Madison home journal. (Madison, Ga.) 1871-187?, November 09, 1878, Image 3

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The Home Journal. MADISON, GEORGIA: Saturday, November 9, 1878. B. M. BLACKBURN, ....Local Editor advertising. Advertisements will be iuserted at One Dol lar per square for the first insertion, t.nd Fifty Ceetaper square for each continuance, for any tima under one month. For longer periods, litoral deduction will b .* made. All advertisements appearing in this column will to charged at the rate of 15 cents a line, each insertion. Wa would be pleased to have short cotnmu •ieationa from our friends throughout the coun ty,firing the local news ot their neighborhood. Our Agents. W. B. Wilet and Jab. Atkinson are auther jtad agents for this paper. Church Directory. Baptist Church.—Rev W. B. Crawpord, Pas ter. Service every Sabbath. Pews free. Sab toth School o’clock, a. m. Mrtrobivt Cucn.—Rer. T. A. Seals, Pas tor. Services every Sabbath, l’ews free. Sab toth School 9 o’clock, a. m. - Presbttbrian CnußCH.—Rev. J. Jones, Pas- Services First aad Third Sabbatn of each Pews free. Sabbath School 9 o’clock, Episcopal Church,—Rev. J Knowles, Rec tor, Services Fourth Sabbath of each month. Masonic. If a*!*x Lodgr, No. it. —A. E. Andrews, W M.; W. H. Bearden, Secretary. County Officers. C. H. Andrews Judge County Court. H. W. Baldwin County Solicitor. S. H. Dte Clerk Couuty Court. T. B. Baldwin Ordinary. E. Hktskr Clerk Superior Court. A. M. Partke Sheriff. D. P. Evans . Deputy Sheriff. W. L. High Treasurer. J. N. Stoddard ..Tax Col lector. Harmon Martin Tax Receiver. C. •. Barrow Surveyor. W. B. Wilet CoroDer Board of County Commissioners.—Jos. Vason Carter Shepherd, Thos. W. Head, Geo. B. Sto vall, A. J. Williams of Rutledge. Municipal Officers. F. C. Fostke Mayor. \T. B. Baldwin Clerk and Treasurer. Joseph Few.. Marshal. E. H. Cohen, Joseph Vason I ~. C. B. Atiiksox, S. W. Booth ] Ald '” !n ' D - ComHlTTKßS.—Finance —E. H. Cohen, S. W. Booth. Streets and Buildings—J. Vason, E. H. Cohen. Cemetery—S. W. Booth, C. B. Atkia o*. Police—C. B. Atkinson, J. Vason. Time Table —Georgia Railroad. U. D.v Passenger Train arrires.... 11:23 a. m. Down Day Passenger 12:4S p m. Dp Night Express 12:20 a m. Down “ “ .11:10 p.m. Dp Through Freight 7:55 p. m. Down “ ” . 2:40 a.m. Dp War Freight 4:20 p. m. Down Way Freight 4:4j a. in. S. S. FLOYD Agent. Post Office. Wail closes each dav at 11:15, a. m. and 12:15 p. ns. Mooer Order closes each dav at 4p. m. L. UAKKUAM, I*. U. ~ ANNOUNCEMENTS. Eor Tax Receiver. The friends of Dr. T. J. WALKER respectful ly anuouuce his name as a candidate for Tax Receiver of Morgan count:, subject to the decision of the Demoumlic County Couvenriou. aept7-td—printer’s fee, $5. For Tax Receiver. The undersigned respectfully announces him self a candidate for Tax Receiver ofjMorgmn county, to the decision of the Demo cratic oarty. JOHN A. SATE, oct’-td—printer’s fee, $5 * To the Voters of Morgan Cos. 1 this dsy anuounce myse’f a candidate for RECEIVER -OF TAX RETURNS of Morgan county, at the ensuing election, octo-ld—-printer’s tee, $5. C. J. ALLEN l.< >0 AC™ A kick lot of fine gold Jewelry for sale cheap at Kleiner's. 43-tf Pictures of all description taken at Richter’s Gallery. 43-tf Plain gold Rings made, and all kind ofengravingdoneat Richter’s. 43-tf Quiet: “Why will men smoke common t.hacc. when they oun huy Marburg Bros Sul uf North Carolina/ at tiie sauie price. While money is plentiful, call at Richter’s Gallery' and hare your Picture taken. 43-tf If }'ou want your Watch put in good order and cheap, call at M, L, Richter’s. 43-tf H. L. Richter, is now permanently located iu Madison,in the Picture and Jejveiry business, 43-tf M. William M. Day has opened Ten Pin Alley iu a quiet part of the city, where the lovers of this licelthy game can indulge in it without fear of any disorderly conduct. Ladies and gen tlemen can there have a quiet game at any hour in the day. It is neatly fitted up. 42-3 m llev. I)r. Joseph S. Key, Raster St. Paul Church, Columbus, Ga wrTH-s : “We gave Dr. Moffet’s Teelhina (teething powders) to our little grand child with the happiest results. The ef fects were almost magical, and certainly more satisiactory than from anything we ever used.” Audrews Bros, and all Druggists keep it. oct26-lm A Blessing’ to Mothers. There will be no necessity for mothers leaving the comforts of home, with their siuk babies, this summer, ii they will give Dr. Mollett’s Teethiua (teething pow ders). Teething will regulate the bow els and make Teething easy. It cures Cholera Infantum and the Summer com plaints ot children, heals eruptions and sores, removes and prevents the forma tion oi worms. Andrews Bros, and all Druggists keep it. octlb Yes, I am Proud of the Name- Womans Best Friend. To relieve the aching heart of women and bring joy where sorrow reigned su preme, is a misson before which the am lies of kingsdwindle into utter insig niglicauce. To do this is the peculiar province oi Dr. J. Bradfield’a Female Regulator, which, from the numberless cures it has accomplished, is appsopriate ly styled Woman’s Best Friend, “whites” and the various irregularities of the womb, p> which woman is subject, disap pear like magic before a single bottle of this wonderful compound. Ask you drug gist for it. Done His Rest. Dr. Prtre has don* his best to make Ids Unique Perfumes superior in sweet ness, freshness and permanency ol odor to those made la this er any other roiin- Pv, and ladles of most exquisite taste list'* dn'idcd that his Intentions have lus .u t oily carried out. — Adv. PAVEMENT STROKES. Rkad our legal advertisements. All quiet along the Democratic ranks. Thb health of our city never was bet ter. Read our literary department this week. Billups’ friends fought nobly last Tuesday. Tub cruel war is over. “Soupy” can now retnrn. Madison is mourning to be visited by a book agent. Telegraph offices have been a little lively for the past few days. The best news that we can learn, is “Speer can’t go to Congress,” We hope our subscribers will come up and continue their subscriptions. Ou* patronage lias increased wonder fully since the campaign opened. Cotton is still earning in. A larger crop has been made than we expected. A new bar has been opened on Rail road street by Mess. Ililsman & Acock. The Independents and their Republi can allies gave us the mitten last Tues day. Contrary ta the predictions af Spaers friends, Rutledge gave Billups a stirring majority. Bring out an Independent for 1880. lie will have to be pretty well trained to leave our nominees. S. S. Floyd is prepared to make cash advances on cotton stored in his ware house.—nov9-lm. We will have a grand jubilee to-night. Let everybody come in and drink to the health ol organized Damoeracy. A fresh assortment of Ladies Cloaks, from $3.25 to SIB.OO, to open on Monday, Nov. 11th, at Costello’s, —Adv. Bring in your subscriptions. The Home Journal, henceforward, will be brim full of interesting literature. The young people of the Sunday school enjoy ed a “flow of soul and feast of raisins’’ at Shaw’s hall last night. Stef aside and let the tremendous crowds enter Wolfe’s dry goods house and supply themselves for the winter. A gentleman remarked the other day that the contest in tins district would be “tip and frizzle.” A new expression to us. The election passed off very quietly’ in our city, last Tuesday; nothing occur ring to wound the feelings of either fac tion. Miss Emmie Heard, after spending the summer in our beautiful little city, ivith Miss Lena Foster, returned to Au gusta, last week. The largest assortment of rich Silk Fringes, latest novelties, ever shown in Madison. Just received by express, at Costello’s. —Adv. Three cartons of Hamburg Trim mings, Kid Gloves, Neek Ties, Veilings all new shades, and other novelties, to open Nov. 11th, at Costello’s. —Adv. Don’t forget to attend Episcopal ser vices to-morrow. Bishop Beckwith, the finest pulpit orator in the South, will fa vor us with one of his unique composi tions. TnK General Assembly convenes this week. We hope that the members, in their wisdom, will elect onr distinguish ed townsman, Hon. Augustus Reese, Judge of tills, the Ocmulgee Circuit. The colored people have commenced the erectioa of a Baptist church in our city, which, when completed, will be an honor to the zeal of their race. We hope nothing will impede their rapid progress in this much needed structure. Mr. J. D. Stocker solicits the pat ronage of our people in this issue el the Home Journal. He has a handsome stock of furniture on Whitehall and Broad streets, Atlanta, and will deliver goods purchased, at depot free of charge. He guarantees no delay in shipping. Much as the starry heaven —with its innumerable worlds —fills man’s soul with wonder and awe, making him feel his own littleness, yet there is something within him which elevates him above sun and stars, above angels and seraphs, and this is his moral nature.—Kohler. It is they who glorify who shall enjoy Him; they’ who deny themselves, who shall not be denied; they who laber on earth who shall rest in heaven; they who bear the cross who shall wear the crown; they who seek to bless others who shall be blessed. —Dr. Guthrie, Mr. C. H. Taylor brought another one of those fine Mathushek pianos to Madison this week, from the celebrated Augusta Music House, L. R. Q. S., T. M. 11. O. T. S. The fortunate purchaser is Miss Alice Leake. The Mathushek pia nos are considered by experts to be the best instiuraents made in America. Mr. C. H. Taylor represents this house and is the only authorized tuner. Mr. A. J. Creigh, agent for the Em-, erson, Fisher & Cos., Cincinnati carriages will sell one car load ot new Top Bug gies at auction, at Madison. Saturday Nov. 16th, at one o’clock, p. m. The buggies are of the best seasoned hickory patent wheels, Swede steel springs, and “Anchor” brand axles, and warranted one year. All invited to attend the, sale as tiie buggies will be sold. Terms made known on day of sale.—nov9-lt Dr. Ulmer’s Liver Corrector is gain ing popularity every day, and justly too, for it possesses a rare virtue, and has done so much to relieve suffering man kind that It has become a household ward. It is gratifying te us to be able to state that Dr. Ulmer receives many such testimonials as the above every day and any of our citizens who are suffer ing from any of the diseases lor which It is recommended need not hesitate to ] use it, as it is strictly pure, and possesses ! many curative powers that are seldom prodiK-ed.-Darien Timber Gazette.-Adv. B. H. Floyd is prepared to make cash j advance* on cotton stored in bis ware- j bouse. not 9-1 m. Methodist Celebration. The eelebratiou of the anniversary ol the Methodist Sunday school, as stated in our issue of last week, was the pro gramme for Thursday evening. It had been stated that the accomplished Mrs. Mary E. Bryant, who presides over the literary department of the Sunny South, was to favor our people with one of her unique recitations. This announcement attracted an appreciative audience to the Methodist church, a after the pastor, Mr. Seals, had finished an interesting talk of a halt hour, and delivered the numerous beautiful prizes which had been contest ed lor by the scholars, the hause roared with long and continued applause in re sponse to the introduction of Mrs. Bry ant. Her poem, was well delivered and elicited uni versal praise. Throughout this compo sition, noble impulses, exalted senti ments and inspiring fancies (which are gifts peculiar to herself) awakens a feel ing of admiration which causes us to have higher aspirations after virtue and morality. After this recital, she was encored and requested to favor the au dience with the poem she recited for the yellow fever sufferers, to which she kindly responded. Choice music was discoursed by the choir at intervals, which was only rivalled by the rich wreaths of flowers that decorated the house. In conclusion we will say that our people were highly entertained and hone that they will .<rnjn h vUifo.l hr Mrs. Bryant, assuring her that intrinsic merit is always appreciated by Madi son ians. Mercury. Mercury is the nearest known planet to the sun, and the smallest of the eight large planets. Its mean distance from the sun is 40,000,000 miles, and its diam eter about one-third that of the earth. It was well known to the ancients, being visible to the naked ey# at favorable times, if the observer is not in too high a latitude. The central and northern re gions ot Europe are so unfavorably situ ated far seeing it that it is said that Co pernicus died without ever having been able to obtain a view of it. The difficul ty of seeing it arises from its proximity to the sun, as it seldom sets more than an hour ana a half after the sun, or aris es mere than that length of time before it. Hence, when the evening is suffi ciently advanced to allow it to be seen, it is commonly so near the horizon as to be lost in the vapors which are seen in that direction. Still, by watching for favorable moments, it can be seen sever al times in the course ef the year in any part of the United States. The follow ing are favorable times for seeing it af ter sunset: 1878, December 9th ; 1579, March 28th, July 23d, November 21st- The corresponding times in subsequent years may be lound by subtracting 18 days from the dates for each year; that is, they’ will occur eighteen days earlier in 1879,18 da.VB earlier in 1880 than in 1870, and so on. It is generally visible for fifteen or tweaty days at a time. The best time for looking Is in the even ing twilight, about three-quarters of an hour after sunset. Proscription. IVe have been threatened with pro scription by some Independents because we advocated the claims of Col. Billups for Congress. Well, we have tried to do onr whole duty’and only regret that we were not able to do more. We pity the creature whs can't soar above his own selfish opinions, and do justice to those who differ honestly with him, either po litically or religiously. We should de pise ourselves if we were influenced by such sordid, selfish views. Thank God, wc are catholic in in our opinion and at tribute the same honesty to those who (lifter with us, that we claim for our selves. But if the guillotine must be ap plied, apply it at once. Furniture. Mr. J. D. Stocker, who for many years was with Mr. Castleberry, has opened, and is nowoffetinga splendid stock of furniture at No. So Whitehall street. Mr. Stocker goes into this business with long experience and, an extensive ac quaintance. lie therefore, knows what will please the people and his selections of goods will be unsurpassed in this market. His stock will continue to em brace the work of the very best manu facturers and styles to suit all tastes. Those who desire to purchase furniture will find it to their interest to examine his stock and compare his prices with other dealers before buying. nov2-2t A Siuldeu Death. Last Thursday night, Calvin Shields, (col) died unexpectedly from the burst ing of a varicose vein. He had been very active during the day, and early in the night received this fatal accident, which resulted in his death, from loss of blood, in a few minutes, before medical aid could be summoned. He was a clever man and his death will be felt by our citicens. Last Tuesday he was very active in the interest of Democracy and did much to increase Col. Billups' vote among his people. Peace to his ashes. Whknkvkr you visit Augusta stop at the best hotel in the State, the Planters. There, you can always find the tables amply supplied witli the richest delica cies the market affords. Unshaken. While other articles of their kind are largely adultered, I)r. Pierce's Cream Ba king Powder holds its unshaken position •s tlie purest, best and most reliable. In all particulars that constitutes perfect results, if cannot he approached by any other baking powder ii, the market.— Adv. TAX COLLECTOR’S FINAL NOTICE.—Thu Tux U<H>k for the prv eot will positively b clsigud Dec. M, I*7B hiecutiooN will In* imiiml .-tgninnt ell who fell Ui jwy. The time is hort uud I cun not pouftibl v wait on nil who full to pujr, in one dev. C nnm one, coim* all, end imj your Ts** end Mf mo nty, lime end trouble. I will be et Mtdiaou ou Yr Ami end B*tird*y of **/h week end on elljmhlie deye. Olfientl iVtnrl llouee i Nuf.l,ll<7, /. V MTLjJIUItO, Pianos Hull Organs at Factory Rates. Grand Tntroduction'Snle, com mencing Nov. 1. 1,000 Magnificent Instruments from ltest makers to be placed, for introduction and adver tisement, in Southern homes at Ag ent’s Wholesale Rates. Elegant 7 Oct. Pianos only $125. Magni ficent Square Grands, catalogue price SI,OOO, only $250. Handsome 9 Stop Organs, $57 ; 13 Stops, s7l; Mirror Top, 13 Stops, SB6. Choice Instruments at lowest prices ever known. 6 years written guarntek, 15 days test trial. W rite for Introduction Salk circular. Address Liidden & Bates’ Southern Music House, Savannah, Ga. The Great Wholesale Piano and Organ Depot of the South. nov2-4t An Undeniable Truth. You deserve to suffer, and if you lead a miserable, unsatisfactory life in this beautilul world, it is entirely your own fault and there is only one excuse for you,—your unreasonable prejudice and skepticism, which has killed thousands. Personal knowledge and common sense reasoning will soon show you that Green’s August Flower will enre you of Liver Complaint, or Dyspepsia, with all its miserable effects, such as sick head ache, palpitation of the heart, sour stomach, habitual costiveness, dizziness ol the head, nervous prostration, low spirits, Ac. Its sales now reach every town in the Western Continent. End not a druggist but will tell you of its won derful cures. You can buy a sample bottle for ten cents. Three doses Will re lieve you. —■ To Prevent and Cure Coughs and Colds. A relishl. remedy is necessary in ev ery household. Parker’s Ginger Tonic is jnst the medicine needed . It radically cures Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bron chitis and even Consumption if used in time, by its powerful specific action on the Stomach, Kidneys, Skin, Liver and mucous surfaces of the Throat and Lungs. It accomplishes the cure in a wonderfully short time, and removes all pain and soreness of the lungs. It is al so a most valuable stomachic vemedy, effectually removing Dyspepsia, Head ache, Liver Disorders, Costiveness, Ner vousness. Low Spirits, Wakefulness, Heartburn, Cramps, Palpitation of the Heart, Sour Stomach, etc., and gives a cheering comfort and freedom from pain that sntprises every one. Buy a SIOO bottle from your druggist Atkinson A Peteet.or a sample bottle at 15 ets., and test its merits. oct26-a3m Dr. Price’s Special Flavoring Ex tracts. These Flavoring Extracts have won their wav to public favor from their mer its. No housekeeper who has flavored a cake, pudding or cream with Dr. Price’s Flavors, will ever retnri to the use of the cheap Flavoring Extracts that flood the market.—Adv. TMTOTICE IN BAN K Rl! PTC Y. 1 M Distriet Court of the United State*, Northern District of Qeoigin—in th* matter ot Warren if Bearden, bankrupt —No. 1326. All perrons interested are notified to show cause, if any they hare, before Register A. G. Foster, at his office, in Madison, Ga,, on the 15th day of November 1378, at 0 o’clock, a.m., why the above named bankrupt should not be discharged from all his debts. The second anrt third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. A. E. BUCK, nov9-lt Clerk. Notice. Susan Bland has applied for exemp tion of personalty and setting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, a. in., on the 9th day ot December, 1878, at my of fice. T. B. BALDWIN, nov9-2t Ordinary. CITATION GEORGIA, Morgan, Cos. —Whereas, Nancy Hardin, administratrix of Benj. J. Hardin represents to the court in her petition, duly filed, that she has lolly administered, Benj. J. Hardin’s estate: — This is, therelore, to cite all persons con cerned. kindred aud creditors, to show cßUse, it any they can, why said admin istratrix should apt be discharged from her administration, and receive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in Feb ruary, 1879. T. B. Baldwin, octlG-td Ordinary, M. C. GEORGIA, Morgan Cos. Ordinary's Office of said Ccnnty.— Calvin Reynolds has applied for exemp tion of personalty, and setting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon tiie same at 10 o’clock, a. m. on the 11th day of November, 1878, at my office Tuos. B. Baldwin, oct26-2t Ordinary M . C. GEORGIA. Morgan Cos. Ordinary’s Office of said County.— William L. High, Guardian of Louisa W. Moultrie, applies tome for leave to sell the Wild Lauds, (scattered in diffe rent counties of said State) belonging to said Louisa W. Moultrie at private sales. This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to file their objections, it any they have, why said Lands should rot be sold at private sale, on or before the Ist Mottdav in December, 1873, else leave will bo grant ed. T. B. Baldwin oet26-td Ordinary, M. C, CITATION. Georgia, Morgan County. Whereas. Emanuel Heyser, 'administrator of J oils than Walker, represents to the eonrl in bia petition, duly filed, that he has fully udraiister ed Jonathan* Walker’s estate : This is therefore to cite all persons concerned,ikindred'aiid cred itors, to show cause, if arty they here, why suid administrator should not be discharged from his administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monduv in January 1879* T. B BALDWlN,Ordinary M.C. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. Agreeable to the last will and testa ment of Guy Smith deceased wilf be sold before the Court House door iu the city of Madison on the first Tuesday in De cember next the following property to wit: One House and lot near the cor porate limits of the city on tlia Coving ton road adjoining the premises of Dan iel Killian and others, containing (8) eigiit Acres of T.and tnoreor less. Also one lot of Land within one mile of the corporate limits of the city, containing (202;i) two hundred and two and one half Acres of Land more cr less adjoin ing the lands oi Thomason, Wilson, Saf fold and others, and known as the Sam Shield's place, with a good Cabin, Crib and Cotton Houses. All sold bv reason of the will for distribution among the heirs at law. Terms of sale, twelve months credit with approved security and titles conveyed when the purchase money is paid. The purchaser to pay for papers and possession given Ist of January 1879. LuciUs T. Camfbhll. Administrator with the will annexed. _ oet26-t-dec3 KOHGIA, Morgan County.— Jgf O.dinary’s Office <f said countv.—Ab nor M. I'erfc *, administrate!’ of Abner Partee, late of said comity, deceased, applies to me fir leave to sell all the real estate and per sonsl pro; nrly belonging to autd estate; Tina is therefore to cite ell (a rsona eoocerned. kindred and creditore, I ■ llle their oQitclionr, if any dies hare, why said real estate an.l personal j properly should not Is. sold, on or hy the Ist Monday in Osoeinber IS7S, else leers w ill he granted Witness my hand and official signs, tar* ibis Nor. I, Is?*. ■or's-ld THOH U. If .Vl l'WlN,o.Jmary. Dry Goods —AT— Bottom Prices AT THE Cheap Cash Store —OF— HARRIS & BURR. We hare now ou band a full line of DRESS GOODS A Bl’k ALPACAS Calicoes at all Prices. Brown and Bleached Shirtings from Five Cents up. Bed Ticking, cents np. Ladies Striped Hose at 10 cents. Gents Half-Hose, 10 cts. up to best Balbriggan goods. Ladies Under-Vests, Corsets, Kid Gloves, Ties, <Src., iu all varieties. Beautilul line of Gents Furnishing Goods, Unlaundried Shirts of the best material, tor 90 ccts. Hats, Hats, }]ats. Our Stuck of Hats and Caps is now complete. Shoes, Shoes. Of Every Variety and at .allJPriccs. We also Imre Sugar, Coffee, Soap, Starch, Candles TOBACCO nnd SEGAItS. All of which we offer VERY LOW. On November the Ist we will t ffer the public a full line of BLACK CASHMERES & BLACK SILKS and a Beautiful Lot of Fash ionable Dress Goods, Sacques, Jack ets, Nubias, Shawls, &c., ail from Headquarters. Give Us a CH HARRIS dr BURR. oct26-!m Broken Out Afresh! NEWLY FITTED UP and FINE STOCK of FINE LIQUORS, Imported and Domestic Cigars, Fruits, French Candies— Received Weekly. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. 'jj Families Supplied with Oysters ami Fish. oct26-3m M. A. MUST IN. ADMiN IST RATO R‘S SALE. GEORGIA, Morgan County. By virtue of un order from the Court ot Ordi nal vof Morgan county, puseed on the 7th day of October, 187S. will be sold on the first Tues day in December 1878 (the same beinj* the 3rd day of said last named month) at the Court House door in said county, between the lepal hours of sale, the following described Lands and other property belonging to the estate of my in* tea*ate. Win A. Hammond, deceased, late of said county, viz: The place upon which said Hammond resided ut the time of his death, situ ated in suid county, adjoining lands of J. F. Mathews, Jesse M. Ferry, Joseph K. Moore, J. A. Fannin Hnd others, containing three hundred nnd forty-five (3451 acres more or less ; also another tract of Land situated in said county, adjoining lands of Garrett Hammond, Mrs. Coii sids, A. roullain and others, containing two hundred and sixty-four (264) acres more or less. Also another tmet of Land I*ot No-220, 9th District, 2d Section of originally Gilmore, now Fannin county, containing according to Plat and Grant 160 acres, the same being what is called a Wild Lot of Land Also at same time and place the remaining personal property to longing to said estate, consisting ot Live Stock, Plantation Tools used and ttecessaty for run ning a farm, Wagons, three Mules, one Horse, Gun, Pistol, Blacksmith Tools, some Corn and Fodder, and other articles of personal property, all sold for the benefit of creditors nnd heirs ut Law. Terms cash. JOS. K. MOORE, nor2-tds Adm’r of Wm. A. Hammond. Executor’s Sale* BY virtue of an order of tiie Court of Ordinary, will be sold before the Court House door of Morgan county, Georgia, betk een the legal hours ol sale, on the First Tuesday in December next, On Hundred and One acres, more or less, of Land, iu said county, adjoining lands ol Sturgiss, Alrnaud and Brack, belonging to the estate of Timothy White, deceased, late of said county. Terms cash. Sale for benefit of heirs and creditors. JAMES H. WHITE, oct!9-tds Executor. mroTICE IN BANKRUPTCY.- i United State* District Couit, Northern District of Georgia Iu the matter of John 8. Costello, bankrupt.—This 1m to gi re notice that I hare thin day been appointed a. sijfnee in Baukruptcv, of‘John 8. Contello, of the city of Madison, in said District. ABRAM K. ACKKKMAN, Oct. 2d, 1878.-octs*)ui Assignee, Ac. SYLVESTER ALLEN, Merchant r | nilor, MADISON, GA. Rooms over C. U. Atkinson’s atore Da* re taroed from the North and resumed business. Cash will he exacted for all work done No work leaving the simp until paid for. junl-Stn A- J. ACKERMAN, Carriage Manufacturer, Madison, - - Gkoroia. Will keep on Itano' a Full Line of Carriage*, Jlw/gie.i and IViu/on*. All of which are ninof<iQtui*tl and guaranteed hr hint. KkTA IItI NG dou* neatly and prompt ir. General UUrks.uitl* work of all kind done in 'ba Hv.l *G fa. mu?4 , 7s ly I Jno. O. TORBERT>S S I • pto > * j i im I H • © s* © V Headquarters j i j j r’oxL '!' j W SANTA CLAUS 11 | ) AT ||| ||j J. O.TORBERTS. Palace Confectionery l have just received the largest, and need of such articles will only give bias 'I best selected stock of Toys and Fan- a call that they will ey Goods ever brought to any town in On -T7A the State, consisting of Dolls of every ® ?XLC3 jy size and price. We have china Dolls, by doing so. We have given our entire rublicr Dolls, wax Dolls, wood Dolls, attention to this business ever since'the dressed Dolls and all kinds of Dolls. \ war > al, d we know that wejliave the lar splendid lot of walnut Writing Desks, gest stock of our kind in Madison, and Work Boxes, Portfolios, China and Bra- we wil J sell at lower prices than any one tfna Tea Setts of all slzesand prices, wax rls<! - " e !,| so have a large stock of Fire- Flowers and Figures,Photograph frames works on hand. A larger stock of Fancy children’s Knives ami Forks, China Cups Sod Saucers,Crandall’s groat show, bull- VJr - L 1_ ACJS* ding blacks, alphabet Blocks, Noah's ark than any other town of the.same size la boy's Tool Chest, wood Trains, Tin the State. Our Fruit Stands vt ill lie kept Trains, mechanical Engine.*, Accordeons filled wit 1 1 all kinds of the very choicest a lino lot of Harmonicas, fine Albums, —■ ■ ■ , Parlor Suits for children, rubber and tin *—l X JL stock'oi Toilet sStu"is te, ‘iren" and or,n *** C ° eOHm, “’ rt - Toy ß l>"suVs!n,l,bcr Balls,'Mamb’’sllfw Tha'tking onr many kind friend, for elegant Card Stands, Music Boxes, Toy ‘ ? ' C’! 1 , p,u, '°" ;,e l >>’ r <’ , "' or * Buckets, Marbles, laws’ Drums, Horns, ? ’ 1, , y hom "‘' I'" 1 close atten- Violins, Top Cords, Whistles, boys’ Guns "" p '"lf * tiie best lot of toy Wheelbarrows and f..’ U ■! !?"„t 0 i/hTIi ‘s '|n the fw- Wagons ever brought to Madison before. ! Jnt 11 cll!,cl| ictlj umleratood A Large Stock ot Tin that we w ill not he undersold by any TOYS Remember that we are sole agent, for Ahd a great many other Toys that we Lazarus, Morris & Co.'s celebrated per cannot name In this advertisement. We looted Spectacles. EVerv pair wild have something to suit the tasto of all, warranted. J.O. TORBKUT. both white and colored, old aad young, All those indebted to us will please large and small, ma’e or female. All our come up and settle their accounts at Goods have been selected by J. O. Tor- once, oi’ we Will be com|>ellt*il to pul uert, , n person, wltli a y:rcftt deal of enre them in the httiulft of an attorheT lor ■and he Icels confident that H those in collection. (octß-8m) J.O. T. Wr D. tVO.\ IS THE ORIGINAL UndetrseMev ofMadiseml Cali, AND EXAMINE 1113 EX TENS! VE STOCK OF DRY GOODS and GROCERIES. SUCH AS Fancu Goods, Notions, Flour, Bacon, Hams, Dress Goods, Brints, Sugar, Tea and Coffee, Cassirneres, Corsets, Clothing A fine lot of Cwb-ry Wart, Hals, Caps, Bools and Shoes BAGGING, TIES die. IN frACTTUE Greatest Variety of Every tiling. Asto prices, lam AHEAD OF COMPETITION. Atlanta and Athena bills duplicated. I guarantee that a visit to my store will SAVE YOU 20 PER CENT in buying your fall goods. Madison sept2B-3m. W. D. WYNN. 1078-9. Success is in Buying l The nndcraigned having recently added largely to bin stock of Family Groceries, beg* to ssl| the attention of hia customer* to an examination of his stock as he is determined 10 sell m lotr as any house in Madison, and span* no pains to please his friends, both an to goods and pries*. Uis stock consists in part, of tha following articles : MEAT AND FLOUR, SUGAR AND COFFEE, CHEESE <fc CRACKERS, MACKEREL AND POTATOES* SYRUP AND MOLASSES, FINE WINES k LIQUORS, FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS, WOOD & WILLOW’ WARE, MARKET BASKETS. LUNCII BASKETS. Also, tbe Fineat Lot of CrOoltery and. Glass War© In Mttdmon. Table Cutlery, triple plated Silver Ware, Lamp* and Lamp Fixture*, Kefoaen* Oil, Toilet Soaps und Brushes, Vuaes, Tobacco and Pipes, Mate, Rugs, Whips, and liiagaa, Axes and dandles, together with a large atock of Goods too tedTooi to ineiiti< n Feeling grateful for the patronage hitherto bestowed, I most respectfully so! cit u continuaMV of the wine, and invite you, one and all, to call and examine my atock before purchasing else where. * (sept2H-3m) J. si. FEW, Railroad Bt.. Madowm. Gs. Jtfew Furniture Store! (J. D. STOCKER, Five Years with Castleberry,) 85 Whitehall and 92 Broad Streets, ATLANTA, GA. The Cheapest, the Cl eail cst, The fewest aiul Latest STYLES OF FURNITURE IN THE CITY. DRESSING Case Suits, 10 pieces, from S3O to S2OO. Full Marble Burea Suits from S4O to Ilk). Quarter ami Half Marble Bureau Suits, from S3O to S4O. Wood Top Bureau Suits, from S2O to S3O. A full line of all kiuds of Furniture irora the loweet priced goods to thu very finest iu the city. Mattresses, Chairs, Wardrobes, Book Cases, Ac., Ac. CHEAP FOR THE CASH. Competition Defied. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Goods promptly delivered. Mo charge lor packing and shipping. Flesse give me a call. Remember the place. JUIJN L). STOCKER, 85 Wbitoh*ll k 92 Broad Streets, novil-.liu He twee ii Hunter ami MiUihell, ATLANTA, GA. f P ■* 2L c th ? K s H 5 ft S3 * H • C w 0D (S i © -4- ©