Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, November 07, 1810, Image 1

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■cr VOLUME III....NUMBER 3 2 * MILLEDGEVILLE: published (weekly) by DENNIS I.. I!FAN. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, l8lO. X\ Proclamation. GEORGIA. J/y his Excellency David B. ‘itched, ' Governor and Commander in Chief of the winy and Navy of this State and of the Militia thereof W HEREAS I have, as dirert eit in and by an art of the General Aflembly of this State, en titled, "an Adi :o t'.gulate the Gene ral EUertions in this Hate, and to ap point) the lime of the meeting of the General Aflett Ely.” pafled the *lrh of February 1799,arranged account ed uo the votes of fuch counties as have in conformity \ nh the aforefaid art made rmtfii of the Elections h°ld or. the fnft Monday of October inftant for four Members to repre fen t this State in the Houfe of Re- prefentatives of the Congrefs of the United States, from which it appears that William W Bibb, George M. Troup. Howell Cobb, and Boding Halt. Efqis. have the higheft number of votes. ' nij Whereas, it is provided by the set aforefaid, “ that no perfon flial! be elertetl a reprefentative in Congrefa, \vh » has not been an in habitant of this State three years next preceeding his elertion, and paid his j tax regularly during that time” and that “ no comfniflim (hall iflue to 1 or for any fuch perfoti fo elerted. until fatisfartory proof is produced that the rax of fuch perfon ha; been regularly paid a, above-mentioned, and that he has artually had the re ftdence herein preicribetl,” and ittt- ther “ that in cafe any perfon duly elerted being in this ltate, and noti fied thereof in manner herein divert ed, (hall not within twenty days, and if. out of the date within forty days, after fuch notification lignify his acceptance, or fhall depart this life, the Governor or Commander in Chief fhall order a new elertion to be held &c.” I have, therefore, thought proper to iflue this my Procbin atom, declar ing that the aforefaid William W. Bibb, George M. Croup, Howell Cobb., and Bolling Hall, Iriqrs arc duly elerted toreprefent this State in the-Congrefs of the United States for the term of two years from and after the fourth day of March next, and to notify you the faid William W Bibb. George M. Croup, Howell Cobb, and Bolling Hall, Efqrs. to produce the proofs of your eligibility required in and by the art herein before recited, and fignify to me your acceptance of the faid appoint ment within the rime limited by the faid art. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State at the vitate Houfe in Milledgeville, j the twenty third day of Orto ber, in the year oi our Lord, OneTltoufand Eight Hundred and Ten, and of the thirty fifth year of t he Independence of tiie United Stares cf America* D. B. MITCHELL. Jjy the Gcn’ernor, Hon. Maublut, Secretary of State. , iftT* The Editors of the Loui’i"lie Gazette, Savannah Republican, Au gufta Chronicle, the Monitor and the Georgia Exprefs, are requ.fteJ to publith the above Proclamation once a week, for three weeks, in their tefpertive papers. Sheriff’s Sale. IVIL L BE SOLD, On the firjl Tuefday in December next, in the Town of Uadifon, Morgan county, between the ufual hours, the following property, viz. One Lot of I.and, Known by N° 1G0 in the (lOch-dif trirt of Baldwin, now Morgan coun ty, taken as the property of Thomas Duffiil and Nathaniel Holley to fa- tisfy an execution in favor of Sea born Jones. Lot N° ISO in the 15th diftrirt of Baldwin, now Morgan county, ta ken as the property of Shadrach Moore, fen. furvivor to fatisfy an execution in favor of Jefle Brett and Owen Fort executors. • ••A L S O• • • One Chefnut Sorrel mare, bridle and laddie, aken as the property of James Alhley to fatisfy an execution in favor of Thomas B. Scott. ...A L S O... One lot of land N° 226 in the 4th diftrirt of formerly Baldwin, taken as the property of Edward Jchnfon to fatisfy an execution in favor of Thomas Jones •••A L 3 0*« One Negro woman named Parley, and one Negro boy named Simon, taken as the property of Clemant Tranum, to fatisfy fttndry executions in favor of lames Taylor and others. —Conditions Ce.fh i Martin P Sparks. c -h'fF 1 OrtcberuT. Sl~rd.s. sheriff’s Sales. W ILL B F. S ') I. If On the fir/} Tuefday in December next) at Twiggs Court-houfe. between th* ufual hours, o ne Lot of I A Cl nd, Wi h improvements thereon, N° -2d2, in the 24th diftrirt of Wil- kinfon, now Twiggs county .-, levied on as the property of Georg ■ Roan, to fatisfy an execution in favor of George Stuart. ...A I. S O... One Lot of Land in the SGthdif- trirtof \Viikinfon ) now Twiggs coun. ty, N° 21 ; levied on as the proper- 1 ty of James Lyon to faytisfy an exe cution in favor c>f the Excutors of Charles Ivlartin, deceafed.—Condi- tiens Cafh. L. Nunn, Sh’fF. Orto hoy 31, 31-rds Sheriff’s Sale. iv 11 l n e s ) L D, On the f.rji Tuefday in Dec. nc::t, in the T tan of Clinton, BETWEEN THE USUAL HCVES, One Lot of Land, N f 97 in -he 6th diftrirt of Bald- v. : n now Jones county ; taken as ttie property of Mark M'Lttfky to fatisfy an execution in favor ot Abi , hit- Sowell, returned to me by a Sheriff’s Sales. W ILL BE S ') L D On thefi>Jl Tuefday in De, ember next, at tire Oar let Houfe in the Town of Milledgeville, BETWEEN THE USUAL HOURS, 202 1-2 Acres of Land, Known by Lot N“ 321, in the lit diftrirt of Baldwin county, gran ted lo Benjamin Currie ; levied on as the property of Liberty Holmes, to fatisfy Bolling 1L.11’:-, execution againft him-—on foreclofurc of a mottgage. 101 I - 4- Acres cf hind in the 1ft diftrirt of Baldwin, granted to Paul W.lket, joining Jolltua Claud and Shadrach Bevins’s land -, levied i^taAer.wswpms resHxmss ea ~-?t. -*wi as the property of John Roffer, to embraces, we believe, the prim fatisfy Robot, Whittington’s execu- 1 pies cordially admitted by the A r ’ j :- : — 1 ** ‘ beyond whi h you L k . his Lordthi/s tion, that they have font or terg 10 Commodore Mood, not to con flict' any blockade of th fc ijlar.ds as cxijhng, unlefs in rap-eft to par. tic tila r ports which may he actu ally invested, and then not 11 capture v'ffels brand to fuch | ports unlefs they fhall prcvbujif \ have been warned not to enter than t on Me (ubjetl ot aiv j rh it they have alfo lent the necefT-iry dirertrons on th" fub- CG.nmuuKir ed to to the fudges of the vice admi ralty courts in the Well Indies Li ! America. I am, Arc. (Signed) EVE AN NEPEAN. George Hanvnon l Era. NezuSj Pol!lies, • • • <C35 • • • From the National Intelligencer. From certain paragraphs which lnve recently appeared in the Kugliih prints, it is probable that queitions may hereafter rile, be tween the American and Britifli governments, blockades, On recurring to the documents communicated Congrefs on the ‘23 1 of Decern ber, 131)8, we (in) the follow ing letter from Mr Merry to Mr. vimifon, explanatory of the 1 Britifh doctrine on that topL li tion againft hinn-—Conditions Calh. Philip Cock, Sli ft', b c. Oftober 31. 31-tds. Peter jai'lct, AS taken the TWO STORY $ HOUSE, belonging to Cipt Philip Cook, 011 Wayne Street near the tVbudu-t. where he can accom modate EIGHT 1 or TEN genteel BOARDERS-his table &c, will j e be fupplied with the belt the coun- j govei iltiie'lt try can affoard. He purchufes ail kind of country produce—Home- fpun not excepted. OftobtrSl, 1810 31 -If I United States, j they have never advanced anv pre ten lions, and contrary to ^nidi, if is hoped, Great Bri tain wiii let uo no new ruL-.: MR MERRY TO MR MADISON. W.ijhington, April 1 2, 1 2,04. Sir, Mr Thornton not having fail- 1 to tranfmit to his majeltv’s an account of the .•'..■prclentation which you were pieafed to uddrels to him, under date of the 27ih Ortober, l ift year, r dporting the blockade of the illands of Martinique and Guadaloupe it is with gnat fa- tistartion, iir, th; 11 have juft re ceived his majefty’s commands fignifted to me by his principal Secretary of State for foreign af fans, under date of the Bill Jan uary half, to communicate to you the inftr-urtions which have, in confequence of your repre- | fencation, been font to Comma tj "i ESPF.C ! FULLY informs the ! Hood, and to the judges of citizens or Miil-dgevi le and j the vice admiralty courts in the hat lie makes Windsor j Weft Indies. I have, accordingly, the ho nor to to you, fir, en- \IV INTEL) IM 1 'EDI ITELY. A Tourncyiaan Saddler. Liberal -wages will be given to a good workman. Harris Allen. Milledgeville,’Ort 24. 30-1 f John ] r urlow, Ji' r indsor Chair- Maker : irs vicinity Chairs, after the molt approved mo iled:, at Two Dollars a piece...his re fidence is on JclFerfon (licet nearly j cIofe ^ the copy of a letter from B’r Evean Nepean, fecrctaiy to op polite the Argus Oflicc. •Ortcbcr 27 30-c Cor.lta Crtobet —Conditions 6’. Fcctgi? .am. Sh’ff. 31-tds. / Loll or Miflaid, On the £2d inftant, a Note of Hand, given in favor of the fubferi ber by Williamfon Ferrell, for Twen ty-Five Dollars, payable September next. All perlons are forwarned trading for the faid note, and the laid Ferrell is hereby forwarned paying the fame to any perfon but -niyfelf. fames Ballard. October 24. SO-cV BLANK Collectors Titles, For Sals at this OJJiet Deven’nx, Scwfla d, &C'o. H • VE JUS r R ECEIVED, From New York ALARGESUPPl TOE FALL AND WIN TER Cutlery and Groceries, Which they will dilpofe of. on as good terms as they can be procured in Milledgeville. October Si. 3l-'itU Mill Regulations HOSE perfons who may favor me with their cullom, are no tified, that unlefs they mark their names ligibly on their bags—-I will not be anfwerable for millakes or accidents of any kind. Jofeph Cooper. ftwf Baldwin Superior Court, Scpretnb rTrrm, 1810. Rule Nt 1 XN motion o! Elijah Clark and Mofes Fnrt, Attor 1 ney s for Gillah Frar.y, praying , (he cftablifhment of a copy of a Note of Hand, made by Philip ! Spii!crs 0 t the 21 ft day of J.inu ! ary 1804 for Four Hundred & ! Sixty Seven Dollars, payable to : W. A Durham or order, on the fir ft o tv of January 1804, . and indorfed to the laid Ci'.i^h for collertion | It is ordered That acopvtheve- i of be eltabiifhed ticcordingly, unlefs c: ufe be fliewti to the, cotitrrrv, and that this rule be | pub'ifh d fix months in one of j the G z"tt<-s f this ft ate. Tme Copy from the Minu'cs. Thos 11 Kenan, Cl’k Natchez, Sept. 26, IS 10. At a late hour laft nigh- wo j received the fuejoined extract of - a letter, which we loofe no time ) in laying before our readers, j-From this it will ho f-.-en that I F' Co ivtitiou •• ,va j been compcMed to have r. • urfe I ro military 1 arce, and that the j fort of Baton Rouge and Gov- j Dehiffui is in the power of diet | patriots. We a re informed that* J a few days fmee the Conventioni received intelligence that they 1 | ware betrayed, & that Governor Folch had a galley .it Gaivcf- town, in which ho m. :t-lr to embark the Convention tor Pen* facola, and that he him!'e!f was in the eaftern part of the pro vince alarming, and lowing dil- fention among the people, ai this dilemma, prompt and vigo rous meafures became abfclutoly nect ff.u-y, aud the refuft is herb related. ‘ Pinchneyville, Sept. 25, 1310. “ We have information di- rcrtly from Baton Rouge, that Saturday night about 1.30 men, under the command . f gc era! Thomas, entered the F-.-rt of Baton Rouge. Young Grand Pre who commanded, gaiiuntly attempted to defend it, and re ceived a fevere wound in his neck, w'ith a broad fvvord. One of the guard fired on the afr.vil- ants, and was immediately {hot down with a piftol by one of capt. Johnfon’s dragoons—ano ther of the Spanifli guard w.vr wounded—no damage recewed by the troopa of the Convention. Having quieted every tiling in the Fort, they proceeded to the houfe ot his excellency, >-!;ag- the board of admiralty, to Mr. Hammond, his tnajefty’s under Secretary 0! State for foreign af fairs, fpecifying the nature of the inftrurtions which have been given. His m?j'.ft)’s government doubt not that the promptitude which has been nvanilefted in re dr effing the c u 1 r van c n complain ed of by the government of the Uni ted Stales, w ill be Jered by the latter as un additional evi ■ dence of his rnajelly’s content j g< j d him out carried him to the and fincere defire to remove a I Fort, with two boxes ot money nv ground of mifunderftanding ! found in his room, and loaded that could have a tendency to in terrupt the harmony which fo happily fubfifb betweenthis gov- him with irons—but not without having to knock him down with the butt of a nuilker The Con eminent and that of the United j vention had about 2.70 men Ortcher 81* NOTICE To ah the kind> cd of William Hoad, fer.ior, deceafci T HAT after the .xpiration . « 1 tuimiiuuitiiicu ill me , of N*ne months from the ! Lords of the Admiralty Lord date hereof, application Wtll be . Haw kefbury’s letter of the 23d m3te t( ! the hp n t> ra ble Inferior j ultimo, inclofing the copy of a court of Walhmgton county for difpatch which his Lordlhip had States I have the honor to he, IVidi high refpert andconfideraton, Your rnoft obedient humble fervant, (Signed) A NTH. MERRY. Admiralty Office, 5l.h fan. 1804. Sir, Having communicated to the h ave to fell a Trart cf Land, containing 300 acres, more or lefs, on the waters of Cagg creek in faid county, living the real ef- t.ce.of William Hood, fen. dec. fold for (he beiqfitof the heirs and creditors o' fail dec. Uni Hood jui'n Adm’r. June 13, 18ft f received from Mr. Thornton, his nuijefly’s charge d’affairs in America, on the fubjert of the blockade of the iibnds of Mar tinique and Gaudaloupe, toge ther with tlie r.porte of the ad vocate g- nerr.l.— Thereupon 1 have their Lord iLip’s commands to acquaint ties ate inartive.*’ in the place when the nu Hanger left it, & every thing was quictt.’ , New-York, Ortobcr 13’ LATEST FROM SPAIN. Extrafi cf a letter from Newport. “ The f'choonar Eliza, enpt. Baker, has arrived here from Caciz. She failed from that city on the 23d of Auguft. The captain reports no verbal news, except that a regiment of dra* goons, and two regiments of infantry (Britifli) embarked n- bcut the 15th of Auguft lor Lif- bon, “ A letter to a gentleman i:i this town from the American pcnful at Cadiz, dated Auguft 12, fays, “ this place remains in perftrt fecurity although ail par-