;. ; pine laud and fwamp. 2000 Acres on the Alumni aw river and Fiidialloway creek in tlv county of Glynn, moffly river- fwamp ; the above land confifcated as the property o( Sir James Wrlgh. 1000 Acres on Sr. Mary’s river in Camden countv, pine la d and fwamp -, cor.fifcated as the property of Tames Wright, jun. 1000 Acres on great Satiila ri ver in faid countv, adioinirg Sir Tames Wright, on the fouth, pine, fwamp and hammock Inn * ; ron- fifcaied as the property of Alexan der Wright. 600 A crcs on the head nf Croc 1 ,1 river in faid county, adjoining lend ; of the late Dr. Irvine; ronfifear:-! as the property of John Simufon. The original* and giants' of tl- - above trafts of land/ will be pro_ duced on the day 0 f fale, as alfo pla’s of re furvey. A lo: in the town of Brunfwic];„ known by N u 2t)S; and a lot in ditto N® TI, and he w,i*er lot N 3 11, con (If rated as the pri perty of Alex ander M« Gown. 1000 Acres in Clvn county, grant ed John CJrayham, bounded pa-.; eafterty and part weftoidv, bv latuh of Spalding, and norherlv, lard of Honey I.awience, ail pine barren. One third,.of tlie Diftilkry!, near Sunfbury, fuppofed to contain 166 1 4 Aacrer, part lhur.rr and part pine land. The above twr» trafts having reverted to the (late Terms of fale, Cafh or Cafli de mands againft tl-.e ftate of Georgia, which have been liquidated by the* Comptroller-General. Hi net Holt, > IT r m. Robert fan, j Com’r?, y-ihn M‘ S Milledgeville, April23, 1810. 5-mtds CiT The Editcrs of ti:e V/alhirr,. ton Monitor fr.Augulla Clironieh t • will pleafe infert the ahpv- once-,v month until the clay of fale, and fci . ward their accounts for payment. now in mv poflion. Jdn Mathews, AfliftantP. M. Saundersvilie, July 24, 1810- * NnW-YouK, July 3. I. at if from Cottenburg.— Hie Lunt, has arrived at N 0 T 1 C hereby OrJercd, That the laid | Officers commanding Battalions nrul Companies do convene in the town of Milledgeville at the home of Enm h Lunsford, on A IX A r T fonR inrl ' btr<1 to C T i Friday the 10th of Atmuft next, /V mfti Navey, dec are requeft- , jn on f cr {n d ; vide fait , diflrift in cd to make immediate payment; and, I *r? 'T U eniirelv ».,cum,: tted .vitl, a. | New FaJ b«*p thofe to whom the eftate is indebted j °f t.'e law, of which it arc* requested to bring forward their accounts properly attefted. E Navcv, Adm’trix fedm Mathews, Adm'r. Auguft 8. 19-cw Rv public bufinefs of the Amcri- ■ - , r ‘ 1 - befides ,0 R^trals. A number ol toDanifli privateers more favor able to neutrals. A number of American ve lds had left Got- effirers will take due none". By order of Lieut Col. T. Holt. Thomas G Collier, Actj’t. tan government, fince the American conful at Copen . n , . hi gen, or our ambaffadors at tenourg and gone up the Baku. P-tevfburg or Paris, being the for a market. regular organs of communicati- Philadelphia, July 7. cn this ful teft, it wsd be reccol- f J ■ lifted, that the Baron was court- The Pegu, Glume, captured martiaUcd and iufpendcd from by the Britith niip ot war, .cr* command for five years, for his ret, was within five c.ui - lat e bon Juft in the affair of the Chef- England when captured. c:;tak° — The ground of tne capture Philadelphia Star, I was that part of the Pegu’s car. Lands for Sale, I.OT N 3 202, J5th diftrift of Baldwin county, and lot N° 98,8th F UR S A L E, 202 i-2 Acres of Land,, In the 6th diflrift cf Wilkinfon j d,, . tria ’ of -The cnfli , ro „„„ , _ . prices are light Hundred Dolhiis N .,228 ; Alto 202 1-8 acres 111 f or N® V02, and Fhe Hundred PM j \\ ilkmfon 12th dikuft B 3<'); J / arf f or ps.—Something more if | Alfo 202 1 2 acres in the Gth ; -ny indulgence is given A]ip!itR ! diflrift of Baldwin, N° 186.— j ticn to be made to me, near Savan- '] he terms tiny be known hy ap- , nah, by mail (port paid.) plying to Mr. Robert Samuel of Milledgeville, or to the fitb* fciiber in Lincoln county. Trancis Strother. Auguft 8. 1* April 10, Benjamin Raynes. 4—eowt i BLANK DEEDS, I'ir Sale at th Ojlictl' N 0 T I C E- N INE months rdter date, application will be ma de to the honorable ihe Infericr Court of Randolph county, for leave to fell one Traft of d, lying in tire county of Greet >e, joining Pickard, Litton ar.d I iil. lard on the waters of Ik. Ver dana Creek, containing Ninety- Se vern Acres, the fame b< ing the real eftate of John Coth ran. dec. Sttfannnh Cochran, Adm’trix# Dudley Cochran, Adin’r. April 17, IS 10. N OTIC E. N INF, months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Baldwin county, for leave to foil two hundred acres* ol Land in Hancock county cw the* twelve miles Beaver Darn, djoining Lewis Tyus and others, — tor the turn fit oi the Heir& Creditors of Wilfiam Turner a non-compm mentus. Jchn l.Uttbeus. b _ Josh*'Turner, \UuesrJ,un. 9th Jas;.’'1810.