Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, December 12, 1850, Image 1

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583 & 0tllf tint wit VOLUME 6. THE ROME COURIER It PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, BY A. Id. EDDLEMAN. “terms? $4 no 3 33 3 35 3 00 Lioau AnvnTiacMKTn will ba Inserted with ttrlct attention to tho requirements of the law, nt the following rates i Four Months Notice, ... Notice to Dobtors nml Creditors, Sale ol Pcrsonnl Property, by Exeeu- tors, Administrators, {in. Sales of Land or Negroes, 60 days, per square. Letters of Citation, Notice for Letters of Dismission, Candidates announcing their tramos, will bo charged $5 00, which will be required in advnneo. Husbands advertising their wives, will be churgod #» 00, which must alwnys be paid In advnneo. All other advertisements will be inserted at One Dollar por square, of twelvo linos or less, for tho Aral, and Fifty Cents, for caoh subsequent insor tlon. Liberal deductions will be made in favor of those who ndvcrtlso by the year. ROME COURIER. Tko Menage. Tlif^njirst Annual Message of President Fillmore wn>^3&™ micMed “> the two Houses of Congress on 2d ' nst We regret that'our liimw wiTFAiot allow us to lay the entire message before our readers, as it is a document well worth the careful end attentive study of the whole country.— We make some extracts which will show the policy of the administration Upon those quo9 lions now prominently before the public.— He recommends a moderate system of dis criminating duties—is opposed to a high tar' ill, because it cannot be permanent, and stead of benefitting, would injure our domes, tic manufactures. To prevent frauds upon the revenue, ho recommonds specific duties and home valuation He recommends thces tablishmenl of a Mint in California, and the re ceipt of gold Bullion in payment of Government dues—the establishment of an Agricultural Bureau—the appointment of Commissioners V to adjust land claims in California—the open- l ing a line of communication between the i Af ississippi and the Pacific—the division and 5le in small tracts of tho mineral lands in California—t(ie reduction of postage, and the ^establishment of a commission for the adjust jiient of private claim's against tho Govern* . f m*«nt._ . The President also says, that ho has no cioosiitutional scruples upon the subject of Jemal Improvements, and recommends mclflEPt to finish those already begun, and S iment of such others as may >nd general importance, llo self in favor of the adjustment ad at the last session of Con- mmends an adherence to them experience shall show the no- lier legislation to guard against doubt j,q or abuse, and from the manner in p'oni'oft he speaks of the veto power, we aro »oaa. ,j on that the Fugitive Slave Law enn- •t*l“Repealed during his administration, those wbw will be found such parts of the thomat'W “ we ** ave thought would be most enlly ncqnog-vo the'gencrnl reader: woVoo! Duties—The Veto. Faculty ftnh you fellow citizens, as represents- l»r its luttthe States and the people, is wisely nsl organiu the legislative power. I shall terruptC-wM my duty in laying before you, to time any informat on calculated Aprlltole you to discharge your high and re- ' >||> trust for tho benefit of our common CAT/ ions will be frankly expressed -<ding subjects of legislation ; and not anticipate, any act should Houses of Congress whiclt me unconstitutional, or any Ant on tho just power of other do or with provisions hastily ndop- e!y to' produce consequences in- unforseen, I should not shrink S f returning it to you, with your further consideration, performance of these cousli- ons, both my respect for the ny sense of propriety will any attempt to control or ■ proceedings. With you is 1 IT M if ?^ nnd tho responsibility ■\country. “t^e United States is a 4. to, the ROME, GA., THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 12. 1850. jority of the representatives of the people, and these representatives are chosen for such short periods, that any injurous or obnoxious law can very soon be repealed, it would art- pear unlikely that any groat numM bo found ready to SC"* execution of the i„—- nut it must bo borne in mind that the country is extensive, that there may be local interests or prejudices rendering a law odious in one part, which is not so in another, and that tho thoughtless and inconsiderate, mis led by their passions, or their imagination;; may lie induced madly to resist such laws ai, they disapprove. Such persons should recol lect that, without law, there can be no real practical liberty ; that, when law is trample- ed under fool, tyranny rules, whether it appears in the form of a military despot' ism or of populnr violence. The law it. tho only sure protection of the weak, and the only efficient restraint upon the strong. When impartially and faithfully administer ed, none is beneath its protection and none above its control. You, gentlemen, and the country may he assured, that to the utmost of my ability, and to the extent of the power vested in mo. ' shall at all times and in ail places, take care that tho laws be faithfully executed. In the discharge of this duty solemnly imposed upon me by tho conslitu- tion, and by my onth of office, I shall shrink from no responsibility, and shall endeavor to meet events ns thoy may nrise, with firm ness, ns well as with prudenco and discre- -lion tivc elements and properties, and their ndajit- Hon. Howell c •»*»*• *» Mew York, ation to useful purposes. Ho should Tho following is an extract of a speech rj Am e s STREET,'. OP' 5>-R' carry 1 - q’anSit is at all Aty to guard against any i just rights of the btiites. and subjects intrusted to ative authority is supreme, ority censes, and every cit es' the constitution and de- o of Us existence and its ^•ely and firmly resist iperior worlcfiy* . I and Ulie- work of tho smlisive authority ~ public lira rt'>, citizen Will lor tlit'mwlvcf.nmong the ahrtf fPRIiVLi. alienate pared i anner ,ind “The appoiming power is one of the most delicate with which the Executive is invest ed I regard it ns asnered trust, to be exer cised with tho sole view of advancing the prosperity and hapiness of tho ponplo. It shall be my effort to elevate the standard of official employment, by selecting for places of importance individuals fitted for the posts to which they are assigned, by their known integrity, talents, and virtues. In so exten sive a country, with so groat a population and where few persons appointed to office can bo known to the appointing power, mis takes will sometimes unavoidably happen, and unfortunate appointments be mndo nub withstanding tho greatest care. In such cases the power of removal may be properly exercised ; and neglect of duty or malleas- nnce in office will be no more tolerated in individuals appointed by myself than in those appointed by others. Finances. I refer you to the report of the Secretary of tho Treasury for a detailed statement of the finances. The totnl recipls into the Treasury, for the year ending 30th of Juno last, where forty- seven million four hundred and twonty-onc thousand seven hundred and forty-eight dollars and ninety cents, ('$47, 421,748,- 90.; The total expenditures during the same period were forty-three million two thou sand one hundred and sixty-eight dollars and ninety cents, ($43,000,168. 90.) Tho debt has been reduced, since the last annual report from tho Treasury Department, four hundred and ninety-five thousand two hundred nnd seventy six dollnrs and seventy- nine conts, ($405. 276, 79.; But the 19th section of the act of 28th January, 1947, the proceeds of the sales of the public lands were pledged for the inter est und principal of the public debt. Tho great amount of these lands subsequently granted by Congtess for military bounties, will, it is believed, very nearly supply the public demand for several years to come, and jut little reliance can, therefore, be placed on that hitherto fruitful source of revonue. Aside from the permanent mutual expen ditures, which have necessarily largely in creased, a portion of the public debt, amount ing to eight millions seventy-five thousand nine hundred rnd eighty six dollnrs nnd fifty nine cents ($8,075,986 59; must be provi ded for within Ihe next two fiscal years. It is most desirable that these accruing de mands should be met without resorting to new loans. California Mint. There being no mint in California, I am informed that the laborers in the mines are compelled to dispose of their gold dust at a large discount. This nppenrs to bo a heavy and unjust tox upon the labors of (hose em ployed in extracting this precious metal; and 1 doubt not you will be disposed, at the earliest period possible, to relieve them from it by tho establishment of a mint. In the mean time, as an assayer’s office is estab lished there, I would respectfully submit for your consideration the propriety of authori sing gold bullion, which has been assayed and stamped, to be receivod in payment of Government dues. I cannot conceive that the treasury would suffer any loss by sucli a pro vision, which will at once raise bullion to its par vnluo, nnd thereby save (if 1 um rightly nformed) many millions of dollars to the la borers which are now paid in brokerage to convert this precious metal into available ji(l^., jl This discount upon their hrrd earn- r n -^A?-«tAfuii«g'’tYiv.l > " d every effort should be made by iheGevermnettr^crfSlkveUicni from so great a burden. — Bnr eau of Agriculture. line ■p.I Lk . A -P 0 » ‘*'8 mt soils, nnd the manures i improve their productive ness. By publishing the results of such ex periments, with suilap|*-explanatipns, and by the collection and distribution of rare seeds and plants, with instructions as to live. best system of cultivation, much may be done to promote this great national interest. The Compromise Measures. It was hardly to be expected that the se ries of measures passed at your last session, with tho view of healing the sectional differ ences whiclt had sprung from the slavery and territorial questions, should nt once have realized their beneficient purpose. Ail mu tual concession in the nature of a compro mise must necessarily bo unwelcome to men of extreme opinions. And though without such concessions our Constitution could not have been formed, and cannot bo permanent ly sustained, yet we have seen them made the subjoct of bitter controversy in both sec tions of the Republic. It required many months of discussion and celebration to se cure the concurrence of a majority of Con gross in their favor. It would be strango if they had been received with immediate ap probation by people and States, prejudiced and heated by the exciting controversies of their representatives. I believe those meas ures to liavo been required by the circum stances and condition of the country. I be lieve they wore necessary to allay asperities and animosities that were rapidly alienating one section of tho country from another, and destroying those fraternal sentiments which are tho strongest supporters of the Constitution. They were adopted in the spirit of conciliation, and for the purpose of conciliation. I believe that a great majority of our fellow-citizens sympathize in that spir it, and that purpose, and in the main ap prove, and are prepared, in nil respects, to sustain these enactments 1 cannot doubt that the American people, bound together by kindred blood and common traditions, still cherish a paramount regard for the Union of their fathors; and they are ready to rebuke any attempt to violate iU integrity, to dis turb the compromiso on which it is based, or to resist the laws which have been enacted under its authority. The series of measures to which I have alluded are regarded by me as a settlement in principle nnd substance—a final settlement, of the dangerous and exciting subjects which they embraced. Most of these subjects, in deed, are beyond your reach, ns the legisla tion which disposed of them was, in its char acter, final and irrevocable. It may be pre sumed from the opposition which they &;l encountered, ilnit none of those measures were free from imperfections, but in thoir mutual dependence nnd connection (hoy formed a system of compromise, the most conciliatory, nnd best for the entire country/ that could be obtained from conflicting sec tional interests and opinions. J For this reason I recommend your adher ence to the adjustment established—bwfltosc measures, until time and experience shall demonstrate the necessity of further legisla tion to guard against evasion or abuse. By that adjustment we have been rescued from tho wide and boundless ngitation that surrounded us, nnd have a firm distinct and legal ground to rest upon. And the oc casion, 1 trust, will justify me in exhorting my countrymen to rally upon end maintain that ground us the best, if not the only means, of restoring peace and quiet to the country, and maintain inviolate the integrity of the Union. And now, fellow-citizens, I cannot bring this communication to a close without in voking you to join me in humble and devout thanks to the Great Ruler of nations, for tho multiplied blessings which he has gra ciously bestowed upon us. His hand, so of ten visible in our preservation, has stayed tha pestilence, saved us from foreign wars nnd domestio disturbances, and scattered plenty throughout the land. Our liberties, religious and civil, have been maintained; tho fountains of knowl edge have all been kept open, and moans of happiness widely spread and generally en joyed, greater than have fallen to the lot of any other nation. And, while deeply pene trated with gratitude for the past, let us hope that his all-wise Providence will so guide our counsels, as that they shall result in giving satisfaction to our constituents, se curing tho peace of the country, and adding new strength to the united Government un der which we live. MILLARD FILLMORE. Washington, December 21,1850. More thnn three-fourths of our population are engaged in the cultivation of tho sou. The commercial, manufacturing, and naviga ting interests are all, to a groat exldot, de pendent on the agricultural. It is, therefore, the most important interest of the natioAnnd has a just claim to the fostering cars, and protection of the Government, so far os thoy can be extended consistently with the provi- sions of the Constitdtion. As this cannot done by the ordinary modes of legislation respectfully recommend the establishment ol 'em Agricultural Bureau, to be charged with file duty of giving to this leading branch ot Tho North Carolina Newliorninn no tices iho death of Ex-Governor Speight, in the 54th year ofhis ago. In polities he was a Democrat, nnd in private life was greatly esteemed for his kindness ol heart. Professor Webster’s Family.—The Cambridge Chronicle slates (hat one of the daughters only of the late Professor Webster recently sailed for Fayal: and that Mrs. Webster, with her two remain ing daughters,intend to continue their res- idence in Cnmbirdgc. Sentence of Mr. Caldwell.—The Hon. Green W. Caldwell, convicted at Charlotte, North Carolina, last week, of an assult on Mr. R. Barringer during the last accept nothing less. The reasoning on this made hy Mr. Cobb at a Union meeting in New York, on the 28th ult. Senators Dick inson nnd Cass also participated, nnd express ed themselves in tavor of the faithful execu tion of the fugitive slave law. We regret that we are unable to give a part ot each of theso patriotic speeches, but. must content our selves with giving our readers Mr. Cobb’s remarks on tho subject, in the face of the Northern people: “I will, however, with your permission, in a very few words, stnto to you candidly what I believe to be thotruoand honest sentiments of a large portion of the people of Goorgin nt this tune. Thoy looked with groat anx iety to the action of tho Inst Congress, and to the fato of tho compromise measures which it passed—measures lor the pnssago of which the country owes a debt ol gratitude to too many mon for ino to refer to at this time.— When those measures wore adopted, I will not say how the intelligence was received in other soctions of tho country ; but in Geor gia a majority of the people received it, as I believe, in tne truo mid proper spirit. They believed that while oil of them were not such ns tho Whole South dcsirod, yet, when taken as a whole, they were founded on principles nnd conceivod in a spirit which would enlist the pooplo of nil sections of tho country in support of thorn. As a whole, those meas ures were received witli gratification by the peopio of Georgia, if I havo correctly inter preted thoir sentiments. There is no inconsi derable portion of them who entertain differ ent opinions ; but as a whole, tho peopio of Georgia.will stand by you in maintaining in integrity and good faith the system of com promise measures adopted nt the last session of Congress. [Three cheers for Georgia.] It >s due, in candor, that I should say the people of Georgia, and those who entertain sentiments similar to theirs, expect that this Compromise _ shall ho maintained in all its parts. Within the last few hours, 1 have re ceived a telegraphic despatch concerning the election in Georgin, and that despatch coin, municutcs a most gratifying result It com municates to me, and the people around mo, and to those who ore united with me nnd are cooperating with mein the preservation of tho Union, that Union delegates hare been elected by a decisive majority to the conven tion about to bo hold there. Perhaps I am going too far in attempting to anticipate the action of that convention. 1 will not say more Ilian that, in all probability, if they re flect the seotiments of thatlportion of Geor gia known as the Union party, thoy will de clare 4jie>r ucquiescenca in Lha-lato—odjest- inenifnieasurcs of Congress, and their deter mination to maintain nnd abide by them, on their part, in all their bearings and provis ions. At the sanio time they will express their confident expectation that the people of tho North will in like nsnner carry out, on their part, in good faith, the obligations which that Compromise imposes upon them. The just and reasonable demand of tho south on their northern brethren cannot and will not be yielded. I refor particularly .to the fugitive slave bill. There is a large majority of tiur.citizeos who regard thnt measure as perhaps the only ono of the series which may be considered as affording any guaranty that tho compromises of the constitution will bo adhered to as regards tho rights and inter ests of the South; nnd when they witness in different parts ofthe country efforts to repeal that law, :o ic» slits execution—efforts making to modify nnd amend it, so as to strip it of its efficacy—they regard with more intensity of interest the action of those who are United td maintain it. Never was. there a truor sentiment than which fell from the lips of my distinguished friend, [Gen. Cass,] that the maintenance and. execution of the fugi tive-slave bill were necessary to the perpe tuity ol this great and glorious Union. It is true, in my honest Judgment, nnd ought to be impressed upon the minds of the northern people. I trust my duty to this Union—my anxiety to preserve it, my feeding of regard for it, my desire to hand it down to posteri ty—will not be nt this time questiioned. Allow me, therefore, to repeat what was said by my distinguished friend, [Gen. Cnss,] and to issuro you, and through you my fel low-citizens of the northern Stales, in the honest and deliberate conviction of my judge ment, thnt the maintenance; in all its force nnd efficiency of tho fugitive-slave bill, and its faithful and energetic enforcement, are absolutely necessary not only to the peace, quiet, and harmony ofthe country, but to the very existence of the Union itself. It may appear strange to those who hear me, that the people ot Georgia should regard the ex- stencoof this law os necessary to the pres ervation of the Union, when it can bo of little practical advantage to the people of tho Stale. But it is not the mere existenco of that law—it is not the practical advantage of that law—which creates anxiety in the public mind of tho South ; but it is that, in tho repeal or modification of it, or in the failure to execute it, the people of tho South will see that the anti-slavery feeling of the North has taken such a strong hold on tho hearts, and affections, and judgment of the people, that the constitution can no longer be itiforced, and that it presents no longer a barrier for the protection of the fights nnd interests of the people of the South. Here is Ujepause of the deep feeling which per vades the southern mind in reference to this Iaw. The pebplc.of Georgia demund noth- ig '.more than the constitution—they will “The Fuoisive Bill.—Mr. Cobb, of ' lustry the encouragemen*tgn i? "vs*- ragr oal office 13 Congressional election, was sdnloncoi 4nys inigri.ei'inniem in jail; j B0TANIC0 L. (2d door bds^A. A, subject is simple but forcible. It is this .* if their brethren ofthe North cannot resist iis torrent of fanaticism so ns to enable _7to carry out the plain provisions of llie litulion, how long will it be before, un- constitutional majority, torn to pieces under tyfjjfifM tho opinion of largo masses of southern men, tho only ono of tho Compromiso measures of any benefit to the South was tho fugitive bill; but that hill was of no practical impor tance to most of tho southern peopio, as from tho interior few or no slnvos over run nwny, or, when run away, wero worth lecovcring. or likely to bo recovered. Wliut w us of importance to the South, however, Was (lie experiment whether an express compact ol' the constitution could be executed in the northern States. Tho Soutli saw nnd fell that if this express contract was broken on the port of tho North, nnd the friends of its exe cution woro in tho minority, then, whenever tho power of tho majority’at the North was sufficiently great to be excrlod against tire whole institution of slavery as it oxists in the States, t here was no pow er in tho com stitution to protect tho South (rom tho blow If once it was thus made cloar to tho South that on express contract was broken up, mid the friends of it were in the minority, it could not bo expocted that Iho South would continuo undor a government which guve her no protection, no security, hut which jeoparded the existence of every interest the Soutli had. Govornnient was insti tuted for tho protection of tho parlies to it; nnd if that protection was withdrawn, tho government was dissolved. The South could not expect protection who: o the con stitution did not oxpressiy recognise it, if, in tho North, the axpress contracts of the con stitution wero habitually violated. “This is a very forcible view of the case, The power of this government, both in the Senate and House, is now in the free States; and if the free States violated the constitu tion expressly, it is very certain, slavery has no protection whatsoever where there is no express contract. Hence, tho very same majority that violates Ihe fugitive principle may abolish jdavery in Ihe District of Colum bia, adverse to tho wishes of Maryland, or g o on nnd abolish the commerce in slaves etweon the States or slavery in the States. The fugitive bill is, then, of no practical importance, a mark to test how far tho ma jority will go in refusing to executo the con stitution, and such a mark Mr. Cobb looks upon it to bo. If northern men cannot on- force that law against northern ntdlifiers, these very northern nullifiers can soon abol ish slnvery in the States, in spito of the con stitution, and in spite of our resistance to their action. “Mr. Cobb, though fresh from tho Union battle-field in Georgia, whore, with Messrs. Toombs, Stephens, and others, ho has beon working for the Union with all his might, did not hesitate to say that Ihe repeal of the fugitive bill would be a blow at the Union from which no effort , of southern unionists could save the country.''—N. Y. Ex. A hermit.—It is stated in tho Thomns- Inn (Maine) Register,that thero has resided for n number of veors in tho back port ol Iho town of Mtiillyilto, u hermit of the name of Barret. He has dwell in a enve, the work ofhis own hands; dug in the bunk of a small river, mid carefully secured at the entrance against the intrusion ol wild beasts, by n. Inrgo log, sufficiently hollow to admit of his entering. Ho rejects every kind ol luxury which may bo offered him, Ihe fruitS'of tlte onrlh that grow around him being his only food ; wntcr from the limpid stream is his only drink. Since his retire ment from iho word ho has copied the Bible twice, once on paper, nnd once on bnrk of iho birch tree. About n year since ho moved from his cave in Montvillc fur ther into ihe woods, tho country having become so much settled around him that ho was frequently annoyed by visitors,— He was tho sonol a respectable farmer in Massachusetts, who obliged him lo marry a woman lie disliked, having previously formed an attachment for unotlior. Ho lived with his wife hut p short time, when, it is said, rather then enduro the society of her whom lie could not love, he deter mined to forsake the world and its plea sures, nnd secretly left his native town for Maine, nnd took up his abode in the wil derness. Atflesas an Article of Food.—The importance of apples as food, lias not hith erto been sufficiently estimated in this country nor uuderstood. Besides contrib uting a large proportion of sugar, mucilage, nnd other nutritive matter, in tho form ol food, they contain such a fine combination of vcgetabln acids cxlrnc live substances, nnd aromatie principles, with nutritive matter, os load powerfully in the enpneity of rcfrigcrcnls, tonics, nnd antiseptics ; and when troely used ntlhe season of ripeness by rural laborers and others, they prevent debility, strengthen digestion, correct tho putrefnciiye tendenciesof nitrogenous loud, avert scurvy, nnd probably maintain nnd sirengthon the powers of productive In- hot*. Tho operators of Cornwall, in England, consider ripe apples nearly ns nourishing »s bread, nnd more so than potatoes. Imho year 1801, a year of scarcity, apples, in stead of being converted into cider, wore sold to the poor; and the Inburcrs asserted that they could stand their wo-.k on baked apples, without meat; whereas, a potato diet required either mo";or fish. The French and 'Germans use apples extensively; indeorf, ilia rare that they sit down, in rural districts, without them in some shape or other, oven nt tho best ta bles. Tho laborers and mechanics depend on them, to a very great extent, ns an arti cle ol food and frequently dine on sliced np- Ho-V.anism nFiioMS.—The followtn tract is from a Utter published in i U ber of the Medical Journal, from its sccoin- plished editor, Dr. J. V. C. Smith who is now sojourning for a short time in the cily of Home. A_ Sabbath in Rome differs but little from ono in Franco. Markets urn active through Iho day. Grocery and bread shops, and r«- tutirants, nro open us usual—erics of good figs, buonn doila uvn, kc., are as shrill u ever. Tho troops march througli the streets to the music of a fine hand, und every where lottery offices have their scheme opposite thoir doors, and sales ot tickets arc going on; and finally a splendid hand performs in lh* afternoon,on 51onto Pineio, where thousands assemble to I oar it. intorspersed through iho crowd, arc priests in all kinds of dresses, quite.associal as others. Last Sabbath, Sept, 23, bills upon the streets announced a liorso race m 1 o’clock, P. M. Two Sab baths, In succession, we drove from church to church, at ;ho hours of service, and rare ly saw much of an audience. At high moss in St. Peters, last Sunday, the priests wholly outnumbered tho listeners and worshippers. Better vocnl music is seldom heard, although thoro was not a female voice in tho choir. There is unproducire wealth; enough in ono or two of the three hundred mid sixty churches of Home, were it but in circulation, to revive tho drooping spirits of a miserably-governed nation. No real ee- lalo is either bought or sold. Terlouia, the rich banker, lias got possession of lands with out tho walls, by loaning money to the reli gious communities by u-liich they were own ed, and thoy fell into his hands by foreclosure of mortgages. Coidinol Antonelli, the wily politican, the mainspring nnd oll-in-nll, iat matters of state, asserted, in the presence of sovornl distinguished foroign functionaries, on a certain occnsion when a French com pany proposed to light the city with gas, that the real estate had not changed owners for soven hundred years ! The Jesuits hold the most, nnd thoreforo thoil revenues are enormously Inrgo. The nunnery of St. Ce celia, tilled exclusively hy noble ladies, no other boing admitted, was the Saint’s prop erty, which came to her from her father, a Roman Senator, perhaps seven or eight centuries ago. By such menns, the lands have been swallowed up by different institu tions. Tho Barglies.lnmily are said to own une-tength of all the soil in the papRl domin ions, beyond the city. Two families have the heredltory privilege of inflicting death, without accounting to any tribunal—a right which the head of one ol them exercised on two of his serfs, within a year or two. It was a wanton, wicked net, said a foreign minister, who related the atrocious deed to us, which the family excused hy saying he was not in his true mind. No inquiry was instituted; such would have been useless, because there is no civil law—ecclesiastical law being predominant. Assassination—We nro pained to an nounce that Ml. IIovall Wrigiit, of this city, came to his death from wounds inflict ed by a bowio knile. hy n mnn ofthe nnmo ol John Robinson. The assault was made on Sunday afternoon, the deceased receiv ing three wounds tone in Ihe nbdamcn,one' in tiro bnck and another in tho brenst.— Ho lingered until Monday evening when be exp red. Robinson is' n shoemaker bv trade, having been in tins place some seven months, nnd Inst from Atlanta, whence ho escaped, as we lenrn, from nn arrest for some breach of tho law. He has made his esenpo into Alabama. Mr. Wright wnsn soldier in the Georgia Regiment, nnd served twelve months in' Mexico—was buried yesterday afternoon; with military honors,’ by the Columuba Guards, of whiclt he was n member, and with which he servod ii Mexico —Co- umbus Times. Mississim and Senator Foote.—The House of Kcprcsantalives of the Mississip pi Legislature, have passed a series of res olutions by a vote of 36 to 50 disoppro ring of tho action of Mr. Foote on the Compro mise B.lls, nnd declaring that they do not consider the honor and rights of Mississip pi safe in his hands. It is understood that they will also pass a Bill calling a coaveiK tLn nftot tho example of Georgia. Ifstv Mr. Foote need give liimsejfno trouble, as the people ol Mississippi have too Much good sense to be guilty of any such folly as to dissolve the Union. By the way, tho Fire Enters in that State, aro honest and open. Thoy avow their purpose to be disunion. They are entitled, of course, to 1 respect, for tlirir honesty ; but they will, oi» : that ncconnt, lie more easily beaten even* thonin Georgin.—four. 4Mes. The Carolina Banks.—A correspond'- ent wishes to know, “what effect the action 1 of the Carolina Legislature, will bo likely to have upon tho credit pf the Clmrlcston- Banks V Our candid opinion is, that if she persists in tho course of fplly and madness indica ted by tho action ot her Legislature in another column, that every Bank in the Stnto will he crushed in less then 6 month) indeed as matters stand, even now, less. Carolina money kept in circulutil Georgin; the better foronr plantoy'“ pi r credits in revolutionary tjg but little value —Jour. 4* Mop. M-q ns easily caught that’s required is a difle if you would eaten > bait with a petticoat^ old sinner, f»|