The Quitman reporter. (Quitman, Ga.) 1874-18??, October 28, 1875, Image 4

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A Flea in Bed. There are some folks fleas won’t bite, but Alonzo Fleet, a married citi zen of Danville, Vn., has spent, the lugger part of his life after sun down looking for fleas, it is exceedingly annoying to Mrs. Fleet. Just as she gets the baby to sleep and has folded her own hands in blissful slumber, fleet slips out of bed feel foremost, and bump he bits on the tleor, with the half whispered re mark on his lips; "The darned liens.” ‘ You have awakened me again, Mr. Fleet; I bleieve you are trying to wear mo out. Hero I had just get to sleep, and am now so nervous I shan’t sloe)) any more this night. What in tno world are you after ?” “Mary, there's a flea on me some- ( where; you know i can’t sleep " hen there are fleas in bed.” and Fleet : struck a match. “1 don't believe there’s any fleas in bed; its just a notion of your own.; You can’t sleep yourself and you won’t let anybody else.’’ “'l’on my word, Mary, (Fleet ap proached v .tn the candle,) ha ! there he goes no! Oh, the little devil! Now I've got him 1” and l icet grab bed the tail of his shirt,' setting (he candle by the bed, while lie wet the place so as to see the flea and then stuck a needle through it and show ing it to his wife, said in some triumph; “You call that a notion, my dear, 1 call it a Hea.” “.Mr. Fleet, take the candle away from the baby’s eyes,” cried out Mrs. Fleet, just as the baby waked up and the music commenced. “I’ll rock her, Mnrv,” murmured Fleet, “Yon rock her! no, sir, never ! I’ll rock her, myself; it’s just what I'm for. I, Mary Thompson!, married Alonzo Fleet to suffer for him, to drudge for him by day and lose all my sleep at night. My life’s no more than a ilea to-him. W hat cares lie if Idie? Hooty-tooty ; isn't Ale. Fleet young and strong, and handsome and couldn’t lie soon get another wife ?” And Mrs. Fleet lifted up her voice and wept like a hard rain. Fleet put on his breeches and took a chew of tobacco, and as lie walked to the window to “spit out” he said seriously, he wished every flea on earth was dead; that he wasn’t long lor this world, if Mary lived and the fleas continued to hop around at night, Mrs. Fleet told a Danville friend next day that Mr. Fleet provoked her so hunting fleas at night that sue j sometimes told him she believed he was after wanting her to “Fleo a bird to Mount Zion.” , They laughed and , told her she was always saying some-1 thing funny.- Torn. I'cana to i ick'ti bury Herald. A Diva in that Darted Man and Wife. Bmuly lias been married two weeks and has left his wife. Bundy is a little mail, and his wife weighs two liniidred and forty' pounds, and was the relict of the late Peter Potts. About ten days after marriage Bundy was surprised, on awaking in the morning, to find his better half sit ting up iu bed crying as if her heart would break. Astonished, he asked the cause of her sorrow, but receiving no reply he began to surmise that there must be some secret on her mind that she withheld from him, that was the cause of her anguish, ho remarked to Mrs. Bundy that as they were married she should tel: him the cause of her grief, so, if possible, he could avert it, and, after considerable coaxing, he elicited the following from her: “Last night I dreamed I was sin gle, and ns I walked through a well lighted street I came to a store where a sign in front advertised husbands for sale. Thinking it curious, I en tered, and ranging along the wall on either side wore men with prices af fixed to them. Such beautiful men; some for SI,OOO, some for £SOO, and so on to SISO. And as 1 had not that amount I could not purchase.” Thinking to console her, B. placed his arm lovingly around her and asked: “And did you see any men there like me ?” “Oh, yes,” she replied, drawing away from him, “lots of them; they were tied up in bunches, like aspara gus, and sold for ten cents per bunch.” Bundy got up and went to see his lawyer if lie had sufficient ground for divorce. (Tiring Meat. For many years past I have used with success, for salting beef, the fol lowing preparation, viz: One ounce of saltpetre, one pound of brown su gar or a pint of molasses, to each ijuart of salt. Mix these ingredients in the above proportions, rub the beef well, pack it down iu a tight bar rel, and put a weight upon the meat to keep it down, and beef will make its own pickle. If toward spring the pieces not consumed are hung up and smoked they will prove a very nice relish during summer. Fob Bacon. — I rub the meat as soon as cold with plain salt, and place it on u inclined surface and leave it to drip for two days Then for every 100 lbs. of meat, I boil together, 5 oz, saltpetre, 5 lbs. brown sugar, (or 5 pints molasses,) and 10 lbs. of salt, in !S gallons of water, skimming until clear, and when cold, I pack the meat carefully and compactly, weight it down, then pour this pickle over it, and if not enough to cover it, 1 make more pickle, so as to have the meat covered. Let it remain for six or eight weeks, (longer iu cold weather,) hang up, allow todiy, then smoke with hickory if possible. The hams when smoked will be of a bright red color and nice enough for any ep icure. A receipt that will cure sound meat iu our mild, damp sea island climate, will be sure to cure it nny w here else, trrijjiii Star and CulUea tnr. Mr Sister Km’s Fku.ow. — A boy thus describes his misdeeds and their punishments: “My sister Em has ; got a feller who has been coming to I seo her every night for some time. Night before last, just to have a little fun, I went into the parlor and crawl ed under the sofa on the sly, and waited until he got settled, and just as ho was asking her--if she was willing—to become his dear partner for life, and trust, to his strong right arm for support and protection, | I gave three red-hot Indian war wlioops and fired off an old horso- I pistol that T had borrowed of Sam Johnson, and, my gracious, how that fellow jumped up and scooted for tin door ! He never stopped to get his hat, but tumbled head over heels down the door steps. As for Em, sin just set right, down on the floor and screeched like blue blazes till dad and mother came running in with nothing on but their night clothes, and want ed to know what the matter was. But Em only yelled the louder, and kept pointing under the sofa till dad got down on his knees and saw me there, and pulled me out bv the hind leg. When he got me out to the wood shed he wrapped me over his knee and went at me with an old strap, and I’ve not got over it nicelv vet. A Very Ancient Wai.i. in Mississi-pi. About eighteen miles from Port (iibsou, and one mile from Brandy wine springs, on (he place of YLr. O'Quin, the existing of a great num ber of blocks of out stone has been known for an indefinite time, and the people in the neighborhood have used them for props for their houses. Mr. Janies Gage, jr., went out there a few days ago to explore, and had a spec imen stone brought into town. It is about three feet, long, by about twen -1 ty inches square, resembling hi shape ;of a bar of soap. It is probably a native sandstone. Mr. Gage took tins block himself from beneath the roots of a large pine tree. It formed a portion of a wall about twenty feet broad on the top, which Air. Gage traced for a distance of two hundred and fifty yards. The inference that , one Would naturally draw from this superficial view is that this must have : been a city wall, but. deep exploration might show it to be a portion of a fort, temple or other building. Any way, its antiquity is probably im mense, antediating the history of the ; red men. A Fair Game, But Not Equal.— During the war a Georgian started to Marietta with some chickens for sale. He met a squad of soldiers, and they bought all his chickens but one I rooster. He insisted that, they should j take him, but f they were out of money, and couldn’t buy. The old man said he hated to go on to tow n with only one chicken, and was greatly puzzled about it. At last one of the soldiers said: “Old man, I'll play yon a game of seven-up for him.” “Agreed,” snys the old man. They played a long and spirited game. At last the soldier won. The old man wrung the rooster’s neck and tossed him at the soldier's feet, and mounted his swab-tailed pony and started home. After getting some two hundred yards he suddenly i stopped, turned round, and, rode back and said: “You played a far game, and won the rooster farly, hut I’d like to know what in the h—ll you put up agin that rooster.”- .IFrridian. Homestead. A young American girl, who is six feet in height, went to get the pope’s blessing, and obtained it. As slu arose from her knees, Pope Pius be gan to smile at hov Loiglit, and bade kneel again. “Miss,” he said‘ “I shall have to give you a blessing and a half.” As she arose again the pope went on smiling at his joke. Canned goods are in active de mand, especially tomatoes, peaches and corn. M ould it not pay to imi tate the people of Delaware by ercct : ing in Georgia factories enough' to 1 consume our surplus products of peaches and other fruits V This sea son the peach crop was well nigh val ueless in this State except for local consumption. — Atlanta Constitution. Da. Wilhoft’s Anti-Pekiodic ok Fever and Ague Tonic ! — WilholVs Tonic has es tablished itself us the real infallible Chill cure. It is universally admitted to be the only reliable and harmless Chill medicine j now in use, Its fill r.LCx is confirmed by tbousnmls of ecrtilfcates of tbe very best poo-! pic from Rll parts of tbe country. It cures malarious diseases of every type, from the shaking agues of tbe lakes and valleys to tbe raging fevers of tbe torrid zono. Try it ! It lias never been known to fail. TVHEELOCIv FINLAY & CO., Proprietors, New Orleans For Sale by Ilk a i.t, & Groover, Printing Material. Having purchased the Press, Type and otlier Material belonging to tbe | lale Gallohers Independent, the under signed offer it for sale at a bargain. Tbe outfit is complete for printing a twenty-eight or thirty-two column paper, and none of it lias been in use more than two years. A man who means business can get ft bargain. For further information, address hall & Mclntosh. Notice to Customers, j ) AHTIEM ruli-iing accounts with me 1 wilt please pay their hiJls on the Ist of every month. 'This will be expected, so don't wait for a dun. It It. ('. MrINTOSH SPECIAL NOTICE. All parties indebted to the firm of Hall A McNeil, arc most Emphatically requested V ii,ikh early .settlement wuu .... > .-_Agne(i, ho ;ts to prevent further cost. This wnl b<‘ Die last warning. T. A. HALL. Miscellaneous Advertisements. = W, A. HUFF, = WHOLESALE PRODUCE MERCHANT, MACON, GjN. Corn, Bacon, Flour, Meal, ISiiv.. Oats, S Sajijiiiij;, r Fies, Su>ar, Coffee, Syrup, Lard, Halt, 15i<*e, Lime, Tobacco, ETC., ETC., ETC. TERMS CAlSII! w. V. 11l I It BERND BROTHERS, 44 and 40 Third Steert, Macon, - - - - (reor^ia. Manufacturers of and wholesale; and retail dealers in coach, HI ETON Bugv, Track. Harnett**, Jappa, etc., Silver, Gilt and Rubber Mount* ing; also Plantation and Cart Harness. In great variety Ladies, Boys and Gents’ ftg A 1> 1 > IT B S! j Wool Faces, team and buggy coliiw*, riding and plantation bridles, lines, (round and flat >. horse covers, saddle blankets, saddle bags, whips— fill sorts, harness, skirtng bridle- patent and enameled feather, hog and calf seating moleskin, black and colored, enameled cloth, saddle trees, hames, hits, buckles, spurs and a complete stock of Saddlers’ and Harness-Makers' Hardware and Tools. Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather, French and American Kip. Calf. Lining and Loppiug Skins. Lasts, Crumping Boards, Boot Trees, Pegs and Nails, and a general stock of Shoemaker’s Tools and Findings. A practical experience of thirty years in the manufactory of harness and saddles, and a thorough knowledge of the business, and the goods we handle, enables us to conduct our businees successfully. We ask a call from dialers, manufacturers, and all others, as suring you that you will find the price and quality of our goods satisfactoiy. yWe also buy hides, slims, furs, wax, wool, tailor.*, leather in rough, etc., etc., Sept. 16-3iu. C. Guay. X. Y. P. H. O'Brien, Savannah. B. F. McKenna, Savannah. Gray, O’Brien & Cos., 117 Broughton St., Savannah, (la. WHOLESALE AND It ETA IE PEAAF.BS IN I> j A VVF ARE NOW RECEIVING OUR FALL stock and will offer, during the season, an unusually la*rge and attractive assortment of FOREIGN and DOMESTIC styles, such its Colored Dress Goods. Mourning Goods, llliick Silks. Colored Silks, Black Alpacas, Merinoes, Cashmeres, Poplins, Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Embroideries, Lace, Trimmings, Notions, &. Cotton Sheet ings. Shirtings, Prints, Jeans and all the varieties of domestic goods. Blankets, Flannels, Linen Sheetings. Table Linens, Linen Towels, Napkins, Shirting Linens, and other housekeeping goods. Ladies un der garments of every description. Gentle men's Furnishing Goods, Ac.. Ac. Mr. Christopher Gray, of our firm a buyer of thirty years experience is located in New York, where his FAMILLIAKI i'\ WITH THE MARKET, and his KNOWL EDGE OF GOODS, enables him to obtain the best at the lowest prices.. His extensive purchases, (buying as he does for our house. | and for his Augusta house,) secures for us j the heavy trade discounts, allowed only to! LARGE BUYERS. Besides, he buys for CASH, and consequently much cheaper I than those who pay long time prices. Doing business on the principle of - Sales and Small Profits, and having all the advantages that long ex perience, mature judgment and cash buy ing can give. we COFFDENTLY ASSERT, that WE CAN. AND DO offer unsurpassed inducements to purchasers. Havinnr ONLY OX 1' PBICE. the most inexperienced can rely upon get ting as good value. as the most expert, and persons living at a distance can order with confidence. We will deliver nt Railroad and Express stations, outside of Savannah, retail bills amounting to over $lO, “C. O. D free of friegbt, and will send samples by mail whenever requested. Rivers of Impure Blood Flow and vibrate through the system of those tainted with Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Barber’s Itch, Syphilis, Eruptions or Pim ples on the face*, Roughness or Redness of the skin. Compound ICxtract of Stillingia, cleanses.and drives put all impurities and effect* an immediate and permanent cure. If you wish a complexion fresh and spot less, use Dr. Pemberton’s Compound Extract of Stillingia which will soon render the whole, system and complexion as free from poison and blemish as a cloudless sky. For sale by all Druggists. The genuine is prepared only by v J.S. Hcmbertoii c '°*’ CHEMISTS, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. J.S' Take uo other. PLANTERS’ AND OR ANGe AY arel Louse- We are still at our old stand, ready to serve nil who may favor us with their pat ronage. An experience of twenty-five years is our guarantee for faithful and efficient service. Having assisted planters every year to make their crops, it in unnecessary to promise them help in the future. As we never buy cotton, the only interest we have in it is to sell it for the highest market price, for the benefit of our customers. Prompt attention given to all orders for Plantation Supplies. Terms the same as other houses who have extended aid to make the crop. Liberal advances made on Cotton in store. Our motto is: Prompt returns, good sales and honest dealings. We sell by our own weights. HARDEMAN & SPARKS. Macon Ga., September 15, 1875. 'HU MAN. WALKKR A CO.. WHOLESALE HEALERS IN TIN WARE, CUTLERY, STOYKS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, —AND— CIIIN A. Sole Agents for Charter.Ouk Stoves. NO. 02 CHEERY STREET A 82 SH'LUERRY STREET, MACON, GEORGIA. T. J. STREETY, MANUFACTURER OF ANI) DEALER IN’ J IN WAIiE QUITMAN, GEORGIA, Begs lenve to notify his old customers and the public generally that he has opened a sfo*' no s i top jip in his i -U V_y X in tfie*<y opposite Kayton’s Store on ,Screven Street, where he will be glad to wait upon ill parties p n need of goods or work in iis? line. Roofing and Guttering done at shortest notice, and old .Stoves and Tin Ware Re paired with neatness and Dispatch. T. J. STREETY. Quitman, Ga., Sept. 28, 1875, 3-w Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the firm of St-reety k, Avrett has, by mutual consent, this day been dissolved. The books of the firm are in the hands of Mr. Avrett, who will endeavor to settle up the business. T. J. Streety, G. V. AvKLTT. Sept. 1, 1875.. , 30U > MISCELLANEOUS A BY KHTINUMUNTN. j. b. finch; Would respectfully cull the .attention <>f)m old customers and the public! fion ei-nlly to tho fact that he lias received his Fall and Winter stock of Boots, Shoes, Clothing Family Groceries —AND— PLANTATION FURNISHING GOODS. which were purchased judiciously and will be sold at prices reduced to suit the times. 4>ay-,Special inducements offered to cash customers. J B.Finok. Quito an, Ga., Sept, lfi, 1875-Jm. FURNITURE. J. M. WITT, CaLinet Maker -AND DV.KIRBK to NOTIFY' THE PUBLIC that lie has now on hand the largest as sortment, of Furniture ever brought to tills market. He is now o lie ring great bargains in such articles as BEDSTEADS. WARDROBES, BUREAUS, TABLES. WASH STANDS, SECRETARIES, CHAIRS, WHATNOTS, Ac, Ac I keep constantly on hand every style of Motnlio Burial Caijies, Ganktitts uml Wood Cases, Bunging in price from s>.oo to §250.00. A Hearse always in attendance at funerals. J. M. NY ITT -7-1 y KNIGHT 1 SCARBOROUGH, WHEELWRIGHTS —AND — Manufacturers of Sash. Doors. Blinds, Tables, Safes, Ac. Beg leave to notify the public that tlu y arc now prepared, ut tlicir shop on Culpepper Street, to do all kinds of work in their line, at shortest notice. KEPAIIIING Old vehicles a specialty. Painting find trimming neatly executed, and satisfaction guaranteed. We solicit a share of the patronage of the public. KNIGHT A SCARBOROUGH. 31-3 m LIVERY STABLE. The undersigned having purchased the Livery Stable, Stock, Ac., recently owned by Messrs. Rountree A* Thrasher, begs leave to notify the public that he will endeavor to keep the business up to the requirements of the times and the satisfaction of patrons. My Buggies, Wagons and Drays will be kept constantly in readiness for the accommodation of the public, and by close attention to business I hope to merit a lib eral patronage. Charges reasonable. J. F. M. H ARR A LL, Quitman, Ga., Sept. 23-tt. A. W. THOMAS, DEALER IN i>py CiJ oods, Staple and FANCY GROCERIES. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Hardware, Tin Ware, Confec tions, Musical Instruments Notions, Toys, etc, Respeetfullv solicits the patronage of his friends and the public generally. Goods bought and sold strictly for cash, at prices to suit the hard times Cash paid for country produce. Quitman, Ga., J. P. BROOKS, September 28, 1875. Manager, j JOS. A. POLHILL, Wholesale and retail dealer ya pure; Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Fancy j Articles, Ac. Kerosene Oil, 120 degrees—the only safe oil in use. All articles guaranteed fresh and pure, and at Lowest Market prices. Also proprietor of the Celebrated Extract. Southern Belle Bouquet— a delicate, yet lasting perfume, equal to Luhin*s in quality, and cheaper. Don’t fail to call and get a bottle from BRIGGS. JELKS &. CO., who are my agents for Quitman. All orders addressed to me will have per sonal attention. J. A. POLHILL, 271 Bull and 02 Abercom sts.. Sept, 1-Gm “ SAVANNAH, GA. TO PLANTERS.' _ j Wanting Plan t at ion Ma- ! oliiuery, From a Plow to a Steam Engino -At Low Hates, Will find it to their interest to call or send for Prices and Cuts. I will sell a4O Gin, Press and Power for $400,00. My Power can be used in the field ; all that is requir®<* is a room tent JOxlfi feet to blow tlio lint into. IT IS THE BEST COMBINATION OF MACHINERY For THE GRANGERS For several Small Farmers to buy, llmt isr now made. A ddr E.CHOCKET jlylj-ltm. MASON, GA. SAVANNAH AI)VERTJSEMENTS. W.' W. CHISHOLM, FACTOR AND Commission Merchant, 94 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, - - - - - GA. "CTTOULD beg to wait on the citizens wf ? V this county and section with the offer i of his services, and solicits their consign- ! | luentd, viz :(\>tton, Wool and Hides. I Quick sales made on arrival, and proceeds \ promptly returned by express, when desired; | or consignments held and sold subject to or ! der, ami advances made on same at usual j rates. i Careful attention given to the interests of i I all customers, large or small, and market | reports furnished on application. All la von* receive prompt attention. [27-3m j I 1,. J. GUILMAIITIN. | JOHN FLANNERY. L. J. (Judinautin & Cos., COTTON FACTORS AND Commission Merchants Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. Agents for Bradley’s Phosphate. Jew * oil’s Mills Vui ns, Ac. Bagging and Tics for sale at lowest mar ket, rates. Prompt and careful attention given to all business entrusted to us. Liberal Cash Advances made on consign - ! ments of Cotton, either for immediate sale 1 or to be held for a stated time, etc. ! aug. lU-tf FURNITURE. FURNITURE. 0. H. MILLER, A ,t.. SUCC ESSOR TO S. J-i. MILLLIL 100 nml 171 Uroujxlit'oi* street, SAVANNAH, GA. ; ('HEAPFOR CASH. NO CllEDl J\ Manufactures Sofas. Mattrassos, Ac. , A etc Myles Furniture cihcuys on hand and arriving. Particular attention given to packing • goods. Cash orders or orders through Fac tors solicited and given immediate attention. 28-3 in SAVANNAH Medical College. riIHE I Dili Session of Lectures in the abov • JL. Institution will commence Monday, November First, i and cont inue four months. The College is ! furnished with ample apparatus and means i of illustrating the various subjects taught by the different Professors. Special attention paid to Clinical teach j iu S- Send for circular, or for further informat ion address W. DUNCAN, augl2-tlnov I? ~** u * Cay <Sb Jv uellei*, Produce & Commission Merchants AND Wholesale Dealers in DOMESTIC AND TROPICAL FRUITS, | 145 BAY STREET, Cor. WHITAKER, Savannah, (1 eor&ia.', Particular attention is paid to the : handling of Florida Oranges, consignments ! of which are solicited. | Refer to Wallace Camming & Cos.. J. Lipp -1 man A Brother, Gomrn A Lelficr, Thompson I A Walter, etc., etc. 8-1 y THE \> EEKLY UEOISTEH, Published at i Savailnali, Ga., EVERY SATURDAY', BY Otto & Hubbard. Cheapest Weekly in the South. ONLY SI.OO PEII ANNUM. TOB WORK of all kinds promptly attend ed to. Orders by mail receive immedi ate attention. Address, OTOA HUBBARD. 157 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. Dr. Pemberton's Stillingia or Queen’s Delight Gives health, strength and appetite. It purifies the blood, and renovates and | invigorates the whole system. Its medical properties are alterative, tonic, solvent and ; duretic. ! For tawtimonmln of wonderful cures, send j to the Proprietor, or cull upon your <lrug- I gists. The genuine is prepared onlv Ivy DR. J. S. PEMBERTON, Chemist, Atlanta, Ga. For sab- by all first-class Druggists. Office of Geo. Adair, Wall street, July 10, 1875. Dr. J. iS’. Pemberton : 1 have used your Extract of Stillingia fora chronic skin af fection of many years standing, which made a cure after all other remedies had failed. J have known your Stillingia used in the worst cases of scrofula, secondary syphilitic dis- i eases, rheumatism, kidney and liver affec tions; with great success. In fact, I have never known it to fail in the most desperate cases. I consider it the greatest blood puri fier known. Yours truly, J. O. EVANS. For sale by all druggists. Crampton’s Imperial Soap IS THE “REST.” This ri./jip is manufactured from pure materials, and as it contains a large percent age of Vegetable Oil, is warranted fully j equal to the best imported Castile Soap, and at the same time possesses all the wash ing and cleaning properties of the celebra ted German and French Laundry Soaps. It is therefore recommended for use in the j Laundry, Kitchen, and Bath-room, and for general household purposes; also, for Prin ters; Painters, Engineers, and Machinists, , as it will remove stains of Ink, Grease, Tar, Oil, Paint, etc., from the hands. Mannfact- 1 ured only by CRAMPTON R ROTH HRS, 2, J, G, 8, and 10 Kutgrrs Place, and and 35 Jefferson Street. Nctv lork. l ■ -j! . liBMl! The Great Equitation Which Dr. Pemberton’s Fluid Extract of oliliingia for Queen's Delight) has attained in all sections of the countrvas a GREAT AND GOOD MEDICINE, . and the large number of test imonials which arc constantly being received from person who have been cured by its use, if j conch hive proof of its great merits. This great Health Restorer ; Is a positive specific and cure for Dyspepsia, liver complaints, constipation, headache, dizziness, pains in the back, kidney com plaints, jaundice, female weakness, lnmbu-- ; go, general dcbiliiy, gravel. K.ut, scrofula, ; cancerous humor, erysipelas, salt-rheum, j ring an iiii. pimpks and humors on tho face, ' - Id nl> its, Hu umatisiu, mercurialandsyph ; ilitic ulloctioiiH. TANARUS( removes nil mercurial cr other poisons from the blood, and soon restores the sy • tom to perfect health and purity. That pale, yellow, sieivly looking skin is soon : changed to one of beauty, freshness and health. It will cure any chronic or long : standing diseases, whose real or direct cause !is bad blood. A trial will prove it. Thou sands have 1 ■ < n snatched as it were from the 1 grave by its inirm. ulmis power, who now en joy health and hnppincss, where once all wu.h | misery. It invigorates and strengthens the whole ! system. acL upon tim Decretive organs, al lays inflammation, cur. , u Deration, and reg i ulates the bowels. Only One Dollar. SAVANNAH Week! y Morit mg News; Will be sent to any address six montlm for one dollar. This is one of the cheapo,- 1 weeklies pul dished. It is not a blanket sheer, j in which nil sorts of matter is promiscuous— .ly thrown. It is a neatly printed four-page' ' paper, compact ly m l up, and edited with: ' great <nr ■. Nothing of a dull or heavy character is admitted into the columns of the Weekly. It is an elaborately compiled com pendium ot the best things that appear in the Daily News. The telegraphic dispatch es of the week are re-edited and carefully? weeded that is not strictly of a news charac ter. It al •< contains full reports of the : market; ; thus those who have not the ad vantage of a daily mail, can get all the news; ' for si\ months by sending one dollar to the publisher : or f-r one year by sandhi* ■ two dollars. The Daily Morning News is the same reli ; able organ of public opinion that it always has been vigorous, thoughtful and conser vative in the discussion of the issues of tho day, and bv. !y. sparkling and entertaining in its presentation of the news.. In gather ing nml publishing the latest information and iu discussing ones.ion-: of public poEc - *'. j the Morning News is g.iiy air;.mb Hue most entevpir-hng jour”-V'k‘' ! limes. Price's 10 lb” Xmi Month:; : do for 0 months, Ibe Tn- .. . i kly News has the same fea tures as ihc Daily, l’nce, sli lor 12 months;: ■ $3 for (I months. Money iV r either paper can l e sr'nt bv IV i (). orihr, registered L iter or express, at publisher's risk. THE MORNING NEWS PRINTING. OFFICE I s the 1 1 rgest in i• -, i u Evcry dcsvrij)~ troll of printing don • ;tt the shortest notice; Blank books of all kinds made to order.— Book binding • . and ruling ev < utod with dis patch. Estimates for work promptly fur nished. Ad die-sail letters to* J. 11. Estill. Change of Schedule, ATLANTIC A GULF R. R CO., | ! On ir. <’+i; v hRATj iSUDEKINTENDENT, Savannah, Ga.. May Ist, 1874. j ON and after Sunday, May 2. Trains on this Road will run as follows: NIUHT EXPRESS. Leave Savannah daily at 4.00 p m i Arrive Live <)ak ‘ • 2.55 a m j Arrive-Quitman 8.23 a m i Arrive B unbridge. “ 7.45 a m j Arrive Albany “ 0.20 a m | Leave Albany *• 4.10 pm Leave Band-ridge “ ..5.15pm : Leave Quitman “ 0.47 pm Leave Live Oaf- “ 10.05 p m Arrive at Savannah “ 8.50 a m Conned at Live Oak with Trains on J. I\ A M. JL It. for and from Jacksonville, Tul j lahassee, Ac. No change of cars between Savannah and Albany, (.’lose connection at Albany with Trains on Southwestern R. R, Mail steamer leav< s Bainbridge cveiy I Sunday evening for Apalachicola. AGCO MVIOLATION TRAIN. ■WIISTERM DIVISION. i L uye Dupont '.Sundayexcepted). 7.00 a in Arrive Quitman •* . .10.15 a m 1 ArrfVe Thomasville “ . .12.15 p m j Leave Thnnmsvillo “ .. 2.10 pm j Leave Quitman *• .. 4.08 pm. Arrive at Dupont “ . . 7.80 p in. ■' ’ 1 ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. EASTERN DIVISION 1 Lenv ' Thomasville, Tuesday, Thursday and • Saturday at 8. it) pn\ ; Arrive at Camilla, Tuesday, Thursday anti Saturday at ... 5.40 p m Arrive at Albany Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7.50 p m Leave Albany, Tuesday, Thursday and SaU urday 9.20 a m* Leave Camilla, Tuesday, Thursday and Sat-. urday 11.17 a m Arrive at Thomasville, Tuesday, Thursday ; and Saturday r.t 1.45 p m Connects at Albany with trains on S. W. R. R., arriving in Albany, Tuesday, Thurs day. and Satm-day at 7.45 am, li--k 11. S. HAINES, Gen‘l Supt. | Near the Court. House, Mulberry Street* M aeon, - corgi a. TWO DOLLARS PER DAY I This House has been refurnished and put ' in excellent order and is now open for the entvTtainvmmt Of the public. Iwli'j.i.i:n< l; Rev. it. V. Forroster, Quit niau, Ga,; Rev. i k,j&#Oy.ulden. , l. T homasville, Gn.: lu v. s. U. Svv' G. me.' J. W. FurLe, >Lvon, Oa,