The Quitman reporter. (Quitman, Ga.) 1874-18??, June 10, 1880, Image 3

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(tyutimm jLltyorkii* THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1880. LOCAL AFFAIRS. I’KKSONAL. Mr. ].. F. Ih'dduck nnd Bernie Heitleckor lmve gone to IJainptojj Springs, Mr. John Tillman and family are at the Hampton Springs, in Taylor county, Fla. Judge E. It. Harden has returned from a visit to friends nnd relatives at Americas this week. Hon. H. G. Turner nnd E. 1\ S. Denmark, Esq., are in attendance upon the State I hnnoerntic. Conven tion, at Atlanta. Miss Hattie Dasher, of Valdosta, is visiting Miss Hattie Fife, ol Ma con. Miss Hattie is on her way home from school' at Lexington, K)’- Judge Harden, of Brooks county, is in the Cy . Though somewhat advance*/ .. years, he still rets ins all the mental vigor of his younger days. He Mas in Kansas in 185 ti .during the excitement and troubles of that day. He swore hi the first Legislature ever convened in that State. Since his return to Georgia he has held several positions of honor and trust, all with credit to himself and the public.—M viericus Recorder. A Good Account. “To sum it up, six long years of bed-ridden sickness and suffering, costing S2OO per year, total $1,200 — all of which was stopped by three bottles of Hop Bitters taken by my wife, who has done her own house-' work for a year since, without the loss of a day, and I want everybody to know it for their benefit.” may 10-tf “John Weeks, N. Y.” Diseased Animals, For the benefit of those who fur nish our market with beef and other animals we quote the law: “Any butcher or other person selling the flesh of a diseased animal, or other unwholesome provisions, shall be in dicted, and, on conviction, shall be punished by a fine, not to exceed one thousand dollars; imprisonment, not f.o exceed six months; to work in a chain gang on the public works, not [ to exceed twelve months; and any Lone or nr rc of these punishments may iu the discretion of the Judge." The above is quoted for the pi rill know that there <s and thatAlmy mn want lay Mf 1 ' L ' 1 • L?' ,"V .We* .... „ that ox which had di.ed ou "The road side, either from being over heated, exhaustion or disease, no one but the man who wished to sell it knows, was offered in our market for sale week before last. Let the Lev from henceforth be rigidly enforced against all who attempts a violation' of it. One example will suffice for many years to come. Knowledge is Power, Apt! iu no direction and in no way is that power so clearly demonstrated ap in that of We would advise all young men to acquire this knowledge, and thus tit jfchemselves for business, by attending Moores Business University, Atlanta, Ga. It has proved a fortune to thousands, See advertisement. Upland Itice. We were pleased to learn from our much esteemed friend, Judge Isaac Johnson, that most of his neighbors have planted “this year from one to ten acres, to the farm, in upland rice and that their prospects are very flattering for a large and satisfactory yield. The Judge will in due time -have in operation a rice mill for the benefit of the public, which will clean all the rice they will make. Rice is as saleable, either cleaned, or in the rough, as cotton, and certainly pays pinch better, then why not go more extensive into the cultivation of it. A trial will convince all who make the experiment, of the great advan tages it affords over cotton, and ere long we hope to see heavy shipments made fre m this depot. Somehow, or other, countries which produce ce reals always prosper more than those that produce cotton. Besides it is only a question of time when Texas and tlio Great West will drive all other sec tions of this continent out of the production of cotton, from the fact it can bo produced so much cheaper, there the lands being so much better adapted to its production than else where. While that is true, we can grow other products, rice, among them, which Mill give as much profit, per aero as cotton will there. Texas is a vast empire iu itself having an area of 310,000 square miles. It extends through nearly 10 degrees of latitude and over 13 do grees of longitude. It has 60,000 more square miles than' the German Empire, 70,000 more than that of France, and is more than twieo as large as Great Britain. One thousand Sweeps, at John Tillman’s. LOCAL LACONICS. Its warm. 1 to! for the springs. Shower Monday morning. Hard-lioad cabbages! They have them for all in Atlanta. Watermelons on the streets last Saturday. They will be plentiful in | a weok or two. | The “clerk brigade” play marbles. Johnnie Harris can tip the middle man every time. j The street lamps that are unused i have been stored in the council room. Is that wliat you call “put on the re ! tired list!” Hampton Springs, Taylor county, Florida, Ims become a popular resort. , Several families fyom Quitman are I there and others speak of going. Horse race in town last Saturday. ! The Mayor has put a stop to this j amusement, and it will not ocean 1 again unless someone likes it well enough to pay for it. We have been requested to an- j nounco an “Ice cream festival for the i benefit of Public Library on. Wed nesday, the. 16th instant, on the Court House square.” Some of ladies, vve hear, are making a pretty bold use of their leap year privileges. That is all right girls, the boys are a little back ward, and in some instances bashful, They don’t know how little persua sion it would take to land them on the other side of — T We have been asked if the Quit man Cornet Band is dead. In reply we say no, only gone into summer quarters. The boys are ready to be on hand when there is to be a water melon cutting. When you gather your melons just blow your horn and we’ll guarantee they’ll be on hand to toot theirs, and don’t you forget it. The crop of blackberr:.. s is very fine. A correspondent from Col quitt county writes us that lie lms abundant mops of both Muck terries and huckleberries in his neighbor hood, and that he, (La Petite lloo | sier,) can now with some'degree of '. esimmee hid defiance to the wolf. V *2 has driven him from the door, i and feels like he has anew lease of life. In our article last w eek under the caption of “Woman's Mission jto Woman” we, by a misundcr i standing of the facts, dated that 1 tie- programme arrnijmd for the auTveimry of the Mis 1 sionarv Society” l>>. 'Mrs. N. mi 1 to tilt! 7 , who j really prepared the programme. • We gladly make the con ctiun. The fishing party that started down the Withiacooeh' e fc r Belhiile, Fla., last week, returni I safe on Thursday evening. Th ; reached Bellvillo, but not without pericne, ing sad disaster to the.:- mats and cargoes,” as well as the discomfort of rough sailing. When lvithia six miles of their and near “Starling’s Ferry” on ■ ’ ' boats capsized, emptying its contents into t-lie river. The entire party got safe to land, hut were thoroughly wet. They partook of the hospitality of Mr. Eli Starling Wednesday night and Thursday moping footed it six miles to Bellvillo where they were met by “Harrell’s hack” and brought home. As if by mutual agreement', the party has adopted the word ‘-‘mum’ for their jnottq, On the subject of “Truck farming —What five acres will do,” the Thomasville Times says: “We have, from time to time, urged the above industry upon the attention of our people, believing that if properly managed it could be made pay hand somely. Wc have learned some facts recently about Mr. Geo. R. Mcßae’s experience that will repay perusal. Air. Mcßae is one of Lowndes coun ty's most enterprising, (scientific and progressive agriculturists. But to the recult of his experience this spring: He planted- two acres in cu cumbers and three acres in tomatoes. He has, or will, ship six hundred crates of each, and for which two dollars per crato will ha realized. This foots up the astonishinff sum of two thousand, four hundred dollars. This beats cotton, or anything else, out of sight. Our informant got his information and figures from Mr. Mcßae himself, and every one knows him to ho a man of truth and mi doubted voracity. Go thou and do likewise. An itinerant school teacher play ed off a capital practical joke on onr esteemed country friend, Mr. Grif. Golden, lust, Saturday. It runs about thus: The school teacher wanted to come to town on that day, and Mr. Golden being desirous of getting some money changed with which to pay off some hands he had had employed about Lis plantation, readily agreed for him to come, gave him a §2O bill to got changed and let him have a mule to ride, he promising to return be fore night. Arriving in town and S; finding himself possessed of enough , money, lie got drunk, deposited the mule at Mr. ILimdlV stables L'l'l .safekeeping until Mr. (1. should! call for him, hoarded the train nnd left for parts unknown, carrying! witli him not only Mr. G s §2O hill but also a patent lever silver watch Mr. G. had loaned him to keep lim ■ while touching, so as to know wli a to take in and turn out school. Mr. Gulden came to town early Monday morning, through a heavy shower .of rain, for liis mule, and i takes it all good luunoredly. The cream < f the joke was got J ton up by some of the hoys who told Mr. G. tint the mule had been pawned to Mr. Harrell for §SO and | that he would have to pay the §SO: ! before lie could recover the mule, i i Mr. G. seemed willing to give up; ! the §2O mid watch, just so he got his mule, but the thought of having j ! to pay the §SO first, rather got away i with him. AY. AV. Joyce is Ki lling a splendid i article of corn whiskey at $1.75 per j gallon. BARGAINS in DRY GOODS of ! fared at John Tillman’s to make room for SOMETHING ELSE. AV. E. Barnes’ lms on hand a nice ! lot of picture cord and nails. 12 yards Standard Calico for SI.OO, j cash, at Jacob Baum’s. True incident with a Moral. Last week, before the fishing party had returned from their jaunt down tha AVithlacoochce, the good wife.of one of the fishermen, by way of amusing her young hopeful—a bright little boy of four summers, just the right ago to accept everything mama says as truth, too young to realize tiie fact that there is such a thing as fancy and imagination abroad in the world, and whose faith in mama is unwavering—commenced telling him little, pithy anecdotes, and in her story-telling she unwittingly went too far. folio told the little fellow { “that his absent papa had been at-: tacked by a largo fish and that the j fish had bitten his hand severely, and | that papa was in, oh! such a terrible plight, ever so bad off!” This indi-; l cation of his father’s mishap seemed I to strike the confiding little one with awe, and to bear heavily on his mind. He seemed deeply concerned, so the j first opportunity offering he put off up th ■ street to war Is town to make j inquiry in reg ,-d to the matter. The i first person hi met was one of the editors of to* K"poursia and to him ; made his cotup!: i .t. Tin- iffilo fel low was very much c\- r n1 '■! I J grief-ulrioken r.i what had b-- . : Ir : him; and, with t: irs in his ■ . j asked us, -if dal fish bit: eft’ p q.n | kind?” AYe told him we didn’t know, but j guessed not, but the little fellow' in sisted that “Mama say dat fish bite off papa’s hand ?” Finding it impossible to dissuade the little follow from the idea tha! the fish had bitten his father’s hand, w'c tried to soothe his sorrow as best we could, took him by the hand and ■ carried him back home. Moral.—Don’t tell four year old’s: such idle tales. If you do, they will believe it and it will make an impres sion on their minds they will never forget. They will tell it to the first person they meet, perhaps an editor , who will print it in his local column: 1 and when you read it you will dislike . it ever so much. A lot of beautiful Chromo and Mot to frames, at \V. E. Baines’. if . Good article corn whiskey at Joyce s for $1.75 per gallon. Go to John Tillman’s for steam engines, grist mills, cotton gins, pressses, and all kinds of hardware. [ Tins Gub. From our Reporter.] The resume of the proceedings! of the Literary and Social Club having appeared so regularly in the Reporter for several weeks past, it j would be a disappointment to some of vour readers if I failed to giv you a brief report of the meeting! lat the residence of Mr. Taylor Duke’s. Quite a number of pieces of vo cal and instrumental music were; rendered by different members of the Club. To Miss Lula Harrell and Muster Eddie Groover the Club and visi tors were indebted for the literary [ feature of the evening. This meeting proved both pleas-! ant and profitable to those who at tended. I am glad to say the interest in the Club still increases. The next meeting will be held at the residence of Mr. Clayton Groo ver, Onr drug stores are now supplied with “Mult Bitters,” the new Food Medicine which has done so much good and comes to us so highly re commended. Try it. It may save you heavy doctors’ bills. Iw. 'VTIitniAI.OJNE—THIS IK AN INTKUNAI, :Lx Remedy that never fails to cure Neu ralgia, and-Headache. It contains no Qui nine, Opinn, Morphine, Chloral, or Narcot ;ic of any kind. Quick an.l yr-rfeetly safe in j i ils action, ft commends itsrh to the afflic- ] , led, Sold by 11. ilabbott A tiro., Quitman. I Qun a an, Ga., Juno !)tb ISSO. Enrroua Quitman lii:pop.n:n: As l tun ;t couslunt reader of your valuable paper. Ifo 1 that I will not , bo c insider,jJ an intruder if I should j ask for a small amount of space to cxpve. :. not my views, but those 1 know to he. the views of a very large muj uity, of not only the citizens ot Quitman, but of the entire county o! [ Brooks. In the great progress of human uU'iir- -m l wlide I) "rue' I is purging itself throughout the con tinent, it Income-:, our duty, in the j ! line of reform and progress, to sell ct. I j our h, ■ t min to til! our county offices, j Inc an men of sobriety, honesty, in-1 jtegrity, virtue and respectability, inen who will respect their oath of ! office, men of stability, who will not allow tin m vU-oh influenced by out side pressure. Happily for the county avo have many such men iu lour midst and the people in their vir ! tnous progress have del rmined that j th, y shall he brought forward and ! placed in position as a relh x of their sentinnnts and the respect due them :as a Christian community. Jo - order ! to do this, avo must select such men j for the various positions as have re spect for themselves nnd then they j ay ill respect the position they occupy. ■ AYe need not, necessarily, go into 1 the churches to find such men. But 1 1 do hold that we should exclude all j Avho do not believe in the existence iof a Supreme Being, for the reason they will not regard the oaths re j qilir dof them by law to be taken, jas a qualifies*,ion of an obu i van of ; their official acts. 1 like, and most • heartily end rse those persons named j in the l>i:eoin;i:i:, ,m several occasions, ! from the different portions of the ’county, viz: | Col. Bennett for Hie Senate; Mr. j Ari’igton for ti ■ I. >v,.r ilouse of the Legi,-’ at nr-; Mr. Ucnihy f> r Ordina ry and Captain Bromis lor Clerk of tlio Superior Court In those m u. are presented efficiency and all the : requisite qualifications commensurate witli the full requirem, nts , f our do j terniiued reformation and progres? ! sion. No better ticket could he placed hi fore the people. Gan you inform us when fbo nom . inat'on for county officers will take place? I hop; before the merchants , go North. Very Truly. Quitman SYe cannot give the desired infor mation.—Ed. I’rctty anil Young ’in every f-atur but the hair, which j had grown v.i.'e horn IV'.er. This ; lady of 35 writes nr: “I have used Barker's IT air Balsam six months and am more than pleased witli it. It lias re-'.nreil tin natural brown color of my hair and giv, a it a silky roft i ness, i.ic. v than <v : :■'< ei'ore. There ii no dandruff, no he g.g hair, and it leave.-. uc dp ceh ■ a and ni, cam; ■ cool that lam ever -much, pleased, an.l f feel ami look like myself again. : Tlio beautiful, fie-h ami vigorous hair it nrodnees, together with its j property of restoring gray or faded ! hair to the natural youthful-color, j and entirely freeing the head from j dandruff and itching, surprises no less than it pleases. Sold in large j bottles at only 50 cents and SI.OO by I all first-class druggists. Nails at $6.00 a keg at Jon:.' Tillman’s Cotton and other Produce Liarke COIiUECTEJ > WE} L I.Y BY L. F. HADDOCK, Grocer. QUITMAN, GEORGIA. Cotton- Middling 11 to 11^ Low middling 10’, to JO'j Good ordiititiy 10 to 10', Ordinary 9 to 9.) | Radon—C. R smok and 9 l). S. 9 | Chickens j#cr pair ”U t<, 10 Eggs—per dozen 19 | Butter - Country *2O to 25 “ Best Gilt Edge Goshen do ; Lice Letail ioi host 10 j Flour -per barrel 9,00 to 10,00 | Lard- Country 10 ; Syrup Georgia and Florida, purgation. .35 | Pry Apples 12A ! Currant Jelly, it 5 )i> pails, per pail.... 1.15 | Cicki’L. in Kegs, per doz. n 20 ; Sugar, Extra G. per pound 10 j mackerel, No 1 in Kits, per Kit 1.10 [ Meal 1.00 Nice lot of Country Hams, warranted to b< [ sound aucj good, at 10 eta. L. F. HADDOCK, Grocer. c•; ■ I'i yrj D4 I yj IT Y-] iri rt’ariß'r’a Wnl*© a'© vn immediate ii uluu for a Torpid Liver, and cum Costive ls, Oyspopsla. liilioiisnGi.j, DHious Diarrhoea. Hum, Fever :o; ! A"ijo, and are useful at ip’s ip nearly till Diseases to cause a free and .Tiller action of the Bowels, The host unti le fur all Malarial I‘oinon. Price, 25c. a box, iVararr*:: *•>©<.• quickly RlvosUest and Bi*ep to M-.. • s-'fd-M in-;, ct it vs Headache and utraipfia. Prevents Epileptic Fits, and is tha ■ •t ron ly fi ■- rvous Prostration brought ' • irk, mental ooks mi other causes. It relieves the Pains I all Diseases, and is never injurious to tlio 1 stem. The best of all Nervines. Dottles of I iKBa ft t' vo sfaes ; prices, 50c, and si.oo. 1 jfliMJif.rj.dyhoX, Warner's Safe A -a R o m<Hch arc mm'fit® sold by Driififflsts i nnd H>€alcp in M< " ,,cine every* tjf'rA where. iHiH. U. WARie & CO., . Proprietors, i'.-f • *'•/ L’.m-'..' \. Y. for Pamphlet and Testimoiijala. E. N. FRESHKAH" % Md., Advertisiiig Agents, 10G W. Fourth St., Cincinnati, 0. Are authoriz’d lt> lvtc:;e ndvertiH&mout-s for thid paper. Estiiuaics l.urnislied free upon application. .•■ ’ Send two stamps or our Adverliriuio’ Manual. Pr.Tl ITT’B !. • 1 a! I IN 200X3. AHP SI BOTTLES. Its- 1 .u\* ))•.-muloent, Nutri . ; Heallncr* Cod 1 i • . . ii< ,it is th© jno. t i : *A- • •' • ’v'M ever oIV l ; ■ inilmonary (U : L r-i-l. vC E.'WAY WOOD, REAB VVKAT HI: CAYS:- l>r '. N-., '. ■' k • 1 I. H 77. i> , Drib'.*: i: l v I *•<l a i>'< liuoilrnd i c. • - , , . t I 1 V. . kv rdn <l llifl <uv ,ii ■ *v f y o tyee. It wan ti 1,.., liy i .J.n .. It,iTatt'r. •.vpecUinmt, ...1 i. , . ,1 itwuutlnriiil pomtr. i, r i i \■ ■ .• ■! tv.vsity jpi'c, I have never kin •. t *i• i' .i • t i. oh ;.i..inpt!>.and with such li , .■ |, • ■ Ir ~,*!, H>rinl<iod ihe ni'-tt violent of vnd t m:v uied the iq I ... no. ■ r art the bv.-t iuu*{ nuuii, (.u .i J.H H AYWOOD, M. IX^ -n. tV | A Pj^VJSPPU L WRITES. ! “ I*.- ling News, AngUffU, Q*. Dr. I'UTT; l. Si . ... io woe. w,. nttacked witli imi Iu 11 ,, • .■■. win oh left hen wit' u i violent.., 1..* >.! i ill m i,inn a umuth winco, i j 1. •. ... . i -i Kui-ibP and toy,ur vditable j t rc.t. J h.d*. ,'d mo't, .•v.,**y thie reoora. nu-iided, tint none ihjiiny *d until I used your Ki. ) ,e-r ru ■ -h n-moverl 11 -• cough 1 sti.viy. \A iGi iui:„; thttiikM, 1 nui y.<iu*v irulv ihtllti M, WLTULfi. h-rt trrlb!o*S.'TcMf'sweATß. M ~ ' ,s, il, JH7I. Dr. T. • t<v loi nearly two y ... I • • niuce.vd tl ’ k. : . • ‘ ' • t.tuulred C- f* • I, .1 t • ! tried I moot Ito ~ • s. i have t ken |i ,ii! I • -Is bfivt left ill A, t':, .* .- i ..!'* 'II: le gained tiMeeu { ioi;.rl*>in • i <rii tny friends i I Viiviiv , . IVKRKICE. j nil'll*. >’ *'' v• •••’ •• n C,d l?_ Ajti you un j Ot ”tor. : - I ‘ ■ |.:i! -: t ? ll.:> * y-. 1 JUI iriTttt ' 1 t':e c; i,.s ' 1 • D> y a l ave a I IU Ol . Time.;... iv ..*. • n-.w;i Y A Wwrp paiu ; n >,•/.• I th. ii i.i ti • : :. of tie; heart, Hlioul d, . * : t•> v l If * •). our A Jv'co i* fukc at i once ad• oot Tuti a Ifixpectoratit; you will booh I bl* i. In itu 1: >ur i ipcat I 111 I>i e ' * t*.V.) I ' ) .1 A\ : . oil f::I! into II o' .id .--. i . 1 v.. >•up hi the luorniuj.', I j CUityh ,:->n**,!., *•\\ , Linp D *ly; euy brealii- ! 1 it ii tiie bow- n. r t i nitst-aralmanner. J To ih -M.i t; i ; .. ./ ■ iphjins use the ! I'm- •- ■ ' ~ : : Office, 35 fI : I*3 N. Y. &ULB . . j Tv; .X.PtULS Y■: tb '! C'.’LLS fi ; £;: t ;? . ; sv ICy MSLLS ci2< . f TC’'."r r C PILLS : ( t ': ■ it'U iE>.i< dSii, TUT PILLS ! TU . ■ ILLS j TU | ** s;;#-' 3 gy •h &zr: eslooii* tU ■ TVS PILLS 1 Ton s' fifm ; I. , 1, ii iigi-d to il trLOBSY H. • . , . Dvc. It iiii* ,-••*. r - illy, and 18 • :• ‘ u.J by Druggists,or Office's rray St.,New Yoric. UMFERMENTED • ASAIT' prTvrptJ ... ‘•".L.I t." * * -ul S'W TRADE MARK Ik MALT AND | rpHFBEi- no • • :'*-r F>! .od-P’.iiifying and S I.ii: -(*i \: •' iVIm •?•!.* in the world of lnedicinc llkim Malt prejmred by the | Malt Biti.’ts fr >.:i Lit fermented j Malt and I Io; *'. L i PeiTect Renovator of feeble and ex limited con ditut ions. It : enriches {hi* I>L •<> 1. -olidilf i the bones, har dens the Jim ;. (juieis the nerva ~ jierl'ects j ‘ digestion, dit (>-•; ihe • ind. and vitalizes wit li | new life every i’uid f the body. It is so, because it stiik< - .at ti”; root of till debility— j Enfeebled Dig • ni'nj and in poverished blood, j ! Sold everywhere. 4w ! K D TRCMT W P ;ri .lway, ?*a &5a 3 t*2 eral >s & m New York, j Fublisliei* t.f First -/-ins*; t'liliseription Books, ! | wants one or n;ore Agent; in every County. ; .Steady work and-best terms. * 4w ' I \ CHOICE / .j . A, | W yf % ff V • ‘f <sr M. yy 4'^ jfj y. 0 ni-iAr-tyv.uiTEiLS > ?. i !Green & Dried Emits 0 % A J? \ r if Vi f NUTM, />.,*" EAISINS, &o.\9*v ‘ / Vo /j. B. REEDY,>P ; GROCER AND IMPORTER.^ ; Savallllali Cxa -Lumber Yard, J have e'lnbli 'iied a Lumber Yard on the i Young lot lienr tin* Hailroad Dejiot, and can } supply tlio wir-hing im l .Gwii-U any <iual ity they may 'want, cheap ior Ihe cash. I can also furnish siiinglcsin any quantity amt of SiiiH r. ;• quad y. | Cheap pictu" 1 inmies on hand. Gash paid for Old ILigs. j Call on mt e! ti.c Lumber Yard near the Depot. Plli-'h HEBEOXT. y- Something- Long Needed !§ In addition to to the Stock 1 have always. kept 1 have made Specialties of m § h\ rdwtu o, Ti n wa to aml Crockery, W nidi 1 have in L i r (JnanHl), ■: aml :>t Low,)' l’rires than ever offered in this Market. BALL AISIAIIK HM KILL BE EONMCEB. alt, th:-: e goods bought directly^from 33 6'ioA <' r IJ E s ji & I (1,.* Ailviinee in Prii-ew; ■ Hamer. I r.;,Chains, Axes, Edge Tools, Long and Ti | GOO , ’ / >CK AnW^ S ; . ! i :i Sii- i • 1 i. „u i',.. 11 nvs la -■'! and iti 111 ' *> ro.mtry. i’■ : 11 : i ■ . v r hr, ng'iHfiSS Quitman, G:i. October 16, 1871). .u At his 1‘ i.r One Fncc jH Received. hwr broiu/bt lb : ' : ' , yA- •- A . ■ !! t proF ( : I'!.I .*S , . . 1' .. X o: \* r• t i ;i • i ■ i1 : - s• • - • y-i:; j 1 1 N ■* i*> < :.,r> to ;iri I • < .V>asac> C >: i: t * Ai ol st* • in.- 1. b ■ pur,A -Ay .II v. 11l - Of all bottplil and tr.ken in acluivo f< r Goods at highest price. Quitman, Ga., October 2, 187->. ly. l\ •V V 9 9 SI 8 .) jS Iy\ • 1880. Attra<itive Scliedluo 1880. IN TIIE LINE OF SPRING and SUMMER MIGROU A3I>ISK IV ill ho run during the S•; nof 1880 at tin- well-known establishment JA.I :<>! 2 l U3l\^. Mv Stock „f DRV GOODS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS, etc., is complete in every particular; I have in. Store everyth:';connected with :i first-,; estuhlishuieilt of General Mkimtiamdish. My motto is "Cheap for Cush.” It would take an entire edition of the Refortku to particularize my Mock of Goods, so now I only ask mv friends to slop in and examine for themselves, and they will be con vinced that they cannot bai : themselves in prices and styles of goods iu Savannah or elsewhere. I bought at boUoin prices for cash, anddo not intend to be undersold. CALL and TRY ME Quitman, Ga., April 1, 18bD. ly J A COB BAUM.