Newspaper Page Text
.<• U »D11»wuimww | g rct t0 CT J T? ^triotrc mind, that,
* | jt I' - S’ ^" 1 I the many and aggravated wrongs our
/ ^_ |_VVJP" vJ w31 court!ry ha:. received from the two
~t<fiere TJl UTH tit;licens'd reigns
— great Belligerents of Europe, have as it would feetn, hut to
/ind dare accost e’en Lings themselves thing official has tranfpired to relie
,..0r rulers of the free.” us froth that dif.igreeab’e (tare
1—— —-—" “* fulpcnce i;i which our foreign rela
MILXT'DGEVIl.LE : Otis liave been fo long involved.
WEDNESDAY, Nor 7, 1810.
... s
legislature or georcia.
not yet been redrefled *, at leaft, no-
This (fate of things has grown
of waf hen pretendir t they will of their oten critical and unparaFo!-
make fatisfaflion, and >roceed to cd fituntton, or from fame energe-
negociation for no orh r pttfpofe, tic and decifive meafures of our own
ce v: & government; or from both.
infultus Toemuner.iteal’hcinftan- Bat fhould the conrf.: attributed
ces I allude to, would ba as eifguft- to France by the intelligence receiv
ing a-- it is ufeiefs, I h qjr* they are etl prove untrue or dehifive; and wc
frolh in the ti collecUon ct every or.o, are ftiii left to contend for our un-
who has been an atteiviV' obferver^ diubted rights with both powers,
and who feels for the honor and pro- 1 have the fulled confidence, that
ouf of the conteft which has fo long fpetity ot his country. under the protection of, and aided
clcfolated Europe Auftria, Pvuffia, Oilr government however ft ill ac- by that almighty power which «u.\-
and Ruflia, with fome of the minor ta tted by the feme principles of juf- bled the United States itt their in-
powers on the continent, aided and tice, and moderation which diet a t-
cone cr.e p’ace •, and tf> 7
have no °un-;, nor inulk is *-ith
t’u.:-ui, but a Hick and a hamlke ub £
are with tv.e ; be yourfelf pirf.t'd.
Diced the llthZilhij. correipm.d-
i.:.» with the 17.h .fauunry, '8 0.”
I .\e difl.utbanoes tailed bv thin
fellow c a a fed the lots of fiveral
handled live.t, and many towns were
b.ucr bef s e the ir.iurieclion tou.A
be quelled.
form a qnoi
following is a (ketch of their pro-
In ths Senate-
Members appeared were fworn
and took their feats, the hon. Jared
Irwin was chofen Prefident—Wm.
Robenfon, F.fq. Secretary—Henry
William^ M. fienger—and Alex
Gveenc |loor keeper.
Mr. Harden laid before the Senate
a letter enclofmg the refignation of
Br-tt. Wyche and John H Bryan,
Indices of the Inferior court of
Tattnall county—ordered to He cn
the table.
Meffirs. Scruggs, Barnett, and
■Jarden were appointed on the part
f Senate to wait on ihe Governor
ad inform him that both branches
[ the'General Affcmbly were con-
eiietl, and ready to proceed to bu-
»efs—who reported that his Lxcel-
ncy had informed them that lie
ould lay his communicaton before
rem on to-morrow.
IVJeffrs. Lane, Powell, Harden,
rVo 'd, and Little were appointed
committee of privileges and e-
Heflions. After going through the
Wiufinefs incident to the opening of
he Seffitm the Senate adjourned
ntil 10 o’clock to-morrow.
France, at the commencement of
her revolution and itifuhingly at
tempted to diftate to a Nation in
Arms, their f..rm cf government
Defeated .and driven oat of the field;
the three til'd powers gave up the
conteft, and France afiumed the
charafier of a Republic* New co
alitions were however foon formed,
and immenfe armies again carried
into the field, with the prof (led ob
ject of redo ring monarchy to France,
and of preferihing the boands of her
empire. After the (laughter of mil
lions of fellow creatures in this am
bitious and Ifingly crufadc aglirift
republicanifm, France has fettled
down into a Military defpotif.n, un
der one of the molt extraordinary
characters that ever appeared upon
the ttage of human life, who by his
victorious arms, has fubjugated c m-
T: e Northern M.ii had net
when thi> paper wa ; j 1 10
next t > the prefevvation of their in
depen lence apd national honor, had
recaurfe to art Embargo; a meafure
which, if ft lift I y enforced, would
I am convinced have c impelled chafe
powers to do us jullic.*, and have
refpeit for our lawful commerce, A
the only one (Hoit of .actual war,
which coaid then he devifed to meet
the cretical (ituation of our foreign
affairs. To thofe who have aft'-rted
tliat the Embargo was .1 meafure
which evidenced hoftility to Eng
land and partiality to France, I
would anfwer that if fuch was the
cff'ct, every man of candor will ad
mit its juftice, when lie reflects that
the cowardly and attack on
tin Chefepeake was the principal
ciufe for ttie adoption of it* Nei
ther ought it to bo forgotten, tint
thole very men win have been moll
fancy to eilabiidt their independ
ence, the firmnefs and enerjy cf
the government, the refources of the
country, and the patriotif.rt of our
Citizens will be found equal to tlie
conteft. Bv the forbearance of > ur
government hitherto, we have pre
ferred peace,but, that it ffiould con
tinue under a con i nuance of our
injuries, is in my opinion, what *.ve
ought neither to hape for, nor defire.
Fur although war ought not to be
refurted to if peace can be preforv-
cd by a..y honorable means, yet,
war with all its boron is preferable V er Dam, adjoining I.c’i
to a fuhnv.ffion, which mail end in others—for the benefit
Will btt lokl,
AGREE iBi. f to an ovfor -bTo-
lut: from tli * h-m tin inf-. : r l ourt
of the County of Baldwin, to this
high,eft bidder, on the tirft Tuel.i iy
itt January next, at 1 lie M:.i ket-
Houie in die town of Sparta,
200 A CIVS of 1 Vl'ld
more or lef t, lying in the co>v>< Wf
Hancock on tlic I'w. ivc Mid- •' (
tinental Europe, and compelled her 1 oppofed to (lie Embargo were, not
to acknowledge bis (way. England, j many years before (under a different
alone with the titmoft gallantry and | adminilLration it is true) prefenting
perfevcrenci! maintains the conteft: j memorial after memorial to Congvefs
deriving fecurity from her infulated j urging for war, and pledging their
fituation, and immenfc Naval power, j lives and fortunes i.i fuppart of the
(he bids defiance to the IiCgioas ot
France and in her turn ufurps the
foveieignty of the Ocean.
The United States feperaT l by
the Atlantic from thofe confiidling
Government; and yet, ftrang
tan fact may appear, it is nevevtlie-
lefstrue that, they not only oppoied
tlie Embargo, but every other mca-
fare of refiltunce or fecurity under
In the Houfe of Rcprcfentathcs
59 Members appeared, were j
70m and took their feats—Benj. 1
Whitaker Efq. w as choofen Speaker
-Hines Holt, Efq Clerk—Gray-|
lock Roberts, MetVenger—and An- !
ttw Boothe door-keeper. |
Mcffir Welborn, Telfair, Ivcrfon, j
. Brown and Hugh Blair, were ap- j
jointed a v mmittee to wait upon |
ite Governor, and inform him that
>othbranches of the General Aficm-
>ly were convened, and were ready
0proceed to bufinefs—who report-
1—that liis Excellency would lay
is communication before them on
Mefns E. Beall, Clayton, Hop-
ins, Nowland and Jacob Robinfon
tore ajipointcd a committee* on pre-
leges and eledlions After going
trough the bufinefs incident to the
polling cf the Seftion—the Houfe
ijourncnl until to-morrow morning
0 o’clock.
Tutfdny, Ncvcvibsr 6.
A Tefoluiion palled both branches
ppointing Thurfday at 12 o’clock
ir the cledlion of a Senator in the l
lon/refs of the United States.
parties, Sc having no ambitious views circumftauces doubly aggravated
of aggiandizement, but, consent Sc injurious. Such is the inconfift’tncy
happy in the enjoyment of peace Sc of folfifh policy and political preju
independence proclaimed her neutra- dice. Tlie E mbargo was repealed
litity, & maintained it with Hrmnels and a fyftem of non-imtercourfe a-
and good faith during the molt tur- dopted. The* repeal became in nry
buleru period ■ of the French vevolu- opinion a meafure of propriety,
tion. This honorable and indepen- it was not or elf.? could not be effec-
dent couife was however infuflicient
to pruferve lier widely extended com
merce from the depredations and
fpohations ot ihe beiligei
more efptciaily from th
tits •, bur,
of Great'.iiy and difgrace.
IVhat immenfa inducements does
not a view of rur foreign relations '
hold on: to us. t > excite us to u ia-
uimity among ourfelves ..we have
m ire to dread from our own dilf.r- '
cnees tix.ui from a difpute wi.h any I
foreign power, 01* from a cc.uxbinati-
)it of foreign powers v.ith union 1
at home. Ve't great and aft-import
ant a 1 thef* inducements are, it is
ncvcrthclcfs true, thxt fame there are
pr ixclii ig patriotifm and a refpefl
for the canftitufton who pretend !
they can neither fee the infults and
indignities heaped upon our govern- |
trxr.i;, uov find fov the wrongs and 1
fuftorings i.ffiifled upon our fellow- !
citizens : Their great-; 1. pleafure ap- !
nears to be in' exciting dilcord and |
dif union among their fel ow-citi- I
zens and in endeavors to impair their ,
confidence in tlie government. Such
men have no jail claim to the'char- I
adder of American citizens, and me
rit the contempt due to wretches
whofe vicious propeniitie. [ r ijcmi :•
ate over their love of ebuntry, I is
immaterial tothereal American from
what quarter his country’s rights are
invaded ; his condufl is influenced
by no foreign attachments or preju
dices, neither d ies lie make any cold
calculations about expence, but tal
lies round the government of his in-
and creditors of William Tunica a
non compos men tut.
John attbe us, ' ,,
, ,1 r > Guard s.
Jojhui turner, j
Nov.'7, 18 hO. S2-*f
seelieti' Si.
Mill, in com-
_ piete order 0:1 B'lcl; Creek,
about eight miles fi ai Milit dgeville,
with two fqtiares of -. ci' timhe-ed
iatid quite convenieni— . >, a Ne
gro fellow, and a Yoke of tleers—
F n further particulars, appiy at this
Novo 7, 1S10. S2-c
Kentucky Horses.
tually enforced, for wliilft the hone ft
and peiriotic merchant lubmitted
to the privations confequent upon
the meafure, the unprincipled fpcc-
ulator was in the conftaut habit of
Britain, Whofe piratical conduct was violating its proviflans and profiting [ j tired country, and with all his ener-
iht; more reprchenfible becaufe it by his turpitude, i gv aids it in procuring vtdreCs. Let
was without a fltadow of excufe. It is equally far from my intend- I it therefore be cur pride, as it is our
Solicitous to avoid thofe feenes of on to palliate the conduct of France, : in lifpenfible duty to watch over our
i-ifery incident to a ftate of war, our any inure than to aggravate that of , free and happy inftitutions, and hand
government, notwithftanding the Great Britain- Truth jaftifiesa dif- j ttxem down to pollerity unimpaired.
A number of Kjnturky tlOR-
SE-S, for f tie at :he ltable of Robert
Rivers, Elq in Milledgeville, ubah
will be fold remarkably low lorcafh,
November 6.
• provocation they had received, pre- crimination in their conduct to us,
! fen'.ed the olive branch ; accompa- and juftice ought equally to direct
nied by a demand of reparation ior our meafures with them or either cf
pad injuries: and a treaty was made them.
with Britain in 1791 nir b to tlie It ought not to be the wilh, as it
advantage of that nation, which for afiuredly would not be for the inter-
a time left us to prof, rute our com- eft of this Country,that,eithei fhould
tnercial purfuits with tjxoxu freedom, tiiuniph fo far as to ruin the other,
Tr.e firuggle however continued although experience warrants the
between Great and Fiance, conciulion, that, it would be greatly
tlie refu't thus far is, that the vein- to the intereft not only of the United
A~refolution alfo paffied both bran- of the linter has been ncr.tly Statoc, but of every other nation en-
' -- deftroyed ami drivenlrouttr." tJcsan, <g:.ged m commercial permits that
and the former has been ft a.: out the Moral power of Great Britrin
from the continent, and her Euro- fhould be reduced and confined
pcan trade almoft annihilated. In- within thofe limits which, while con-
terpolations to tlie law of Nations Client with their own fafety, fhould
have been proclaimed and inforced, leave tlie rights of cuter nations e-
atid a fyftem of retaliation adopted as qually fecuic
unjuft and arbitrary, as it has been Before the adjournment of Con
ies appointing Abraham Miles,
fq a Juftice of the Inferior Court
ir the county of Baldwin, in the
lace of Elijah Owens, E(q refign’d.
A li:tle,before norn, the Commu
nion of hie Excellency the Go-
rnor was laid before both brfteches
it would afrord us pfeafue, were
in ou,r power, to lay the Commu
nion before our readers in this
eek’s Argus, but its length com
Is us to omit it ’till our next—wc,
awever, extract that part of his
cellcncy’s Communication which
ore particularly relates to out fe
ign relations, & c. See.
Fellow- Citizens of the Senate,
and of the Houfe cf Rtp> ejl ntati vis.
BEING now afiembled in your
giflativc* capacity, as the Repre-
itatives of the people ; I proceed
th cheerfulnefs to fulfil the duty
ned ntiji by the conftitution, of
ting you information on the State
the republic, and of recommend-
for your confideration fuch mea-
?s as l deem neceflary and expedi-
iniurious and opprefive to our Neu- grefs laft fpring the non-intercourfe comtr.eree. 1 aift was alfo repealed, leaving to the
Sc Doming-.)...Accounts thence
are to the beginning of September.
C'hriftope continued tlie Gege of the
Mole, which appertained to Petion.
Rigaud was at Jcremie, fick, Cluif-
toplie aflumes the authority of Em
peror ; but Petition is denominated
PrefiJenf, and ferves under an an
nual election, tvery year declining
a re e left ion and w'dhing fome other
perfon to be prefetred. This year,
it is faid, he drove to have Rigaud
chofen, but the latter preferred fenr-
n»g as a commander of tlie army.—
Potion’s fubjefts are principally mu-
lattoes, thofe of liis rival, blacks....
Chriltophe’s profpe£f of fuccefs, it
is faid. is the belt. Thofe he con-
trouis are more numerous & loyal...
while his adverfary’s dependents in-
<S her iff*s Hale.
On theffjl Tuefday in December next,
at the Court houfe in Greene count';,
between the ufual hours.
One Negro Man,
Named Stebheti, Ten ns the pro*
petty 01 Jeff. Jenkins to fiui fy art
execution in favor of George Clin*
— A I. S O
One Farty Saw Gin (now in good
repair) taken as the property ol Wil
liam Fi ch to fatisfyan execution in
favor of John Cormiclc. Conditi
ons Cafh.
John Anderson, Sh’fF.
Oftober 27. 3 3-tJs
Fite memorial of the l ift I.cgilla-
s addreffed to the Prefident of the
sted Stares, on the diftniflal of
lateBritifhMinifter Francis James
kfon, I forwarded to our Senators
Aingrefs t.o be by them prefented
lie Prefident, which they did;
the papers marked N* 1 will dif-
etoyou the anfwer they received,
t niuft ae a fuhjcd of ferious re-
The Calcutta Oriental Star, con
tains an official account of an infur-
rcpeaied, leaving to ure j elude many fadtious and difeontent-
A retrofpedlive view of our rela- ' Prefident the power of renewing the j od individuals ; and he has had re-
tions with thofe powers will howsey fyftem againft either Belligerent wlio 1 hellion to contend with. It is un-
ver fatirfy any one not blinded by thouid refufe to repeal their obnoxi- j accountable that tlie (laves of a def-
pvejudice, that, we have infinitely ous orders or decrees in cafe it fliould j pot fliould ba the molt contented &
more caufe of complaint againft G. ; be done by the other. And a report faithful. t
Britain than Fiance, notwithftand- j is in circulat.on that France lias ^ru
ing the recent, unwarrantable and J ceded to the terms prefented by our
arbitrary fiezures and confifcations i repealing a£k, and has revoked her
of the property of our Merchants by ! Berlin and Mi:ai Decrees. Shonld 1 reftion in India, by a Mahomedan
the latter power. this intelligence ptove true, the quef- Fakir. The following is the procla
tion of retaliation which has been : mation of this fanatic :
made the pretext by both nations | “ To all counfellors and the Ha-
for the flagrant violation of nur neu- kirn of Sur.e, be it known, that the
tral rights, is at an end : and the pro- Emav.mul Deen of the end of the
feffions of Great Britain upon this ! world, or Emaum Mendec, has now
fuhje£t will be put to the teft. Yet j publiffied himfelf, and the name of
who can perufethe letter of the Bri- ' this Durveifti is Ahmud, and that
tifli fecretary of State for foreign af- j in the Hindevie they call him Rajah
fairs of ihe Mill of March laft, in 1 Nukluk Be it further known to
The fpoliations and aggreffions ot
Great Britain have not only been of
longer duration, and of greater ex
tent and variety *, but, have been
matted by a degree of malignity
which evidences a fettled fentinient
of hoftility in their minHtry, to this
country. To my mind there can be
no ftronger proof of this fa£l, than
that which has been exhibited in
their conduct fincethc peace of 1783
to the prefent day—Atone time
plundering and confifcating the pro
perly of our merchants, impreiling
out Seamen, and detaining them on
board their fleet in a cruel bondage *,
compelled to ads of aggrellion a-
gainll their own country :—And at
another bullying us with their fhips
N O T I C F..
7INF, months after d,ve,
j ujjp’.ication will ne made
to the honorable court at Ord *
nary of Putnam county, lor
leave to fel! all the rial ellate o£
William Williamlbn deceafed.
Anthony Hollotuay, Ex’r.
September lO, 181O.
A FTER the expiration of Nina
Months application will bo
made to the honorable the Court of
Ordinary for the county of Hancok,
for leave to fell all the real efta:e of
Solomon Rountree, dec. for the be
nefit of the heirs of faid dec.
Hugh Taylor, \
Wm. Terrel!, \ ‘
June 13. II—Pm.
anfwer to a well timed and able
communication of Mr. Pinkney’s &
not anticipate an evafion of their
previous declarations and profelii-
otis ? that letter carries on the face
of it, fuch evident marks of con
tempt and indifference for our Te-
prefentation of their aggrefflons that,
little is to be expedt d from that
quarter but what tyillbeflic refuh
you, that if the Eflum (tlie Mahome
dan faith) is accepted, it is better, o-
therwife empty tlie town, or on the
contrary you may prepare for battle.
This Fakeir is now come down from
the fourth Iky, with four bod!- a :
combinulg Adam (onw-hombe peace)
ElTah tlie fon ol Martum, Jeliis the
foil cf Mary, and Ahmud (on whom
be peace,) and they have all four
INE months after date,
application will be made
to the honorable the Inferior
Court of Randolph county, for
leave to fell one Tra& of Land,
lying in the county of Greene,
joining Pinkard, Ligon an,t Dil
lard on the waters of IT vet-
darn Creek, containing Ninety-
Seven Acres, the fame being
tht; real ellate of John Coi h.
ran, dec.
Sufannah Cochran, Adm’tii:
Du Uey Cschra/ty Adm’r.
April 17, IS 10,