The Quitman reporter. (Quitman, Ga.) 1874-18??, December 13, 1877, Image 4

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save Your Money. A PAPEIt FREE FOR TWO MONTHS! This is the time to subscribe for the Savannah Weekly News. Alt who Htibacxibo between this date and tin first December w ill receive' the WKKKLY NEWS until tin first of Juarary, 1879, for $2.00, free; The Weekly Nows, in addition to the prize stories and Uh agricultural and literary departments, still mainhiins its distinctive features as a medium for state, political and general news, and every dibit will bo de voted to mukilig it a oolfipreln-nHive medium of information for the people. Its market reports are complete and reliable. Remittances can bo mado by Post Office Order, Registered Letter or lbp*< at my risk. Letters should bo addressed, ,T. H. ESTILL, Savannah, On. FIRE! FIRE! 3TI Ill'll 0~ N T E OF THE MOST L LEADED RLB mcntM with which man has oe- .wionaHy to contend is that of fire. .Nothing is so* devastating in its course and so subtle in it developments. The destruction of property takes place when n>t aid id pated, ’ mys tery frequently hides the cause: while the effect is only too visible and oit-tim ; dis tressing. lint in this iv;m wl n so many combustible mat rials arc. kept in constant use, persons cannot, be too speedy and prompt in theni < lws eiv.iust 1 ■ from that dread agonev, bv insuring their property in some well known and reliable company. There ’hr none better than the Liverpool & London —and — Globe Insurance (Jo. Their capital embraces millions of dollars and their policies extend to hundreds of thousands, which is a certain proof of its popularity, while its well known prompti tude in the settlement of claims against it makes it one of the safest and best compa nies to insure with. Those who are not in sured will do well to call upon Joseph Tillman, 240-tf Agent for Quitman. Claim and General BUSINESS AGENCY, Atlanlii, Georgia. mtlE TTXDEKSIONfiD HAS OPEN!’,!) a n.i] office■ in the city of Atlanta fa the collection of claims, private and public, and for the transaction of business generally with the various Departments at the State Capital and at Washington. Salaries of public officers collected end promptly for warded, and copies of official paper.-; iurn ished when desired. Orders solicited. Charges moderate. J. R. SNEED, Mi 2 • ''-e American ami Foreign Fa. enfs. GILMORE & CO., Successors to CHIP MAN, IIOSMER& CO., Solicitors. Pat ents procured in all countries.- NO FEES IN ADVANCE. No charge unless the pat ent is granted. No fvs for making prelim inary examinations. No additional fees tor obtaining and conducting a rehearing. By a recent dcci non of the Commissioner, all rejected applications may lie revived. Sue ciiil attention given to Int.-rference before the Rui -ut Office. Extensions before Congr ' ra difiji ■nl States, and all litigation appertaining to In ventions or lh-.lev.•••. Bead stamp to Gil more A Cos. for pamphlet of sixty pages. LAND CASES, LAND WARRANTS AND SCRIP. Contested Land CV.-.-s prosocu _ b.-fov the U. S. General Land Office and Dtp;? rt menfc of the Interior. Pri’-dc Laid C! turns, Mining and Pre-emption Claims, and Home* r.tfvid Cases at:ended to. Land Scrip in 40, and IGO acre pieces for sale. . This Scrip is assignable, and can be located in thonamr of the purchaser upon any Government land subject to private entry, at Sl.2d per acre. It in of equal value with Bounty Land War rants. Send stamp to Gilmore & Cos. for pamphlet of instruction. ARREARS OF PAY & BOUNTY. OFFICERS, SOLDIERS, and SAILORS of the late war, or their heirs, are hi many cases entitled to money from the Govern ment of which they have no knowldge. Write full history of service, and state amount of pay and bounty received. Enclose stamp to Gilmore & Cos., and a full reply after examination, will be given you free. PENSIONS. All OFFICERS, SOLDIERS, and SAIL ORS wounded, ruptured, or injured in the late war, however slightly, can obtain a pen sion by addressing GILMORE A CO. Coses prosecuted by GILMORE & 00. be fore tlie Supremo Court of the United States, the Court of Claims, and' the Southern Claims Commission. Each department of our business is con ducted in a separate bureau, under charge of thn same experienced pavLic i employed by the old firm. Prompt attention to ul| busi ness entrusted to GILMORE & CO. is thus secured. We desive to win success by de serving it. Address Gilmore A Cos., 029 F. Street, Washington, D. C. 47-tf <1 xj v rv Lumber Yard! T hike this method of informing all those who may at any time want LUMBER ol any .kind, either in town or country, that l will keep on hand all kinds of Seas nil id tlie PRICES DOWN —TO— ZERO AND BELOW! STEP IN AND SEE I Jolm Tillman’s Elegant Line of Goods| —IN— Great Variety! 1 beg to notify my friends and the public general 1> that I have just returned from i New York, whence I Koleetod, in my opin | ion, ihc best stock of I Fall and Winter Goods! I j J ver before officn. and in this market. lam | ; now receiving them, and am satisfied tlmt ; the price;-, and quality are sueli as to suit! ! everybody. 1 Call and examine my Slock carefully before pur eliasing. THE BEST QUALITY IS AL WAYS THE CHEAPEST. Such I i propose to s< 11 you. JOHN TILLMAN. Quitman, Gu., Oct. 1, 1877. 2io-tf JACOB BAUM’S EMi’OMUM OP C JL O T XI ING, BOOTS, SHOES and MATS. Ladies’ Dress Goods, ; Hats & bSTotioi ls. SPECIAL bargains offered Jn Shoes. . _ I am selling ladies’ Uniter.-; at the ! exceedingly low price of SI.OO per i pair. j Ladies’ Pebble Goat Skin Shoes, at sl. Avery nice thick bottom | Sewed float Skin Shoe for $1.50. Youth’s Copper Tips, Nos. 7 to 13, for 75 cents. Lianos* Balmorals til $1.25, ! and everything else in like proportion. ] Call and see me before purchasing elsewhere. I bought my goods vei l/ I ~Tun\ and am determined to give my j customers the benefit of my exceed ingly low prices. 241-253 JACOB BAUM. ]\t .fa, " ;y; it m fill lILII | STORE YOUR- COTTON ! ! The best and only time, in the past seven ! years, that i. ha ; been deal* to tlie miuds-of j the planters to store and hold their < niton ■ for higher prices. The exceedingly short : crop that is being made throughout the cot ton growing region clearly indicates that cotton will advance. The crops in Texas, I Arkai ■ as, Louisiana, Mississippi and Ala bama are so completely destroyed, from ra- I rious causes, that the aggregate will not, ac j cor*dug to inudos made, amount to over | HO per cent, of what was gathered last year. I will see the 1 *a is money in storing; bring it on and I will make the rates'easy. JAMES M. YOUNG. Quitman, Gt. _ 239-tf JELKS & MABBETT DRUGGISTS, Quitman, - - Ga. Have just received FALL GARDEN SEEDS, Also, full stock of School Books & Stationery. Keep constantly on band a full stock of Pure Drugs, Paints, manufactured expressly for us, OILS, GLASS, &c., Ac. 235-ly BOOK-KEEPING nniTE undersigned by request, offers his JL services to the young men of Quitman I< ir the purposes of instructing them in the above science, and guarantees that all who pass through a regular course of instruction shall be able to take charge of a set of books by double entry. Those desirous of information without going through a regular course of instruc tion will be accommodated. For terms and particulars, apply at this office or to Mr. Brass personally. 51 JOHN BRAS% V> ‘SIB:!. SENIOoB 1878. Savannah Advertisements. Adam Moffat & Cos., Cotton Factors AND - MERCHANTS i COMMERCIAL BUILDING, SAVANNAH, : : GEORGIA. Liberal advances made on consignments of cotton and other produce. Putfoimg'- solicited. Our selling barges are as follows; Commission. . .. I per cent j Storage first month 35e per bale Siarage second month 25c “ Weighing 10c “ Dray age. 1 r, r. il Insurance 15c “ Prompt and careful personal attention given to all business entrusted to our care. iah, Ga., Oct 5, 1877. 241-tf MoCOIN IN ELL S SAVANNAH, GA. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. FIRST - CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS; RATES: $2.00 PER BAY j For Board and Lodging. 20-52 i J. W. Liitlirop & Cos. COTTON FACTORS AND ; Commiss’n Merchants, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. j TXAGGING AND TIPS furnished to our j) patrons at bottom figures. Liberal cash | advances made on all produce consigned to ; us. Prompt attention given to business, j 233-2511 LLFALK&6O, —DEALERS IN — I* it a r r s, AND — GENTS" Famishing Goods, AT —- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ■ Corner Congress, Whitaker and St. Julian Streets, Savannah, - Georgia. Manufactory, 18 Warren Street, N. Y. Branch House, Charleston, S. C. 208-2! 0 —DEALERS IN — HARD WAKE, IRON, AND- - r r jes is: XL . 1T.M75 Broughton Street, 808-260 SAVANNAH, HA. ( ffi fffßhmm) 10, y,y . ' i :■/ 'Mil I*l A GREAT DISCOVERY. liy the asc of which every family may give their Linen that brilliant polish pe cnliar to tine laundry work. Saving time and labor in ironing, mare than its entire cost. Warranted. Ask for Dobbins’. DUBLIN'S, LRO. A CO., 13 N, Fourth st, Philadelphia. jnl-19-tf "PAYNE’® AGE OF REASON. PAYNE’S AGE OF REASON is the largest and the best liberal publication in America. While its mission is to unfetter the minds of men fr6m the dismal super stiti ens family 1 . .. I; >! ■?. t thinker G IK >CKUUh]N —AT WHOLESALE and RETAIL. CREECH & NEWSOME HAVE NOW IN STORE A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OP F MII, Y GItOCF It lIS S I LIQUORS, TOBACCO. AND CIGARS; AND ALL KIND:. Ol PLANTATION SUPPLIES. Special Inducements to Country MerclmntL j \\ r i: Will Not Be Undersold. BACON, FLOUR, BAGGING AND TIES SPECIALTIES. CitEECTt & NEWSOME. Quitman, Ga., Sc; tcnihor ; IS7C. J mmm.mrjmsns: .'."cro - , wi#.rkvrjc■ McDonough k Ballantyne, Ri'oml near A tlimtiC' & (fitlf R. R., ii' ; oi, j i Manufacture of Sugar'Mills & Pans a | iccialty. / —; Being ifiada of the best material, arc strong, durable ai 1 j mvenient. A twelve years’experience enables us to offer oar patrol . u/perior indnoe incuts to call and see us, or address us by mail. Our 51 Is and Pans guar anteed for one year. j:U 13, M, 16 and 18 inch Miljls. 30, 10, 50, 60 80 and 100 Gallon Pans. Ipoi i b roi i i .s i < St oreß, * 13rackets, ! Iron Railing, Etc. Wc manufactnre at reasonable prices Arcliilcctiirai Ji'o l2 Of all kinds and styles for Churches, Stores and Dwellings. \gonts for tho Shier Governor Company, the host Steam Governor in the world. Also, Scantliu’s Seamless Evaporator for cane. Send for circular. 242-3 m McDONOUGH & BALiAnTYNE, Savannah, Ga. John fi.annehy, joiin l. joiin x. Mo.myho; jrh liter lot' 1 firm L. J. (snilovniin it to., 1805 to J 877. JOHN FLASMiRY & CO., COT T 0 N J' ACT 0E S AND (Joininlssioß hcivliau • No. 3 Kelly’s Block, Bsy SlrecL, SAYA. NiS r A.I r, - i -1: (>1 lii 1 . Agents for Jewell’s Mills Yarns and Domestics, etc., etc. Ragging ami Iron Tie* F-'salc s', low est market rates. IToin[>t ai-’\\ ; h to all business entrusted t.o u*\ i.’.baral cash advances made on c-nspgnments. Our M. FLANNERY having pur chased the entire Assets and (h • liabilities of the late firm -f > . and. (3TJIL MAIITXN V CO., we will afieiul m ;.R outstanding business of that linn. '8 h XVM. E ALEXANDEU, JOS. L. ALKNANLLU, CHAS. R. MAXWMTH., A. T. Ll'o.o IE. I LnV’i o-hoae JiibAßistsl i A i) \i u O L x \ lexander & ivusseli, IYN■;dvx ? a |■ aegoM I;si fii'OVWjilii'J Y;i VOOl: Oj Snvaimali, Ida I’Ct'NDS -SIIOXEBpLBAIi 50,01)0 pounds D. R. Sides. ' lOf) sacks Rio C-offia* nil grad s. 100 barrels 0. A., aud 0. ,S’"f;,. U -s. I -j ; too cas.:.s Ball Vctmih.’ 100 cases Canned Botch. 500 kegs Nails assorted •300 barrels Flour ail gr-des. Which we offer for sale ad lowi >c cash prices. Our friends in the country e; n rciyon 'our giving their orders prornp'. attmition, and we guarantee all goods and weights. Alexanders & 'fmvell, Gorner Abercorn lirynn Sts., 235-200 ’ y. \ v vnnah, Ga. John Oliver, dealer in Paints, Oils, Turpentine, O 1. j\ i—; ;a , AND AT.I, PAINTEKS’ .A ‘iLAZlEtis’ MATEIITAIJ3. RAILROAD, STEAMBOAT, AND MILL SUPPLIES. Mixctf INiijjiiN. ;tii Colors. ~w m s a 1 ’ s KEROSENI \t VND ALADDIN OILS, PAiise ami Sign ■ Gilding and Glazing. phitaker Htroot, Savaimab, Ga. !I. EVBT'EIN & KO, jobbers in ! -.AT \ AND FANCY ' Gey <>4 oodj^y !NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, i HATS, Etc., Etc. ' Particular attention paid to country orders. ! / VO. 157 CONGRESS STREET, * 11 ■ 2( ; SA\ INN iH, GA. i i MEiNHAItD fi sifoss.&coJ WHOLESALE I TV iuTB, SXTO EIS, TIATS. Oei'i.i’ Furnishing Goods, j AND arANTTFACT’JBERS OF liEA]jY-MADK j Nos. T.G and IJH Broughton Street, SAVANNAH, GA. Office 390 and ffi.H Broadway, N. Y. 215-2D.G Order* Carefully Executed. Jas. K. Sheldon, O oi l on. T'actor* A3sT> — COMMISSION MERCHANT, SG Hay Street, Sjwjtima.ii, - - - - - GA. CLASH advances made on consignments- J Cotton sold on arrival and proceeds re turned by Express when so instructed.— Prompt and careful attention given to all business. 235-tf $’ Y $ $ $ READ THIS! ONLY ONE - DOLLAR’! i For one dollar tho Savannah Weekly News will be sent, postage paid, to any ad dress for six months. It is one of the cheap est papers published, and is a welcome visi tor to f) Glinting room, fireside or farm. It is a neatly printed four-page sheet, com pactly made up, and contains the political i and current news of the week; a compre hensive Nummary of the telegraphic dis patches and local news, and interesting sketches and stories. It also contains full reports of the markets. Thus, those who | have not tho advantage of a daily mail can | get the news for six mouths by sending one dollar. It is just the paper for everybody | interested iu.Geofgia and Florida. It will ! be well invested, and will educate } our | children and make homo happy. | Money for either paper can be sent by | Post-office order, registered letter or Express, at publisher’s risk. Address J. H. ESTtLL, 211 Savannah, GJ t it dot l !Klin ‘ We have secmvJ the exclusive agency of tin e; States anil Cnß for the sale of all jjoorls manufactured from thisfinetaJ, and in oider trod lice them in the most speedy manner, hnvo pm up assorted sample as given below, which we will sell at one-tenth the retail value until Jan Ist, 1078. Head the list: ||| 50 CENT LOT. , One glut's watch chain, retail price. .SI 00 j One pair engraved sleeve buttons, retail price............ 75 j One stone-set scarf pin, retail price. . . 75 One set (3) spiral shirt studs, retail price 75 One Improved shape collar button, re tail price .. 5 j One heavy plain wedding ring 1 25 i Total .*5 00 ' For fifty cents wc will scud above six arti- . cles post paid. $1 LOT. 1 pair sleeve buttons,,stone setting 1 set (3) spiral shirt studs i heavy band engagement ring 1 set (2) engraved bracelets 1 ladies’ long guard or neck chain 1 engraved miniature locket, for tho above : 1 gent's heavy link \ ateh chain 1 I<akc George diuuv o ui s;idi *r2 TjOT. 1 ladies’ neck chain and charm , 1 ladies’ heavy guard chain tor w:dch 1 si t pin aud'enr-riii! ;-!, arm thyfit I extra fine miniature locket IVc y heavy wedding or engageim nt ring ’ 1 Hont'.N heavy -watch chain . itb chaim j 1 pair pea-ri inlaid sleeve buiions 1 Lake Gt-rluster pin; 1 . uiio.oseal ring 1 pair (2 ii.-:r -i.ull -Is The retail pnec. of tu- ric] •; iu e.m*h samplo lot amounts to -v l!y ten timel price we a.s.v Jor the '•■{. {<,-•• . -.nipie, lot iva.iis t’oi ah(); our 55 lot lor SSO. j • A Solid Romanic G<>ifi‘Huß(iir;-{Yac Watcli Free* To any one sending io an order for the above lots bv express to - O • - ■ ■■ V.ipiDClpi of .*15.00, we. will .send FREE one Solid Komnino Gold Hunting, gent’s or ladies’ size, wanted to keen jr /ieefc time and look otj .as a SIOO gold watch. By mail, post-;.aid, ' SIASO. This is o:j| FEU TO AGENTS, aud is worth a trial, as the watch alone' JH readily for from S2O to SSO. GenPs or ladies’ watch alonqiS heavy gent’s gold pattern vest chain and charm, or ladies’ oflH slide and tassel. mma REMEMBER- -This offer oily bolds good until that time we shall sell only to jubbors aiid.wholesale df JH wishing onr goods will thou have to pay fall ret and lvoununc GoM is the bve-d, bad, ivi Ur.*, the ouly made, being the same in weight, color and f/v , : ,„d all made in the latest gold p-..-tten:s. Will gnaruut',, ' >tl !■■ diou in every Q stance, or refund the money. " I Send money by P. O. Money Order or Regi.jtmvn f,rtler, at our ri*l\ R goods sent C. O. D. unless at least ?•' accompanies th < .rder. Address plaii f • \\. F. EVANS & CO., So e-Agents for I : an<’Canada, 235—200 95 and 97 South Clark Street, Chicago, 111.1 L, J. GULLMARTIN. J. j-:. GA - CRY. Tsite Cashier Southern Bank Stale of Go, j L J. Guihnart ill SJ.'x COTT' -v FACJORS axd COMMISSION limvh m ■ Kfej-V’s 810. ;-, Bay Sti: Savannah, - Get. OAGOING ANT) IRON Try: -j FOE BALE >i i) at lowest market rates. Prompi at ten-! tiou given to all business entrusted to us. i Liberal cash advances made : a consign- j incuts. 224-250 j Savannah, June 1, 1877. ? G GadHE LG-y.vM? • “NEWBI, SPI(’ Y ? UE T. IAN I,F. ” ! THE Atlanta Constitution. TTNDER ITS NEW M A >7A( • EMENT, i vJ The Atlanta Constttution kits won feir itself the title 1 1 Pauli ■ ■ - - the. South. Its cute uprise, dunng the re cent election ex -it >• u.-nt, in sending corre spondent* to (ifteri!'; portion.-.of t’c* conn try, and P-; E'-i-ieiTof spaehd tiffigr-m: from ' Washington while tb. ■ ekabuffi (v.viu.i.-i-.bai I was engaged incon.*>ununuilng th fraud that placed Radicalism once more in pov/ei in our national council;, axe evidences’ con spicuous enough to prove that no expense will be spared to make tiro Constitution not only a lender in the discusoiou of matters of public concern, but a IcmP.-r in tin* dissemi nation of the latest and .most reliable news. There i.s no better time than n- . to sub scribe for a fresh and vlgw.v.-.-, •; v.-n hiper. Albeit, theic has b -<•-.• y,-•• .' ; ■tth*ui. a. of one of the most difilcuE and dangerous prob'unns of mockra federal |..,>lili>-tlu discussions springing then from and the suits likely to ensue have k c- nothing of their absorbing in lev- .4. In ••Aiditirm to .this, the people of Georgia are now called upon to settle the convention question, and in the dissension of this important subject (in which the Constitution will take a leading part) every Georgian i.s interested. If a convention i called its proceedings will find their earliest and fullest embodiment in the columns of the Constitution, and this fact alone will make the paper indispensable to every citizen of tho State. To bo brief, •The Atlanta Daily will endeavor, by ail the means that the progress of modern journalism has made possible and necessary, to hold its place as a leader of Southern opinion and an a pur veyor of the latest news. Its editorials will be thoughtful, timely and vigorous—calm and argumentative in their methods and thoroughly Southern " and Pein ocra fi c in their sentiments. Its news will be fresh, reliable and carefully digested. It will bo alert and enterprising, and no expense will be spared to make it the medium of the latest and most important intelligence. The Weekly Constitution. Besides embodying everything of interest in the daily, the Weakly Constitution will contain a Department of Agriculture, which will be in charge of Mr. Malcolm Johnson, the welt-known Secretary of the Georgia State Agricultural Society. This depart ment, will be made a specialty, and will be thorough and complete. The farmer will find in it not only all the current info dilu tion on the subject of agriculture, but timely suggestions and well-digested adv ice. Subscriptions shoul 1 be sent in at once. TERMS FOR THE DAiLY: , 1 month 8 t 00 % months : 8 uo ,0 months 5 20 M months 10 00 TERMS FOR THE WEEKLY: 0 mortin;.' cl 10 12 months. ... 220 •Money may be sent *Vy Post-office, money order at our expense. Address: THE CONSTITUTION, 213 Hliuitu. Ga. $:! LOT. J ladies’ opora guard chain 1 ladies' n k chain and orrwß l bcautifr,’ 3*-t. engraved 1 : nt e-1 a isl. link vest chain and 3 pair Omxsloe.vo buttons 1 1 sot t3) (hiyx shirt studs; 1 new iaiprafl colhir bu.! no : l extra cut cameo 1 Ariamia solitaire stud V 1 set am- y.-.t or tope/, pin and ear d™ 1 ladius’ chcmiso button i ]>]■ in ' .ill stamped Ih K. . $5 LOT. 1 ladies' opera chain, with slide and tas*j retail price $5 J 1 g-. ii shouv.s wa.fch chain, v. 1 ill ourbchafl retail price*, So * jfl X ladies' heavy long neck chain 1 e’egaat 5. ,od miniature locket foiH 1 so; , laJiimi pin and ear dr<l ! pair yd,. 1. ,i\y eh a od bai-.d bracelet? J 'ditai: . '.iiUllond : ,UU : 1 geiit’h l. r sia: : > 1 pin; 1 ladies’ chcmtHO i].dr ; :,u av a • vOtiL s e buttonnj I sot (3,1 d’-tis fc I • ■: V:* I idr’ c.o al ring lid • “patent’; collar button . | o. i* i ring, t xtra finish. B Change of Scheibjf gy Wypk gfML A'i r wv <: ,v f it. b. ('(],■ On i- • G: \it-v.M, St i'Kii:---j:xf>r.vr. J ■- vir, < i \.. \ - • '-■! --‘ji. . Smi.Lv. Kt\>t,Ayj NiGTIT Ea.PRESS; / iMB Arrive || Arrive Live Onk Arrive Jaekstm\illc “ /Arrive Tallahassee ...... jH Leave Jacksonville I eOr,.'t ■■ | Tleave AlUiny ■ ....... No cjt.usge ol O-iween Savo^H Jackson .iilt .iifl aavamiah aud A P.IS.M ng.!> Savannah for br.'tii.'.wii i; uli. L'aricii take this Hff F.assciigcr'. Macon atEgBE ■daily < \r j * ( .nmect at mm this train hu- Florida. < fusst-ng,-;-, it- m Florida by •Mimeet ... ’ with txiiin aaß *Niac\m at in. ( aily oxcenM N- J. on. between MMH M: and J aclso i' \I i! . '^39 Fl-.Gj.k.g i fhrough to ■■ an ’r' •it v -tinl. MoH| '.•.aim Ul ( ouncctat Albany with ' .. -si.-ni Jhtil-. V ■ia I’ui'aula, Montgomery, New M t f hi ; j leaves I Jnbridge # fyH bie Gcv A'muhy afteruoow,^H| my V. :- hiesdny morning. Wm Gl<).-■•• a.-'-.iU- e.iion at Jacksonvil. jM Sum: . pt -d) fur St. AugustidoJ la: !ra j;? -1 I'.nt--,-prise. Trai'-.s mi Brunswick and Albany r> ilr Iva.vejurtetion. going west, Monday, yMM day ra. 1 Friday, i I]. M ft. m. JH For Brunswick Tuesday, ThurschH Saturday, at 4.10 p. la. J ACCOMMODATION RAINjB EASTERN DIVISION JH Leave Sav’ln Sundays excepted, at A iti vc al Mr! ii tosh, ‘ ‘ tb® Jcsup, “ 12.0® Arri- - ;.t Blackshcar, 3 .‘2j Arri ve at Dupont, *• 7, Leave Dupont, “ 5.00 Lea ve IFmeksheag' '/00 Leave J es-.up, 12M& Leave Mclntosh, “ Arrive at Savannah, “ ■WESTERN DIVISION, | Leave Dupont (Sunday excepted).. *6 9 Arrive Valdosta “ .. 7., H Arrive Quitman “ .. 9. g| Arrive Thomasvi 11 e “. ..11 .V^* Arrive Albany* •* .. 5.49s Leave Albany* “ .. 6.00> Leave Thomasvillo “ .. I.QT\ Leave Quitman “ .. 2. ( Leave Valdosta “. .. 4.1 Arrive at Dupont “ .. 0, & *MoutUiys, AVednesdays and Friday.; Way Freight train, with jiassenge, ’ commodatiors, leaves Savannah daily (b days excepted), at 045 a. m., arrivinj Savannah 6.45 p. in. (Sundays excepted) J. S. T'yhgx, Master Transportation. ' H. S. HAlTpSi'j 230 General SuperintteHJ Q 051ETHINO BRAND d9 KJ | aiiE Bixie Steel Sweejf is regarded by professed planters as t.h.e best'tiling of the kind ever offered to public, ( all at once at . John Till man’s! J land procure a supply before they II cold; JkM