Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, October 24, 1810, Image 2

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■mm's rgr-ffiaafg: -nr,- tr mrrnn m, tag a 1 ARGUS. _ “Here TI. VTH vnlictns'd feign/, Still dare accost e’en kings themselves ...Or rulers cf the free.” MILL!' Dbl'-VILl.E : 'IVP.DNF.HPAr OCT 24. 1810. Th- following extra# from tlio aft of Congn-fs puffed lit . jM iv 1810, is particularly inter- tfting at this moment: — S.:r 4. And he it further on aft**!, t hat in cafe either CJ. IV. it.iin or Franco {fidl before th< lh : r.i day of March next, fa ie V’ki> or mo'ify her edids, as thvt they fii i' 1 ceafeto violate the n.-utr 1 co omerce of the Unfix! Slates, which fad th* Po-Tidi-nt of the Unite.) States Hi ; l declare bv fi an ; an-* it the o ther nation fh ill not wfihin three uinrihs 'hereafter, fo r- vr-ic or troci y h. r etHds in like man it* r. thn fixtli, I the third, fourth, fifth, vemh, eigmii, ninth, ten'll and eigh ccnth fe&ions of th d, entitled “an -cl to in ter i d tiie commercial inter con rib between th« U ite'States •and G'vat Britain and France an i their tkpen 'mries, and for other put poles,” fliall from and I affirmed the appearance of being iert will find iiluftrative of the (fate of parties among them.— We alfotnfertin the lame place, an ai.fwer from the houf'e of rr pn fentatives of IMafidchufettg to their governor, which forcibly fliows the difficulties arifing to th** United States from the jiref fare ol France on one hand, and of Great Britain on the other. Commercial cupidity and a den re to facrifise future fafety & rUpecUbiiity to the profpett, probably delufive of prefent gain appear to have influenced the \merican people and caufed he.n to lofe the advantages they •nigh' have reaped from the en lorcemtent of the embargo aiid non intereonrfe; for had thefi* in. a lures been ftead ;i y an i uni formiy perfi vered in, the dif fi ultfi-s of th fe countries would probably have force f them to yi*!J in juft cone ffion to the claims ol \ men cans ; for ex id v u the critical p.-riod-c.f the rep. al of each of thc-fb meafures, we were feeling the ed want of a fuppiy of thofe ar ticics which form the bafis of our manu'afhires, and alfool a mar ket fi r ur manufactured arti cles. Pne ch trader of he A merican g ivernmer.t his thus fur the expiration of 3 months vacillating an i unfleady anJ by luchcondud the Americans have materially injured their caufe & their reputation for political wi! dona. TORPEDOES. frooi the date of the proclamati on afon frtid be and have full f irce an i iff. d fo far as r bates to th- dominions colonies and dependencies of the nation thus refuting or negleding to revoke or modify her e.lids in the man aforefaid And the rt flric tions impofed by this r.d (hill from the date of fuch proclama tion ceafe and be difeonti in relation to the nation revoking or modifying her decrees-in the in inner aforefaid ” GtNERAL PpMTICS. It may be amufing ff not ufe- ful or inftrudive. to hear the o pinions of foreign vnitei s on the conduct pm fued by our govern mem in i. lation to the helliger ents f f Kurnpe The mealims of rongrefs are canvc-{fi d ip this country loo mu- h in the fpirit of party, .p.-rhap.u co obtain cor rect cit'dudii'iis ; while in other nnriors we may * xped to find th r lift of unbir.flcd reafon & impartial judgment, Thefollow ing i - from the Bel fill Monthly Magazine for Julv Lit. Every motive of policy, and reciprocity of feeling fhould in timately conned us with tin U. Spates cf North America. But this war which imbitters every thing, and mean j* .iloufy whi' h lurks in tiie minds of force rgamll the A mericans for throw ing if the ) lu-ol Britain, has mifl ii ou: ft itelinen, and endan gered our amicable r^’.ifputed dominion by fea. and itie < quai lyabfuni aggi* ffions of France by land, h vccilhaffcd the A- intiqjns and left them at a lofs to which fi e to turn thcmleives. Hi* tr governtnem has not been fuliv fupo’orted in their plans by the people, and the influence of O t Friday morning the 21fl REPEAL OElTJE UNION. |» T Pui fu mt to tierefolutions of the Coun il, dtered in at the Quarter Affenjily laft Fiiday, tne Committed then appointed, met this day ft the exhibition houfe, Av r illintj ftreet, in order to forward fucj meafures as may be confidered jnolt conducive to (fled the reftal of that molt obnoxious an^npement— a i.r- GisLATivF. umoff. Indedd the j rclults of that Fatal meafure have I been fo defimdWe as to con i vince the inoft cb\\inate, and a ! wt-lcen the molt bebtted. The general ffate of bankruptcy aiuJ I decadence wlfich predominate o ver this once flourifhing metrop olis, are the able ft comments or that peltifirous ad, vthirh de privea Ireland, at on^e of her independence & parliament. Ii- adverting to that periodjWt know not molt which lo coji :< :nn—- the int lute itfelf or tiie means by which it was fo uniraciouflv accompitfhed. ihe lluion was loundi u cm ihe diluniop of Irifh 1 men ; and while we (/pja’ly ix- cerate and lament tht unhappy catatlrophe let us alio cxprels a hope iltat a-niionifted by ou> former fate, we wi.1 henceforth j cling together with one heart & ; one voice, as ipuifpenfably tie- Ci fiaryto refeueghe countryirom its prefent a by I, As this kingdom has been c rafed from the .tit of nations by its recent difi'ention?, io even yet it is not too late to refeue it by the union tif its inh-t:it<nls Without the opeianon of this fa- From the Natchez IFeehly Chronicle. WES. FLORIDA. One of the Editors of this paper ha; ju(f returned from at tending a meeting of the Weft Florida Convention, vvnich ad journed on t h- 29ih u't to meet again at St John’s Plains, on toe firft Monday in N avemher next. Before a journing. the Gover nor had functioned all their pro ceediogs, which was announced i*y the following proc'-amabor : To the inhabitants cf the jut fdid ion of Baton Rouge “His Excellency Charles Do haulf Dt laffus, Colonel of th Royal Annies, an-l Governor power lo form fuch byc-ia-. •. 1 the government oi the foci-Hy u, to tiiem may feem fit and cxiv. die-nt, ni^t inconfiifent widi a:--- of the general laws of the ecu. , try ; and they find form a bill c. rat-.-s for medical and furgical fertrices, which they fh ill make public with ut unnecetl'try c>. lay ; anu the fame! tiiereaf. ter be recognized by the tribun als of ju'ti e within this jurifuic. tion as the eltablifhed rules of the country for fuch fervices. “ lief lived, That th fa id Me. dical Society be authorifed, ar.J required to choofe annually three or more of their members to form a committee for the pur. pafe of examining all perfons Civil and Military of the l lace ; W ] 1Q | 1C rcafter come within and fuvilditlmn of A. .on Rouge j j ur .tHidlion, with a view of with the R- prefentatives of the j exercifii the profc fli , n of Me- people of tht-faid Juiileiietion in i j cC j nt , or Surgery, or any branch S -of. the following gentlemen, l lutary pi nc-,.i, th lame it.flu app iinted by the fee ret ary of the navy to examine an I report on the principles and utility of Mr Fu tons’- 1’orpe'ioes, met at the but i;n lFe&Udl ffruggleot a deep City Hot' I, New York iy injured people ti liqufuion to cafi an aggregate met ung has, in ccnh qu -nct been relolved on Previous :o the Union, the Catholic c, ole winch iiao only tin- pr judicesol I: ;fliProteHants to enc'. untti was e-aily gaining ground. Its triumph would have been certain, haei not that meaf- ure taken place, as is evident bom the .veil known circum* fiance tlut the majority of our representatives in the Britifh Par liament voted lor the emancipa tion of thrir country men Its njeEuon, thtt*, is owing to ihe firetigtli of Englifh pnjuoice, v/hicii, according to Le ro Gren- vihe, mult be ovircome, and a the ubnu namelels arraJ-genicnts R Livu’-gflon, Morgan Lewis, Oliver Wolcott, C 1) Bolden, Col, Williams, Mr Got tt, Dr Kemp, Com. R >gers, and Capt Ch^uncey, W uneerftand that the prin cip ;! o' i ft ot thefe genticnigli is to minutely examine mui tell by experiment, if liecefTiry, 'he va rious modes which Mr Fuiton lias to propnfe lor phiri g his rorpedoes under the v\lV 1 while at anchor or tin ier fail: for from the experiments he has akeady made by blo.ving up two brigs, it appears to b * admitted by all parties, that if the torpedoes can he lent under a fivip and there explode, flie will be dt fli oye ence that once . iltulcu its Dale fu 1 operation, wid again arile ik « >:ert itfelf to de*t at the generous I his point acknowledged/the he mide, before the gteat body qucflion aj pears to be, whether 1 the Infii people can be ad- a well organized number of row boats, and combinations added to courage, can j Lee or fend torpedoes under a fhip of war in oefianceof her courage and fire, or any conioinatieui of obflruc tion or rtTillancc which fire can make. it having been rumoured that tlie experiments cxpi tied to commence yellerdr-y, hive de- 1ain<=d many perfr-ns in town under the expectation cf feeing a vtflel blown up, we thii'k pro per to date, that no fuch thing is to take place. The invtiliga tlm p putar voice . n a free go- > tu n wdl he" in private, at the na vernment, which even if occa- ) vy yard, principally in a rocm, fio ' tl in error, we ought (o ref- p-el h is decided againft the pre cautionary nteafurcs cf an un barge, & non intercourfe, whirh "'if ■ adopted at firtf, and which pcrhaps-w.-rc the wiled fleps that cnvjt- l>e teken to avoid open hoflnity, and k -ep out cf the uadi of the oni tending powers < ! I urepe. Fora view of the d'di.u tiesof the Amnicango tuner t we r< fer to the a< fu-If s from T'E w Ycik to the IttT a/.d prefer.t pr< fulent, and 'heir anfwers, giv n atnoi g the rim unit tits at the ronclufion o’ this article, and which cur rea ch models prepared for that pur pose. On the meeting of Con gr< fs, the experiments are to he repeat'd at Wafhirgton, on the huge fcale, when at < fl.-.y will be mane to ! low up a fliip. There fore, nothing is to be fien at this time to gratify public curi cfiiy. Wf have drtmtd an enquiry and this {Interne m reciflary, that individuals may rot be difap printed in the expectations they forint - firm the petit e of th* c< utfe cf t yperiments which has been pbblHlied. mittea within tnc pele of the conliitut ion.- Dublin. Cot refpun dent Ireland has now arrived at that crifis oi calamity,when nowclee inofynary aid can be t fEclual when no inedicant gratui’y, no miniilerial aims ran rellorrcon- fhlence or diy the tear of gene ral misfortune.; fuch evsncicont applications, iu< h flimfy ami flirting balms ntay iooth for a moment the heait o! individual d'ftrtfs but a repeal f ihe union can alonefive the country—When we fay ihe country we (h: u!d on this occafion ne underftood to mean both England and Ireland for withciut Ireland England can not (fan . and without the repeal Ireknd mufl go to the bottom— Dublin Even Pojl. A fale of Merino Sheep im ported from l.'fbon, took place* on the 2,71H ult. at the lann of Francis 1J. Winthorp, Efq. net r New Yoik '* he number fold was two hundred and fifteen.— The average p»rice lor which thofe animals fold was 26'J del larseai li : one rant was fold for Conventionaff nibied, announce that the meafures propofed to be adopted for th*- public laftly, & for the- better acniinidration >-f jultice within the laid jurildic tion, are landiur.ed and * liabl fh idas orcinan»-es, to have tlm- force ant) authority of law. with in the fiver; - ' ifinds of this ju rifdiftion, until the feme be- iu!>- mitted to he Csptam General of th Hl-.nci of Cub, , am: un ril Ins t eofior. theieon fhjii i t k*-t v : — the i; id oroinanei § will be made known in each i.iftud, with all peflible difi at* h, an in the mean nine all th* goon pt-o pie ot the juriluidlion ai r rtqun ed to prelove good oiuer. and avoid evtry ne ve-ment which mav difturb tin public tianquih- , tv ; it b ing the oi-iy tnlli both 1 of the Governor am the IE pi e j fentatives, to confult the belt in ( teielfs of the inhabitants. And ; alih' ugh it is not intended to mark with fi vtrity the authors of j the tiifordtr, which has appeared in feveral pails oi the country for fame time pail, yet all iuch p t i ftits as may be found offend ing in that m. nner,after thisuate, wiil be punilhrd with the itveri ty which 'h law pretcribes, and whichthtii < {T. tices may ci- we. “ Baton Rouge, Augufl 2'Id, 1110. “ \\ m fjpiller John Mills, Jos Thomas, John Morgan, John W Lee-n ud, Btnj. mtr O Williams.E- mumiliawes Pint :p Hi- kv, Manuel Lopez, liio Lilley, J hn H J.-h don, Win Barrow. “Carl's Dehault Dela.sus.” “ J'-hn Rhea, fra of Corns.'' The uuiioit harmo y . ppear- ed toexift between the Govern or ano Convention, aim it was believed by the moil e.Might* ned part of the community that the new arrangements would have a f-sSu ary efi.-ft in p.-dervit.g ; ran- qu liiy k promoting iheprofperi iy of the Province One wife meafure is the author.f.i g a Priming Office at B.,ton R. uge, under the tanttion oi a Superior i Court. We offer the following refo- lution, w hich will fhew that the Convention have had lorn regard for the welfare of their conflitu ents. in guarding them ag.-inll | the abominable curie of emj.iii cilm :— “ Re filmed) That all the r-hy- ficians an<i turgeons now refid ing and cx»nifit.g their profef , lions, within this jurildiclion. be 1 formed info a Medical Society, with penniffion to a lie in hie, from time totinn , tor the purpofe of debating on (ul jtfls relating to their pick ffions, and of commu nicating to each other fuch in- tc reft ing cafes as may occur in pradlire. '! he laid fouety fliall hold their firll meeting at Sr. Francifville on the full day of Odtohej- next, ai y fix or more of them to form a Society at il nine hummed and ten dollars ! J laid firll meeting ; and they fliall lire whole flock brut the lum j meet alltrwards on their o-wn ol J7.CC.0 iloilurs. I arijr urnnu-ms. They fiujl have thereof, & of granting licences to fuch as they may find iuffi. ient- ly {killed in the profdfion which they may propole to excrcife as ; who fliall thereafter be members ol the laid Medical Soci -ry ; and any p-erfon who- fliall he found excrc.ifing either of th prof*ffions within this ju rif-fittien, after this prefent ytG,. n it now * xt-r burg the lame* wiih the peruiiffion of govern ment, or duly ii-:cnfed by the- coiinnittee oi tin* edical 8 ctety aforeflu fil l! ‘ n-feii an I p ay for each -ff nee a fi ie not Ufs than one hutidre 1 uufl ns, tier more than live hundred, at thedifere- tion of any oi the diftricl court :- of this jurildiflion; one hall of Iuch line io be paid to any per- f *n who fiud Kifor the fame, and the other half to the civil commandant of the diftricl.” Appointments made by the Convention, and approved by the Governor Robert Percy cf new Felicia na, Fulwar Skipwith al Baton Rouze arid Shepherd Brown of St H- letia, to be aflocociate Judges of the Superior Court. J afeph E Jahnfon of new Feliciana, Sheriff—and Andrew Steele of Baton Rouge, Regifi ter of land claims foi this juiifi diction. Gil, ert Leonard ot Baton Rouge, Bryan M s Derinott of new Feliciana, and Daniel Rain er o! St Helena to be civil com mandant-;- each tor the diflrh t in v. hi h he r fi u s Ulficers of <he Militia- Phiieiiioii Photnas, r.olone? c -m '..uulani ol ail the Militia ot this jurildiclion. Il iac Johufon, M.-jor of cc- valry. I fl Regiment of Infantry. S tmu 1 Fu!ioc. C G o;g 1 Matin r i It M jor. Reuben Curtis, 2 1 Major. 2d Regiment. ^ Willi?m Spider, Colonel Jofeph Thomas, 111 Major. Abraham Speers, 2d l\i..jjr 3d liegim nit. Aquilia Win taker, Colonel. Ilf. M'Caufland, 111 Major. Robert Young, 2d Major. A PPROVi-'D, Baton Rouge dug 25. 1810-. A NEW INVEN PI ON T o get wheat out of the fir aw, bv which five hundred bvjhch may be got out in one day wi bcut in juring b'-rfes, or cauftng c-re Jhi/ling i more ihaj live erdinaty mode. After making < hoiceof a fpot of ground on y-uir farm for your wheat yird (which (bout 1 be a level place and dear of priQla-' ofi your yard to fuit your farm v il your iartn be large h t you.* wheat yard be in proportion. Let us f.y the yard flnll hoi-i one hn ireil hiift: . s. Weed your yard dyep and throw yav’ dirt on the mi! fide of you? vaif aad lei tl.®-it;'- lo cf \ ct Columbian.