Newspaper Page Text
MILLBDGEVILLE: published (-weekly) by DENNIS fir AN.
The fallowing are the (gentlemen
whole names hive been mentioned
as candidates for the 12th Congrefs,
at the enfutng eleftion in Oftooer.
JJr. JViUam UG Bibb,
Of Wilkes.
Col. Geo AI. Croup,
I Of Montgomery,
Capt. Howell Cobb,
Of Baldwin
AFaj. Jas. G. FImston,
Of M Ttitofh.
Bolling Flail, Esq.
Of Hancock.
J ohft Forsyth, Rsq.
Of Richmond
Blaj. Iilijah Clark,
Of Baldwin.
Jesse Hatfrrr, Fsq.
Of Laurens.
John F Hi oft, Fsq.
Of I liberty.
Sheriff’s Sales.
w i j r, n e s o f, n,
C.'Sthcfitl Tuefdny in ') fir,her next,
at Twiggs Court boufe, between the
ttfunl hours,
One Lot of Land,
In the 2oth difttift of Wilkinfon
now Twiggs county d° 2 ; levied
on as the prooevtyof la.nos Lyon to
fatisfy an execution in favor of the
Executors of Charles M artin, dec.
•'•A L S O'”
Or r ,ot. N° 250, in the 2.5th dif
trift cf the Wilkinfon now Twiggs
county , levied on as the property of
James Finch to fa'isfy ftindry exe
cutions in favor of W. and Thomas
Hudfon—Returned hy a conilablc.
•••A L S O...
One Bav H-irfe, taken as the pro
perty of W hi in Robeitfon to fatis-
fy the State’s execution ag.fiidt Did
‘••ft I. ft €>•••
On'’ Chefnut Sorrel Hor'e, and
one Waggon, taken as the property
of James Duihan, to f ft ty the
States execution again!! laid Dur
ham. •••A L S O”
One Lot H 0 2t, in the 23d dif
trift of Wilkinfonnow Twiggs r un-
ty, taken as the property of James
Griffintof.itisfy GeorgeM‘((cign• y’s
execution. Returned by a conilablc.
...A L S O ..
Lot N° 29, in the 25th diftrift of
Wilkinfon now Twiggs county, talc-
on as th'> property of Jnliah Irvtn to
Sheriff’s Sale.
w i L l a e s l n,
Dn thefir ft Eucfdty in OIL next,
in the T zon of C tint on,
One Lot of Land ;
N° 191. in the Grhdiflricl of Bald
win now Jones county, taken as the
property of William Wright to fa-
tisfv an execution in favor of Buck- !
ner Harris.
•••A L S O'”
Lot Mo 94', in the 11th did rift
of Baldwin now Jones county, in
the pofT ill on of Samuel Wilfon, ta
ken as the property of Alexander
Perryman to fatisfy William Mar
tin’s execution.
•••A L s O”*
One undivided fourth part of Lot
N° 107, in the 10th diftrift of Bald
win now J mes county, taken as the
property of William G Sturges to
fatisfv fiindry executions in favor of
Patrick Kelly. Returned by a Con-
•••A L S O'”
Lot M° i99 and N° 185, in the
12rh did.rift of Baldwin now Jones
county, as the property >f Wil
liam Fi-zpatrick to fatisfy Thomas
Pinkard’s execution vo. (aid Fnzpa
trick. ...a l s o...
A Crop of Corn of 12 Acres, and
24 Acres of likely Cotton, no grow
ing — Alfo one Sorrel Mare, one
Sorrel Horfe, and three Cows and
Ca'vi‘3 ; taken as the property of
I) ivi i K >iiu lv 1.1 fali'fy the Rate of
Georgia’s execution agaiultfaid Kc-11-
...A L S O...
One good Road Waggon ft Geer,
one Black Horfe, one Chefnut Sor
rel Mire one Sorrel llorl'e, and one
Bay Ho fe ; tnkm as the property
of i’h muis Seal to fail fy the Stale
of Georgia’s execution, again!! laid
Seal.—Conditions Oath. -
Adminijlrator s IS ale.
On the firjl Trtfday in October nest,
on the public Jq’iare in the town
of Mutt if on,
Lot Number 258,
In the fourth diftrift of iormerly
Baldwin new Morgan county, it be
ing the real eftate of David Weaks,
dec. Sold for the benefit of the heirs
and creditors Terms cf Sale will
be made known on the day by
Sumpfon Gilfon, Adm’r.
June 20. 12—mtds
A dmini Cl rators Sale-
.• f- --ifftjirsntrt***7T*rw
Agreeable to an order of the honorable
the Inferior court of IVIarren county,
on the firjl Tuefdny in October nest,
at the court-houft op fold county,
One lYadt of Land ;
Containing 2G0 acres in faid coun
ty, joining John Parham and others,
it being the real ellate ot Robert
Jitikins. dec. Sold for the benefit of
the heirs and creditors of faid dec.
Terms of fale fifteen months credit
by giving bond and approved fecu-
Robert Jinkins, ? * , *
a r r u ( Adm rs.
Anfom ball, )
July 18. 1 G-tds.
ft well tried republican to advocate
yourfelf, favor u; with the catalogue
cl b . It •republic.’. > , which Amphioit
fays, “ wc are informed by men of
un<|u?:t:.*na’.)!e integrity,” own you
to be a republican. The writer of this
piece fii it wquidted yeui friend who
announced you at a candidate and
i nieo ! mai1 rnerit, to an enumeration of
1 0 f your merits, which lie Tom pure
diffidence no doubt, declined —Af
fix often in you.
For the Argus.
SHOULD other than the in
ternal evidence of the piece
Citizen, in the Georgia Joun
the 29th uh. be wauling to ptore
you to be the author of th t pro-ffic • ler appearing lo often m you. own
caufe it will not now be c > .fidered
tion, 1 am informed by a gentleman
of the faired integiity, that the ma-
nufeript in Mr. Grantland’s Office,
is in your hand writing The quib
bles of a petti-fogger are fo eminent
ly confpicunus, and bear fucb a 11. ik
ing likenefs to the produftion fome
time fince palmed on the public by
you under the figniture of Veritas,
that (kepticifm itfelf cannot but be
lieve you to be the writer. Utifl
a, “ impertinent inquiries in me,
if I a Ik you molt civilly, to come out
and favor us with the catalogue, but
do not forget your evidences and
lining reaforis...hy !>y for a moment
your quibbles and hard names, and
come honed ly and faithfully to the
point ...(lucid yourfelf with fair reu~
fonings and honed facls
Your friend, the rv.ufical fon rtf
innately for youvlelf as well as the Jupiter, has I fuppofe, effecVed hu
1 J . i ,.. i . 1.1 ~ i i r. k
S. F
Augud 29.
W H -
S 0 L D,
On the fv.f Tuefdny in ('Bober nest,
in the Town cf 'di\difon, Morgan
county, between the ujued hours, the
following pr;pet ty, viz.
One Negro J5oy
By the name of ifaac ; taken as
the property of Kamner Fitzpatrick
to la.rii.fv an execution in favor of
Mitchel and Cox.
— A L s o—
< c 9 Acres of Land in the 4th dif
trift of Baldwin now Morgan coun
ty, N° 372 ; taken a3 the property
J fatisfv William B Allifon’s vxecuti- of Homy 1) Stone to fali fy an ex-
Aaminiflrator s Sale.
Will, BE SOLD,
To the l.ighefl bidder at the late dwel
ling h iufe of (iornijb Navvy, dee. in
the town of J.’i/hdgevitle on Tiief-
d.ty the 1 bth cf September, iitxt,
Horfes, Cattle & Hogs,
...I-IK! HTSE...
1JoufJjoltl Furniture.
Terms made known on the day cf
E. N.Tcy, Ailm’trix.
John Mathew. AdniV.
An cult S l9-u!s.
print men who advocate your elec
tion, you are obliged at the very
thrffihold of your defence to trample
upon the eternal ft immutable piin-
ciples of truth to get on.—You tell
us that fome time before Maj. (J a:k,
alias the noble Citizen w as appointed
Solicitor, John Hoyle employed him
to bring aiiuit agairdene John Ben-
fon...but unfortunately for the ac
commodating powers of your mind
and memory it appears that you were
appointed Solicitor in 1807, and it
was 1809 before this cafe Lro’t
into exidcnce...This, however, is a
matter cf no it
laudable and grand purpoii
phion has tuned up his lyr • to .he
tune ot 11 dignifi ’d inv '(tipaiion
and Iras now left you to travel to
Congrofs upon its found, which was
ifo foouer (truck up than i' f,ti lt' d
and died away. Like a man raife
yourfelf creft, and tell your read is
wfiofe thefe three or four bufe men
are, whole names arc lvnonimou
widi infamy, but xvhn would appear
according to your arguments to-dio-
ta e m.itiei for every Reoublican pi
per of irreproachable (landing in the
date, with the exception of the Re
publican of Savannah...favor the he..
feems are the fpoil’d child of a family nett men of Georgia whh their hale
v. ho have not been “ bid in a cor- i and infamous names, that they mAf
ner,” and therefore, ycu n all be the j>fiu y*''i bi accafing -1 em
the (late alio...What I A hnend to Ti nth and Inquiry.
Adminijl rator s
•on againft faid Irvin Returned by
a conltable Conditions cafh.
E. Nunn, Sli’ff.
Auguft 29 22-tds
Sheriff’s Sales.
f On the frjl Tuefdny in Oft her next,
at the tlarktt lioufe in the Town
of Milledgevil/e,
69 Acres of Land,
In Baldwin county, on th< wa
ters of Rocky creek, ji tning
) lands of James Thonns, David
Preflon and others, Two Kea
tie r Beds and Furniture ; ont
Dutch Oven, one Pot, twelve
Head of Hogs, one Hi iter Year
ling; and one Negro B y nanieu
Turner ; levied on as ‘he pro
party of Chill’in Epps ft Sts 1
ling Bafs to fatisly Dixon Harp’s
execution againlt them. Con
tiitions caih.
Philip Cook, Sh’ff.
A guff 29. ‘ ‘22-tds
" B L AN K
Collectors Tildes,
Fsr GAd at this Ojjicc
execution in favor of John Caig, and
others. Conditions cafh
A Mad fee s.
Augud 29. 22-tds.
Sheriff's Sat
On the fir ft Tit /day in Oclolcrt next,
at the (.curt houfe in Greene county,
between the ufual hours,
i Jnc c Negroes, viz.
Sarah Will at d Tor.ev ; levied on to
(atisty an execution ifiued on a fori-
clofuve of a Mortgage againft John
Harn, in favor cf Dennisuid Wil
liams. Conditions caflt.
John Anderson, Sir’ll'.
Auuuft 1. 18 tds
On the lull Saturday in September next,
at the late dwelling houfe cf Baxter.
■ Jounlan, dec.
All the Perfonal Eftate
Of faid deceafed ; confiding of
IJorfes, Cattle, Hogs, and Houlhold
Furniture Condious of fale will be
made known on the day.
John Brooks, Adm’r.
Jones coev.ty, Walnut Creek 9
Augujl 23, 1810. 5 22-tds
fpoil’d child of the
would biaft the reputation of com
mon men, when applied to you, mud
either pafs for nothing,or it it proves
! any thing, it mud be that you aiea
' man of the drifted, integrity With
j the fame vafe too, you fay .hat three
■ or four bale men v.hofe names are
tous w th infamy, firft charg-
! cel you whh Federalilm ; but dif-
j com(ited and defeated i:i tha charge,
they have cancelled their whole ar
tillery of Billing!.et'e abufe againft
his official ft ptoicTfional charafler.
Such pet-bears as Tennimu, Ampbi-
on, Muma, ft Co are accountable
to you for this reference ,o the
columns of the Georgia Journal, it
will appear that they challenged inch
an inquiry. Without ufing the rude
and ungentlemanly language winch
you ufe youifelf...without calling
ycu a liar, I deny your affirtion.,.1
defy you with the abidance of all
th? fvci phants and beardltfs boys
who advocate you, to prove that any in the Argus, who has cp-
pofed your elcftioii has called ycu a
... *g"C" ...
itit the Savannah Evening
It is time that tins queftion ffiould
be ferioufiy c ufidered nd fettled by
the l ilizens cf this diflrici We are
not in unammou i.i our political o-
pinions as the people of the weilern
diftrifts, (till there is a great mafs of
(leriing republicanifm among us, e-
\' iy energy ol which or. ht to be out
afloat at tiio approaching eleftion.
We (ometimes err in fending men to
the legiflature, who have no fixed po
litical tenets *, who are fideralifts one
day, and republicans another'; but
furely we ought to be more cautious
in giving our votes (or members o£
congrefs, who have it fo much in
their power to do mifehief, upon a
feale whirl) may ultimately afiVft the
b.ll interftls of the ‘United States ;
and (or the long period ot two years.
We ought, therefore, to proceed ve-
deraliil ...the epithet of a federalill I ^ circiiml’pectly, and fi’lvft thefe
Guardian’s Sale.
On the firjl Tefday in November next,
at Modi Jon,'' Morgan county,
One Lot of Land,
N° 291, in tlie 20th diftrift: of Bald
win, now Morgan county, drawn by
the Orphans of Thomas Cooper—
Sold for the benefit of faid Orphans.
Forms made known on the day of
Sale. *
Charles M. Sin, Guardian.
Auguft 29, 22-tds
Adminijlralor s Sale.
Agreeable to an order of the hen. Infe
rior cun t of IVarren county, on the
frjl Itiefday in November next at
the Com t houfe of Randolph county,
One Lot of Land ;
N° 132, in tlie’ Ifith diftrift cf
Baldwin now Randolph county, be
longing to the eftate o. Robert Jen
kins, dec.—Sold for the benefit of
the heirs and creditors of (aid dec.
Terms of fale 44 months credit, by
giving bend with approved (ecu-
Robert Jenkins, ? . , ,
Anfrn ii,A l A<Jn ‘ r! '
Auguft 15. 20-tds
men only who have alw ay: been rea
ffirm republicans, and whole piivate
lives have never been tariiiihcd by
difhonor or reproach. Virtue is
the principle of our democratic form
of government; and cottfequentlv,
our confidence fhould be given to
• men only of unblemilhed cliaraftor
of th tefpeftable talents, and ho- am * unquu-tionable patriotilm—a pa-
norable qualifications which il.ould Liotilm founded_on the fovereigtuy
from feutiment, is far too honorable
for you...Mr. Ryan did himfelf call
you a courtier, and 1 think, very
juilly too The molt that has been
attempted by-tlie wtiters in that pa
per as it regards yourfelf, v. as to
prove that you were not a republican,
and that you were totally deftitu
charaftetize a member of Ccngrcfi.
The anl'.vers to all the charges againft
you. (and God knows they are a
goodly (1 ate for an hontft man) have
confuted in vulgar abufe, hard names,
lies ami quibbles. Tell the people
md happinefs of the people. \i ho
are delcrving of thi, confidence a-
mong the candidates we have fecn in
1 1lie public ptintr. I
1 They may he all cftimable ft wor
thy citizens, and lovers ol their contr
ol Georgia, if it was “ three or four : lr 7 a! 'd its conftitution ; but a choa e
bafe men whole names are (ynoni- l 0 ^ l3ul 1I1U1 1 he made, and I thiidc
rnous with infamv,” v.’h.o foiled your
N 0 T I C E.
I N mv abfencc Mr Frederick Fnn-
ford will attend to any bufinefs
of mine relative to the ellate of Fran
cis Sayre, dec. arid Mr. Samuel S.
Steele will attend to the concern of
I)even ux is" Thweatt.
A. M. Divereux.
Augufl 1, lB-tf.
tlie people will never have reafon to
exertions to get a feat in Congrefs 4 ] rc 6 rct l - icir eleftion of
years ago...Tell the people ot Geor- TROUP', S BIBB,
gia if it was “ tliree or four bafe H.\LL, 1[ 110USF0UN,
men whole names are fyuonimous j Troup and Bjbu have rendered
with infamy” v.lio foiled your at- them (elves fo confpicuous hy their
tempts laft winter to creep into a feat talents, rep.ublicanifm and hoiu lly,
in th^ Senate 1 f the U. States. that the n motelt apprebeufions can-
Your friend Antpliion has been not be entertained of their fuccefs.
repeatedly called 011 to name, who They are favorites of the people, and
are thofe bid Republicans who ov. n hold the higheft places in their affio
you as a Republican...I have twice tior.s. It is unnecftTary, I prefume,
alked him, and lie ha*as often evaded to fay more, as h relates 10 thefe can
dle queition— Do moll honorable didatec. Mr. IIall, ho\ve\er,I; not
and worthy Major, whilll you am fo generally known to the citizens of
diflefting yourfelf into the mium. ft this diftrift ; and, as 1 .mi well ac- of Anatonimical ingenuitv, ft quainted with him, as a man and j
cealUtuting each fibre a firm patnot politician, I ftmll end'.a\or tn draw