Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, October 24, 1810, Image 4

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FOR SALE ^UIT VALUABLE TRACT OI> L A Heufc of Entertainment. I ON which the Jublribu lives, in the c uniy ol Hancock, cut) timing tour hum! mi ana liven ty five acres 'I he andisoitx -ce lent quality, laying on the Oconee Riv r, on which is a valuable fifhery and ferry; alio a Grill JVlill Cotton and Packing I and being refolved to kup a Machine on Logaatn Creek, j on * and tree from gamb- which runs through the trad— j lin g -he hopes to merit a conti the improvements are good— nuance of his friends and a large a framed dvveUmg-hcufe forty et llu ' public in general, 1'ett wide, ^ L ‘ * s lupplyed vi'illi fu< h as will Ex tenths Department Georgia. Milledgeviik 25th Aug. ISIO- HE Subfcnber Willies to in- °VT.u Wed„eflay the Uth Jay of lonii lllb inenuo anu the* November nexetc, and is hereby af- public in general, that he has figned for the ttpl of the following added considerably to the conve nience of his houie arui ftabks, lo as to be able to accommodate twenty .or thirty gentlemen.— I lie has removed his Billiard f able from his dwelling-houie a- M ONEY!!! FOR SA1.F., T HA T well known hand in the Town of .Sparta, occupied for many years by John.Freeman, E-q- Caveats fur La>d in the county of ns a House of Entertainment.. Cotton ftarah J °!’ es ’ A ‘‘ ch Wafliington, td wit. 0 r Negroes would be taken in lieu of i Lucretia Mmton, Fou feet long and twenty feet alfo a framed grainery thirty fix feet fquare. and about one hurt died and fifty acres of open land; tlie place is healthy and well watered fituate on the road lead ing from Eatmton to Augufta - Alio a trad in Putnam County, containing one hundred and thirty fix acres on which is an excellent Grift-Mill, and a Saw Mill nearly completed on the Oconee River, about two miles above the firft deferibed traft — This propei ty is well worth the attention cf any gentleman and will be fold on realonable terms and the poymerts made er.fy,the property may be feen by appli- cation to the fubieviber living on the preniifes Joftpb Cooper. September 1 7- 2.5-tf NOTICE A I J. perfons that have fubfevib- f.a «*d for building the Methodifl Mc.ti,, Hr.tfc i i • i - vilfo. are requ ft *d to make immediate pay ment; a.f the Commiffionevs are now fil'd for the balance of the money, thev wiil be under the difagreeuhle net i Hity of commencing fuit:; againfl ail mat does not avail t-hemlelves of this notice. June 20 12—-tf 'Jones Superior Court. \ ngult Term, IS! 0 Rule Ni l N the p n on of Sufan nah M“Gill, ltatirg that, fit ■ was in poffl-ffion of two notes executed to her by f'hcs. Wood, fork on the day of Febru ary 1 809, and made payable one on the 25th oi December next, (theivaft.. ) theotheren the 25th of December 1810, for the fum of I’wo Hundred Dollars each ; which i;ot< s are loft or deftroyed and that copies of which notes together wi.h the nemfary proof are filed in the Clerk's of ftce of this court. On motion of S. Don oho. fuit gentlemen and their horfes on moderate terms, &e. Samuel Buffi gton. Oftob r 8. 27- i> Entertainment. THE S UR SC TIBER, HAS OPENED A House of Entertainment IN that well known (land formerly occupied by Mcflrs. Flukcr ?c Oi na il end, (Fall of the Statc-Houfe,) end refpectrully folicits the custom of his friends and the public. His ta ble will always be fupplied with the best that the country affords, ami every exertion will be made to ten der the lunation of his guetls agree able. His stables are commodious and airy, and well fupplied with provender of every kind He will be prepared to accommodate Twen ty or Thirty Members of the i e- GtsLATtrRE, and hi. houie is within 1 ot) yatds of tlie State Houfc. Henry Dame!!. September 12. 24—:f ■ Neg’ Calh (hould it belter fuit the pur chafer.—NecefTity impels the alter native, otherwife, this valuable pro perty would not be difpoied of.— i'erms moderate and may be known by application to Frederick Freeman. MWedgevil/e, ngtfl 22. 22—tf Lands ror Sale, LOT N° 202, 1.5th diftrift of Baldwin county, and lot N° 08, 8th diftrift, of fait! county—The cnfit prices are Eight Hundred Dollars for N° 202. and Five Hundred Dr! lirs for N° 98.—.Something more if any indulgence is given Applica tion to be made to me, near Savan nah, by mail (pod paid.) Benjamin April !0, 4-eowtf Bees Wax—The fub. fc'.'ib- i s wifh to purchafe 20001b of BEES WAX, for which 550 Acres, joining Harden’s, Da- | twenty cents a puuntj\ cajb will niel’s, Wo- ([worth’s Si vacant land. | be given. A Fiji of Defaulter s in Ha• Court y, for the year ! H i o.' Captain Alkinfon's Dijh j L ~f Mofes Brown, iVTilley Herrin™ Captain Burch's bijlrifl & Sarah Jones, Archibald Stew--,' “tea Blanke;;. Til ildr edge hi a, appellant 1 tf: , [ Francis Tentille, refpond t ) For 500 Afcres on Gum Creek, joining Mackcys, Buyakius & vacatt land. Jilildrcdge race, appellant ~j vs. f Francis 7eimill(, refpond't j 500 Acres, on Bl'iff creek, join ing tlie above, Evan\, and vacant land. Nathaniel Pace, appellant"} vs i c Francis Tennille, refpond,t j 200 Acres, joining Mildndge Pace, and vacant land Nicholas Hardin, appelhnt vs ( Francis Tennille, refponl’t. y 650 Acres, joining Bofakin, and Canry’s, Pace’s, and vicatf land 'John Stephens, appcUan 1 vs. k Francis Tennille refporl't William Daniel, appellant" v . 5- Francis Tennille, tefpond't J 550 Acres bounded by vacant: land. John Smith, appellant Francis Tcnni'le,refpond't j 100 Acres, aounded by Daniel’s and vacant land, John Smith appellant ] Devercux & Thweolt Februarv 12 Swords & Epaulets. The fubferibers have for fale, a haridfome affortmer.t of Epauletf and a few Officers .Swords- Devtteaux IA Thweatt Mr.y 16. 1809 7-tf F O R | , ?. .-a S A L E. A HOUSE half acre Eel ated on V Street near and fitu- ayru the Fm no it Tennille, ref pond't J 450 Acres, bounded by Sinitli’s, | Daniel's,-'lid vacant land. Je/.'n Kennedy, appellant'l vs . . , ^ Fi anas Tennille, refpond't J 650 Acres, bounded by Iknc Smith’s, and vacant land. Abner DeHoard, appellant'j Matket, at'prefent occupied by Francis Tennille, re/pond’t J I? Dr Wilfcn—Alfo a Iloufe and half acre lit, joining the above — For terms apply to Meflrs. liili iA Ponce of Augufla, or to A M Devercux. Milledgeville, 15th March, 1610. att ^ney for laid Sul'aemh, !t is : ordered, That the copies of laid | notes filed as aforefaid bet lla blilheil in li< u ol the afori-DM loft originals, on the Lid fiulan < nt-h’s puM fning this rule in one J of It public G zettes ol this \, a month lor th- fp i t? | of fix ‘months ; uni, fs c.-ufe lit I! be fhewn fo tlie court gainfaying the fame Kxfraft from the minutes. John R. Gregery, Gl’k. Augufl 16, 1810 12-6 tn N 0 f I C E. FTT.R the expiration of Nin-' M-.-ntiss app'icuion will be liia-1 to the h mo dole the Court of Ordinary for the county of Hanc 'k for leave t-i fell all the real ellate of Sol-’ Rountree, dec. for the be nefit of the heirs of laid dec. Ihmh Taylor, The Subfcribers, R ETURN their thanks to their ^ friends and cuftomers for the liberal fupport they have had in the Factorage IA Cr.mmijfion Line, and would beg leave to recommend to their friendlhip, Mr. HENRY K. MOUNGER, who has lived with them for (everal years, and they take p'.eafure it, announcing to their friends, that they hrue the fullcft conlidence in him, and doubt not but lie will do juliice to thofe who may entruft their bufinefs to bis Slurges, Burroughs IA Butler. Savannah, May 24, 10—tf FiitSlorao'c H Coin mis- O Sion Business. 4-50 Acres bounded by Ikner’s, Kennedy’s and vacant land Richard Whitaker,appellant*] vs , Francis Tennille, refpond t J 300 Acres,' bounded by lkncr’s, Mennard’s, and vacant laud. And it is farther ordered, That the fame be publifhed in the Georgia Argus, for the information and di rcciion of all perfons concerned, that they may govern themfelves ac cordingly At ted, Anthony Pei ter, Secretary 22—12w Admlnifrator s S a le. WILL BE SOLD, On the firji l ut[day ’« November next at the Market hotje in the Town of Milkdgevil e, A Tract of I,and, Lying on Potatoe creek in Bald win county, known by N° 30. in the 2d dillri£l. it beirg the real ellate i f Francis Veal, dec Terms made known on the day. Nathan Veal, A cl m’r. September 5 23-eowtds IE Subfcriber will enter into Jfl_ the above line if Inifmefs, in the Store at prefent occupied by Mejfrs. St urge:, Burroughs and But ler, on the firit of July next, and fo licits a fhaic of the bufinefs of his friends and the public. Henry II. Mouvger. Savannah, May 24. IC—tf H O M E S.P U N. Executor s Sale. W 11.1. BE S 0 /. D. Agreeable to the lajl Will of Richard Sai j tut t dec cf lianco.k county, oil • Tuejday the 4th cf Dec. next at the : "lUirkit houie in the Tcnvn if Sparta, Lot, In umber 183, j Li tin- 3ci, diftrift of VV.-lkin- fou, lying about 5 miles from 1 (hi* liver, and arjoing the up- ! per line of the 3d dill rift — J Bonds with approved fccurity I will be required for one loimh of the purchafe money, payable the fi: ft day of March next, and thebalancc the firftday of March thereafter, by Jc.feph Sorfnett, Ex’r. All perfons who have claims I againfl faid eftate are rtqut ftdd to make them known to R A. Admhuflrator s Sale. WILL BE SOLD. . greeal le to an ca det of the hen. Life rior court of Warren county, cn the jirjl Iue/da'i in November next at the Court houje of Randolph county, One Lot of Land ; N° 132, in the 16th diflrift of Baldwin now Randolph county, be longing to the eftate of Ruben Jen kins, dec.—Sold for the benefit cf the heirs and creditors cf faid dec. ; Terms of fale 14 months credit, by ’ giving bond with approved fecu- trity. Robert Jenkins ? Adm - rs - : h)ip Captain Barnes's D if riel. John Freeman, Sen. James E v ler, Margarett Mitchell, Frederic'- Ray, Henry Poarch, Roberi ], K l foil, Ilham Brooks, Daniel. Duffey Samuel Roach. „ ■ Captain Dickfm's Di/lriff Benjamin Averett, BuiTds James Tait, Ifrael Johnfton, Dunn, Hatred Love. Captain Harpy's DiflriCl. Charles M’Daniel, Sufannah P; lr . ham, Thompfon Powell, Benin,ni Bafs, John Moorry Laurence Flom noy. Captain Hart's Djlrifl. Ale.vander D Eiiett, (fTT'cnv) Whaley, William Henry, J u ]-. W bight, Orphs. Drake Linne White, N.tncey King. Ct/p/ai Jones's Diflrifl. Patrick M‘Linfey, Robert N, thews. Captain Kelley's Diflrifl. Richard Andrews, James Allea, Greer,berry B ount. Burwel! Can- non, Carr Howell, Jeremiah .1 luc- kerby, Hubert Mitchell, James Pot ter, Thomas Bryant Captain Lucas's Dijlrift. Clement Reefe. Captain 1 pffelt's Djh ifl. John Miller, Harrifon Harris, I. fliair. D.uutcan, Juhn Bryan, Ftod- crick Swint. Captain Rodney's DJlricl Lindfey Roberts, Charles I’eavy,.H John Layficld, Alexander Spears, Harrifon Fliomas, Job Waller, IV-ter ] l .uker, Eli Heufon, William Brown Captain Sledge's Difiricl rhomas Goore (Widow) Ruber, fon, Stephen Farley, Abfalum Hal:, Lud Melone, frewett Fofter, Rj* berr Gilmore, Tohn Walker. Captain Smith's Dijlr'u l. James Parker, Samuel Par incur, James Alien, Thomas Glynn, Na thaniel Cobb, David Kirkp.urick, William Herbert, Robert M'Gintv, Rheubin Adams,Stephen Marlhail, Lai kin Brown. Captain Turner's Difiricl. Jofhua Harp, Martin Johnfton, lohn Pound, James Patteifon, Jdut Patterfon. Capias:: Waller's Dijlridf. Jofoph Waller, Warren Cuivcr, Jcel Newfom, Nathan Twilley, Ta- bitlia Marchman, Joflali Denu;:, Jufliua Tyus. James Hamilton, p„. r. r. Oftober 17 Anfon Ball, Adminjh 1 tor's Sale. WILL BE SOLD, Agreeable to an order cf the honorable Inferior court of jff ’fon county on the jirjl Tueflay in November Mount Eron Academy. Tlie friends of this i-iftitution will pleafe to obferve, that the Trudies of it arc to meet on the 25th of next month, to conduct the exam ination and exhibition of the (in dents. It is hoped that, as ufua’, a number of refepeftable characters will honor tlie occafion tliiir prefence. Since (he has been de nied the exhilirating countenance of the Legijlature, confcioits tltat flic has uniformly cndeavoied to deferve it, flie looks round with a wifhful eve for next, at the Market houfe in the witmulcyu for private patronage. Town of Milledoeville. " , ,! c ‘: in l c Ume confidering, with aie liveheft gratitude, the number, zeal, and talents, on her fide at the l..ft fetliou of the General AiTemblv, Lot No. In fquare N° 37, in the town of Milledgeville aforefaid, containing one acre of ground, fronting M ln- tolh and VYayne (ireets ; being the real iftate of James Smith, die.— Terms made known on the day of fale. Wm. M'Gcksc, Ad m’r. rTMIF. fubfnfoers vill purchafe Blrunt, 1- fq. or to the fubferiber E TWO PHGUSAND yards that arrangement may be made HOMESPUN, Seven Eighths of a lor their adjuftment. yard wide, and llripcd in the warp; | Jbf* Sarfncit. for which goods at a fair price will be given in exchange W Terrel!, Jun » '3 ^ F.x 1 is. Devercux Tin May 15 veatt. 7-tf 1 l-9m. CAUTION. A IU, pc.rfons arc forwarded not to tr -He v'irh my wife Reb--c- c.i Gray, as 1 will not be aufwerab'e for any of her con'rafts Thomas Gray. Hancock county, Sept. 18. For sale or rent, The HOUSE and LOT, in the lower end of me town ol Milledgeville formerly occupi ed by Allen Greene. Terms may be known by applying to Judkins Hunt. NOTICE. N INE months after date, application will be to the honorable court of Ordi nary cf Putnam county, for September 24. 2(> tds leave to fell a 1 .! the real eftate of I Iient P l '°fpi'‘itv. (lie is not without hope th; enupu toned & liberal, not to fay jr/l llax-f-l rpen, will re-cotifider under ciitu-reiit mprefflons, her repeated, arid very refpetlful memorials. Efpeciallyai Ihe has the pleafure to hear her belt informed viiitatiotik obferve, that a* her feite is, unqueftior.ably or.cof the fiiieit in the (Lite, and the bloom ing oflspring flie embraces, betwist forty and fifty in »unrbcr : the pic tures of iiealth, nothing canVoo r.c- cedary bur the fofi.eving influence cf h-*r well- wfliers to infure her pc FOUND, EY a Negro on Thurfday the 27th uhimo, A Plot Grant for a piece of land , granted to the oiphans of J. Brown of Greene county. The owner may have it again by apph ing ;;t this Art us Office, anil paying for this adYatifument, William Williamfon deceafed. Anthony Holloway, jtx’r. Septembti lO, i8i(). HOLT’S FERRY. ALL purfous travelling on hovfe hark, may crofs at my EERRY for half price. Tbaddcus Holt. MVeil 23, IS10. 50-if 'Fo thefo patrii tic, benevolent and worthy perfons, therefore, her truducs look with c ‘ - qttal refpeft and Chnfidence, for A continuance of their ftiendiy aid 11 promoting her interefts. Thofe, rf- pecially, who are indebted to her t ir tuition, boarding, lots, or fromfubp ti n, the hopes will Itave tite good to ra member her at, or before, die 9 ' hove mentioned meeting of her tr 8 *' tees. II IIOECOMBE, Prf ' ‘ Scptemlct5tS, fo I'*.