Newspaper Page Text
"Here TRUTH unite tils'd reigns,
jin l ilftre accost e'ett Lings themselves
,..()>• rulers cf the free."
irEDtfZSDAt", SF.PT. 12, 1 SI 0.
gft- V, r e ar? inthorfed to Gatn that
Tt^pr TAMES E. HOUSTON, lias
declined Seine a Candidate at the
enfuing Congrefnona! Election.
n-r* Clodhopper, in rep’v to a is unavoidably omitted.
The friends of the Editor of the
Argus need be under no apprehen
sion* on fcorc of a date appeal to an
•ccclefi tflical tribunal ..lie is prepar
ed to anfwer for his conduct before
nrv(tr' 1 he allures them,
let it be invefligated when it will,
the refult will cover his accufer with
fhame and confufion
From the Georgia Ex n RF.<if!.
It is with pleafure we lay before our
readers the following communira
tion from Mr Meigs, to the Edi
tor of the “ Wafhington Moni
tor”. ..b -cauf" we are glad to find
'that filch refneclable talent as
Mr Fnfv'h is known to p IT ft,
will, (>f eWVb) he exerted for the
bell in terrain of America... and
from 'he acknowledged patriot
ifiii of Mr. I dgi, we are difpofed
to think that Mr, Forfyth is now
a Rr.puot.ican whatever may
have been his former errors. That
his converfion to correft princi
ples may he as lading as h:s name,
is our fincere wifh
la making this confefiton of appro
bation of Mr. Forfyih, we wifh
not to be underttood, as giving
him a preference...on the con
trary, Bolling Hall ever has, and
does l>.iil, in our eftimation, de-
ferve the- decided fupport of the
Republicans of Georgia, as one
of the new candidates
To the Editor of the Monitor. 1
Before I left Athens a report had
b f, en fpread that I would oppofe the
eleftion of Join, Forfy'h, Efq to a
fea r in the congrels of the United
States. This, like mod re forts, is not
founded on tru'h. My tirm adher
ence to republican principles is well
know, to a very ex'rofive acquaint
ance, in this and in many of the o-
ther (dates. If I did not believe
Mr Forfyih to be a republican and
a friend to the prefent and late ad-
tninirtration, I fhould b? fo far a
Brutus, as to withhold my fuflVage,
even were he more nearly connected
with me than he now is
If I.did not know him fob2 a gen
tleman of well-tried and fterling in
tegrity, courage an 4 honor, I would
not Vote for him. If I did not know
him to he a man of more than com
mon natural fn/iv/Lr, brightened and
rendered ufaful by a truly liberal ed
ucation...if I did not know him to
be a gentleman of polillvd m inuet s,
and of morals wholly f lire and in-
eorr{ipr...if f did not pelieve that he
is particularly qualified to do honor
to this ftate, in tlie'illuflrnms a flam-
bly for which he is a candidate ; and
that he is particularly fitted to fofren
the acrimony of party foil it, which
all good men lament, 1 would not
vote for him. But knowing him to
be fuch ns above deferibod, 1 will
give him that cordial fupport which I
woi^jld give to any other gentleman
juftly entitled to fitch a charv>fter.
Augufla, Augufl 14, IK 10.
The perfonnl knowledge I have of
Jons Elliott, Efq of Liberty
couf*ty,(one of the prefent candidates
for Congrefs at our enfuitig eleftion)
Induces me, to introduce him to my
fellow-citizens, as a man of talents
»nd integrity.
Under an imprefTion,that hi•sgcod
Snd great qualities to that flation
not receive in time their due
Weight amonglt that part of the pub
lic to whom that gentleman may flill
be unknown, has induced me to
Corne forward in his behalf.
James montfort.
A Warning to the Rfpuulican
axd .1
Mirror for the Federal Party.
Are to be foui?d in Erllcine’s frank
correfpondence, • which ought to be
rung in every year, or held fo every
face. The “ clue” to the labyrinth
of Britifli policy is furnifhed by her
own minifler, alluding to the great
maxim of his perfidious court—Di
vide and govern To enlill a fadlion
in this country, fubfervient to her
views,lias been her plan; & never did
f!i° lofe an opportunity of (Length
ening of it by new recruits, engaged
to her for hire, or attached from loy
alty. Li lion encouraged thi: faction
—witnefs his fending Chifholm to
England, and his underflanding with
Blount.—Burr was countenanced by
England alfo ; Mr. F.rfkine appears
to have written largely to his govern
ment about the ufe which might he
made of the Baders of the federal
carry in the U lited States—particu
larly in New-Euglaml. What mult
an honefl federalift: think and feel,
when lie perceives that Britain claf-
fes him with her allies, and his de-
fignirig or traitorous leaders ? We
leave him to fidf examination, when
he futveys the following extracts
Irom Erfkine’s official letters—juft
come to light:
ty-gr* “ List ! List ! O, List !”
' I have endeavoured, bv the mc«fl
drift and deligent enquiries into the
rind laugh’Dg fei • ft them !>. ;h
at the lame lime, at futh extra
ordinary and impartial an uni-
pirifm ; they (hook hands imme
diately, and became good frieud:
for the lefl. of their lives
Staibuc!:, cf Gififi’ford ccurdv, in
this (late, can cure Cancers, however
oblUnaie and dangerous.
R.d ig/j Rcgfl. r.
On the drhinfl. at Colo. Edmund
Abercrombie's, in Putnam County,
by Matk Jacltfon, Efq. Mr Bar tley
Busty, to Mifs Nancy Bollard.
'v.i» imv—v'Ti
P O S T s c ft I r I’.
By ibis
He who jtJIs upon a man that is drunL (
injures the alfent. Polybius.
To all ■
them tl ‘fe prefents foill
Remember, ye. that I Benjamin
Typelter, of lawful age,
make known, That I hive pafled
down my own throat on an average
about one glafs and a half of fome
kind of fpirits per day, 23 years,,.
which, at the lowed prices within
that period, has amounted to 25
cents per week, and amounting in
the whole, computing filtered, to
Goo dollars ! That this GOO dollars
has never added to mv happinefs or
hearth: That in cotifequencc of eve
ry half hour’s increafed animation
bv its ufe, one whole hour of extr.t-
Eytract of a letter from a gentleman
at Fori St. Stephens, to the Edit r,
dated ugujl'll, I 8 10 •
“ It is with regret I inform you
tha the Yellow Fever has been r ag
ir.g for fome time in Penfacola...
Doftor Nathan II Thomfon, died of
hereby the above d finder, on the 13th inII..
rencnjaeswM m rrrmx.'»Ti"T» r*r-a?n
71 /r ■ s x ,f •
ivi!.rn::io• s dXiaii
The Northern Muil »Nj«? Inf
right at 8 o'clock* did i.-^-u ar
rive until 10 this morning.
Jiaithmte, Anyf
We hear trout Watt ngfeer
j that the difp?.t<:hcs lately bro’
from Mr. Pinkney in the Fs
tn uthmah, have been tor war <0
Five Dollars Reward.
vifws of the federal party, to afeer- ordinary debility lias ulually fucceed-
tain to what extent they would lie j
willing to reftjl the mrafures of the
party in power, and how far they
could carry the opinions of thi conn
try along with them in iheir attempts
to remove the embargo, without re
curring to hodilitics ngaind both G.
Britain and France ”—Letter of Dec.
4., ISOS.
I’lie weight and influence of
the Eadern dates has b am fufurient
to fovea the ruling party to abandon
their favorite fydem of Embargo, and
that too without the " painful alter
native" of Prelident JelTerfon of war
being fubdituted—hut I doubt ex
tremely how tar they could compel
the congrefs and Prefident into war
with France utdefs the U. States
could be called upon to a fieri its neu
tral rights bv the tens pot ary removal
of his majedy’a orders in council to
give them tint opportunity.—Dif-
patch of Feb. 1 5, I KOI).
“ ft is true that a iion-intercourfe
law may be confidered by the Ead
< rn dates as a very objeclioaable, but
as it would be rather a nominal pro
hibition than a vigorous enforcemen f ,
a r'fidancp to it would be lefs likely
toh * made, and of lefs importance,
i( it fiioitld take place
“ i'h? ultimate conftqucnces of
fuch diderences and jealoul'n-s arifing
between the Eadern and Southern
dales, would in-vitab!v tend to a
diffjlution cf the Uni-o •», which has been
for fome time talked of, and lias of
late, as I have hea d b*-en ferioufiy
contemplated bv man\ of the leading
people in the Eaflern divijion
“ I will nor however trouble you
with any obfervations upon that nu
ll ; l liat lor half an hours’* excef- i
five labour, one hour of iilletiefi has its ufe ; That my health
has been d?crcafed, and I now verily
believe my life will be ten years firm- i
er, and 10,o< 0 dollars I tils ufpful to !
the world, in confi qicnce of irs uf ■;
And that I am now actually depref-
fed in circumdances and incapable
of giving fcope to the common en
ergies of the mind and body, by the
want of thole GOO dollars which I
have thus converted into paifon for
my own dcllruCtion. Thefe are ilmre
fore to forbid all perfons from felling
me hereafter, for my own life, or
offering me to drink gratis, any ar
dent fpirits whatever, upon penalty
of forfeiting my approbation, friend-
Ihip and eileem Ben. TyptJJer.
Thomas Jefferson,..Never did
tlie cliaracler of politic of any man,
(blue out fo fuperlati- v, or cad fo
bright a ludre, as the path of Eho-
mas Jedfirfon.
Tliepretlce>jfjrs ?f Thomas lelT>r-
fon were a nirnai toft...the
\ of Thomas U’ft' rfon, complete the
; ferutiny. B< : eeen both, his acls
have been amalgamated in the fiory
I furnace, and the hotter the crucible
is heated ...thepurer the gold
Ify ITN AWAY from the fubferi-
her a Negro Woman, named
BE i’EY about 45 years of age, a-
bout four feet fix inches high. Any
perfou who will.apprehend laid Ne
gro woman and deliver her to me in
Miiledgeville, or lodge her in any
fecure Jail in thi i date, fiiall receive
the above reward, and all reafouable
cxpenccs paid.
A. M. Dcvcreux •
September 12. 24— c
l o Clement Craynuru cf CrcrA
aunty, and Wiliam I'aiiujhy
cf Ogf thorps county
Win Tas the laid Clement
Traynutn, contrary to an aft eft'
(he General Aftembiy ol this
to the iccrctary (.1 .State—bu t
te quite unimportant:
lfiat accoums are receives 1
from Paris, of the imcrceflion o :*
tlie Knipi rnr of Auftm wiih fti i .
nanarte in favor of b’eruina i l
VII and that the emperor won’t l
give him his lee or d daughter ii >.
marriage—provided NapomO! v
would nftore him to the t’m n ?
of Spain, or othervife prove! :
for him ;
That Bonaparte meant to pi t >.
pofe terms oi peace to Jorgianc .
: On theie topics there was mud ft
("peculation ; fome pronouncir j ;
! it imp^ftTiblethat BonaparteecAfc 1
or would degrade Ms brotfur )n. ■
feph to re.He a B iuri)0ii in Jus
i Head ; others arguing the con.
frary, from the circumftance of
the luonuinent decreed to
the fixteentli ; that, it ih yiutq?
Rate, did fraudul ently enter his ; empu-fs and her ft tnily ha oft-
name for u draw or draws in the
fir ft land lottery, whereby he
drew lot N° 370, in tlie 3d dil-
trift of Baldwin, now Putnam
county. And the laid William
13mi the. contrary to fiid law,
drew lot N° 227, in the 5th dif-
trift of Bddwm, now Morgan
county. And whereas, writs of
feeri facia’s have been iflued in
the above cafes, and the flieritFi
of the feveral counties above-
named have returned tliat fuch
perfons are not to be found in
their Bailiwicks.
Ehefeare til. refer, to notify
you the f id Clement Traynum
and William Battlefljv, and all
perfons interefted, or concerned
in ;.ii 1 fir.ts, that after fix months
publication ol this no:ice, you
do in your own proper perfons
or by your attovnies appear at
the Superior courts to be holden
thereafter for the counties cf
Putnam and Morgan county a.
portant topic at prefent &e.—lb j than property at all events...let our
Thev who fympnthizod with uurr, 1 merchants confi.ler this. The far-
they who extolled 1’ ckering s tre.i- mers anil mechanics of the United
fonable letter to governor Sullivan, States are not blind —Aurora,
as well as they who abhorred both j -—r—
treafon and traitor, have matter here | Cant. Lake cf the Britith navy
for feriotts contemplation. If we for landing anil leaving Robert Jcf-
ufe it arigtit, it may, vet prove our fr e y, a Britifli feaman, on the unin-
falvation Balt. H hig. j habited ill an d of Sombero, for fonie
t I potty offences, has been tryed by a
I A law has lately been faffed in com r martial, found guilty, and dif-
tlie (late of New York, which ex- milled iiis Majelty’s fervice. For
! empis the poor man s cow, fhep, ; murdering eftnr r icau feamen andciti-
Oitr Sfamf.n...One word is as
good as a thoufand- If tliefinpref-
ment of our fi-tmen, ar.d the mur
ders of the Chefapeake were not
worth fighting for,
Neither is the confifcation by f 0 refud, to defend faid fuits, cr i
France worth fighting for. fl lew C aufe (if any they can) why 1
Life and liberty are of more value . . v > J *'
tained Bonaparte’s confi nt
that men lure, the y might can y*
their icf]uence farther.
We will want for fafts, rat'vT
than form opinions on cinque-
turc and rumour.
New 1 'ork, Augufl 21.
i Latest From Knoi.and.
Yelterday arrived at this jjoA t
his Britannic m.j fty’s frig,;? •
Venus, capt. Cr twfoiu, in forty,
four days from Portfmouth, Ira*. •
"mg on board Mr. Morit-r, the ■
newly appointed Charge dcs ',{• .
fairs, and r’.ifpatchrs front Mr. .
Pinkney for the lecretary o: t
State. The Venus will wait tr i
tali', home Mr. Jackfon & family ,
l he J.,ondon pap rs rective-i l
by her at the office of the Mn .
cantile Advertifet are to the 7c ft
of July, two davs later than ou r
advices by the Pacific : hut :h r y
are extremely barren of intell i
judgment ffioukl not go againlt
each of you, in terms of the a-
bove recited aft
. Sept. 12, 1810. 24-6m
GEORGIA, Jones county
Britijh charge d'affairs—AVe ap-
pTehend our cdfuemporaries are in.
correct in denominating ivlr. Merrier
only a charge d’all’airs We u.uler-
Itand that Mr. M. was to corns out
in tins inferior capacity ; but that
| Mr. Pinkney on receiving difpatcheri
i and '.nttvuftions from this country.
J rep,relented to tlie Britith miniller.
i that in cate an envoy of no higher
i, Britifli rffeers, intlead of being
! fwine, bedding and clothing irom bi
ing taken by execution...Laws are ■ difmifl'ed arefromotetl.
I generally made for tlie rich, but in j
I palfing this, there has been fome at-
I tention paid to the poor...The grip
’ creditor cannot now take the bed
IT 7 HERE AS ‘ Littleberry • S ra ' e than aclu T ’ ^ d ^
VV WHfonb».l..6Mini.,-
mat ton in ruycllu.c, that RnAcr- i c;, J-mes and return home \ andthac
icit. Lady, jim. of the county of in confenuence of this noiilii .itioh, ic
from under the unfortunate debtor
A benevolent (cciety of Ladies is
formed at Baltimore for fupplying
Widows and Orplians with work,
v ho have no other means of fupport.
arid his diltrcfied little ones, nor can j Women who have fick or infirm huf-
he take the cow which fupplies them
with mill:, r.or the (beep Irom which
they dtaw their clothing.
I never knew but one perfon
who interfered between man and
v. lie,either with latcty or fucccfs.
Upon a dome flick pro and con
once between the parties, that
was riling t vi n to blows, a fii< nd
of mine, who happened to be
by, hit the hufband a flrok-’ with
his right hand crying “ B qtti
ft, you brute and ftruJc the
woman at the fame time with his
left, laying ‘ Hold your tongue
: you vixen” then repeating’
his moral admonitions & friend
ly butf is with Peace you tnon-
(h r—Have done,"you tci inagent
— Hands off, you coward—Re
tire, you virago”—-a - fit' eft flititne
bands, women with fmall children
u ho have been deferted by their huf-
bands, or thofe who have drunken,
worthlefs, vagabond huffiands, who
can procure tefiiinonials of good
character will be entiiled to receive
their proportion of work from this
Wilkes did fraudulently & con
trary to law enter his name in
laid county for a draw or draws
in the late land lottery., whereby
the faid Roderick. Fatly, jun.
drew lot M° 40 in the 1 lrh dif-
trict of Baldwin, now Jones
county ; and whereas it appears
from the Sheriff’s return that the
Mr. Moriee has been
plenipotentiary pow-
was preiumec
inverted with
ers, as he had been overtaken and
flopped by a me danger on his way
from London to Portfmouth to em
bark on his voyage. In this c*,le Mr.
Morier can be no lefa a miiiiitet
plenipotentiary; and our executive,
in determining that the tnilfionoffti
minifler ol inferior grade to thi*
laid Roderick is not to bo found C0JIUI ? fl,ouM bc fo1 0WCl1 hv ,h '
in the county of Wilkes ^ ? Ir - INri.kney,have dffid.aycl
Great Britain feems pretty much
in the fame pridienment now that
Spain was in under Phillip 111, when
one of his ftatefmen by way of con
futation, faid to him, “Pieafe your
Majefiy, you have but two enemies
"•all the world .\nA yur own mini-
Jlers !"...True American,
Cancers cured.—It is now com
pletely afeeriained by his couftant
fucccfsful praftice (and we publifli
the fuel for the comfort of thofe who
may be i fniftced with this dangerous
and alarming difeaffi) that Hc7.-ki-.ih
county of Wilke
Ail petfons therefore having
infereft in the lands in queftion,
are hereby riquired to be and
appear at a Superior court to be
held in and tor the county of
Jones, on the fccond Monday in
February next, and make them,
felves parties to the fuit then in
commenced, to anfwer the a’le
gallons & fliew caufe if any they
have, why the proceedings had
under fuch fraudulent returns or
j the grant i( iflueil, fhould not b'
fe.t alide and made void.
Given under my hau l this
17ihdny of Aiuruft 1810.
R, (’•rep,t v, Cl’k. ol rofolutiou tint will be ap
plauded by every American. •
Somethin? New !
Tt is currently circulated in the
upper part of tlie Star?, that if Boll
ing Hall fhould be elected to Cou-
prefs, he will have the cor.flHu'iou
annulled in fpitp of all Congrefs and
eftahiilh the MethodifliculChurch oti
the ruins of all Softs! ! Now is ic
poll'll)!? that there tan be a man r'uli-
culons enough in Georgia to propo-
gii'.e Each a report or Rapid on tut; a
to believe ir, why tin y mav a . v.- t
circulate a r?port, finr f; ■_ Fed •. I
Candidates be eh e d, tivv wi’t (i ; •
America along ti !e ■ f bmu.I .
Ch :