The Quitman reporter. (Quitman, Ga.) 1874-18??, February 17, 1876, Image 3

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(puiimiin %hywrh'!'. T. A. HAI.T, • - Assistant Local Editor. IT I T M AN: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17,1870. Hymcnlstl. Our esteemed fellow-townsman, Mr. Fj. T. Duki.s, wasinarriod to Miss Evil: Bryan, at; tho residence of the bride’s mother in Quitman, last Thursday nlfftht. Our young friend and his beautiful bride have our best wishes for tlioir future happiness and prosperity; and we trust that the universal prediction of their many friends—that they are well mated- - raav prove true, and that their fond young hearts may continue in riper years, as now, to beat as ono. They have our thanks for liberal samples of the wedding cake. Planting Time. Planting time is approaching, and our farmers are busy preparing for another crop. From the. amount of guano which we see passing through j the streets, wc fear that many of them are going to put in for a large cotton j crop again this year, though they all say that they intend to plant more grain this year than last. Our plan ters all agree that they cannot make cotton for from nine to ten cents par pound—the average price of recent, years—stiil they continue to make it the leading product. It maybe safe ly said, however, that whilst the acre age in cotton will be as largo this year as heretofore, there will he at the same time more grain planted, it be ing apparent that a greater quantity of land is being cleared and prepared for cultivation. Proceedings of Council. Quitman, (la., Feb. 11, IbTC. Council met. Present, Mayor, J. T. Davis, Aldermen Barn on, IV.-ham, Tillman and Groover. Minutes o! last meeting read and adopted. The following accounts were pre sented, found correct and ordered lo be paid : T. J. S’.i* -tv 0 40 AV. R. Wilson i do J. -Tillman 2 !>'> E. T. Kendrick’s account far build ing cistern was ordered to be paid subject to contract between hituseli and 'Street Committee. The following resolution was off red by W. E. 13 ..rises, and being r< 1 the second time was ordered to be j put upon the minutes: Resolved, by tbe Mayor and Aider men of the town of Quitman in cham bers, that from and after tile passage of this resolution, so ranch of s ctirm ; nine, (0) of the laws of said town a relate to wagons, and drays driving on the side-walks for the purpose of loading or unloading be repealed. No further business before the! meeting. Council adjourned to meet at nest regular meeting. AY. A. MCNEIL, Clerk. (Jaitihan. Under this heading Air. 11. Ah Mc- Intosh prints the following in his new j Blackshear paper, the Roulheael Georgian : The editor of the Gkohoian desires to moke some public ackuowh-dgememt of his appreciation of the kind recep tion this paper has met with at his old home, the beautiful and enterpris ing town of Quitman. During our j throe days sojourn among our j friends there last week, in the regu - lar discharge of our editorial duties” on the Quitman Report; .b (with which paper we are still, arid hope ever to be, connected) wo re ceived about fifty subscribers for the Georgian. AYo assure each one has thus encouraged us in our new enter prise, that, their kind favors arc grate fully received, and that wo proudly cherish them as separate tokens of friendship. Whilst we will gladly receive the subscriptions or advertisements of our Quitman friends for the Georgian at any time, wo deeiro to impress them with tllls fact, however: We have not severed our connection with the Reporter, and the interest which we feel in the continued success of (hat paper to-day is the same that it. has been since the day we founded it. It is true, our time is now divided be tween the two papers, but, all wo have to do with either is to edit them; and relieved, as wo now are, from the business cares of the Reporter, we can and will bestow upon its editorial col umns t': rune time and attention wo have her; before. AVe will be found at our post in tbo Reporter office on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wctlnestlnys of each week, giving our undivided attention to the make-up of that paper. Quitman is s till our home, and it would take stronger induce ments than we have yet ever had hopes of being offered to make us change it. RIiROntERISHS. , —Quitman can now boast of three J tin shops. —Road tbo advertisement of Cheat ham's Celebrated prolift • codon seed. —A bill “to regulate tbo sale of liquors in the counties of Brooks and Tattiall” hrts passed the Sonato. —Bart Thrashor has another lot of horses and mules direct from Ken tucky, and he says they must bo sold —“Dare's ono of dom old engines now; I’ll bet it’s full of steam,” said an old colored stock-holder as she got ■ oft'the train and discovered a box-car on tho side-track. —St. Valentine’s day was not alto gether a failure in Quitman: our dev il got a valentine. It did not please him worth a cent, however, and now all lie wants is to “find tho fellow that I sent it.” John Tillman has just received those | combination garden hoes, and every gardener who wishes to be economical j should buy one. They will do the work of five different implements. * AVe think that our farmers are at last getting upon the right track. Tho local demand forpinders is great ■or this year than usual, and tho gen -1 oral disposition of tbe farmers is to plant less cotton, and more corn, oats, nindcrs, etc., with a view of raising their own supplies. —Wo notice that a good deal of guano is being hauled away from tlm depot by our fanners. Ahist of it, it seems, is being carried into the up per portion of tho county. AVe urn: in hopes that our planters would use j but very little commercial fertilizers this year. —AVe have not heuvl anything : more about that minstrel performance which was to be given for the benefit of the Cornet Band. Something is needed to infuse m w life into it, as i! has been several months since we have hoard its notes. It appears to bo non <’.<> at present. —A jolly Q lituißi.ite while on his return from Savannah last week, cn::- 1 eluded lie would take a in the <• inductor's car, where be could enjoy’. the ccenerv unmolested. The train ! was moving at a fearful speed down grade, when tho engin r blow on brakes; our Q lit manite, who bad a ■ reat deal of curio lit vto know what! was going on, took hold of the rope an 1 leaned forward so that ho could see in front of the engine, when Alas! the rope broke, plunging oar curious friend about thirty feet down the em bankment. The conductor seeing tht catastrophe, stopped the train and went back in search of tho nufortu-j nat-e, when they found him mills.iff j but terribly frightened. The place where he fell was a sand heft, which accounts fork snot being killed. A\ e think that tho incident made our! friend a wiser if not abetter man. j * Far tlio Quitman Ilu forte;:.] oni boy. Bright 1:1:1 'Mu ' >•;.* ;!. ‘umnybrow ‘1 boy, Of many fond marts the pot mul the t >y, Full <>f thy drollin'?, full of thy pity, Making our r.unuhinc every day; Nothing more sweet Our senses could graot Than that voice with its gay ringing tone:' It will to oiu- earn Through the vista of years, ; When our baby to manhood is grown. Sly little, cute little rollicking chap, Always in danger of some sad mishap; Giving ns shocks, oit getting a knock Ah standing erect yon furl -suly rock, Oh, how can wc ko p Those dear Tittle feet From the dangois ce’r thronging their way? ; Vv e can illy keep pace la the swift flying race They are leading us day by day. Bright little, wise little wonderful head, That harm may befall we are hourly in do ad t Feckless of danger, fearing no ill. Bending all things to thy own little will; Yet smiling so sweetly, And winning completely All hearts, and disarming authority's power; Laughing at fears Weeping mock t ars, And finding fresh mischief for each coning hour. Sweet little child of gladness so brimful, ’Tin hard to believe thou wilt ov rhe sinful; There’s intellect’s glow on thy beautiful brow And no shadow of ill is resting there now. To fond-hearts we press thoe And silently bless tliee, And pray the morning’s fail* promise may bring, A glorimri dower Of soul wealth a power More noble anil p;r,ind than that of a King. Mem, M. W. The Quitman Corset Band turned out and enlivened the town with half | a dozen or more of their choicest pieces yesterday afternoon. This was the first time they had played in two or three months, and when they star ted to disperse our eflieieut and pop ular Mayor, Dr. J. T. Davis led them into Chilly Mclntosh’s and called for the best Havaunas in the house for the crowd. The Washington correspondent of the Charleston News and Courier says there can be no legislation Ibis season looking to the refunding of tho cot ton tax. The certificates, showing the payment of tbe tax, have been bought up at nominal rates, and are chiefly held by a New York ring. Gleaning • from Cherry ! nko. .—Mr. Bryant filled (be pulpit in tbe Baptist church on Inst. Sunday to the edification of a good congregation. Ho proceeded before services to or ganize n Sabbath school, which bids fair to bo interesting and instructive. The time for meeting is ten o’clock j overy Sunday morning. —An effort is being made to get up a singing school. AYo trust our neighbors will see tho advantage in educating tin T children in music. We have splendid material to work with. Our singing now, is far from bad, therefore, lot us take this oppor tunity of improving those talents with which nature lie. ndowrd us. Tn doing which, we greatly enhance the ! j interests of tho Sabbath school, at tract visitors, and infuso (he right, spirit in the preacher’s mind for de livering his sermon. —We went out last Friday after noon to hoar tho declamations and compositions of the students of the Academy, many of which would have; been creditable for older heads than | those who delivered them. AYo would say to ‘Willie,” go ahead, my little man; you will let the world know that you’ve lived yet. AVe are going to have something to talk about when Mr. Brook’s examination conies oft’,. in July. —A few young folks went out this I afternoon to enjoy tho balmy air on tho placid bosom of the 1 ;ke, and dis miss love and various other topics. I | AVe went along to paddle the boat. —A small party of Cherry Lakers | arc making up a visit to Suwannee , county. AYo wonder why Tommie is going ? —“Swift.v.ire” has gone back to the lake. It will soon bo time for “GiUi j sic U.iruca" ; j go. —lf wo knew of something else,, 1 we’d write about Ex-Sentkstia. CL:::: ::y L.'.r.i:, February 10, 1873. rjT.itd Vejatable (Irswlug lu FlorWa um’ttlicni (ii: r-• T;:c ‘NtorWi Dispatch Llnd. M I:i bis annual report to tho stock holders of the .Vi 1 e,iitiCult Rail road last wc k.Supeidnt.aident lluiae.-i made tho following reference to an important branch of industry which he has been fostering along (ho line of his road and in Florida, viz: the I growing of early fruits ami vegeta bles, and the means lie has devised! for the direct transportation ot these commodities to the Northern and AVustern markels: The depres s'd conduirtti of the lo eal isitore.-Ja, to which the company has usually looked for its chief sup port, renders it important that every new industry whicli pron i tea reran iterative bu.Li should be cnrcfnliy 1 fostered. To this end, faciHtics In: vi-: been proviilcd for tratisporiie.g' e oeiv | vegetables and fruits fr,no Florida anil Southern Georgia to tho north mid j wes‘, which, it is hoped, nitty tend to , develop;' tl is business into pr w t-j nonce, as ati element of prosperity ! throughout the region r. fern and to, i ! and, as a consequence, make it of val ue lo this company. The railroad: companies specially interested in fir ; matter have organized a fast freight : I line, to be known as “The Florida : | Dispatch Line,” which stoc.k --j od as rapidity as possible with prop, r tly ventilated fruit cars, intended to ; cross the Ohio river without bn akin,; j bulk. Through the 10-ur.i cal lon (.f | the Southern express company and 1 the association of railroad companion I known as tho Green Lino, the fruit j growers of Florida and Southern i , (Seorgia are thus afforded speedy and convenient success to tlm interior markets of Iho Northwest, instead of being confined, as heretofore, to the eastern seaports, where they must ! compete with the Bermuda:(, the West I Indicia, and the Mediterranean. Tht: 1 business was to be created rather than I provided for, it was found necessary ; to establish agencies for packing fruit and. vegetables at the shipping points anil for selling the same at destina !!ion. It is believed that tho r. .ei 1 ' • ! of the establishment of the “Florida Dispatch Line,” will be sufficient war rant for this extended reference to it. The F(tophi want Proof. There is no medicine prescribed by j physicians, or sold by Druggists, that | carries such evidence of its success and superior virtue us Buschke's German Si'itup for severe Coughs, Colds settled on the Breast, Con sumption, or any disease of the Throat, and Lungs. A proof of that fact is that any person afflicted, can get a Sample Bottle for 10 cent;: and try its superior effects before buying the regular size at 75 cents. It ' has lately been introduced in this country from Germany, and its wonderful sures are astonishing to everyone that use it. Three doses will relieve any ease. Try it. Sold by 11. 11. Lay ton. 1-y The Constitutional Convention.—• j The Senate having refused to concur in the convention bill recently passed by the House, last Monday agreed upon a substitute, which pro vides for tho submission of the question to the people at too election for county officers in January nest. Should the peop’e he in favor of a Convention, the iiriangements for it are to be made by the next legisla ture. Curious Facts. 1 The following curious facie with re ’ gard to our Presidents wo find m :m ■ old paper. Geo. AViishington, Ist i’; limit, died without children. He was not ! re-elected. John Adams, 2nd Unisideut, had ; children. Ho was not re-electe 1. Thus. Jefferson, 131 Pres: lei.', dhd i without children. H i war. ro-c 1 nJ. I James Madison, 4t!> President, draft without children. lin was i linteiT. James Monroe, sth President, died j without children. He was re-mooted. John Quincy Adams, 6th Pro id. uf. had children. He was not re-e'eeteil. Andrew Jackson, 7th President, laid no children. He was rc -eloeL J. Martin Van Duron, fltii President, had children. He was not re-elected. AV. 11. Harrison, !Hh President, laid children. He died one mouth after I ho was sworn into office. John Tyler, Kith President, had children, and was not ro elect •!. James K. Polk, Utli President, had no children, and declined a nomina tion for a second term. 'A. Taylor, 12th President, had chil dren. He died before the expiration ■ of Lis term. Millard Filmore, 10th President, had children, and was not re-elected. Franklin Pierce, Hill President, had no children, and was not re-elect ed. James B mil man, 15 h Pro 4 lent, had li. children, mid not iv elect j eft. From the above fact a it ! that imj.ire ilent ever ’ •• t ■; hail clii - dren lias bei n re-elec . J *<.• the chief : magistracy, of the riati m, while with ! the exception of Mr. Polk, who de- I eliued a renomination, all those hav i ing no children have be n ro-c! -etc 1. j All of thisbowover was b< fore.the war [ and did not count for Abraham Lin coln had sev< ral young o:i< and General Grant, who has been elected for the second time and will run for | tho third term, li numerous prog- 1 euy. Ho his pvovi led th o.i with of- : fives, and is a living usdanco that a man with chi’,h n :y !■■ President ; a second time. Th.-.-v wi.o have i:o j children need not now over their neighbors vti’.i cklidron any longer, j for all are equal to the tu.h.: of gain- 1 ing die presm s .NEW ADA LITL.Lr -TL VtrOlK-aposi Cv.L. X Petra’s Magazine Poslan’C Prc-ruilu on ;.ll fir :.STfl will bu nru neiit- 'l wiili ;.l ) •!••>, I.u’to-’u./. ’tl stA-1 en umving; of Tr.r-j'.buli’s colul>r it tl picture of •‘Tia ■ sir'iii’r' of tbo. ])o,-l *rttion ofi.ulu ]v ruVncc.” 'i ’.is v.ill bu *’i*.‘i •i*..ou'. M Cvli- I rsi.'.l Gift. Peterson's ?*la ;.\zi;K‘eont.fins. * v r'* veur, 1(0 ) page:-:; U 4 *cl pl-\tes: 1:> i r.l B i*lin lvitturnu,; 12 D.r'onmoth '' Imp ] f.ts’fion i)lates, 21- of vnnsic d-uI b :;i •>>, 1 •: r,;s. Gr .nt fiunrov "n *;i!.will I 1 '• in ! ; i7t. Among ill m will be • i ■ ■ strtieb's on tUe Bidnbitionat Bbii 11- wliirli will ffione h■* worth t.bu -nb . ription price. Tli 'V will be .■ r.*'ropri;it*.! (Mil l The (’{Ritcn.nifi I. ltr and Pi nciL ! t i ■ . < >n on .ill 's its 'd’Tiri.vir to fo.-n , • money on e".ib. 'iii "it::, .store•, • l, tli vu v>y others. It giv ; ; r* i .th : n t’um any in tiie worl.l. Its IPlll! : J Tale : --fi 1 . lottcfi are fclie b.-st published .mv-fi- All i : .' most popul’ti* '.vritv-rs are t 1 ?.l to wrib; oriu’inu.riy ftu* IVb'r.-’.oD.. Iu ififi;, in n<bli tioii to the u-’.iii.l (pvmllty ot‘ s’uovt stories, s ori ' i ' t- s will be iv . 1 Mi .A Frank U J fi; u diet, F. H. Biu-.mtt a:nl oihts. jiidmaidbi ill red bafiiioß TJJ.-Lr-v. - 2-' : - L of all others. Tli jflab-'s are cn •p'aveil on .-‘-vl. twice the usual si;L\ and are unetpi’il -A for ii.-auty. Th; y will be kh per’oly * Also, Houselu -id and other r. ij.t.’: in j-lu, interesting to l.uli. N. ].—A-; Iho publi flier now pr.p.iys the poi iQ.’ to ail mail sub-.crib un “Peterson'’ is cheaper than over; in tact is tho cheapest in the world. (A!trays in Advance) fi.2 a Year. 2 copies for S3.GO; 3 copl s for $1.80; (with, a copy of the premium m lut 21-; 20 “Christinas Mornin,a liv-. 1 dollar en graving;. to the ju rson getting r.p tho club.) 4 copies for SO.80; 7 c > i < for SI 1.00; (with an extra copy of th. e.f u'.i/ino for 1870, as a premium, to tho pm . >n getting up tho elan. 5 copies for $3 50; 8 copi • : 12.50; I*2 copies for SIB.OO. Afldr v t-. iul. CTIATILFd J. • F.i.’SOX, 300 Chestnut Street. I’hil;. 1. Iphiu, Fa. •- Specirn men < >pi< • it gra ; 1 | written for. * i. hlo-if Head what tho K v. Dr. Livitkriorcc says ut Mira .V . ('aastitntilive Cure. Vear lindhtr Dneies: Excuse me for writing only when I am deeply iiltofOKted. 1 have b-*en voiceless ! about two months, could not read and pray j in a family, I tried many things, got no benefit from anythin;l fi:o<v Coufcivncu j someone suit me lrom Ain. ricus a bottl ? ol i Thrash’s Consumptive Cure aiul Lung lie-! I siorcr, which 1 * b ■■ a t.i’fi •*:(. tins is the ninth and ty. i can talk no j I came here, among otli r tlii At > sujiply j | myself with this medicine. \v hat. (lrii y-Tsti; I have seen have none ons-'-le. L must have I it. I want you to go to -dr. Tlirash in per son and show this 1a Ft to th m and make them send me by express to Sparta. Ga.. two, three or lour bottl s. as suits them best, and send bill. I amg\ tifeigon finely. For sale by Briggs, Jehus & Cos. ly Dissolution. AT IS OTICK is her -by given that the firm of Lovett it Mc(’all has, by mutual cons ait, this day been di - ol • and. A. F>. LOVETT, 11. A. McCALL. Mr. lliwhins M’C-all will continue busi ness in the brick store formerly occupl. fi 1 •>* Mr. 1. 11. Gandy, nfla- r-.- h.- will be pi M' 1 to see his .customers. Quitman. (.a., Jam 17. 1*7(5. F W. a. v j j [fiiTfin, Attorney at Lev;, QUITMAN, _ - - GEORGIA. jar OI’FICE iu til C url ilouio :‘.. t ! A rbtU'i isTKATftlt'S Stl.l’, f>Y VllTl'i . dan or lev ; ran! ft to ie- as P I adaiiui:.! r dor of’r." !. M. Iloatf.ll, fte ! reused, by lie* Snperier Diurt of Itrooks j aonnty-id t : i 1.. t November t- nu. Uwill ,11 at pablie oatery before (tie Court House doer on 1 lie brat Tuesday in Man'll next the followin' in taint tv lo:I day to said ea ts te : No. tier. I:!0, tOO, 32, T.l t, :M2, 21. Rtii District i l.piitt meaty: N'o. 'Jid, liril Dis lriet, tin t section Oltcroliee county; No. I i I 1(3. 11th District 1-t si tion taunpliiai count; No. 75, 13th ! ' 1 1: t W county. .1. M. BOSTON, Adm’r. (IEOKOIA, V.rooks Comity. of '.I. ,1. Oalpepper, deceased. ; p - seat i to 1 tv.- eourt, iit bis p tiiion duly I ! and out, red on receril that h : linn fully ;el minint ■.l M ■!. Culpepper’s estate, d’ius is tberefero to eitc nil j> r iouh cou'vvinsl, kindred and ereditors, to siiowcause if any they can, why said administrator should no( bo disel'eiryed from his administration r.ini receive letters of ilissmission on tho lire! Monday in May next, J. M. HHK.VUKU, Ordinary, .lannary 31st, liiVC. ilm SIIEIU. IP'S SALE. MT/ILL ho sold before th Court Ho w 1 V ■: ■ r, Quitman, (re, between the ! u.-ainl lirnu-i of sail’ nu tin: tirst To ‘ ft sy in j M.ire)i nev|, mi . in ‘-aery vooft stmv-hons | uiul bit, ronteoain-r ene unit one-lmlt (Ui! .i t'O, lUove i.r 1 .'■;., in tbe* town oi' (rioover | villa, iu (mill enmity, bn.-u if. ns the j j -laivft Everett stoiv.-u use attft lot, bound re: ; t:dimes: On th 1 n irt.titiy ttie i'ln a:ia-,v illenil-! ; jM i tison rout, on the east by the Quitman nut! I Moi::i vlltt root, oil till! \:e t by tile 1 mo jot Dr. Bmoilon, 1 done ; the property ol A. ,1. Toidie, . id -dd for the par S nriee t y virtue nihi ii fa ill fe, or ol .1 is. it, t iae’i, issued ‘it of tbe County Court is said county, on the ‘.th ft.,/ of Sepb-ml.. r. ; Ki. Property point-ft out by the Plain- ; tili', V-bruary J.a. l7it. * S. J. HARRELL, Deputy Sheriff, 13. C. riKOKOf liri.oks County. LvT HERE AS, James Wood ml mi nisi ra- : * * tor. nod Sarah Jlohvell, i trix of AV. ]!. 1 lob-ell. and, e. a.- ft. r.q r - I sent, to the Court in their petition, duly! lileft nnft entereft on I' sift, (le t tliev | Slave fully ad.inini fteivft AV. 13 IIo! veil’s j estnie. This i; ll: •lvl'oto to cite all per sotis o.meernoft, liiniliod mat ermlitors. to show cause, if any tiny can, why .-.lift applicants slumlft not ly-ftischargeft from their itftiuir.i' tratioii raft receive miter. of ftismisriou on the. first -Mon.lay in April next. J. M. SHEARER,’.v. January 31, loTti, Jin HTQP AArr. r r THE PLANTERS pia t r I y ii ii [i „ C .IRNI3E OF Ih'.r t-ivd and Bryan Jv.rerts, j SAVANNAH, GA- The under.fgned having lve.uily taken. | charge of this popul '.r lions t of entertain- ; ! merit, his made every m • sse.ry improvj.'- ! meat lbr th accomnmd ition an-I comfort of ; j gut sts. A first class Barber S’noj). --with ; baths connected, Ivr.'eling and Billiard I It >ns, Ted■gi’ !ph Oin-C and nth v con- t v-afien -us are now connected with the ifouse and no pains arc spare tl lo l;: il: • ;.;U-st > hap- i ! P.f- The Tables are supplied with the very b st die mark t aif ml.;, the rooms ,uv large a• I ry, makia ta *ite stoppi pi • ■ for Planters nnd Merchants from tin* coun try. (’onveyanci-s to and from the Itaifi’oads u id Xtcamcrs alv.-.-.ys in r adint's:’. iis 2 O.knl y per Dny* A. i'. CA liil. Froprictojs o v.ii rn:fi‘?r/ Trs vow isj (*. kj-i k-1 J f . iilcJ 'IN ■* I s:'>a4 ‘of tSio Weel-.hes! s r rii^ij I DLY I X Cli I ’.AHI X( i . In malting our announcement- for the coin- j ing v ar, we refer \vii’u great pi''asm’e to tite .ov.-e -.s wliich has steadily attend and all < nr j efforts to keen “SATOFwBAY NIGHT” far in advance of all competitors. L i b year nnv c.ircul ■ ion iimre tsed v.uth great rapidity, and tins assurance or the public favor lias del rmin. and us more than ever to relax no •*£ fs, to spare no m mey. time or attention to make iATLIHDAY NIGHT” the best family paper. Its Aerials will b j thrill in , f ! Fs Sketches will be entertaining ! Its Mi.sctdlany will be interesting ! Its Poetry will be charming ! Nothing will appear in its pa y • that can i offend the religious or political lxlfi f ot any one. ISTo wis tlle r Fii lu' to SuLscidloe 1 A M.iguificcrit ri.romo, in Tv.t.nty Prr fi’.rlnt Colors, and ‘iOx’iu 1 . imflics in si■/.■.•. I will be presented to every yearly .subscriber : oi three dollars to “SATt I.tDAN NPHIf. Every device known in the art oi’Chromo j Printing lias been .. lont -d to nr. - luc.’ a ifi> r picture than has u- r ‘been given jis a pi.- ■ mium to the sub . ribers of .my paper. fiv/'ViV •o,l*l/ /'VqV S>- l/ti - I) >!- i /,q\9 for >i Y o’-'/ .-b’y.vf, •'ph'.ut c.i!l bi v., I tiled \ i to a Chromofrc'. r.-.rttes wishing to take “SATUIID.VV NIGHT” for a hhortcr pcrid than one y. r. can have tho paper mailed to them six months U r $1.5.). or foitr mo'Phs lor SI.OO. ; •i" 117 pay all postage both on J’apcrs and ■ | Chromos. Till-: FOLLOWING ARE O'M C I.UIJ HATES. j For $lO we will send four copies for one year to one addr. ss, or tm b copy to a sepa rate addr jsl For s*2o we will send < ight copies to one adiliVHs. or each copy to a separate address. The party who sends us S2O for a club of eight C'Opii-s (all sent at one time) will be eutitb and to a copy Fib Gette:\s-up of t'lub ; of eight copies can af terward add single copies at $2.5-3 each. Send Post OfiiOr b'r . or register all money letter.;. Write Name. Town, County. State, plainly. We will semi Specimen Le pers free to any who will send up their ad dress. DAVIS A ELVEIISON, Prop’s and Pub’s of “Satuu!> \ v Nig ht. ” Philadelphia, Pa. R. 11. Robinson, Physician tai-.l £i,r.v;;c.;u. Having opened an oflu'' opposite li e 'Mntosh IL. no, in the building for m r?y occupied I >y ' fr;. Bla-V, or? v. 'is ■ s ■I - any who may call. 01?: *e. hours from h ;!.• 12 o'clock a. ai., and from 2 to 4 r. m. | Quitman, G.v., Feb. 2, 1370. Jim Uf vv’it<] ! | Tho National i’.air.l r! Under writers hon by oh'. ; t a j v. ..rft of five immlrcd Doliers ■ • the . ;i,<p conviction nnft put . ■ : the p.u jtv or parties, chr.rgi w ; h ■ ccime lof nr: 'll, in firii: ■ It;.' jav > . p i atoft at Quitman, <!•>.. i hiig id eeic of Dry i ads in I b of R, M. ! AfcCal! 1"! i : !. !•' :- , ,ft Rev. a '! V .1 ! ' Li id; 1 being furn' and. .1 I'.Xi e.di ■> (L :i --' mitteo of the ei'p . hdiivi' rtul actual prreidhv.H'nt of unift criminals. rmittce. i New Vo; .:. -Lan,i;y ; . •. Thefolb" h g , ,\ the lh, ! tile mo- {fit;; of Nov. uth. i-fi i. \ ! Fe 'olvlo, Thii :'!1 v v p • I C(llV’’ fiiCl .! u I olf. r,h .ter the Nadi uml Doe ■ 1 r Lai . Ktllit .t. bedder and vd. a e liability (her. ,'v. ii ,It . ,■< tt.'e tiou of one vi r from t ~ and. 'e , : h a., red far >■ •; a r . pe. ( ■ . ftectn it n.lvi. aid" to ext : and i „■ tee ' a- W .- which they shrill ;.a.v. ! CAMHIAGU, V, ■ —AND IT ,\ 11 : < 1 M ; 2' \ v \ * }5 A f >• '• and h" ;ii 1 1 " t ■ ly to tli ■ft . (It { : • 11 t r j l . ; . • . fa- tnvv . iifi- ; ! A >:lu:r: of tfi > Dufii; • -an- ~ • : . . ,fi i- 1. *>• * . '..fir: I\] . fi, : Quitman, Jao.-v.rv I’. • ; /•y ’ ? 1 A" e i/ *V\’ J'l* Cd ; t • 11-V: fi ; til- UU 1 .... • ’ \ IC fy 1 > C fi • *!“: : : • world, it (T',l: ' ; imarly ; -.. pi . • covers; 55 ceui • 1 ouiid in . b-. , . i . . fi lck S 1' iOl -;i b'D I'V.oj i ' v | iliilliis is \ . . nix 3 WM. S. WHITE, ... - t>.; • ko'i?:r ivitrftT, ’ ,■■-q ; . MISB EMMA . ELY? 1 la h-tii! I T-rs-t :P.- ' ~a \r ut r::ft ii, • Soft C!a j <:.. . rrciick, r t..; v. I Tin' aoove wft t:. .1 1. : : ..ii! : ■ 1 .>’ 1 'i.d 0:1 M.m • v, JV:■: . ■' it i „ : ::i be the i v..'r ; : i': : pit to mike ir :: Hi ; ii 5.'..,.| ,1, ... r. l'llc i ;.in. Dedll-.i "jt.'i u'ii'cau be lit ft it: tl. ■ j ulfte terms. ftVe-klv i':’pi i vt:i, (ure-fuih - h '.ill i seat tii the patrol::;, to v. V, .1 tv. !t .... j tlleir e.sp. ci.ft atti uti.m. I. A. Au Attorney s■' L:uv s (.HJIT3TAN, - - - - (,;a. 0 " Ob b 1 (.’L x.a (..{ >■. ..1 - ’. • . i . . COMAIEUCIAL. QUITMAN RETAIL X’RICEJ CURRENT coa.'ti 1 w ! [Those quol.itioit.i ure ; I .'.ail.'!;.' ea .h tl-::;. Butter-O'):ilic:i. . V 1b... : ■' j ~ Country :i:> ■■ an C.l 1.U.'1 *. . . •’ ib. . . <■ ■<•!:■■ -0 ' > lb . Ci .!!:■ ■ Rio ,1 ! : I I'".' I I-.:- Ii t.v. ! I '■ CiMi'kiH-s rijllb... i : Eggs ■' ft .: I;1 Q I’ldur- Su]’.r.iue. .■ 111 •: o<. u. Fa.uily j.l lift tl mi C ta t:b Covin I 1 ~r. . , i.- ro : Enrft > ib 0 Oysters ,*'an. ft.'- ■ U-. aches ft e,"i . Pie!:!'. j Potatoes —Irish.. . V> bneb w 200 Sweet .. i...... 1 .Vt (. fa Powcft r 1 la b < .si , Potash It) . . ft'- ft lU,'!' 11. 7 C. 1“ I llaisi. li. Salt. seek (■ I 7'i Soap U lb l'l I i (.agar 11. f ( lb Syrup ft! r-1 , , b 1 I Soda ‘/I lit ]■! ( 1“, :shot --.ii. t>r• ib Starch p lb IJ. !b ; Tobacco, good ...>> lb ... .U: < • I ."I Vinegar Q ■ . I Bacon V hi II If SHERIFF SALK. TTTill oo sold tlm c.,nri > . V V door, in the town of Quitman. - . of Georgia, between the usual hours < 1 . on the first Tuesday in jNfeiv h the house and lot in tTo w. -.1 rn | the town of Quitman, known as t.h • A. j place, urid bounded on cast by t.i. ! i.o>] limits of th . t-.-wn, on i’ no- • v i Duncan Sinclair's land, on the w< -1 l,y 2. I i>. \-rcoch'tt Hint Lv-rdue and Graves' 1 • .... jaad on the south by Screven street. 1..-.- i lon and told the } nyr ; .•/ J. V. •Tones, agent for Mrs L. Y. Jones, by v; - tue of a tn\ fi fa. against il;e • ;,1 y. 1 .Tones, Agent. j. t. thrash;;;:. = : i. A GREATER / 'I R’l Q l fi V.:-. ?,* f.Vy Fa 1 -AO a A -2 their io.*U of •'i - Y.uin T - ' . ml a t ui.,!, yourselves In l ii:.- y.'p;;c;. )i il.rui. The cl. rku ara ' ‘ ' : ! •' } l UM.IV in pin •• ■ Mu ni lut’iuv vntt :i l l \ vU\u ‘ c.rc n. tt’i’.iKhinj’ly lov*. : ; -i '- '• -n mi;riimnrfl ln{ tT• • v Itavo v l \ lu l tiimL inghtoo ‘ • '■ •" Igu. .l cK.’Wfk J full ia ev* ■ v i;; Cc"<hU> lit . very <wn ■: fi T : , hvrv tofoi j ' ’ ' • ’ . : ’ ' ’ ' . Ii; is 1J . •Ld.ah tV {'< ). l , iff. V; t l\ , •: " . J v•' - . g fi For fi'lfiiT'ii. ih * 5 > L v '• „ * SITF.-, _ ■ ' '' \" ,’v j. ’-?i WT*4 ‘’ - J * ■'s u . ".u .. v.r.u; i -u, bed : Ti’.A its. t CUXTRE i; - !: i’e."" ft :a a:--, Iv •:■r ■ Q M.e ■' , ■ l e.! 1 : i bo, . : I ■ r■.; 1 ■ t,: to tius maf : 11... ' fie! V i- ■ . t:. : ■ nee left to fur t AM! M'K FT! •I. U V ITT. Qf: i:., . ; is;.-.. 11 I . iff :', Vfi. G:i ;':Etl ijll^ay Tie o .:. .lit . . .lift.. 1 .ngil lias • - ••! "1 by ••'■!j 1m! c.,—jaJ. The ■; ; ; . .ml -i :nc*b iu; ill * ' ;It ... ■ lrigut, rcrruim 'I ban! - i *; , •s. h ■ tfl and! u-licit:; public pa * Wi ,r. . i;: ,i.i r'. and v.ur . Tn m and i;. <•=.};vine al. •fi • . KNIGHT. fi UK* A IKS 5 ! 0. 11. MLLEI?, si t ■ ;,s:.qi; to G . i vi; ir.j/.vr/'- .j plm\ rrasm 1 7 J i Jrotmlifui. Sll'cet, * flfifi -.SNAiI, O.V C. If. AIILTLEIv. Ifi l rnh.ry, fid, IS7C. Sin:RIFF SALK Will • *ld '■ dc C’ouTt If'utse door, vßilim bt [‘.V, •■: 1 till u.sutd hours of .I- . '..i < • ■ fi; iti March next, two hundp-d acr.-t+ui <i, j rt <>l )<t. Number *1:1 i t IR. d:> t : .•! I'ro. ks Oourjtv, (1.1., bin :g !• ■ j, t til - old* ; f jr<K. N. Stcpb-ais. \ - vii-viu- of a fi iu, ui lav, rof (Vc.! fi Tia. • i r. j. a ur.'j l. I iq.'-ity JiLoi .ff Fchnitirv 2J, IS7O. SHERIFF SALR HThb BE SOLD before the Court House in the town of Quitman, in the uhusl 1,1. .-.a of public sale. on the first- Tuesday'in h bsTti, paC •;* lot. No. ‘2-i;V known :v . ■ ; v/iili -’.s' • 1-.. in the l‘>.h dis ci Brooks Comity. levied upon art the of Al -n Adams and -I. U. Ed < n. 1o satis! van attachment H fa, IV-r ; mom v h; vied from Brooks , .- W- i1 - S'-n-is \s. Amou Adonis and J. K. E‘> S. J. HARRELL, Deputy Sheriff. February 8. 1870. • ;F.i >RGiA. BrooksC"ui<iy. \ l r HER LAS. Da \ .1 iiars has applied for > } ■ wnipi ion cj j ! suii.uij , anu iv. ill p: . ; uixor tin sanm at II o’clock, oti Friday, me iMn dav of Ftd.iT.aiv, Ib7<>, at my office. j A L. .Y’R’VQER, in binary. V -1 >: nary 7th. bS7d.