Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, October 31, 1810, Image 3

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I >ffinnr.teJ,his tmnnerfi extolled. fis virtues imitated, hs nv rnor'y ffed. Columbian The followinp fly trick was nut _pon the toll gatherer oft he Afli ley River B:i. ge, near Charlef- ton. (S. C ) a few days fince :— 1'wo tars, whole month’sadvance nearly exhnufted, found themfelves, on their arrival at the bridge, in poflVflion of hut G cts. one of them, knowing that their funds were inadequate to defray he expence of their pafTtge, ad ranced in iroqt ol his fhip-mate, j tnd den auded the price of the j \v>yage? I he reply was, “ G cts. each.’' “Do you charge for lu^age?" replie.i Tack “No.” fuiie fortes changedJtdes: they certj it to the lad homhle point, ab'UV'oned their former proftfli crofs the ridge rViding the ou.i; and when the govern ' er.t High tv-aloe from theTounafago, took a ftand thy threatened in in fuch place as wil afford the furreftion and diflolution of the Ihorteft and bell prtage to a Union. This conduft of theirs beatable point on the l itter— drove Congri fs into thepoflure from this laft point Hr '-ominen we found themat tbelafladjourn- ces the long wiflied nr furvey of ment; aud now, the torics— the Alabama At uis place the thele very toiies who memorial captain is to he met by the fe- SherifPs Sale. r»"<> s \ TWWH'I.'M*" J PMMH C R 1 P T. Then ftepping back and t king his b“o'hcr upon his ih ruljers he matched over with >'1 the gravity (imaginable. ' r ' •Times The following is an extract of a letter fiom a very intellig-tu gentleman living on the Mifiiif ftippi, whole fources of inform» tion may be relied on :—“Well Florida i. quiet. The ewreg illations adopted by the convert ion. have met the appiobation ofthe Governor at B tor Rouge, and tranquility is reltored. their fyftern approximates, as nearly spoflible, to a Republican form f government, anti they oocnlv vow a w.fli to become a p u t of he United States- The name f Ferdinand VII is ftili ufed in he public ads ot ihat province, ut the inhabitants hoi him in he molt fovert-ign contempt There is a final! B., fit party a nong them, who . re hoT-ile to he govt rnment or th U. Stares, ind, from the iotri clamor they lade, were at firff thought to be he majority ; hut they are found loco;,hit only of a few old tories tf the revolution and half oay Britlfii officers ” Nat Intel!. ized Congrefs againff Bririfh ng greflions; but who recanted wh n they found Mr. J ff rfon lerioufl/ refolved to refit! lilh outrages—the tories now cry out “ in wh it a plcl>* we are placed by the executive ” Why, the knaves'; the piiihil faivel ling, fneaking knaves ; thus to imagine that they can dupe the public with th ir final putrintifin any longer! rhey pretend that adminift ration is the caufe of cond party, w ho jjjrfue from the Alabama the common path to Highwafee, thro the C.reek nation and Cherocee. What officer will conPuft the fecond party, was not learnt when our inform uu came away. “ The parties were to flart a- bout the fir ft of September from Fort Stoddarr.” A divine difpenfation of Rrovi- denco has been lately fi/nal in the . , . | family of Mr Geo. H. Norris, near our evils ; they, who are the j 7 • „ Berrvvillc, in this county. MifsSu- I. m ling curie of their country ; \ f, u , jy Worracly, an amiable young they, who countenance the info | lady, about 18 years of age, fuddenly le ce of Bririfh ninillers ; they, j recovered, perfectly, her fpeech, or who threaten rebellion if Great , which flie has been deprived 7 or 8 Britain is opoofetl ; they who 1 y uiir6 » produced by along illnefs. It furniflies arguments to the Bri appearsthat Mifc W.returned as u- tifl, cabinet to continue their in- ^ her room, and wh. ft engaged , ~ . m reailing, fe ; /aii unuiual ieiilation, jnri;..*, , they* v G«k1 ^orgivctheni.) an( j irruneUiatelv run into an adjoin- : ow coihe out with their yelp : ing room to her filler, whofe feelings mgs ■>' f h 1 fitu ition of the coun : can be better ima fined than expref itry ! Bu r the people know them; ‘ fed, at hearing more the found they h>v • real' o te, know them ; °fhcr voice, expruTed in pcifcdly •h-v h.iv fomc* experience 0 f | dUtiuS and audble-terms TV IT T. UK SOT D On the firft Tutfday in December next, in the Town of Uadi [on, 'organ county, bctivem the ufunl hours, the following property, viz. One Lot of I and, Known by N° ICO in the ‘20th dif tritfl of Baldwin, now Morgan conn tv, taken ns the property of Thomas Du fli 11 and Nathaniel Holley to fa- tisfy an execution in f.ivor of Sea born Jones. •••A L S O”* Lot N° ISO in the 15ih difldd of Baldwin, now Morgan countv, ta ken as the property of Shadrach Moore, tin. furvivov, to faiisfv an execution in favor of J, Te Brett and Owen Fort exerntoi s. ...A I. S O... One Chefnut Semi mar.-, bridle and fiddle taken an the property of James Afhh-v to fatiify an execution I in favor of Thomas B. Scott. By this Murt'ung;’ ; M:ul. P The Nor Vo Mail due Gff evening did no-arrive ir 0 ch'ck tiff- morninij...We''av f<*TofV - <‘ie mod mat-oral articles of i-iK-ii erica furniflied bv the papers—Th- 'rt-cie under the London head of '! 3-' of Sen:timber is peculiarly ime v -effing to the American reader a d . yu- plendy vt-xiffes therrtn irlts in ’ : iff column of the preceedirig page o. this week’s Argus. THE L a AN. It will be recolleflul by nuv •ett iers that atlhe laff f. fi; , rf Congrefs, in order to (apply the leficieney in the hum annually npropriated for the payment ot hbiic Debt, the Prcfident o( ie United States was by law tnpowered to borrow a “ fum lot exceeding the princioal of he public debt, which wil! be eimbuifed, accon ing to law, luring the prefent year,” at a ate of interefl not exceeding fix •er cent: The law alto author fed the Bank of the U Siati-s to end the faid fum or any part hereof; becaufe it was known hat from that inffitution the mo iycould be obtained with great- facility and at lowt r >nter , for fo fhoit a tiuu as wii* lapfe before its reimbuifernent. un frohy individuals. In pur of thole provifion, about iree months ago, a loan was ob lined from the bank of th U ntes for the fum of 3 7.50,000 •liars, at fix percent—ihe in- ■y to he leimburfed on the 31 (I camber, 1811. If the rhar ■r of the Bank of the United latts W ill not be renewed or Hitinued, the money loaned is be reimburfed to the Bank ithin three months after notice ven by them. Ibid. th ,ii : Yes ; tn fe arc the tories, or ihe delcencants ofthofe tories, | who joinded th.- Indians to make w upon our fathers— tb oppofe \V .(hi gum : the fame tories who would i :u(h 1 fid ; tile faniv Mries win fe hearts are warm for K: gland and cold to Am ri-.a ; who u!e all li ic-s and every wind to ferve their king —who lavifli wealth with piv.'ufiort ii the hire of preff -s to revile r« publican inflituti-m and in every vein Sc mood fhout damnati n t,) de-mon-aev ; —the fame men. who, whether dru ik or fob-.r. gay or fid, have their th mghts jserperua ly !: nr on the iedrudtion or our hipny Union — hat it may be par. .lied out, Gazette. | In Ireful! 1 , fayr Carr, the atmof- phete is remarkably huniirl. by a correct vealiter, kept in 1804 it was found to have rained or Plowed 231 clays in the year. oi i ii ■fligate foils ot ■ Ling, or the idle, noblemen of a corrupt ed and comipring coun. O! cut such Turiks long' r delude u. ? Fellow i '• zi .! Paufe, and v- II--d •m then* rchaviour for fif teen years pad, anti ftrengthen yoU'felves in your republican fentiiuents lo that you may be the better able to i\fut them. CATO. MARRIED, on Thurfday even ing by the Rev. Myles Greene, Mr. IvICllAiin ON O, Scukrv, to Rlifs liBRiNi: J. Gough. uwv*** ■:<. ^ -cltlus DIED, on [Monday lalt, Mrs. Nancy Selah, wife of Mr vVin. W. SeJuh. printer, of tiiis place. ulzs.z. oi-’e/ntt-v -s.-*.tup9yxtzu:zaBtB bhcrill’s bales. Knoxville, Sept 23. By a g i <- *r juil from the Mobile eout try, wo learn the f'.'llOWUlg f.-.d, ; About the middle of Augnfi: orders from the fi cu tary ol the war rfepar'fiKvw arrived at the poll of Fort Stoddart, com manding co R c h ire! Sparks to detach twoconiip.-flioned officers four non como iflioited and 20 privates, to form two companies lor the purpofe of exploring ihe coutury beuve -.- that place and WIL L D E S' 1 L D On theft.J] Tutj.lay in December next, at the ■ iiiehit iloufi in the Town of AlilicJgtr. Ule, BETWEEN THE USUAL HOURS, 202 t-2 Acres of Land, Known by Lot N° 321, in the Iff ctiftricSk of Baldwin county, gran ted .o Benjamin Currie ; levied on as the property of Liberty Hoimcs, to fatisiy Bolling Hall’s execution againff hirn—on foroclofure of a niorigage. 101 1-4- Acres of land in the HI dilhiiT of Baldwin, granted to Paul Wilkes, joining Jofhua Claud and ShuJrach Bevins’s land ; li as the pioperty c,f John Rofll-r, to fa.iify Robert Whittington’s exeeu- tion agaiiill him.—Conditions Caih Philip Cook, Sh ik li c. October 31. 31-tds ro Dollars Reward. Hie h wale •k From the Virginia 4rgus. The (dries aavifed the lending mini Her to London to remon 'ate againft the Britilh feizures th-r the rule of ’.5G; they mem ai.zeii Congrefs, and pledged ‘ir lives, fortunes, and honor, Hand by the government in idicatijng the rights of the na- n- Well; fo far, fo good .- t the moment Mr. JeftVifon Ted the treaty which hadfub- tacked to the tail of it; the ment lie vouM not give up thing to England, ihcle mg a furvey of i the dtftance, and learning every ( particular they pofii ily can , ref- | p^ch.'.g foil, grow ih, water, &c. ! Captain L P Gaines, who has founcrly been employed by of Milledgeviile, the above reward, tile government on finmiar ex- ! to any peifon who (hall difeover the curfions, we umleiftand, takes I inccndinry. which (hall be paid or command of one of the parties WHEREAS fomc evil clifpofed perfon did, on the night of the 27th inftant, li-t (ire to, and burnt part of the public Pound, creel- d in this town for the purpofe of carrying into ofTi ct an ordinance to prevent Swine from tunning at large in the town ol Milledgeviile : And whereas, fuch violations ought to be punilhed, by a rigid inforcement of the laws of this (late, in fuch cafes made and provided : 1 therefore, hereby of fer, bv and with the confent of the Boatd of CommiTtor.ers of the town Phis gentleman, it is faid, is emmetly calculated to do juftice to his appointment Me follows the iiiviclmg ridge between the waters ol the Bigby and Alaba ma—from thence to the ridge which divides the waters of the Black Warrior or Tufealoofa from thole of the Coofa, and purfues this lad until it is loft in the great dividing lidge lying between the w Ut. r of Team ffee and Mobii<—ho t l x Iaft he is fluke th'; Uiehwafcc, aX- 1 his conviflion of die above crime j Given under my hand, this 30th Oclofvr, 1310. jettThomas, p u. c. One lot of land N a 22fi in lire 4th diffrifil of formerlv Baldwin, taken as the property of Edward Johnfon to fatisfy an execution in favor of Thomas Jones. •••A I. S O”- One Negro woman named Patfcy and one Negro boy t arred Simon, taken as the property of Clemant Tranum, to fatii/v fundry executions in favor of Tame-- Taylor and others —Conditions (' fib Martin 1 J Sparks. c li’fF October 27. 31-tds. Sales. IV i I. I. n F S 0 I. ZL On the fir/} Titefilnv in December next i Twigirs Cjui t hot fe between tis e ift/al hours, One Lot of [.and, With improvements thereon, N° 2G2, iD the 24-th dillritfl tf VV il- kinfon, now Twiggs county -, levied on as the property of Georg Roan to faiitfy an exccuiion in laver of George Stuart. ...a L s o... One T ot of Land in the 26th dif- tri£lof Wilkinfm,nowTwigj coun ty, N° 21 ; levied oil as tl.e proper ty of James Lyon lofayti-ly an exe cution in favor of the El.cutors of Charles Martin, deccaied.—Cortdi lions Cafli F. Nunn. Sh’ff. Otftnbpr-S' 31 —tris Sheri It’s h-iile. IV I I. 1. B E S ) L D, On the fir ft Tucfiay in Dec. ficxl, in the f von of Clinton, BETWEEN THE USUAL HOURS, One Lot of Land, N c !)7 in tiie Gth di(fri£V of Bald win, now Jones county; taken as on i the property of Mark M‘Lulky, to fatisiv an execution in favor of hue Sowell, returned lo me by a Conflable—Conditions Cafli. S. Fcagin, Sh’ff. October 31. 31—tds. London, Aiignfl 3(1. The Gottenbit- eh Mails attivctl this morning-—Barnndmte ’.:.s lu*e» chooCon luce, to the Throne of Sweden The regaining is hin’—fi at as one of t’ne confeqtienc x or ehooflng him to iuccced. to thi> Throne. The C.orrefpondentem flutes that the ol'jedl of Guftavus’s la'e journev was to get h's fon choofcn Succchor to the Svvediflr Throne. September 3. AMERICA, Eft VNCE AMD ENGLAND. ' The Union cartel, cn Tburfdajry filled from Plymouth for Mmlaix, with a mefTinger, charged by Mr. Pinkney with difpatches fo g ' eral Artrifltong, cn the fubjeO ol the communicationsthe latter fome days fu ce, of the terms upon ' eh Bonaparte is difpofed to adjaU his differences with America. I i I 'i that Napoleon has coifieuteil to re fund the piodticp of the American veifels condemned in the p< rtf. of France, Holland, Spain and Naples, and to reduce the duties on impon-a to what they were previom lo 'ho war, provided England tefeu d . ho? j ord.-u in council ab-tulons her bloo kad< s, and withdraws li nll-,c.iti i:s on fuch exportations from France as were not proh bin d before the war. P is added that lord iVe’ltfiley. ir. his conferTence with Mr Pinkney ou the lubjed of thi-s communication, declared dm the ciders in council would coni, quentlv terminate with the caufe- wliiclt had produced them.. Pc that th - queftion ot i xpor r s might admit of dilcuflio". but that Great Britain would not retinquiih the t i .be and power of Blockade Letters have been received from P -rnambucco to the date of th IO. li of July. Cct’o had advii c< 1 20 percent, at that Settlement, but no thing of a political character bad - c- curred deferving notice. I Denmark ha- not yet adopted a- nyfevere meafures againff American commerce, but as it is known iliac i the Government willbowwiihiinpli- cit obedience to any mandate from France on the fubjeft, theintercourfo is proportioned to the rifle. JVfill Regulations r ~jl~iHO. < >E perfons who may favor jj[ me wiriv thc-ir cuffom, are no tified, that unlel's thev mark their names ligihly on their b igs—I will not be anfwerable for miffaket or accidents of any kind. Jrfeph Cooper. GcTcber 3h D 1 —tf Baltimore, Oct 9. Arrived, fch’r. Hazard, Ilmriihn, 24 days from Kingfton (Jam.)—All j MIRAND A’S MEN have bofin fer at liberty by (he new government of the Spar,ilh Main, fix of them had I arrived at Jamaica. All others who I had been imprifoned under the eld j government, were alfo fet at liberty. A LJcvercuv, Sanford, 'rdCo. HAVE JUST RECEIVED. Ftti m New York A LARGE. SUPPI TOFFALL AND WINTER . GOODS,. Cutlery and Groceries, VVhich they will difpofe of, ori as good terms as they can be procured in Milledgeviile. Oftobcrflt. 3l-3t*f We learn, (fays a Philadelphia paper of the Uiih inft ) that general Amflrong has written to the Gevota ry cf flate, that Bonaparte ha- * r- fered to rellore Ferdinand to tilt? Sptnfih throne, provided lie accept it as a grant from hitnfelf. and con fent that the country between the Pyreiinees and the Ebro fluff ' etVi.iiu to France. Both thefe condition!, it is prefumed, will be rejefled : tho lirft as difhonorable, and the fecond not only on account of its curtaillinj* tiie kingdoms of feVeral brave and induffrious provinces, but becaufe it wifi leave the country without n fade frontier on the fide of France, \ Parrot Stolen, STOLEN From the fubferiber, living in Milledgeviile, fronting the jail, a large Green Parrot—A Re ward of ten dollars will be given to attv perfon who will deliver the Par rot and give information lo that the thief may be convifled—ot five dol ais lor tiie Parrot alone. • Jacob Rlcfdircri. CGctcr SI | 21—tf C A II T 1 O N DO hereby forwarn all perfons from trading for a certain Note of hand, given by ire to Damply Dorrity for fifteen dollars, made pay able the firff day of January next —■ As the conditions for which faid Note was given has faded, and T ant determined not to pay the faid Note. John r.utweil Gftobci 21, 31-1: | We underttand that a letter has been received in Marblehead, flai ling rfrat all the American props ny which had been detained in (ho Bay of Bifcay was delivered to its origin al owners. If this be tiie fa£t, yhe probability is, that the fame com fe* will he purfued with American pro perty in other ports under the influ ence of Napolean.—da Urn Regijlec• PRICE OE COTTON. At I ivprpxnl 15 1 2d. New Yt'tk lt> 12 cents. . . AuguiU 1J cc::ts» Gftobci 21