Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, October 31, 1810, Image 2

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iiGUS. « Here THUTll unlicens’d reigns, jiru! dart accost e'en kings thtmselvis ...Ur rulers tf the free." MILLEDGLV1LLK : IVEDXr.SDAY. QCT..31, 1810. The following pertinent re- marks, on the (late of our for ciga relations, are taken from the Lynchburg Prefs ot Oft. 8. In our la(l, we briefly announ ced the change about to tak. place inour relations withFrance, To day we give the particulars agreeably to promife. But will this menfuie produce all the cf feels which have bun espufted by our government ? Will Great Britain revoke her Orders in Council—and will fhe confent to give up her paper blockades ? It could be wilhed we had all ne- Ceffary a durances that we are not to be diiappointed. Is it pcfliblc. that the Br.tilh fleet can be lap ported, to its prefect enormous extent, upon any principles ac knowledged by the Laws of Na lion - * We arc inclined to thick that great hindrances will It ill be thrown in the way cf mutral './that it American) commerce It would certainly be the in tet, it of all the common lu jec'ts ol G Britain, to maintain with the United States, a fair and e iju .1 uauerdanding But the na i vy mud be lupporteJ, or their gov rt.ment inull lull a victim j to France. A great and almolt \ iuertditable number ol men, of overgrown wealth, by granting im.a ufe loans to their govern intiit have completely connect e-.i their tortune with that of their ling And this lort of policy, vliich probably was commenced | in the reign of William the con nue.or, has been extended fo isv. n at it is literally the fa ft, that the rich are living upon the poor, mo through the power of the government g'.hieing them to death. L therefue a new -(date of things ct.ulu be, gt no Lis c xpenle than that of a T-cv-d.utioiv—even fhculd G Bii tain become a colony ot France, vve do not fuppoic the condition of the comn on people, takm cotffftiveiy, could be made any worfe. lV.'flibly fuch an event in.iy be the only tflV-du.d mode by which they r an now be eman cip.itcil from the iron hand of ih . opprtflbrs. But fo widely is ihc contagion fpread, that a man cA Urge t date can fcarcely be found, who is not bound by a very lutge intend to iupport the txiftmg Itat" cf things — H iwcvu therefore the imal edablifhmtT.t. it mud be •fuppoiled us their only bulwark o' ilt *ence. And ii it cannot be rnu,i d by any thing flicrt cf atom;*! pi; y it mud nevcithe lei. -x continued. It is impofli- tie. u. uppole, for tht m to ex- i(t by (air & c quitable commerce • • the efore vr e reaity appre Tic no that Great Britain will ne 'e- i g v. up her advantage r.f bl<>< kaci, whatever may be none ns to other• points in oilpute Piet, xt afti r pretext will be raif cd during the exiding power and policy oi Bonaparte ; & nothing lh >rt of a general peace can le cure to us an u: tnolcfleo trace. V! e would not thus cad a gloom upon the opening profptfts • •( oui country, but lrom an honed conviftion of its irr.portan e TVe m y have once thu’t c iffcr mrlv but our oblervation or the a(fairs of the conteneingpow on, has at length led to this ion .club n. * * / e ■/Invested cxpcn/c of the }:<.;/ (governmentJer 1810, is f JJ.lbO.OUCb Whatever e?‘ 6t may be pro duced by tue i vent, ai It may leipect our national piolperiiy, it will at lead . pen a new field ior our next itflion cf Congrefs, who, it is hoped, will be better prepared than the two lad, to aft Mu thelTeprefent itivo^ ot alree and independent Republic. 7 bird Ccrfui—So loon as the cenfus is completely taken lor Mil- lcdgeville, we Iliad lay before our readers a ftatementof its po blockaded by the fleet of Chrif- teph It was fuppefed to con tain provifions for thue or four months, but the gcneial opinion was, that it coulu not hold out longer than that time. This po fition is the only one now occu pied by Petion in departments of the jfland, and flioultl it fall, the whole military force of Chridopho will no doubt be turned cgainlt the fouth. The advanced pods ofChrif , tance of its difeovery l In this city otW bills of mortality recor the melancholy truth that more than one fourth of the deaths proceed from pulmonary com plaints, agninll whole ravages, , medicine, (as the writer obferyes) the north rn ; has been found only a palliative li a fpecific ever is dil'covt red, I am peripaded it will be fome finiple of the vegetable kingdom, and it is to be hoped that thofe perfons who vifit the Sp'anifh Main, after having pcrufe.l this puLtion, Ac. — In the mean tophe, extend to l’Arcahaye, communication, will* vail them time, it may afford feme grati which i* only ab«ut fifteen miles felvrs of to favorable an oppor fieation to know that of other from Fort au Prince, the capital tunity ior procuring a quantity of Potion's dqminions—This city \v;ul f afforl a powerful ob towns and cities in Stab s th e United Bolton, MniT. 33 234- Maiblehead 5,842 Beverley 5,6!) 3 Ipfwich 3,(if»8 Brunfw ich 2.G35 North Piovidenoe 3,758 Roxbury 3,671 Row ley I 6*<0 BrockliiiC 784 Hamilton 78.5 \V enham .5.51 Providence, R. I. 10,734 Hanford, Cott. 3.9.55 V ori;, Pen. 2,848 Peiettburcj, Vir. 5 656 Carufl. Pennfylvania, 2,477 Rhe following ia the amount of the new Ftcnci. duties raonii'.: Braz-.le cotton , ‘ t Engliih will pay .i duty of As (V/. a lb. Other cvrton o 5 i utk -y -leffee •j 5 Other coffee 1 8 Raw lugar 1 2 1-4 Clayed 1 8 Ilyfon tea 3 7 1-2 Green o 5 Other teas 0 7 1-4 Fine Cinnamon S 4 Nutmegs 8 4 Cochineal 8 4. Cocoa 4- 8 Cloves 2 5 yrjuefts of Chri- flacletothe c tophe, as it is ntjkly furrounded Ly a (Irong wall and entrench ment lately conducted, fhould not treafon find i/s way amofigd the inhabitants. Unanimity ap. pears to be wanting. The p< o ole are-modly divided into tac lions Gae part/ is attached to the Prefident, another is delirous of placing Rigaulat the head of the government, and a third is fufptfted of bci;g in favor of Chnltophe. If tkTe conflicting fentimeuts coiuiiiue to prevail, Port au Piince mud fall. Shoul! this daremeat be e»i tirely correct, after the reducti on of the Mole, the coquod of the foulh will molt probably fol low, for as the war has afiumed v< ry much the character of a war of col r, and as the blacks are much more numerous than tire mulatoes, (’if: Iff cl ion will more generally prevail among the troops of the fouth, who are pi in cipally black. We fhoul not be furprized to fee in a (hurt time the fame horrible fyllern of lb Par-! extermination praftifed by the ifnnguiflud number ob- 1 Negroes againlt the people of at Britain had dethroned co ] or> which was formerly put into execution by them conjoint In r. late delate in the I Tiamctit, a did iny, ui(l ferved, ■ ibat mo'.e Princes hi d (lied more blood in-India,-than Bonaparte had in Eu rope. Bi uxley,theconfpicunusac tor m tile of outrage atten ding the attack ori the Chefa- p. tikf. i> appointed Vice Admi ral ot the Blue, anu commander in chi; f of all the naval fences of Pm lugal in Europ •! The httjEr-r command mult be marly nomi nal. Among! other regulations or dain* u by the new government of Welt Florida, one interdids Iawyus or attornies (rom ap pearing or pleading before any CGlllt. i ly againlt the unfortunate whites j Ir has already been commerced by Chriltophc within three or four years, duiing which time a great number of influential and important men of color at the Cape and el lew here, have been l'acrififed to his jealous ref /it- ment In ad-'ition to the above (late- ment. we have feeii a letter from the Cape, dated in the latter cnci of Alcorncque in order that its virtue maybe lairly tefted in this country. R. li. From the 11 Gazette dcla Martinique.*' : St. Pusrres, June 25, 1810. Our readers will learn with as j much furpnze as fnisfadtion from the fill-joined le tter, the true and wonderful effefls cf the di- , -vine Affo.noque. j li the extraordinary reputation this tree has acquired as an infal j hblefpecific in all clilcaff s of the ! liver, and elpc-^ially thofe of the Jungs, reputed at the prefent mo incut incurable be maintained with all its lenown, it mult cer tainly then iv ackriowdctlged, (v.iihout any need to anticipate the ether beneficial propel ties it may poffefs) as the fn It of plants, when valued from its healing cf- Ifcbts, and will ever meiit (he-juft epithet bellowed on it ol divine. To llie editor of the’ Martinique - Gazette. dir—Puluaned that you would v.ifli to give every publi city. to whatever may beufitul to luff-ring humanity, I hallen to make you acquainted with a wonderful difeovery, for the cure of dilorders, in which meci- ci'.v hss to the pi eft-nt time, been found only a palliative. /.Ill,deb iince eleven years j w ih a pulmonary compljint, 1 mix two fpoomfuil t,f honey it, th--- glaffes, 1 expended about 3 bottles of this drink per day, di. vt-.ied into eight or nineglafles. If the perfons uting this reme. dy feel a great deal of heat, while adopting it, fome barley water mult be taken, but without any kind of acid in it As my - iforder was occafion- ed by an abfeefs in the liver, which c.iufe’d me frequently the molt infupportable pains ip.the fide, I had the Alcorncque pound, ed until it was reduced to po-v. den'. It then made a cataplafnt Qrplaifter, and applieil it to my fide, and the* pains left me ia. ftantiy. When the receipt is ufed, tnillf, acids, fpiecs, and in fhort every thing of an irritating nature mult be abftained From; buffcait, ought to be ufed in preferencli to new bread. The daily food fliouffi be plain, boiled or ro.fft ed, wi hout any feifoning. I fuffered a year and a half the molt excruciating pains I con- fuited molt of the phvficians, both Englifli and French, in the colonies—among others M A- mic of Guadaloupe, and Dy. Gobcrt, of St. Pierres, Martin, qur, ail of whom left me with out hope. At ienglh, reduced to the moll deplorable date, bring ing away blood and matter, I adopted the receipt the Indian gave me, and in twelve days I was entirely cured, having cif charged violently by the mouth, the whole of the abfeefs. I omitted to mention, that af ter rhe cure, the patient flioultl take fome cooling medicines, h ufe, if pc-flibie, afffs or mare's milk, as the Alcornoque is ex tremely hot. The out- r bark of the Alcornoque fhould be ta ken off, previous to its being pounded and made into an infu- fion. [Signedj Dsn Juan de Dios de Macias., y Inch the phyficians laid, was j tubercles in the lungs, (pitting' The Alcornoque is a tree blood and matter in the molt which grows on the Spsnifh frightful manner, and having ne Mam, the wood of which is very vc-r received the (mailed benefit; compact and heavy; the true from medicine, one of my fiiends (Mr. Sobers,) refuting at the Carraca8, having heard n cited, two extraordinary cures made by an Indian, (poke to me un his arrival in this country, of the r( Augulr, where it is confident ’ -ctonderlul remedy that had been ly flirted, that from the udive diftovered : l pro ured in con- meaning c( the word fignifies cork although it ■ alfers-eflfon- tially from this tr- j e, as the Coik, it is well known, is of a porous and light nature. Spirit ’76. operations then carried on a gainft the Mole by Chriftophe, A whole family was lately could not^hold out longer than pcifoned at Dulden, by feme tenu ‘ i y s 1 his calculation,,how ^ ( j Utmlock, which the feivant cve j we prcfume( is premature, | hafleneti to admimlitr it to dif- coc ked, urdtrth. ic.da of its be as t l' :lcrs ‘° materially from I f e rent perfons, who all found ini; Pnifley The hulhaml and . Ae accout ftom Port au Ptincei j thetnfelv ps P r< fcquerice one hundred pound weight of the divine Alcorno que, I uied it, and in eleven days I was perfectly cured. I Mr G rat lard s Speech, In fupport of Catholic claims, delivered in the houfe of com mons on the I 8th of May, is a. production of fuch fterling mer it as precludes the utility of re commendation, and blunts the —j, - j —-— — ... -| recovering lrom u- force of cenlorious criticifm or wile (hod in the greateft agony , 'y 1 , h e conitdered as that : f in g Jt among others Mtffis. Du- cavil. The fame of the veteran in 24 hours after °* *, c fond, Magceaux du Lamentine, orator, a Hercules in debate, co in oik month, from the 14-th Gen. Kigaud, from wnofe ta- Hillairede St Pier— r -— *- '* of January to the of Febru- - IePir ' '- acr fly antl popularity, fo aty 1;.(I there were no It fa than 'j 1111 -! 1 was expefited, was lying If.'00 fhocks of Earthquake in ; Gick at jercnriie. Hungary Three learned men i Gen. Gomoy had not furren were fent to ciicovcr the caufe, I rcc ' with his arni Y 10 Ri ff aud » who reported the centre of the concuflion to Le in Hie vicinity ot the ir.ouatain of Cnoka. One hundred tind fifty two Bankruptcies, happened in Dub lin, during the fix months pre vious to lalt July : befides more as we reported, but was ftill in a ftalf of open hoftility againft tire authority of Petion, with a force of aboac 5 or GOOO tnen. A ne gociation had in reality been o pened, and a perfonal interview took place between the two than double that number of per ' chiefs, but without producing Tons who have had comp/umifes an Y amicable arrangement.— • with their creditors, lomc pf, Gomoy is a negro, as (uch is op them as lov/ £s ‘As Cd. in the pofed to the influence of the nru- pound. | lattoes, '& has declared himfelf j to be in the intereft of Chrifto- Prrfent State of Haylia—We 1 phf- Poulfon. learn from a gentleman who left Port au Prince, in the latter end ol Auguft luff, the following par tieulars relative to the exilling (late of affairs in that country at rhe time of his departure. The Mcle was (Till in pc>ff (li on of the troops oi Petion under .( inmanci of General D’Arve, (who fur corded lut THE PULMONARY AND LI VER COMPLAINTS. From the Evening Pojl. The following letter claims the attention of cur citizens, and il the virtues therein attributed to the Alcorncque fhould be found equal to the cure of pul monary and liver complaints clolely bifieged by tht; army and I how imr.;q.fc vyifl be UiC unpor Pierre. I affix to this, the receipt writ ten by Don Juan de Dios de Macias, merchant at Barcelona, one of thofe who was miracu- lolly cured. Your countrymen will owe you an eternal obliga tion for its publication, and my- felf will always remain without bounds to my acknowledge ments. Sir, Your very humble fervant, (Signed) P. BADOLLEL Method which Don Juan de Dt os Macias adopted when he took the divine Alcorncque In the firft place, fays he, I proceeded into a fituation which without being damp was cool; on my arrival I took about 12 ounces of the Alcornoque, which I had pounded in a mortar ; I infufed it in a regular quantity of pure water, until the fellow ing morning, when I took faff ing a glafs full lukewarm, and continued to ufe it all day as my ordinary drink, but cold; at bed time I took another glefis lukewarm. : followed this me. thod dallry, fclcly observing tg fures an attentive hearing to all he utters; for, his oratory has a fpcll that chains while it roufes the hearer ; that foothes, or agi tates, encourages, or terrifies, ac cording to the will of t he orator. When Henry Grattan lifts his voice in behalf of oppreffed hu manity, fuperftition is ieen ^to hide her Head, and perfec.ulibft ftandsfhuddevingat the approach of toleration. Human nature is proud to behold fuch benevolent exertions. London Paper. The celebrated John Horns Tookc, we learn from the Englffh papers, was much recovered in his health ; having been able tq» walk into his garden He en* tered his 7.1th year, on the Gih of July; and perhaps it ii too late in the evening cf his lift*, for us to expert the fupplemt/utary trealife, whicii he has condition ally promifed, to corrccjt meta- phyfical aonfenfe. But. jp > when he may, conclude hi/ labour when he will, his monvament will endure till ctemily, A is geiiiu.- bca.’tiutci,k - '.c;.a.