Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, October 24, 1810, Image 3

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m m—i i|„y mu, y. clean fnr work. Then n C {c your wheat round, on th. i'.fiJc of y or yard, c!ofe ‘to .-our yard. 1 hen throw off your ,-heal in the yard, end fct (he leads up, and make it about 8 ir ten feet wid e all round your yard. Then take your waggon and four horfes and drive round pn the tvhs At; and in four hour's line, one v.„ ggon and four ln>r fes v.iii g't it i.'ut clean, and two raggons v/i : l g‘-t it out in lefs hau thi'Ve h .'urs, and three wag _ron will get it out in one hour. Then rake your ft.-aw on th - ur fide of your yard an d your wheat on the infide ; and in one h <ur more you may get that out alfo ; and fo on as long as y u any to get out. Tike c.'-tre to feed and water your horiVs in the mean time. In going r mild the yatU, your waggon wh-d will alrtread in their own .crack and otic wheel will tread out as much at two horfes. You mull put fome w. ight ia the waggon ; th? more weight, the more the wheels will cut th. ft raw, and f the h tries pull they w ill llrike harder with their feet ott the raw. Keep your hands on each fi le Vol the wheat, with their pitch forks to fhov;- the wheat under file waggon If your y rl is made deep the ilraw will not ipread fo much* When your wheat is trod out pretty u-cl! then let two hands go, one right oppofite the other, with their ■ pitch forks, and turn the wheat over from th» bottom of the yard, and let the grain (ii dc - to the bottom, and when ir i a trod pretty well again, turn it again and (h ke the wheat to the hot tom ; and in a livtie time you may turn it again ; an 1 in a few rounds more you may take \T io’.ne of your waggons and fa your hands to raking th’ ft raw cfF from the top -f the vard, an 1 let fome of your waggons conti nue cn n whiV r< fli k ’ and loo fen th ftraw up our o' tin- wheat while your hands are raking the ft raw off N Intelligencer. r,x cr ac r. tn noticing Prejudices, (lay3 a wri ter in a late Aurora) permit me to notice the prejudice and a eg’.eft of Education. It is by many thought to be in high regard in Pennfylvania, and ftdl greater to i'it Southward & F.u(1 ward of us. Yet with all the boa ling of the Eaft, where arc their Lberality ? Even toleration is not complete among them, and even the education received at oar Colleges h fo fuperficial, that perhaps the moft ufefu! bran diet of E. I near ion ar • high* :-'j neglefted— Math-mathal Know ledge, which is the m ifuT key ol e>: act know! tige, is neglected or h fuf- f.cientiy attended to in all the Uni verfiticu and Colleges, and it is tea fanabijp to fuppofe it mufl h fo in inferior ichools, and the confequcnce v/iii be, that it will not Lo con filtered as ufefu) iho’ abfolutelv neceflary for tne Mechanic and without which h * cannot be expefted ever to De a- ble to comprehend the force or pow er of th ■ machine he may bn employ er'.' to make and without which he never ivi'l be able to improve on it, by i.ndteafitig itB powers or fyinply-- fyitig itu operations. The SchoolsTn general throughout the country, are pftnbti fired rather as the fupport of teachers, or the means of patronage ill Trustees—hence it is furprifing to find an ingenious Youth,by the force of hi; own mind, furmount the dift- cnltiej. which the barbarous methods of Education throw in his way. 15y improving Education, w* expand the mind, we teach the individual to think,to red cl—till which be knows not truly what independence is—it is that which will enable him to ap preciate it—it will dellroy prejudice, tuat bane to our profperlty & happi- s’.r ,s, with a good education, tie wid feel, with proper application " I exertion, he can make himfelf h. line equal with any man in the ft i.e line in ar.y country, and his ef- fous will be to rife fuperior. He •v 11 r.'.v juftiy to appreciate the ta lents tjf men of other countries, ami I wards t'nofe whim he willies to fee the abfurdity of fuppcfing Ujofe tacad to Ilia j uibok. Loxdon Paper 3K31:'t ;:. - 2 a. necamummm of one ro be all eminent; while 1 from ignorance dt-fpifen th :fe cf o~ thus, he will alfo appreciate lhofe j of his own, and which is neceffary j for him to do before lie can hold that ! rank in the general fociety of the world be ir, entitled to. It i -1 believe, the duly of fociety 'o ei courage edu cation and to deftroy prejudice of- pecially that kind of prejudice, wliich leads ur into dependence on nth*, r countries for the fupplv of articles for our daily and habitual ufes when we hav- within ou-f-lves the raw mate- rials for th- producing them •, the doing of which vyill be found the cheapelt and moft eft‘dual mode of ( warfare vie can adopt againft that' ns'inn whofe grealelt exertions are ( at this day made to deprive ns of all c-'mrtfu oicaiion v/irh the reft of the world, and to reduce u to a ftate of dependence on h r; this is i warfare which is honorable and will colt-us no lives, and in wliich none of the blood of car cidz-ns will be foil!.” ■TT. | Sir Francis Bar left having H • ■«. -uv-ted, by letter, to line vvidi ’lectors ol YVel t mi lifter ■ ova rht :3i ft ol July, re unit'd the ; foiu vvinpy at if wer — Picadily, Jaly 19, 1810. j Gentlemen -The Electors of W< ftmin. t- r uo me great honor by this hvita'.i an which they have ftTit me thro’ your hands, •■til 1 I receive it with great plea fare At '-,11 times, and in all places, whether their reprefen Cuive or not, Ifh .il always be found ready to do (hem .any re t- fonable fefvicei t Parliament or 'out to vourfeivc.i, gvrfr .men, wlimu I w 1 : & perfouaiiv kuOvV. I eg to return my belt th a ks ; ah ! I hope w ■ l!i til fp-'-iv i pc a fant dav together e-n th - 31 this in ft ant July, uniefs th- id and the comrn m icr in ch'ef, the fecretary :-f ftate, uld < out a imni’Tous armv, xv h a train of arlillcry tod lav.- . ar in our ftrects again;’. Roaft B> 1 1 remain, gentf n n, you moft obe’t and very hu able fi. rv-t t, FR \NCIU nURPET?' ! Mr Garce PuHmur a:nl Mr Ro- j iert l!utrhiu/on, j If N - pule in adheres to bis de claration tvl'plifting the Ba'Lo i an J Milan [) mv., there cm hardly be a y lifTtculty even i i point of croquette, as to the re mains of cue Orders in 'Council 1 he words ot the French miuif tar’s letter arc, “In this new of things, Sir, I am author I. 'J* ng. md r t\V it ifet) to declare to you that the Decrees o» Berlin an ! Milan are rev keJ, and that from the firlt oi November, they will ceafe to be m force, it being undaftood that in conf. quence of this de claration, the Englifu fiiall re v 'ke their orders in council, and renounce the new principles of blockade, which they hive at tempted to eftabiifh : or 'hat the United States conformably to the aft which you have juft com municated, ftrill caulc th ir>ig!it to be refp: fted by the Engl if!). “ Ake r lifts declaralion on the ) part of the IVem h government • that their decrees are revoked £c fhal'l ceafv to be in force from the i lft cl November, there is no thing that can reafo- ably pre- > vent a declaration on cur part, that the mcafurrs adopted by us, ! cxpreifly on the principle of re taliation fhouid ceafe io be in j force at the fame time with the i obnoxious decrees. From the I concluding member of the fen- , tence, it indeed appears that the decrees are to be revoked at a- I)IEL) —\t B!oinijgila!e(.iiear N. York) Mr. Iamks Cren.PHAM, edi- lor of tii-.- American L'.izen St JVateh Tower. At r>cituate,(Maf6.)the hon. Wm CufHiNC.Elq Judge "[the Supreme Judicial Cou.t of rhe (liii e.l S .r On Saturday •vfmn, kittDr 'John Heeling fir ld t o! MiilfdgiVille and ia r- of this ctiy The lvlme'olence of hi. heart and his fociubie and friendly difpoftiio'.i h ul acqurel him maiu friends -who f.ncereS’ re»rot his lofs -/•;? Pop- w.^smntiaaivnf^rm -oasi.*' ssmsskv A FiTciainaticn. OEORbiJA. Bf hit KxetHmcy Da-aid B. itehrll, Gevernorun/J C'-mmatu'h r in l.'ief oj the 1rby-aral Nr.ry r f this State and ’.f t't Militia thereof THERE.\R I have, as direft \ ec in and by an aft of the Genera’ ,lT mb!y of this State, en titled . ‘ an A. ft to toga!.ire the Gene ra! Eleftiois i.t this (late, and to ap point the tine of the meeiiug of ihe General \fe nb’y,” paflkd lie Uth of February 1709,arranged 3: count ed up the vows of lueh counties a. have in canfomity with the aforefaid aft made reurn of the Elections j h Id on the fir I: Monday of October j J Italic for four Members to repre- fent this Staie in the H >af; of Re- prrfenr.nives of cha Congrefs of the United Stales, fr nn kdiich it appears tint William W Bi-lb Georg- Vi. Eroup. tlowe'.l C/bll, Boiling Hall, Efqrs. nave ikejiighefl: number of vo’es. A md" A -, if ij provide-1 by the ..ft af are 1 .;;.!, “ that no perfon fli ill be elefteU a rdprefentati.'e in Co-igrefi, wh )’.as not b’eo an ia "f -his Stale three years a ,-;;t proceeding hin elefti ra, and paid hi. tax ti-gnlariy du-t-ig th.? tint ” and that “no c mi.n. Hi -u ;flu? to or for ii v filch peiffon fe etefted, until fat..daft try proof is produced tl-ai r 15 tax of Inch perfon ha . been regu aily pa.d as above rm-niinned, and -h.-.t he Itn . afttitllv hail the re- ft nee herein preicvjb. d,” and fur- tlu-r 11 that in cafe ariy perfon duly cleft il being in this (la"-, .red noti fied ihereof in manner herein direft- i-l Ihrill not vviilii.i twenty days,and if < ui of the ftate within forty days, j.f cr fuch notification fignify his acceptance, or fh.ill depai this life, th. • Gov rnor Chief ftiall crchr a new t'lcftion to be ill i'i &c.” I a ivv, therefore, thought proper 11 ifiue this rriv Proclamation, declar ing chat tiie aforefaid \Viliiam W., George i\I. Eroup, Howell Cobb and Boiling Hall, Isiqrs. are duly eleftc 1 to reprefen: this State in tlie Congrefs of the United Shoes for the term of two,years from and after the f >urrh day of March rev", and to notify you the f.tid William W Bibb, George \I. Prcup, Howell Cobb, and Bolling Ha;!. Efqrs. to pri-ditce the proofs of your oUigibility required in and by the aft herein before recited, and fignify to me your acceptance of the faid appoint ment within ihe time limited by the faid aft. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State at the State Houfe in Milledgeviile, the twenty-third Hay of Ofto- ber, in the year of our l ord, OneThoufand Eight Hundred and Pen, and of the thirty-fifth year cf the Independence < f the United Stares of America- D B. MIPCHliLL. By the Governor, Hor M auhuuy. Secret ar y of State. gryj* The Editors of the LouiiviHe Gazette, Savannah Republican, Au Ailin';• nil>’Citoi's Safe. 14 /.- ‘ SAL I), Oil the Kth day of Duember next fit the houfe cf Wnt. Harrkuii h. late of this county, dec. ...till the Perfonal Property, Of f>id deceafed, exci-pi Negroes, which will be'hiied on that day... vlfo, tie 1 Plantation rented. Terms made knqwn on the day ol f.tle. Any perfons hav, g demands a- gainll faid c(late are u-quelled to nving them forward agreeahO to law. AM ih ife indebted to faid ellate, are requeiled to come forward and make pa v merit. / )ji'hl Si fine 7, A d in ’ r. Frances Hanhoick. \din’x. Oft SO-tds. TUT i sc u ip t. Will be Sold, To the hi fcj bidder, on Sa'ur.lay th fUth of Novmber next, at the dwelling cf ihe fib briber A Houfe Lot, Kouthold Furniture and a Cheil of Tools Perms made known on tire day of fale Je fidia’j Whitney. Oftober 2-1. 30-n l o s r O r \Vednefdav Evening a Saddle anil Saddle Blanket. Any pel fon who will deliver them to f he fubferiber fiiall b- liberally rewarded. Daniel AT Duff Oftober -.'A: 30—if W MATED IM UF.DI TELT A fourneyman L'beral wages will be good wo lit iv, an. Hams Mil efigeville,Oft 2*. i»v iftill Niglit’i udii. t- ■ •• The nc-MS an d newt expedit'd--* Di!patches luvu !xvn rocai !y received from Franc? ami F ig- Itn.5 —th ir cont -nrs had not traiilpii--.dat ’Vafriiu-t.iii Ckv on tile 1 O'.«i itt.laot—We may ixpecl to hear from ihe tt y next it,ail l’i)e pap-.a-s do not contain a word of late foreign Br iwn, the former Collector ol N w Orleans, and public putneev: r, is fa; 1 to h. in YY. fh- itigt-m City -The inlmb -r of iloufcs d Mlroyed By th v 11 ft e ia Cha.lefton atn 'un--; ro >91 — 1 h re n is been .n vtha opt to fire that ivy — VI-. the B.itdh Charge des Aithirs k has arrived at W h ; ;to i City—A Republican Governor has at length been ch i*. n in that hot bed oi federalilin 1) ■ w .; — t he elections ia -M iry'an-.l h v terminated more favc-r. biy to R pu iiicaniini than lad 'ear. — i h urv on Cotton in France is ‘2s ,7J orr ib — The pric - in \ugufla is 14 1 2 on:;;. • *.14. X-U.4 r. TTMl GF.t’iRGiA, fours Conniv I^El’SON’ ALLY appe„red l> >re jj_ me B' item Pierce, ore of the lultices of tbr Peace for faid county, I nil |OlUl FUliGAY iJ^hufsor C/aair- Al t p ESPEC FULLY inf. rms rl.e j[\ citizens of Mi ledgevifie and in vicinity, that'he maker. \Vi;;tnou Chairs, alter the moll approved nu>- de.s, at Two Doll at s a piece,..his re- fiJ.-uee is on Jtfterfen iheet nearly oppofite the Argus OiFtte. Oftober 27. 30-c Notice. A LL perfons arc hereby caution / \. <*<1 againft purihafing Four hen lltt'dred irrei cf Land, (nine or let ) N, fb.t, 1 hontpfon, and other;, adv -i iifed by Jultn And -. fon, Sheriff of Green county, fur file on tin fttIt Tuel'dav iri November next ns the property of Pheopbilus Burk, as [ - a inortgate upon the fame a.--.1 which i - duly recorded in the Cf iks office of Gic-ene county. Fitz M Hun!. Oftober 21. 30-fsT ddk r a id being du ! v Isvovn . fat Ii f - . yea to a ibat !. - find a him by lob i . 'lotc (>' Wilki. f n, form* ,’V> :o -ime i: he year 1 808. tm Ttwent'i v i.uh D: liars tin d. •maiul. a (I th.i' - 1 1 id SO—tf N .KC is loft or in (laid, ano ic 'hz 7 faid Pierce c mi. t fir d it. Brl ion If ere < f kcv i Sworn o before me tin. V. of f'\N Saturday the ICth of H. r Oftob'-r IS 10 it was re pot fed that i ha fir- d Mrs E iixabeth Fodtr’s Cotton hou vs and burnt 2000 weight of Cot ton am! two Children would ii ive been burnt if a negro by the name of Jets ha i not come and prevented it. Tire above re port is faife, and 1 am abb to prove the author a Ji-ir, as the Cotton heufe is now ftanding If a ah Pat her. October 2-k t «f Baldwin Superior Cow l, Soptemb r I ei m, 1810. Rule Nisi. O N motion ol Elijah Clark ar.d Mofes J 1 ’ rt, Attor neys for Gillah Frany, praying the eftabiifluneut of a copy t-f a Note ol lI.m2, nrde by Philip bpiilers on the 2 lft day of J am guita Chronicle, the Monitor” and j,. y q BtM-. lor Four Hundred ft the Georgia Exprcfr, are requ. fted y . x Sev ,. n Dollars, payab'e to to publ.fh the above Proclamation w A Dm ham or order on once a week, for three weeks, in their lefpeftive papers Loft or Miflaid, On the 22d inilaut, a Note of ny rate, provided the Americans Hand, given in favor of thefnblcri caufc their r ights to be refpefted her by Williamfon Ferrell, for Twen- by the Englifr. Any backward- ft Five lJMtrs p r able September 1 " , r n next. All perions are nefs on out parts, therefore,muft . , rtdi for * lhc faid ll0te , and u.e embroil US Wil a the Americano, | pqj l’errcll is hereby foi warned whom N.ipolean now addri fled paying the fame, to any rerfe-n but in tone of fulfom flaltery I felf. Jvmt Ballard. which he fo readily tffumes to- | Oftober 21. ‘ fit) r «l the fu ll day of January 1834, and imiorfed to the faid GiFah for collodion h is ordered, That a copy there of be cltabliflied accordingly, unlefs caufe be fit own to tii contrary, and that this rule b publHhod fix mouths in one cd the Gazettes • f this ftate. True Gif') from the Minuter. Thcs. 11 Kenan, Cl’k | Oftober 20, 3 310. 30-G June, l 810. Daniel 1C elf bn, 7. P And I th - faid Pierce, do fo: "-avti all pe-fotis from cradingfor fa'.l Note, or him the fiid W ikinfon from pay ing f.iid N..rc to any other no-'f-t-i. ('• EO !\ (11A, Baldwin county TjJjER .ON A LLY pn. . ed i> • re J_ me Wilfon Navvy, and a iter being duly fworn, fayeth, tiiat lie v/ain peffi-flion of a certain Note of Hand, given by Reddick Hoard to Royal Jenkins payable in Note.! on demand tor th.: amount of Thirl-} Seven Dollars, and faid note is loib or miiluid fo that he cannot ft;-, i it. * It <lfon Men's: Sworn to and fubferibed thi- 25d of Oftober (.3 10 Y IV Dcvcreute, j p. I.oft or Miflaid, A Note - f Hand g-.vr i in fa vor of Stephen .-itiif - ju ; Ro bert Phomfon, for Two Mumhed Dollars -i.t,ab!>- on th.- 25 v :f December lall pall, and u d ■ f.-d by f.iid Renfro to the fu L crib r, vt'li two credits, one for Sixty Niru Del ian the other for Fifty Two D-flart Fifty Cents — til pert ;t . cm: i- oncvl not to tradi- for faid a >t . a id f.iid Thompfon from paying :he fame to anv pcrlon but niyfe f Al oil G- cenr. i Oftober 24. A*f To John Law,of Qg'.elhorpcc. r:ly. W .IERE aS I h vc fid- iv- formation in th. cleik’sofii u it Pu iiam coui.ty, that yon i-i on- tc-i your name- tmui ui ,.riy and covt-.ary to law, for a drvw in iln: firlt land lottery ol Lit date, by which you drew h ; N 1!-, i:i th ■ third liiilrict or B win, i now Putnam county, arm he 1 (lienff having returned that you j are not to be Found in the coun- i tyoi Oglethorpe; you au ihere- I fore, as well as ail others con cerned, required to be and ap- | pear at a luperior court to be held in and lor Putnam c< unty on the third Monday in sli- h next, to anfwer the comptiint herein made againft you and Ihew caufe, if any, wl v the pro- eedings had there in, at he o.nt itf- If, if ifried, fhouid not oe let art e and -c .■ v >; i David l Lot l oi tncr. Au gall lft, 1810.—30