The Georgia banner & sentinel. (Newnan, Ga.) 185?-18??, February 01, 1861, Image 3
not go, but remain as servants to you, then, gentlemen, a war —a war is about to be inau gurated, the like of which was never seen or heard of. Sufficiently numerous on both sides. With many places of contact with friends, who will give their last of money and of store, the conflict will be such that masses of the people toust bleed, and after years of destruction on both sides, and subjugation upon neither, a treaty of peace will be made. Both torn and bleeding, the wails of the widow and the sigh of the orphan will be substituted for the notes of peace which now prevail over the land. — And then you will agree each to pursue a sep arate course as best he may. This is the end of war. You find through long years of dis tress you have come to the position you might now have had at first. Is there wisdom, is there patriotism in the land ? If so, the solu tion of this question is easy. If not, then Mississippi’s gallant sons will stand like a wall of fire around their own State, and I, though hot in hostility to you, but in love and alle giance to her, will take my place among her b his, for good or for ill. 1 shall never again attempt the language of warning or argument to you- 1 leave the ease in your hands. To ward you personally, as individuals, as well as those you represent, I would 1 had the power to say there shall be peace between us forever. I would I had the power now to say, the in tercourse between these States shall not be interrupted, and the social relations shall re main undisturbed; that the intercourse be tween these sections shall remain, is my profoundcst wish. But you have become exasperated, day by day; now it is in the power of two bad men. possessed of the tele graph lines between Washington and Charles ton, to bring the United States and Carolina into war. Still, will you do nothing but sit in sublime indifference, till events shape them selves? You cannot throw the responsibility on the Executive. He has thrown it off upon you. He has notified you he can do nothing, therefore he will do nothing. He has told you the responsibility is upon Congress. “I conclude as I began, by invoking you to take that responsibility, and act upon it.— If you do, the angel of peace may yet spread her wings, though it be over divided States, since revolution will still go on, in friendly intercourse with each other, acting and react ing beneficially upon each other, and the com merce of the one may still add to the prosperity of the other. Thus may it be, and thus it is in your power to make it. John €’. Rreckinridge on the Crisis. The gallant Breckinridge, of Kentucky, has written a noble letter to the Governor of that State on the crisis. He goes for Crittenden’s Compromise, and declares that Kentucky and the South can be satisfied with nothing less. He expresses the opinion that the Republicans •will not accept it and that “ Their fixed policy is to wield the Federal Government for anti slavery purposes, and to crush out all opposi tion by arms.” In conclusion he says: “The immediate question now presented is, peace or war. Whether the right of a State or States to dissolve connection with the Fed eral system be a reserved right,-or eue growing out of the Constitution, or the right of revolu tion. the great fact lies before us, that the act 1. ;s been done; and we arc not permitted to doubt that in a few weeks seven or eight States, containing a larger population than the thir teen Colonies at the epoch of the Revolution, will have withdrawn from the Union and de clared their independence. Under whatever name disguised, a collision of arms with them will be war. The dominant party here, rejected every thing, proposing nothing, and pursuing a poli cy which, under the name of “ enforcing the laws ” and “ punishing traitors,” threatens to plunge the country into all the calamities of civil war. The Federal Union cannot be preserved by arms. The attempt would unite the Southern States in resistance, while in the North a great multitude of true and loyal men never would consent to shed the blood of our people in the name and under the authority of a violated compact. A serious collision upon existing issues would destroy whatever hope may yet remain of preserving or restoring the Union. An attempt to hold it together by the bayonet would exceed anything yet recorded in the annals of human madness and folly. It would bring on a war of unexampled ferocity, in which every vital principle of the Union would disappear forever. If the South should suc ceed in maintaining her independence, the feuds and animosities engendered by the con test between the sections*would be transmitted to succeeding generations, while, if she should be subjugated, the Government would become in form and in fact consolidated, and would soon reach the usual historical termination in a military despotism. But her subjugation is impossible without extermination —and that is impossible. And yet the danger of civil war is immi nent, unless it shall be arrested by prompt and energetic action. If, before the passions of men became aroused, and a series of untoward events drift us into strife, Kentucky and the other border States shall calmly and firmly present a united front against it, I believe it jnay be arrested. Fifteen States are potent to prevent war. This, too, would strengthen all the -true men in the Northern States who re sist the atrocious policy. Upon this question, let us annihilate party. The force party be lieve that Kentucky and other Southern States are seriously divided on this subject. Unless this can be quickly shown to be a delusion, it inay become the parent of a brood of woes.” Important Disclosures —A man by the name of Hoffman has been sentenced to the penitentiary for fifteen years under a conviction of herse-stealing by the Circuit Court of Car roll county, and the Huntington Patriot says he subsequently indicated his willingness to make a confession, in order to gain a new trial, and was taken before judge Fitzgerald, in open court, when he stood up before the Judge and Jury and the bar, and a large audience, and acknowledged that he was one of a band of horse thieves, gamblers, robbers, and counter feiters, that extended over a large portion of the United States, and gave the name of six citizens of Carroll county, four of Benton, and some in most of the counties of West Tennes see, as members of the gang. It seems, he says, that they have a kind of “head quarters” at .Memphis ; that they have a kind of biding place in a cave four miles cast of 1 hompsou s Ferry, on the Reelfoot Lake, in Obion county, Tenn., that his “clan” first robbed and after wards burned Lutcr’s store in Buena A ista, in Caaroll county, some two years ago, and names the men engaged in the work, all of whom lived in Carroll county; he further says that it was his “clan” that murdered Miller, and robbed the Branch of the Union Bank, at Jackson, Tenn., some two years ago. The Pa triot suppresses the panics disclosed by Hoff man as belonging to the “clan.” — Nashville Union. 22d. Schooner fired into from a Louisiana Fort. —The New Orleans Crescent of the 16th has the following: Latest from Fort St. IVtih'p. — Private Ju lius Elbe, of the First Company of Chasseurs a’Pied, came up from Fort St. Philip yester day morning. He reports that at 9 o’clock the night before, a schooner came up the river and anchored opposite the fort, and that, be ing hailed and giving no answer, she was fired into from the fort. They were unable to make her out ■B9RBK9SSC9OBBnnE!Z9HIBnBB99R! I| Q9VS9SD3Z39KS l ESDRSZ3EMSZZSCE!ZZ!Z3KhB A-TTEISTTIOISr 11 SOUTHERN MERCHANTS. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY I rpilE UNDERSIGNED WILL OX, Oil ABOUT I the FIRST of FEBRUARY connect with his al ready established Manufactory for Plain Candies, the Manufacture of all sort of FANCY CONFECTIONS! Such as SUGAR ALMONDS and all other kinds of SUGAR PLUMS ; thereby rendering it within the power of all, who wish.the chaifce, to encourage their own Section. The prices it is thought will compare favorably with those of the Northern Mar kets. A priced Catalogue will be ready in a short time ar.d supplied to all Merchants who feel like encouraging this enterprise, which if successful will be kept in operation ; but if the Southern Mer chants still persist in sending their orders North, of course it must be suspended, as upon their sup port rests the entire matter. Also, about the same time I will commence the Manufature of CHA. CKEIIS! Such as SODA, BUTTER, LEMON, PIO-NIC. &c. These will be sold as LOW as any other Southern Manufactured Article. gg§'“Merchants who feel friendly to this enterprise will confer a favor by sending in their orders as early, as possible. Those who are not in want of Confectionaries or Crackers at present and would 1 like to encourage the cause would confer a favor by sending me their addresses —they will thereby re ceive a Priced Catalogue in full. WM. 11. II PHELPS, Maufacturing Confectioner, Under Cook’s Hotel, feb. 1. Columbus, Ga. att en ti OX! NEWNAN GUARDS. YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED TO AP- ’ pear at the “Armory Hall,” for diill, armed equipped, on Saturday, 2nd of February, at 21»2 O’CLOCK, P. M. VR Meet promptly at the hour. By order of Capt. G. M. llanvey, O. PALMES, 0. S. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. I”)Y VIRTUE of an order from the Court of Or- Y dinary of Meriwether county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in March next, before the Court House doo? in Greenville, the following property to-wit: Abram, a man about 41 years old, and Polk a man about 20 years old. Said negroes be longing to the estate of William Wood, late of said county, deceased, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. This January, 14th 1861. NANCY’ YVOOD, Adm’x. and J£)IIN D. WOOD, Adm’r. Feb. Ist-tds. GEORGIA, Meriwether county. \\ 7 HEREAS, W. C. Mathews and Ellen Evans, T t apply to me for letters of Administration on the estate of Philemon Evans, late of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the persons interested, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any exists, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 25th day of January,slß6l. F. KENDALL, Odinary. February I—33—st. GEORGIA, Campbell County. WHEREAS Tazwell M. Howard, having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Joseph Smith, Jr., late of said county, dec’d: This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Joseph Smith, jr., dec’d, to be and ap pearat my office within the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why permanent admin istration should not be granted to said applicant. YVitness my hand and official signature, January 25th, 1861. R. C. BEAVERS, Ordinary. February, I—33—st. SPECIA.L, NOTICES. NO WONDER HE WAS THANKFUIT READ AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES. Rochester, October 19, 1852. Messrs. Fleming & Bros. Gentlemen. — Having experienced the benefi cial effects of Dr. M’Lane’s Liver Pills, prepared by you, 1 take great pleasure in recommending them to the public. I feel warranted in saying, that they are a certain cure for liver complaints and all bill ions diseases, no matter how difficult or longstand ing. I myself was afflicted with this dreadful dis ease for over two years, and oh ! how thankful I am that I heard of these Pills. I purchased of one of your agents three boxes, and before I had finished the third box, was completely cured. I verily be lieve, but for Dr. M’Lane’s Liver Pills, 1 should have now been in my grave; but as it is, I am now en joying the best of health, and stand a living witness of the efficacy of DR. M’LANE’S LIVER PILLS. Besides recovering my health, I consider that I have saved in pocket some two or three hundred dollars physician’s fees. This testimony I give on with the greatest pleas ure. that it may do something towards making these invaluable Pills known to all who are suffering with liver complaint. WILLIAM HISS, Traveller in Western N. Y. will be careful to ask for DR. M’LANES CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, manufac tured by FLEMING & BROS., of Pittsburg, Pa. There are other Pills purporting to be Liver Pills, now before the public. Dr. M’Lane’s genuine Liver Pills, also his celebrated Vermifuge, can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores. None genuine without the Signature of FLEMING & BROS. Jan. 18-’6l-4t. THE BAN NER & SENTINEL. SPECIAL NOTICE. 11. n. r. ” THE MINUTE MEDICINE. RADWAY’S READY' RELIEF is truly a minute Medicine for it will cure in minutes diseases that other remedies require hours and days to effect; and will relieve the agonistic pain of acute and in flamatory diseases in seconds, when all other rem edies fail altogether. Radway’s Ready Relief should be kept, in the house as arms are kept for self-defence, or a fire escape for safety from a sudden conflagration.— Hundreds die from sudden attacks ot disease that one dose of it would save. Persons subject to Fits, Cramps, Spasms, Billions Colics, &c., should be able to reach it the instant they are seized. Taken during the first ague chill it may prevent a second It is the great antidote to pain, whether arising from external or internal injury, or from a sudden malady. Fevers, originating in sudden change of temperature or unwholsome vapors, are repelled before they have obtained a hold upon the system, by its iiygeian operation. Redwine & Henry, Agents, Newnan, Georgia. John D. Moore, Agent, Savannah, Georgia. P>arrett& Carter, I Agents, Augusta, Georgia. Plump & Leitner, j = > 0 General wholesale agents for the State of Geor gia, and who will supply the trade at the same prices that are charged by Radway & Co., in New York city. RADWAY’S REGULATING PILLS ■ Purge, regulate, and invigorate at the same time. Within six hours they relieve the bowels, affect the secretions, lighten the feeling of oppression at the pit of the. stomach caused by indigestion, and ren der the circulation of the blood equable. Thus they cure Costiveness, Billiousness, Congestion, Head-ach, Flutterings of the Heart, Nervousness, Hysteria, Female Complaint, Malarious Fevers, and disorders of the digestive, secretive, and discharg ing organs. Administered as a Spring cathartic, they put the system in a healthy condition for the Summer campaign, and as they nourish instead of weakening the system may be given safely to pati ents whose stamina has been exhausted by sickness. Radway’s Renovating Resolvent disinfects and neutralizes the diseased blood, depriving it of the I corrupting principle which engenders Tubercles on ; the Lungs, Bronchitis, Quinsy, Running Sores, Can j cers, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Infiamation of the eyes, [ and all kinds of Eruptions, Tumorsand discharging | sores. In secondary Syphilis, Scrofulous disorders I and all hereditary, chronic, and constitutional mal , adies, it overcomes and eradicates the insidious ; causes of the disease. ! Radway’s Remedies are sold by Druggists every where. ' RADWAY & CO., 23 John St. N. Y. Redwine & Henry, Agents, Newnan, Georgia. John B. Moore, Agent, Savannah, Georgia. Barrett <t Canter, I , , , . n Plumb & Leitner, A Scnts, Augusta, Georgia. General wholesale agents for the State of Geor gia, and who will supply the trads at the same pri ces that are charged by Radway & Co., in New York city. Jan. lltf. SWORN TESTIMONY. Scroox Lake, Essex Co., N. Y’. Y February 6,1858. j YVm. E. Hagan, Troy, N. Y.— Dear Sir: Having used your Hair Coloring or Restorative, and having been much pleased with it, I take pleasure in ma king the following statement: From the effects of a severe fit of sickness when about eighteen years of age my hair commenced turning grey, and so con tinued to grow until it became perfectly white, be ing very harsh and coarse. Last summer I reached my fifty-third year, when I was induced by a friend to purchase two bottles of Heirnstreet’s Hair Color ing prepared by you. I commenced using it accord ing to directions, and in a few days was surprised to find that my hair from the roots outward was turning back to its original color. It so continued to grow until it was as.truly brown and glossy as it was before, in my youthful days, and is now fully restored to its original color. MYLA SEAMAN. Essex, Co., ss : Myla Seaman came before me and was duly sworn, and says that the above state m .nt is true, this 9th day of Feb., 1858. JOEL F. POTTER, Justice of the Peace. Rememember that this result was produced by Heimstreet’s, Inimitable, the original and only relia ble Hair Restorative. Price fifty cents and one dollar a bottle. Sold everywere, by all Druggists. W. E. HAGAN & CO., Proprietors, Troy, N. Y. Jan. 18-’6l-4t. RE IEF IN TEN MINUTES. jb n'sr -a. jxt ’ s I? 111 moll i c AV ale rs! The Original Medicine Established in 1837, and first article of that kind ever introduced under the name of 11 Pulmonic Wafers,” in this or any other country ; all other Pulmonic Wafers are counterfeits. The genuine can be known by the name of BRY'AN being stamped on each YVAFER. BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat Hoarseness’ BRYAN S PULMONIC YVAFERS Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Spitting of Blood, Pains in the Chest BRYAN’S PULMONIC YVAFERS Relieve Incipient Consumption, Lung Diseases. BRYAN’S PULMONIC YVAFERS Relieve Irritation of the Uvula and Tonsils, BRYAN’S PULMONIC YVAFERS Relieve the above Complaints in Ten Minutes BRYAN’S PULMONIC YVAFERS Are a Blessing to all Classes and Constitutions. BRYAN’S PULMONIC YVAFERS Are adapted for Y r ocalists and Public Speakers. BRYAN’S PULMONIC YVAFERS Are in a simple form and pleasant to the taste. BRYAN’S PULMONIC YVAFERS Not only relieve, but effect lasting and rapid Cures. BRYAN’S PULMOMIC YVAFERS Are warranted to give satisfaction to every one. No Family should be without a Box of Rryaii’s Pulmonic Walers In the House. No Traveler should be without a supply of Bryan’s Pulmonic Walers In his Pocket. No person will ever object to give for Bryan’s Pulmonic Wafers Twenty-Five Cents. JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor, Rochester, N. Y. For sale by all respectable Druggists in the U. S. JOHN WRIGHT & CO., New Orleans, YVholesale Agent for the Southern States. October 19—18—6 m. IT IS A COMMON OBSERVATION that there are more sufferers from debility, among Americans, than can be found among any other civilized na tion. The reason is obvious. We take too little exercise, and forget the wants of the body in the absorbing pursuits of business. In all such cases, ordinary medicine can do little good. YVhat is re quired is just such a tonic and invigorator as Dr. J. Hostetter has given to the world, in his CELEBRA TED “BITTES.” The weak and nervous denizen of the counting-house, the exhausted toiler upon the shop-board, and the prostrated student of the midnight lamp, have found a wonderful regenera tion in the “ Bitters,” and prefer it to more preten tious, but less efficacious medicines. But it should not be forgotten that the agent which is so mag ical in its influence upon a frame which is mere ly debilitated, is equally powerful in assisting na ture to expel the most terrible fo'.ms of disease.— Who would not give it a trial? Sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. £gg“Scc advertisement in another column. Jau. 18-’6l-4t. MTED! TOOTH BY’ THE SUBSCRIBER Ten Thousand Persons TO CALL AND ENAMINE MY TTAIMTETTSE STOCK OF GOODS, CLOTHING, W Boots, Shoes, m Hats, Caps. Bte I have just received my supply’ of V Fall and Winter Dress Goods, Embracing all the latest styles of Plain and Fancy Marinos, Plain and Fancy DcLaincs, Poplins, Saxony Cloth, Coburgs, &c., &c., &c. etoAKS & smra. Tn ‘his department we have a splendid assortment, embracing all the latest styles of Black anb Fancy Cloaks; ALSO REVERSABLE, PLAID, CIIENILLA, STELLA AND CASHMERE SHAWLS. Also a fine lot of Housekeeping and Plantation Goods, Consisting of Plain and Printed Flannels, Linseys, Bleaching, Striped Osnaburgs, Linseys, Sheetings, Fine Bed Blankets, Marseilles and Woollen Coverlets, Gents’ Fancy Blankets, &c., &c., At prices a little less than any one else. Hoop Skirts! Hoop Skirts! I have the best quality of J. 11. BRADLEY’S HOOP SKIRTS, from 6 to 49 springs, made with out serving and without brasses, which I will sell cheaper than the cheapest. Clothing, Hats & Caps. I have the largest, best selected, and most com plete Stock of DRESS AND OVERCOATS, PANTS AND VESTS, of every description that has ever been offered in this market. My Stock of Hats and Caps is complete, and only needs an examination to effect ’ a sale. ■ Having enlarged my Store, lam enabled to keep a larger Stock than I ever kept before, and will I sell Goods as cheap and cheaper than they have ever before been offered. Give me a call, and if I cannot suit you, I shall nevertheless thank you for calling at “The Emporium.” 11. HAAS, Octoberlll2 —17 —ts. Bay Street. LMROWOSoi ARE now receiving at their new Brick Building, on the East side of Greenville street, opposite Redwine & Henry’s Drug Store, a complete stock of Staple & 5 ancy Dry Goobs BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, &C., &.C. They have just received from the best markets in the U. States, one of the best selected stock of perhaps ever offered in this market; all of which they will sell Extremely Low for Cash, [or short approved credit. They have on hand the best lot of TOBACCO that has ever been brought to this market, prices ranging from fifteen cents to one dollar per pound. fi@“Those indebted to us either by note or ac count that is due, must Come forward and make immediate payment, for money wc must have! “A word to the wise is sufficient.” [oct. 19-18-ts. DissoiunoJir The copartnership heretofore f.xist ing under the firm, name and Style of KIRBY' & YY'OOD, is this day Dissolved by mutual consent. All those indebted to said firm will settle with J. T. KIRBY', and all those having demands against said firm will call on him for payment. J. T. KIRBY, YV. B. YY’OOD. Newnan, Ga., Dec. 20, 1860. HAVING .Sold my entire interest in the firm of KIRBY' & YVOOD, to J. T. KIRBY, I most cheerful ly recommend him to the Public for their patron age. W. B. YV’OOD. Newnan, Ga., Dec. 20, 1860. HAILS, best brands, for sale low, / YVest side Greenville st., Newnan, Ga. April 20-11-ts. THOS. SWINT MALE SEMINARY K ID'-O Normal School, NEWNAN, GEORGIA. rpilE FIRST SESSION of this Institution for £ the year 1861, begins the first Monday in January, and continues twenty-five weeks. Students prepared for any class in College or to become Teachers. RATES OF TUITION. Twenty, Thirty and Forty Dollars per annum. Incidental expenses One Dollar each “ “ Students charged from time of admission to the close of the Term—deduction for protracted ill ness. JJ. B. KNIGHT, A. 8., Principal, And Professor of Ancient Languages, Natural Sciences, &c. LYMAN GRISWOLD, Professor of Mathematics. JOHN RAY, Pr’st Board of Trustees. J. J. Pinson, Secretary. [l4-26-tf. d s j § Ts i. CO s-s : g 6MJ : g » 11. S S § S o 0 .5 § I . fa’s I&S jq t—< h 2 ' o ’ - '- 1 ® O3 F 5 *■ =g A J M -—a H to - 3 - " r r S MJ > d - ~E CO P 3 e_ « “ 2 I •?« -.F» s M.== &• U » * o W H o M 4 O s®e®s) - <3 kT _ - £2 «oo.g r y|gog al riMg a l>- s - Premium Magic Duplicating -A.3NTD Impression Paper. A PRINCIPLE OF WRITING WITHOUT PEN OH INK! The Greatest Wonder of the Age! ‘ 0! WITHOUT the use of pen or ink, you can write a letter, and one or four copies of the letter at the same time. The cheapest and best thing now in use. Every person should have a paper of it—have a variety of colors. It is also the best thing now in use for drawing a perfect sac simile of a leaf, rose, piece of embroidery, or any thing else can be taken without any trouble at all. Everybody come and see for themselves at Dec. 14-26-ts. MARTIN S BOOK STORE. e<G7wTVANCE> HAS now on hand an excellent and large stock of ready made HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, WHIPS, and everything in his line, at his old stand, up stairs on the West side Greenville street, Newnan, Ga. lie would respectfully invite the attention of the public to his business of Saddle and Harness ma king, as he is better prepared than ever to carry it on in all its-various branches. put up to order, and Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. [March 30-41-ts. J. W. WILEY, D. D. S. HAVING permanently located, offers his profes sional services to the citizens of Newnan and vicinity. Teeth inserted, from a single one to afull set, in the latest approved styles. All cases entrust ed to my care shall be treated in a professional man ner. All work warranted. REFERENCES. Professo C. A Harris. “ T. E. Bono, ar., “ W. R. Handy Os the “ A. A. Blandy, ■ Baltimore College., “ P. 11. Austin, “ R. N. Wrigut, Rev. S. J. Milliken, Bainbridge, Ga. Dr. G. Huntington, Albany, Ga. Dr. Chas. M. Wright, Augusta, Ga. May 15.-49tf A CARD. ———' I TAKE pleasure in recommending to all my for mer patrons, Dr. JOSEPH W. WILEY, as a gen tleman of ability and experience in his profession. A» far as Mechanical Execution is concerned, I haStao hesitancy in pronouncing him unsurpassed iWe State of Georgia, and am satisfied no one will cwj plain who gives him a fair trial. Dr. W. is a regular Graduate of Baltimore, Md., Dental Colleo-e. Feb. 13-36tf. J. U. L. FEEMSTER. DENTAL NOTICE. DR. J. L. MANN having associated with him in the practice of Dentistry, l. f. McLaughlin, who as an Operator, never fails to give Entire Satisfaction ; and whose skill in mounting Artificial Teeth on plate, is unsurpassed ; would inform the public that they are now prepar ed to execute all operations pertaining to Dentistry, with neatness and durability. Office over the “ One Price Store,” west side of Public Square Newnan, Georgia. DR. J. T. REESE, I A. J. LOWE, Esq., THOS. SWINT, Esq., COL. R. AV. SIMMS July 16-4-ts. _ COWE T A HOUSEF~ fl NEWNAN, GA. jjSi Subscriber has taken charge of and fitted up >£ this house for the accommodation of the public ; furniture nearly all new ; solicits a share of pat ronage and pledges to use his utmost endeavors to accommodate well ali who call on him, and will suffer no reasonable man to go away dissatisfied. Wm. T. THURMOND. Jan. 6-29-'6O. “j: UN"HEBij~ |.V|B¥BODV! The Greatest Excitement that has been here since the Indians moved I H. HAAS HAS 10,000 PAIRS OF BOOTS AO SHOES, Which he is willing to sell at Extremely Low Prices ! ! Russet Brogans, sl.lO Ditchers’Boots, $2.00 Black do 85 Fine do 2.25 Woman’s Shoes, 65 Calf do 3.00 Youths’ do 45 Childrens’ do 30 India Rubber do 75 Go ami see him everybody ! Groat excitement! Be sure to go. [Oct. 12—17—tL ATTENTION Ladies and Gentlemen. 4 LL wishing to purchase fresh and desirable Goods would do well to call at Brewster, Woodroof & Co’s, who are receiving daily additional supplies of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, bought recently by one of the firm in the largest wholesale markets, with great care, to meet the wants and taste of their customers and the public generally. In our Stock may be found — Prints of all grades; DcLaincs, solid and printed; French and English Morino; Fancy Silks, Black do; Scotch Plaid for Misses; Ladies’ Cioaks, something very nice and stylish ; Hoop Skirts, &c., &c. Heavy stock of Kerseys; y Virginia Fulled Cloth; Negro Blankets, Fine Bed do.; Ready Made Clothing for Gems and Boys; Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, and many other articles too tedious to mention gen erally kept in a Dry-Goods Store. We have a few more of those Cheap Saddles on hand. All in need of such would do well to call. Please call and examine aur stock before purchasing elsewhere, and we will guarantee to save you money. BREWSTER. WOODROOF & CO. September 28-—ls-—tf. stemo/orb; NEWNAN, GLA., O ASH, Blinds and Doors made at L 3 short notice, and on the most rea sonable terms. Carpenters and Buil ders are requested to call and seewba they can do in Newnan in the way of ousii, Blinds and Doors; Doorand Window Frames; Columns Cornices, &c. 1 FURNITURE STORE At BERRY'S CORNER, near the Coweta House, where will be found a full assortment of Furniture, "J Such as Bureaus, Sofas, Bedsteads, Chairs, C'eaitre & DressiMgrahi Ujßfrl TAELES, I p Corner Stands, Feapoys, Bookstand, Secretaries, Desks, Wardrobes, Wasli Stands, and Enamelled Cottage Suits ; also, Cribs, Baby Wagons, &c., &c., in great variety and very cheap. Fisk’s Metallic Burial Cases always on hand and sold only for cash. Coffins of any style made when wanted. Window Cornice, Curtin Fixtures, and Door Bells, Gilt Moulding for Picture Frames, any size. All of which can be bought cheaper than in any other market and shipped here. Terms Cash. R. D. CUIJC. Oct. 14-17-ts. HOW’S SEWING MACHINES. "~ OEWS the lock Stitch with the shuttle, feeds with a wheel, runs light and sews alike, from the finest to the coarsest. Machinery warranted good and durable. Price-SSO to $75. R. D. COLE, Agent for How’s Sewing Machine. Oct. 14-1 7 ts. C.L. REDWINE, AL Th L.TI. HENRY. NEW ftt HEDWINE TZET-TTx.TT, SALE AND V v Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Pure Brandies and AVines for Medical purposes, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Paper, Pens and Ink, Paints, Oils, Brush es, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Glass Ware, Garden Seeds, &c., &c., at the old Stand of Dr. Young, on Greenville Street. L. 11. Henry will be on hand at all times, day or night, to accommodate patrons and fill prescrip tions. Dr. Redwine may be found at the Drugstore when not Professionally engaged. April 1, * s CHBROKBE RBMBDr, AN UNFAILING CURE FOR Gor.orrho'a ami all Diseases of flic Urhiary Organs. fg AHIS remedy cures when all other preparations | fail. It is entirely unlike every other com pound; containing no Mineral Poison or Nauseous Drug; as it is prepared solely from Roots, Barks and Leaves, and has been handed down, from one generation to another, by the Cherokee Indians.— It is offered to the public on its own intrinsic merits. It performs its duty quickly and thoroughly. The unfortunate, of either sex, will be repaid by using this remedy, instead of placing themselves at the mercy of some Quack or Professor. This remedy strikes at the very root of the disease; its tendency is hot simply to suspend the poison, but to remove the cause on which it defends. Full directions in pamphlet form accompany each bottle. The speedy and permanent relief afforded by this remedy, in all cases of Gonorrhoea (Clapp), Gleet, Gravel, Stric ture, Fluor Albus (AVhitcs in Females), ami all dis eases of the Urinary Organs, has astonished the most scientific men of the age. This temejly not only eradicates all poison from the system but in vigorates the most delicate constitution. ggjy lt does not affect the breath or interfere with any class of business, or require any deviation frem the usual diet. B@„It requires no assistance from other medicine. what enhances its Value, is the entire absence of all nauseous taste, being a pleasant and Delicious Syrup. Price $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5. POTTER & MERWIN, Sole Proprietors. St. Louis, Missouri. Sold in Newnan by REDWINE & HENRY, and J. T. REESE, and by all responsible Druggists in the Southern States. JOHN WRIGHT & CO., N.sOrlcans. March 9, 1860. Wholesale Agent. C L. BLAIR NEWNAN, GEORGIA. HAVING Permanently located, offers bis Profes sional services to the citizens of Newnan nn I the vicinity. He will perform a!) open.imm ua the natural teeth and insert artificial teeth from one to a full set, in the most perfect manner known to the Profession. in the room over Pinson & Herring s Dry Goods Store. Nov. 4-2Vtf.