Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, August 15, 1810, Image 3

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ARGUS. - “Here TRUTH unlice us'd reings, And dare accost e'en tings themselves ...Or rulers of the free.” MILLEDGLVILLE :, .1UUUST 1 5, 1810., in anfwer to #K?eorgivinus,* is received and fhall appear in our next. LATEST FROM CADI?!. fiances in which the bank of En gland has given a bonus for the extenfion of its charter) but by the practice of the different (fates for it has been uniformly the praftice of foine dates to re ceive a bonus from thefe mono polizing inftitutions. LJnquef- tionably if benefit conferred re quires- a return in value, it is right and proper that the go vernment (liould exact front that monopolizing inltitution a bo- But, fir, the courfe is not which Ere can, always remem bering that we consider the thing necdiary and properin itfelf. As that is my opinion, I think it a fair tranfaftion, in making the I bargain with the company, to obtain as great advantage to the government as the jultice of the j cafe will admit ; and this is a < P O S T S CRIP T. By Left Nieht’s Mail election, andfilA one bn whom { wk>^»b;*u£sk: you can more impueisly con fide. I am lenfible by (iris addrefs to my county, 1 incur the enmity of fume of hi$ latel.’Ites, but in doing this I hope to open the eyes of the majority of my county-men, that they may lee only juflified by the praftice of meat that they {hauld pofffs the Arrived at Philadelphia, brig the Hate governments, but by i power of taxing our lands. We Saunders, Quail, from Cadiz, s the practice of the republican j nude u propofition to them that adminiftration of Mr. Jelfi'rlon. j if they would not tax our lands f he government of the United thing we have done beiore. It ; they have been groisly impeded upon and their iujfr.igcs have been injudicioufiy beftowed. JOHN COM. f ines county, AuOud 1*2, 1810. will be recqo! lofted when the (late of Ohio, then a territory, was made a date,, we found it very inconvenient to the govern- which he left tile 29th May, and informs that the French are e- reeling batteries and advancing their works at Matagorda ; but hald not opened them when he failed, neither had there been a- ay rencounter or fallv on either lide for fotne time previous to his failing. On the 17th and States poffffed a number of (hares in the bank of the United States, each reprefenting,as each of thefe does, four hundred dol lars ; yet that adiuiniftration transferred this paper at an ad vanced price. If the principle 25.ii of May, two of the prifon ! of difpofing of thefe (hares be fhips ran afnore in gales of wind, by which fix or 700 French pri foners were rdcafed ; the boats of the fiikifh men-of war at tempted to board them, while drifting, and take out the pri foners, but the Frenchmen hav ing got arms in 'heir hands kept them i'ff, an i killed IG or 17 of the F.nglifh; from which it is fuppofed that the one of ihe 25th hiving four or five hundred pri foners, taking advantage of the gale, h id role on their guards, feized their amv, cut the cables, and let her drift on Shore*—the Frenchmen defended her till they wre all landed, when the Bri tish iL t her on fire. D E B A T E ON RENEWING TIIE CHARTER oE THE BANK r, E THR U. STATUS. After fome difcplfion of the details of the bill—• Mr. Troup laid gentlemen might paf; the bil : , but for the qwefthm. If they did pafs it, he h >ped they would net permir themf Ives to become til! retailing hurkfters of the community for the faie of bank charters. In the name of com mon honed-/, faid he, I befeech con-eft, it will equally apply to all the (hares in the inditution. What right had the Secretary of the Treafury, or perfon afting for him, to demand 45 per cent, above the real lpecie capital for the bank dock ? In transferring the dock, did not the govern ment on that occafion receive a bonus? Unqueltionably they did? If they receive a bonus as to fame (hares, can they not with equal hoiiedy receive it as to the v, hole number or (hares ? But it does not require refine inent to judity the courfe which it is propofed to purfuc*. The thing is worth fornething. You are offered fomething for it. There is no oppreflion in it. If you could at once put in vcqui- fition fo much money of the ftockholders, and put. it ir. the pockotf! of the U S it would be oppreflion. But here is a fair choice offered to them, whether they vvi 1 take the charter, giv ing a bonus for it, or rejeft it. It is perfectly a matter of choice ; and from the arguments of lome gentlemen oppolcd to the bill, fo far from being un billing to give* fo much, it would feem that the ftockholders ought to give much for we would do certain other things I he* bargain took place. We have derived an advantage from if, at the fame time that we paid them a price for it. i he confe- quenoe lairly follows that we ought to grant this necdiary charter on fu :h terms as are juft, both with relpeft to the country and the government, & derive as much advantage as we can from it. [To be continued.^ -• ill I l ■ i II WWi—nilll Columbia, (S C.) Feb. 2, 1S10. At the requeft of Col. Tho mas Ilutchinfoii, 1 do hereby certain number of years, | certify that while I was public il 1 rJ /lorortn in . I’realurer of the uppey divifion of the flute aforefaid, between the months of February, 1791, and 17-95 ; That my name was counterfeited to fome indents as public l’reafurer, Sc one* or more of them v/ns palled by John Gregory,& George Bond, (both of whom then lived in this neigh bourhooii) to Mr. N. II me tner chant in Granby, upon difeovery of which,l caufed thole two men, Gregory and B and, to be ur>pr-.*- hended and fent to the Jail in Camden ; but the crime having been committed within the dii- trift of Orangeburgti, th y were removed to the Jail of that dif ri ift for trial, and v;hch the trial came on, the principal evidence againft them did not appear but fent his cxcufe for being abfent, which being thought fuffieient by the Judge, the laid two men were admitted to bail, but they never appeared afterwards to take their, trial, the laid Bond went to the lown of Kinglton in this (tale on Waccamuw river, where he died.—The laid Crc- i gory removed (n$ I have been told) out of this Hate ; he was i the fbn of Mr. John Gregory U. S vriif Vixen attacked. Y. r e arc inform? t that on tho 24-th of June 1810, the United States brig Vixen, Lieut. Trippe, carrying 14 guns, on her way to 1 New-Orleans, uuderorders Ivor.: f our government, -iear the Baha mas was, in a war.ton and ur». provoked manner fired into by the Britilh (loop or war, the Mo- felle, captain B >yce, rating 20 guns, 32 plunders—a '.> ? poun 1 fhot carried av/ay the main boom of the Vixen, within a ffiort dif- tanceof col Poindexter, a mem- ber of congrefs who, with bis family, had taken pafiage cn board on his return from con- grefs ; and a fpllhter from the booth wounded flightiy Mr. Rodney, fon of the attorney- general cf the TJ States, who likewise was on his way to New. Orleans. To the Citiz ’Hr cf Jones county DESIROUS that you fliould be acquainted with the charafter of one on whom you have been pleated to bellow a i high and rtfpeftable office, and drat you may know how far he has m ,’rited your confidence, I mult refer you to the publicati- ; on of a Voter of our county, in the Argus of the 19.h of Sep-: tember lad, who affirmed to him i fclf the freedom of atrefting the propriety cf John R Gregory’s \ election, by a ftatemenc of char-1 ges which you will find not the! ulispiiugof fpleen and malevo-j lence, the ground cn which he partly relies for his innocence, you what power have you to , more for thorciwwa! of tl fell a charter ? There is a power in the eonftitutiouto fell the pub lic property ; but there is car ter. 1 am defirous to receive a quid fro quo. The arguments a bout foreign ftockholders have taitily no power to leli privileges ; f 0 much effect on me, that of any kind. I therefore move you to (hike out the bribe, the douceur the 'bonus, as gentle men call it, of 1,250,000 dol lars. I would not contit ue this infti- turion. unlefs government rcceiv cd a beru fitirom it. It is unques tionably true, that the habits, cuftotns, manners and rlecitions The above ftateMent ir. as cor rect as my memory ferves me.— Given under iny hand the date above written, Benjamin IVarins* dif id. Mr. Taylor faid that with ref-! of nations have cfiablilhcd acom- pect to the principle of the go | mon gcurle of proceeding on this yemincnt’s receiving a bonus ' ful.jeft, and we nut ft aft accord- tor this monopoly, (lor he faid it i ing to cuitom. We now value was unqueflionably a monopoly) a dollar at fo much, and a piece thofe who were difpofed to con tinue this charter jullified their , oonclufion from the inftrument under which they afted—under that ci.uufe v/hi^a fays that con grefs mall hav" power to pafs all jlaws neceffiwv and proper to car ry into died ihepowtrs granted. It' (faid Mr. T ) one banking in- ofiron at fo much. The cuitom ol nations, has given a fort of ; common law control over thole ! inftitutions,and we tnuft aft with \ them as other na'ions do. I do j not con fie cr it a biibU’ that I but of indubitable authority to i C^. ac | c w ^ 1 ' ) ‘ a L ' ae lupport them. He was charged j VK,m ^ oi thl l town * with being apprehended in S. | C arolina, <jc committed to Cam- | den Jail, for counterfeiting and puffing Indents. Let ns purfue iiis conduct and fee how far the turpitude of his heart prompted him—You will find from the an nexed certificates of high and rcfpeftable chavafters that Gre gory not content with the cotn- miilion ol this offence alone, left his bail to fuff.; for the wick ed ne Is of his crimes by flying from his country to the frontiers of Georgia ; bur finding villainy as aca liable as he could wifii, and that by an aft or fubordina. tion he could fmother his guilt; | with all the effrontery of con- j feious reftitude and with a pleaf ing hope that he was fecure from j , the reach of cenfure, offers him i fclf as a candidate for th ; fhip of our county S Carolina, Lex:. w I, Nicholas llane of the vil lage of Granby, Sate and diilrift ctforefaid, do certify that, John R. Gregory (who is believed to be a refident of Baldwin county, in the date of Georgia) former ly a refident of Eaft Granby of the fame fttato, and now Rich land diftrift j do declare and cer tify that on or about the year or years of 1739 and 90, or 91 or 92, that the aforelaid John R- Gregory did pafs to the lublcri- her an indent which was proven by the then exifting Treafurer clerk i & en j Jml ift Waring to be a coun- 1 terfeit.--Certified by me this 5d Accounts as late as the 'Oth J of June are received from Cadiz, j The French, Sprmilh and E::- \ glifh continued firing at cadi c- ; ther lor amufement 1 An armed force had failed for V- ra Cruze for Specie.—Exchange Ccjfei llouj'e Books. I Mr. Windham, a member of parliament, died on ihe 4th cf j une. j Three refolutions were paff.u againft the Minifters by a mnj n * ity cf ten, in the Houle of Com mons, on tho 3 i ft of May The fii ft. i'efolution was in fiver of all praftical retrenchments in the financial department, & puf fed nem con. The i'econd was for the abolition of all finecuros, and, with an amendment in fa. vor of filch perlons as are con.* nefted with his maj. fly’s perfon, palled 105 to 95. Another refoiution paffed “that it is expedient to reduce ail of fices executed by deputy,fo the falary paid for the aftual lervice, and to require fecurity for the due performance ” The other refolutions of the Finance committee were poft- pojied. Thus the parliamenta ry refonnifts have begun theif work. London Paper. Nicholas Here. Read the 20th fedliori, of the lft | oi article of the conftitution. “ No perfon who hath been or may be convicted of Felony t a fair bargain. There feems ftitution be nectff.iry and proper, to be no difpoftficn to abate a and anfwers the purpole of aid- | farihing, but to have the value ing us in the temporary loans it ! -mi nothing l< F may be found advantageous to indulge in, and we aft under ''thefe terms when we have fuifi!- or the government are about to ; before any court of this ftatc, or receive. On the contrary i think • any of the United States, fliall | I do net wifh to have mere. The pyovifions of this bili, with fome amendments, will give the trania&ion a charac ter of perfeft fairnefs. inditution coming up to the de- j Mr. Smilie faid that on this finition of necdfiiry and proper, 1 queftion he differed materially led thofe terms and created an the power then ceafer. This be ing a monopolizing inditution, being fo although a handmaid to the government, it was deem ed fair, according to the princi ples of national jultice, that they fnould pay to the community & to the people of the U. States, an equivalent for that advantage, and the decifion of the commit tee was jullified not only by the example of other governments (jjfir gentlemen have quoted in born his friend on his left. The| word “ bribe” was not applica ble to the bargain now about to be made. I take it for granted (faid he) there is but one ground on which the Legifluture is juf- tified in granting a monopoly ; and that is, that it is necefiary i:i the operations of the govern ment. If that be the cafe, u r e certainly have a right in granting that monopoly, to make the belt bargain for our own intcreft be eligible to any office or ap pointment of honor, profit or trull within this Hate.” But when arraigned at the bar of public inveftigation, h. fufi pends his defence until the eve of ihe election, knowingir would thereby preclude the peflibility of a refutation ; and fummoned to his aid his friend John Smith, a wretch regardlefs of the obli gation of an oath, and procured or willingly differed him to per jure hinilelf in tellimony of his Innocence, when he knew him- felt to be guilty. It Fellow-Citizens, you can rely upon the credibility of thefe gentlemen’s certificates, whom we have no reafon to diferedit (or il nectff.u y I can obtain their eicpofitions) will you not aban don him at your next Clerk’s Nowin Baldwin Jail, .4^ N African Negro man a- Latejlfrom Cadiz. Capt. Bolen, who arrived ac this port yefte’rday, in 35 days from Cajiz, informs, thai about the 25th of May, ?. battle was fought by the E.iglifh Sc Porto guele armies againft the French, iu which the latter were defeat- • ed. The communication be- : tw’cen the befieging army of G.i» I diz and Madrid was cut otf.—- 'The Englilh troops in Cadiz j were preparing on the 2d of June ■ to make a fortieon the French., in confiqncnce of the news of bout Thirty-five years ol the i r defeat On the frontiers of agi, who fays hisname is John, Portugal, cxpccling that the Bri- and that he belongs to Jonn let- tl p a andP<>ftug. efe army would lum of^ Jones county. Ihe attack the French troops befreg* owner is roqnefted to comply ; 1UT qS^iV. ...nk .1... I q. -...1-.. t.: 1 u. . with the law & take him away. John Mathews, J filer. Anguft 15 20—tf 'i he bombardment of Mata- i gorda from an oppt life fort wan I lb lcvere, that the French had j uifmounted their cannon at that Admmiltrator’s Sale, i place, and the people in Cadiz WILL BE SOLD, I were in very high (pints, and in To the hightjl bidder at the late dwel- full expectation of getting rid uf stag houjeof Cortiijb Davey, dee. in their invaik rs Flour was 2(' the town of miltduvUle, on Turf ; t ’ l0 l s . but the recent arrivals of day the 18/5 of September, next, j foUr American vcffefs had vodu* Hol ies, Cattle & Hogs* I ced the price. Capt. B. further informs tin,* (MOO troops had lecently arn- ...nfxEtrisE... Hoijhola Fuj mitt re. Terms made known on the day of fale. E. Nivey. Adm’trix. John Malhcwi, Adm’r Auiruft S. ]9--t<.'F, ved, Jk that when he failed trardports were beating in. 15 BLANK DEEDS, Fer Stic r.i this OjC•’