The Quitman reporter. (Quitman, Ga.) 1874-18??, September 02, 1875, Image 4

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I The Quilmaa Reporter IS I'UDUhlllvD KVKIiV TIIUKHIUY HY || ALL .UrINTOSII. j TKUMHs Ono Vcnr . $2 00 Six Mouths 1 (Mi Throo Months 00 All subscriptions must )*<• paid invariably in advance no discrimination in favor of nuyla >dv. Tho p.ij T will bo stopped in nil instances at.thu expiration n** the time paid for, unless rfuhbcripLious are previously renewed. HATES OP ADVERTISING. Advertisements inserted at the rate of SI.OO per square one inch for first inser tion. and 75 cents for each subsequent in sertion. All advertisements should be marked for a specified time, otherwise they will he ! charged under the rule of so much for the , first insertion, and so much for each subse quent insertion. Marriages, Obituaries and Tributes of Ue- | sport will be charged same rates as ordinary j advertisements. 7.4i" A liberal discount will bo allowed ; merchants for yearly advertisements. If7/AW MILS ARE DVR All bills for advertising in this paper are ; duo on the first appearance of the advertise ment, except when otherwise arranged by j contract, and will be presented when the' money is needed. A Remarkable Operation. A Surgeon Extracts the Skeleton of a Child from a Young Man Eighteen Tears Old. [From the Grenada (Miss.,) .Sentinel.] Dr. \V. E. Rogers, who, ns a sur-; goon, stands at the head of the pro fession in the South, performed an operation in Memphis last week thnt lias developed uuo of the most re markable results known in the medi cal fraternity. lie was called in, at a house on De Soto street, to extract a stone from the bladder of n young man 18 years old, named Jeptha Walker. The doctor having success fully taken out the stone, which is about the size of a guinea-egg com posed of carbonate of lime, left the patient in good spirit, doing well. Some days '\t%r the nurse while dressing the wound of the young man saw something protecting from it, which she gave to Dr. lingers on his next visit. On examination this proved to be the bone of an infant. Since then the physician has extracted several hones among them are a part of both bones of the thigh, one of the leg, of each arm, and one hip bone, and last Tuesday another was taken] out belonging to another part of the j body. The nurse stated that she had j ext;acted many more bones, but not knowing their value, she threw them away. The patient is doing very well, and is expected to be soon re stored to good health. This is the first case of the kind, we believe, that has occurred in this part of the couu-j try. Rut medical works recountj where reveral such phenomenon have ! taken place; and the same authorities! explain upon a very plausible theory ! how things can happen. Some iu2y ! incredulous doctors whose vocation j should have been that of third-class scullions, have doubted the word of Dr. Rogers in this matter. Rut the j doctor has shown us the bones and ] the stone, and told that his operation j was atteuded with tho above results, j As far as Dr. Rogers’ character is con corned, suffice it to say that ho is well ] known throughout tho Southern] States as a surgeon whose ability is 1 unsurpassed by any ouo in this part of the country, and is regarded as a gentleman who would, under no con sideration, degrade his profession by imposture. Stakch Granules in Human Blood. —We learn that an important discov ery has been, lately made by the head of the microscopic bureau of the Uni ted States Agricultural Department at Washington, Mr. Thomas Taylor. Ry a thorough series of experiments with the microscope, he has been able to de tect animal starch in considerable quantities in tliehumau blood. Every drop of blood which he has tested ex hibits, when treated with iodine and sulphuric acid, more or less granules of bine-colored starch (glycogen), and he thinks its presence in the blood must have an intimate relation to fer mentation of the blood in malarious districts, since starch is convertible into grape sugar, which is a fermenta- j blc body. Medical authorities have never been able to account for the di- ' rect cause of fermentation of the I blood. The action of quinine in chills and fever and other malarious diseases can now bo explained, as quinine has long been known as an anti-feriucnt. Among medical and scientiiic men in Washington this announcement has caused quite a furore, and a great number have called on Mr. Taylor, and he has demonstrated the fact to their satisfaction by taking blood from ] thoir several persons.and showing j them, under hia powerful instruments, j the starch granules. She Paddled Her Own Boat.—The train was approaching Atlanta, anil the obliging conductor went up to tlie homely old lady who was evident ly traveling alone, and said : “Madam, have you a conpanion?” “Oh, yes, sir; Martha Ann made me fetch along her little black ridikule that she called akumpanyun !” “>',! >! I mean an o. cor* 1” “A what, sir ?” and she 100 ed at him hard enough to break her spec tacles. “A fellow-traveler with you ?” ex plained the conductor desperately. !Sho rose. Her uplifted hand look ed deadly iu its black mitten garni ture. “You good-for-nothing scamp no, sir! The idee of me, a lone woman, with uo natural protector but a sheep skitt kivered New Testament, having a feller . traveliu’ with me 1 Your mother ought to weep over your im perdonce, young man, and I’ll have ' ye to know that I kin gii along in 1 this world about as well as any sixty- 1 yoai old w idow that you over struck agin !” Ry this time the conductor was out on the platform wiping the perspira j lion from bis face, and swearing that. | the old lady might “go it alone” to! her heart’s content. ICE CREAM. When does n man have to keep his word V When no one will take it. Went out on fly that, absconding treasurer of a St. Louis base ball club An astronomer can discover more wonderful tilings with one eye than most men can with two. The rooster on top of the liberty pole says lie’ll be scorched if ho stands this heat any longer. It is one of tho curiosities of natu ral history that n horse enjoys his food most when he hasn’t a bit in his mouth. A tourist who was asked in what part of Switzerland ho felt tho heat the most, replied that when he was going to Berne. It is not so extraordinary that Ne buchadnezzar lived on grass. We ktiow of hundreds updn hundreds who live on the turf. So Spinner, after handling hun dreds of millions, came out $2 ahead. Frame that bill, General, and hang it up for your posterity to bo proud of. The couple married in a balloon to advertise Rarnum’s show, didn’t live together three weeks. Another in stance of the result of injudicious ad vertising. The Indianapolis News has found ■ out how the sex of that man in Eu rope who went about in woman’s clothes was discovered. He iimdver-, tently said.“lliank you,” when a gen-1 tlemun gave up bis seat in the streetj car. Just think of it ! It costs one mil lion two hundred and fifty thousand five hundred and eighty-nine dollars and ten cents to keep the women of this Country in imported corsets one year. What a waste. Stay ! its not, a waste, it is one of tlicir means of support. London lias another new industry. A man advertises himself as “Knock er up, and window tickler, from three to seven.” Ho wakes heavy sleepers who wish to get up early. Window tickling is waking without ringing the bells, by means of a long pole, with which lie tups on the window pane. A famous auctioneer, after exhaust ing the language of praise in extoll- | ing a gentleman's park which had to I j fall under his hammer, said he was bound, as an honest man, not to con ceal the drawbacks to the property, which were the litter made by the rose leaves, and the perpetual din kept up by tho nightingales. A Milwaukee belle, attending a i theatre in this city recently, com : plained in one of the scenes that the j light was too dim to show the acting properly. “Won’t you try the glass?” I asked her escort,, handing lnr his I lorgnette. Hastily covering the sus picious looking object with her liand kerchief, she placed it to her lips, took a long pull, and then handed it, ] back in great disgust, saying : “Why ! there ain't a drop in it.” A case of mistaken identity took ' place as the cars left the Newark de ; pot. A pretty girl, with her haud j kerchief up to her eyes, had seen her ! lover seat himself in tho last, seat of a ear, but while she was bathed in tears she did not see that the train had backed, and a different car stood in front of her ; but presently she look ed up and said, “good-bye darling,” to an astonished and bashful young man sitting there. TO PLANTERS. | I Parties 'Waniinc: IMantaiion -Ma chinery, From a Plow to ft Steam Engine AT Low Hates, Will find it to their interest to call or send lor Prices and Cuts. I will sell n *lO Gin, | Press and Power for SIOO,OO. My Power ! can be used iu the field ; all that is required ' is a room or tent 10x10 fit to blow the lint j into. IT IS THE BEST COMBINATION OF MACHINERY For THE GRANGERS For several Small Farmers to buy, that is now mode. Addr K. CliO( KET jlvls-3m. MACON, GA. * I ! ELY TRAP. Indorsed by 100,000 Customers. i It Catches Flies. | It Catches Millers. It Catches Roaches. It Catches tlie Cnrculio. Save your Bees. Save your Fruit. Save trouble at the table. Save your Garments. IBy Using Harper’s Patent Fly Trap. By hanging the trap in your fruit trees, you catch the Cerculio ami save your fruit, which alone is worth ten times the cost of j the trap use the trap early for catching the i Cerculio. By setting it near your bee hives, you catch the Miller anti save your hoes. By using it iu your dining room you can eat with comfort. It never fails on Roaches. This is the only invention that will do all ! these things -and it is so cheap that it is j within the reach of nil. Call and sec the trap. Be sure and got | Harper’s Patent Ely Trap. Eor sab* hv Street.-,'A' Vvrett. Quitman, On. j 11 If STOVES! STOVE !! AT GRANGER’S PRICES. lMlinllllioll Hollow Wlll*o, ; TIN WARM Ace. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT NTH EET V A A V RETT'S. Repairing of old Tinware, fee.., done ta the shortest notice. 42-iSm SAWYER’S Eclipse Cotton Gin, WITH OR WITHOUT COND E N S E R S. Patented June. 10, 18711. lie-hutted December#, 1874. riUIIS is the fifth year that n\v Gin lias 1 bean offered to the public, ami its mer its have made it so popular trum Virginia to Te xa s, and from i A.vltu rinaH to Florida, i j That I have been compelled to erect entire- J ly New Works, and supply them with new machinery and a largely in creased force of mechanics. I am now ready to meet any demand that can possi bly arise, and all Orders Filled Promptly, j ECLI PSE GIN 1 ; 11AS NO EQUAL Asa Linter, Lit tier in Lpoed <>r j Quality ol'the Lint. IT IS OFFERED LOW FOR CASH. EVERY GIN IS GUARANTEED. The attention of Grangers, and all others ; j engaged iu tin* production of cotton, is j ! called to it, and they are invited to visit my works, whenever in the city, and inspect the machine. Send for circulars and price list. Shops and office ea rner of Cherry and Fifth streets, Macon, Ga. jly22-3m P. C. SAWYER. It. L. GENTRY WITH Clagliorn & Cuuniugha m "Wholesale (jJROCEHS AND DEALERS /V Fine Wines, Liquors mid Segars. sava\n a a, - - a a. ! 33-Gm FURNITURE. FURNITURE. 0. H. MILLER, A gt., SUCCESSOR TO S. S. MILLER, 169 and 171 liroughton street, SAVANNAH, GA. ('HEAPFOR CASH. NO CREDIT. Manufactures Sofas, Mat trasses, Ac. Xeic Styles Furniture always on hand and arriving. Particular attention given to packing goods. Cash orders or orders through Fac tors solicited and given immediate attention. 28-3 m Fretwdl & Mcliols, DEALERS IN I’a.per Bass, Flour Sacks Twines, Book arul News Ink, Letter and Note Parers, Fiiivelopes, "Wrttppina Paper. Pens and Pencils, Blank Books, Receipt and Pass Books, Mucilage, Ace,, Sce., 129 BAY STREET, SAYAN IV A.IX - - GA. y.-Xr- Orders Filled Promptly. i-’ FKETWEIJi A NICHOLS. \lhemarle Female Institute, Charlottes ville, Ya. 19th annual session op *rm Ist ►September, with a full faculty and elegant equipments. Health, accessibility, good fare and thorough instruction at this college For details address U. H. Rawlings, M A. Principal. 4w Broaddtts Female College, (Lute Winchester Baptist Female- Institute.) WINCHESTER, V.V., Ib-v. E. J. Willis, - - Fresiden, With n fall corps of instructors, commences its fifth your on the first of September next, with the most encouraging prospects. No locution could Vie more favorable lor health, and the religions ami social advantages are unsurpassed commending itselt especially to Southern parents. For catalogue, address tho I’resident. LARGEST SC 00L. Or. Ward’H Seminary for Young Ladies, Nashville, Tenn., is the largest in the South i and fifth in the U. S. Semi for new cutu- i logue. Fall Session September 2d. THE ONLY POLYTECHNIC HOME SCHOOL. SI. Clements Hall, Ellieott City, Mtl. Five vacancies, owing to enlargement. Apply at unco. send your daughters to tho Gr eorgiaF:emaleCmjjmk. It is a Home school, healthful and acces sible. The expenses are less than in any other similar school, and the instruction unsurpassed. Painting and Music are spe cialties. Circular free. Geo. Y. Browne, President, Madison, Ga. "WESLEYAN Female College, MACON, GA. The 38th annual session opens Kept. 15th 1875, with a full corps of professors and teachers. The oldest female college in the world. Endorsed by the host patronage in the. South. Health record unsurpassed ; in struction thorough ; curriculumol the high est onler. Address Rev W. C. Ross. DR Frost., or Rev C \V Smith, D D sect’y Pleasant and profitable employment. “Beautiful!" “Charming!" “Oh how lovely!" “What are they worth;" Ac. .s’uch are exclamations by those who see the large elegant New Chromos produced by o u European and American Chrome Pub lishing Cos. They are all perfect (Terns of Art. No one can resist the temptation to lmy when seeing the Chromos. Canvassers, Agents, and ladies and gentleman oxit of em ployment, will find this the best opening ever offered to make morcy. For full par ticulars, send stamp lor confidential circu lar. Address F. GLEANON & CO., 738 Washington St., Boston, Mass. THE BROWN COTTON GIN CO.. NEW LONDON, CONN., Manufacturers ef Cotton Gins, Cotton Gin Feeders, Condensers and Colton Gin Mate rial of every description. Our Gins have been m use thirty years, and have an estab lished reputation for simplicity, light-run j iiing, durability, and for qu lity and quan ! lity of lint product and. Our Feeder is easily ; attached to the Gin, and easily operated by any hmd of ordinary intelligence. They are the simplest and the cheapest Feeder in the market and feed with more regularity than is possible by hand, increasing the out turn and giving a cleaner and better sample. At all Fairs where e xhibited and by planters having them in use, they have, been accorded the highest encomiums. Our. Condensers are well-made, durable and simple in con struction. and do w hat is required of them rapidly and well. No additional power is required to drive the Feeder or Condenser, ana no Gin House is complete without them. We are prepared to warrant, to any reasona ble extent, perfect satisfaction to every purch aser. Circulars, prices and full information furnished. Address os above, or apply to J. 15. Creeoli, Quin nan, Cfa. SSO TO SIO,OOO Has been invested in Stock Privileges and paid 900 per cent PROFIT “Howto Dolt,” a hook on Wall street, sent free. Tumhridge & Cos., Bankers and Brokers, 2 Wall-st., N. Y. A WEEK guaranteed to Male and Jf 5 ) f £ Female Agents, in tlicir locality. Costs nothing to try it. Particulars Free. P. O. VICKERY & Cos., Augusta, Me. I TP 4 O —7he choicest in the world 1 JLliXjLlO* Importers'prices Largest Company in America- staple article -pleases everybody Trade continually increasing-- Agents wanted everywhere- best induce ments—don’t waste time- send for circular to Robert Wells, 53 Vessey 6’t., N. Y., P. O. Box 1287. * * TIIEWEIKY'REGISTER, Published at Savannah., Ga., EVERY SATURDAY, BY Otto & Hubbard. Cheapest Weekly in the South. ONLY SI.OO PER ANNUM. JOB WORK of all kinds promptly attend ed to. Orders by mail receive immedi ate attention. Address, OTO A TIUBBARD, 157 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. HUDSON A SI LIAVAN DEALERS IN SHU >, FRESH AND SALT WATER FISH, OYSTERS,’ Vegetables ami other Produce. All orders promptly attended to. Terms Cash oh delivery. ' \ 150 HAY STREET, AVANNAII, G!a.. 3ff-t.f New Paper iiinl Paper Rag Warehouse. '). w. ITIIiI'WELL. MM. X. Ml HOLS. l)r. .T. Walker’s California Vin egar Bitters nro a purely Vegetables preparation, made ehiellj' from tho na tive herbs found on tho lower ranges of tho Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, tho medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without tho uso of Alcohol. Tho question is almost daily asked, “What is tho cause of tho unparalleled success of Vinegar Rit ters?” Our answer is, that they removo the cause of disease, and the patient re covers his health. They are tlic groat blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of tho system. Never before in tho history of the world fins a medicine been compounded possessing tho remarkable qualities of Vinegar Bitters in healing tho sick of every diseaso man is heir to. They are n gontlo Purgativo as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs iu Bilious Diseases Tlic properties of Dr... Walker’s Vinegar Bitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritions, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-Irritant Sudorific, Altera tive. and Anti-Bilious. Grateful Thousands proclaim Vin egar Bitters the most wonderful In vigorant that ever sustained th sinking system. No Person ean take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their hones are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Bilious. Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, which arc so preva lent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the Unite,d States, especially those of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual beat and dryness, are •nvariably accompanied by extensive de rangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful influence upon these various or gans, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the pirpose equal to Dit. J. Walker’s Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily removo the dark colored viscid in. at ter with which tho bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of tho liver, and generally restoring tho healthy functions of the digestive organs. Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its fluids with Vinegar Bitters. No epidemic can take hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sonr Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in tlie Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita tation of tho Heart, Inflammation of tho Lungs, Pain in tho region of tho Kid neys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, are tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. Ono bottle will prove a hotter guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertise ment. Scrofula, or King’s Evil, White Swclliugs. Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of tho Skin, Sore Eyes, etc. In these, ns in all oilier constitutional Dis eases, Walker’s Vixkoaii Bitters liavo shown their great curative powers iu tho most obstiuuto and intractable eases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism,, Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fcvors, Diseases of tlic Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are.caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases.—Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such ns Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-boaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, aro subject to paralysis of tho Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of Walker’s Vin egar Bitters occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tot tor, Salt-Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, King-worms, Scalil-head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of tho Skin, Humors and Diseases of tho Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system iu a short time b)* the uso of those Bitters. Din, Tape, and oilier Worms, lurking in tho system of so many thousands, are cllectually destroyed and removed. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no au thelmiiiitics will free the system from worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or tho turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence tliet, improvement is soon perceptible. CleSMse the Vitiated Blood when over you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and tho health of the system will follow. it. it. McDonald & co.. Druggists mid Gen. Agts., Sun Francisco, California, ami cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts.. N. Y. Sold by ull DruiTulyta and Dealers. StnlileMil House, Near the Court House, Mulberry Street, 31 a ecu, - - corgia. TWO DOLLARS PER DAY This House has been refurnished and put in excellent order and is now open for the entertainment of the public. Reference: Rev. li. V. Forrester, Quit man, Ga.: Rev. C. S. Gaulden, Thomasville, Ga.; liev. S. S. Sweet, and J. \V. Burke, Miteon, Ga. T A. WIHTK, Boot & Slioo Maker, QTJITIVIAJy, GA. f >EGS LEAVE TO INFORM his old cus .l ) touters and the public generally that he ie. still at his old stand on Depot street, and will continue to keep constantly on hand the best quality of material and as many active and experienced workmen to work it up us his patronage may require, Boots and shoes cut and made to order, and a neat lit always guarranteod. Repairing neatly and expeditiously done, •1 prices to suit the tiineu. ■ ALL WORK j tr- .... im: FAVORITE HOME REMEDY. This unrivalled Southern Remedy is war ranted not to contain a single particle of Mmu’unx, or any injurious mineral sub stance, bill is Purely Vog;e4 nblo, containing those Southern Roots and Herbs which an all-wise Providence Ims placed in those countries wlure Liver Diseases most prevail. It will cure all diseases caused hv Derangement of the Liver and Bowels. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR, OR MEDICINE, Ts eminently a Family Medicine; and by being kept ready for immediate resort will save many an hour of suffering and many a dollar in time and doctors’ bills. After Forty Years’ trial it is still receiving the most unqualified testimonials to its vir tues, from persons of the highest character and responsibility. Eminent physicians commend’ it as the most KB , ITKO r X , XJAIa SPECIFIC For Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Armed with this antidote, all climates and 1 changes of water and food may be faced i without fear. Asa remedy in* Malarious | Fevers, Bowel Complaints, Restlessness, Jaundice, Nausea, It hns No .Equcil, It is the Cheapest. Purest and Best Family Medicine in the World ! MANUFACTURED ONLY BY •X. IX. ZEILIIN A: CO., MACON, GA., and PHILADELPHIA Price SI.OO. Sold by all Druggists. 1-ly Change of Schedule, ATLANTIC &■ GULF R. R. CO., ) j Office General Superintendent, > Savannah, Ga., May Ist, 1871. ) OX and after Sunday, May 2, Trains oil I this Road will run ns follows: NIGI-IT EXPRESS. i Leave Savannah daily at 4.00 p m ! Arrive Live Oak “ 2.55 am Arrive Quitman “ 3.23 a in i Arrive Bainbridge “ 7.45 a m j : Arrive Albany “ 0.20 a m | Leave Albany “ 4.10 pm i Leave Bainbridge “ • 5.15 p in j Leave Quitman “ 0.47 p m heave Live Oak “ 10.05 p in : Arrive at Savannah “ 8.50 a m Connect- at Live Oak with Trains on J. P. A M. R. R. for ai.J from Jacksonville, Tal j l diassee, Ac. No change of ears between Savannah and Albany. Close connection at Albany with Trains on Southwestern R. R. Mail steamer leaves Bainbridge every i Sunday evening for Apalachicola. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. WESTi’jilN DIVISION. Leave Dupont (Sunday excepted).. 7.00 a m ! Arrive < Eiit-man “ . .10.15 a m Arrive Thomasvillo “ . .12.15 p m • Leave Tinuuiisvillo “ .. 2.10 pm ! Leave Quitman “ .. 4.08 p m | Arrive at Dupont “ . . 7*. 30 pn: ! ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. EASTERN DIVISION I Leave Thomasvdle, Tuesday, Thursday and i Saturday at 3.10 pm Arrive at Camilla, Tuesday, Thursday and Satur lav ;it 5.40 p m Arrive at Albany Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7.50 j> m j Leave Albany, Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday 9.20 a m Leave Camilla, Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday 11.17 a in Arrive at Thomasvillo, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 1.45 pin Connects at Albany with trains on S. W. K. R., arriving in Albany, Tuesday, Tlinrs . day, and Saturday at 7.45 am, il--T H. S. HAINES, GenT Supt. j SPRING —AND— SUMMER GOODS, Just Received I>y JOHN TILLMAN, Quitman, (ta. The undersigned desires to notify his old customers and the public generally that lie ; has received bis spring and summer stock of Goods, Dress Goods, I’rints, X) losTrimmiiigs, Thirties* I Tats, Wliite Goods, IJoolk. Hosiery, bhoes, Notions, Ac., and one of the handsomest assortments CLOTHING over brought to this market. My goods have been put down at prices to suit tlic times, and to cash customers lam offering groat inducements. Thankful for past, favors, I invite the pub lic to call and examine my goods and prices. JOHN TILLMAN. 7-Cm Cay & Ivneller, Produce & Commission Merchants AND Wholesale Dealers in DOMESTIC AND TROPICAL FRUITS, 145 BAY STREET, Cor. WHITAKER, Savannah, Georgia. 1 attention is paid to the handling of Florida Oranges, consignments of which are solicited, Refer to Wallace Camming A Cos., J. Lipp man A Brother, Gomm & Lefiier, Thompson A Walter, etc,, etc. 3-ly A BSOLUTE DIVORCES OBTAINED, jLX- fftna Courts of different States for (in sertion, Ac. No publicity required. No charge until divorce granted. Address, M. HOUSE, Attorney, Lbfimos. 13 i Broadway. New York. The Singer Sewing Machines. In 1872, we sold 45,000 more Machine** than any other company. Iu 1873, the hul*k were 113,254 Machine# in excess of our highest competitor. These figures arc all the more for the reason that the sales of the principal* Companies in 1873 arc less than tlicir sales’' in 1872, whereas, HB h sbnwn f h<*t# largely increased. STATISTICS OF SEWING MACHINE SaJ.ES FOR 1871 The Singer 3lanufiiduriiif£ Company Sold 232,444 Machines. COMPANIES SOLD IN 1873*- THE SINGER 232,444 Wheeler & Wilson 119,10 t/ Domestic 40.114 Groover A Baker 36,176 Weed M 21,768 Wilson 21,247 Ho\ve No Returns. COMPANIES. BOLD IN 1872. THE SINGER, 219.758. Increase, 12,686 Wheeler A Wilson, 274,088. Decrease 54,899 Domestic, 49.554. do. 9,440 Groover A Baker, 52,010. do. 15,830 Weed, 41,444. do. 20,675* Wilson, 26,666. do. 5,410 Howe, (Estimated.) 145,000. do. The Table of Sewing Machine Sales for 1873 shows that onr salt* hist year amounted to, 232,444 (two hundred and thirlv-tvj.* thous and, four hundred and forty-four) M'aeßjnes * being a large increase over the sales of the previous year (1872). The table also shows that onr sales exceed those of any other Company, for the period named, by the number of 113,254 Machines, or nearly double those of any other Compa ny. It may be further stated that the sales of 1873, as compared with those of 1872, show a relatively larger increase, beyond the sales ot other makers, thi.n of any other year. Tlie account of sales is from the returns made to the owners of Sewing Machine Pat ents. It will hardly he denied, that the superior ity of the Singer Machines is lully demon strated—at all events that their popularity in the household is unquestionable. The Singer Manufacturing Co* 172 Broughton St., Savannah, Ga ll. C. PEEPLES, Agent, Valdosta, Ga. WHOLESOME CLEAR WATER I "Waters’ DRIVEN WELL Improved and Patented Nov. l(tli, tSGD. To top tho siihtoroneau streams ami draw ! tip to tlio NUrfiteo, front tho liovc h of the I Oiirth. it bountiful ami novor foiling supply "f tint nijucons noo tssity to life, is no longer' j n problom of tine The celebrated DROVE WELL ! is coming into universal use, both for hand* and steam power. ; The imdcrsigncd having purchased the I right of this great invention for Brooks j county, are now prepared them at I short notice. IVo XV at crNo Pay ! AUSTIN & PEDRICK. 7t-f FURNITURE. J. M. WITT, Cabinet N Taker - AXD- D ESI RES TO NOTIFY THE PUBLIC that lie has nmv on hand the largest as sortment of Furniture ever brought to this market. He is now offering great bargains in such articles as BEDSTEADS. WARDROBES, BUREAUS, TABLES, _ WASH STANDS. SECRETARIES, CHAIRS, WHATNOTS, Ac., Ao I keep constantly on hand every style of Atetalic- Uin-ial Cosc-h, Caskets and XVood Cases, Ranging in price from So.OO to S2S!UM). A Hearse always in attendance at funerals. J. M. WITT. 7-ly --m The Savannah Advertiser; PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, AT S A V A N N AII , G E O R GI A . GEO. N. NICHOLS, F. W. SIMS, Publisher. Manager, The Advehtiser is a live, comprehensive newspaper, publishing the latest News and Market Reports from aJI parts of thu coun try, particular attention being given to Sit, vaunah’s Local and Commercial affairs, ix roiLiTics The Advertiser will he a lipid and fearless, exponent of the Democratic Conservative Creed. TO ADVERTISERS Unexcelled advantages are offered: pur largo and increasing circulation rendering the Advertiser a valuable advertising medium. TERMS BY MAIL, Postage Pro-pnid by the Publisher."St, Daily. 1 year S8 Off. “ 0 months .4, 00, “ 3 “ 2 qu. Weeei, v. 1 year 1 <HJ * * t: mouths 75 iU-tf