Newspaper Page Text
The Home Journal.
Saturday, November 16, 1878.
B. BLACKBURN, Local Editor
Advertisements will be inserted at One Dol
lar per square for the first insertion, * ud Fifty
Cents per square for each continuance, for any
time under one month. For longer pe#ods,
liberal deduction will b_* made.
All advertisements appearing in this column
will he charged at the rate of 15 cents a line,
each insertion.
would be pleased to have short cotmnu-
Dieations from our friends throughout the conn
ty> giving the local news ot their neighborhood.
Our Agents.
W. B. Wilet and Jas. Atkinson are autbor
.wd agents for this paper.
Cliurcli Directory.
Baptist Church.--Rev W. B. Crawford, Pas
ter. Service every Sabbath. Pews free. Sab
bath School o’clock, a. ni.
Methodist Church.—Rev. T. A. Seals, Pas
tor. Services every Subbath. Pews free. Sab
bath School o’clock, a. in.
tor. und Third Sabbatn of each
Sabbath School It o'clock,
n. m. **
Episcopal Chu. ch.—Rev. J K*, Rec
ta r. Services Fourth Sabbath of each month.
Mamsmn Lodge, No. 2*. —A. E. Andrews, W
M.; W. H Bearden, Secretary.
County Officers.
C. H. Andrews Judge County Court.
H.W. Baldwin County Solicitor.
8. H. Dtk Clerk County Court.
T. B. Baldwin Ordinary.
E. Hetser Clerk Superior Court.
A. M. Parteb... Sheriff.
D. P. Evans Deputy Sheriff.
W. L. lliuh Treasurer.
J. N. Studdarb Tax Collector.
Harmon Martin Tax Receiver.
C. K. Barrow Surveyor.
W. B. Wiley Coroner
of Commissioners.—Jos. Vason
- C<iner Shepherd, Thus. W. Head, Geo. B Sto
vall, A. J. Williams of Rutledge.
Municipal Officers.
F. C. Foster Mayor.
T. B. Baldwin Clerk and Treasurer.
Joseph Few Marshal.
E. 11. Cohen, Joseph Vason \ ...
C. B. Atkinson, S. W. Booth \ Aldermen.
Committees.—Finance—E. H. Cohen, 8. W.
Booth. Streets and Buildings—J Vaaou, E. H.
Cohen. Cemetery—S. W. Booth.C. B. Atkin
son. Police—C. B. Atkinson, J. Vason
Time Table—Georgia Kail road.
Up Day Passenger Train arrives 11:23 a. in.
Down Dav Passenger 12:43 p in.
Up Night Express 12:20 a m.
Down “ “ 11:10pm.
Up Through Freight 7:35 p. iu.
Down “ “ 240a. m.
Up Wav Freight 4:20 p. in.
IMws Way Freight 4:4 a. m.
S. S. FI.OYD Agrst.
Post Ollice.
Mai! cloaca each dav at li:l.‘i, a. in. nnd 12:15
p. m. lionet Older close? each dav at 4p. in.
J.. MAKKHAM. P. 11.
1 ■ 1
For Tax Receive*.
The friend? of I)r. T. J. W AI.KKK respectful
ly announce his name a? a candidate lor
Tax Receiver of Morgan county, subject to the
decision of ihe Demociatic County Convent-oii.
ept7-td—printer’s fee, SS.
For Tax Receiver.
The undersigned respectfully announce? him
self a candidate for Tax Receiver of'Morgan
Conn tv, 'subject to the decision of the Demo
cratic uartv. JOHN A. HATE,
oct. -:d—pi inter's fee, $5 *
To tlie Voters of Mor trail Cos.
1 this dav announce myself a candidate for
, county, at me ensuing e'cctioik
orto-td—printer’s tee, C. J. VI,!.EH.
Your Fruit Trees will he at the garden
of the Hough House, on Nov. 2Sth.
M*. William .M. Day has opened
a Ten Pin Alley in a quiet part of
the city, where the lovers of tins healthy
game can indulge in it without fear of
any disorderly conduct. Ladies and gen
tlemen can there have a quiet frame at
any hour in the. day. It is neatly fitted
up. 42-3 m
Don’t forget to have your money rea
dy to pay for your Trees on Nov. 2Stli.
Rev. Dr. .Joseph S. Key,
Pastor St. Paul Church, Columbus, Ga
writes: “We gave Dr. Moft'et’s Tee’.hina
(teething powders) to our little grand
child with the happiest results. The ef
fects were almost magical, and certainly
more satisfactory than from anything we
ever used.” Andrews Bros, and all
Druggists keep it. oct26-lm
Be Renily
To get your Fruit Trees on Nov. 28th,
bought of Commercial Nurseries.
A Blessing to Motheis.
There will he no necessity for mothers
leaving the comforts of home, with their
sick babies, tins summer, i l they will give
Dr. Moffett’s Teething (teething jkiw
ders). Teethina will regulate, the bow
els and make Teething easy. It cures
Cholera Infantum and the Summer com
plaints ot children, heals eruptions and
sores, removes aml prevents the forma
tion ot worms. Andrews Bros, and all
Druggists keep it. octlO
Fruit Trees.
The Commercial Nurseries will deliv
er their Trees from the garden ofTloiigli
House, November 28th.
Too Much at Stake.
Steele A Price have too much at stake
to put in the market anything which has
•not been found not only harmless, but
positively beneficial. Their Dr. Price's
.Creani Baking Powder is the only kind
made by a practical physician, with spe
cial regard to ita health fulness.—adr.
Extra Fine.
The Tree* from the Commercial Nttr
asrles, which they deliver here Nor. 28th
are very fine, thrifty and vigorous. All
A)f par patrons will U well pleased.
Reasons Why.
The reasons why Dr. Price's Flavor-
Extract*, I/simw, Vanilla, etc., sre
Miperior to all oilier* i. Imrmuut they arc
prepared tram choice Mibcted fruits and ,
aromatics without >t, lating or |sdsf an*
oils, all the (favoring priuolplc* are ru-
Isiuci upi hsoged by i hem Mini ,
idgldy i oncet/ilutnd, requiring Ur* t#
h. t>. Vlsitfli Lr |,ic|.fv,ij to make cs-g .
ad>gsea< on cotton siotml in his wars' ■
hou‘.—trot aim.
To our fox hunters: Beware of a
Wk arc having delightful weather,
just now.
Mrs. Dr. Jones, is having her beauti
ful residence repaired.
Madison is the largest buggy' market
on the Georgia road.
Miss Ida Bearden spent several days
in Atlanta, this week.
What lias become of our Rutledge cor
respondent? Don’t forsake us, Bro. B.
Our personal triend, Mr. Wm. Pea
cock, has our sympathy in his present
Mr. Sam Booth, will accept thanks
tor the finest cabbage head wc have seen
this season.
Just Received.— A beautiful tine of
Ladies' Buttoned Gaiters.— Harris &
Burr.— adv.
Buggies are selling in town so cheap
that it must causa their manufacturers
heads to swim.
S. S. Flotd is prepared to make cash
advances on cotton stored in Ids ware
house.— nov9-lm.
Our farmers are preparing to sow
a very large amount of wheat, which is a
move in the right direction.
Expectancy is on tip-toe, awaiting
tlie rumored marriages which are te oc
cur in our city this winter.
Madison is the fiaest town in tlie
State. If this assertion Isn't believed,
we can produce certificates.
Rev. Dr. Frank Cook, one of tlie
most genial Christina gentlemen of tlie
State, was in the city this week.
A fresh assortment of Ladies Cloaks,
from $3.23 to SIB.OO, to open on Monday,
Nov 11th, at Costello's, —Adv.
Now is tiie time to subscribe for tlie
Home Journal. Henceforward it will be
filled with interesting local news.
We are prepared to print tickets for
those who aspire to county offices, with
neatness and dispatch . Send in your or
Mr. Thomas has returned to our city
with a line lot ol hogs, which lie will
retail at liis room, next door to Harris A
The largest assortment of rich Silk
Fringes, latest novelties, ever shewn in
Madison. Just received by express, at
We arc glad to see Mrs. Ileyser, wife
of our friend E, Ileyser our very compe
i tent Clerk ot Superior Court at horns,
after a long visit to friends in Mexico.
Three cartons of Hamburg Trim
mings, Kid Gloves, Neck Ties, Veilings
all new shades, and other novelties, to
open Nov. 11th, at Costello's.— Adv.
If yon want a photo’ taken in the
most elegant style and by ®t.e of the
best artists, apply to our trietid, M. L.
Richter. He a'so keeps a fine lot ot jew
Mr.Chas. Fielding, an old an esteem
ed citizens, was stricken down with ver
tigo last Wednesday, and is still in a pre
carious condition. Wc trust that he will
soon recover.
Although Morgan went back on one
ot her most prominent citizens, we are
lor her yet. Tlie good old lady may lie
guilty ol many indiscretions, but we will
stick to her as long as there is a pea in
tlie dish.
The only tiling that will stir our
young people up to their matrimonial
senses, is the establishment of a town li
brary. Now, let those of tlie ‘old folks’
who are anxious to ‘make matches,’ give
us liberal encouragement.
We hear of hog cholera in several
places which is proving very destructive
Fearing that it might visit our place,
we slaughtered tlie last porker we had
this week, which is being rapidly con
sumed by our second editions.
We only charge $5 to announce the
names of candidates lor county officers.
We ate for tiie toremost mau this time
provided there be no nomination of the
party, and tlie foremost man advertises.
We are for self interest herealter.
The little church around the corner,
that is, tlie Epsscopal church, are indebt
ed to Miss Jessie Nebhut for serving
them as organist, last Sunday, and be
fore. Command us, Miss Jessie, at any
time, and we are at your service.
JDt. Skiff lias one n( tlie largest stocks
of jewelry and silver-ware he has ever
brought to this market. His rings are
superb. Those of cur young people who
have hymenial aspirations would do well
to read his card and inspect Ids stock.
Mr. Samuel Jones, of Newton county
occupied the Methodist pulpit last Sab
bath. He favored Ids audience with a
sound, practical sermon. Many express
ed their admiration of his style and it is
our wish that lie will again visit our
Wk, regret exceedingly- to learn that
Mr. Joe Vason, one ol our most promi
nent citizens, is still confined to Ids room
from an attack of pneumonia. He is one
of our aldermen, and one among the most
energetic arid efficient members of tlie
Da. B. F. Ulmer:—l have tried all the
medicines you put up, and I can recom
mend them, but especially the Liver Cor
rector. I tried tho bottle you sent me,
on a patient, and it acted like a charm.
If you care to use my name you are free
Cos do so.—J. G. Medloek, 11. If.—ailv.
We are glad to see our old friend, Jas.
Anderson, of the firm ol Anderson, Starr
A Cos., New York, In the city. Upon
congratulating Idui upon Id* good look*
lie mid he would have looked one Inin j
dred per cent, better If Billups had b*eu j
elected, Jos* so, friend Andoison, those
sie our feeling* (no.
Bismoe Be* awi ru, the finest pulpit or
xtor of lilt nit*, delivered a •ph trdld ser
mon last Holiday at Uur Lpumpal church ’
The i huich was crowded la fie utmost '
capacity, and all present were delighted ;
with (< *ermon. At the liow of the
rgUFiii, the Brahwp mm, firmed UiAmn \
Bioia Bne kVwo, >ooag**i chtld of th>
seoMr# chitot yf this psfe-r
All Come.
Y. Harrier stlc and Isaac S. Moore, ag
ents of Commercial Nurseries, will meet
their patrons here, Nov. 28th, with their
Fruit Trees, and hope to meet every one
that day. novl6-2t
In order to be successful in a Con
gressional contest in tlie Ninth, a per
son should canvass the district two years
In advance and prove that lie isn’t, a ras
cal, a gentlemen, a bankrupt, a solvent
man, ar. aristocrat, a piebian, a Christian,
a culprit, a “wool hat.” a “plug hat,” in
fact that he is really nothing. Unless
he can do this, defeat is certain.
Be Prompt.
Every patron of tlie Commercial Nur
series is expected, on Nov. 28th, and
promptly discharge his obligation And
plant out his Trees while fresh.
Since tlie Democratic Executive Com
mittee have decided to make no nomina
tions for county officers, we learn that
combinations arc the order of the day.
Well, one tiling certain, we si all support
no man that don’t advertise his candida
cy in our columns, nnd shall take our
choice from those who do; confining our
selves strictly to capacity and merit. As
stated in another place, we shall not ad
vocate the claims of any in our columns.
Tlie longest pole brings tlie persimmon.
Attention Farmers.
Tlie Fruit Trees you bought of Umlet
hill, Newson A Cos., propiietois Com
mercial Nurseries, Nashville, Tenn., will
be delivered in Madison, Xoy . 2Sth.
The county elections will soon be up
on us. Wc learn there will be no nomi
nations. Then every tub must stand on
its own bottom, and eacli candidate must
‘tote ids own skillet •’ Our eoltimtis are
open to ail, foi advertisements. We shall
in this paper take no stand lor either,
hut individually vote for those that we
adjudge most competent and deserving.
Not a line shall he written, if there be no
nomination, that shall prejudice the
claims of any candidate. If there be a
nomination wc shall ot course sustain
the nominees.
I)r. Price's Floral Kiclics
Surpasses any Toilet or Cologne WYter
ever made. A rich, fresh, flowery odor,
for the handkerchief, tlie toilet and the
hath —permanent and delightfully fra
grant. Fortliesiek room—reviving and
gratefully refreshing.—adv.
Morgan Flection Returns.
Billups. Speer. Billups. Speer.
Maxlison, 603 878 275
Rutledge, 152 64 88
Kingston, 28 55 27
Fairplay, 80 36 44
Ehenezer, 33 97 64
Wellington, 108 33 75
Total, 1,004 1,163 207 366
Speer’s majority, 159 159
Votes polled, 2,167.
A Paradox.
Tlie Atlantu Constitution did tlie or
ganised Democracy harm in tlie Filth
ar.d Ninth Districts. There can he no
doubt ol this lact. Sam Small,one of its
editors, advocated Arnold in the Fifth.
He may have severed his connection
with the paper, blit tlie people were not
advised of it. Grady did all lie could
(possibly in a quiet way) lor Speer in
tliis District; consequently the Consti
tution's staff proved a two-edged sword,
cutting both ways. Joe Harris proved
true to principle and duty. We heard a
dozen or more good Democrats say that
no reliance was to be placed in what tlie
Constitution said, as Small was lor Ar
nold, and Grady lor Speer. True, the
PAPER was intact, but when it employs
as editors men antagonistic to its views
—and such was tlie record—it became
paralyzed lor good. We hope never again
to see the metropolitan journal occupy
on its staff such congruous elements.
Pianos and Organs at Factory
Grand Introduction'Sale, com
mencing Nov. 1. 1,000 Magnificent
instruments from best makers to be
placed, for introduction and adver
tisement, in Southern homes at Ag
ent's Wholesale Kates. Elegant
7 Oct. Pianos only $125. Magni
ficent SquAKK G rands, catalogue price
SI,OOO, only $250. Handsome f> Stop
Organs, $57 ; 13 Stops, s7l; Mtfiiioa
Top, 13 Stops, SB6. Choice Instruments
at lowest prices ever known. 6 years
written ouarntkk. 15 days test trial.
Write for Introduction Sale circular.
Address Ludden A Bates’ Southern
Music House, Savannah, Ga. Tlie Great
Wholesale I’iano and Organ DcjKit of tlie
South. nov2-4t
Liver is King.—Tlie Liver is the
imperial organ ot the whole liuinaii sys
tem, as it controls the life, health and
happiness ot man. When it is disturbed
iu its proper action, all kinds of ail
ments are the natural result. The di
gestion ef lood, the movements ol the
heart and blood, the action of the brain
ami nervous system, are all Immediate
ly connected with the workings ol the
Liver. It has been successfully proved
that Green's August Flower is unequall
ed in curing all persons afflicted with
Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint, and all
the numerous symtorns that result from
an unhealthy condition of tlie Liver and
Stomach Sample imtties to try, 10
cents. Positively sold in all towns on
the Western Continent. Three doses
will prove that it is just what you
Pretty ami Young.
In every tenture but the bair, wbleh
hwl grown white from lever. Thin huty
at 35 write* Hit: “1 have lined I'nrker n
Hair liaUain nix riioutfiH and am more
than planned with It. It has reatornl
tli* natural hrown eolor of my hail and
given It a ullky njfto*-4, nleer than ever
•• 'hire. There in no iMnilniflr, no hilling
hair.and it leaven the *ealp ho eleau and
hire ami emit that I am ever ho much
plea and, mid 1 Ireland look like uiyaell
again.*' IdeinfivUni pru|a*Mie that an*
ter elienileally Into thla preparation
leuih r it healing, eleaa.lng and heultli
lul. and the lieaiitiliil. Irenii and vlgoton*
hair It pneJnee., together with It* prop
erty of Motoring the hair to lt natural
youthful eolor. leaving tli* head entirely
Ireed fioiu liandiulf, elean and healthy,
xirpliae* no lean Uien It plraaea. ||oy i
led lie from yoor dioggi.i A tklo*oii A
I'eUiMt and teat lu Merit*. out j;h,i I
)>pee|e* ofth lal iOHpdil) ) M thUdUlriet, |
a* we Me h natal in the AMilinai, I* !
The Aged, the Feeble and Con
Find just the help they need in the
health and strength giving properties ot
Parker’s Ginger Tonic. This comforting
invigoraiit diffuses warmth and vigor
through tlie system, soothes tlie nerves,
banishes melancholy and gives strength
and elasticity to the worr-out. Inline, It
is incomparably superior to wines or
liquors and does not intoxicate. Every
mother will not only comfort and
strengthen herself but will relieve and
parity her nursing babe by the free use
of tliis excellent tonic. Buy a SI,OO bot
tle Iron) your druggist Atkinson & De
tect, or a sample bottlt at 15 cts, and test
its merits. nov2-3m
Thousands use it. Why Hesitate?
It is adapted especially to tliosc cases
where tlie womb is disordered, and will
cure any irregularity ot the ‘menses.’
Dr. .1. Brad field’s Female Regulator acts
like a charm in ‘whites,’or in a sudden
check of tlie ‘monthly courses,’ from cold
trouble of mind, or like causes, by re
storing tlie discharge in every instance.
So also in chronic cases its action is
prompt and decisive, and saves tlie con
stitution frem countless evils and pre
mature decay. Ask your druggist for a
circular.—novl6 1m
To the
of Georgia*
Sea Foam makes the bat cookery.
Ita strength is double that of any]
other baking powder.
It is on that account the cheapest.
One can of Sea Foam is worth three j
of any other baking powder.
By tho use of it, your bread will be
equal to Fifth Avenue.
Your food will be the best.
Your health will he preserved.
Your daily work made easier.
Bread will be whiter and richer.
You will save a great deal of money. |
liy the use of Sea Foam, a barrel ofi
flour makes forty pounds more bread. j
Your bread, biscuit, ancl cakc3 will be\
always light if Sea Foam is used.
It is anew comfort for home.
It is pure, and not adulterated,
it is healthy for you and tho children. \
It is the perfection of science ini
cookery. ;
Your cookery will be always good. I
You will always have a good cook. I
It makes every cook a good one. I
Your bread will never be sour.
Chemists who hare analyzed Sea Foam I
commend it.
Physicians who have experienced or I
witnessed its health- promoting I
properties, commend it.
Wholesale grocers always ccmmcndit. I
lUtail merchants who hare introduced it I
among their customers and noted its I
wonderfully rapid sale, never fail to I
commend it.
Husbands and fathers, whose wonder]
und delight at tiie greatly improved
and uniformly gooi! quality of tlie
bread and pastry have led them to
inquire tiie cause, are loud in their
commendation of iu I
Housekeepers who hare once used it tri7i|
have no other, und thus most stronylyX
eommcml it. i
Cooks whose best efforts with other]
powders have failed, ere jubilant]
over Sea Foam.
All over the country it is E
Actually the ladies of Gcoryiu , where 1
Sea Foam has been introiluccd , area
nou> as lit led for their excellent bcaul I
biscuit?, con.-cakes, end other cookcnj j
as thnj have duay* bzui Jar their I
remarkable beauty. f
Nowhere in ihe worhl ean he found I
better broad, biscuit, and eakesl
than is produced by these noble!
ladies. There is a constant rivalry!
among them to see who shall make!
the best. I
And nit only is this the. ease, but Seal
Foam adds to their beauty, fori
health brinys beauty, and nothing t*s|
more conducive to good hcedth than
light, nutritious bread , cakes, and
pastry, which Sea Foam never fails
to make.
Se v Foam is for sale by all first-class
retail grocers in nearly every city.
If your grocer hunit it in stock, and
L an obliging man, he will get it
for you. If, however, you are un
able to obtain it readily at home,
send for circular and price-li t to
Gants, Jones & Cos.
Manufacturers and Proprietors,
178CnaneSLNew York.
Broken Ont Afresh!
Imf/orted and Domestic Cigars,
Fruits, French Candies—Received Wccklv.
Families Supplied with
Oysters nnd Fish.
octfcti-Cm M. A. MUST IN.
GEORGIA, Morgan Countv.
Hy Tirtue of an order from the Court ot Ordi
nai rof Morgan county, panned on the 7lb day
of October, lh7S, will be wild on the flint Tues
day in December I#7B (the name being* tlie }Jrd
day of laid named mouth) at the Court
House door in Maid county, between the legal
bourn of tinle, the following described Lands and
other property belonging to the estate of my in-
Irritate, Win A. Hammond, deceased, late of
•aid count v, viz : The place upon which naid
Hammond resided ut the time of hi* death, situ*
< atad in Haul county, adjoining lauds of J. K.
| Ha'lmiwh, Jes*e M i'erry, Joseph K. Moore, J.
A. Fannin and otliera, containing three hundred
and forty-lire (340• acres more or leas; Im>
another tract of I*and aituiiled in said county,
adjoining lund* of (Jarrell Hammond, Mm Coo
•iJa, A. f'oullain and otliera, containing two
hundred and sixty four ( i'A ) acres more or less.
A.l*o another tract of Land Lot No*2‘JO, bill
District, id heel ion f originally Gilmore, now
Fannin countv. Containing according to Flat
•bd Grant |4o acres, the same lie mg what is
called a Wild lot of Land Also at same tuna
1 and plat*** tba reniuiniiig p<r*oiial propert) be
longing to said estate consisting of Lire Htock,
Plantation TmU intw and ueeesaaiy for run
ning a fuim, Wsgous, three Vfobs one Horse,
buii, I'isiol, filar ksmilti To*da, some Coin ami
Fodder, and other articles of personal property,
all a aid tof the benefit of cradttora and heir* at
Law Terms r-.M Jl>H K MOMiL,
nof.Mds AdmrofWrn A Hammond.
**4 Lai, addraa* Fin*i, Hsawr AC
bats, Ca luairtf
f Ground in a Concavo-Convex Form, ,
CD 5 ' )
from the best transparent material, and
to a perfect surface, which makes them
tlie best Glass in use. Call on Profes
sor SKIFF, the Optician, and be
fitted to a pair of those celebrated Glass
es. Also lias the Tinted Glass, recom
mended by Professor Fox, lor one-third
less than he sold them, aad just as good .
§ Silver—the pure article,
made for service.
Solid Sii.ver Spoons,
Forks.Bntter Knives, Su
gar a Salt Shovels, Gob
lets, Clips, and a variety
of other articles in cases,
at SKIFF'S. Silver Plated Castors,Cake
Baskets, Butter Dishes, Card Receivers,
Dessert and Dinner Fol ks, Dessert and
Dinner and Tea Spoons, Butter Knives,
Ac.. Ac., all warranted to he the stand
ard plate, give perlect satisfaction, and
sold as cheap as a good article can be
sold. Call at SKIFF’S.
assortment of good clocks in the city can
be found at SKIFF’S, prices all right.
Gobi and Silver, American
Swiss Ladies’ & Gents’
Stem and Key Winders, cheaperthan
ever. You can find them at SKIFF’S.
CHAINS! CHAlNS!!—Ladies Neck
and Long Guard Chains, solid gold aad
relied plate, At SKIFF’S.
BfWatclies, Clocks and Jewelry RE
PAIRED uad CLEANED by one who
understands tlie business perfectly—a
practical workman cf years experience
—and as cheap a? first-class work can lie
done. Cali on SKIFF, the one that docs it,
assortment—bought tor cash, cheap
ami will he sold lor cash, cheap. A tine
lt ol all Gold Sleeve Buttons, Studs,
Ear-rings. Pius, and other goods kept in
first-class jewelry stores, Wedding, En
gagement, and other Rings; also all
kinds ot Jewelry made to order.
novl6-lm Madison, Ga.
Dry Cil ©oils
llottom Prices
Cheap Cash Store
We hav. now on band a fuil lina of
Culicoes at all Price*.
Brown and Bleached Shirtings from
Five Cents np.
Bed Ticking, 7.J cents np.
Ladies Striped Hose at 10 cents.
Gents Half-Hose, 10 cts. up to best
Bulbriggan goods.
Ladies Under-Vests, Corsets, Kid
Gloves, Ties, <fec„ in ail varieties.
Beautiful line of Gents Furnishing
Goods* Unlaundricd Shirts of the
best material, lor 90 cets.
Hats, Hats, Hats.
Our St ock of Hut* And Caps is now eoiuplete.
Shoes, Shoes.
Of Every Variety and at .allJPriees.
Wo also hare
Sngar, Coiree, Sonp, Starch, Candles
All of which we offer VERY LOW.
On November the let wo will < ffer the public
a (nil line of
SILKS anil a Beautiful Lot of Fash
ionable I)res Goods, Sacques, Jack
ets, Nubias, Shawls, <fce., ail from
(jive ]]h a Call.
Can inje Manvfactuter,
Madison, - - (iromiu.
Will krep mi baud > Fll I.iii. of
CarrhnjM, Ihujjini and Wd'jont,
Ail of *rW*i if# mid (iiirililNJ
If f mm. KKI'AIKIMi fluin neatly and prompt
if. I Hiaffcimliii woik <>l all jund <S## ll
taa ir*i ai) >• ?
Spectacles and Eye Glasses.
Frames, with the most perfect Lenses.
■ I I'M'l
ffelysfr-- a.,
-./.‘A IFvwnNmii.)) /\.N
.{ST • a ‘
| V Muadqmirters f V
® Ip i
IK w 1
I |i| |jj
jjjjj J. O.TORBERT’S. fe
',.aic. *)| jjpTfr.'TliuS^il
Get Your Christmas Tricks from
J. O. Torbert.
l*ilace I
WE have just received tlie largest and
best selected sto, k of Toys ami Fan
cy Goods ever brought to any town in
tiie State, consisting of Dolls of every
size and price. We have china Dolls,
rubber Dolls, wax Dolls, wood Dolls,
dressed Dolls and all kinds of Dolls. A
splendid lot of walnut Writing Desks,
Work Boxes, Portfolios, China and Bra
tinaTea Setts of all sizesand prices, wax
Flowers and Figures,Photograph frames
children’s Knives and Forks, china Cups Saucers,Crandall's great show, buil
ding blacks, alphabet Blocks, Noah’s ark
buy s loot Chest, wood Trains, Tin.
Trains, mechanical Engines, Accordenns
a fine lot of Harmonicas, lino Albums,
I’arlcr Suits for children, rubber and tin
Rattles, China Darning Eggs, the finest
stock ot Toilet Setts In town, iron and
tin Banks for bovs, Toy Trunks, hoe’s
Toy Pistols, rubber Balls, Match Safes,
elegant Card Stands, Music Boxes, Toy
Buckets, Marbles, boys’. Drums, Horns,
Violins, Top Cords, Whistles, boys’ Guns
tiie best lot of toy Wheelbarrows and
Wagons ever brought to Madison before.
A Large Stock ol Tin
And a great many other Toys that wc
cannot name in tliis advertisement. We
have something to suit the tusto of all,
both white and colored, old nnd young,
large and small, ma’e or lennilr. All mir
Goods have been selected hv J. O. Tor
bert, in person, with a great deal of care
and liu leels confident that i I those in
W, D. Wl r M
—lHlm: oitiGiXAi.— A
Undevseller ofMadisonl
EUCH AS— ' ' ,* •
Fanc/I Good#, Notion#, Fhur, Bacon, Hams,
Dress Goods, Prints, Suaar, Tea uud Coffee.,
Cassimeres, Corsets, Clot him/ f A fine lot <*' Cf Wart,
Hits, Caps, Boots and Shoes BAGGING, TIES If- :.
-vGrcatost Variety of Everything.
Asto price*, lam AiIMAI) OF COMPETITION. Atlanfa and Athens
bills duplicated. I guaranteethat a visit to my store will SAVE YOU 20 PKR
CENT in buying your fall g<xls.
Madison septas-iim. \V. I L WYNN.
Success is in Muyiug l
The und<*isrm*<l hmitg recently added largely to hi* stock of Family Otocyriea, beg* to emit
the attention f his customers loan exuniituition of his *t<*ck tv* he is determined to mdl a low
as any hotisc in Madison, and spare no pains to please his lriend*, both to gddll* and pnce.
ilia stock consists in part, of the following articles :
Also, tbo Finest Lot of.
CrOcKory and Glass Ware
In Madimin. Table Cutlery, triple plated Si I Ter Ware, Lumps nnd I/nmp PiJtMi'ies, Kironene Oil,
Toilet Soups ami brushes. Vases, Tobacco and Pipe#*, Mats, Rugs, Whip*. 1,0 k- uud Hinges,
Axes and da idle*, together with a large s’oclt of (JotMs too ledums id mention. ? ‘
Feeling grateful for l> puiionuge hitherto bestowed, I most rvepectfiillvjatlPai >t cwttinuaae#
of the same, and iufite you, one and till, to call and examine my stock before pim hading else
where. ’ (aept2*-3in) J. *l. FKW, Railroad .St., Vlad i*on, Ga.
J cRE Alvj ‘ JggT ' s?yc;a^
baking mwn Flavoring;
PG * D E - Sul*'X E XTRACTS.
Eminent Chemists and Physiol tins certify that these goods are
free front adulteration, richer, more effective, produoe better result*
than any others, and that they use them in their own laiulUee.
Tin nmrm’P UNIQUE PERFUME* ere tli< G. m<>r Ml Odors.
ir\ rK H \ TOOTHENg. A ugrtM-able,livsitliful Liquid lit Mifriea.
llllflj 11 LEMON SUCAR. A miUliliite for I.'luoiih.
Tko Mott />rf flop frl in lA* World,
STEELE & PRICE, Mantra., Chicago, St. Louii & Cincinnati
neo.l of such artiel'? will only give him
a call that they w ill
Save Money
by fining ,*o. We h ive ji\c n onr emir#
attention to this business ever si t\t*e th§
war, and we know that, wefhave the lr
-£i\st stock of our kind in Madison,
we ill sell at lower prices than Hay one
rise* We also have a larjre stork of pira
works on hand. A larger stork of Fancy
than am other town of the'same size i#
tlie State. Our Fruit Stands will I*
filled itli all kinds ol the very i lioiceat
such as Apples,Oranges, (jocoamits, Pine'
Apples, &c.
Thanking our many kind friends foy
tlie liberal patronage heretofore extend
ed us. and by an honest and closc'attep
tion to our busiiie—. we iiope [u spare w
larger portion ol jour trade .in the fu
ture. We want *’ •“ rfn-tl" iilrnt—i!
that we will not lie undersold bj ahy
House In the place.
Remember that we are sole agents for
Lazarus, Morris A Co.’s celebrated per—
fee ted Spectacles Every pair sold
warranted. .1. 0. TORBERT.
All those indebted, to us will pioa>*
come up and settle their aceounta at
once, or we will lie compelled to put
them in the hands 01 an attorney tor
collection. foeis-3m) .1.0. T.
* ■ •’ ....
I-ct nil of the little Folks come to